• Les complotistes tissent leur toile en Bretagne | Le Télégramme

    Le couple de Landeleau a apposé à l’entrée de sa propriété, une plaque indiquant qu’il héberge le consulat de l’État vivant breton.
    Le Télégramme/Didier Déniel

    Conseil national de transition, État vivant breton, ou encore One Nation : les groupes de conspirationnistes, citoyens souverains, ont fleuri ces dernières années en France et en Bretagne. Une nébuleuse qui dit agir pour l’émancipation des individus et refuse l’autorité de la République.

    Ces dernières semaines, une vidéo montrant un couple qui refusait de se soumettre à un contrôle d’alcoolémie dans le Nord a fait le buzz sur la toile. L’homme et la femme contestaient l’autorité des forces de l’ordre, et plus globalement celle de la République, pour laquelle elles agissaient. Des illuminés, direz-vous. Pas seulement. Car derrière ces postures, ils se nourrissent d’un nouveau mode de pensée, mettant l’individu, et son bien-être, au-dessus des lois et de l’organisation sociétale. Ces groupes se mettent hors-cadre, veillant bien à ne jamais se rapprocher d’un parti politique, d’une institution ou d’une ONG. Un mouvement né dans le sillage des antivax les plus acharnés et de leurs théories conspirationnistes.

    En France, ce mouvement a pris une telle ampleur qu’elle fait l’objet d’une surveillance accrue des services de police et de gendarmerie. Le plus répandu serait le Conseil national de transition (CNT), dont le but ultime serait de renverser le gouvernement et de mettre à bas la cinquième République. Selon le CNT, le pouvoir serait entre les mains de politiciens corrompus d’une « cinquième République sans existence constitutionnelle » ayant mis en place des mesures sanitaires pour placer sous contrôle la population. Aujourd’hui le salut passerait par un pouvoir confié à des Français « tirés au sort, qui exerceraient la souveraineté nationale ».

    Le 13 février dernier, le calme du bourg de Landeleau a été troublé par une manifestation lors du conseil municipal.
    Le Télégramme/Didier Déniel

    « La République Française n’a aucune légitimité sur la Bretagne »
    Il n’aura fallu que quelques mois pour que naisse dans notre région, une déclinaison identitaire de ce mouvement baptisée « Conseil national de transition breton » ou encore « État vivant breton ». Selon les têtes pensantes de ces groupes, la France n’aurait aucune légitimité sur la Bretagne, étant donné que les clauses du contrat de mariage entre la duchesse Anne et Louis XII, et les engagements politiques y afférents, n’auraient pas été respectés. De fait, tout Breton serait donc un être indépendant et autonome qui ne serait pas soumis aux lois de la République.

    Dans cette mouvance, un groupe localisé près de Brocéliande est particulièrement actif depuis quelque temps. Selon plusieurs sources, il est intervenu en février dernier dans la commune de Landeleau (29) pour soutenir un couple qui a construit des habitats légers sur son vaste terrain, sans autorisation aucune. L’homme et la femme, installés depuis la crise sanitaire, ont été condamnés à 3 000 euros d’amende et à déconstruire ces habitations avant le 16 avril. Le tout assorti d’une astreinte de 200 euros quotidienne si la décision de justice n’est pas respectée. À ce jour, les constructions sont toujours en place.

    « Le 13 février, une douzaine de personnes qui n’étaient pas de la commune ont perturbé le conseil municipal, raconte le maire, Yvon Coquil. Ils étaient venus contester la décision de justice. Je les ai invités à assister au conseil sans prendre la parole. Ils ont refusé. C’était assez tendu. J’ai dû appeler la gendarmerie. Je ne connaissais pas ces gens. En tout cas, ils étaient extérieurs à la commune. »

    « Parfois des profils inquiétants »
    Soutenu dans un premier temps par des membres du CNT, le couple semble avoir pris fait et cause pour ce mouvement, comme le prouvent certains de ses écrits postés sur les réseaux sociaux. « Nous sommes de l’État vivant breton depuis de nombreux mois déjà. Nous ne sommes plus concernés par le droit et les décisions de la République française Présidence (…) Nous sommes redevenus mandataires de nos personnes juridiques et vivantes. »

    Ces postures inquiètent un spécialiste de ces mouvements interrogé par nos soins « Ces personnes se lavent le cerveau entre elles. Elles sont tellement déconnectées de la réalité qu’elles en ignorent la présence d’autres entités qui relaient les mêmes discours. Elles perdent tout sens critique. Souvent, on a affaire à des idéalistes non-violents. Mais parfois certains profils sont plus inquiétants ».

    • Complotisme : plusieurs affaires devant la justice en Bretagne | Le Télégramme

      Le mouvement complotiste et des « Êtres souverains », dont les racines se trouvent aux États-Unis, a pris de l’essor ces dernières années. La Bretagne n’échappe pas à ce phénomène, comme le démontrent ces deux affaires judiciaires.

      La cofondatrice de One Nation condamnée à Saint-Brieuc
      Un des principaux groupes, One Nation, semble avoir de solides liens avec la Bretagne. En effet, il est écrit sur son manifeste, acte fondateur d’une nouvelle nation, que ce texte a été finalisé, le 29 février 2020, « quelque part en Armorique ». On peut y lire que « les gouvernements échouent dans leur mission » et « ne prennent pas soin ni des êtres humains ni de la terre ». La philosophie de ce mouvement vise à bâtir un nouveau monde, en dehors des codes politiques et sociaux habituels. L’être humain « cellule unique et individualisée » est placé au centre de cette démarche. « Il l’emporte sur l’entité légale créée après ma naissance » peut-on lire plus loin.

