• Palestinians prevent Israeli settlers’ raid of Khan al-Ahmar
    Sept. 7, 2018 1:33 P.M. (Updated: Sept. 7, 2018 5:08 P.M.)

    JERUSALEM (Ma’an) — A group of Palestinians prevented a group of Israeli settlers from raiding the Khan al-Ahmar village east of occupied Jerusalem City, on Friday morning.

    Locals said that Israeli settlers attempted to raid the Bedouin village, threatened with demolition that is expected to take place in less than a week, to provoke residents and activists carrying out a sit-in at the village.

    Palestinian youths prevented Israeli settlers from raiding the village and forced them to leave back to the nearby main street.

    Israeli settlers were carrying Israeli flags and repeating racist slogans.

    Locals added that the settlers also called for expelling Palestinians of Bedouin areas east of Jerusalem in favor of increasing Israeli settlements in the area.

    Earlier this week, the Israeli High Court had rejected an appeal against the demolition of the village, and ordered the evacuation of its residents in preparation for its demolition within a week.

    Khan al-Ahmar has been under threat of demolition by Israeli forces; the demolition would leave more than 35 Palestinian families displaced, as part of an Israeli plan to expand the nearby illegal Israeli settlement of Kfar Adummim.

    #colonialisme_de_peuplement #Khan_al-Ahmar

    • La démolition d’un village de Cisjordanie « comprommet la paix », avertit l’UE
      La destruction de la communauté bédouine de Khan al-Ahmar, à une place stratégique, menace la solution à deux états, dit l’Union européenne
      Par Times of Israel Staff Aujourd’hui, 14:13

      L’Union européenne a vivement recommandé jeudi à Israël de reconsidérer la démolition d’un village bédouin en Cisjordanie, avertissant qu’elle pourrait nuire aux efforts livrés pour conclure un accord de paix entre Israël et les Palestiniens.

      Un jugement de la Haute cour émis la veille a approuvé la destruction de Khan al-Ahmar après le rejet d’un dernier appel dans une affaire qui aura suscité les critiques à l’international.

      « Les conséquences de la démolition de cette communauté et le déplacement de ses résidents, notamment des enfants, contre leur volonté pourrait être très grave, menacer sérieusement la viabilité d’une solution à deux état et venir compromettre les perspectives de paix », a noté l’UE dans un communiqué. « La communauté de Khan al-Ahmar est située dans un secteur sensible de la zone C qui est d’importance stratégique pour préserver la contiguïté d’un futur état palestinien ».

    • Cisjordanie occupée
      L’Union européenne appelle Israël à revenir sur sa décision de démolir un village palestinien
      Avec Agences, 18 juillet 2018 à 18:32

      La chef de la diplomatie de l’Union européenne, Federica Mogherini, a appelé mercredi les autorités israéliennes à revenir sur leur décision de démolir le village palestinien de Khan Al-Ahmar, faisant part de sa profonde préoccupation quant au sort de la communauté bédouine qui y réside. (...)

    • Demolition of Palestinian Community Imminent. Israeli High Court Green Lights Razing of #Khan_al-Ahmar

      Residents of Khan al-Ahmar thought they had found a way around Israel’s discriminatory building permit regime in Area C of the West Bank. Since a building permit is required only for concrete structures, they built their school, which serves 160 children from five villages, using clay and 2,200 old tires.

      The plan didn’t work. The Israeli army has exclusive control over planning in Area C. It has allocated just one percent of that land for Palestinian buildings, and refuses the vast majority of Palestinian permit applications.

      Khan al-Ahmar was no exception. Over the years, Israeli authorities issued demolition orders against the school and every other structure in this small village of 180 residents, just east of Jerusalem, on the grounds that they lacked permits. On September 5, Israel’s High Court rejected several appeals, and green-lighted demolition.

      Israeli military planning documents do not recognize the community’s presence, and Israeli authorities have repeatedly confiscated its land, demolished its buildings, and expelled its Palestinian residents for building without permits.

      This isn’t the community’s first displacement. In the early 1950s, Israeli forces evicted residents from the Tel Arad district of the Negev desert. The community fled to the West Bank and built a village in the current location. They registered as Palestine refugees with the United Nations.

      In 1977, Israel established the settlement of Ma’ale Adumim, allocating it the land on which Khan al-Ahmar sits.

      International law prohibits an occupying power from destroying property, including schools, unless “absolutely necessary” for “military operations.” Transferring civilians within an occupied territory, either by direct force or indirect coercion into a place not of their choosing, is a war crime under the International Criminal Court’s statute.

      Israeli officials should know that the demolition and any resulting displacement of the population may subject them to criminal investigation.

      Other states also have a duty to ensure that the Geneva Conventions are respected, and should make clear to Israeli officials that, if the demolition goes ahead, people implicated in any criminal acts could be investigated and prosecuted by domestic authorities outside of Israel where they have jurisdiction.

      Global condemnation alone has not stopped serious war crimes during Israel’s 50-year occupation. Action and justice is long overdue.


  • Le Canada élargit son programme de biométrie

    Le Canada a toujours été connu pour être une destination attrayante pour les immigrants et les visiteurs et a depuis longtemps l’un des taux d’immigration par habitant les plus élevés au monde. Afin de développer son système de sécurité, le Canada a décidé d’élargir son programme de biométrie à tous les demandeurs de résidence permanente et à tous les ressortissants étrangers (sauf ceux des États-Unis) qui demandent un visa de visiteur, un permis d’études ou un permis de travail. « Le gouvernement du Canada (...)

    #Identité #biométrie #empreintes #migration #voyageurs #surveillance

    ##Identité ##voyageurs