• #Zurich veut offrir des papiers à ses clandestins, mais sans les régulariser

    La Ville de Zurich veut distribuer à sa population une « #carte_d'habitant » qui pourra être présentée à la police en guise de #pièce_d'identité. Compromis à une #régularisation en bonne et due forme, elle permettra un meilleur accès des sans-papiers aux #services_publics.

    S’inscrire dans une bibliothèque, se rendre à l’hôpital, ou encore dans une administration : des situations de la vie de tous les jours que les personnes sans papiers tendent à éviter, de peur qu’on leur demande leur carte d’identité.

    Pour éliminer ces difficultés liées à leur statut, l’exécutif de la Ville de Zurich vient d’accepter l’idée de la « City Card ». Ce concept de #carte_d'identité_urbaine est une revendication de longue date du monde associatif zurichois.

    Aux yeux de Cristina (prénom d’emprunt ), ressortissante d’un pays d’Amérique du Sud vivant à Zurich sans statut légal, ce projet est une bonne nouvelle. Dans la vie de tous les jours, « la #peur est très présente », a-t-elle confié au 19h30 de la RTS lundi. « On ne sait jamais comment les gens vont réagir. Quand on voit la police, on a peur, parce qu’on ne sait pas si on va être contrôlé. La peur est tout le temps là ».
    « Une bien plus grande #insécurité ici qu’en Suisse romande »

    Environ 10’000 personnes sans papiers vivraient aujourd’hui à Zurich les difficultés de cette vie de clandestin au quotidien. C’est pour les aider et aussi leur donner une visibilité qu’une association de la ville a eu l’idée de proposer la #City_Card.

    La militante associative Bea Schwager rêvait de voir sa ville mener une politique de régularisation des sans-papiers à l’instar de Genève et son opération Papyrus. Face au refus du canton, elle a vu dans cette carte, inspirée d’un projet new-yorkais, une solution de #compromis dans un contexte alémanique où, explique-t-elle, la question reste très délicate : « Vis-à-vis des sans-papiers, le canton de Zurich a une politique très restrictive. Ils ressentent une bien plus grande insécurité ici qu’en Suisse romande. Ils ont davantage peur dans l’#espace_public. Tout est beaucoup plus difficile pour eux », constate-t-elle.

    « Quasiment une façon de contourner l’Etat de droit »

    Les modalités de la future City Card zurichoise doivent encore être débattues au Parlement de la ville. La minorité de droite, elle, ne soutiendra pas un projet qu’elle considère comme problématique à plus d’un titre.

    « Cela revient à légitimer le #travail_au_noir et l’#exploitation des sans-papiers. Ce qui nous dérange aussi, bien sûr, c’est que cela va rendre les contrôles de police plus difficiles. C’est quasiment une façon de contourner l’Etat de droit », estime ainsi la conseillère communale PLR Mélissa Dufournet.

    Malgré ces oppositions, la gauche, majoritaire à Zurich, a bon espoir de voir la City Card se concrétiser. D’autres villes, comme Berne, Fribourg en encore Lucerne, s’y intéressent également.

    #sans-papiers #citoyenneté_locale #Suisse #visibilité #visibilisation


    voir aussi :

    ping @isskein @karine4

    • City Card: Welcome news for undocumented migrants in Zürich

      Getting married, receiving a registered letter or reporting a violent crime: in Switzerland’s biggest city, these are all activities that are impossible for thousands of migrants without legal status. But a new ID card for the undocumented is set to change that.

      It works in New York, so why not Zürich? That was one of the arguments in the hard-fought campaign to introduce a city identity card in Switzerland’s largest city. The campaign succeeded, but only just: the ’Züri City Card’ was approved by a tiny margin at a referendum last month.

      Its supporters say the Züri City Card will benefit everyone in the city, but it is especially good news for undocumented migrants because for the first time, it means people living in Zürich without legal status – the so-called ’Sans Papiers’ – will at least have some form of identification which does not put them at risk of deportation, as well as enabling them to do such a simple thing as receiving a registered letter.

      Who are Switzerland’s sans papiers?

      Of 100,000-300,000 Sans Papiers estimated to be living in Switzerland, around 10,000 are in Zürich. Mostly women, they can be undocumented for different reasons. Some have never received a residence permit, such as those who arrived on a tourist visa and then overstayed after it expired. These are known as ’primary’ Sans Papiers, as are people who arrive without a visa, such as migrants who cross the border by irregular routes from Italy or France without registering as asylum seekers in Switzerland.

      A person whose application to join family in Switzerland was rejected but who joined them nevertheless is also in the primary Sans Papiers category. This mainly applies to children whose parents have right of residence but do not fulfil the criteria for family reunion, such as sufficient salary or living space. It also includes older family members such as grandparents who are brought to Switzerland despite failing to qualify for reunion.

      “Secondary” Sans Papiers include those who have lost the right to live in Switzerland, such as migrants whose ’B’ or ’C’ (residency or settlement) permit was withdrawn by the cantonal migration authorities because they began receiving social benefits; former apprentices (who lose their residency right after completing their training); and rejected asylum seekers who cannot be deported.

      We travel on the same trams, swim in the same river, ... you eat from plates we have washed, sit on toilets we have cleaned, .. and still we are invisible to you, because we are the Undocumented!

      Statement by Sans Papiers in support of the Züri City Card
      Living without papers

      Without legal status, the Sans Papiers in Switzerland live in a constant state of fear, says Bea Schwager, who heads the Sans Papiers Anlaufstelle (contact point) Zürich (SPAZ).

      A person who witnesses a violent assault – or is a victim of violence – is unlikely to report it to the police if they fear they will be removed from Switzerland as a result. Undocumented migrants cannot receive registered post in their name, because that requires them to show a valid passport.

      Sans Papiers cannot even come forward if they witness an accident: again, they have to show ID. Getting married is as good as impossible too – for that you need a form signed by a landlord confirming your place of residence.

