Western volunteers rally to Iraq Christian militia


  • Et soudain, #le_moment_watzefeuk : des « volontaires » occidentaux qui ont rejoint la lutte anti-ISIS découvrent un peu tard que les kurdes des YPG, « ce sont des putains de Rouges ! »

    Western volunteers rally to Iraq Christian militia

    One seven-year US army veteran called Scott says he was planning to join the Syria-based Kurdish “Popular Protection Units” (YPG) until he found out they were “a bunch of damn Reds”.

    Other foreigners in Dwekh Nawsha say they were turned off by what they see as the socialist streak in the YPG, an affiliate of Turkey’s Kurdistan Workers’ Party whose months-long battle against IS in Kobane attracted many volunteers.

    Alan Duncan, a prominent British foreign fighter and veteran of the Royal Irish Regiment, recently left the YPG for similar reasons.

    He told AFP that an exodus of foreign fighters from the YPG has begun, naming several well-known volunteers currently fighting for the group he says plan to leave in the coming days.