• Israeli Police Kill Palestinian in Kafr Qassem
    Dec 23, 2022 – – IMEMC News

    The Israeli police reported on Friday that its officers shot a Palestinian man, Naim Mahmoud Theeb Bedir, 23, before dawn on Friday, in Kafr Qassem in the Southern Triangle area (inside the undeclared borders of what is now Israel), claiming that he was trying to carry out a ramming attack against the police.

    The man’s family rejected the Israeli narrative, saying, “The Israeli police killed our son Naim Mahmoud Bedir, 23, in cold blood, and the police story that he tried to attack them is false.”

    The family told reporters, “The Israeli police, after killing our son Naim in cold blood, stormed our home and ransacked all our belongings in front of the children, who were screaming and crying, terrified as the soldiers destroyed our home.”

    During the home invasion, the Israeli police abducted several of Naim’s family members to bring them back to the police station for questioning. Israeli forces are known for their torture techniques, which they call ‘enhanced interrogation’. (...)


  • Israeli Soldiers Kill One Palestinian, Injure Twenty-Three, In Nablus
    Dec 22, 2022 – – IMEMC News

    On Thursday dawn, Israeli soldiers killed a young Palestinian man and injured twenty-three, including two who suffered life-threatening wounds, after dozens of army jeeps invaded the eastern area of Nablus city in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

    The invasion led to protests before the army fired a barrage of live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades.

    Medical sources said the soldiers killed a young man, Ahmad Atef Mustafa Daraghma, 23, from Tubas in the northeastern West Bank, after shooting him with live fire.

    Ahmad was an athlete and a known soccer player with the Thaqafi Club in Tulkarem, in the northern part of the West Bank.

    They added that the soldiers also shot three Palestinians with live fire, including two who suffered life-threatening wounds.

    The soldiers also shot one Palestinian with a rubber-coated steel bullet in the eye and caused nineteen to suffer the effects of tear gas inhalation.
    Ahmad Daraghma

    Media sources in Nablus said dozens of armored military vehicles, including one bulldozer, invaded the city’s eastern area to accompany illegal Israeli colonizers into Joseph Tomb and closed many streets, leading to massive protests.

    Also, the Lion’s Den resistance group said in a brief statement that its fighters exchanged fire with the invading Israeli soldiers and hurled pipebombs at their vehicles.

    It is worth mentioning that the army frequently invades the eastern area of Nablus to accompany the colonists into the Joseph’s Tomb historic site, an issue that leads to protests, in addition to the ongoing invasions of homes and the abduction of many Palestinians.


  • Young Man Dies From Serious Wounds Suffered In Jenin
    Dec 19, 2022 – – IMEMC News

    On Monday, the Palestinian Health Ministry confirmed that a young Palestinian man succumbed to the serious wound he had suffered a week earlier after several Israeli military vehicles invaded Jenin, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

    The Health Ministry said the young man, Tamer Azmin Aref Nashrati, 23, from the Jenin refugee camp in Jenin city in the northern West Bank, died from his wounds at the Istishari hospital in Ramallah.

    Various Palestinian factions vowed to continue the path of resistance until liberation and independence.

    Hundreds of Palestinians participated in his funeral procession and ceremony in Jenin and marched carrying his body, calling for ongoing resistance, steadfastness, and unity.

    The Jenin Brigade of the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, said Samer was one of its members.

    Media sources said Tamer was seriously injured when an explosive charge he was preparing detonated while he was handling it as several armored Israeli military vehicles invaded Jenin and Jenin refugee camp.


  • Israeli Colonizer Kills Two Palestinian Siblings After Ramming Them With His Car
    Dec 18, 2022 – – IMEMC Newshttps://imemc.org/article/israeli-colonizer-kills-two-palestinian-siblings-after-ramming-them-with-his-

    On Saturday evening, two Palestinian siblings were killed after a speeding illegal Israeli colonizer rammed them with his car near the Za’tara Israeli military roadblock south of the northern West Bank city of Nablus and fled the scene.

    The Palestinian News & Info Agency ((WAFA) said the two siblings, Mohammad Yousef Mteir, 37, and his brother Mohannad, 19, were with their families heading back to Qalandia after shopping in Nablus to prepare for their niece’s wedding, and their sister’s engagement, both planned to be held two weeks from now.

    WAFA quoted their brother, Ahmad, stating that he headed along with his four brothers to Nablus, and on their way back home, their car had a flat tire and had to park on the side of the road to fix it before the speeding colonizer rammed them with his car and sped away.

    He added that the area where they parked was open, away from traffic, and visible to incoming vehicles, but the colonizer, contrary to Israeli army allegations, deliberately went out of his way to ram them with his speeding car before fleeing the scene.

    Ahmad stated that he and his two other brothers narrowly escaped the incident unharmed, but Mohammad and Mohannad were directly struck by the colonizer’s car.

    “I saw what happened; it wasn’t a traffic accident, Ahmad added, “the colonizer saw us, went out of his way to ram us with his car, and sped away…” he said.