      Going to the doctor without fear of being ’found out’, enrolling a child in kindergarten, or getting an apprenticeship will all be possible for everyone in Zürich, regardless of their immigration status, provided there are no blocks to the City Card’s introduction.

      It won’t be plain sailing to get the card into circulation, as there have been fierce arguments from the ’no’ side. Some opponents argue that the card should entail benefits for all Zürich residents, not just undocumented migrants. Others said there is already a way that undocumented migrants can legalize their status in Switzerland by applying for a ’hardship permit’.

      In reality, however, few people go down this route. As Schwager told the independent online news magazine Republik, SPAZ often advises its clients against applying for hardship because, even if they would qualify, too much is usually at stake for Sans Papiers: “They have to disclose everything in the process: contacts, addresses, employers.. If their application is rejected, they face expulsion.”

      ’Without them, Switzerland would be a different country’

      Many Sans Papiers in Switzerland left their countries to escape conflict or poverty – skilled migration routes were not open to them, and they reside illegally in Switzerland as a result. But while they have no right of residency, without them, the country’s economy would be in a state of collapse, the website of SPAZ claims.

      Sans Papiers are the ones who do much of the construction work, harvesting, nannying and cleaning in Switzerland, often for little money. Marianne Pletscher, a Swiss film-maker and creator of a new book of portraits of undocumented migrants employed as cleaners throughout Switzerland, says it would be a different country without the many migrants who keep it clean.

      In the book titled ’Who cleans Switzerland?’, Pletscher avoids presenting the ten subjects as ’victims’, but she also says conditions can be extremely harsh for irregular migrants. “I did want to show how difficult this kind of life is in Switzerland,” Pletscher told the German public radio station Deutschlandfunk. “Because Switzerland’s immigration policy is at least as restrictive as Germany’s.”

      Would the Zürich City Card change the legal status of the migrants featured in Pletscher’s book? No, concedes Peter Nideröst, a member of the City Card Association. But the Zürich lawyer told Republik, it would at least recognize undocumented migrants as a factual entity, and a part of the city’s population.


  • Aux Pays-Bas, les cartes d’identité ne mentionneront plus le sexe des citoyens - Le Parisien

    Une inscription jugée « inutile ». Le sexe des citoyens néerlandais ne sera plus mentionné sur leur carte d’identité d’ici quelques années, annonce la ministre de l’Éducation, de la Culture et de la Science Ingrid van Engelshoven.

    Dans une lettre adressée au parlement et consultée samedi par l’AFP, la ministre, également chargée de l’Emancipation, a fait part de son intention de supprimer l’inscription du sexe sur les cartes d’identité « à partir de 2024-2025 ».

    Ingrid van Engelshoven souhaite « limiter dans la mesure du possible la mention inutile du sexe », qui restera cependant mentionné sur les passeports, rendu obligatoire par l’Union européenne.

    « Les Pays-Bas ne seraient pas le premier État membre à posséder une carte d’identité sans mention de genre. La carte d’identité allemande ne mentionne pas de sexe », écrit la ministre.
    « Façonner sa propre identité »

    Ingrid Van Engelshoven estime que les citoyens doivent pouvoir « façonner leur propre identité et la vivre en toute liberté et sécurité ».

    « C’est une excellente nouvelle pour les personnes qui éprouvent jour après jour des problèmes avec cette catégorie de genre sur leur carte d’identité », ont déclaré des organisations néerlandaises de défense des droits des homosexuels et autres minorités sexuelles.

    #genre #individualisation_du_genre

    cc @tetue puisqu’on avait parlé des mentions utiles et des mentions inutiles du genre.

  • Europe spends billions stopping migration. Good luck figuring out where the money actually goes

    How much money exactly does Europe spend trying to curb migration from Nigeria? And what’s it used for? We tried to find out, but Europe certainly doesn’t make it easy. These flashy graphics show you just how complicated the funding is.
    In a shiny new factory in the Benin forest, a woman named Blessing slices pineapples into rings. Hundreds of miles away, at a remote border post in the Sahara, Abubakar scans travellers’ fingerprints. And in village squares across Nigeria, Usman performs his theatre show about the dangers of travelling to Europe.

    What do all these people have in common?

    All their lives are touched by the billions of euros European governments spend in an effort to curb migration from Africa.

    Since the summer of 2015,
    Read more about the influx of refugees to Europe in 2015 on the UNHCR website.
    when countless boats full of migrants began arriving on the shores of Greece and Italy, Europe has increased migration spending by billions.
    Read my guide to EU migration policy here.
    And much of this money is being spent in Africa.

    Within Europe, the political left and right have very different ways of framing the potential benefits of that funding. Those on the left say migration spending not only provides Africans with better opportunities in their home countries but also reduces migrant deaths in the Mediterranean. Those on the right say migration spending discourages Africans from making the perilous journey to Europe.

    However they spin it, the end result is the same: both left and right have embraced funding designed to reduce migration from Africa. In fact, the European Union (EU) plans to double migration spending under the new 2021-2027 budget, while quadrupling spending on border control.

    The three of us – journalists from Nigeria, Italy and the Netherlands – began asking ourselves: just how much money are we talking here?

    At first glance, it seems like a perfectly straightforward question. Just add up the migration budgets of the EU and the individual member states and you’ve got your answer, right? But after months of research, it turns out that things are nowhere near that simple.

    In fact, we discovered that European migration spending resembles nothing so much as a gigantic plate of spaghetti.

    If you try to tease out a single strand, at least three more will cling to it. Try to find where one strand begins, and you’ll find yourself tangled up in dozens of others.

    This is deeply concerning. Though Europe maintains a pretence of transparency, in practice it’s virtually impossible to hold the EU and its member states accountable for their migration expenditures, let alone assess how effective they are. If a team of journalists who have devoted months to the issue can’t manage it, then how could EU parliament members juggling multiple portfolios ever hope to?

