
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • À propos de Walid Phares, « membre de l’équipe de politique étrangère de Trump », et son passé (passif) au sein des Forces libanaises

    Février 2007 : Walid Phares and the Lebanese Forces

    I am aware that Phares now likes to deny his past role with the Lebanese Forces (the right-wing, sectarian Christian militia that—among other war crimes—perpetrated the Sabra and Shatila massacres). Somebody yesterday posted a comment challenging my statement about Phares and his association with the Lebanese Forces. These are only two of many newspaper clips that I have in which his affiliation is clearly noted. In the top one, (As-Safir, 12/6/1987), it said that "Member of the Command Council of the Lebanese Forces, [and] head of the Lebanese Immigration Apparatus in the Lebanese Forces, Walid Phares, lectured on “the Role of Free Christianity in Lebanon and the Middle East.” In the lecture, he also “criticized the mechanism of the development of Lebanse Christian resistance over 12 years.” In the second one above, (As-Safir, 27/8/1991), Phares was identified as the “vice-chair” of the Extraordinary Emergency Committee for the Lebanese Front (the political leadership committee of the Lebanese Forces) (the chairperson was Etienne Saqr (who founded the Guardians of the Cedar, which during the civil war raised the slogan “Kill a Palestinian and you Shall enter heaven,” and he now resides in Israel). And it has to be said that his rise in the Lebanese Forces took place at a time when it was aligned with the regime of... Saddam Husayn.

    Octobre 2014 : Walid Phares : his true story and role in the Lebanese Forces militia

    American right-wing Lebanese, Walid Phares, was a Middle East adviser to Mitt Romney. At that time, some media pointed out to his past role in the leadership of the Lebanese militia, Lebanese Forces. He has been maintaining that the person with that name in the Lebanese Forces is not his, and that the name are similar. Of course, I have said repeatedly that this claim of his is a flat-out lie. I was looking into my archives yesterday, and stumbled upon this Zionist publication from 1992, in which he tells his life story. By the way, not the notion that he was kidnapped by the Lebanese Phalanges militia because he called openly for an alliance with Israel is another flat-out lie because the Phalanges were also aligned with Israel. But I guess that in speaking to the Zionist publication he felt the need to appear as a brave Zionist in Lebanon.

    Walid Pharès : « Trump va s’asseoir avec Poutine, mais il ne se laissera pas faire »

    La première fois que le professeur Walid Pharès a rencontré Donald Trump, c’était au quartier général du milliardaire sur la 5e Avenue, au sommet de sa fameuse tour. « Il m’avait vu sur Fox News », raconte ce politologue d’origine libanaise, chrétien maronite et spécialiste du Moyen-Orient. « Je le vois assis à son bureau. Je lance des idées et il me bombarde de questions. Il va droit au but, dans un style très business, très concret. » Pharès découvre un homme passionné par les cartes et la géopolitique. « Cela lui vient sans doute de sa carrière de magnat de l’immobilier, dit-il. Il est sensible à la géographie du terrain comme élément du rapport de force. »

    Signalé par Sean Lee sur Twitter :

    I give you Trump’s Middle East advisor.

    • Octobre 2011: Top Romney Adviser Tied to Militia That Massacred

      In 1978, the Lebanese Forces emerged as the umbrella group of the assorted Christian militias. According to former colleagues, Phares became one of the group’s chief ideologists, working closely with the Lebanese Forces’ Fifth Bureau, a unit that specialized in psychological warfare.

      Régina Sneifer, who served in the Fifth Bureau in 1981 at the age of 18, remembers attending lectures where Phares told Christian militiamen that they were the vanguard of a war between the West and Islam. She says Phares believed that the civil war was the latest in a series of civilizational conflicts between Muslims and Christians. It was his view that because Christians were eternally the victims of Muslim persecution, the only solution was to create a national home for Christians in Lebanon modeled after Israel. Like many Maronites at that time, Phares believed that Lebanese Christians were ethnically distinct from Arabs. (This has since proven to be without scientific basis.)

      Sneifer, now an author in France who wrote a 1995 book detailing her experiences in Lebanon’s civil war, recalls that in his speeches, Phares “justified our fighting against the Muslims by saying we should have our own country, our own state, our own entity, and we have to be separate.”

    • Et dans le Akhbar:

      وليد فارس مستشاراً لترامب: إسرائيلي من أصل لبناني! | الأخبار

      لا يهمّ من هو اللبنانيّ وكيف وصل إلى ما وصل إليه؛ المهم أن وليد فارس صار واحداً من مستشاري الرئيس الأميركي الجديد دونالد ترامب. هو “يرفع اسم لبنان عالياً”، ويشرّف وسائل إعلام عاملة على تحريض اللبنانيين بعضهم على بعض، وفقاً لتقسيم مذهبي بشّر به فارس منذ ثمانينيات القرن الماضي. يريد البعض أن يحتفل بوصول ابن بلاد الأرز إلى عتبة البيت الأبيض، وتجاهل تاريخه. وليد فارس مستشارٌ للرئيس الأميركي؟ هذا ليس انتصاراً للبنان، بل أحد إنجازات العدو الإسرائيلي