• La Cavale, Partie II, Chapitre IX

    A propos de Simone (qui « donne un coup de main » aux matonnes)
    « elle adore faire sa matonne adjointe et que ces manifestations d’importance (laver la merde, tirasser les lits, etc.) lui donnent à son avis le pas sur moi, le scribe accroupi. »


    « Ça peut pas durer, moi j’vais le dire, c’est pas moucharder, ça, c’est un devoir. »
    Quel grand mot, de si bonne heure ! »

    #antimatons #concurrence #collaboration #moucharder

  • Moi, je vais quelquefois me camper au bord de la marche de la buanderie, là où les rigoles de savon et de crasse font une fraîcheur moisie ; immobile, un peu arquée, la tête vers l’épaule, j’entrouvre la bouche et je sens le zeph qui vibre à travers mes joues, comme un frais courant d’air d’harmonica ; et, un peu plus haut, le soleil explose doucement sur mes paupières et m’enracine à la terre, par-dessous les pavés pourris et les bulles de lessive ; une soudaine euphorie pleut du ciel et reflue à mes jambes, tandis que sans bouger j’avance, avec un peu de peine, comme à contre-vague.

    La Cavale Partie I Chapitre IX

    #sensations #nature #racines #arbre #vent #mouvement

  • Mort de Blessing Matthew : la justice européenne ne permet pas de rouvrir le dossier

    La CEDH a rendu sa décision jeudi 18 janvier : elle estime irrecevable la requête de la sœur de la Nigériane retrouvée morte noyée dans la Durance, près de Briançon, en mai 2018. Elle souhaitait une réouverture de l’enquête.

    C’estC’est la fin d’un long combat en quête de justice et de vérité. Jeudi 18 janvier, la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme (CEDH) a statué dans l’affaire dite « Blessing Matthew », du nom de cette exilée nigériane retrouvée morte noyée dans la Durance, à la frontière franco-italienne, près de Briançon (Hautes-Alpes), le 7 mai 2018.

    La Cour a jugé, à l’unanimité, que la requête était « irrecevable », coupant court aux derniers espoirs nourris par Christiana, la sœur de Blessing Matthew, par l’association locale Tous Migrants, mais aussi par Hervé, le seul témoin, dont Mediapart a révélé l’existence. Son témoignage, quatre ans après les faits, pointait le rôle des forces de l’ordre dans la mort de la jeune femme.

    À seulement 20 ans, elle tentait d’échapper aux gendarmes qui cherchaient à l’interpeller au petit matin, après qu’elle eut franchi la frontière franco-italienne accompagnée de deux hommes. La justice française avait estimé qu’il n’y avait « aucun témoin ». Hervé avait d’ailleurs disparu un temps après avoir été refoulé en Italie. Une juge d’instruction indépendante avait aussi rendu un non-lieu en 2020, après une plainte déposée par Christiana.

    Lorsqu’Hervé est sorti de l’ombre pour donner sa version des faits, après des années d’errance, les avocats de Tous Migrants ont décidé de demander la réouverture du dossier. Ils n’ont pas été entendus. Pour Me Vincent Brengarth, cette décision de la CEDH cause une « déception très claire » chez tous les intervenants qui ont pu participer à ce « combat judiciaire » au cours des dernières années.

    « Il y a le sentiment que la décision de la CEDH n’est pas à la hauteur de la mobilisation exceptionnelle qu’il y a eue autour de cette affaire, pour que toute la lumière soit faite sur les circonstances de la mort de Blessing », explique l’avocat, joint par Mediapart. Il ajoute qu’il ne s’agit pas d’une irrecevabilité « classique », qui pourrait laisser entendre qu’il pouvait y avoir des vices de forme ou des irrégularités dans la procédure.
    Une décision sur le fond

    « Non, un juge a bien regardé le dossier au fond mais a rejeté la requête en considérant que les autorités françaises avaient fait le nécessaire de façon raisonnable dans ce dossier. » Un point de vue que ne partagent pas l’avocat ni l’association Tous Migrants.

    « On constate que malgré une analyse de fond, la décision donne crédit à la manière dont les autorités ont agi dans cette affaire, regrette Agnès Antoine, membre de Tous Migrants. Ni les autorités françaises ni la CEDH n’auront répondu à la demande de justice et de vérité pour Blessing depuis 2018. »

    Le contraste avec le volume et la qualité du travail produit par la communauté d’acteurs est, selon elle, saisissant. « Il y avait une intensité d’éléments fournis par le témoin, Tous Migrants ou encore Border Forensics [qui regroupe chercheuses et chercheurs, architectes et cartographes et mène des investigations sur les morts aux frontières – ndlr]. Que faut-il de plus aujourd’hui pour espérer que la justice soit rendue à une personne exilée ? », abonde Vincent Brengarth, qui évoque un « rendez-vous raté avec la justice ».

    Dans ses motivations, la CEDH justifie sa décision ainsi : « Le témoignage ne contenait pas d’allégation plausible ou crédible qui aurait permis l’identification, la poursuite et éventuellement la condamnation de l’auteur d’un homicide, et n’était de nature à remettre en cause ni le sérieux ni les conclusions de l’enquête initiale. »

    Le nouveau témoignage d’Hervé, à la fois « précis et inédit » selon Me Brengarth, aurait pourtant dû mener à de nouvelles investigations. « Il pointait des gendarmes à l’identité connue à travers les éléments de l’investigation. On a l’impression aujourd’hui que tous ces éléments ont été piétinés. » Sans parler des risques pris par Hervé en accusant des gendarmes dans une affaire aussi sensible, et qui a été menacé d’expulsion, peu de temps après avoir livré son témoignage à la presse.

    L’avocat tout comme l’association Tous Migrants prennent acte de la décision de la CEDH malgré tout. Mais ils promettent que le combat ne s’arrêtera pas là : d’autres victimes des frontières, ou proches de victimes, « ont besoin d’un espace pour être entendues dans leur quête de vérité et de justice », conclut Agnès Antoine. La mort de la jeune femme avait secoué le tissu associatif local, déjà fortement mobilisé pour venir en aide aux exilé·es en situation de détresse dans la montagne.


    #Blessing_Matthew #CEDH #justice (well...) #cour_européenne_des_droits_de_l'homme #asile #migrations #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #décès #frontière_sud-alpine #Alpes

    • Communiqué de presse Tous Migrants - Border Forensics, 19.01.2024 :
      LA CEDH ne répond pas à la demande de vérité pour Blessing Matthew

      [EXTRAIT] Depuis la mort de Blessing Matthew le 7 mai 2018, suite à sa chute dans la Durance alors qu’elle était poursuivie par la police, sa famille ainsi que l’association Tous Migrants ont inlassablement poursuivi leur combat pour que la justice fasse toute la lumière sur ce drame, en ne négligeant aucune voie judiciaire. Des plaintes ont ainsi rapidement été déposées auprès du Procureur de la République en 2018, avant que, en 2019, des plaintes avec constitution de partie civile soient déposées devant le Doyen des juges d’instruction après le classement sans suite de l’affaire. En dépit de l’ensemble des éléments produits au cours de la procédure, une ordonnance de non-lieu était rendue puis confirmée.

      Texte complet :

      Depuis la mort de Blessing MATIHEW le 7 mai 2018, suite à sa chute dans la Durance alors qu’elle était poursuivie par la police, sa famille ainsi que l’association Tous Migrants ont inlassablement poursuivi leur combat pour que la justice fasse toute la lumière sur ce drame, en ne négligeant aucune voie judiciaire. Des plaintes ont ainsi rapidement été déposées auprès du Procureur de la République en 2018, avant que, en 2019, des plaintes avec constitution de partie civile soient déposées devant le Doyen des juges d’instruction après le classement sans suite de l’affaire. En dépit de l’ensemble des éléments produits au cours de la procédure, une ordonnance de non-lieu était rendue puis confirmée.

      Des éléments nouveaux sont par la suite intervenus, dont un témoignage de M. H. S., contredisant formellement les déclarations des gendarmes et faisant état de ce que Blessing MATIHEW s’était débattue avec l’un d’eux, entrainant sa chute dans l’eau, de ce que personne ne lui a porté secours avant qu’elle ne disparaisse dans la rivière et trouve la mort.

      La cohérence de ces déclarations a été confirmée par l’analyse minutieuse menée par Border Forensics, après plusieurs mois de travail. https://www.borderforensics.org/fr/enquetes/blessing

      C’est dans ces conditions qu’une demande de réouverture de l’information judiciaire a été introduite par les parties civiles le 13 juin 2022.

      Malgré les éléments nouvellement communiqués, qui n’avaient, de fait, jamais été étudiés par la justice, et en dépit de la gravité des accusations portées, le Procureur Général n’en a tiré aucune conséquence, se contentant de rejeter la demande de réouverture formulée en adoptant une motivation expéditive.

      Compte tenu de cette décision contestable, la famille de Blessing MATTHEW et l’association Tous Migrants ont fait le choix de se tourner vers la CEDH en 2022, en dernier recours.

      Par une décision communiquée ce jour, plus d’un an après la requête, la Cour Européenne des Droits de l’Homme a constaté que la demande de réouverture de l’information pour charges nouvelles formulée était bien étayée par un élément nouveau, à savoir le témoignage de M. H.S. livré postérieurement à la clôture de l’instruction, mais que, selon elle, rien ne pouvait permettre de remettre en cause l’appréciation de cet élément par le procureur général.

      La CEDH refuse par conséquent d’invalider l’enquête menée par les autorités françaises.

      Cette décision n’est absolument pas à la hauteur des enjeux, des éléments produits et du travail fourni par les parties civiles pour palier la défaillance de la justice française, s’agissant d’une affaire qui, doit-on seulement le rappeler, concerne le décès d’une personne exilée et ce consécutivement à l’intervention des gendarmes.

      Les soussignés ne vont pas cesser le combat, ni dans cette affaire ni dans d’autres. Ils entendent au contraire tirer tous les enseignements de cette décision de la CEDH, intervenue à l’ issue de l’épuisement des voies de recours internes, afin que, par la suite, les autorités n’aient plus l’occasion de trouver des échappatoires pour ne pas rechercher toutes les responsabilités.

      L’impunité qui persiste pour la mort de Blessing MATIHEW perpétue après sa mort le traitement discriminatoire et inhumain dont elle a été l’objet durant sa vie. L’absence de réponse aux demandes de vérité et de justice de la famille de Blessing de la part des institutions judiciaires françaises et maintenant la CEDH rendent le travail de la société civile encore plus essentiel.

      Nous nous engageons à continuer à chercher à éclairer les circonstances qui ont mené à la mort de Blessing et les responsabilités impliquées, et à les faire connaître publiquement.

      Nous nous engageons à continuer à soutenir d’autres victimes de la violence des frontières Alpines, dont la liste continuera de s’allonger tant que l’impunité pour les morts et les violations est perpétuée, et que les politiques qui y mènent structurellement sont maintenues.


