
“You know what I did? I left troops to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil, they’re protecting the oil. I took over the oil.”

  • Le Time est bien le dernier journal de la planète à tenter de faire croire à ses lecteurs que :
    (a) Netanyahu est sympathique,
    (b) il y a réellement eu un « gel des colonies »,
    (c) Bibi mérite la couverture du canard (ils vont réussir à en vendre, tu crois, en dehors de la grosse commande passée par l’ambassade d’Israël ?).

    You might find that all a bit much, but Stengel badly misleads readers with this:

    When Obama took office, people thought he would bring a new dynamic to the talks that would favor the Palestinians. Obama asked Bibi to freeze settlement construction for one year as an act of good faith. And then Abbas did not come to the table. When Abbas was finally coaxed to do so, he presented Bibi with the same package Olmert had negotiated. Abbas says he won’t talk while settlements are being built, and Bibi says he wants talks “without preconditions.” The only freeze now is in the negotiations themselves.

    But Israel’s supposed “settlement freeze” didn’t actually freeze settlements.