    Their cousin, Emad Mteir, said Mohammad was instantly killed after the colonizer rammed him with his car, and his body was moved to a hospital in Nablus, while Mohannad succumbed to his serious wounds at an Israeli medical center. Three other family members were injured.

    The corpses of the two slain siblings were moved to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah before a Palestinian ambulance took them to their homes in Qalandia refugee camp, north of Jerusalem, and later, hundreds of Palestinians participated in their funeral ceremonies and burial procession.


  • Liberté pour Salah Hamouri
    18 déc. 2022

    🚨Salah Hamouri, le fils de Jérusalem, expulsé de sa terre natale par Israël.
    Communiqué ➡️ https://bit.ly/deportation-salah
    #LiberezSalah #JusticeForSalah

    Comité de soutien à Salah Hamouri
    Communiqué de Presse

    Salah Hamouri, le fils de Jérusalem, expulsé de sa terre natale par Israël.
    Le combat est loin d’être terminé !

    Après de longues années de persécutions, d’humiliations, d’emprisonnements arbitraires, de harcèlements psychologiques sadiques, d’accusations fausses et sans fondement visant à le salir, Salah Hamouri a résisté aux volontés israéliennes de le voir quitter de son propre chef Jérusalem, sa ville natale. Il y est resté malgré tout cet acharnement cruel pour continuer à défendre les droits humains et la liberté et les droits du peuple dont il est un des fils, le peuple palestinien. Cela fait près de 20 ans que cela dure. 20 ans... Et Salah a tenu bon provoquant notre respect, notre admiration et notre soutien.

    En passe de devenir un Etat raciste décomplexé, un Etat d’occupation illimitée et de totale épuration ethnique, Israël a considéré qu’il ne pourrait pas faire partir ni plier Salah Hamouri malgré cet arsenal de mesures odieuses. Les autorités israéliennes ont donc décidé de l’expulser. De ce point de vue Salah a tenu Israël en échec.

    Cette mesure d’expulsion est un fait exceptionnel et gravissime car, et les Israéliens le savent parfaitement, ils commettent en le décidant un « crime de guerre » ainsi que le souligne l’ONU et le précise le Statut de Rome. Que ce soit clair : ces dirigeants israéliens devront tôt ou tard rendre des comptes devant la justice internationale.

    Cette expulsion n’aurait pas pu avoir lieu si les autorités françaises, au premier chef le Président de la République, n’avaient pas fait preuve de lâche complaisance vis-à-vis de cet « Etat-voyou » qui multiplie les crimes de tous ordres en toute impunité. Et demain, avec le prochain gouvernement Netanyahu tout sera encore plus effroyable.

    Cette décision est aussi un dur mais net camouflet qu’Israël envoie à la France. C’est un échec total de notre diplomatie qui devra revoir son positionnement vis-à-vis de cet « Etat-voyou » . Les moyens de se faire respecter et de faire respecter le droit ne manquent pas. Car c’est clair : la souveraineté d’Israël s’arrête là où commencent ses engagements internationaux ici bafoués en toute impunité.

    Désormais la France se trouve au pied du mur de la remise en cause de sa politique dans cette région du monde. Ses responsabilités sont accablantes dans ce dénouement terrible que subit Salah Hamouri.

    Cette décision est aussi une déception pour toutes celles et tous ceux qui se sont mobilisés pour soutenir Salah Hamouri. Jamais un soutien pour notre compatriote franco-palestinien n’avait été aussi large, divers et solide. Le droit et son respect ont entrainé l’adhésion d’une foule d’hommes et de femmes solidaires en France, en Palestine et en Europe. La France devra aussi leur rendre des comptes tandis que les proches de Salah Hamouri tiennent à les remercier du fond du cœur.

    Nous les appelons à rester mobilisés. Car ce combat pour le droit et la liberté n’est pas terminé.

    Naturellement Salah Hamouri va devoir s’adapter à sa « nouvelle » vie. Evidemment il faudra un peu de temps. La famille va devoir se retrouver après ces 19 mois de séparation. Chacune et chacun saura respecter ce moment.

    Mais que les choses soient bien claires : Israël n’a pas fini d’entendre parler de Salah Hamouri ! Et nous serons à ses côtés pour poursuivre le combat pour la justice que nous apportons au peuple palestinien dont il est devenu, sans même le vouloir, un symbole fort.

    Israël ne peut espérer éteindre la flamme qui est en lui, qui est en nous. Israël doit le savoir : « Nous sommes malades d’un mal incurable qui s’appelle l’espoir ». Espoir mais aussi lutte pour la vie et l’existence du valeureux peuple palestinien qu’Israël veut rayer de l’histoire.

    Israël doit le savoir : le combat n’est pas terminé. Nous ne mettons pas et nous ne mettrons pas un genou à terre. La tête haute, certains de notre bon droit, nous disons à Israël : Salah Hamouri retournera avec sa femme et leurs enfants vivre à Jérusalem car sa vie, sa place, son combat qui est leur combat sont plus forts que cette mesure d’expulsion, aussi cruelle soit-elle.

