
  • What an Uncensored Letter to #M.L.K. Reveals

    When the Rev. Dr. #Martin_Luther_King Jr. received this letter, nearly 50 years ago, he quietly informed friends that someone wanted him to kill himself — and he thought he knew who that someone was. Despite its half-baked prose, self-conscious amateurism and other attempts at misdirection, King was certain the letter had come from the #F.B.I. Its infamous director, J. Edgar #Hoover, made no secret of his desire to see King discredited. A little more than a decade later, the Senate’s Church Committee on intelligence overreach confirmed King’s suspicion.


    Since then, the so-called “suicide letter” has occupied a unique place in the history of American intelligence — the most notorious and embarrassing example of Hoover’s F.B.I. run amok. For several decades, however, only significantly redacted copies of the letter were available for public scrutiny. This summer, while researching a biography of Hoover, I was surprised to find a full, uncensored version of the letter tucked away in a reprocessed set of his official and confidential files at the National Archives. The uncovered passages contain explicit allegations about King’s sex life, rendered in the racially charged language of the Jim Crow era. Looking past the viciousness of the accusations, the letter offers a potent warning for readers today about the danger of domestic surveillance in an age with less reserved mass media.

    • Quand le FBI tentait de pousser Martin Luther King au suicide avec une lettre anonyme

      Une lettre haineuse envoyée par le FBI à Martin Luther King en 1964, a été publiée mercredi 11 novembre dans son intégralité par le New York Times. La lettre anonyme, tapée à la machine à écrire, menaçait de révéler les infidélités du pasteur. Particulièrement virulente, elle traitait le pasteur de « complet imposteur », de « boulet », ou encore de « diable ».
      La lettre avait été rédigée de telle manière qu’elle était censée faire croire qu’elle avait été envoyée par un militant du mouvement des droits civiques, faisant notamment référence à « nous, les Noirs ». Le Sénat américain avait confirmé dans les années 1970 que cette lettre anonyme émanait en réalité du FBI.


      Selon le New York Times, la lettre avait été écrite par William Sullivan, un adjoint du dirigeant de l’époque, John Edgar Hoover, et envoyée au pasteur accompagnée d’un enregistrement audio prouvant qu’il avait une liaison extraconjugale. « Ecoute-toi, dégoûtant, animal anormal », lui enjoint notamment cette lettre.

      « Tu as été enregistré, tous tes actes d’adultère, tes orgies sexuelles, depuis longtemps. Ce n’est ici qu’un petit échantillon. » « Tu ne peux pas croire en Dieu et agir comme tu le fais », accuse encore la lettre. Elle se poursuit sur une incitation claire au suicide : « Il ne te reste plus qu’une chose à faire, tu sais ce que c’est. »

      Ce document historique met en lumière combien le FBI était devenu paranoïaque sous la férule de J. Edgar Hoover, dont le nom a été choisi pour baptiser le grand bâtiment abritant aujourd’hui les locaux du FBI à Washington.


  • F.B.I. Informant Is Tied to Cyberattacks Abroad

    The details of the 2012 episode have, until now, been kept largely a secret in closed sessions of a federal court in New York and heavily redacted documents. While the documents do not indicate whether the #F.B.I. directly ordered the attacks, they suggest that the government may have used hackers to gather intelligence overseas even as investigators were trying to dismantle hacking groups like #Anonymous and send computer activists away for lengthy prison terms.

  • A Loan Fraud War That’s Short on Combat - NYTimes.com

    D’après un rapport de l’inspecteur général du Département de la #Justice étasunien, contrairement à ce qu’ont affirmé à maintes reprises les responsables dudit Département aucune enquête sérieuse n’a été menée pour de déterminer si les #banksters étaient passibles de poursuites pénales pour leur rôle dans la crise des #hypothèques.

    In the years since the financial crisis of 2008, the Justice Department has been regularly questioned about a lack of criminal prosecutions related to the mortgage mess.

    Its responses have just about always been the same, whether in public speeches by Eric H. Holder Jr., the attorney general, or in interviews with Lanny A. Breuer, its former criminal division chief. Believe us, they would say, we’ve been working overtime on these matters; if there had been cases to make, we would have made them.

    Mr. Breuer was especially vocal with these talking points. But last week, a report from the inspector general of the Justice Department, Michael E. Horowitz, set the record straight. Sure enough, the report told us how hard the nation’s law enforcement officials had been investigating these cases. That is, hardly at all.

    The report, called “Audit of the Department of Justice’s Efforts to Address Mortgage Fraud,” covers the period from 2009 to 2011. It vindicates anyone who ever questioned the government’s claim that the reason there weren’t more mortgage-related fraud cases is because the cases just weren’t there to be made.

    Most of all, the report is depressing because it indicates that the Justice Department, our nation’s top law enforcement agency, is simply unequipped — or unwilling — to combat complex financial frauds.

    Here is one of the report’s conclusions: “ We found that, despite public statements by the Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force and the department about the importance of pursuing financial fraud cases, including mortgage fraud, the #F.B.I. Criminal Investigative Division ranked complex financial crimes as the lowest of the six ranked criminal threats within its area of responsibility, and ranked mortgage fraud as the lowest subcategory threat within the complex financial crimes category. Additionally, we found mortgage fraud to be a low priority, or not listed as a priority, for F.B.I. field offices in the locations we visited, including Baltimore, Los Angeles, Miami, and New York.

    #crimes #criminels