• Le commissaire européen allemand s’excuse pour ses propos racistes et homophobes

    C’est d’ailleurs le seul geste que l’institution européenne a fait dans cette affaire. Elle s’est refusée à tout commentaire ou à toute condamnation officiels. Son président, Jean-Claude Juncker, n’a pas non plus jugé opportun de recadrer son Commissaire.

    #déliquescence #ue #union_européenne #sans_vergogne

  • the unbalanced evolution of homo sapiens: An imaginary dialogue between the “bosses”


    Biggest Multinational Corporations (BMCs) : What the hell are you doing? You dictate governments to cut salaries and pensions, proceed in massive layoffs! You destroy our consumers!

    Banksters : Don’t worry we know what we are doing.

    BMCs : No you don’t. You reduce our profits!

    Banksters : Calm down! We are major shareholders in many of you. Do you think we want to lose?

    BMCs : Then what, exactly, is your plan?

    Banksters : Look, can you imagine what would happen if people were receiving higher salaries and pensions?

    BMCs : Yes, we would be selling more products and making more profits!

    Banksters : Far from it! Your losses would be much more than your profits for a number of reasons!

    BMCs : Can you be more specific?

    Banksters : First: if more money were going to the market, then they would lose much of their value and we would lose profits because we are the ones who print money! That’s why we invented inflation, to keep governments in fear and directing money back to us through the so-called Quantitative Easing Policies.

    BMCs : But inflation happens anyway!

    Banksters : Yes, but it is controlled. We control it. When money start to spread in the society “above acceptable limits”, we create financial crises to take them back. We dictate governments to take measures and apply austerity policies directing money back to us. We keep money valuable to everyone and secure our profits.

    BMCs : Ok, how about the other reasons?

    Banksters : Second: small-medium businesses would have more customers because consumers would have the “luxury” to buy higher quality products locally, even if they were more expensive than yours of low quality due to mass production, so, you would have to deal with thousands of competitors locally because much more of them could survive!

    Third: expensive labor force. You would have to pay higher salaries, therefore lose profits.

    Fourth: without government budget cuts you would have to pay more money through taxes in healthcare and education and other social benefits. Plus, you will have the opportunity for new business in healthcare and education.

    BMCs : Ok, how about extremely low salaries in India, China and SE Asia. We lose a huge market there.

    Banksters : Can you imagine if one day all these people demand Western salaries? That’s why we dictate the fairytale of budget cuts and fiscal discipline to countries. So that to reduce salaries in West and say to Asians: look, don’t ask for too much, look what happens in West. You will get your raise up to a certain limit.

    You see? Once we equalize salaries everywhere, you will get your new market there. New consumers who could spend as much as Americans and Europeans. Plus you will get rid of regulations and fire employees at will without consequences. Governments and politicians by then would become totally powerless.

    BMCs : And how will you do that practically?

    Banksters : But we are doing it already! The experiment in Greece continues as planned. Once we bring salaries at the level we want, and destroy the welfare state, we will continue to the rest of the eurozone.

    BMCs : Well, alright with the PIIGS, but how about France, Germany and the entire north? People will never accept such policies there.

    Banksters : They will. We will start with Italy and Spain. We will order rating agencies to attack, exclude them from markets and throw them to the ECB trap. They will be forced to take similar measures, as Greece did, in order to receive liquidity. Then, we will attack France and Germany.

  • the unbalanced evolution of homo sapiens : The #millionaires leave cities, build fortresses

    The UK and the US are the most popular destinations for millionaires who fled from Paris, Rome and Athens. Both countries offer tax and other benefits to the incoming plutocracy, but their cities remain vulnerable to social unrest (for example in London 2011, in Oakland 2010, Anaheim 2012, Ferguson 2014, and Baltimore, 2015).

    Thus, for several wealthy, the greater the distance from possible riot centers, the more the feeling of security is provided. For this reason, some have bought farms with runways in remote places like New Zealand.

    For those who prefer to stay in the cities or near the source of their wealth, an alternative is a private shelter to be built by companies specialized in this sector. Much more popular are the Safe Rooms. These are specially fortified and shielded rooms that can be used in case of riots, assault and even burglary of the residence.

    These shelters resemble those of the “godfathers” of the Italian Mafia: the adapted undergrounds into which they were hiding from the authorities. The Mafia leaders were choosing self-imprisonment in such shelters, rather than face #justice and be imprisoned in ordinary prisons.