    Nous en faisons le serment solennel en ce 18ème jour de ce mois de décembre noir.
    Dimanche 18 décembre 2022


    • Israël / Territoires palestiniens – La France condamne l’expulsion de Salah Hamouri (18 décembre 2022)

      Nous condamnons aujourd’hui la décision des autorités israéliennes, contraire au droit, d’expulser M. Salah Hamouri vers la France.

      Depuis sa dernière arrestation, la France s’est pleinement mobilisée, y compris au plus haut niveau de l’Etat, pour faire en sorte que les droits de M. Salah Hamouri soient respectés, qu’il bénéficie de toutes les voies de recours et qu’il puisse mener une vie normale à Jérusalem, où il est né, réside et souhaite vivre.

      La France a également engagé de multiples démarches auprès des autorités israéliennes pour manifester de la manière la plus claire son opposition à cette expulsion d’un résident palestinien de Jérusalem-Est, territoire occupé au sens de la quatrième convention de Genève.

      Les services du ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères à Paris, les consulats généraux de France à Jérusalem et à Tel Aviv, ainsi que l’ambassade de France en Israël ont déployé tous leurs efforts pour lui apporter toute l’assistance possible à travers de nombreuses visites consulaires. Le ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères est en relation continue avec la famille de M. Hamouri.


    • WAFA : “Israel expels Palestinian-French lawyer Salah Hammouri to France”
      18 décembre 2022 – – IMEMC News

      JERUSALEM, Sunday, December 18, 2022 (WAFA) – Israeli occupation authorities have expelled French-Palestinian lawyer Salah Hammouri to France after he had been detained without charges or trial since March, said WAFA correspondent

      The Israeli occupation’s Interior Minister, Ayelet Shaked, announced the deportation in a brief statement.

      Hammouri is a human rights lawyer known for advocating for the rights of prisoners, including torture survivors.

      He works with the Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association — an internationally renowned human rights organization — and the UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture grantee.

      |WAFA: France condemns Israel’s expulsion of Salah Hammouri|

      Hammouri spent more than nine years in Israeli occupation prisons as a result of over six arrests. The longest stretch he spent in Israeli detention was seven continuous years between 2005 and 2011, after he was forced to choose between being deported to France for 15 years or imprisoned for seven years.

      Israel unlawfully designated Addameer and other Palestinian civil society organizations as “terrorist organizations” and in October 2021.

      In October 2021, Israel issued a decision to revoke his Jerusalem residency status on charges of not showing ‘loyalty’ to Israel, which was based on ‘secret evidence.’ His French wife and two children currently reside in France because the occupation authorities have prevented them from returning to live in Jerusalem, thus depriving the family of living together in the father’s homeland.

    • L’expulsion de Salah Hamouri, une défaite de la diplomatie française
      René Backmann
      20 décembre 2022

      Désinvolture ? Indifférence ? Volonté de ne pas gêner un gouvernement ami ? Emmanuel Macron et le Quai d’Orsay ont été incapables de convaincre Israël, ou de le contraindre à respecter le droit international dans le dossier de l’avocat franco-palestinien. (...)

    • L’expulsion par Israël du Franco-Palestinien Salah Hamouri constitue un « crime de guerre » pour l’Onu
      Ouest-France avec AFP. Modifié le 19/12/2022

      Les Nations unies ont condamné, ce lundi 19 décembre 2022, l’expulsion vers la France par Israël de l’avocat franco-palestinien Salah Hamouri. Il était détenu en prison depuis mars sans accusation formelle. Selon l’Onu, le procédé constitue un « crime de guerre ».

      L’Onu a condamné ce lundi 19 décembre 2022 l’expulsion par Israël de l’avocat franco-palestinien Salah Hamouri, détenu depuis mars sans accusation formelle dans des prisons israéliennes, qualifiant le procédé de « crime de guerre ».

      « Le droit international humanitaire interdit l’expulsion de personnes protégées d’un territoire occupé et interdit explicitement de contraindre ces personnes à prêter serment d’allégeance à la puissance occupante », a commenté un porte-parole du Haut-Commissariat de l’Onu aux droits de l’homme, Jeremy Laurence.

      « Expulser une personne protégée d’un territoire occupé est une violation grave de la Quatrième Convention de Genève, constituant un crime de guerre », a-t-il ajouté dans une déclaration envoyée aux médias.
      L’Onu « condamne l’expulsion »

      Salah Hamouri a été expulsé dimanche vers la France. Âgé de 37 ans, il avait été condamné en mars à trois mois de détention administrative, une mesure controversée permettant à Israël d’incarcérer des suspects sans accusation formelle.