    This lack of oversight is particularly problematic in the case of migration, an issue that ranks high on European political agendas. The subject of migration fuels a great deal of political grandstanding, populist opportunism, and social unrest. And the debate surrounding the issue is rife with misinformation.

    For an issue of this magnitude, it’s crucial to have a clear view of existing policies and to examine whether these policies make sense. But to be able to do that, we need to understand the funding streams: how much money is being spent and what is it being spent on?

    While working on this article, we spoke to researchers and officials who characterised EU migration spending as “opaque”, “unclear” and “chaotic”. We combed through countless websites, official documents, annual reports and budgets, and we submitted freedom of information requests
    in a number of European countries, in Nigeria, and to the European commission. And we discovered that the subject of migration, while not exactly cloak-and-dagger stuff, is apparently sensitive enough that most people preferred to speak off the record.

    Above all, we were troubled by the fact that no one seems to have a clear overview of European migration budgets – and by how painfully characteristic this is of European migration policy as a whole.
    Nigeria – ‘a tough cookie’

    It wasn’t long before we realised that mapping out all European cash flows to all African countries would take us years. Instead, we decided to focus on Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country and the continent’s strongest economy, as well as the country of origin of the largest group of African asylum seekers in the EU. “A tough cookie” in the words of one senior EU official, but also “our most important migration partner in the coming years”.

    But Nigeria wasn’t exactly eager to embrace the role of “most important migration partner”. After all, migration has been a lifeline for Nigeria’s economy: last year, Nigerian migrants living abroad sent home $25bn – roughly 6% of the country’s GNP.

    It took a major European charm offensive to get Nigeria on board – a “long saga” with “more than one tense meeting”, according to a high-ranking EU diplomat we spoke to.

    The European parliament invited Muhammadu Buhari, the Nigerian president, to Strasbourg in 2016. Over the next several years, one European dignitary after another visited Nigeria: from Angela Merkel,
    the German chancellor, to Matteo Renzi,
    the Italian prime minister, to Emmanuel Macron,
    the French president, to Mark Rutte,

    the Dutch prime minister.

    Three guesses as to what they all wanted to talk about.
    ‘No data available’

    But let’s get back to those funding streams.

    The EU would have you believe that everything fits neatly into a flowchart. When asked to respond to this article, the European commission told us: “We take transparency very seriously.” One spokesperson after another, all from various EU agencies, informed us that the information was “freely available online”.

    But as Wilma Haan, director of the Open State Foundation, notes: “Just throwing a bunch of stuff online doesn’t make you transparent. People have to be able to find the information and verify it.”

    Yet that’s exactly what the EU did. The EU foundations and agencies we contacted referred us to dozens of different websites. In some cases, the information was relatively easy to find,
    but in others the data was fragmented or missing entirely. All too often, our searches turned up results such as “data soon available”
    or “no data available”.

    The website of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) – worth around €3.1bn – is typical of the problems we faced. While we were able to find a list of projects funded by AMIF online,

    the list only contains the names of the projects – not the countries in which they’re carried out. As a result, there’s only one way to find out what’s going on where: by Googling each of the project names individually.

    This lack of a clear overview has major consequences for the democratic process, says Tineke Strik, member of the European parliament (Green party). Under the guise of “flexibility”, the European parliament has “no oversight over the funds whatsoever”. Strik says: “In the best-case scenario, we’ll discover them listed on the European commission’s website.”

    At the EU’s Nigerian headquarters, one official explained that she does try to keep track of European countries’ migration-related projects to identify “gaps and overlaps”. When asked why this information wasn’t published online, she responded: “It’s something I do alongside my daily work.”
    Getting a feel for Europe’s migration spaghetti

    “There’s no way you’re going to get anywhere with this.”

    This was the response from a Correspondent member who researches government funding when we announced this project several months ago. Not exactly the most encouraging words to start our journey. Still, over the past few months, we’ve done our best to make as much progress as we could.

    Let’s start in the Netherlands, Maite’s home country. When we tried to find out how much Dutch tax money is spent in Nigeria on migration-related issues, we soon found ourselves down yet another rabbit hole.

    The Dutch ministry of foreign affairs, which controls all funding for Dutch foreign policy, seemed like a good starting point. The ministry divides its budget into centralised and decentralised funds. The centralised funds are managed in the Netherlands administrative capital, The Hague, while the decentralised funds are distributed by Dutch embassies abroad.

    Exactly how much money goes to the Dutch embassy in the Nigerian capital Abuja is unclear – no information is available online. When we contacted the embassy, they weren’t able to provide us with any figures, either. According to their press officer, these budgets are “fragmented”, and the total can only be determined at the end of the year.

    The ministry of foreign affairs distributes centralised funds through its departments. But migration is a topic that spans a number of different departments: the department for stabilisation and humanitarian aid (DSH), the security policy department (DVB), the sub-Saharan Africa department (DAF), and the migration policy bureau (BMB), to name just a few. There’s no way of knowing whether each department spends money on migration, let alone how much of it goes to Nigeria.

    Not to mention the fact that other ministries, such as the ministry of economic affairs and the ministry of justice and security, also deal with migration-related issues.

    Next, we decided to check out the Dutch development aid budget
    in the hope it would clear things up a bit. Unfortunately, the budget isn’t organised by country, but by theme. And since migration isn’t one of the main themes, it’s scattered over several different sections. Luckily, the document does contain an annex (https://www.rijksoverheid.nl/documenten/begrotingen/2019/09/17/hgis---nota-homogene-groep-internationale-samenwerking-rijksbegroting-) that goes into more detail about migration.

    In this annex, we found that the Netherlands spends a substantial chunk of money on “migration cooperation”, “reception in the region” and humanitarian aid for refugees.