      One Nation a été cofondée par Alice Martin Pascual, alias Alice Pazalmar. Une jeune femme, vidéaste et créatrice de bijoux, qui vit dans le Lot. En mai 2023, elle a été condamnée par le tribunal correctionnel de Saint-Brieuc à 1 000 euros d’amende pour diffamation. Ses propos, diffusés sur la toile, visaient l’ex-président du conseil départemental des Côtes-d’Armor, Alain Cadec, et la responsable du service enfance du Département, qu’elle accusait de maltraitance sur enfants. Déjà incarcérée pour une série d’infractions routières, la prévenue avait regretté ses propos, évoquant une période troublée de sa vie durant laquelle elle contestait toute autorité.

      La dérive « sectaire » d’une famille
      Un couple originaire de la région de Concarneau a été condamné le 15 février à Quimper. Il avait déscolarisé son enfant, âgé d’une dizaine d’années, pendant trois ans, à partir de mars 2020. Sans suivi par l’Éducation nationale. Le couple de quinquagénaires, ayant refusé d’être défendu par un avocat, avait tenu des propos déroutants sur l’existence administrative des êtres humains. Selon lui, l’Éducation nationale, qui « formate les esprits », était une entreprise privée qui faisait des bénéfices sur le dos des écoliers. À ce titre, et selon sa logique, il demandait que l’EN soit affiliée au registre du commerce et des sociétés ! Le couple a été condamné à six mois de prison avec sursis et à 200 euros d’amende. Leur fils a été confié aux services sociaux. Le ministère public avait parlé « de dérive sectaire ».

    • Ce n’est pas loin de ...

      We have no elected government, nor are we likely to have one, so I address you with no greater authority than that with which liberty itself always speaks. I declare the global social space we are building to be naturally independent of the tyrannies you seek to impose on us. You have no moral right to rule us nor do you possess any methods of enforcement we have true reason to fear.

      Merci @arno de nous avoir rappellé dans
      qu’il n’y a pas que la liberté libertaire individualiste des John Perry Barlow (pourtant je me sens parfois assez Deadhead ...)
      par exemple h

      Chez nous on a les Reichsbürger pour nous amuser.
      Wikipedia nous informe que ..

      Reichsbürgerbewegung ist ein Sammelbegriff für eine organisatorisch und ideologisch sehr heterogene Szene aus meist Einzelpersonen, seltener teilweise sektenartigen Klein- und Kleinstgruppen. Gemeinsam ist ihnen, dass sie die Existenz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als legitimer und souveräner Staat bestreiten sowie seine Repräsentanten und die gesamte deutsche Rechtsordnung fundamental ablehnen. Zu den von sogenannten Reichsbürgern vertretenen Ideologien gehören oft die Ablehnung der Demokratie, Ideologieelemente des Monarchismus, Rechtsextremismus, Geschichtsrevisionismus und teilweise Antisemitismus, Esoterik bzw. Rechtsesoterik oder die Leugnung des Holocausts. Sie teilen eine Haltung der Ablehnung einer offenen und pluralistischen Gesellschaft und weigern sich, unter anderem Steuern und Bußgelder zu zahlen oder Gerichtsbeschlüsse und Verwaltungsentscheidungen zu befolgen.

      C’est assez drôle et ressemble un peu au « Front Populaire de Judée » dans La vie de Brian mais dans un esprit de droite. Comme quoi parfois les crypto-nazis sont assez marrants à cause leur esprit étroit. On n’a pas besoin de grand chose pour s’amuser, pas vrai.

      Dabei berufen sich „klassische“ Reichsbürger darauf, dass ihrer Meinung nach das Deutsche Reich statt der Bundesrepublik weiterhin fortbestehe, entsprechend ihrer Ideologie entweder in den Grenzen des Deutschen Kaiserreichs oder in denen von 1937. Dieses Deutsche Reich werde als Organisation durch eine „kommissarische Reichsregierung“ (KRR) oder Ähnliches vertreten, deren Befugnisse die oft miteinander konkurrierenden Gruppen jeweils für sich beanspruchen.

      L’histoire devient sérieusement drôle quand l’état impérialiste post-nazi arrête les participants d’un complot qui devait rétablir le Deutsches Reich et restituer le droit au seuil allemand aux vrais allemands ariens comme moi. Manque de peau on a perdu notre attestation d’arien d’avant 1945 et pire encore on n’en veut plus rien savoir.

      De toute manière si un jour l’envie me prend de devenir arien officiel, j’irai en Iran ou en Inde après Modi où je me joindrai aux vrais des vrais de n’importe quoi.

      Au Japon aussi il y a des nazis partout ;-)

      Ship of fools
      I won’t slave for beggar’s pay, likewise gold and jewels
      But I would slave to learn the way to sink your ship of fools

      #wtf #nazis

    • Extrait d’un article de l’Obs

      • Qui sont les « citoyens souverains » ?

      Les phrases utilisées par le couple renvoient à l’argumentaire du mouvement antisystème des « citoyens souverains », apparu aux Etats-Unis dans les années 1970. Une mouvance qui s’est exportée dans le monde anglo-saxon et en France, où elle s’est manifestée à travers le mouvement One Nation, cofondé par Alice Pazalmar, explique à l’AFP le spécialiste de l’extrémisme en ligne Tristan Mendès France, qui évoque aussi une « hybridation avec le mouvement covido-complotiste ».

      De là à prétendre que ce genre d’acte de résistance est « payant » ^^

      L’homme sera jugé le 1er octobre à Dunkerque pour refus de se soumettre aux vérifications du véhicule et du conducteur, au contrôle d’alcoolémie et de l’usage de stupéfiants, défaut d’assurance et violences volontaires sur un militaire de la gendarmerie sans incapacité. Pour ces délits, il encourt jusqu’à cinq ans d’emprisonnement et 75 000 euros d’amende.

  • The State of #Chihuahua Is Building a 20-Story Tower in #Ciudad_Juarez to Surveil 13 Cities–and Texas Will Also Be Watching

    Chihuahua state officials and a notorious Mexican security contractor broke ground last summer on the #Torre_Centinela (Sentinel Tower), an ominous, 20-story high-rise in downtown Ciudad Juarez that will serve as the central node of a new AI-enhanced surveillance regime. With tentacles reaching into 13 Mexican cities and a data pipeline that will channel intelligence all the way to Austin, Texas, the monstrous project will be unlike anything seen before along the U.S.-Mexico border.

