
  • Toyota invests $500 million in Uber

    Eine halbe Milliarde Spielgeld steckt Toyota in vermeintliche Innovation. Kein Wunder, denn nur autonome Fahrzeuge versprechen auf längere Zeit den Markt für PKW am Leben zu erhalten. Das ist konsequent aus der Perspekzive eines der prößten Problemproduzenten der Welt . Toyota setzt darauf, dass Probleme, die durch die massenhafte Verbreitung von Karaftfahrzeugen entstehen sollen durch bessere Kraftfahrzeige gelöst werden können. Jede realistische Problemlösung würde die Abschaffung der Kfz-Produzenten bedeuten. Dagegen wird Spielgeld in die Kriegskasse des Gesellschaftszerstörers Uber gepumpt. Lösungen für menschenfreundliche Umwelt und Gesellschaftsformen werden so nicht befördert. Lemminge allesamt.

    Toyota just placed a big bet on autonomous vehicles.
    The automaker announced on Monday that it is investing $500 million in Uber and working more closely with the company to accelerate the development and deployment of self-driving vehicles. Uber plans to retrofit Toyota Sienna minivans with its autonomous technology and begin real-world testing in 2021.

    The deal gives Toyota a key partner in a field that is growing rapidly, and comes on the same day that four of the automaker’s suppliers announced a partnership to develop some of the software underpinning autonomous vehicles.

    “This agreement and investment marks an important milestone in our transformation to a mobility company,” Shigeki Tomoyama, the president of Toyota Connected Company, said in a statement.

    Automakers and tech companies continue scrambling to position themselves for a future in which car ownership gives way to mobility as a service. That’s led to a growing number of partnerships as companies like Toyota realize they don’t know much about ridesharing and companies like Uber discover that building cars is hard.

    Other tech and auto companies have forged similar arrangements. Waymo, for example, buys vehicles from Chrysler and Jaguar Land Rover.

    “We’re seeing marriages of companies of complementary abilities,” said Brian Collie of Boston Consulting Group. “Partnerships are quite necessary and create value toward bringing mobility as a service to the market faster.”

    Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, shakes hands with Shigeki Tomoyama, president of Toyota Connected Company.
    Uber leads the world in ridesharing, which gives it an edge in finding an audience for autonomous vehicles. Uber could create a ready market for Toyota self-driving cars through its app, which is used by millions of people.

    Monday’s announcement builds on an existing partnership. During the International Consumer Electronics Show in January, the two companies announced e-Palette, an autonomous vehicle concept that could be used for everything from pizza delivery to ridesharing.

    Toyota’s latest infusion of cash provides Uber with an unreserved endorsement of a self-driving car program rocked by a lawsuit from Google and the death of a pedestrian in Arizona in March. Uber shuttered its research and development efforts in Arizona in May, and only recently returned to the streets of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It still has not started testing its cars again in autonomous mode.

    Related: How free self-driving car rides could change everything

    This isn’t Toyota’s first move into the space. In 2015, it said it would invest $1 billion in the Toyota Research Institute artificial intelligence lab. Institute CEO Gill Pratt said in a statement Monday that the Uber partnership would accelerate efforts to deliver autonomous technology.

    Toyota’s financial investment will also prove useful given the high costs of running a self-driving car program. Engineers who specialize in the technology are rare and command salaries of several hundred thousand dollars a year. Maintaining a large fleet of test vehicles brings additional costs.

    In May, SoftBank invested $2.25 billion in Cruise, the self-driving startup of General Motors. That just goes to show that even the biggest companies need partners.

    #Uber #Wirtschaft

  • 98 personal data points that Facebook uses to target ads to you

    Say you’re scrolling through your Facebook Newsfeed and you encounter an ad so eerily well-suited, it seems someone has possibly read your brain. Maybe your mother’s birthday is coming up, and Facebook’s showing ads for her local florist. Or maybe you just made a joke aloud about wanting a Jeep, and Instagram’s promoting Chrysler dealerships. Whatever the subject, you’ve seen ads like this. You’ve wondered — maybe worried — how they found their way to (...)

    #publicité #géolocalisation #Facebook #profiling #EFF


  • Can We Transform the Auto-Industrial Society? by Emma Rothschild | The New York Review of Books

    Attention archives, un texte de fond intéressant de 2009

    The cataclysm of the American automobile industry has been an odd combination, so far, of immediate and historical anxieties. The government loan of $13.4 billion to General Motors and Chrysler in December 2008 was presented by the outgoing administration as an unsolicited gift, lest a “disorderly liquidation of American auto companies” should “leave the next President to confront the demise of a major American industry in his first days of office.” It was restricted explicitly to the very short term: “The firms must use these funds to become financially viable…. In the event that firms have not attained viability by March 31, 2009, the loan will be called.”1

    #société #industrie_automobile

  • Patch your Chrysler vehicle before hackers kill you | Fox News

    Fiat Chrysler last week quietly issued a software patch for critical security vulnerabilities related to its Uconnect vehicle-connectivity system. The vulnerablities were dramatically detailed in a Wired story that was posted Tuesday.