      Le Bureau des droits de l’homme de l’Onu « condamne l’expulsion » par Israël de Salah Hamouri vers la France, « et nous sommes profondément préoccupés par le message terrifiant que cela envoie à ceux qui œuvrent en faveur des droits humains dans le territoire palestinien occupé », a souligné Jeremy Laurence.

      Son expulsion, a-t-il déploré, « met en lumière la situation vulnérable des Palestiniens vivant à Jérusalem-Est, la puissance occupante leur ayant accordé un statut de résident révocable en vertu du droit israélien ». C’est également « le signe d’une nouvelle détérioration grave de la situation des défenseurs palestiniens des droits humains ».
      Soupçonné de liens avec une organisation terroriste

      Le Haut-Commissariat a appelé Israël à annuler l’ordre d’expulsion. Soupçonné par Israël de liens – ce qu’il nie – avec le Front populaire de libération de la Palestine (FPLP), une organisation jugée terroriste par l’État hébreu et l’Union européenne, Salah Hamouri avait appris fin novembre qu’il allait être expulsé en décembre vers la France.

      Mais son expulsion avait été reportée à la suite d’audiences devant la justice militaire, ses avocats remettant en cause son ordre d’expulsion et aussi la révocation de son statut de résident de Jérusalem-Est. Né dans cette partie de la Ville sainte, annexée et occupée par l’État hébreu, il ne dispose pas de la nationalité israélienne mais d’un permis de résidence, que les autorités israéliennes ont révoqué, ce qu’il conteste. Début décembre, les autorités israéliennes ont confirmé la révocation de son statut ouvrant ainsi la voie à son expulsion malgré une nouvelle audience prévue le 1er janvier.


  • Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Child, Injure Young Man, And Abduct Three In Jenin
    Dec 12, 2022 – – IMEMC News

    Late on Sunday night, Israeli soldiers invaded the Eastern neighborhood of Jenin city, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, killed a child while standing on her home’s rooftop, injured a young man, and abducted three.

    The attack occurred before midnight Sunday when undercover soldiers following many several armored military vehicles invaded Jenin.

    Sources at the Khalil Suleiman Hospital in Jenin said the soldiers killed Jenna Majdi Essam Zakarna, 16, after shooting her with live fire in the head.

    Jenna’s family said the soldiers fatally shot her while standing on the rooftop of their home in the Eastern Neighborhood.

    Her family added they found her body on their rooftop after the soldiers withdrew from the city. (...)


  • Palestinian Dies From Serious Wounds He Suffered In Gaza In August
    Dec 9, 2022 – – IMEMC News

    Medical sources in Gaza have reported that a Palestinian man died Friday dawn from serious wounds he suffered in August of this year, 2022, during the Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip.

    The sources said Nabil Shallah, 59, from the Sheja’eyya neighborhood east of Gaza city, has died from his wounds at a hospital in the coastal region.

    The Palestinian man suffered life-threatening wounds when the Israeli army fired missiles at homes and buildings near Abu Samra Mosque in the Sheja’eyya neighborhood.

    The Israeli offensive on Gaza started with the assassination of Taiseer Mohammad al-Ja’bari, 50, a senior leader of the Al-Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, when the Israeli air force fired missiles at Burj Falasteen (Palestine Tower) in the center of Gaza City, on August 5th, killing many civilians in the apartment building and wounding dozens.

    The Palestine Tower has thirteen floors that include apartments, government offices and media centers. The bombing also caused damage to many surrounding buildings, stores, and commercial facilities.

    Dozens of airstrikes were carried out by Israeli forces in the span of a few minutes in different parts of the Gaza Strip. In addition to the 11 killed, at least 55 Palestinians were wounded and taken to local hospitals for treatment of moderate to severe wounds.

    The three-day offensive on Gaza led to the death of 49 Palestinians, including fifteen children and four women, and caused 360 injuries, including 151 children and 58 women; many of the injured suffered life-threatening wounds.

    #Palestine_assassinée #Gaza

  • Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Teen Near Ramallah
    Dec 9, 2022 – – IMEMC News

    On Thursday evening, Israeli soldiers killed a teenage boy, seriously injured two others, and wounded three in Aboud village, northwest of Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

    The Palestinian Health Ministry said it was officially informed of the death of Dia’ Mohammad Shafiq Rimawi, 16, at an Israeli medical center.

    The Health Ministry added that two teens sustained serious injuries and were taken to Israeli medical centers.

    It stated that the soldiers shot two other teenage boys, causing moderate wounds, before Palestinian medics rushed them to a clinic in Beit Rima village, northwest of Ramallah; One was shot in the chest and the other in his leg.

    Eyewitnesses said the soldiers left Dia’ bleeding on the ground without medical aid after refusing to allow Palestinian medics to approach him.

    After his death, the corpse of the slain child was transferred to the Palestinian side and was moved to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah. His funeral procession is scheduled to be held Friday in Beit Rima.

    One of Dia’s relatives said he, the oldest sibling in his family, was an eleventh-grade student at a school in Beit Rima and is the nephew of Wiliam Rimawi, imprisoned by Israel and serving a 32-year sentence.


