
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Le feuilleton de la hausse des salaires n’est, finalement, peut-être pas terminé.

    Economy Minister Nicholas Nahhas said during an interview with the Kuwaiti daily As-Seyassah published on Saturday that “the way some [groups in Lebanon] are approaching the issue related to the decree on wage increase has crossed all limits.”

    Nahhas added that such a way of dealing with this matter “has portrayed the government as if it is divided into two rival factions.”


    Nevertheless, Charbel Nahhas said that he refused to sign the decree on transportation allowances that had been negotiated in Baabda between the Economic Committees and the General Workers Union because it is “illegal.”

    The chief of the Syndicate Coordination Committee Hana Gharib told LBC television on Thursday evening that the commission will “take action and protest, [because] we will not remain silent [especially when] we consider that the transportation allowance is part of [an employee’s basic] salary.”