• We Were Once Kids - Trailer

    The cult film ‘Kids’ was a scandalous succes in 1995. But the semi-documentary about young, sex-crazed skaters in New York had big consequences for the cast, who finally speak out 25 years later.

    In 1995, everyone was talking about ‘Kids’. Larry Clarke’s semi-documentary about a group of young skaters in New York was an international scandal and a massive success, nominated for the Palme d’Or at Cannes and causing a furore for its transgressive portrayal of teenage sex, violence and drugs. 25 years later, the cast tell their own version of the story, and it’s not pretty. ‘We Were Once Kids’ is a tale of solidarity, delusion and exploitation. The young people were cast on the street for a film where few in the audience could tell reality from fiction. And once the film hit, it was too late to draw the lines.

    #larry_clark #heroin_chic #addiction #jeunes #cinema

    • W e Were Once Kids addresses the still tender and painful heart of the 1995 film’s aftermath, the deaths of Pierce and Hunter, who could be understood as best embodying the ethos portrayed in Kids. It conveys the difficulties that both of them, like other cast members, faced after the movie had been released: struggling with addiction and alcoholism while facing the challenge of maintaining authenticity after being made into an image, and navigating what must have felt like a make-believe world.


    • tiens c’est Disney qui a distribué Kids :

      Ce qui a permis à Clark d’assurer que personne ne s’est vraiment drogué sur le tournage, et que tout les kids du film sont plus vieux que ce qu’ils ont l’air à l’écran.

      The director claimed that the kids on screen were older than they looked, and that none were doing drugs.He even got in a pitch for Disney, the distributor.

      J’ai tout de même littéralement adoré Whassup rockers à l’époque. Faudrait que je le revois.

      Ce qui est dingue c’est d’avoir aimé à ce point la vision de Clark sur les gamins. ça me fait beaucoup (re)penser à cette citation de Dworkin :

      « Parce que la plupart des adultes mentent aux enfants la plupart du temps, l’adulte pédophilique semble honnête, quelqu’un qui dit la vérité, le seul adulte justement, prêt à découvrir le monde et à ne pas mentir. »

      Un exemple :

      “Larry doesn’t do kids the way other people do,” said Fitzpatrick. “Larry knew early on that to make a film like this he needed to be on the inside of this sort of counterculture.” So at 50 years old Clark taught himself how to skateboard and hung around Washington Square Park everyday getting to know the kids. In Fitzpatrick’s opinion, that time commitment was absolutely necessary, because “teenagers don’t trust adults”, and it was the only way Clark could convince the skaters to take part in his film. “He knew that to get respect from these kids he would have to give them respect,” said Fitzpatrick. “Larry gave them respect and they trusted him to tell their story.”


    • Peu ont montré avec autant de réalisme le quotidien d’une certaine jeunesse
      Dans une interview pour le Guardian, Larry Clark a dit que le plus beau compliment qu’il n’ait jamais reçu venait d’un garçon qui a défini Kids en ces termes : ’’Ce n’était pas comme un film. C’était comme dans la vraie vie.’’

    • Tiens ils ont parlé du doc dans el pais :


      In 2021, #Hamilton_harris – one of the boys featured in the film – participated in a documentary titled We were once kids, directed by Eddie Martin. Harris pursued this project after becoming alarmed when he discovered that a large part of the movie’s viewership mistakenly believed that they were watching a documentary.

      “My feelings towards the movie started to change after seeing the global reaction it got,” he told Variety. At the same time, he felt that the creators outside the group – Korine and director Larry Clark – failed to capture the strong sense of community that the teenagers had created. While the film reduced the existence of its protagonists to a devastating nihilism, the truth is that those kids – who used skateboarding as an outlet – had formed a family. They were protecting each other, escaping from homes where drug usage and violence were common. Carefree sex was not at the center of their lives: in fact, many of the protagonists were virgins.