    • Noyade de Blessing Matthew : la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme déclare la « requête irrecevable »

      En octobre 2022, la sœur de Blessing Matthew et Tous migrants avaient déposé une requête contre la France devant la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme. La jeune migrante, originaire du Nigeria, était décédée en mai 2018, en tombant dans la Durance.


  • Reportages : InfoMigrants à la rencontre des Sénégalais tentés par le rêve européen

    InfoMigrants est allé au Sénégal, en banlieue de Dakar, à la rencontre de jeunes - et moins jeunes - tentés par un départ vers l’Europe. En cause : l’inflation, la crise du Covid et de la pêche... Certains sont restés mais ont aussi perdu un proche dans la traversée de l’Atlantique vers les Canaries espagnoles. D’autres encore sont rentrés après l’échec de leur rêve européen. Retrouvez tous nos reportages.

    La situation économique du Sénégal pousse de plus en plus d’hommes et de femmes à prendre la mer en direction des îles Canaries, distantes d’environ 1 500 km. Les Sénégalais fuient généralement une vie sans perspective, aggravée par les changements climatiques.


    À l’été 2023, les départs se sont notamment succédé vers l’archipel espagnol depuis les côtes sénégalaises. Sur l’ensemble de l’année 2023, plus de 37 000 personnes ont tenté de rejoindre le pays européen, du jamais vu.


    Beaucoup prennent la mer sans en mesurer les dangers. Selon l’ONG espagnole Caminando fronteras, plus de 6 000 migrants sont morts en mer l’année dernière. Ce chiffre, qui a pratiquement triplé (+177%) par rapport à celui de 2022, est « le plus élevé » comptabilisé par l’ONG depuis le début de ses recensements.


    Dans le même temps, des Sénégalais, déçus par leur exil, sont aussi rentrés au pays après des années passées en Europe. Souvent, ils reviennent avec l’aide de l’Organisation internationale pour les migrations (OIM) et le soutien financier de l’Union européenne. Mais en rentrant « les mains vides », ils doivent faire face à la déception de leurs proches.


    À Dakar, on croise aussi des Centrafricains, des Congolais, des Sierra-léonais, des Ivoiriens… Certains sont réfugiés, d’autres sont en transit, d’autres encore sont « bloqués » au Sénégal et attendent de pouvoir rejoindre rentrer chez eux.


    Enfin, il y a ceux qui refusent de risquer leur vie et s’échinent à demander un visa pour atteindre l’Europe, malgré les refus successifs et le coût de la procédure. Comme partout, des trafiquants profitent de la situation et organisent des trafics de rendez-vous en ambassades. Des mafias prennent ainsi tous les créneaux sur internet et les revendent à prix d’or à des Sénégalais désespérés.



    #Sénégal #asile #migrations #réfugiés #reportage #vidéo #jeunes #jeunesse #Dakar #facteurs_push #push-factors #inflation #pêche #route_atlantique #Canaries #îles_Canaries #perpectives #climat #changement_climatique #décès #morts_aux_frontières #mourir_aux_frontières #Caminando_fronteras #OIM #réintégration #retour #IOM #visas

  • La #Grèce condamnée par la #Cour_européenne_des_droits_de_l’homme après les tirs de gardes-côtes sur des embarcations de migrants

    La CEDH a condamné le pays à verser 80 000 euros aux proches d’un migrant syrien mort après avoir été blessé par balle par les gardes-côtes grecs, en 2014.

    Le #22_septembre_2014, à l’aube, non loin des côtes turques et près de l’îlot grec de #Psérimos, un bateau à moteur transportant quatorze migrants est repéré par les #gardes-côtes_grecs. Le commandant du navire militaire demande au conducteur d’arrêter l’embarcation. Ce dernier refuse. Les gardes-côtes tirent alors vingt balles pour immobiliser la vedette – sept coups de semonce et treize tirs ciblés sur le moteur. Deux ressortissants syriens sont blessés. L’un d’eux, Belal Tello est touché à la tête et conduit par hélicoptère à l’hôpital de Rhodes, une île grecque voisine. En août 215, il est transféré en Suède où habitent sa femme et ses enfants (les requérants). Il est pris en charge à l’hôpital universitaire Karolinska, à Stockholm. Mais il meurt quatre mois plus tard.

    Les proches de #Belal_Tello ont attendu près de dix ans pour obtenir le verdict de la Cour européenne des droits de l’Homme (CEDH), qui a finalement condamné la Grèce à leur verser 80 000 euros. D’après la cour, Athènes n’a pas prouvé « que l’usage de la force était absolument nécessaire » pour arrêter le bateau qui s’approchait des côtes grecques. « Les treize coups de feu tirés exposaient forcément les passagers de la vedette à un risque », ont estimé les sept juges européens.

    « La condamnation concerne également l’enquête inefficace menée par les autorités grecques sur l’incident », souligne, dans un communiqué, l’ONG Refugee Support Aegean (RSA), qui représentait, avec l’association Pro Asyl, la famille de la victime. Le parquet grec avait ouvert une enquête préliminaire sur cet incident, mais la justice avait rapidement classé l’affaire en 2015. D’après la CEDH, l’enquête menée par les autorités nationales comportait « de nombreuses lacunes qui ont conduit notamment à la perte d’éléments de preuve ». « Au cours de la procédure pénale, les deux réfugiés blessés par balle n’ont jamais été appelés à témoigner. Les déclarations des témoins recueillies lors des interrogatoires préliminaires semblent identiques », souligne RSA. La CEDH s’est aussi étonnée que plusieurs mesures pouvant faire avancer l’enquête n’aient pas été prises : une expertise médico-légale sur la blessure à la tête du réfugié syrien ; un rapport balistique établissant les trajectoires des tirs…
    « Impunité généralisée »

    Ce n’est pas la première fois que les agissements des gardes-côtes grecs sont condamnés ou mis en cause. En juillet 2022, la CEDH avait accordé 330 000 euros à seize requérants dont le bateau avait coulé en mer Egée, près de l’île de Farmakonisi, en janvier 2014. Onze personnes, dont huit enfants, avaient trouvé la mort dans ce naufrage provoqué par un navire garde-côtes grec, qui aurait navigué à grande vitesse à proximité de l’embarcation, entraînant le chavirement de celle-ci.
    La CEDH avait déjà noté que les autorités grecques n’avaient pas mené une « enquête approfondie et effective permettant de faire la lumière sur les circonstances du naufrage ». L’une des avocates des requérants, Maria Papamina, du Conseil pour les réfugiés grec, avait déclaré, lors du rendu de cette décision de justice : « Nous avions l’impression que l’intention [des autorités grecques] était de clore rapidement l’affaire. »

    Et c’est justement ce que les défenseurs des droits de l’homme souhaitent éviter, que le cas d’un autre naufrage survenu il y a quelques mois, au large du Péloponnèse, à Pylos, ne soit classé, lui aussi, sans suite. Le 14 juin 2023, un chalutier, l’Adriana, parti de Libye, a coulé avec près de 750 migrants à son bord, dans les eaux territoriales grecques. Seules 104 personnes ont survécu et 82 corps ont été retrouvés.

    Les témoignages des survivants suggèrent qu’un patrouilleur garde-côtes grec a attaché une corde à l’Adriana et tiré dessus, ce qui aurait conduit à faire chavirer le bateau surchargé de migrants. D’après plusieurs enquêtes journalistiques, les opérations de sauvetage ont été également tardivement mises en place.
    Dans un rapport publié en décembre 2023, Amnesty International et Human Rights Watch déploraient, six mois après le drame, le « peu de progrès » dans les investigations menées par les autorités grecques. Selon les deux ONG, « les échecs historiques des enquêtes grecques sur les naufrages (…) et l’impunité généralisée pour les violations systémiques des droits humains à ses frontières suscitent des inquiétudes quant à l’adéquation des enquêtes judiciaires en cours sur la tragédie de Pylos ».

    #CEDH #justice #condamnation #asile #migrations #réfugiés #gardes-côtes #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #décès #naufrage #tir

  • Un mémoriel pour les mort·es aux frontières (région de l’Evros, Grèce) détruit

    Thread de Lena K. sur X :

    In August 2011, activists of the Welcome to Europe network & solidarians built a memorial for people who died while crossing the #Evros border: a water fountain at the village of Provatonas. The fountain now lies in ruin - visual proof of local hostility to border crossers.

    I found out about the fountain online, by chance. Like many aspects of the past of the local border regime and resistance to it, it’s been forgotten. I didn’t have time to investigate when, how and why it was destroyed (next time!) but one source suggests it was by locals:

    “Here we had built a fountain, as Greek tradition would have it, for travellers. To drink water, wash and rest before continuing their journey. Today this tap has been destroyed, they don’t even want the refugees to pass through here. On the one hand, I understand them

    A lot of people crossed then and never stopped crossing. People are tired. On the other hand, however, with what various people say and do, they have made people lose its humanity. I hope this broken fountain reminds us that we were human."


    The names of people who died crossing the #Evros were inscribed on the fountain. Its destruction erased them, rendering the dead nameless, dehumanising border crossers once again.



    #monument #mémoriel #mémoire #morts_aux_frontières #mourir_aux_frontières #asile #migrations #réfugiés #Grèce #frontières #destruction #Welcome_to_Europe #Provatonas

    • Μια βρύση-μνημείο των χαμένων μεταναστών-ριών στον Προβατώνα/Τυχερό Έβρου

      Όνομα και Αξιοπρέπεια για τους νεκρούς μετανάστες των συνόρων Μια βρύση-μνημείο των χαμένων μεταναστών-ριών στον Προβατώνα Έβρου

