La Turquie construit un mur pour bloquer les réfugiés afghans à la frontière iranienne


  • Turkey builds a border wall to stop refugees from Afghanistan

    Fearing a new refugee crisis, Turkey is reinforcing its border with Iran to stop a potential influx of Afghans fleeing Taliban rule.

    Some refugees who fled weeks and months ago have already started to show up at the rugged border area.

    Now, three-metre-high concrete slabs are being installed to stop them.

    According to Turkish authorities, security forces have prevented the passage of over 69 thousand irregular migrants and arrested 904 suspects accused of being human traffickers.

    Local media report a 155-kilometre stretch of a planned 241-kilometre wall has already been erected at the border.

    Turkey has been a key transit point for asylum seekers heading to Europe to flee war and persecution.
    We won’t become Europe’s ’refugee warehouse’, says Erdogan

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s government had brushed off warnings and criticism from opposition parties about an increase in the number of migrants from Afghanistan.

    This week, he admitted that Turkey faces a new refugee wave from Afghanistan and said his cabinet would work with Pakistan to try and bring stability to the war-ravaged country.

    Erdogan also called on European nations on Thursday to shoulder the responsibility for Afghans fleeing the Taliban and warned that his country won’t become Europe’s “refugee warehouse.”

    #murs #barrières_frontalières #Iran #asile #migrations #réfugiés #réfugiés_afghans #Turquie

    • Turkey’ eastern Iran border to be safer with modular wall system

      To ensure the safety and security of the Turkish-Iranian border, a 295-kilometer (183-mile) long wall will be constructed along the entire shared border, Emin Bilmez, the governor of the eastern province of #Van, said Tuesday. It is hoped that the wall will help to prevent illegal crossings and the trafficking of contraband and that it will also hinder terrorists from infiltrating.

      “Due to the increasing waves of migration, our land forces have dispatched two reconnaissance and two commando companies along with armed vehicles to the region. The Ministry of the Interior has allocated 35 special operations teams and 50 armed vehicles to the zone to assist the troops guarding the border,” Bilmez said.

      “We have been digging ditches for the past two years at a width of 4 meters (13 feet) and a depth of 4 meters. Barbed wire will enclose the entrance of these ditches,” Bilmez added.

      “Along the whole 295-kilometer long border, we will put up a wall. We foresee that a section of 64 kilometers will be readied by the end of the year. A tender is being prepared for an additional 63 kilometers of wall. We expect the process to be finalized within this year. The remaining sections will be finished in the upcoming years. In addition to the wall construction, there will be 58 watchtowers and 45 communication towers. Towers will be equipped with thermal cameras, radars, sensors and fire control systems,” Bilmez said.
      300 organizers arrested

      Both armed and unarmed UAVs have been deployed on the border, conducting reconnaissance missions 24/7. Gathered images are being transferred to relevant departments. 105,000 irregular migrants have been either prevented from crossing the border or apprehended on Turkish soil over the last year, Bilmez added.

      “This year alone, we have captured and processed over 55,000 irregular migrants on our borders. 783 organizers (traffickers who make arrangements for migrants to cross illegally) have been processed and around 300 of them have been arrested, from January 2021 until July 2021. The sum of all organizers processed last year was 599."
      #modules #mur_modulaire

    • La Turquie construit un mur pour bloquer les réfugiés afghans à la frontière iranienne

      Dans la région de Van située à l’Est de la Turquie, les autorités ont érigé un mur en béton de 150 kilomètres le long de la frontière avec l’Iran. Le retour au pouvoir des Taliban suscite l’inquiétude des dirigeants et de la population turque. Ces derniers craignent une nouvelle crise migratoire, dans un pays qui accueille déjà 3,7 millions de Syriens ayant fui la guerre.

      Un mur en béton haut de quatre mètres s’élève désormais entre la Turquie et l’Iran, dans la région de Van, pour empêcher les migrants de passer. Quelque 500 km de frontières séparent les deux États traversés par des milliers de migrants, principalement afghans, en route vers l’Europe.

      Depuis la chute de Kaboul tombée aux mains des Taliban, le 15 août, les autorités turques craignent une augmentation des arrivées. Le pays accueille déjà 3,7 millions de Syriens ayant fui la guerre.

      Les patrouilles se multiplient pour protéger une frontière poreuse qui s’étend à flan de montagnes. Le nouveau mur se dresse sur 150 km et Ankara affirme que d’ici la fin de l’année, 50 km supplémentaires seront construits. Une équipe de journalistes de France 24 s’est rendue sur place.