davidar (David A Roberts) · GitHub


  • TeX.js: Typesetting for the Web

    This page in­tro­duces #TEX.js, a JavaScript li­brary for per­form­ing high-qual­ity type­set­ting within web browsers. It is de­signed to re­quire only basic fa­mil­iar­ity with Hy­per-Text Markup Lan­guage (HTML) from the au­thor — no knowl­edge about JavaScript or Cas­cad­ing Style Sheets (CSS) is nec­es­sary. Al­though not as so­phis­ti­cated as the TEX type­set­ting en­gine, the out­put pro­duced is of much higher qual­ity than that which can be ob­tained by un­styled HTML.