      Την Τρίτη 30 Αυγούστου με πρωτοβουλία του πανευρωπαϊκού δικτύου Welcome to Europe και πολλών αλληλέγγυων ανθρώπων, δημιουργήσαμε ένα μνημείο για τους χαμένους μετανάστες στα σύνορα του Έβρου. Για την Τζέιν και τον Μπασίρ που πνίγηκαν τον περασμένο χρόνο στο ποτάμι, αλλά και για τους εκατοντάδες άλλους, ανώνυμους νεκρούς και αγνοούμενους των συνόρων και των ναρκοπεδίων. Θελήσαμε να δώσουμε πίσω το Όνομα και την Αξιοπρέπεια, το σεβασμό που πρέπει σε κάθε νεκρό. Θελήσαμε, σε πείσμα των καιρών, να εκφράσουμε την Φιλοξενία και την αγωνία μας για τις διαστάσεις του εγκλήματος που λαμβάνει χώρα στα ευρωπαϊκά σύνορα. Θελήσαμε να πούμε όχι σε μια Ευρώπη που οχυρώνεται πίσω από το φόβο και χτίζει τείχη, σε μια Ευρώπη που μετατρέπει τους μετανάστες και μετανάστριες σε αποδιοπομπαίους τράγους της κρίσης. Να πούμε όχι σε μια Ευρώπη που μετατρέπει τους χιλιάδες νεκρούς των συνόρων σε αριθμούς και στατιστικές και που εξακολουθεί να τους μεταχειρίζεται ως ανεπιθύμητους ακόμη και μετά θάνατον. Όπως ανακαλύψαμε το 2010, υπάρχει ένας χώρος ταφής στο Σιδηρώ, που σε καμιά περίπτωση δεν μπορεί να χαρακτηριστεί νεκροταφείο, που προσβάλει τους νεκρούς και τους συγγενείς τους που έρχονται να τους αναζητήσουν. Από το 1995 μέχρι και το 2009, 104 άνθρωποι έχασαν τη ζωή τους από νάρκες και 187 ακρωτηριάστηκαν. Μόνο το 2011 έχουν σκοτωθεί στα σύνορα του Έβρου 70 άνθρωποι, 47 από τους οποίους δεν έχουν ταυτοποιηθεί. Λίγες ημέρες πριν, ένας ακόμη μετανάστης έπεφτε νεκρός όταν περιπολία της συνοριοφυλακής και της Frontex άνοιξε πυρ εναντίον ομάδας που διέσχιζε το ποτάμι. Πρόκειται για ένα έγκλημα που μένει ατιμώρητο, για μια βαρβαρότητα που ωστόσο δικαιολογούν και υποθάλπουν κυβερνήσεις και αξιωματούχοι. Στις 30 Αυγούστου βρεθήκαμε μαζί με συγγενείς και αγαπημένους δύο ανθρώπων που έχασαν τη ζωή τους στην περιοχή του Έβρου, με κατοίκους της περιοχής, με αντιρατσιστές-ριες που ήρθαν έπειτα από το Νο Border camp της Βουλγαρίας. Φτιάξαμε μια βρύση και τοποθετήσαμε μια επιγραφή με τα ονόματα των νεκρών, ένα μνημείο για όλους και όλες που έχουν χαθεί άδικα στα σύνορα. Η βρύση βρίσκεται στον Προβατώνα, στο δρόμο για το Τυχερό. Δίκτυο Welcome to Europe


  • Nel Mediterraneo non esistono stragi minori

    Mem.Med sul naufragio del 27 ottobre 2023 a #Marinella_di_Selinunte.

    Ahmed, Kousay, Bilel, Wael, Oussema, Souhé, Yassine, Sabrin, Fethi, Ridha, Yezin, Bilel, Mahdi questi sono i nomi di alcune delle persone scomparse a seguito del naufragio avvenuto a Marinella Selinunte in Sicilia (TP) il 27 ottobre 2023.
    Non numeri: erano circa 60 persone partite con un peschereccio da una spiaggia poco lontana da Mahdia, città costiera della Tunisia nord orientale. Sulla rotta per la Sicilia, verso Mazara, avevano viaggiato per alcuni giorni, uomini, donne e minori, tuttə di nazionalità tunisina. Poi, proprio poco prima di arrivare, il viaggio si è arrestato improvvisamente. Alcune persone sono riuscite a sopravvivere e a nuotare fino alla riva, altre hanno perso la vita, non soccorse in tempo, in una dinamica che ricorda molto quella che ha caratterizzato il massacro avvenuto a Steccato di Cutro il 26 febbraio 2023.

    L’indagine è ancora in corso, i fatti non sono chiari ma, da quanto ricostruito, sembrerebbe che a poca distanza dalla riva della spiaggia di Marinella di Selinunte, il peschereccio si sarebbe incagliato in una secca e questo avrebbe provocato il ribaltamento dell’imbarcazione e il successivo annegamento di diverse persone cadute in acqua.

    Nei giorni successivi 6 corpi sono stati recuperati dalla capitaneria di Porto, dalla Guardia Costiera e dai Vigili del fuoco: 5 corpi rinvenuti sulla spiaggia di Marinella di Selinunte e 1 sulla spiaggia di Triscina. Le persone disperse sarebbero almeno 10. Perciò il totale delle persone rimaste uccise sono tra le 15 e le 20.

    Le persone sopravvissute, minori e adulte, sono le uniche a conoscere le dinamiche dell’evento: hanno visto i corpi dellə loro compagnə galleggiare a pochi metri dalla riva e hanno dichiarato che moltə di loro sono rimastə in acqua mentre i soccorsi hanno tardato ad arrivare.
    Nonostante fossero decine le persone disperse, le ricerche dei corpi si sono fermate tre giorni dopo il tragico evento. Le persone sopravvissute sono state ricollocate nei centri siciliani di Porto Empedocle, Milo e Castelvetrano o sono partite in autonomia verso altre mete europee.
    La ricerca di verità

    La procura di Marsala sta conducendo un’inchiesta sull’accaduto. I 6 corpi, tutti maschili, sono stati inizialmente trasferiti a Palermo e sottoposti ad autopsia, nonché a prelievo del DNA e a raccolta dei dati post mortem per l’eventuale identificazione. Dopodiché sono stati riportati a Castelvetrano, 5 sono stati collocati nell’obitorio dell’ospedale locale e 1 al cimitero.

    A pochi giorni dall’accaduto ci siamo recate nel luogo della strage dove, sulla spiaggia deserta e bagnata dalla pioggia, giaceva riverso su un fianco il peschereccio di legno tunisino, semi abbattuto dalla mareggiata.
    Sulla battigia, tutto intorno al relitto, giacevano i resti dell’imbarcazione in pezzi e decine di indumenti delle persone che viaggiavano su quel peschereccio, alcuni oggetti personali e cibo. Uno scenario di guerra. Una guerra senza indignazione, senza riflettori. Consumata nel silenzio assoluto rotto solo dalle onde del mare e dalla pioggia.
    Sappiamo che capita spesso che gli oggetti delle persone in viaggio finiscono in fondo al mare o restano perduti nella sabbia. Quasi sempre le autorità non predispongono la loro conservazione e spesso le famiglie o le comunità di appartenenza non sono in loco per poterli recuperare per tempo. Così quegli oggetti così preziosi si trasformano in pezzi di una memoria mossa via dalle onde.

    Diverse sono le famiglie che nel corso delle settimane passate ci hanno contattato per avere supporto nella ricerca dellə parenti ancora dispersə nella strage del 27.10.2023. Ancora una volta, in mancanza di un efficace sistema di raccolta delle richieste, a livello locale e internazionale, le famiglie sperimentano un non riconoscimento di quella violenza e una delegittimazione delle perdite e del lutto: non se ne parla mediaticamente, le grandi organizzazioni non si attivano, le istituzioni tardano a rispondere, nonostante le famiglie rivendichino con forza verità e giustizia.
    Anche in questa circostanza, i tempi necessari all’identificazione delle salme sono lunghi e incerti, proprio in ragione del fatto che non c’è un lavoro coordinato e le procedure sono frammentate tra più attori: Procura, Medicina legale, Polizia giudiziaria, Consolato tunisino.

    Tra le segnalazioni che ci sono arrivate ci sono quelle delle famiglie di Adem e Kousay, giovani rispettivamente di 20 e 16 anni, originari di Teboulba e Mahdia.

    Adem, Kousay e la lotta delle famiglie

    Qualche settimana fa, in una giornata di novembre, ci siamo recate a Teboulba nella casa tunisina della famiglia di Adem. Sedute in cerchio nel cortile, mentre calava il tramonto, abbiamo ripercorso i fatti dell’evento e abbiamo aggiornato le famiglie delle informazioni raccolte in Sicilia.
    A partecipare all’incontro non c’erano solo la madre, la sorella, il padre e i parenti prossimi di Adem, ma anche tutta la comunità di quartiere, che da settimane vive con angoscia e rabbia questa sparizione.

    Omaima, la sorella di Adem, era seduta al centro del cerchio e pronunciava i nomi delle persone disperse, contandole sulla punta delle dita, come in una preghiera ripetuta.
    Tante sono state le domande poste: Perché non sono stati soccorsi? Erano arrivati, erano a pochi metri da terra! Le autorità hanno continuato a cercarli? È possibile che ci voglia tanto tempo per sapere se Adem è tra quei corpi? Lo vogliamo indietro, lo vogliamo vedere, vogliamo sapere.

    La famiglia ci ha raccontato anche che le autorità tunisine hanno fatto pressione sui genitori dellə giovani accusandoli di essere responsabili del viaggio in mare. Uno dei familiari è stato più volte convocato presso gli uffici di polizia locali per difendersi da queste accuse. Non hanno trovato un colpevole tra i sopravvissuti allora incolpano noi! ha detto il padre di Adem.

    Non è la prima volta che questo accade. Il processo di criminalizzazione della migrazione dal sud al nord del Mediterraneo, se non può colpire i cosiddetti presunti scafisti tra coloro che sopravvivono, scarica sulle famiglie delle persone disperse responsabilità da cui queste sono chiamate a difendersi in un momento tanto violento come quello che caratterizza la scomparsa di unə familiare in mare.
    Sappiamo bene che il silenzio permea le conseguenze di queste necropolitiche che si muovono verso un indirizzo sempre più securitario nella gestione delle migrazioni: il nuovo Patto UE sulla Migrazione legittima abusi e respingimenti che renderanno ancora più mortali le frontiere. Le morti in aumento sono strumentalizzate ai fini di implementare politiche di maggior chiusura, condannando inoltre chi sopravvive alle frontiere a essere reclusə e detenutə e chi cerca di fare luce sulla violenza ad essere destinatariə di una repressione feroce.
    Non è normale morire in frontiera

    Il naufragio di Selinunte è uno di quelli che non destano attenzione, che non infiammano i programmi televisivi, che non fanno scalpore. Sono morte “solo” 6 persone e ci sono “solo” una decina di persone disperse. Non si parla di morte violenta o di strage, si è parlato di incidente: è un naufragio “minore”. Avvenuto nello stesso mese in cui si celebra la Giornata nazionale della memoria per non dimenticare le vittime della migrazione, questo evento – come moltissimi altri – non ha però goduto della stessa attenzione dei “grandi” naufragi e la sua visibilità è dipesa solo grazie al lavoro di alcune brave giornaliste.
    Eppure questa strage, come le altre, interpella responsabilità politiche e collettive: è avvenuta a poche centinaia di metri dalle coste siciliane, a causa della negazione del diritto a muoversi e per assenza di soccorso di persone in difficoltà che prendono la via del mare. Come è avvenuto anche pochi giorni fa al largo della Libia, dove hanno perso la vita almeno 61 persone.
    Come Cutro e Lampedusa, anche questa è una strage da ricordare, una strage che si somma a tante altre sconosciute o rimosse, che insieme fanno migliaia di vite barbaramente spezzate.