    And that’s saying a lot, considering the last 30-plus years of surging technology on the U.S side of the border.

    The Torre Centinela will stand in a former parking lot next to the city’s famous bullring, a mere half-mile south of where migrants and asylum seekers have camped and protested at the Paso del Norte International Bridge leading to El Paso. But its reach goes much further: the Torre Centinela is just one piece of the Plataforma Centinela (Sentinel Platform), an aggressive new technology strategy developed by Chihuahua’s Secretaria de Seguridad Pública Estatal (Secretary of State Public Security or SSPE) in collaboration with the company Seguritech.

    With its sprawling infrastructure, the Plataforma Centinela will create an atmosphere of surveillance and data-streams blanketing the entire region. The plan calls for nearly every cutting-edge technology system marketed at law enforcement: 10,000 surveillance cameras, face recognition, automated license plate recognition, real-time crime analytics, a fleet of mobile surveillance vehicles, drone teams and counter-drone teams, and more.

    If the project comes together as advertised in the Avengers-style trailer that SSPE released to influence public opinion, law enforcement personnel on site will be surrounded by wall-to-wall monitors (140 meters of screens per floor), while 2,000 officers in the field will be able to access live intelligence through handheld tablets.

    Texas law enforcement will also have “eyes on this side of the border” via the Plataforma Centinela, Chihuahua Governor Maru Campos publicly stated last year. Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a memorandum of understanding confirming the partnership.

    Plataforma Centinela will transform public life and threaten human rights in the borderlands in ways that aren’t easy to assess. Regional newspapers and local advocates–especially Norte Digital and Frente Político Ciudadano para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos (FPCDDH)—have raised significant concerns about the project, pointing to a low likelihood of success and high potential for waste and abuse.

    “It is a myopic approach to security; the full emphasis is placed on situational prevention, while the social causes of crime and violence are not addressed,” FPCDDH member and analyst Victor M. Quintana tells EFF, noting that the Plataforma Centinela’s budget is significantly higher than what the state devotes to social services. “There are no strategies for the prevention of addiction, neither for rebuilding the fabric of society nor attending to dropouts from school or young people at risk, which are social causes of insecurity.”

    Instead of providing access to unfiltered information about the project, the State of Chihuahua has launched a public relations blitz. In addition to press conferences and the highly-produced cinematic trailer, SSPE recently hosted a “Pabellón Centinel” (Sentinel Pavillion), a family-friendly carnival where the public was invited to check out a camera wall and drones, while children played with paintball guns, drove a toy ATV patrol vehicle around a model city, and colored in illustrations of a data center operator.

    Behind that smoke screen, state officials are doing almost everything they can to control the narrative around the project and avoid public scrutiny.

    According to news reports, the SSPE and the Secretaría de Hacienda (Finance Secretary) have simultaneously deemed most information about the project as classified and left dozens of public records requests unanswered. The Chihuahua State Congress also rejected a proposal to formally declassify the documents and stymied other oversight measures, including a proposed audit. Meanwhile, EFF has submitted public records requests to several Texas agencies and all have claimed they have no records related to the Plataforma Centinela.

    This is all the more troubling considering the relationship between the state and Seguritech, a company whose business practices in 22 other jurisdictions have been called into question by public officials.

    What we can be sure of is that the Plataforma Centinela project may serve as proof of concept of the kind of panopticon surveillance governments can get away with in both North America and Latin America.
    What Is the Plataforma Centinela?

    High-tech surveillance centers are not a new phenomenon on the Mexican side of the border. These facilities tend to use “C” distinctions to explain their functions and purposes. EFF has mapped out dozens of these in the six Mexican border states.

    They include:

    - C4 (Centro de Comunicación, Cómputo, Control y Comando) (Center for Communications, Calculation, Control, and Command),
    - C5 (Centro de Coordinación Integral, de Control, Comando, Comunicación y Cómputo del Estado) (Center for Integral Coordination for Control, Command, Communications, and State Calculation),
    - C5i (Centro de Control, Comando, Comunicación, Cómputo, Coordinación e Inteligencia) (Center for Control, Command, Communication, Calculation, Coordination and Intelligence).

    Typically, these centers focus as a cross between a 911 call center and a real-time crime center, with operators handling emergency calls, analyzing crime data, and controlling a network of surveillance cameras via a wall bank of monitors. In some cases, the Cs may be presented in different order or stand for slightly different words. For example, some C5s might alternately stand for “Centros de Comando, Control, Comunicación, Cómputo y Calidad” (Centers for Command, Control, Communication, Computation and Quality). These facilities also exist in other parts of Mexico. The number of Cs often indicate scale and responsibilities, but more often than not, it seems to be a political or marketing designation.

    The Plataforma Centinela however, goes far beyond the scope of previous projects and in fact will be known as the first C7 (Centro de Comando, Cómputo, Control, Coordinación, Contacto Ciudadano, Calidad, Comunicaciones e Inteligencia Artificial) (Center for Command, Calculation, Control, Coordination, Citizen Contact, Quality, Communications and Artificial Intelligence). The Torre Centinela in Ciudad Juarez will serve as the nerve center, with more than a dozen sub-centers throughout the state.