  • Israeli Soldiers Kill A Palestinian Near Ramallah
    Dec 8, 2022 – – IMEMC News

    On Wednesday evening, the Palestinian Health Ministry said Israeli soldiers killed a Palestinian man in Deir Dibwan town, east of Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank. The army also shot and seriously injured a young man in Kafr Ein village northwest of Ramallah.

    The Health Ministry said the General Authority of Civil Affairs informed it that the soldiers killed Mojahed Mahmoud Hamed, 32, from Silwad town, east of Ramallah.
    It added that the soldiers chased the young man, opened fire at him, and took him to an unknown destination before the Israeli side later informed the General Authority of Civil Affairs that the young man had died from his wounds.

    The Health Ministry added that the army initially refused to allow the transfer of the corpse of the slain young man to the Palestinians, but later all handed his body to a Palestinian ambulance before he was moved to Palestine Medical Complex in Ramallah.

    The Israeli occupation army claimed the soldiers “neutralized a suspect who opened fire at their military post from a speeding car.”

    The army alleged that the soldiers “pursued the car and fired at the suspect who was driving while firing at the soldiers” and that the army initiated a search campaign “looking for more suspects” and added that no soldiers were injured in the incident.


  • Israeli Soldiers Kill Three Palestinians In Jenin
    Dec 8, 2022 – – IMEMC News

    On Thursday dawn, Israeli soldiers killed three young men and injured several Palestinians after the army invaded Jenin city and Jenin refugee camp in the northern West Bank.

    The invasion was carried out by dozens of armored military vehicles, including bulldozers before the soldiers stormed and ransacked many homes and occupied rooftops to use as sniper posts and monitoring towers.

    The invasion led to massive protests in Jenin city and the Jenin refugee camp before the soldiers fired dozens of live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, and gas bombs.

    A Palestinian cab driver said he saw several Israeli military vehicles at a distance and noticed the undercover Israeli soldiers at an intersection nearby before he saw the soldiers shoot one of the Palestinians not far from his car.

    He added that he saw another Palestinian killed by the soldiers not far from where the soldiers fatally shot the first young man.

    The Palestinian Health Ministry identified the slain Palestinians as Sidqi Siddeeq Zakarna, 29, from Jenin city, Tareq Fawzi Ad-Damaj, 29, from Jenin refugee camp, and Ata Yassin Shalabi, 46, from Qabatia town, south of Jenin.

    One of Ata’s relatives said the young man worked at an Israeli factory in a colony near Al-Jalama and was heading to his work when he saw a car that had the bodies of Sidqi and Tareq and rushed to try to help them, but just as he reached the car, the soldiers shot him with a live round in the head, three in the chest and three in the back.

    Palestine TV said the soldiers shot Sidqi with several live rounds before one of the military jeeps sped toward and ran over him.

    It added that the soldiers fired several live rounds at a Palestinian ambulance transporting a wounded Palestinian and that the driver was almost killed when the soldiers fired live rounds at its windshield.

    The soldiers also shot with live fire two other Palestinians, inflicting moderate-to-severe wounds, medical sources have confirmed.


    • New Crime of Extrajudicial Execution: 3 Palestinians Killed, including a Civilian, in a shooting attack by the Israeli Occupation Forces in Jenin
      PCHR – Date: 08 December 2022

      IOF killed 3 Palestinians, including a civilian, while he was trying to pull out the two dead bodies whom were members of the Palestinian resistance and killed in direct gunfire as part of extrajudicial executions. They were ambushed by IOF in the eastern neighborhood of Jenin, deep in PA-controlled areas.

      According to PCHR’s investigations and eyewitnesses’ testimonies, at approximately 04:00, on Thursday, 08 December 2022, an Israeli special force from “Yamam Unit” sneaked into the center of the Eastern Neighborhood in the old city of Jenin, set an ambush nearby Al-Razi Hospital and roofed its snipers of several buildings in the area. The latter opened fire on two Kia vehicles (brown and silver), and killed their drivers on the main street in the Area. Later on, they were identified as they were members of the Palestinian resistance, namely: Sedqi Siddiq Zakarneh (29), and Tareq Fawzi ‘Issa Salem (Al-Dajm) (26). According to investigations conducted by PCHR, there were no clashes in the area, nor eyewitnesses at the time of the shooting attack. Moments later, an Opel Corsa Palestinian vehicle carrying 4 citizens were driving to their work in Israel and stopped on the right of the road as other vehicles arrived behind it on the Street. Meanwhile, a Palestinian ambulance arrived as a number of civilians got out of their vehicles and went in the ambulance to help the paramedics to evacuate the two dead bodies from the place when IOF snipers opened fire at the civilians and paramedics, killing ‘Ata Yaseen Mahmoud Al-Shalabi (46), a worker from Qabatiya town in Jenin, after he was shot with 7 bullets, one in the head and the rest in the abdomen as he was trying to carry one of the dead bodies from the Place. Citizens and paramedics were able to transfer the 3 dead bodies to Al-Razi and Ibn Sina Hospitals in Jenin. Later, IOF reinforcements arrived and broke into the area to secure the withdrawal of Israeli special force. Before withdrawing, at around 06:00, IOF arrested 3 civilians, raided and searched the Ministry of Culture building on the Street.

