• Après le scandale de la disparition du compte Google et de ses données :

    Open Letter to Google:
    Dear Google,

    I would like to bring to your attention a few things before I disconnect permanently from all of your services.

    la réponse suite au contact avec un haut responsable de Google :

    Thomas Monopoly: Response to Google’s Explanation:
    I am a former art student and for the past year I have made my living as an artist. Three years ago I had been preparing a compilation of images to participate in an art show entitled “The Evolution of Sex” featuring a set of images, not my own, which I felt depicted the increasing violence and growing absurdity of pornography over the past 2000 years. I have posted a partial selection of the images, which are completely innocuous and can be viewed by following the link at the end of this letter. The image that they considered a violation of the Terms of Service is not among them and was more explicit, but it was created by the same photographer as the overtly suggestive last image, whose work is apparently well known and contentious for the obvious reasons of skirting legal boundaries.

    En somme, une image controversée de l’album photo Picasaweb de cet étudiant en art a été marquée par un système automatisée comme étant de la pédopornographie, et Google n’aurait pas le droit, légalement, d’en parler ouvertement, pas plus que la société et ses responsables ne voulaient discuter d’un cas de pédopornographie supposée en public afin d’éviter tout dérapage. Sans l’intervention de ce haut responsable, le compte aurait peut-être été restauré au bout d’une procédure de plusieurs semaines d’enquête.

    #pédopornographie #sexe #art #google #censure #buzz #fermeture