      The problematic part came with the female roles. When the women in the gang read the script, they refused to participate. It did not reflect the relationship of camaraderie that united them: it was simply a festival of sex and drugs, a film “about rape and misogyny” says Priscilla Forsyth, who ended up participating in a minor role with only one sentence for posterity (“I’ve fucked and I love to fuck”). On the other hand, the boys could be of non-normative beauty, but the girls chosen to star in the film included 15-year-old Rosario Dawson – whom Korine discovered in a social housing project where she lived with her grandmother – and Chlöe Sevigny, a New York club regular who, after being featured in two fashion editorials and a Sonic Youth video, had become the city’s great underground sensation.


      The director of We were once kids does not point to a culprit, but hints that many powerful people made a fortune while the protagonists were exposed to the world with their allegedly amoral lifestyle.

    • On parlait de cette divergence, en 2015, dans le guardian :


      High says the added storyline was a distortion: “The true story [of Kids] is about a bunch of kids who grew up with literally nothing,” she says. “We might have been from different areas and different races but we came from the same income bracket of broke. We learned how to take care of each other at a time that was one of the rougher periods in New York City’s history.

      “The film portrays segregation between girls and guys, which wasn’t reality. The main point [of the film] – the whole virgin-fucking, misogynistic thing – was not necessarily how we lived our lives.”


      To Harris, the group was ahead of its time in a country mired in racism and recession. Intuitively post-racial in a colour-conscious society, the crew formed its own world around skateboarding despite being tethered to a socioeconomic bracket that deemed it invisible


      Le sujet du film aurait pu être ça :

      “In the early 90s we were dealing with crack, the Aids epidemic, racism and all kinds of social injustices. We were totally aware of the social dynamic in the world around us. We were constantly trying to change that, and foster that change as an example,” he said

      En terme de révolution, une toute autre paire de manche...

    • (déso je spam un peu)

      Cette #ruse, de faire passer sa vision des choses pour des #preuves.


      Still, he rejects claims that his previous work is either exploitative or luridly voyeuristic: "I would go to these parties and see fucking, gangbanging and drugs. To me it’s historical evidence. I can only shoot what I see.

      “Back then it was a secret world but you know what? Kids was based on reality. That’s what these kids on the street tell me, they say: ’Larry that’s how it is.’ Personally, I feel there’s the argument that if it’s not documented, how would we know it’s going on at all?”

    • Wouaw ! Merci pour la découverte ! C’est drôle parce que très rapidement ça m’a fait penser à l’album / documentaire « Hecho en Mexico » et à ce moment là je vois apparaitre Residente, ex Caille 13 que j’avais aussi beaucoup entendu au Mexique et à qui on doit le magnifique morceau « Latinoamérica » (featuring Totó la Momposina, Susana Baca and Maria Rita)...

    • #Calle_13 (con Totó la Momposina, Susana Baca, Maria Rita y Gustavo Santaolalla): Latinoamérica (Entren los que quieran, 2010)

      Hecho en México Soundtrack (2012)

