Diplomats concerned by armed groups in Bekaa


  • Diplomats concerned by armed groups in Bekaa

    The situation is completely different in the Bekaa, however, where many areas, in their opinion, are not under the control of the state.

    One diplomat said that there’s serious fear of kidnappings of foreigners by groups linked to regional powers in neighborhoods and towns in the Bekaa that are not under the authority of Hezbollah. Some of the groups operating there are Iraqi, the diplomat said, adding that he knows of one Iraqi organization that has established a training center in central Bekaa with fighters from Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

    The diplomat said there are also suspicious activities in the Zahle villages of Qousaya and Taalabaya which are witnessing the transportation of reinforcements to the nearby military bases of Fatah al-Intifada, a splinter group of Fatah headed by Abu Musa. The reinforcements are reported to include ground-to-air missiles, artillery and ammunition.