    La stessa indifferenza ha colpito le morti delle persone i cui corpi nelle ultime settimane hanno raggiunto l’Isola di Lampedusa, come ha raccontato l’associazione Maldusa che opera sull’isola. Tra il 10 e il 17 novembre sono stati almeno 4 i naufragi e almeno 4 le persone che risultano disperse. Il 20 novembre un altro naufragio ha causato la morte di almeno una bimba di 2 anni e altri dispersi. Il 22 novembre un’altra barca di ferro è naufragata provocando la morte di almeno una donna ivoriana di 26 anni.

    La lotta dellə sopravvissutə e dellə familiarə ci ricorda che non esistano naufragi o stragi “minori”. Con loro ci opponiamo all’idea di una gerarchia delle vite determinata da privilegi attribuiti arbitrariamente ma accettati e normalizzati dall’opinione pubblica.

    Adem, Kousay e le altre 20 persone disperse partite il 26 ottobre da Mahdia non ci sono più e forse non torneranno. Sono ancora in corso gli accertamenti per determinare l’identità delle salme e, attraverso l’esame del DNA, attestare con certezza se Adem e Kousay sono tra i cadaveri recuperati.
    Ci sono però i loro nomi, le loro storie e, soprattutto, c’è la lotta delle loro famiglie: la madre di Adem, di cui suo figlio porta inciso il nome nel tatuaggio sul petto. Il padre di Adem che deve difendersi dai tentativi di criminalizzazione.

    Voglio sapere se il corpo appartiene a mio fratello. E poi voglio che si faccia giustizia, ha detto la sorella Oumaima guardandoci negli occhi, prima che lasciassimo il cortile della loro casa di Teboulba. Il suo volto infervorato non ci ha lasciato dubbi:

    Il loro dolore e la loro rabbia non sono minori a nessuno.

    #27_octobre_2023 #Italie #naufrage #décès #migrations #réfugiés #mourir_en_mer #morts_en_mer #Sicile #identification #ceux_qui_restent #Selinunte

  • To Crush Left-Wing Organizing, Canada Embraced Ukrainian Nazi Collaborators

    Pourquoi la diaspora ukrainienne au Canada et une bonne partie de l’Ukraine de l’Ouest sont majoritairement fascistes. Et non, ce n’est pas de la propagande poutiniste. Nous sommes confrontés au résultat de la collaboration des vainquers anglophones de la deuxième guerre mondiale et de leurs employés allemands (Organisation Gehlen etc.) avec les nazis ukrainiens. C’est une histoire qui a commencé avant 1945 et continue à se développer aujourd’hui.

    C’est assez inquiétant car on a affaire à des structures nazies et leurs soutiens pragmatiques au sein des états. Cet article sur le Canada annonce l’augmentation du poids politique de l’extrême droite en Allemagne suite à la naturalisation d’un million de réfugiés ukrainiens.

    Ce n’est pas encore fait mais il n’y a aucune raison pour ne pas naturaliser cette « main d’oeuvre de qualité ». Du point de vue des ukrainiens d’Allemagne il n’y a pas beaucoup d ’arguments pour rentrer dans un pays en ruines alors qu’on peut construire son avenir en Allemagne.

    Chiffre officiel : 1.125.850 de réfugiés ukrainiens au mois de novembre 2023
    Quelques informations plus détaillées

    Le texte de jacobin.com

    21.12.2023 by William Gillies - In September, Canada’s parliament ignited controversy when it celebrated Yaroslav Hunka, a ninety-eight-year-old World War II Nazi collaborator. The incident has brought renewed focus to the issue of war criminals who immigrated to the country after 1945. The primary source of outrage has rightly centered on how someone like Hunka, who voluntarily served in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician), gained entry into Canada, and why the government never deported or prosecuted suspected war criminals. Even a desultory 1980s investigation into the matter of Nazi immigrants is still mostly sealed from the public, despite identifying dozens of suspected war criminals living freely in Canada — most of whom are now likely all dead.

    However, media coverage has largely failed to engage with the question of why Canada let people like Hunka immigrate, resulting in the current political controversy lacking essential historical context. There have been some exceptions, such as pieces in these pages that have pointed out that there is a troubling history that Canada must reckon with, and correctly suggested that this immigration of war criminals was tied to anti-communism. It is important to delve further into this history, as it reveals a deliberate effort by the Canadian state to dismantle political radicalism and tame labor militancy in the postwar period.

    Immigrants like Hunka were granted entry specifically because their collaborationist pasts made them useful in crushing left-wing organizing in Ukrainian Canadian communities. Collaborators assumed control of community organizations, some of which were transferred to them by the federal government, having seized them from socialist groups during the war. The process was often quite violent, with mob violence intimidating leftists, fascists serving as strikebreakers in mining towns, and a Ukrainian labor temple being attacked with a bomb during a concert. All of these actions were condoned by the Canadian state in the name of anti-communism.
    Ukrainian Labor Temples and “Hall Socialism”

    Contrary to the present existence of Ukrainian Nazi collaborator monuments in Canada, there was once a robust Ukrainian Canadian left. Organized around the Ukrainian Labour Farmer Temple Association (ULFTA), it played a pivotal role in various chapters of Canadian labor history, often adopting radical stances. The ULFTA operated hundreds of “labor temples” across the country that nurtured a political movement often called “hall socialism.” Labor temples hosted political rallies, contained lending libraries, published newspapers, supported Ukrainian immigrants, sponsored cultural activities, and provided a venue for collective socialization. In Winnipeg, Manitoba, the finest still-existing labor temple was completed in 1919, just in time to serve as the headquarters of the city’s general strike that same year.

    Between the world wars, the Canadian government feared Ukrainian Canadian radicalism and its connections to communist agitation. Ukrainians were enormously overrepresented in the Communist Party of Canada, which even had a Ukrainian language section. The ULFTA was formally affiliated with the party and helped organize Winnipeg’s large Ukrainian Canadian working class to elect communists like Bill Kardash from the 1930s to the 1950s. In contrast, Ukrainian nationalists in Canada were marginal. They expressed admiration for Hitler and denounced communist politicians as the triumph of the “Bolshevik-Jewish clique.” In 1934, they published a Ukrainian edition of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

    When Canada declared war on Germany in September 1939, the Communist Party opposed the war, following the Soviet political line after the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Subsequently, the party and its many affiliated organizations were outlawed. On June 4, 1940, the ULFTA was banned, and the government seized all of the organization’s assets and interned many of its members. Over 180 halls were confiscated, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) took control of all archives, meticulously reviewing them to augment their already extensive knowledge of the movement. A recent purge of members with nationalist sympathies caught the attention of the Mounties, prompting them to contact these individuals as informants.

    Following the banning of the ULFTA, the federal government took further action to force a unification of the Ukrainian nationalist groups in Canada in November 1940. Inviting the various groups’ leaders to a meeting, government officials presented a stack of police intelligence reports documenting their awareness of fascist political connections and recommendations that they be outlawed. The ultimatum was clear: unless these groups unified according to the government’s preferences, they would face prohibition. Responding to this pressure, the Ukrainian Canadian Committee (later Congress) (UCC) was promptly formed and remains in existence today. The UCC was expected to support the war effort and act as an intermediary between the government and the Ukrainian Canadian community. In return the government would lend support to the claim that the nationalists represented Ukrainian-Canadians.

    After the Soviet Union joined the Allies in 1941, the Canadian government was slow to reverse the ban on the now very pro-war Communist Party and its affiliates. Internees were released in the fall of 1942, and the ban on the ULFTA was lifted in October 1943. Property still in government possession was returned starting in 1944. In many cases the halls had been sold, often to rival Ukrainian groups, with their contents dispersed or discarded. Halls that were taken over by nationalists had their libraries stripped of any subversive material.

    In 1940, in Edmonton, a display of anti-communist fervor saw five hundred books publicly burned in the street. In Winnipeg, nationalists were given a print shop, and with RCMP help, they revised the editorial line of a socialist newspaper. However, readers responded by returning their copies wrapped around bricks, leading to bankruptcy through postal charges.

    This period had a devastating effect on the Ukrainian Canadian left, as the halls and their contents, crucial to the movement and carefully built up over decades, suffered significant losses. Government interference in Ukrainian Canadian politics tipped the scales in the nationalists’ favor, empowering the conservative UCC to dominate the community after 1945.
    Displaced War Criminals

    In 1945, the surrendered 14th SS Division was held at a POW camp in Rimini, Italy, while the Western Allies decided what to do with them. The Soviets wanted them repatriated to face consequences for collaboration, but the onset of the Cold War altered the political landscape. Former enemy collaborators, such as Ukrainians who had served in the 14th SS Division, were reconsidered as potential allies against Soviet communism.

    By June 1947, displaced persons registered as ethnic Ukrainian totaled 106,549. Initially, the Canadian government showed limited interest in admitting more Ukrainians, reflecting a long-standing bias against non-Western European immigrants. Furthermore, Canadian law prohibited the acceptance of former combatants who had voluntarily served in the German armed forces. However, much of the screening was conducted by British major Denis Hills, a self-described fascist who instructed collaborators on how to avoid investigation. The British exonerated the Galicia Division and transferred many of them to Britain to fill labor shortages in agriculture.

    The UCC lobbied the Canadian government to accept Ukrainian displaced persons and emphasized their anti-communist potential. Against the backdrop of a booming labor market in Canada, these Ukrainians were portrayed as disciplined workers opposed to any sort of union radicalism. They were positively characterized as capable of filling vacancies in mining and forestry, where they could break up left-wing Ukrainian Canadian organizations.

    Starting in 1947, this lobbying began to yield results, especially as the British government pressured Canada to accept them. In 1950, the immigration ban on Ukrainians who served in the SS was lifted, thanks to UCC advocacy that claimed they were simply soldiers who had fought against communism.

    Many Ukrainian Canadians and Jewish groups opposed the admission of Nazi collaborators. The Association of United Ukrainian Canadians (AUUC), created in 1946 as the successor to the ULFTA, lobbied against the move. While supporting the immigration of Ukrainian refugees to Canada, they argued for thorough screening of their wartime activities. They were largely ignored.

    By January 1952, official figures indicated that twenty-six thousand Ukrainian displaced persons had been accepted. However, later historical research suggests that official figures undercounted, and that the actual number could have been as high as fifty thousand, with half originating from western Ukraine, the heartland of the nationalist movement. Approximately 3 percent were veterans of the 14th SS Division, about 1,500 people, although some sources cite figures as high as two thousand. Additionally, there were other nationalists who collaborated in less formal ways than joining the SS, but were still active participants in the Holocaust.

