• Israel approves 277 new homes in West Bank - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

    Israel has approved the building of 277 homes in a West Bank settlement, despite US and international pressure to curb expansion on occupied land as Palestinians prepare for a statehood bid at the UN.

    Ehud Barak, Israel’s defence minister, authorised the building in Ariel on Monday.

    One hundred of the apartments will house Israelis who left the Gaza Strip in 2005.

  • Palestinians blame Israel for Gaza blackout - Al Jazeera English

    Palestinian telecommunications officials blamed Israeli bulldozers for severing fibreoptic lines into Gaza, but Israel denied its army had any connection to the problem.

    The Israeli Coordinator of Government Activity in the Territories said the outage was likely an internal Palestinian problem, and a spokesman for the Israeli army wrote on Twitter that bulldozers had not been digging at Nahal Oz, where the cables cross into Gaza.

    Officials from PalTel, which operates Internet and phone networks in Gaza, told Al Jazeera that Israeli bulldozers cut the cables at Nahal Oz two weeks ago, forcing the company to use another set of communications lines at the Erez crossing, which were then cut on Tuesday.

    PalTel needed permits to repair the lines but had not yet received them from Israel, chief executive officer Ammar al-Aker said.

    Est-ce qu’il y a le moindre petit détail de l’occupation au sujet duquel les Israéliens ne mentent pas ? Pour rappel, quand Mubarak ou Bachar Assad font couper l’internet et le téléphone, l’indignation est internationale (à raison) ; mais là, on s’en fiche :

    Almost all attempts to dial into Gaza from abroad, including via the internet, were met with error messages.

  • Manifestation à Beyrouth contre la répression en Syrie : présence notamment de Marcel Khalifé, Ahmad Kaabour et Roger Assaf.

    وشارك في هذا التجمع الفنان اللبناني المعروف مارسيل خليفة الذي أشعل شمعة عن روح “الشهداء” في سوريا، قائلا “جئت إلى هنا كي أقول لا للدكتاتورية العربية”.


    من جهتها، لفتت الفنانة حنان الحاج علي التي حضرت مع زوجها المخرج روجيه عساف إلى أنها “مقاومة مع كل مظلوم، أنا مع المقاومة ضد إسرائيل، وأنا مع الشعب السوري ضد ظلم الأسد، لقد شاركت في مصر مع المتظاهرين في ساحة التحرير ضد نظام مبارك، المقاومة هي بكل شيء وليس فقط ضد دولة عدوة”.

    • Même sujet, sur Al Jazeera, et en anglais:

      Syria solidarity rally held in Beirut - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

      Hundreds of people have rallied in Beirut, Lebanon’s capital, in solidarity with the Syrian people, as the Syrian government intensified its crackdown on protesters.

      Monday’s demonstration, which included prominent Lebanese intellectuals, writers, journalists and activists, was held in the symbolic Martyr’s Square to honour the estimated 2,000 Syrians who activists say have been killed by security forces since the uprising began in March.

  • Egyptian tanks enter Tahrir Square - Al Jazeera English

    The Egyptian army deployed troops in Cairo’s Tahrir Square on Monday and fired shots in the air to disperse remaining pro-democracy protesters.

    A few hundred demonstrators were staying put, state television reported, showing army vehicles in the square and people taking down tents and canopies.

    Local authorities say they asked demonstrators to allow traffic to move through the square, after local shopkeepers clashed with protesters for interfering with their businesses.

    Demonstrators reportedly refused, so the military and riot police moved in.

    The protesters responded by throwing stones and rocks at the security forces and several protesters were injured in the clashes, officials said. Activists said several protesters had been arrested.

    Members of the April 6th protest movement say the military did not just storm the square, but attacked the mosque where protesters had sought shelter.