
  • Décès d’un Palestinien blessé par des balles israéliennes - L’Orient-Le Jour - AFP - 28/04/2019

    Un Palestinien blessé par des balles israéliennes le 20 avril lors d’une tentative d’attaque contre des officiers selon la police, a succombé, a annoncé dimanche le ministère palestinien de la Santé. Omar Awny Younés, 20 ans, originaire du village de Saniria, dans le nord de la Cisjordanie occupée, est décédé samedi soir dans un hôpital israélien près de Tel Aviv, selon un communiqué du ministère.

    Le 20 avril, la police israélienne avait déclaré que le Palestinien s’était « approché des policiers avec un couteau » près d’un poste de contrôle militaire près de Naplouse, en Cisjordanie occupée. « Le terroriste a été blessé par balle », mais aucun policier n’a été touché, avait-elle ajouté.

    Palestinian Dies From Serious Wounds Suffered A Week Earlier Near Nablus
    April 27, 2019 9:38 PM | IMEMC News

    The Palestinian Health Ministry has reported that a young Palestinian man died, on Saturday evening, from serious wounds he suffered a week earlier, after Israeli soldiers shot him at a military roadblock in northern West Bank.

    The Health Ministry said the young man, Omar ‘Awni Abdul-Karim Younis , 20, died at the Israeli Beilinson Israeli medical center.

    The soldiers, stationed at Za’tara military roadblock, north of Nablus, shot the young man with several rounds of live ammunition, reportedly after he attempted to stab them, and prevented Palestinian medics from approaching him.

    The Palestinian was from Sanniriya town, south of Qalqilia, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. No soldiers were injured in the reported incident.


    • Israel Transfers Corpses Of Two Slain Palestinians To Their Families
      September 21, 2019 8:13 AM

      Israeli soldiers transferred, on Friday evening, the corpses of two Palestinians who were killed by army fire in August and April of this year, back to their families for burial.

      The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said its teams received the corpse of Nassim Abu Roumi, from al-‘Ezariyya town, east of occupied East Jerusalem.

      It added that it also received the corpse of Omar Younis at Elyahu military roadblock, south of the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia.

      It is worth mentioning Nassim Abu Roumi, 14, was shot and killed by Israeli police, on August 15, 2019, near the al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied Jerusalem, after an alleged stabbing of an Israeli police officer that resulted in a light injury.

      Meanwhile, Omar Younis, 20, died on April 27 209, from serious wounds he suffered a week earlier, after Israeli soldiers shot him at a Za’tara military roadblock in northern West Bank, reportedly after he attempted to stab them.