אתר חדשות כלכלה ונתוני בורסה מישראל ומהעולם TheMarker דה מרקר


  • Une idée de marketing en israel qui est (encore) un signe que BDS progresse: ils proposent d’éviter d’utiliser la “marque israel”, à la réputation décidément trop mauvaise, et d’utiliser à la place des mots qui n’ont pas encore cette même aura, comme la “marque jérusalem”...

    Brand Jerusalem separately from Israel, a new plan for 2020:

    traduction partielle:

    Assisted by Prof. Michael Porter (Harvard) and Prof. Richard Florida. One focus will be a designated marketing project for Jerusalem, focusing on independent tourists, such as those coming for the marathon, for the light and opera festivals etc. ...

    “So far we haven’t addressed families coming as tourists...Now we will make sure there are long-stay packages, and market them to families, because Europeans are used to spending their vacations for ten days to two weeks with their families”...

    “We will become an international conference city..establishing a conference bureau , for the first time in Israel...investing 20 million NIS so far in this project... The bureau will create a mechanism of coordination between all conferences taking place in Jerusalem...One body will connect the international conference industry with conferences in Jerusalem”

    (The report acknowledges current difficulties in Israeli tourism but foresees a significant growth)

    #Palestine #Jerusalem #BDS #Boycott_inconscient