    Canada’s admittance of Ukrainian collaborators after 1945 was not a failure to properly screen immigrants, but an intentional policy decision. Canada did not care what many of these people were accused of doing in eastern Europe. The primary consideration was their usefulness in domestic anti-communism.
    Expunging the Reds

    On October 8, 1950, a bomb went off during a concert at the Central Ukrainian Labor Temple on Bathurst Street in Toronto. Eleven people were injured, and the explosion leveled part of the building. Authorities offered a $1,500 reward for information, but no one was ever caught. The long-standing suspicion is that Ukrainian nationalists were responsible, as this attack aligned with a pattern of violence directed against the Ukrainian Canadian left during the 1950s. Ukrainian labor temples and the broader labor movement were central to the postwar struggle between Ukrainian fascist emigres and the Ukrainian Canadian Left.

    Soon after arriving in Canada in the late 1940s, Ukrainian nationalist immigrants organized to target labor temples and disrupt meetings. In December 1948 in Val-d’or, Quebec, a group of them attacked a temple hosting a speaker discussing the Soviet Union. Armed with sticks, stones, and bottles they invaded the event to attack the speaker but were repulsed and thrown out. Unable to kidnap the speaker, they split up into smaller groups to stake out the homes of suspected communists.

    In the immediate postwar years, it became clear that an independent Ukraine was unlikely. Consequently, attacking leftists in the Ukrainian Canadian community became a sort of consolation prize. The Canadian state was to some extent pleased with this change of focus by the nationalists, and tacitly approved of such attacks.

    Official anti-communist sentiment was coupled with the need for more workers in Canada’s booming postwar economy. Ukrainian displaced persons, as a condition for immigration, often entered into work contracts binding them to an employer, typically in resource extraction towns in the north of Ontario or Quebec. Mining company agents visited refugee camps in Europe, screening prospective employees for anti-communist beliefs, and then recruited them to relocate to Canada. They often arrived in places that had a preexisting Ukrainian Canadian left.

    Initially the AUUC tried to organize the new immigrants, but this was ineffective. In December 1947, several dozen Ukrainian displaced persons took a train to Timmins, Ontario, to start work in a gold mine. Stopping in North Bay, Ontario (where Hunka currently resides), they were greeted by communist organizers at the station who sought to explain the importance of unionization. In response, the organizers were severely beaten and thrown off the train — an event celebrated by the local press.

    As the work contracts for the first wave of nationalist emigres expired, they moved into urban areas, leading to an escalation in attacks on the AUUC. Simultaneously, a fresh wave of Ukrainian displaced persons were admitted into Canada in the early 1950s after the removal of the ban on the immigration of collaborators. In Winnipeg, Toronto, and Edmonton, nationalists would attend labor temple events with the intention of disrupting and attacking. This ranged from heckling to shut down a speaker to physical assaults on attendees and organizers, property vandalism, and even following attendees home.

    Police investigations into the attacks were largely lackluster, often attributing blame to the AUUC for somehow instigating them. In Dec 1949, a crowd of two hundred nationalists surrounded a labor temple event in Timmins, Ontario. They were denied entry, but refused to leave, shouting and banging on the door. When the police arrived, they concluded that nothing criminal had occurred, and then drove off. Emboldened, the nationalists broke inside and started beating men, women, and children, sending several people to hospital in serious condition. The local police returned but simply stood and watched. Eventually, one nationalist was charged with assault, but the prosecution and the defense colluded to acquit him.

    The October 1950 bombing of a Toronto labor temple brought broader public attention to the conflict within the Ukrainian Canadian community. The AUUC accused Galicia Division veterans of the attack and blamed the Canadian government for failing to screen them during immigration. The RCMP investigation into the bombing swiftly eliminated nationalists as suspects, even when lacking alibis and possessing obvious motive. Law enforcement also entertained nationalist claims that the bombing was a false-flag operation carried out by the communists to garner public sympathy.

    The investigation failed to pursue many significant leads, and by early 1951, the case was closed without ever identifying a potential suspect. Instead, the RCMP invested its effort into creating lists of anyone who wrote to the government about the bombing and conducted surveillance on victims of the attack. While it is likely that the bombing was perpetrated by Ukrainian nationalists, the intentionally poor investigation by the RCMP renders it impossible to establish with certainty.

    Following the bombing, overt violence against Ukrainian Canadian leftists declined by the mid-1950s. This decline was, in large part, due to its effectiveness in intimidating AUUC supporters from attending events and organizing. Additionally, the far-right nationalists had become increasingly integrated into mainstream Ukrainian Canadian organizations by this point, affording them the legal means to expunge the reds in the community. This alignment with the broader Red Scare, which squashed left radicalism in Canada, further contributed to the decline of the AUUC.

    In 1945 the AUUC welcomed 2,579 new members, but by 1969 that figure dwindled to eighty-four annually. The number of temples collapsed to forty-three by 1973. By the late 1960s, both the membership and leadership was aging, while young recruits were scarce.
    Enduring Historical Revisionism

    By the 1970s the nationalists had established domination over the Ukrainian Canadian experience. This framework excluded diverse points of view, such as labor radicalism, and replaced it with a monolithic identity built on a conservative nationalism. This era coincided with the fashioning of Canada’s official multiculturalism, in which both the federal and provincial governments aimed to celebrate diverse ethnic communities.

    Under the fig leaf of celebrating ethnic heritage, statues of Ukrainian Nazi collaborators, such as Roman Shukhevych in Edmonton, began to be erected at this time, often with government money. Having extensively researched postwar violence in the Ukrainian Canadian community, the historian Kassandra Luciuk argues that this was a deliberate project of the Canadian state, intended to marginalize leftists. It left no room for other ideas of “Ukrainianness” other than one tightly wound with anti-communist nationalism.

    The presence of Nazi monuments in Canada is symptomatic of this hegemony, visibly illustrating the historical revisionism the Ukrainian nationalists have successfully imposed. These monuments not only celebrate individuals and organizations that took part in war crimes during World War II, but also represent a triumph over left-wing opposition in the Ukrainian Canadian community. This historical revisionism has become so prevalent that even a mainstream politician, such as federal finance minister Chrystia Freeland, regularly extols her Ukrainian grandfather, who happened to run a Nazi collaborationist newspaper recruiting for the 14th SS Division — the same division that Hunka joined.

    This revisionism owes its existence to the Canadian state, which used the many tools at its disposal — from the immigration system to the police — to ensure an outcome that has persisted well after its anti-communist purpose faded. Ukrainian Canadian nationalists of course have been active in constructing this revisionism, but they flatter themselves if they believe they could have accomplished it alone.

    Understanding the political context of the Hunka affair requires delving into this chapter of Canadian history. It sheds light on how a small minority of far-right immigrants, with state backing, gained substantial influence in Ukrainian Canadian communities, and shaped Canadian policy toward Ukraine. Hunka’s celebration was not a result of historical ignorance, but rather stemmed from active historical revisionism that has sought to recast collaborators as heroes and render invisible Ukrainian Canadian socialist movements.

    #Canada #Ukraine #mouvement_ouvrier #fascisme #nazis

  • #Mimmo_Lucano lancia il suo movimento «modello Riace»

    Invitata tutta la sinistra. L’ex sindaco non si candiderà alle europee. Semmai ci riproverà alle comunali

    Il progetto è ambizioso. Provare a ricomporre i mille pezzi sparsi della sinistra dispersa. Ricucire le tante anime che in questi anni non si parlano e quando lo fanno litigano tra loro. Mimmo Lucano ha scelto cosa farà da grande. Ha in mente di costruire una sua area politica. Se si farà partito oppure movimento fluido ancora non è chiaro.

    Una cosa è certa. Ha convocato tutti coloro i quali in Italia sono stati sempre al suo fianco. Palazzo Pinnarò, nel centro del borgo jonico, è pronto ad ospitare i tanti pezzi del mosaico della sinistra. Il 20 dicembre è la data cerchiata. Lucano ci crede. Non si candiderà alle europee. Semmai dovesse farlo sarà per le comunali di Riace, da sindaco dopo lo stop del 2018 per il vincolo del terzo mandato. L’ex primo cittadino riacese ha invitato tutta la sinistra all’happening. Unione popolare e la lista pacifista di Santoro hanno detto che parteciperanno. Anche Sinistra Italiana manderà un esponente della segreteria nazionale malgrado ritenga velleitaria al momento una riunificazione della sinistra. L’appello «#Riace_per_l’Italia» sta girando in questi giorni nei tavoli delle segreterie. Dopo la quasi assoluzione dell’11 ottobre, Lucano ha riunito a metà novembre i suoi fedelissimi per interrogarsi sul suo futuro. La festa del 29 ottobre per ringraziare chi è stato sempre al suo fianco, anche durante l’odissea giudiziaria, si era rivelata un successo politico e di partecipazione. Duemila persone da tutta Italia stipate nelle piazze del “villaggio globale” di Riace. E anche una presenza significativa della sinistra politica, da Potere al Popolo e Unione popolare fino al Pd (Elly Schlein aveva inviato in terra di Calabria Marta Bonafoni).

    Nell’incontro con il suo inner circle la scelta è dunque ricaduta sull’idea di costruire un’area politica che si ispiri al “modello Riace”. Perchè «l’esperienza riacese – si legge nel documento – non è solo un esperimento compiuto di società multietnica che ha creato benessere; è anche un ambulatorio che fornisce servizi sanitari pubblici e gratuiti a tutti, un turismo responsabile e non invasivo, un artigianato che crea lavoro, un rivoluzionario modello di gestione dei rifiuti, un innovativo sistema idrico che valorizza e privilegia esclusivamente l’acqua pubblica. Questa è stata Riace in questi anni». Partire dunque dalla Calabria per attraversare tutte le contraddizioni di un Paese ormai disumanizzato che erige muri, costruisce campi di internamento per migranti in Albania, tesse rapporti e mercimoni con le bande libiche e le autocrazie del Maghreb. Con la vana illusione di poter bloccare le migrazioni dando fiumi di denaro a paesi terzi per gestire i flussi di disperati, anche se questo si traduce in violenze, torture e, alla fine, in tragedie come quella, immane, di Steccato di Cutro.

    Il “popolo di Riace” prova cosi a cimentarsi nell’agone politico dando il suo contributo per la riorganizzazione del campo della sinistra. Partendo dalle esperienze sociali, associative, di movimento. Il progetto a cui guarda questo nuovo soggetto in fieri è quello spagnolo con l’esperienza di Sumar, il rassemblement che ha mescolato in un unico contenitore comunisti, altermondialisti, verdi, movimenti. E che ha dimostrato che unire le sinistre non solo è doveroso, ma anche possibile, persino vincente. Lucano sta girando l’Italia in questi giorni, dalla Sicilia a Torino passando per Roma, con due iniziative, nel quartiere Quadraro e al centro sociale Spin Time. L’idea è quella di creare dei nodi territoriali regionali facendo leva sulla rete di solidarietà creatasi nei mesi febbrili del processo. Appuntamento, dunque, a Riace alla vigilia di natale. Vedremo quale sarà il regalo per la sinistra sotto l’albero.