      00:00:00 Tiempo e híbridos / Un rezo universal (Rubén Albarrán, Jose Bautista, Antonio Carrillo)
      00:04:51 ¿Qué es ahora? (Mono Blanco, Carla Morrison, Mü, Sergio Arau, Luis Rey Moreno Gil)
      00:09:31 México 2000 (Rojo Córdova, Cuarteto Latinoamericano)
      00:12:00 Yo libre porque pienso (Residente Calle 13, Randy «El Gringo Loco» Ebright, Tito Fuentes, Paco Ayala)
      00:15:37 El caminante del Mayab (Los Tres Yucatecos)
      00:18:15 En mi vida secreta (Adanowsky)
      00:22:13 El mexicano del sur (Ariel Guzik, Humberto Alvarez, Fernando Guadarrama, Eduardo Farrés)
      00:25:01 Fronteras / We got the fucking love / Los Ilegales / Tan Lejos de Dios (Ali Gua Gua, Pato Machete, Los Tucanes De Tijuana, El Haragán, Emmanuel del Real)
      00:32:36 El muy muy (Amandititita, Don Cheto, Los Macuanos)
      00:37:17 Sembrar flores (Los Cojolites)
      00:41:28 ¿Quién lleva los pantalones? (El Venado Azul, Banda Agua Caliente, Gloria Trevi, Instituto Mexicano Del Sonido)
      00:48:09 Medley / Obsesión / La última noche (Las Maya Internacional)
      00:50:39 Me gusta mi medicina (Original Banda El Limon De Salvador Lizarraga, Amandititita, Kinky, Mü, Juan Cirerol)
      00:56:30 El mensajero (Carla Morrison, León Larregui)
      01:01:08 Mis propios ojos (Alberto Paz, Multi Culti, Los Macuanos, Noicaruk)
      01:03:40 Antes y después de la vida (Julieta Venegas)
      01:08:06 Canción de las simples cosas (Chavela Vargas)
      01:09:40 Cuándo llegaré / Mustak (Natalia Lafourcade, Emmanuel del Real, Yajvalel Vinajel, Slajem K’op)
      01:14:14 Bajo una ceiba (Alejandro Fernández)
      01:19:06 ¿Quién soy? (Sonidero Meztizo, María Moctezuma, Marlene Cruz Ramírez «Mare»)
      01:24:39 Nana Guadalupe (Lila Downs, Lupe Esparza, Natalia Lafourcade)
      01:30:44 Bolom Chon (Yajvalel Vinajel)
      01:34:09 ¿A qué le tiras cuando sueñas, mexicano? (Lupe Esparza, Original Banda El Limon De Salvador Lizarraga, El Venado Azul)

  • Our Universities : The Outrageous Reality by Andrew Delbanco | The New York Review of Books

    Des la période coloniale et pendant longtemps (notamment pendant la période de l’#URSS) les #Etats-Unis feront beaucoup pour favoriser l’accession des plus modestes aux #études supérieures. Puis est survenue la #régression.

    Today this story is stalled. At the top of the prestige pyramid, in highly selective colleges like those of the Ivy League, students from the bottom income quartile in our society make up around 5 percent of the enrollments. This meager figure is often explained as the consequence of a regrettable reality: qualified students from disadvantaged backgrounds simply do not exist in significant numbers. But it’s not so.

    • Noam Chomsky, Réflexions sur l’université

      L’activisme des années 1960, « terrifiant pour l’ensemble des élites », déclenche en effet une offensive libérale visant à faire intervenir l’Etat pour imposer plus de discipline, à restaurer les universités dans leur fonction d’« institutions vouées à l’endoctrinement de la jeunesse » (p. 152), de « fabrique du consentement »4, notamment par une forte hausse des frais de scolarité « permettant de piéger les gens. Si vous allez à l’université, vous devez contracter une dette importante, vous serez docile. » (p. 153).

    • Chomsky : L’éducation est #ignorance (Extrait du livre « Class Warfare » -1995) — Noam CHOMSKY

      L’éducation de masse fut conçue pour transformer les fermiers indépendants en instruments de production dociles et passifs. C’était son premier objectif. Et ne pensez pas que les gens n’étaient pas au courant. Ils le savaient et l’ont combattu. Il y eut beaucoup de résistance à l’éducation de masse pour cette raison. C’était aussi compris par les élites. #Emerson a dit une fois quelque chose sur la façon dont on les éduque pour les empêcher de nous sauter à la gorge. Si vous ne les éduquez pas, ce qu’on appelle l’« éducation », ils vont prendre le contrôle - « ils » étant ce qu’Alexander #Hamilton appelait la « grande Bête », c’est-à -dire le #peuple. La poussée anti-démocratique de l’opinion dans ce qui est appelé les sociétés démocratiques est tout bonnement féroce. Et à juste titre, puisque plus la société devient libre, plus dangereuse devient la « grande bête » et plus vous devez faire attention pour la mettre en cage d’une manière ou d’une autre.