      It is worth noting that extrajudicial killings are carried out pursuant to IOF intelligence services’ knowledge, and those who wanted are killed instantly rather than arresting them. Therefore, IOF play in these operation the judge’s roles by deciding a death sentence and executing it.

       PCHR condemns in the strongest terms the assassination crime and the killings without any justification and emphasizes that IOF have always used this type of crimes in the recent years against the Palestinians in light of international community silence, particularly the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention, and inaction to stop these crimes and take effective measures against the Israeli occupation, encouraging Israel to commit further war crimes against the Palestinians.

      PCHR reiterates its call upon the international community to take immediate action to end Israeli occupation’s crimes and demands the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention fulfil their obligations as per Common Article 1 of the Convention, “undertake to respect and to ensure respect for the present Convention in all circumstances,” and their obligations under Article 146 of the same Conventions, i.e., to hold accountable persons accused of committing grave breaches of the Convention.

  • Israeli Soldiers Kill A Young Man, Injure Six, And Abduct Three Near Bethlehem
    Dec 5, 2022 – – IMEMC News

    On Monday dawn, Israeli soldiers killed a young Palestinian man, abducted three young men, including his brother, and injured at least six.

    Palestinian TV said the soldiers surrounded the Deheishe refugee camp and occupied the rooftops of tall buildings overlooking it before undercover officers infiltrated it using a car carrying Palestinian license plates.

    It added that the Palestinians became aware of the undercover officers before many armored military vehicles invaded the refugee camp, leading to protests.

    The soldiers fired dozens of live rounds, rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades.

    The Palestinian Health Ministry said the soldiers shot Omar Yousef Manna’ Fararja, 22, with live rounds in the chest and killed him.

    The Health Ministry added that the soldiers also shot six Palestinians with live fire to their extremities before Palestinian medics rushed them to Bethlehem hospitals.

    The soldiers also stormed and ransacked many homes and abducted three Palestinians, Omar’s brother, Yazan Fararja, 24, in addition to Odai Essam Abu Nassar, 24, and his brother Mu’ath, 27.


  • Israeli Soldier Kills A Palestinian Near Nablus
    Dec 2, 2022 – – IMEMC News

    On Friday, an Israeli soldier killed a young Palestinian man after dropping him to the ground in Huwwara town, south of Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.

    The Palestinian Health Ministry said the slain young man has been identified as Ammar Hamdi Mifleh, 22, from Osarin village, south of Nablus.

    The Health Ministry said the soldiers prevented a Palestinian ambulance and medics from approaching the wounded young man, who succumbed to his wounds before the army took his corpse to an unknown destination.

    A Video documenting the Israeli attack shows the soldier wrapping his arm around the young man’s neck and trying to drag him away before two Palestinians tried to intervene and de-escalate the situation.

    The young man, who managed to get free from the soldier’s neck hold, wrestled with him for brief seconds before the soldier started removing his pistol out of its holster, his rifle fell in the process, and then he pushed the Palestinian, dropping him to the ground, before firing four rounds at him. (...)


    • UN’s Wennesland: Horrified by Israeli soldier’s killing of Palestinian in Huwwara
      December 3, 2022 - Quds News Network

      Occupied Palestine (QNN)- United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Tor Wennesland, slammed actions of an Israeli soldier who killed on Friday a Palestinian youth at point-blank range in Huwwara town.

      “Horrified by today’s killing of a Palestinian man, Ammar Mifleh , during a scuffle with an Israeli soldier near Huwarra in the o. West Bank,” Wennesland wrote in a Saturday tweet.

      The UN envoy added, “My heartfelt condolences to his bereaved family. Such incidents must be fully & promptly investigated, & those responsible held accountable.”

      On Friday and in the daylight, an Israeli soldier extrajudicially shot and killed a Palestinian youth, identified as 22-year-old Ammar Mefleh , at point-blank range in Huwwara town.

      Video footage of the incident shared on social media showed the Israeli soldier scuffling with the Palestinian youth before pulling his gun and mercilessly firing four shots, killing him immediately and seizing his body. (...)

    • “Hero” : Ben-Gvir hails Israeli soldier who killed Palestinian at point-blank range
      December 3, 2022 - Quds News Network

      Occupied Palestine (QNN)- Israeli far-right Otzma Yehudit Party leader, Itamar Ben Gvir, praised an Israeli soldier who shot and killed on Friday a Palestinian youth at point-blank range in Huwwara town.

      Ben-Gvir, who is set to become Israel’s next national security minister, called the soldier a “hero” and described the killing as “precise, quick and rigorous.” (...)

