• Machtergreifung éco-fasciste au Canada ?

    D’après cet article le gouvernement candien utilise des coupes budgétaires comme prétexte pour se débarasser d’une grande partie du patrimoine scientifique concernant l’écologie. Les méthode employées ressemblent aux purges après l’accession au pouvoir d’une nouvelle dynastie dans la Chine ancienne avec la différence qu’au Canada on ne brûle pas les auteurs avec leurs livres.

    Canadian libricide : Tories torch and dump centuries of priceless, irreplaceable environmental archives - Boing Boing

    Back in 2012, when Canada’s Harper government announced that it would close down national archive sites around the country, they promised that anything that was discarded or sold would be digitized first. But only an insignificant fraction of the archives got scanned, and much of it was simply sent to landfill or burned.


    The destruction of these publicly owned collections was undertaken in haste. No records were kept of what was thrown away, what was sold, and what was simply lost. Some of the books were burned.


    “There is a group of people who don’t know how to deal with science and evidence. They see it as a problem and the best way to deal with it is to cut it off at the knees and make it ineffective,” explained Hutchings.

    “The other worrying thing is that no one seems to care a great deal about it. There is minimal political cost for doing these things just as there is no political cost to making bad decisions about ocean management.”

    Many scientists, including Hutchings and world famous water ecologist David Schindler, compared the government’s concerted attacks on environmental science to the rise of fascism and the total alignment of state and corporate interests in 1930s Europe.

    “You look at the rise of certain political parties in the 1930s,” noted Hutchings, “and have to ask how could that happen and how did they adopt such extreme ideologies so quickly, and how could that happen in a democracy today?”