    And then there’s the ministry of foreign affairs’ Stability Fund,
    the ministry of justice and security’s budget for the processing and repatriation of asylum seekers, and the ministry of education, culture and science’s budget for providing asylum seekers with an education.

    But again, it’s impossible to determine just how much of this funding finds its way to Nigeria. This is partly due to the fact that many migration projects operate in multiple countries simultaneously (in Nigeria, Chad and Cameroon, for example). Regional projects such as this generally don’t share details of how funding is divided up among the participating countries.

    Using data from the Dutch embassy and an NGO that monitors Dutch projects in Nigeria, we found that €6m in aid goes specifically to Nigeria, with another €19m for the region as a whole. Dutch law enforcement also provides in-kind support to help strengthen Nigeria’s border control.

    But hold on, there’s more. We need to factor in the money that the Netherlands spends on migration through its contributions to the EU.

    The Netherlands pays hundreds of millions into the European Development Fund (EDF), which is partly used to finance migration projects. Part of that money also gets transferred to another EU migration fund: the EUTF for Africa.
    The Netherlands also contributes directly to this fund.

    But that’s not all. The Netherlands also gives (either directly or through the EU) to a variety of other EU funds and agencies that finance migration projects in Nigeria. And just as in the Netherlands, these EU funds and agencies are scattered over many different offices. There’s no single “EU ministry of migration”.

    To give you a taste of just how convoluted things can get: the AMIF falls under the EU’s home affairs “ministry”

    (DG HOME), the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) falls under the “ministry” for international cooperation and development (DG DEVCO), and the Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP) falls under the European External Action Service (EEAS). The EU border agency, Frontex, is its own separate entity, and there’s also a “ministry” for humanitarian aid (DG ECHO).

    Still with me?

    Because this was just the Netherlands.

    Now let’s take a look at Giacomo’s country of origin, Italy, which is also home to one of Europe’s largest Nigerian communities (surpassed only by the UK).

    Italy’s ministry of foreign affairs funds the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), which provides humanitarian aid in north-eastern Nigeria, where tens of thousands of people have been displaced by the Boko Haram insurgency. AICS also finances a wide range of projects aimed at raising awareness of the risks of illegal migration. It’s impossible to say how much of this money ends up in Nigeria, though, since the awareness campaigns target multiple countries at once.

    This data is all available online – though you’ll have to do some digging to find it. But when it comes to the funds managed by Italy’s ministry of the interior, things start to get a bit murkier. Despite the ministry having signed numerous agreements on migration with African countries in recent years, there’s little trace of the money online. Reference to a €92,000 donation for new computers for Nigeria’s law enforcement and immigration services was all we could find.

    Things get even more complicated when we look at Italy’s “Africa Fund”, which was launched in 2017 to foster cooperation with “priority countries along major migration routes”. The fund is jointly managed by the ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of the interior.

    Part of the money goes to the EUTF for Africa, but the fund also contributes to United Nations (UN) organisations, such as the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), as well as to the Italian ministry of defence and the ministry of economy and finance.

    Like most European governments, Italy also contributes to EU funds and agencies concerned with migration, such as Frontex, Europol, and the European Asylum Support Office (EASO).

    And then there are the contributions to UN agencies that deal with migration: UNHCR, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), IOM, the UN Development Programme (UNDP), and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), to name just a few.

    Now multiply all of this by the number of European countries currently active in Nigeria. Oh, and let’s not forget the World Bank,

    which has only recently waded into the waters of the migration industry.

    And then there are the European development banks. And the EU’s External Investment Plan, which was launched in 2016 with the ambitious goal of generating €44bn in private investments in developing countries, with a particular focus on migrants’ countries of origin. Not to mention the regional “migration dialogues”
    organised in west Africa under the Rabat Process and the Cotonou Agreement.

    This is the European migration spaghetti.
    How we managed to compile a list nonetheless

    By now, one thing should be clear: there are a staggering number of ministries, funds and departments involved in European migration spending. It’s no wonder that no one in Europe seems to have a clear overview of the situation. But we thought that maybe, just maybe, there was one party that might have the overview we seek: Nigeria. After all, the Nigerian government has to be involved in all the projects that take place there, right?

    We decided to ask around in Nigeria’s corridors of power. Was anyone keeping track of European migration funding? The Ministry of Finance? Or maybe the Ministry of the Interior, or the Ministry of Labour and Employment?


    We then tried asking Nigeria’s anti-trafficking agency (NAPTIP), the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS), the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission, and the National Commission for Refugees, Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (NCFRMI).

    No luck there, either. When it comes to migration, things are just as fragmented under the Nigerian government as they are in Europe.

    In the meantime, we contacted each of the European embassies in Nigeria.
    This proved to be the most fruitful approach and yielded the most complete lists of projects. The database of the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI)
    was particularly useful in fleshing out our overview.

    So does that mean our list is now complete? Probably not.

    More to the point: the whole undertaking is highly subjective, since there’s no official definition of what qualifies as a migration project and what doesn’t.

    For example, consider initiatives to create jobs for young people in Nigeria. Would those be development projects or trade projects? Or are they actually migration projects (the idea being that young people wouldn’t migrate if they could find work)?

    What about efforts to improve border control in northern Nigeria? Would they fall under counterterrorism? Security? Institutional development? Or is this actually a migration-related issue?

    Each country has its own way of categorising projects.

    There’s no single, unified standard within the EU.

    When choosing what to include in our own overview, we limited ourselves to projects that European countries themselves designated as being migration related.

    While it’s certainly not perfect, this overview allows us to draw at least some meaningful conclusions about three key issues: where the money is going, where it isn’t going, and what this means for Nigeria.
    1) Where is the money going?

    In Nigeria, we found

    If you’d like to work with the data yourself, feel free to download the full overview here.
    50 migration projects being funded by 11 different European countries, as well as 32 migration projects that rely on EU funding. Together, they amount to more than €770m in funding.