    According to statistics that Gov. Campos disclosed as part of negotiations with Texas and news reports, the Plataforma Centinela will include:

    - 1,791 automated license plate readers. These are cameras that photograph vehicles and their license plates, then upload that data along with the time and location where the vehicles were seen to a massive searchable database. Law enforcement can also create lists of license plates to track specific vehicles and receive alerts when those vehicles are seen.
    - 4,800 fixed cameras. These are your run-of-the-mill cameras, positioned to permanently surveil a particular location from one angle.
    - 3,065 pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras. These are more sophisticated cameras. While they are affixed to a specific location, such as a street light or a telephone pole, these cameras can be controlled remotely. An operator can swivel the camera around 360-degrees and zoom in on subjects.
    - 2,000 tablets. Officers in the field will be issued handheld devices for accessing data directly from the Plataforma Centinela.
    - 102 security arches. This is a common form of surveillance in Mexico, but not the United States. These are structures built over highways and roads to capture data on passing vehicles and their passengers.
    - 74 drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/UAVs). While the Chihuahua government has not disclosed what surveillance payload will be attached to these drones, it is common for law enforcement drones to deploy video, infrared, and thermal imaging technology.
    - 40 mobile video surveillance trailers. While details on these systems are scant, it is likely these are camera towers that can be towed to and parked at targeted locations.
    - 15 anti-drone systems. These systems are designed to intercept and disable drones operated by criminal organizations.
    - Face recognition. The project calls for the application of “biometric filters” to be applied to camera feeds “to assist in the capture of cartel leaders,” and the collection of migrant biometrics. Such a system would require scanning the faces of the general public.
    - Artificial intelligence. So far, the administration has thrown around the term AI without fully explaining how it will be used. However, typically law enforcement agencies have used this technology to “predict” where crime might occur, identify individuals mostly likely to be connected to crime, and to surface potential connections between suspects that would not have been obvious to a human observer. However, all these technologies have a propensity for making errors or exacerbating existing bias.

    As of May, 60% of the Plataforma Centinela camera network had been installed, with an expected completion date of December, according to Norte Digital. However, the cameras were already being used in criminal investigations.

    All combined, this technology amounts to an unprecedented expansion of the surveillance state in Latin America, as SSPE brags in its promotional material. The threat to privacy may also be unprecedented: creating cities where people can no longer move freely in their communities without being watched, scanned, and tagged.

    But that’s assuming the system functions as advertised—and based on the main contractor’s history, that’s anything but guaranteed.
    Who Is Seguritech?

    The Plataforma Centinela project is being built by the megacorporation Seguritech, which has signed deals with more than a dozen government entities throughout Mexico. As of 2018, the company received no-bid contracts in at least 10 Mexican states and cities, which means it was able to sidestep the accountability process that requires companies to compete for projects.

    And when it comes to the Plataforma Centinela, the company isn’t simply a contractor: It will actually have ownership over the project, the Torre Centinela, and all its related assets, including cameras and drones, until August 2027.

    That’s what SSPE Secretary Gilberto Loya Chávez told the news organization Norte Digital, but the terms of the agreement between Seguritech and Chihuahua’s administration are not public. The SSPE’s Transparency Committee decided to classify the information “concerning the procedures for the acquisition of supplies, goods, and technology necessary for the development, implementation, and operation of the Platforma Centinela” for five years.

    In spite of the opacity shrouding the project, journalists have surfaced some information about the investment plan. According to statements from government officials, the Plataforma Centinela will cost 4.2 billion pesos, with Chihuahua’s administration paying regular installments to the company every three months (Chihuahua’s governor had previously said that these would be yearly payments in the amount of 700 million to 1 billion pesos per year). According to news reports, when the payments are completed in 2027, the ownership of the platform’s assets and infrastructure are expected to pass from Seguritech to the state of Chihuahua.

    The Plataforma Centinela project marks a new pinnacle in Seguritech’s trajectory as a Mexican security contractor. Founded in 1995 as a small business selling neighborhood alarms, SeguriTech Privada S.A de C.V. became a highly profitable brand, and currently operates in five areas: security, defense, telecommunications, aeronautics, and construction. According to Zeta Tijuana, Seguritech also secures contracts through its affiliated companies, including Comunicación Segura (focused on telecommunications and security) and Picorp S.A. de C.V. (focused on architecture and construction, including prisons and detention centers). Zeta also identified another SecuriTech company, Tres10 de C.V., as the contractor named in various C5i projects.

    Thorough reporting by Mexican outlets such as Proceso, Zeta Tijuana, Norte Digital, and Zona Free paint an unsettling picture of Seguritech’s activities over the years.

    Former President Felipe Calderón’s war on drug trafficking, initiated during his 2006-2012 term, marked an important turning point for surveillance in Mexico. As Proceso reported, Seguritech began to secure major government contracts beginning in 2007, receiving its first billion-peso deal in 2011 with Sinaloa’s state government. In 2013, avoiding the bidding process, the company secured a 6-billion peso contract assigned by Eruviel Ávila, then governor of the state of México (or Edomex, not to be confused with the country of Mexico). During Enrique Peña Nieto’s years as Edomex’s governor, and especially later, as Mexico’s president, Seguritech secured its status among Mexico’s top technology contractors.

    According to Zeta Tijuana, during the six years that Peña Nieto served as president (2012-2018), the company monopolized contracts for the country’s main surveillance and intelligence projects, specifically the C5i centers. As Zeta Tijuana writes:

    “More than 10 C5i units were opened or began construction during Peña Nieto’s six-year term. Federal entities committed budgets in the millions, amid opacity, violating parliamentary processes and administrative requirements. The purchase of obsolete technological equipment was authorized at an overpriced rate, hiding information under the pretext of protecting national security.”

    Zeta Tijuana further cites records from the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property showing that Seguritech registered the term “C5i” as its own brand, an apparent attempt to make it more difficult for other surveillance contractors to provide services under that name to the government.

    Despite promises from government officials that these huge investments in surveillance would improve public safety, the country’s number of violent deaths increased during Peña Nieto’s term in office.

    “What is most shocking is how ineffective Seguritech’s system is,” says Quintana, the spokesperson for FPCDDH. By his analysis, Quintana says, “In five out of six states where Seguritech entered into contracts and provided security services, the annual crime rate shot up in proportions ranging from 11% to 85%.”

    Seguritech has also been criticized for inflated prices, technical failures, and deploying obsolete equipment. According to Norte Digital, only 17% of surveillance cameras were working by the end of the company’s contract with Sinaloa’s state government. Proceso notes the rise of complaints about the malfunctioning of cameras in Cuauhtémoc Delegation (a borough of Mexico City) in 2016. Zeta Tijuana reported on the disproportionate amount the company charged for installing 200 obsolete 2-megapixel cameras in 2018.