    #Domenico_Lucano #Riace #accueil #Italie #Calabre #modèle_Riace #mouvement #gauche

  • « Toni Negri aura été un lecteur et continuateur de Karl Marx, dans une étonnante combinaison de littéralité et de liberté », Etienne Balibar

    Ce qui d’abord frappait chez lui, en plus de sa silhouette incroyablement juvénile à tout âge, c’était un sourire unique, tantôt carnassier, tantôt ironique ou plein d’affection. Il m’avait saisi dès notre première rencontre, à la sortie d’un séminaire du Collège international de philosophie. Lui, échappé d’Italie à la faveur d’une élection qui le tirait momentanément de prison. Nous, abattus par l’essor du reaganisme et du thatchérisme, qui fracassait les illusions nées de la victoire socialiste de 1981. Que faire dans cette débâcle ? Mais la révolution !, nous expliqua Toni, rayonnant d’optimisme : elle s’avance à travers d’innombrables mouvements sociaux plus inventifs les uns que les autres. Je ne suis pas sûr de l’avoir vraiment cru, mais j’en suis sorti, débarrassé de mes humeurs noires et conquis pour toujours.

    Je n’avais pas suivi le fameux séminaire sur les Grundrisse de Karl Marx [manuscrits de 1857-1858, considérés comme un sommet de son œuvre économique avant Le Capital], organisé en 1978 à l’Ecole normale supérieure par Yann Moulier-Boutang, qu’on m’avait dit fascinant autant qu’ésotérique. Et j’ignorais presque tout de « l’operaismo », [d’« operaio » , « ouvrier » en italien] dont il était l’une des têtes pensantes.

    Pour moi, Negri était ce théoricien et praticien de « l’autonomie ouvrière », dont l’Etat italien, gangrené par la collusion de l’armée et des services secrets américains, avait essayé de faire le cerveau du terrorisme d’extrême gauche ; une accusation qui s’effondra comme château de cartes, mais qui l’envoya pour des années derrière les barreaux. Avant et après ce séjour, entouré de camarades aux vies assagies et aux passions intactes, il fut le pilier de cette Italie française, image inversée de la France italienne que nous avions rêvé d’instaurer avant 1968. Prises ensemble, autour de quelques revues et séminaires, elles allaient lancer une nouvelle saison philosophique et politique. Par ses provocations et ses études, Negri en serait l’inspirateur.

    Liberté et émancipation du travail

    Je ne donnerai que quelques repères elliptiques, en choisissant les références selon mes affinités. Spinoza, évidemment. Après le coup de tonnerre de L’Anomalie sauvage (PUF, 1982 pour l’édition française, précédée des préfaces de Gilles Deleuze, Pierre Macherey et Alexandre Matheron) viendront encore d’autres essais, inspirés par ces mots : « Le reste manque », inscrits par l’éditeur sur la page blanche du Traité politique (Le Livre de Poche, 2002) qu’avait interrompu la mort en 1677 du solitaire de La Haye.

    Ce reste, contrairement à d’autres, Negri n’a pas cherché à le reconstituer, mais à l’inventer, suivant le fil d’une théorie de la puissance de la multitude, qui fusionne la métaphysique du désir et la politique démocratique, contre toute conception transcendantale du pouvoir, issue de la collusion entre le droit et l’Etat. Spinoza, l’anti-Hobbes, l’anti-Rousseau, l’anti-Hegel. Le frère des insurgés napolitains dont il avait un jour emprunté la figure. On n’a plus cessé de discuter pour et contre ce « Spinoza subversif », qui marque de son empreinte la grande « Spinoza-Renaissance » contemporaine.

    Passons alors à la problématique de la liberté et de l’émancipation du travail, qui repart de Spinoza pour converger avec Foucault, mais aussi Deleuze, en raison du profond vitalisme à l’œuvre dans l’opposition de la « biopolitique » des individus et du « biopouvoir » des institutions. Elle réinscrit au sein même de l’idée de pouvoir l’opposition naguère établie entre celui-ci et la puissance, et autorise à reprendre, comme l’essence même du processus révolutionnaire, la vieille thématique léniniste du « double pouvoir », mais en la déplaçant d’une opposition Etat-parti à une opposition Etat-mouvement.

    Or les fondements en sont déjà dans son livre de 1992 Le Pouvoir constituant. Essai sur les alternatives de la modernité (traduction française au PUF, 1997). C’est pour moi l’un des grands essais de philosophie politique du dernier demi-siècle, dialoguant avec Schmitt, Arendt, les juristes républicains, sur la base d’une généalogie qui remonte à Machiavel et à Harrington. Tout « pouvoir constitué » procède d’une insurrection qu’il cherche à terminer pour domestiquer la multitude et se trouve corrélativement en butte à l’excès du pouvoir constituant sur les formes d’organisation même révolutionnaires qu’il se donne.

    Un communisme de l’amour

    Revenons donc à Marx pour conclure. D’un bout à l’autre, Negri aura été son lecteur et son continuateur, dans une étonnante combinaison de littéralité et de liberté. Marx au-delà de Marx (Bourgois, 1979), cela veut dire : emmener Marx au-delà de lui-même, et non pas le « réfuter ». C’était déjà le sens des analyses de la « forme-Etat », aux temps de l’opéraïsme militant. C’est celui de la géniale extrapolation des analyses des Grundrisse sur le machinisme industriel (le « general intellect »), qui prennent toute leur signification à l’époque de la révolution informatique et du « capitalisme cognitif », dont elles permettent de saisir l’ambivalence au point de vue des mutations du travail social. Combat permanent entre « travail mort » et « travail vivant ».

    Et c’est, bien sûr, le sens de la grande trilogie coécrite avec Michael Hardt : Empire (Exils, 2000), Multitude (La Découverte, 2004), Commonwealth (Stock, 2012), plus tard suivis par Assembly (Oxford University Press, 2017, non traduit), dans laquelle, contre la tradition du socialisme « scientifique » et sa problématique de la transition, se construit la thèse aux accents franciscains et lucrétiens d’un communisme de l’amour. Celui-ci est déjà là, non pas dans les « pores » de la société capitaliste, comme l’avait écrit Marx repris par Althusser, mais dans les résistances créatrices à la propriété exclusive et à l’état de guerre généralisé du capitalisme mondialisé. Il s’incarne dans des révoltes et des expérimentations toujours renaissantes, avec les nouveaux « communs » qu’elles font exister.

    Toujours, donc, ce fameux optimisme de l’intelligence, dont on comprend maintenant qu’il n’a rien à voir avec l’illusion d’un sens garanti de l’histoire, mais conditionne l’articulation productive entre connaissance et imagination, les « deux sources » de la politique. Toni Negri nous lègue aujourd’hui la force de son désir et de ses concepts. Sans oublier son sourire.

    Merci, Étienne Balibar

    (et du coup, #toctoc @rezo )

    d’autres fragments d’un tombeau pour Toni Negri

    #Toni_Negri #Étienne_Balibar #opéraïsme #forme_État #révolution #autonomie #double_pouvoir #État #mouvement #general_intellect #travail_vivant #communisme

    • Antonio Negri, lecteur de Spinoza Pour une « désutopie », Christian Descamps, 28 janvier 1983

      Parlons aujourd’hui de l’homme, « la plus calamiteuse et frêle de toutes les créatures », disait Montaigne, et aussi « la plus orgueilleuse ».D’un livre de Francis Jacques, Christian Delacampagne retient cette idée fondamentale que la personne ne peut se constituer que par le dialogue avec l’Autre. Déjà Spinoza, comme le montre Christian Descamps à propos d’un ouvrage d’Antonio Negri, ne concevait le bonheur que s’articulant à celui des autres. Tandis que Patrice Leclercq résume le cheminement de l’attitude inverse : cet orgueil que le Christ a voulu abolir et qui continue d’exercer partout ses ravages.

      « SPINOZA est tellement crucial pour la philosophie moderne qu’on peut dire qu’on a le choix entre le spinozisme ou pas de philosophie du tout. » Que Hegel, qui ne l’aime guère, soit amené à ce constat, bouleverse Toni Negri. Ce professeur de Padoue, théoricien de l’autonomie ouvrière, avait écrit un Descartes politique. Le présent ouvrage est d’une autre nature. Il fut conçu en prison d’où - depuis 1979 - son auteur attend d’être jugé en compagnie des inculpés du « procès du 7 avril ». Mais ce grand livre érudit n’est aucunement une œuvre de circonstance, même si on peut supposer que la force, la joie spinozistes ont réconforté le prisonnier.

      La Hollande du dix-septième siècle, cette Italie du Nord, est un pays en rupture qui perpétue les expériences révolutionnaires de la Renaissance. Là, #Spinoza, l’exclu de sa communauté, réalise un véritable coup de force ontologique : il joue la puissance contre le pouvoir. S’invente alors une philosophie de la plénitude, de la multiplicité, de la liberté qui, sans partir de la réduction des appétits, parie sur l’épanouissement. Le penseur artisan - qui refuse les pensions - réfléchit dans un temps de crise. La Maison d’Orange prône une politique guerrière, un État centralisé ; le parti républicain, qu’anime Jean De Witt, préférerait une politique de paix, une organisation libérale. Pourtant l’intolérance, le bellicisme, l’amour de la servitude, sont vivaces ; et quand notre philosophe hautain et solitaire clame, au nom de la raison, son entreprise de démystification, le tollé est général. Jamais - sauf peut-être contre les Épicuriens - la hargne ne fut aussi forte. Le front est au complet : orthodoxes juifs, protestants, catholiques, cartésiens, tous participent au concours d’anathème.

      Negri interroge cette unanimité. Savante et tranchée, la métaphysique spinoziste avait osé articuler -comme le souligne Deleuze à qui l’auteur doit beaucoup (1), - une libération concrète, une politique de la multitude, une pensée sans ordre antérieur à l’agir. Spinoza proposait de rompre avec la vieille idée de l’appropriation liée à la médiation d’un pouvoir. Dans ses ateliers nomades, le philosophe du « Dieu ou la Nature » élabore une conception de la puissance de l’Être.Mine de rien, ses bombes douces font exploser la transcendance, la hiérarchie. A un horizon de pensée centré sur le marché, aux philosophies politiques du pouvoir et de la suggestion, l’auteur de l’Éthique oppose, méticuleusement, des concepts qui rendent possible une existence consciente du collectif. Mon bonheur, mon entendement, mes désirs, peuvent - si j’ai de la nature une connaissance suffisante - s’articuler à ceux des autres. La guerre de tous contre tous n’est pas inéluctable, j’ai mieux à faire qu’à devenir un loup...