    Most of the money from Brussels is spent on improving Nigerian border control:
    more than €378m. For example, the European Investment Bank has launched a €250m initiative

    to provide all Nigerians with biometric identity cards.

    The funding provided by individual countries largely goes to projects aimed at creating employment opportunities

    in Nigeria: at least €92m.

    Significantly, only €300,000 is spent on creating more legal opportunities to migrate – less than 0.09% of all funding.

    We also found 47 “regional” projects that are not limited to Nigeria, but also include other countries.
    Together, they amount to more than €775m in funding.
    Regional migration spending is mainly focused on migrants who have become stranded in transit and is used to return them home and help them to reintegrate when they get there. Campaigns designed to raise awareness of the dangers of travelling to Europe also receive a relatively large proportion of funding in the region.

    2) Where isn’t the money going?

    When we look at the list of institutions – or “implementing agencies”, as they’re known in policy speak – that receive money from Europe, one thing immediately stands out: virtually none of them are Nigerian organisations.

    “The EU funds projects in Nigeria, but that money doesn’t go directly to Nigerian organisations,” says Charles Nwanelo, head of migration at the NCFRMI.

    See their website here.
    “Instead, it goes to international organisations, such as the IOM, which use the money to carry out projects here. This means we actually have no idea how much money the EU is spending in Nigeria.”

    We hear the same story again and again from Nigerian government officials: they never see a cent of European funding, as it’s controlled by EU and UN organisations. This is partially a response to corruption within Nigerian institutions – Europe feels it can keep closer tabs on its money by channelling it through international organisations. As a result, these organisations are growing rapidly in Nigeria. To get an idea of just how rapidly: the number of people working for the IOM in Nigeria has more than quadrupled over the past two years.

    Of course, this doesn’t mean that Nigerian organisations are going unfunded. Implementing agencies are free to pass funding along to Nigerian groups. For example, the IOM hires Nigerian NGOs to provide training for returning migrants and sponsors a project that provides training and new software to the Nigerian immigration service.

    Nevertheless, the system has inevitably led to the emergence of a parallel aid universe in which the Nigerian government plays only a supporting role. “The Nigerian parliament should demand to see an overview of all current and upcoming projects being carried out in their country every three months,” says Bob van Dillen, migration expert at development organisation Cordaid.

    But that would be “difficult”, according to one German official we spoke to, because “this isn’t a priority for the Nigerian government. This is at the top of Europe’s agenda, not Nigeria’s.”

    Most Nigerian migrants to Europe come from Edo state, where the governor has been doing his absolute best to compile an overview of all migration projects. He set up a task force that aims to coordinate migration activities in his state. The task force has been largely unsuccessful because the EU doesn’t provide it with any direct funding and doesn’t require member states to cooperate with it.

    3) What are the real-world consequences for Nigeria?

    We’ve established that the Nigerian government isn’t involved in allocating migration spending and that local officials are struggling to keep tabs on things. So who is coordinating all those billions in funding?

    Each month, the European donors and implementing agencies mentioned above meet at the EU delegation to discuss their migration projects. However, diplomats from multiple European countries have told us that no real coordination takes place at these meetings. No one checks to see whether projects conflict or overlap. Instead, the meetings are “more on the basis of letting each other know”, as one diplomat put it.

    One German official noted: “What we should do is look together at what works, what doesn’t, and which lessons we can learn from each other. Not to mention how to prevent people from shopping around from project to project.”

    Other diplomats consider this too utopian and feel that there are far too many players to make that level of coordination feasible. In practice, then, it seems that chaotic funding streams inevitably lead to one thing: more chaos.
    And we’ve only looked at one country ...

    That giant plate of spaghetti we just sifted through only represents a single serving – other countries have their own versions of Nigeria’s migration spaghetti. Alongside Nigeria, the EU has also designated Mali, Senegal, Ethiopia and Niger as “priority countries”. The EU’s largest migration fund, the EUTF, finances projects in 26 different African countries. And the sums of money involved are only going to increase.

    When we first started this project, our aim was to chart a path through the new European zeal for funding. We wanted to track the flow of migration money to find answers to some crucial questions: will this funding help Nigerians make better lives for themselves in their own country? Will it help reduce the trafficking of women? Will it provide more safe, legal ways for Nigerians to travel to Europe?

    Or will it primarily go towards maintaining the international aid industry? Does it encourage corruption? Does it make migrants even more vulnerable to exploitation along the way?

    But we’re still far from answering these questions. Recently, a new study by the UNDP

    called into question “the notion that migration can be prevented or significantly reduced through programmatic and policy responses”.

    Nevertheless, European programming and policy responses will only increase in scope in the coming years.

    But the more Europe spends on migration, the more tangled the spaghetti becomes and the harder it gets to check whether funds are being spent wisely. With the erosion of transparency comes the erosion of democratic oversight.

    So to anyone who can figure out how to untangle the spaghetti, we say: be our guest.

    #externalisation #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Nigeria #EU #EU #Union_européenne #externalisation #frontières #contrôles_frontaliers #Frontex #Trust_fund #Pays-Bas #argent #transparence (manque de - ) #budget #remittances #AMIF #développement #aide_au_développement #European_Development_Fund (#EDF) #EUTF_for_Africa #European_Neighbourhood_Instrument (#ENI) #Development_Cooperation_Instrument (#DCI) #Italie #Banque_mondiale #External_Investment_Plan #processus_de_rabat #accords_de_Cotonou #biométrie #carte_d'identité_biométrique #travail #développement #aide_au_développement #coopération_au_développement #emploi #réintégration #campagnes #IOM #OIM

    Ajouté à la métaliste sur l’externalisation des frontières :
    Et ajouté à la métaliste développement/migrations :

    ping @isskein @isskein @pascaline @_kg_

    • Résumé en français par Jasmine Caye (@forumasile) :

      Pour freiner la migration en provenance d’Afrique les dépenses européennes explosent

      Maite Vermeulen est une journaliste hollandaise, cofondatrice du site d’information The Correspondent et spécialisée dans les questions migratoires. Avec deux autres journalistes, l’italien Giacomo Zandonini (Italie) et le nigérian Ajibola Amzat, elle a tenté de comprendre les raisons derrières la flambée des dépenses européennes sensées freiner la migration en provenance du continent africain.