    Seguritech’s track record led to formal complaints and judicial cases against the company. The company has responded to this negative attention by hiring services to take down and censor critical stories about its activities published online, according to investigative reports published as part of the Global Investigative Journalism Network’s Forbidden Stories project.

    Yet, none of this information dissuaded Chihuahua’s governor, Maru Campos, from closing a new no-bid contract with Seguritech to develop the Plataforma Centinela project.
    A Cross-Border Collaboration

    The Plataforma Centinela project presents a troubling escalation in cross-border partnerships between states, one that cuts out each nation’s respective federal governments. In April 2022, the states of Texas and Chihuahua signed a memorandum of understanding to collaborate on reducing “cartels’ human trafficking and smuggling of deadly fentanyl and other drugs” and to “stop the flow of migrants from over 100 countries who illegally enter Texas through Chihuahua.”

    While much of the agreement centers around cargo at the points of entry, the document also specifically calls out the various technologies that make up the Plataforma Centinela. In attachments to the agreement, Gov. Campos promises Chihuahua is “willing to share that information with Texas State authorities and commercial partners directly.”

    During a press conference announcing the MOU, Gov. Abbot declared, “Governor Campos has provided me with the best border security plan that I have seen from any governor from Mexico.” He held up a three-page outline and a slide, which were also provided to the public, but also referenced the existence of “a much more extensive detailed memo that explains in nuance” all the aspects of the program.

    Abbott went on to read out a summary of Plataforma Centinela, adding, “This is a demonstration of commitment from a strong governor who is working collaboratively with the state of Texas.”

    Then Campos, in response to a reporter’s question, added: “We are talking about sharing information and intelligence among states, which means the state of Texas will have eyes on this side of the border.” She added that the data collected through the Plataforma Centinela will be analyzed by both the states of Chihuahua and Texas.

    Abbott provided an example of one way the collaboration will work: “We will identify hotspots where there will be an increase in the number of migrants showing up because it’s a location chosen by cartels to try to put people across the border at that particular location. The Chihuahua officials will work in collaboration with the Texas Department of Public Safety, where DPS has identified that hotspot and the Chihuahua side will work from a law enforcement side to disrupt that hotspot.”

    In order to learn more about the scope of the project, EFF sent public records requests to several Texas agencies, including the Governor’s Office, the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Texas Attorney General’s Office, the El Paso County Sheriff, and the El Paso Police Department. Not one of the agencies produced records related to the Plataforma Centinela project.

    Meanwhile, Texas is further beefing up its efforts to use technology at the border, including by enacting new laws that formally allow the Texas National Guard and State Guard to deploy drones at the border and authorize the governor to enter compacts with other states to share intelligence and resource to build “a comprehensive technological surveillance system” on state land to deter illegal activity at the border. In addition to the MOU with Chihuahua, Abbott also signed similar agreements with the states of Nuevo León and Coahuila in 2022.
    Two Sides, One Border

    The Plataforma Centinela has enormous potential to violate the rights of one of the largest cross-border populations along the U.S.-Mexico border. But while law enforcement officials are eager to collaborate and traffic data back and forth, advocacy efforts around surveillance too often are confined to their respective sides.

    The Spanish-language press in Mexico has devoted significant resources to investigating the Plataforma Centinela and raising the alarm over its lack of transparency and accountability, as well as its potential for corruption. Yet, the project has received virtually no attention or scrutiny in the United States.

    Fighting back against surveillance of cross-border communities requires cross-border efforts. EFF supports the efforts of advocacy groups in Ciudad Juarez and other regions of Chihuahua to expose the mistakes the Chihuahua government is making with the Plataforma Centinela and call out its mammoth surveillance approach for failing to address the root social issues. We also salute the efforts by local journalists to hold the government accountable. However, U.S-based journalists, activists, and policymakers—many of whom have done an excellent job surfacing criticism of Customs and Border Protection’s so-called virtual wall—must also turn their attention to the massive surveillance that is building up on the Mexican side.

    In reality, there really is no Mexican surveillance and U.S. surveillance. It’s one massive surveillance monster that, ironically, in the name of border enforcement, recognizes no borders itself.
    #surveillance #tour #surveillance_de_masse #cartographie #visualisation #intelligence_artificielle #AI #IA #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #technologie #Plataforma_Centinela #données #reconnaissance_faciale #caméras_de_surveillance #drones #Seguritech #complexe_militaro-industriel #Mexique

  • A propos des valeurs états-uniennes et du Generalplan Ost

    An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States (Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz )

    All modern nation-states claim a kind of rationalized origin story upon which they fashion patriotism or loyalty to the state. When citizens of modern states and their anthropologists and historians look at what they consider “primitive” societies, they identify their “origin myths,” quaint and endearing stories, but fantastic ones, not grounded in “reality.” Yet many US scholars seem unable (or unwilling) to subject their own nation-state’s founding story to the same objective examination. The United States is not unique among nations in forging an origin myth, but most of its citizens believe it to be exceptional among nation-states, and this exceptionalist ideology has been used to justify appropriation of the continent and then domination of the rest of the world. It is one of the few states founded on the covenant of the Hebrew Torah, or the Christian borrowing of it in the Old Testament of the Bible. Other covenant states are Israel and the now-defunct apartheid state of South Africa, both of which were founded in 1948. Although the origin stories of these three covenant states were based on Judeo-Christian scripture, they were not founded as theocracies. According to the myths, the faithful citizens come together of their own free will and pledge to each other and to their god to form and support a godly society, and their god in turn vouchsafes them prosperity in a promised land.

    puis ...

    For a revealing comparative study, see Gump, “Civil Wars in South Dakota and South Africa,’” 427–44. In relying on the ancient origin story of the covenant, the modern state of Israel is also using exceptionalist ideology, refusing to acknowledge the settler-colonial nature of the state. Donald Harman Akenson, God’s Peoples: Covenant and Land in South Africa, Israel, and Ulster (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1991), 151–82, 227–62, 311–48.

