
  • Morning update | Middle East Eye
    20 March 2024 05:46 GMT

    Here are the latest updates:

    As Israeli attack on al-Nuseirat refugee camp, central Gaza, killed at least 27 people, most of whom were displaced by the war
    The WHO warned that an increasing number of children are “on the brink of death” due to starvation
    US congressional leaders and the White House reached an agreement on a bill that may extend the country’s ban on Unrwa funding until March 2025
    Over 100 US Democratic donors and activists sent a letter to president Joe Biden warning that his unwavering support for Israel is “increasing the chances of a Trump victory” at the upcoming presidential election
    UK foreign secretary David Cameron said a truce in fighting in Gaza was crucial but “a whole lot of conditions” need to be fulfilled first regarding the dismantlement of Hamas

    • 20 mars 2024 (09:30 GMT)
      A recap of recent developments

      It is just after 11:30am (9:30 GMT) in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel.

      Here are some of the main developments:

      Twenty-four people have been killed in an Israeli attack on an aid convoy in the north of Gaza City.
      Death toll from an Israeli attack on Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza rises to 27.
      The WHO says many children in Gaza are on the brink of death due to acute hunger and newborns are dying due low birth weight.
      US’ Blinken is due to return to the Middle East as part of a new push to secure a truce agreement between Israel and Hamas.
      Israel condemns Canada’s move to ban future arms exports to the country.

      (05:00 GMT)

      It’s 7am (05:00 GMT) in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel.

      Here are the main developments from overnight:

      The death toll from an Israeli attack on the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza has risen to 27. Most of the victims were people displaced by war.
      Israeli forces continued raids across the occupied West Bank, arresting one Palestinian man in the Jalazone camp, north of Ramallah.
      Canadian groups welcomed their government’s decision to halt future arms sales to Israel, but said existing permits need to be cancelled, too.
      A group of more than 100 Democratic donors and activists has sent a letter to US President Joe Biden warning that growing anger over his support for Israel is “increasing the chances of a Trump victory” at this year’s presidential election.
      US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin will host his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Gallant, next week for talks on the release of captives and the provision of humanitarian aid to Gaza, according to media reports.

    • L’essentiel de la veille
      20 mars 2024

      Le chef du Hamas, Ismaïl Haniyeh, a accusé mardi soir Israël de « saboter » les négociations en vue d’une trêve dans la bande de Gaza avec son opération lancée lundi avant l’aube contre l’hôpital al-Chifa de Gaza.

      Les sévères restrictions imposées par Israël à l’entrée de l’aide humanitaire à Gaza et la possible utilisation de la faim comme arme pourraient « constituer un crime de guerre », a affirmé mardi Jeremy Laurence, un porte-parole du Haut-Commissariat des droits de l’Homme.

      « Selon la mesure la plus respectée en la matière, 100 % de la population de Gaza est dans une situation d’insécurité alimentaire grave. C’est la première fois qu’une population entière est ainsi classée », a déclaré mardi le secrétaire d’État américain Antony Blinken.

      Le chef de la diplomatie américaine va se rendre une nouvelle fois au Moyen-Orient, en Arabie saoudite puis en Égypte, dans l’objectif de parvenir à un cessez-le-feu dans la bande de Gaza.

      Des frappes israéliennes contre la ville de Rafah, à la pointe sud de la bande de Gaza, ont tué 14 personnes et blessé des dizaines d’autres dans la nuit de lundi à mardi.