      Depuis le Nigéria, Maite Vermeulen s’est intéressée aux causes de la migration nigériane vers l’Europe et sur les milliards d’euros déversés dans les programmes humanitaires et sécuritaires dans ce pays. Selon elle, la politique sécuritaire européenne n’empêchera pas les personnes motivées de tenter leur chance pour rejoindre l’Europe. Elle constate que les fonds destinés à freiner la migration sont toujours attribués aux mêmes grandes organisations gouvernementales ou non-gouvernementales. Les financements européens échappent aussi aux évaluations d’impact permettant de mesurer les effets des aides sur le terrain.

      Le travail de recherche des journalistes a duré six mois et se poursuit. Il est financé par Money Trail un projet qui soutient des journalistes africains, asiatiques et européens pour enquêter en réseau sur les flux financiers illicites et la corruption en Afrique, en Asie et en Europe.

      Les Nigérians ne viennent pas en Europe pour obtenir l’asile

      L’équipe a d’abord tenté d’élucider cette énigme : pourquoi tant de nigérians choisissent de migrer vers l’Europe alors qu’ils n’obtiennent quasiment jamais l’asile. Le Nigéria est un pays de plus de 190 millions d’habitants et l’économie la plus riche d’Afrique. Sa population représente le plus grand groupe de migrants africains qui arrivent en Europe de manière irrégulière. Sur les 180 000 migrants qui ont atteint les côtes italiennes en 2016, 21% étaient nigérians. Le Nigéria figure aussi régulièrement parmi les cinq premiers pays d’origine des demandeurs d’asile de l’Union européenne. Près de 60% des requérants nigérians proviennent de l’Etat d’Edo dont la capitale est Bénin City. Pourtant leurs chance d’obtenir un statut de protection sont minimes. En effet, seuls 9% des demandeurs d’asile nigérians reçoivent l’asile dans l’UE. Les 91% restants sont renvoyés chez eux ou disparaissent dans la nature.

      Dans l’article Want to make sense of migration ? Ask the people who stayed behind, Maite Vermeulen explique que Bénin City a été construite grâce aux nigérians travaillant illégalement en Italie. Et les femmes sont peut-être bien à l’origine d’un immense trafic de prostituées. Elle nous explique ceci :

      “Pour comprendre le présent, il faut revenir aux années 80. À cette époque, des entreprises italiennes étaient établies dans l’État d’Edo. Certains hommes d’affaires italiens ont épousé des femmes de Benin City, qui sont retournées en Italie avec leur conjoint. Ils ont commencé à exercer des activités commerciales, à commercialiser des textiles, de la dentelle et du cuir, de l’or et des bijoux. Ces femmes ont été les premières à faire venir d’autres femmes de leur famille en Italie – souvent légalement, car l’agriculture italienne avait cruellement besoin de travailleurs pour cueillir des tomates et des raisins. Mais lorsque, à la fin des années 80, la chute des prix du pétrole a plongé l’économie nigériane à l’arrêt, beaucoup de ces femmes d’affaires ont fait faillite. Les femmes travaillant dans l’agriculture ont également connu une période difficile : leur emploi est allé à des ouvriers d’Europe de l’Est. Ainsi, de nombreuses femmes Edo en Italie n’avaient qu’une seule alternative : la prostitution. Ce dernier recours s’est avéré être lucratif. En peu de temps, les femmes ont gagné plus que jamais auparavant. Elles sont donc retournées à Benin City dans les années 1990 avec beaucoup de devises européennes – avec plus d’argent, en fait, que beaucoup de gens de leur ville n’en avaient jamais vu. Elles ont construit des appartements pour gagner des revenus locatifs. Ces femmes étaient appelées « talos », ou mammas italiennes. Tout le monde les admirait. Les jeunes femmes les considéraient comme des modèles et voulaient également aller en Europe. Certains chercheurs appellent ce phénomène la « théorie de la causalité cumulative » : chaque migrant qui réussit entraîne plus de personnes de sa communauté à vouloir migrer. A cette époque, presque personne à Benin City ne savait d’où venait exactement l’argent. Les talos ont commencé à prêter de l’argent aux filles de leur famille afin qu’elles puissent également se rendre en Italie. Ce n’est que lorsque ces femmes sont arrivées qu’on leur a dit comment elles devaient rembourser le prêt. Certaines ont accepté, d’autres ont été forcées. Toutes gagnaient de l’argent. Dans les premières années, le secret des mammas italiennes était gardé au sein de la famille. Mais de plus en plus de femmes ont payé leurs dettes – à cette époque, cela prenait environ un an ou deux – et elles ont ensuite décidé d’aller chercher de l’argent elles-mêmes. En tant que « Mamas », elles ont commencé à recruter d’autres femmes dans leur ville natale. Puis, lentement, l’argent a commencé à manquer à Benin City : un grand nombre de leurs femmes travaillaient dans l’industrie du sexe en Italie.”