    L’Allemagne a également connu une période historique pendant laquelle ses dirigeants et une grande partie de sa population ont cru en en leur devoir de réaliser leur propre qualité de peuple élu. Quand on parle de la dictature nazie la plupart du temps on évoque l’holocauste juif. Ce crime nous paraît aujourd’hui comme l’élément le plus marquant du projet nazi, mais pour les nazis les juifs ne constituaient qu’un obstacle technique pour leur grand projet. Il fallait terminer (d’où le terme Endlösung, solution finale) le problème juif au plus vite pour passer au choses sérieuses.

    Le projet nazi principal était de suivre l’exemple des états-unien et de remédier au problème des colonies perdues en Afrique, en Chine et en Nouvelle-Guinée. Les nazis on investi de plus importants efforts (à savoir et de l’argent et des vies de soldats allemands) dans la guerre d’extermination allemande contre les peuples de l’Est que dans le projet d’extermination des juifs. Les résultats ont été conséquents en nombre de victimes et ampleur des ravages de pays.

    Ceci ne doit pas nous entraîner sur la pente dangereuse d’une relativisation du crime antisemite par rapport aux actes génocidaires anti-slaves. Cette constatation jette simplement une lumière peu habituelle sur les relations entre l’Allemagne et les États Unis avant, pendant et aprés l’époque nazie.

    Volk ohne Raum
    Suivant l’idéologie exprimée dans le roman populaire Volk ohne Raum (littéralement : peuple sans espace) leur projet essentiel était de coloniser l’Est afin de sécuriser la survie et l’épanouissement de la race arienne dont le peuple allemand était l’émanation principale.

    Generalplan Ost

    The Generalplan Ost (German pronunciation: [ɡenəˈʁaːlˌplaːn ˈɔst]; English: Master Plan for the East), abbreviated GPO, was Nazi Germany’s plan for large-scale ethnic cleansing, extermination and genocide of Slavs, Eastern European Jews and other ethnic groups categorised as “Untermensch” in Nazi ideology. The plan was intended to be the precursor for a programme, which would involve the colonisation of Central and Eastern Europe by German settlers, after the elimination of national identities of various Slavic peoples.

    Le philosophe Fried­rich Nietzsche a préparé le terrain avec son concepte du Übermensch (surhomme) que les philosophes de pacotille nazis ont complété, à leur façon, en désignant certaines « races » comme Untermensch (sous-hommes) à exterminer. Chez Nietzsche l’ennemi du Übermensch est l’humanité entière ce qui le rapproche d’Ayn Rand plutôt que d’Alfred Rosenberg, le « philosophe » maison nazi et « RMfdbO » (Reichsminister für die besetzten Ostgebiete, ministre des Territoires occupés de l’Est).

    Die Gedanken von Friedrich Nietzsche im Nationalsozialismus. Eine Interpretation des Übermenschen

    3.2 Der Feind

    Der Feind des Ubermenschen ist nicht der Untermensch, sondern die Menschheit. Fried­rich Nietzsche nennt die Menschheit in seinem Vorwort den „Rest“, der neben den Uber- menschen ubrig bleibt, der seine Gedanken nicht nachvollziehen kann. Man solle ihr so- wohl mit Kraft als auch mit verachtendem Geiste gegenuberstehen und ihr uberlegen sein. (Nietzsche, F., Der Antichrist, 1888, Vorwort, Z. 23-25)

    Nicht so wie der Ubermensch sei die Menschheit erkrankt „[.]am faulen Frieden, am fei- gen KompromiB, an der ganzen tugendhaften Unsauberkeit des modernen Ja und Nein. [.]“. (Nietzsche, F., Der Antichrist, 1888, Kapitel 1, Z. 10-12) Diese ganzen Vorwurfe fuhrt Nietzsche weiter in seinem Buch aus, in dem er in weiteren Kapiteln uber die Moral und seine “moralinfreien“ Worte schreibt. (Nietzsche, F., Der Antichrist, 1888, Kapitel 6, Z. 3-5). Besonders zielt er dabei im Verlaufe des Buches auf Christen ab, die es unter anderem zur Tugend nehmen, mitleidig zu sein, was eine Form der Schwache sei. (Nietzsche, F., Der Antichrist, 1888, Kapitel 2, Z. 12/13) Mitleid ist fur Nietzsche deswegen eine Schwa- che, weil es den Willen und das Gefuhl von Macht mindert, welches er fur gut empfindet. Alles was aus der Schwache kommt sei schlecht. Gluck erfahren konne man einzig und allein durch Machtwachstum, Uberwindung des Widerstandes, Krieg und Moralische Freiheit „[...]nicht Tugend, sondern Tuchtigkeit[...].“.(Nietzsche, F., Der Antichrist, 1888, Kapitel 2, Z. 1-8)

    Je regrette qu’à chaque fois que je rajoute une pièce au puzzle historique et idéologique je me rapproche un peu plus d’un résultat où les trois religions principales de l’Europe et du Proche-Orient constituent un fond idéologique pour la barbarie capitaliste qui depuis des siècles ne cesse de ravager l’humanité et de détruire la planète. Si on considére Nietzsche et ses acolytes comme athées ces non religieux font partie de la bande surtout quand on prend en compte la déscription du chef d’entreprise capitaliste comme surhomme par Ayn Rand, Peter Thiel et les imbéciles de la Silicon Valley, y compris les auteurs de la Déclaration d’indépendance du cyberespace.

    En poursuivant la réflexion basée sur le travail de Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz je découvre la nécessité de mettre en question l’idéologie de la Electronic Frontier Foundation ( que j’estime pour ses activités de défense des droits fonandamentaux. La frontière évoquée dans son nom se réfère à une réinterprétation de la « frontier » génocidaire des colons européens dans le Far-West.

