• Durant la guerre d’octobre 1973, Israël sabote les câbles sous-marins de télécommunications dans les eaux territoriales libanaises. Israël est condamné par l’instance internationale des télécoms des Nations unies.


    Résolution No. 48

    Destruction of Submarine Cables in the Eastern Mediterranean

    The Plenipotentiary Conference of International Telecommunication Union (Malaga-Torremolinos, 1973),


    that two submarine cables, on from Beirut to Marseilles linking Lebanon with Europe and the American Continent and the other from Beirut to Alexandria linking Lebanon with Africa, were put out of action in Lebanese territorial waters during the night of 17 to 18 Octobre 1973;


    that all information and checks point to the fact that this grave act of sabotage was deliberately perpetrated by a country Member of the Union, namely the State of Israel;

    taking into account

    the International Telecommunication Convention (Montreux 1965), with is binding on all Members, and in particular the provisions of 1, 17, 18, 24, 282 and 286;


    that putting these cables out of action gravely prejudices the political, economic and human interests of Lebanon and other user countries;


    that such acts are harmful to the progress and development of people;


    that the destruction of means of telecommunication between peoples runs counter to one of the main purposes of the Union, which is to extend international corporation for the improvement and rational use of telecommunications of all kind;

    condemns without appeal

    such a policy of destruction and the author of that destruction, the State of Israel;


    to envisage, in the event of any repetition of such acts contrary to the rules and practices governing international relations, all appropriate sanctions, including the suspension, and even the exclusion of the State of Israel.