• DIY statistical analysis: experience the thrill of touching real data | Ben Goldacre | Comment is free | The Guardian

    Series: Bad science

    DIY statistical analysis: experience the thrill of touching real data

    The story of one man’s efforts to re-analyse the stats behind a BBC report on bowel cancer is a heartwarmingly nerdy one

    bowel cancer mortality rates funnel graph
    A funnel plot of bowel cancer mortality rates in different areas of the UK

    The BBC has found a story: “’Threefold variation’ in UK bowel cancer rates”. The average death rate across the UK from bowel cancer is 17.9 per 100,000 people, but in some places it’s as low as 9, and in some places it’s as high as 30. What can be causing this?

    Santé Statistiques Data Données Visualisation