    On pourrait aussi se poser la question de la signification de l’engagement des États Unis pour l’Ukraine et ses nouvelles banderistes au pouvoir. Si on ne la considère pas comme un sujet tabou on y identifie quelque chose qu’on pourrait appeller l’axe Kiev-Berlin-Washington. Mais il me semble que ce soit une parallèle encore trop peu documentée pour en faire une position politique.

    En Allemagne les personnes qui défendent une telle position risquent des poursuites pour « Volksverhetzung ». Le paragraphe du code pénal punissant l’apologie nazie vient d’être modifié afin de pouvoir agir contre toute idée hors du canon officiel.
    Le commentaire dans Wikipedia veut nous faire croire que la publication d’idées et de positions critiques par rapport au positions officielles sur la guerre en Ukraine sont autorisées, mais l’exemple de Heiner Bücker montre que la liberté d’expression en Allemagne n’est plus ce qu’elle était encore il y a quelques années.

    Heiner Bücker

    Mai c’est une autre histoire.

    #histoire #religion #nazis #colonialisme #cyberespace

  • Without Verification, What Is the Point of Elon Musk’s Twitter? | Electronic Frontier Foundation

    Twitter’s utility wasn’t in how many people used it, it was in who used it. From Hollywood celebrities to heads of state, journalists, activists, and so many more—Twitter was more valuable as a source than it was as a platform.

    — Permalien


    • Je ne sais pas si je dois être étonné ou pas du fait que l’EFF considère que ce qui rendait Twitter intéressant, c’est l’aspect qui réintroduisait le plus la verticalité de la parole (« dans les milieux autorisés, on s’autorise à penser… ») :

      It’s partially what made Twitter so beloved by journalists: it was harder to accidentally include a tweet by a joke account in your reporting. It also saved a lot of journalists from hunting down an email address or a public relations person when they wanted to contact someone—far easier to just send a DM. Furthermore, journalists with the checkmarks were clearly also who they said they were, making it more likely they’d get responses from subjects who could tell that they were legitimate reporters.

      On s’en branle pas mal, non, de ce qui fait que les journalistes aiment Twitter ?

  • eIDAS 2.0 Sets a Dangerous Precedent for Web Security | Electronic Frontier Foundation

    In a nutshell, the EU is mandating that browsers accept EU member state-issued Certificate Authorities (CAs) and not remove them even if they are unsafe. If you think this sounds bad, you’re right. Multiple times, EFF, along with other security experts and researchers, urged EU government regulators to reconsider the amended language that fails to provide a way for browsers to act on security incidents. There were several committees that supported amending the language, but the EU council went ahead and adopted this highly flawed language.



    C’est absolument catastrophique, l’UE vient d’autoriser les états membres à imposer aux navigateurs web d’accepter et reconnaître des certificats non sécurisés. Cela ouvre la possibilité à une surveillance généralisée à moindre frais, on peut penser à Viktor Orban, mais ça ne sera pas réservé qu’aux démocraties illibérales les plus flagrantes.

    • C’est le magasin de certificats qui est en cause. S’il y a une chaîne de certificat dite correcte, le certificat ne peut que l’accepter. Qd on installe un antivirus qui protège la navigation, celui ci ajoute son propre certificat racine et s’incruste ds la navigation en surchargeant la chaîne de certification... Il peut tout lire et le navigateur ne voit rien d’anormal.
      Donc si la loi dit qu’il faut ajouter des certificats racines pourris, des certificats émis sur la base de cette racine seront acceptés sans alerte d’aucune sorte.

  • Proposed New Internet Law in Mauritius Raises Serious Human Rights Concerns

    As debate continues in the U.S. and Europe over how to regulate social media, a number of countries—such as India and Turkey—have imposed stringent rules that threaten free speech, while others, such as Indonesia, are considering them. Now, a new proposal to amend Mauritius’ Information and Communications Technologies Act (ICTA) with provisions to install a proxy server to intercept otherwise secure communications raises serious concerns about freedom of expression in the country. Mauritius, (...)

    #législation #censure #surveillance #EFF

  • Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea
    By Bennett Cyphers, March 3, 2021

    The third-party cookie is dying, and Google is trying to create its replacement.

    No one should mourn the death of the cookie as we know it. For more than two decades, the third-party cookie has been the lynchpin in a shadowy, seedy, multi-billion dollar advertising-surveillance industry on the Web; phasing out tracking cookies and other persistent third-party identifiers is long overdue. However, as the foundations shift beneath the advertising industry, its biggest players are determined to land on their feet.

    Google is leading the charge to replace third-party cookies with a new suite of technologies to target ads on the Web. And some of its proposals show that it hasn’t learned the right lessons from the ongoing backlash to the surveillance business model. This post will focus on one of those proposals, Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC), which is perhaps the most ambitious—and potentially the most harmful.

    FLoC is meant to be a new way to make your browser do the profiling that third-party trackers used to do themselves: in this case, boiling down your recent browsing activity into a behavioral label, and then sharing it with websites and advertisers. The technology will avoid the privacy risks of third-party cookies, but it will create new ones in the process. It may also exacerbate many of the worst non-privacy problems with behavioral ads, including discrimination and predatory targeting.

    Google’s pitch to privacy advocates is that a world with FLoC (and other elements of the “privacy sandbox”) will be better than the world we have today, where data brokers and ad-tech giants track and profile with impunity. But that framing is based on a false premise that we have to choose between “old tracking” and “new tracking.” It’s not either-or. Instead of re-inventing the tracking wheel, we should imagine a better world without the myriad problems of targeted ads.

    We stand at a fork in the road. Behind us is the era of the third-party cookie, perhaps the Web’s biggest mistake. Ahead of us are two possible futures.


    #google #floc #cookies #privacy #eff #vieprivee #cnil @PMO #quadraturedunet #R2R

    Update, April 9, 2021 : We’ve launched “Am I FLoCed”, a new site that will tell you whether your Chrome browser has been turned into a guinea pig for Federated Learning of Cohorts or FLoC, Google’s latest targeted advertising experiment.