      De fait si l’Être est puissance, je suis capable d’y puiser la force d’échapper à la médiation politique de ceux qui parlent à ma place, à la conscience malheureuse des arrière-mondes, aux sanglots du négatif. Partir de la puissance de la vie, réconcilier passion et raison, c’est militer contre la haine et le remords. Pratique, cette métaphysique se fait aussi politique. Le Tractatus theologico-politicus insiste sur l’activité.

      Certes - et honnêtement Negri le souligne, - il arrive que Spinoza se replie. Devant les coups de boutoir de l’histoire concrète il accepte - un moment - des positions oligarchiques... Ici l’auteur reprend l’hypothèse de deux Spinoza dont il fait les axes de notre univers. Le premier, baigné de la lumière de Rembrandt, se meut au sein de la révolution scientifique, de la Renaissance, du génie de son temps. L’autre propose une philosophie de notre avenir, de notre crise. Car de « démon » qui ferraille contre le fanatisme et la superstition, contre les asiles d’ignorance, s’appuie sur le désir, cet « appétit conscient de lui-même ». Avec des lunettes d’analyste aussi bien rangées que ses instruments, il enseigne la désutopie. Pas de programme, de glande pinéale : un projet de déplacement mille fois plus fort. Sortir de l’ignorance, jouer l’Être contre le moralisme de devoir être, ce n’est pas rêver d’âge d’or. Il s’agit, au contraire, de s’appuyer effectivement sur les désirs, les appétits. Difficile 7 Oui, car « nous ne pouvons reconnaître aucune différence entre les désirs qui proviennent de la raison et ceux que d’autres causes engendrent en nous ».

      Pourtant la violence immédiate peut s’éclairer d’un ordre, fait de degrés successifs de perfection, tissé dans l’Être. Une liberté joyeuse est possible qui tire sa force du droit et non pas de la loi, de la puissance et non pas du pouvoir. Aux figures de l’antagonisme, aux réconciliations molles de la dialectique, on peut opposer l’autonomie, la constitution de l’être ensemble. La puissance est possibilité de liberté, d’expansion des corps, recherche de la meilleure constitution. Question d’aujourd’hui, d’un dix-septième siècle encore vivant. Negri souligne : « Spinoza n’annonce pas la philosophie des Lumières, il la vit et la déploie intégralement. »

      (1) L’Anomalie sauvage est précédée de préfaces de Gilles Deleuze, Pierre Macherey et Alexandre Matheron.

      * L’Anomalie sauvage, d’Antonio Negri. PUF, 350 pages, 145 F.

      [cette typo sans relief est celle du journal]

      #philosophie #politique #passion #raison #puissance #pouvoir #droit #loi

  • Repackaging Imperialism. The EU – IOM border regime in the Balkans

    In November 2023, European Commission President #Ursula_von_der_Leyen concluded a Balkan tour, emphasizing EU enlargement’s priority for peace and prosperity. However, scrutiny intensified over EU practices, especially in the Balkans, where border policies, implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), reflect an imperialist approach. This report exposes the consequences – restricted migration, erosion of international norms, and deadly conditions along migrant routes. The EU’s ’carrot and stick’ strategy in the Balkans raises concerns about perpetual pre-accession status and accountability for human rights abuses.


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #IOM #OIM #impérialisme #frontières #rapport #tni #paix #prospérité #droits_humains #militarisation_des_frontières #route_des_Balkans #humanitarisme #sécurisation #sécurité #violence #Bosnie #Bosnie-Herzégovine #hotspot #renvois #retours_volontaires #joint_coordination_plateform #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #décès

    • Raniero Panzieri, Mario Tronti, Gaspare De Caro, Toni Negri (Turin, 1962)

      Conférence de Potere operaio à l’Université de Bologne en 1970.

      Manifestation de Potere operaio à Milan en 1972.

      Negri lors de son procès après la rafle du 7 avril 1979


      Lénine au-delà de Lénine, Toni Negri (extrait de 33 Leçons sur Lénine), 1972-1973

      Domination et sabotage - Sur la méthode marxiste de transformation sociale, Antonio Negri (pdf), 1977

      L’Anomalie sauvage d’Antonio Negri, Alexandre Matheron, 1983

      Sur Mille Plateaux, Toni Negri, Revue Chimères n° 17, 1992

      Les coordinations : une proposition de communisme, Toni Negri, 1994

      Le contre-empire attaque, entretien avec Toni Negri, 2000

      [#travail #multitude_de_singularités à 18mn] : Toni Negri, 2014

      à l’occasion de la parution du Hors-Série de Philosophie Magazine sur le thème, les philosophes et le #communisme.

      Socialisme = soviets + électricité, Toni Negri, 2017

      L’appropriation du capital fixe : une métaphore ?
      Antonio Negri, Multitudes 2018/1 (n° 70)

      Domination et sabotage - Entretien avec Antonio Negri, 2019

    • Les nécros de Ration et de L’imMonde ont par convention une tonalité vaguement élogieuse mais elles sont parfaitement vides. Celle de l’Huma parait plus documentée mais elle est sous paywall...

      edit L’Huma c’est encore et toujours la vilaine bêtise stalinienne :

      Figure de prou de "l’opéraïsme" dans les années 1960, arrêté durant les années de plomb en Italie, penseur de la "multitude" dans les années 2000, le théoricien politique, spécialiste de la philosophie du droit et de Hegel, est mort à Paris à l’âge de 90 ans.
      Pierre Chaillan

      (...) Figure intellectuelle et politique, il a traversé tous les soubresauts de l’histoire de l’Italie moderne et restera une grande énigme au sein du mouvement communiste et ouvrier international . Né le 1er août 1933 dans l’Italie mussolinienne, d’un père communiste disparu à la suite de violences infligées par une brigade fasciste, Antonio Negri est d’abord militant de l’Action catholique avant d’adhérer en 1956 au Parti socialiste italien, qu’il quittera rapidement.

      Le théoricien, animateurs de “l’opéraïsme”

    • Un journaliste du Monde « Gauchologue et fafologue / Enseigne @sciencespo » diffuse sur X des extraits de l’abject "Camarade P38" du para-policier Fabrizio Calvi en prétendant que cette bouse « résume les critiques ».
      Mieux vaut se référer à EMPIRE ET SES PIÈGES - Toni Negri et la déconcertante trajectoire de l’opéraïsme italien, de Claudio Albertani https://infokiosques.net/spip.php?article541

    • #opéraïsme


      Avant l’effervescence de l’Autonomie italienne, l’opéraïsme tente de renouveler la pensée marxiste pour réfléchir sur les luttes ouvrières. Ce mouvement politique et intellectuel se développe en Italie dans les années 1960. Il débouche vers une radicalisation du conflit social en 1968, et surtout en 1969 avec une grève ouvrière sauvage. Si le post-opéraïsme semble relativement connu en France, à travers la figure de Toni Negri et la revue Multitudes, l’opéraïsme historique demeure largement méconnu.

      Mario Tronti revient sur l’aventure de l’opéraïsme, à laquelle il a activement participé. Son livre articule exigence théorique et témoignage vivant. Il décrit ce mouvement comme une « expérience de pensée - d’un cercle de personnes liées entre elles indissolublement par un lien particulier d’amitié politique ». La conflictualité sociale et la radicalisation des luttes ouvrières doit alors permettre d’abattre le capitalisme.

    • IL SECOLO BREVE DI TONI NEGRI, Ago 17, 2023,


      Toni Negri hai compiuto novant’anni. Come vivi oggi il tuo tempo?

      Mi ricordo Gilles Deleuze che soffriva di un malanno simile al mio. Allora non c’erano l’assistenza e la tecnologia di cui possiamo godere noi oggi. L’ultima volta che l’ho visto girava con un carrellino con le bombole di ossigeno. Era veramente dura. Lo è anche per me oggi. Penso che ogni giorno che passa a questa età sia un giorno di meno. Non hai la forza di farlo diventare un giorno magico. È come quando mangi un buon frutto e ti lascia in bocca un gusto meraviglioso. Questo frutto è la vita, probabilmente. È una delle sue grandi virtù.

      Novant’anni sono un secolo breve.

      Di secoli brevi ce ne possono essere diversi. C’è il classico periodo definito da Hobsbawm che va dal 1917 al 1989. C’è stato il secolo americano che però è stato molto più breve. È durato dagli accordi monetari e dalla definizione di una governance mondiale a Bretton Woods, agli attentati alle Torri Gemelle nel settembre 2001. Per quanto mi riguarda il mio lungo secolo è iniziato con la vittoria bolscevica, poco prima che nascessi, ed è continuato con le lotte operaie, e con tutti i conflitti politici e sociali ai quali ho partecipato.

      Questo secolo breve è terminato con una sconfitta colossale.

      È vero. Ma hanno pensato che fosse finita la storia e fosse iniziata l’epoca di una globalizzazione pacificata. Nulla di più falso, come vediamo ogni giorno da più di trent’anni. Siamo in un’età di transizione, ma in realtà lo siamo sempre stati. Anche se sottotraccia, ci troviamo in un nuovo tempo segnato da una ripresa globale delle lotte contro le quali c’è una risposta dura. Le lotte operaie hanno iniziato a intersecarsi sempre di più con quelle femministe, antirazziste, a difesa dei migranti e per la libertà di movimento, o ecologiste.

      Filosofo, arrivi giovanissimo in cattedra a Padova. Partecipi a Quaderni Rossi, la rivista dell’operaismo italiano. Fai inchiesta, fai un lavoro di base nelle fabbriche, a cominciare dal Petrolchimico di Marghera. Fai parte di Potere Operaio prima, di Autonomia Operaia poi. Vivi il lungo Sessantotto italiano, a cominciare dall’impetuoso Sessantanove operaio a Corso Traiano a Torino. Qual è stato il momento politico culminante di questa storia?

      Gli anni Settanta, quando il capitalismo ha anticipato con forza una strategia per il suo futuro. Attraverso la globalizzazione, ha precarizzato il lavoro industriale insieme all’intero processo di accumulazione del valore. In questa transizione, sono stati accesi nuovi poli produttivi: il lavoro intellettuale, quello affettivo, il lavoro sociale che costruisce la cooperazione. Alla base della nuova accumulazione del valore, ci sono ovviamente anche l’aria, l’acqua, il vivente e tutti i beni comuni che il capitale ha continuato a sfruttare per contrastare l’abbassamento del tasso di profitto che aveva conosciuto a partire dagli anni Sessanta.

      Perché, dalla metà degli anni Settanta, la strategia capitalista ha vinto?

      Perché è mancata una risposta di sinistra. Anzi, per un tempo lungo, c’è stata una totale ignoranza di questi processi. A partire dalla fine degli anni Settanta, c’è stata la soppressione di ogni potenza intellettuale o politica, puntuale o di movimento, che tentasse di mostrare l’importanza di questa trasformazione, e che puntasse alla riorganizzazione del movimento operaio attorno a nuove forme di socializzazione e di organizzazione politica e culturale. È stata una tragedia. Qui che appare la continuità del secolo breve nel tempo che stiamo vivendo ora. C’è stata una volontà della sinistra di bloccare il quadro politico su quello che possedeva.