    • EU says 2022 is the deadliest year for Palestinians since 2006
      December 3, 2022 - Quds News Network

      Occupied Palestine (QNN)- In response to Israel’s Friday killing of a Palestinian youth at point-blank range in Huwwara town, the European Union said it was gravely concerned about Israel’s excessive use of lethal force against the Palestinians in the occupied territories.

      “Gravely concerned about the increasing level of violence in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem,” wrote the EU Delegation to the Palestinians in a Friday tweet, noting “in the last 72 hrs alone 10 Palestinians were killed by ISF [Israeli occupation forces] in what appears to be an excessive use of lethal force.”

      The EU added, “2022 is the deadliest year since 2006, with 140 Palestinians killed. According to Int’l. law, use of lethal force is strictly limited to situations in which there exists a serious & imminent threat to life & limb. Civilian casualties must be investigated & accountability ensured.”

      On Friday and in the daylight, an Israeli soldier extrajudicially shot and killed a Palestinian youth, identified as 22-year-old Ammar Mefleh, at point-blank range in Huwwara town.

      Video footage of the incident shared on social media showed the Israeli soldier scuffling with the Palestinian youth before pulling his gun and mercilessly firing four shots, killing him immediately and seizing his body. (...)


    • Cold-Blooded Murder … Palestinian Shot Dead by Israeli Solider in Nablus
      PCHR – Date: 03 December 2022

      (...) According to PCHR’s investigations, at around 16:00 on Friday, 02 December 2022, an Israeli Border Police officer executed ‘Ammar Hamdi Nayef Mefleh (23), from Nablus, after directly opening fire at him point-blank on the main street in Huwara village, southeastern Nablus, after they quarreled during ‘Ammar’s attempt to free himself from the officer’s grasp as the latter was grabbing his neck trying to arrest him. The officer had forced ‘Ammar to stand as he was lying on the ground after being wounded with shrapnel when a settler driving a car in the area opened fire at him. IOF did not allow any person or ambulance crews to approach ‘Ammar and left him to bleed for 20 minutes before an Israeli ambulance evacuated him. Around an hour later, the Palestinian Liaison was officially informed of his death.

      Tha’er Khaled ‘Abed Raboh Abu Salhiya (36), from Nablus, said to PCHR’s fieldworker that:
      When I was on the main street in Huwara village, I noticed a young man standing next to where I was knocking on the right window of a settler’s car, where a female settler was sitting in the front seat. Immediately and without opening the car windows, the settler fired from a gun 3 bullets that penetrated the window. I then saw the young man falling on the ground with blood on his face. Moments later, one of the Israeli Border Police officers rushed alone from the western side to the street leading to Nablus and pulled the wounded young man from the ground trying to arrest him. Therefore, a number of young men intervened trying to release him from the officer’s grasp as the latter was grabbing the young man’s neck and pushing him 2 or 3 meters back. The young man was trying to free himself and attacking the officer to flee. Meanwhile, the officer’s riffle fell, and the young man could release himself. Straightway, the officer pulled his gun from his holster and fired several bullets at the upper part of the young man’s body while none was allowed to approach the wounded young man, who was left to bleed for 20 minutes before an Israeli ambulance evacuated him and IOF withdrew.

      The official spokesperson of the Israeli Police claimed to the Arab media that a Palestinian armed with a knife tried to break into a car with an Israeli settler and his wife in at Huwara using a stone. At the time, the settler shot and wounded him. The wounded Palestinian stepped forward, later stabbed one of the Border Police officers in the area and tried to grab the commander’s weapon, so he was neutralized. (...)

    • Killed On December 2nd, Israel Transfers Corpse Of Slain Palestinian
      Dec 30, 2022

      (...) Earlier Thursday, the Palestinian General Commission of Civil Affairs said it was conducting constant follow-ups and arrangements to secure the release of the corpse of Ammar Hamdi Mifleh, 19, from Osarin town, south of Nablus, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank. (...)

  • Israeli Soldiers Kill Two Palestinians In Jenin
    Dec 1, 2022 – – IMEMC News

    On Thursday dawn, Israeli soldiers invaded Jenin and Jenin refugee camp in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, killed two Palestinians, injured one, and abducted four others.

    A large military force invaded the Al-Hadaf area in Jenin city, and the Jenin refugee camp, before the soldiers stormed and ransacked many homes and buildings and occupied rooftops to use as sniper posts and monitoring towers.

    Media sources said undercover soldiers also infiltrated the Jenin refugee camp and rammed a motorcycle with their vehicle before abducting two young men, Khaled Ar’arawi and Ahmad as-Sous.

    The sources added that the soldiers surrounded two homes in the Al-Hadaf area in Jenin before storming the properties and abducting Wisam Fayed and Omar Nasser Taleb.

    The invasions led to massive protests in Jenin and the Jenin refugee camp, while armed resistance fighters also exchanged fire with the invading soldiers.

    The soldiers fired a barrage of live rounds and many rubber-coated steel bullets, gas bombs, and concussion grenades.

