L’explosion à la centrale de Flamaville souligne la crise du nucléaire français


  • Flamanville nuclear plant explosion exposes crisis in French nuclear industry - World Socialist Web Site

    Greenpeace, which also opposes the use of nuclear energy, commented: “With two recent fires at the Catternom nuclear plant in Moselle this is the third fire at a nuclear plant in the last ten days.” According to Greenpeace: “The NSA itself declared that the state of Nuclear Security in France gives grounds for concern.” On the NSA web site, 12 more or less dangerous incidents in French nuclear plants were recorded for the months of December and January.
    This is not the first technical incident at the Flamanville plant. The most important was the discharge of non-radioactive smoke in August 2015 from Reactor N°2. This incident provoked the triggering of an Emergency Plan for a number of hours.
    Between the end of 2015 and the beginning of 2016, Reactor N°2 had to be shut down for five weeks after the breakdown of a transformer that consequently had to be replaced. In October 2015, the EDF had declared a level 1 incident (the highest of 7 levels) after having discovered that wrong joints had been used in “a few” places on the both Reactor N°1 and N°2.
    According to the newspaper 20 Minutes, at the end of 2016, 21 reactors out of the 58 installed in France had been shut down, that is more than one-third. Another 15 were stopped for “planned maintenance.” However, seven were being tested because of potentially defective steam generators. Since flaws had been detected in generators built in the Areva factory in Creusot, the NSA has imposed inspections of the 18 reactors equipped with generators from this factory.
    The incident at Flamanville, even though fortunately not causing a nuclear catastrophe, underlines the critical state of the nuclear installations in France. The number of reactors that are coming up to or have already gone over 40 years of service, which EDF considers the maximum, is increasing. With the aging of the reactors, the cost of modernization before they can be replaced by a new generation of EPR reactors is increasing considerably.


    • Merci @monolecte

      Le nucléaire est une question stratégique nationale pour le capitalisme français afin d’assurer son indépendance énergétique. Cette industrie lui a servi dans l’armement pour lui assurer un rôle de politique dominant sur le continent européen sous De Gaulle pour contrer la domination économique sur l’Allemagne.

      La multiplication des incidents dans les centrales et les difficultés de l’EPR révèlent la faillite d’une stratégie nationale basée sur les intérêts financiers incapable d’assurer le développement du nucléaire en sécurité. La catastrophe de Fukushima de 2011, tout comme l’incident d’hier matin, sont des avertissements sur le caractère de l’exploitation de cette industrie par la bourgeoisie française et mondiale.

      Comme le soulignait le WSWS après Fukushima : « Tant que l’énergie nucléaire reste le domaine d’entreprises et de marchés privés, la santé de l’environnement et la sûreté de l’humanité seront subordonnées à la chasse aux profits et à l’enrichissement des dirigeants d’entreprises et des gros actionnaires. Une exploitation et un développement sûrs de l’énergie nucléaire ne sont concevables que sous le régime de la propriété publique et du contrôle démocratique de la population laborieuse – autrement dit, sous le socialisme. »