      Aujourd’hui, l’Union européenne considère le Nigéria comme son plus important “partenaire migratoire”et depuis quelques années les euros s’y déversent à flots afin de financer des programmes des sécurisation des frontières, de création d’emploi, de lutte contre la traite d’être humains et des programmes de sensibilisation sur les dangers de la migration vers l’Europe.
      Le “cartel migratoire” ou comment peu d’organisation monopolisent les projets sur le terrain

      Dans un autre article intitulé A breakdown of Europe’s € 1.5 billion migration spending in Nigeria, les journalistes se demandent comment les fonds européens sont alloués au Nigéria. Encore une fois on parle ici des projets destinés à freiner la migration. En tout ce sont 770 millions d’euros investis dans ces “projets migration”. En plus, le Nigéria bénéficie d’autres fonds supplémentaires à travers les “projets régionaux” qui s’élèvent à 775 millions d’euros destinés principalement à coordonner et organiser les retours vers les pays d’origines. Mais contrairement aux engagements de l’Union européenne les fonds alloués aux projets en faveur de la migration légale sont très inférieurs aux promesses et représentent 0.09% des aides allouées au Nigéria.

      A qui profitent ces fonds ? Au “cartel migratoire” constitué du Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés (HCR), de l’Organisation internationale des migrations (OIM), de l’UNICEF, de l’Organisation internationale du travail (OIL), de l’Organisation internationale des Nations Unies contre la drogue et le crime (UNODC). Ces organisations récoltent près de 60% des fonds alloués par l’Union européenne aux “projets migration” au Nigéria et dans la région. Les ONG et les consultants privés récupèrent 13% du total des fonds alloués, soit 89 millions d’euros, le double de ce qu’elles reçoivent en Europe.
      Les montants explosent, la transparence diminue

      Où va vraiment l’argent et comment mesurer les effets réels sur les populations ciblées. Quels sont les impacts de ces projets ? Depuis 2015, l’Europe a augmenté ses dépenses allouées à la migration qui s’élèvent désormais à plusieurs milliards.

      La plus grande partie de ces fonds est attribuée à l’Afrique. Dans l’article Europe spends billions stopping migration. Good luck figuring out where the money actually goes, Maite Vermeulen, Ajibola Amzat et Giacomo Zandonini expliquent que l’UE prévoit de doubler ces dépenses dans le budget 2021-2027 et quadrupler les dépenses sur le contrôle des frontières.

      Des mois de recherche n’ont pas permis de comprendre comment étaient alloués les fonds pour la migration. Les sites internet sont flous et de nombreux bureaucrates européens se disent incapables concilier les dépenses car la transparence fait défaut. Difficile de comprendre l’allocation précise des fonds de l’Union européenne et celle des fonds des Etats européens. Le tout ressemble, selon les chercheurs, à un immense plat de spaghettis. Ils se posent une question importante : si eux n’y arrivent pas après des mois de recherche comment les députés européens pourraient s’y retrouver ? D’autres chercheurs et fonctionnaires européens qualifient les dépenses de migration de l’UE d’opaques. La consultation de nombreux sites internet, documents officiels, rapports annuels et budgets, et les nombreuses demandes d’accès à l’information auprès de plusieurs pays européens actifs au Nigéria ainsi que les demandes d’explications adressées à la Commission européenne n’ont pas permis d’arriver à une vision globale et précise des budgets attribués à la politique migratoire européenne. Selon Tineke Strik, député vert au parlement européen, ce manque de clarté a des conséquences importantes sur le processus démocratique, car sans vision globale précise, il n’y a pas vraiment de surveillance possible sur les dépenses réelles ni sur l’impact réel des programmes sur le terrain.


  • Italiano ma nato in Cile e di pelle scura, respinto a Nizza

    Questa lettera è stata pubblicata qualche giorno fa da Varese News. Racconta l’odissea di Luis Enrique, 24 anni, cittadino italiano residente con la famiglia a Varese che ha dovuto rinunciare a raggiungere il nuovo posto di lavoro in Spagna in bus, attraverso la Francia, perché un’ordinanza del prefetto di Nizza richiede l’esibizione del passaporto per i cittadini in transito. Luis Enrique era in possesso di una carta di identità come previsto dal trattato Schengen. Ma non è bastata. Il giovane è nato in Cile ma è stato adottato piccolissimo dalla famiglia di Varese con la quale vive insieme al fratello Manuel. A scrivere questa lettera è stato Vito Fucilli, papà del ragazzo. Una lettera che fa riflettere perché in base al colore della pelle, ai tratti somatici, le regole smettono di essere tali e diventano vessazioni.

    Gentile direttore,
    voglio raccontarle la vicenda accaduta a mio figlio Luis Enrique di 24 anni che, dovendo andare a Barcellona per lavoro, ha deciso di prenotare il viaggio con la compagnia #FlixBus. Imbarcatosi a Milano con regolare biglietto e documento alla mano è arrivato a Nizza verso sera, dove i passeggeri erano attesi per il cambio del bus. Quando Luis Enrique è salito, l’autista insieme al biglietto ha preteso di vedere il passaporto. A quel punto mio figlio ha mostrato la carta di identità rilasciata dal comune di Varese, la stessa che aveva esibito a Milano al momento dell’imbarco, ma l’autista ha detto che non era sufficiente perché il prefetto di Nizza aveva emanato un’ordinanza che imponeva a chi era in transito sul territorio della città l’esibizione del passaporto.

    Per capire meglio cosa fosse successo abbiamo prima chiamato il numero verde del ministero degli esteri, senza risultato, e subito dopo il nostro consolato a Nizza che ha risposto un po’ scocciato solo al termine di numerosi tentativi, confermando l’esistenza di quella ordinanza.