    The Palestinian Health Ministry said the soldiers killed Na’im Jamal Zubeidi, 27, and Mohammad Ayman Sa’adi, 26, after shooting them with live fire.

    The Health Ministry added that the soldiers also injured a third Palestinian who suffered bullet fragments wounds to his face.


  • Israeli Army Kills Two Palestinians, Injures One, near Ramallah
    Oct 3, 2022 – – IMEMC News

    Update: In an official statement, the Commission Of Detainees’ Affairs has confirmed that Bassel Basbous was shot and injured on Monday, October 3, but did not die from his wounds and is at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center, but Israel never informed the Palestinians about the issue. It also confirmed the death of two Palestinians.

    The Commission confirmed that the two Palestinians who were killed by the Israeli army are Khaled Anbar Dabbas, 19, from the Al-Jalazoun refugee camp, and Salama Ra’fat Sharay’a, from Birzeit, near Ramallah.

    On Monday dawn, Israeli soldiers killed two Palestinians and moderately wounded one near the Al-Jalazoun refugee camp, north of Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

    Media sources said several armored military vehicles invaded the area of the Palestinian Education Ministry, near the refugee camp, before fatally shooting two young men and moderately wounding another.

    They added that the Palestinians were in a car, approximately at 3:30 at dawn, heading to work when the soldiers fired many live rounds at their car, killing two and moderately wounding a third before taking them and the car to an unknown destination.

    The slain Palestinians have been identified as Bassel Qassem Basbous, 19, and Khaled Fadi Anbar, 21, from the Al-Jalazoun refugee camp .

    The wounded Palestinian, whom the soldiers also abducted, has been identified as Ra’fat Salama Habash, 19, from the nearby town of Birzeit.

    Eyewitnesses said the two slain Palestinians were still bleeding when the soldiers detained them and refused to allow Palestinian medics to reach them.

    The Israeli army claimed it invaded the area “to arrest wanted Palestinians when a car came at them at high speed before the soldiers opened fire at it, killing two and wounding one.”

    The army alleged that Palestinians tried to carry out a ramming attack against the soldiers; however, eyewitnesses denied the allegations and said the Palestinians driving the car were surprised by the soldiers invading the area before the army fired several live rounds at them.

    The army took the corpses of the two slain Palestinians, and the wounded, to an unknown destination.


    • Israeli Occupation Forces Open Fire at Civilian Car, Deny Medical Aid for Those Injured and Leave them to Bleed to Death

      PCHR | Date: 05 October 2022

      On Monday morning, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) opened fire at a civilian car in Jalazone refugee camp, north of al-Bireh city in the West Bank, killing 2 of its passengers and injuring another, under the pretext of their attempt to run over Israeli soldiers. Investigations conducted by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR) refute IOF’s claims, as there was no imminent danger posed to the Israeli soldiers’ lives and the latter denied offering medical aid to those injured and left them to bleed to death. This crime came less than 36 hours after the killing of a Palestinian teenager in Jerusalem for similar allegations, reflecting IOF’s loose shooting standards and excessive use of force against Palestinians upon top-level military and political orders

      According to PCHR’s investigations, at approximately 05:40 on Monday, 03 October 2022, IOF moved into Jalazone refugee camp, where they stationed in the Education Suburb and patrolled between residential houses. Meanwhile, a number of Israeli soldiers set an ambush behind trees planted on the streetside between the camp and Surda village and opened fire at a car carrying 3 Palestinians and traveling on the street, which is 30 meters away from the IOF’s ambush, noting there were no clashes in the area. After opening fire at the car and inflicting injuries among its passengers, IOF approached and surrounded them. Around 12 minutes later, a Palestine Red Crescent ambulance arrived after residents of the area reported injuries, but the Israeli soldiers, who were surrounding the injured persons, prevented the ambulance from approaching them. The wounded were left to bleed for 35 minutes inside the car and then arrested and taken by IOF to an Israeli hospital. IOF confiscated the car, and later withdrew.

      At approximately 06:50 on the same day, the Civil Affairs Authority informed that Palestinian Ministry of Health of the death of two of those wounded, identifying them as Salama Ra’fat Shari’ah (19), from Birzeit, and Khaled Fadi ‘Anbar (21), from Jalazone refugee camp, while the wounded was identified as Basel Kathem Basbous (18), from Birzeit.

    • Israeli Army Transfers Bodies Of Two Slain Young Men To Palestinians
      Dec 17, 2022

      On Friday evening, the Israeli occupation authorities transferred the bodies of two young men, killed by the soldiers on October 3rd, to their families in Ramallah, in the central part of the occupied West Bank.

      The General Authority for Civilian affairs in Ramallah said its medics received the corpses of Salama Ra’fat Sharay’a, 19, from Birzeit, and Khaled Anbar Dabbas, 19, from Jifna town.

      It added that the two slain young men’s official funeral and burial ceremonies would be held Saturday in coordination with their families.