    In the Wired piece, two “white hat” hackers remotely connected to a Jeep Cherokee as a reporter drove it down a Missouri freeway. They made the radio blast at full volume and turned on the windshield wipers, but also cut off the transmission as a truck approached and, later, disconnected the brakes, sending the Cherokee into a ditch.

    J’aime les spécialistes de la panique - Fox News at it’s best ;-)

    L’article initial :

    Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It

    Wired aussi aime les scoops, les vrai quoi, pas ceux d’occasion.

    I’d come to St. Louis to be Miller and Valasek’s digital crash-test dummy, a willing subject on whom they could test the car-hacking research they’d been doing over the past year. The result of their work was a hacking technique—what the security industry calls a zero-day exploit—that can target Jeep Cherokees and give the attacker wireless control, via the Internet, to any of thousands of vehicles. Their code is an automaker’s nightmare: software that lets hackers send commands through the Jeep’s entertainment system to its dashboard functions, steering, brakes, and transmission, all from a laptop that may be across the country.

    #voitures #sécurité

  • Les entreprises américaines accélèrent leur retour en Iran

    Alors que les négociations politiques entre les Occidentaux et l’Iran avancent, les sociétés outre-Atlantique multiplient les contacts auprès de Téhéran.

    Dans le secteur automobile, le groupe Chrysler a transmis à la présidence iranienne une offre d’investissements sur ce vaste marché de 75 millions de consommateurs, affirme au Figaro un homme d’affaires à Téhéran. La proposition, faite début mars, a été transmise par le canal diplomatique, c’est-à-dire avec l’aval de l’Administration américaine. Officiellement, Washington multiplie pourtant les appels aux entreprises étrangères à ne pas se précipiter en Iran, tant qu’un accord sur la neutralisation de la menace nucléaire n’aura pas été trouvé.

    Le géant de l’informatique Cisco Systems, de son côté, a lancé des demandes de licence d’exportation de ses équipements auprès du Trésor, s’engouffrant ainsi dans la brèche ouverte par Barack Obama qui encourage le développement d’Internet en Iran pour renforcer la démocratie.

    Fin février, selon une autre source occidentale à Téhéran, une dizaine de présidents d’universités américaines ont fait le tour des meilleurs établissements iraniens, comme l’université Sharif de Téhéran. Outre une rencontre avec le ministre de l’Éducation et Mohammad Nahavandian, le conseiller économique du président Hassan Rohani, la délégation américaine a été reçue par Mohammadi Golpayegani, le directeur de cabinet du guide suprême, l’ayatollah Ali Khamenei, numéro un du régime et porte-drapeau du très vif sentiment antiaméricain. « Qui plus est, les Américains ont été reçus au bureau du Guide, tout un symbole ! » constate notre source. Conséquence de cette visite : trois semaines plus tard, pour Norouz, le Nouvel An iranien, l’Administration américaine levait les restrictions à la formation des étudiants iraniens dans les universités outre-Atlantique........

    #contrats ..........#France ???

    • toujours partant pour le « the big deal » avec les #États-Unis ?
      –> le traité transatlantique

      GM quitte PSA et l’ embargo s’en va
      Et puis, à la fin d’année dernière, le groupe de Detroit annonce, grand seigneur, qu’il revend ses parts de PSA pour céder sa place au chinois Dongfeng. Hasard ou coïncidence, Barack Obama annonce dans la foulée la levée de l’embargo, notamment pour l’automobile durant au moins 6 mois. John Kerry s’en mêle et entame la négociation avec le nouveau pouvoir iranien en place, et obtient des importations officielles pour les marques américaines. GM n’a donc plus besoin de la couverture PSA pour débarquer à Téhéran.

      lire la suite ->

  • The managed bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler: A model for the assault on Detroit - World Socialist Web Site

    The managed bankruptcy of GM and Chrysler: A model for the assault on Detroit
    By Jerry White
    19 March 2013

    With Michigan governor Rick Snyder’s appointment of a financial manager in Detroit, the working class in the city is about to be subjected to a financial dictatorship modeled on the savage wage and benefit cuts imposed by the Obama administration during its forced bankruptcy and restructuring of General Motors and Chrysler in 2009. Like the auto workers, the city’s public sector workers and residents will be forced to sacrifice their jobs, pensions and the needs of their families to pay for a financial crisis they did not create.

    #industrie-automobile #detroit #états-unis

  • annarky’s blog.: “SAVE THE BANKERS” CHARITY.

    As we all contribute to “Save the Bankers” charity by accepting savage cuts to our living standards and accepting the decimation of our kids education, while at the same time giving our pensions to the “Bankers Bonus Fund” we should not forget, it is going to hurt. The main effect of all the legislation being passed by the millionaire cabal will by to safeguard the financial sector and destroy the lives of vast swathes of ordinary people. There is no shortage of money, it is all up to the choices our millionaire public school thugs decide to make.

    i’m Changing My Name to Chrysler (Arlo Guthrie)