    The millionaires who “escape” into shelters, make a similar choice. To avoid potential explosions of rage from the society, and also to avoid to confront the consequences of inequality from which they become wealthy, they prefer self-imprisonment in luxurious and secluded shelters. The question is whether these shelters can provide something more than a temporary asylum to their owners. For, as John Donne says in his poem, “No man is an island entire of itself”.

    Lepetitjournal.com - EXIL FISCAL - Les plus riches quittent massivement la France

    Les résultats de cette étude semblent corroborés par les dernières données publiées par l’administration fiscale française. D’après Les Echos, en 2013, année du choc fiscal, 47.000 contribuables quittaient la France. En 2014, le nombre de foyers fiscaux dont le revenu fiscal de référence est supérieur à 200.000 euros a chuté de 8 %. Le phénomène est inquiétant quand on sait que s’ils représentent 0,4 % des foyers fiscaux, ils acquittent chaque année en moyenne 20 % de l’impôt sur le revenu. Et plus on monte dans les plus hauts revenus, plus la baisse est spectaculaire. « En 2013, le fisc a recensé 659 départs chez les revenus supérieurs à 300.000 euros, alors que les données de l’administration montrent qu’on a perdu 9.672 foyers dans cette tranche, expliquent les Echos. Bercy avance l’argument d’une certaine volatilité dans les très hauts revenus qui dépendent parfois d’un événement exceptionnel, comme la cession d’une entreprise, d’un fonds de commerce ou un départ en retraite ».


  • the unbalanced evolution of homo sapiens: Official: #Tsipras exposes Euro-banking #mafia and its puppets

    The first revelation confirms the dirty role of the ECB as a liquidity asphyxiation tool for the eurozone members who refuse to apply the neoliberal agenda and take harder austerity measures.

    As Alexis Tsipras said: “... on the 18th of February the European Central Bank made a decision that from a political point of view is not a regular or a rational one. So they limited the capacity and the possibility on behalf of the Greek state to issue and re-buy Greek bonds. So there was a capping as regards the treasury bonds, so at EUR9 billion, whereas the normal capping stands at EUR15 billion. So in this way they excluded the possibility of the bank to finance, to re-finance the Greek government, the Greek sovereign debt, by EUR6 billion. ” (http://goo.gl/DsFtRf)

    #BCE #Grèce

  • the unbalanced evolution of homo sapiens: Paris towards militarization, Europe to follow

    the “Iraqization” of Europe would be a very convenient pretext for the extreme militarization of the big urban centers, under the tolerance of the people, simulating an authoritarian regime. This is actually the process for the enforcement of Feudal globalization, using terror as a key tool.

  • Official: Ultimate goal the “fascistization” of power!

    (Via nakedcapitalism)

    When you hear the following words by a University deputy rector, there is no doubt, anymore, about where things go:

    “We who have positions in power should be ’fascistized’. I don’t see how the Greeks can change otherwise. When you overreact, you should get a slap on the face and calm down, as it happens in Germany, Canada, Australia and all the serious countries of the world. We can’t vote for laws and not follow them." (http://www.thepressproject.gr/article/69574/Antiprutanis-APTh-Prepei-na-fasistopoiithoume-Na-tros-mia-sfaliara-g)

    The symbolism is very powerful. The traditional factor of resistance against authoritarianism, which is the student community and youth must be dealt through “preventive suppression” prior to the new extreme measures against the majority, according to the timeline of the Greek experiment.

    There is no time, or reason, for someone to hide behind moderate expressions. The message must be clear and direct. A member of the academic community speaks directly about the “fascistization” of power and “slap on the face” of a society, being systematically impoverished. Current conditions do not allow the “luxury” to an academic retain his language to a certain level, because the objective goal is finally the “slap”, the punishment, the suppression.

    The creation of a “serious” society through culture, education and way of behaving becomes unnecessary, and the picture of a man from the academic community who speaks through a fascist way, becomes something of little importance.

    The statement belongs to professor Ioannis Tzifopoulos, was made in a local TV channel discussion and revealed by a group of philosophy students. After the revelation, Tzifopoulos resigned as deputy rector of Thessaloniki’s Aristotle University.(http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_wsite1_1_25/11/2014_544901)

    Despite his resignation, also after the reaction of the Students’ Association of Philology of Thessaloniki’s Aristotle University, the specific statement is of particular “importance” for someone to understand the plans for our future by a system that is driven increasingly faster towards extreme authoritarianism.
