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  • Steven Spielberg censored in Lebanon ? - BlogPost - The Washington Post

    Film director Steven Spielberg’s name has been covered up on posters advertising the new Tintin film at a cinema in Lebanon, reports Lebanese site Blog Baladi. The blogger took the following photo at Cinema City in Beirut:

    Last year, a U.S. embassy memo released by WikiLeaks revealed that Spielberg had been blacklisted by the Arab League’s Central Boycott Office in 2006 after making a $1 million donation to Israel during the conflict with Lebanon. Representatives from 14 Arab states voted to ban all films related to Spielberg or his Righteous Persons Foundation.

    Mais vraiment, qu’est-ce qu’ils espèrent : il faudrait que Spielberg donne 1 million de dollars « à Israël » pendant que ce pays est en train de raser toutes les infrastructures du Liban et de massacrer sa population civile, et que tout le monde au Liban trouve super-sympa de continuer à payer pour aller voir ses films ?

    Le coup du million de dollars à Israël par Spielberg en 2006, j’étais passé à côté... #cablegate


    The one addition mentioned was film director Steven Spielberg, who was singled out for his USD one million donation to Israel last year during the summer conflict in Lebanon, according to Ajami. The committee banned all films and other products related to Spielberg or his Righteous Persons Foundation, Ajami said. Generic enforcement guidelines given to ALBO members include the banning of DVD imports and airing of Spielberg,s films.