    E così mio figlio ha dovuto rinunciare a proseguire il suo viaggio rientrando in Italia. Una volta a casa è ripartito in aereo per Barcellona con la carta d’identità, la stessa rifiutata a Nizza, senza problemi.
    Specifico che Luis Enrique, così come suo fratello Manuel, è cileno ed è stato adottato da piccolo. Ha studiato ed è cresciuto a Varese e ha la cittadinanza italiana. La sensazione è che sia stato oggetto di una discriminazione o quantomeno di un’applicazione volutamente rigida di quell’ordinanza. Faccio questa supposizione perché anche se il trattato di Schengen, che consente la libera circolazione delle persone degli stati comunitari, fosse stato sospeso da alcuni paesi dell’Unione, mio figlio era in possesso di un regolare documento d’identità rilasciato dallo Stato italiano che tra l’altro è tra i fondatori della UE. E ancora: l’autista che ha fatto il check-in a Milano, è possibile che ignorasse quanto sarebbe poi successo a Nizza? E da quando in qua un’ordinanza prevale su un trattato europeo? La compagnia di viaggio alla quale abbiamo chiesto il rimborso del biglietto e delle spese sostenute per il rientro in Italia, ha risposto negativamente adducendo che: “il passeggero è l’unico responsabile del rispetto di tutte le leggi e i regolamenti relativi ai documenti e alle identificazioni necessari al varco della frontiera, quali le norme in materia di visti, di valute, doganali e sanitarie. FlixBus non si assume alcuna responsabilità per spiacevoli conseguenze dovute al mancato rispetto di tali leggi e regolamenti da parte del passeggero”. Chi rimborserà mio figlio delle spese sostenute ma soprattutto chi lo rimborserà della sua dignità di cittadino italiano non riconosciuta dai francesi?

    Distinti saluti
    Vito Fucilli

    #contrôles_au_faciès #Nice #frontières_sud-alpine #frontières #discriminations #Noirs #couleur_de_peau #France #Italie #passeport #pièce_d'identité #carte_d'identité #ordonnance
    cc @isskein @albertocampiphoto @wizo

  • #Carte_d'identité : les mairies partiellement dessaisies de leur compétence

    Le décret du dimanche 28 octobre autorisant la création d’un traitement de #données_à_caractère_personnel relatif aux #passeports et aux cartes nationales d’identité supprime le principe de territorialisation des demandes de cartes nationales d’identité. De plus, il établit qu’à l’avenir, les demandes de cartes d’identité se feront auprès des mairies disposant de dispositifs de recueil des #empreintes_digitales.

    • #Carte_d'identité : les Français n’iront plus forcément à la #mairie de leur domicile - Localtis.info - Caisse des Dépôts

      Au lieu de se rendre à la mairie de leur domicile, les Français devront, pour toutes les démarches concernant la carte nationale d’identité, aller dans l’une des mairies équipées d’un des dispositifs de recueil de données mis en place pour les passeports biométriques. Les citoyens seront libres de choisir laquelle, en fonction de la localisation de leur domicile ou de leur lieu de travail par exemple. Ces mairies sont actuellement au nombre de 2.088. Mais le ministère de l’Intérieur reconnaît qu’il faudra à l’avenir davantage de dispositifs de recueil.

      [...] D’autres élus sont inquiets à cause de l’afflux d’usagers que leur commune va devoir gérer, ajoute l’AMF. Dans certaines villes, ces usagers sont majoritairement des personnes non domiciliées dans la commune. Les mairies concernées sont indemnisées actuellement à hauteur de 5.030 euros par dispositif de recueil et par an. Un montant que le ministère de l’Intérieur prévoyait début octobre de relever à 8.530 euros pour tenir compte des nouvelles missions confiées aux communes. Une prime de 4.000 euros pour l’aménagement des locaux est aussi prévue. Mais ces aides seront-elles suffisantes ?
      A l’AMF, on en doute. L’association a obtenu récemment du ministère de l’Intérieur une rallonge de 4 millions d’euros pour les communes équipées en dispositifs de recueil. Mais elle reste sur sa faim. Elle pointe aussi le calendrier de la réforme. Une entrée en vigueur en septembre 2017 serait plus raisonnable que le mois de mars qui verra les services sollicités par la préparation des élections. L’AMF réclame aussi l’affectation de davantage de dispositifs de recueil, dont une partie devra être mobile, selon elle, pour répondre notamment aux difficultés de déplacement de certaines personnes, par exemple handicapées ou âgées.

      #biométrie #mobilité

  • Voyage en e-Estonie

    Le moins peuplé des trois Etats baltes – 1,3 million d’habitants – a décidé de décupler sa population d’ici à 2025, c’est-à-dire passer de la taille de l’agglomération toulousaine à celle de la Hongrie… Mais attention, c’est à la « population virtuelle » que songent les dirigeants du pays. Depuis le 1er décembre, en effet, le gouvernement propose aux étrangers de devenir des e-résidents afin de profiter des milliers de services en ligne qu’utilisent déjà les citoyens.

    Impressionnant mais quand même un peu effrayant cette e-société totale.

    #Administration_électronique #Carte_d'identité_électronique #E-administration #Estonie #Numérique #Politique #Soft_power

  • Onze | Fiasco

    Après les 99% ou les 35%, voici un nouveau nombre magique : le onze (11 ; XI). Onze personnes, onze députés, pas plus. C’est ce qu’il a fallu pour voter et approuver la proposition de loi sur la Protection de l’Identité http://reflets.info/gens-honnetes-bons-francais-dormez-tranquille. C’est bluffant. Il suffit de Onze cerveaux réunis dans une grande pièce pour prendre ce virage dans la conception de la citoyenneté, dans la façon de considérer les citoyens, dans la conception de l’identité. On parle ici du nouveau Super-fichier des Français "honnêtes", et de la nouvelle carte nationale d’identité équipée de la puce dite « régalienne » sur laquelle seront enregistrés une photo d’identité, huit empreintes digitales ainsi que la taille et la couleur des yeux du porteur. Il n’est pas question ici de s’étendre trop longuement dans sur l’aspect technique. Par manque de compétences techniques suffisantes pour se montrer pointu sur la question. Encore que le concept "p

    #A_la_Une #France #Politique #biométrie #Biométrique #Carte_d'identité #Députés #PS #Surveillance #UMP