    Other Links :

  • Supprimer Chrome devient une nécessité. #Google utilise sa position exceptionnellement puissante pour que son navigateur analyse votre comportement de navigation et le serve sur un plateau sous forme de “cohortes” à toute personne intéressée. Ils ont transformé Chrome en un outil d’enregistrement et analyse de votre historique de navigation. Si vous vous souciez un tant soit peu de votre liberté intellectuelle, vous devez supprimer #Chrome dès que possible et aider les autres à faire de même. Voir ci-dessous l’article de l’EFF (Electronic Frontier Foundation)

  • Forced Arbitration Thwarts Legal Challenge to AT&T’s Disclosure of Customer Location Data

    Location data generated from our cell phones paint an incredibly detailed picture of our movements and private lives. Despite the sensitive nature of this data and a federal law prohibiting cellphone carriers from disclosing it, repeated unauthorized disclosures over the last several years show that carriers will sell this sensitive information to almost any willing buyer. With cellphone carriers brazenly violating their customers’ privacy and the Federal Communication Commission moving (...)

    #AT&T #smartphone #géolocalisation #EFF #FCC #procès


  • Dystopia Prime : Amazon Subjects Its Drivers to Biometric Surveillance

    Some high-tech surveillance is so dangerous to privacy that companies must never deploy it against a person without their voluntary opt-in consent. It comes as little surprise that Amazon, the company that brought you Ring doorbell cameras and Rekognition face surveillance, has a tenuous understanding of both privacy and consent. Earlier this week, Motherboard revealed the company’s cruel “take it or leave” demand to its 75,000 delivery drivers : submit to biometric surveillance or lose your (...)

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  • 553,000,000 Reasons Not to Let Facebook Make Decisions About Your Privacy

    Another day, another horrific Facebook privacy scandal. We know what comes next : Facebook will argue that losing a lot of our data means bad third-party actors are the real problem that we should trust Facebook to make more decisions about our data to protect against them. If history is any indication, that’ll work. But if we finally wise up, we’ll respond to this latest crisis with serious action : passing America’s long-overdue federal privacy law (with a private right of action) and (...)

    #Facebook #données #hacking #EFF

  • Ethos Capital Is Grabbing Power Over Domain Names Again, Risking Censorship-For-Profit. Will ICANN Intervene ?

    Ethos Capital is at it again. In 2019, this secretive private equity firm that includes insiders from the domain name industry tried to buy the nonprofit that runs the .ORG domain. A huge coalition of nonprofits and users spoke out. Governments expressed alarm, and ICANN (the entity in charge of the internet’s domain name system) scuttled the sale. Now Ethos is buying a controlling stake in Donuts, the largest operator of “new generic top-level domains.” Donuts controls a large swathe of the (...)

    #censure #DNS #EFF #ICANN_

  • Google Is Testing Its Controversial New Ad Targeting Tech in Millions of Browsers. Here’s What We Know.

    Today, Google launched an “origin trial” of Federated Learning of Cohorts (aka FLoC), its experimental new technology for targeting ads. A switch has silently been flipped in millions of instances of Google Chrome : those browsers will begin sorting their users into groups based on behavior, then sharing group labels with third-party trackers and advertisers around the web. A random set of users have been selected for the trial, and they can currently only opt out by disabling third-party (...)

    #Google #algorithme #Chrome #cookies #tracker #consentement #FLoC #microtargeting #publicité (...)

    ##publicité ##EFF

  • Scholars Under Surveillance : How Campus Police Use High Tech to Spy on Students

    It may be many months before college campuses across the U.S. fully reopen, but when they do, many students will be returning to a learning environment that is under near constant scrutiny by law enforcement. A fear of school shootings, and other campus crimes, have led administrators and campus police to install sophisticated surveillance systems that go far beyond run-of-the-mill security camera networks to include drones, gunshot detection sensors, and much more. Campuses have also (...)

    #algorithme #CCTV #drone #biométrie #immatriculation #vidéo-surveillance #arme #enseignement #surveillance (...)


  • Officials in Baltimore and St. Louis Put the Brakes on Persistent Surveillance Systems Spy Planes

    Baltimore, MD and St. Louis, MO, have a lot in common. Both cities suffer from declining populations and high crime rates. In recent years, the predominantly Black population in each city has engaged in collective action opposing police violence. In recent weeks, officials in both cities voted unanimously to spare their respective residents from further invasions on their privacy and essential liberties by a panoptic aerial surveillance system designed to protect soldiers on the (...)

    #CCTV #criminalité #vidéo-surveillance #aérien #panopticon #surveillance #ACLU #EFF


  • Google’s FLoC Is a Terrible Idea

    The third-party cookie is dying, and Google is trying to create its replacement. No one should mourn the death of the cookie as we know it. For more than two decades, the third-party cookie has been the lynchpin in a shadowy, seedy, multi-billion dollar advertising-surveillance industry on the Web ; phasing out tracking cookies and other persistent third-party identifiers is long overdue. However, as the foundations shift beneath the advertising industry, its biggest players are determined (...)

    #cookies #bénéfices #microtargeting #profiling #EFF #FLoC #publicité #surveillance


  • Google va renoncer aux cookies, ces fichiers qui traquent les internautes, une annonce qui ne convainc pas

    Le groupe américain, qui s’engage à ne pas construire d’identifiants alternatifs aux cookies tiers pour suivre les internautes, est critiqué pour atteinte à la concurrence. Google continue de secouer le monde de la publicité. En janvier 2020, le géant américain a annoncé qu’il renoncerait d’ici 2022 aux cookies tiers, ces petits fichiers qui résumaient le comportement des internautes en ligne. Mercredi 3 mars, Google est allé plus loin en s’engageant à « ne pas construire d’identifiants alternatifs (...)

    #Apple #Google #Facebook #Instagram #WhatsApp #cookies #marketing #microtargeting #profiling #publicité (...)

    ##publicité ##EFF