DOI Name 10.2307 Values


  • Wounded Knee Occupation 1973

    According to the Salem Press Encyclopedia ...:

    The tiny hamlet of Wounded Knee, the site at which more than two hundred Sioux and others were massacred in 1890, became a symbolic site again as members of the American Indian Movement (AIM) occupied the site during 1973. They quickly were confronted by armored troops and police.

    The seventy-one-day occupation of Wounded Knee began on February 28, 1973. On March 11, 1973, AIM members declared their independence as the Oglala Sioux Nation, defining its boundaries according to the Treaty of Fort Laramie, signed in 1868. At one point, federal officials considered an armed attack on the camp, but the plan ultimately was discarded. Dennis Banks and Russell Means, AIM’s best-known leaders, stated that they would hold out until the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee had reviewed all broken treaties and the corruption of the BIA had been exposed to the world. After much gunfire and negotiation, AIM’s occupation of Wounded Knee ended on May 7, 1973.

    Wounded knee occupation This link opens in a new window

    Johansen, B. E. (2022). Wounded Knee occupation. Salem Press Encyclopedia.

    Primary Sources
    This primary source provides a firsthand account of Owen Luck, a photojournalist who was present at the occupation of Wounded Knee. He details the event in a visceral and impactful way, describing his engagement with the Lakota people and his experience throughout the event. Click on the link above to access the document.

    A Witness at Wounded Knee, 1973 This link opens in a new window

    Luck, O. (2006). A Witness at Wounded Knee, 1973. The Princeton University Library Chronicle, 67(2), 330-358.

    The following article is an interview with Delbert Eastman, the Bureau of Indian Affairs police chief at the time of the occupation. It provides a detailed account of the various players in the event and gives a local take on the seige.

    A Tribal Policeman’s Observations of Pine Ridge Reservation (1973) This link opens in a new window

    Reinhardt, A. D. (Ed.). (2015). A Tribal Policeman’s Observations of Pine Ridge Reservation (1973). In Welcome to the Oglala Nation: A Documentary Reader in Oglala Lakota Political History (pp. 178–179). University of Nebraska Press.

    Below is the image of a flyer used to rally protesters to the cause of taking back Wounded Knee.

    Prevent a 2nd massacre at Wounded Knee : show your solidarity with the Indian nations This link opens in a n

    American Indian Movement. (1973). Prevent a 2nd massacre at Wounded Knee: Show your solidarity with the Indian nations [Digital Image]

    #USA #histoire #insigènes #american_indians #génocide #accaparement_des_terres