      E che cosa possedeva quella sinistra?

      Un’immagine potente ma già allora inadeguata. Ha mitizzato la figura dell’operaio industriale senza comprendere che egli desiderava ben altro. Non voleva accomodarsi nella fabbrica di Agnelli, ma distruggere la sua organizzazione; voleva costruire automobili per offrirle agli altri senza schiavizzare nessuno. A Marghera non avrebbe voluto morire di cancro né distruggere il pianeta. In fondo è quello che ha scritto Marx nella Critica del programma di Gotha: contro l’emancipazione attraverso il lavoro mercificato della socialdemocrazia e per la liberazione della forza lavoro dal lavoro mercificato. Sono convinto che la direzione presa dall’Internazionale comunista – in maniera evidente e tragica con lo stalinismo, e poi in maniera sempre più contraddittoria e irruente -, abbia distrutto il desiderio che aveva mobilitato masse gigantesche. Per tutta la storia del movimento comunista è stata quella la battaglia.

      Cosa si scontrava su quel campo di battaglia?

      Da un lato, c’era l’idea della liberazione. In Italia è stata illuminata dalla resistenza contro il nazi-fascismo. L’idea di liberazione si è proiettata nella stessa Costituzione così come noi ragazzi la interpretammo allora. E in questa vicenda non sottovaluterei l’evoluzione sociale della Chiesa Cattolica che culminò con il Secondo Concilio Vaticano. Dall’altra parte, c’era il realismo ereditato dal partito comunista italiano dalla socialdemocrazia, quello degli Amendola e dei togliattiani di varia origine. Tutto è iniziato a precipitare negli anni Settanta, mentre invece c’era la possibilità di inventare una nuova forma di vita, un nuovo modo di essere comunisti.

      Continui a definirti un comunista. Cosa significa oggi?

      Quello che per me ha significato da giovane: conoscere un futuro nel quale avremmo conquistato il potere di essere liberi, di lavorare meno, di volerci bene. Eravamo convinti che concetti della borghesia quali libertà, uguaglianza e fraternità avrebbero potuto realizzarsi nelle parole d’ordine della cooperazione, della solidarietà, della democrazia radicale e dell’amore. Lo pensavamo e lo abbiamo agito, ed era quello che pensava la maggioranza che votava la sinistra e la faceva esistere. Ma il mondo era ed è insopportabile, ha un rapporto contraddittorio con le virtù essenziali del vivere insieme. Eppure queste virtù non si perdono, si acquisiscono con la pratica collettiva e sono accompagnate dalla trasformazione dell’idea di produttività che non significa produrre più merci in meno tempo, né fare guerre sempre più devastanti. Al contrario serve a dare da mangiare a tutti, modernizzare, rendere felici. Comunismo è una passione collettiva gioiosa, etica e politica che combatte contro la trinità della proprietà, dei confini e del capitale.

      L’arresto avvenuto il 7 aprile 1979, primo momento della repressione del movimento dell’autonomia operaia, è stato uno spartiacque. Per ragioni diverse, a mio avviso, lo è stato anche per la storia del «manifesto» grazie a una vibrante campagna garantista durata anni, un caso giornalistico unico condotto con i militanti dei movimenti, un gruppo di coraggiosi intellettuali, il partito radicale. Otto anni dopo, il 9 giugno 1987, quando fu demolito il castello di accuse cangianti, e infondate, Rossana Rossanda scrisse che fu una «tardiva, parziale riparazione di molto irreparabile». Cosa significa oggi per te tutto questo?

      È stato innanzitutto il segno di un’amicizia mai smentita. Rossana per noi è stata una persona di una generosità incredibile. Anche se, a un certo punto, si è fermata anche lei: non riusciva a imputare al Pci quello che il Pci era diventato.

      Che cosa era diventato?

      Un oppressore. Ha massacrato quelli che denunciavano il pasticcio in cui si era andato a ficcare. In quegli anni siamo stati in molti a dirglielo. Esisteva un’altra strada, che passava dall’ascolto della classe operaia, del movimento studentesco, delle donne, di tutte le nuove forme nelle quali le passioni sociali, politiche e democratiche si stavano organizzando. Noi abbiamo proposto un’alternativa in maniera onesta, pulita e di massa. Facevamo parte di un enorme movimento che investiva le grandi fabbriche, le scuole, le generazioni. La chiusura da parte del Pci ha determinato la nascita di estremizzazioni terroristiche: questo è fuori dubbio. Noi abbiamo pagato tutto e pesantemente. Solo io ho fatto complessivamente quattordici anni di esilio e undici e mezzo di prigione. Il Manifesto ha sempre difeso la nostra innocenza. Era completamente idiota che io o altri dell’Autonomia fossimo considerati i rapitori di Aldo Moro o gli uccisori di compagni. Tuttavia, nella campagna innocentista che è stata coraggiosa e importante è stato però lasciato sul fondo un aspetto sostanziale.

      Eravamo politicamente responsabili di un movimento molto più ampio contro il compromesso storico tra il Pci e la Dc. Contro di noi c’è stata una risposta poliziesca della destra, e questo si capisce. Quello che non si vuol capire è stata invece la copertura che il Pci ha dato a questa risposta. In fondo, avevano paura che cambiasse l’orizzonte politico di classe. Se non si comprende questo nodo storico, come ci si può lamentare dell’inesistenza di una sinistra oggi in Italia?

      Il sette aprile, e il cosiddetto «teorema Calogero», sono stati considerati un passo verso la conversione di una parte non piccola della sinistra al giustizialismo e alla delega politica alla magistratura. Come è stato possibile lasciarsi incastrare in una simile trappola?

      Quando il Pci sostituì la centralità della lotta morale a quella economica e politica, e lo fece attraverso giudici che gravitavano attorno alla sua area, ha finito il suo percorso. Questi davvero credevano di usare il giustizialismo per costruire il socialismo? Il giustizialismo è una delle cose più care alla borghesia. È un’illusione devastante e tragica che impedisce di vedere l’uso di classe del diritto, del carcere o della polizia contro i subalterni. In quegli anni cambiarono anche i giovani magistrati. Prima erano molto diversi. Li chiamavano «pretori di assalto». Ricordo i primi numeri della rivista Democrazia e Diritto ai quali ho lavorato anch’io. Mi riempivano di gioia perché parlavamo di giustizia di massa. Poi l’idea di giustizia è stata declinata molto diversamente, riportata ai concetti di legalità e di legittimità. E nella magistratura non c’è più stata una presa di parola politica, ma solo schieramenti tra correnti. Oggi, poi abbiamo una Costituzione ridotta a un pacchetto di norme che non corrispondono neanche più alla realtà del paese.

      In carcere avete continuato la battaglia politica. Nel 1983 scriveste un documento in carcere, pubblicato da Il Manifesto, intitolato «Do You remember revolution». Si parlava dell’originalità del 68 italiano, dei movimenti degli anni Settanta non riducibili agli «anni di piombo». Come hai vissuto quegli anni?

      Quel documento diceva cose importanti con qualche timidezza. Credo dica più o meno le cose che ho appena ricordato. Era un periodo duro. Noi eravamo dentro, dovevamo uscire in qualche maniera. Ti confesso che in quell’immane sofferenza per me era meglio studiare Spinoza che pensare all’assurda cupezza in cui eravamo stati rinchiusi. Ho scritto su Spinoza un grosso libro ed è stato una specie di atto eroico. Non potevo avere più di cinque libri in cella. E cambiavo carcere speciale in continuazione: Rebibbia, Palmi, Trani, Fossombrone, Rovigo. Ogni volta in una cella nuova con gente nuova. Aspettare giorni e ricominciare. L’unico libro che portavo con me era l’Etica di Spinoza. La fortuna è stata finire il mio testo prima della rivolta a Trani nel 1981 quando i corpi speciali hanno distrutto tutto. Sono felice che abbia prodotto uno scossone nella storia della filosofia.

      Nel 1983 sei stato eletto in parlamento e uscisti per qualche mese dal carcere. Cosa pensi del momento in cui votarono per farti tornare in carcere e tu decidesti di andare in esilio in Francia?

      Ne soffro ancora molto. Se devo dare un giudizio storico e distaccato penso di avere fatto bene ad andarmene. In Francia sono stato utile per stabilire rapporti tra generazioni e ho studiato. Ho avuto la possibilità di lavorare con Félix Guattari e sono riuscito a inserirmi nel dibattito del tempo. Mi ha aiutato moltissimo a comprendere la vita dei Sans Papiers. Lo sono stato anch’io, ho insegnato pur non avendo una carta di identità. Mi hanno aiutato i compagni dell’università di Parigi 8. Ma per altri versi mi dico che ho sbagliato. Mi scuote profondamente il fatto di avere lasciato i compagni in carcere, quelli con cui ho vissuto i migliori anni della mia vita e le rivolte in quattro anni di carcerazione preventiva. Averli lasciati mi fa ancora male. Quella galera ha devastato la vita di compagni carissimi, e spesso delle loro famiglie. Ho novant’anni e mi sono salvato. Non mi rende più sereno di fronte a quel dramma.

      Anche Rossanda ti criticò…

      Sì, mi ha chiesto di comportarmi come Socrate. Io le risposi che rischiavo proprio di finire come il filosofo. Per i rapporti che c’erano in galera avrei potuto morire. Pannella mi ha materialmente portato fuori dalla galera e poi mi ha rovesciato tutte le colpe del mondo perché non volevo tornarci. Sono stati in molti a imbrogliarmi. Rossana mi aveva messo in guardia già allora, e forse aveva ragione.

      C’è stata un’altra volta che lo ha fatto?

      Sì, quando mi disse di non rientrare da Parigi in Italia nel 1997 dopo 14 anni di esilio. La vidi l’ultima volta prima di partire in un café dalle parti del Museo di Cluny, il museo nazionale del Medioevo. Mi disse che avrebbe voluto legami con una catena per impedirmi di prendere quell’aereo.

      Perché allora hai deciso di tornare in Italia?

      Ero convinto di fare una battaglia sull’amnistia per tutti i compagni degli anni Settanta. Allora c’era la Bicamerale, sembrava possibile. Mi sono fatto sei anni di galera fino al 2003. Forse Rossana aveva ragione.

      Che ricordo oggi hai di lei?

      Ricordo l’ultima volta che l’ho vista a Parigi. Una dolcissima amica, che si preoccupava dei miei viaggi in Cina, temeva che mi facessi male. È stata una persona meravigliosa, allora e sempre.

      Anna Negri, tua figlia, ha scritto «Con un piede impigliato nella storia» (DeriveApprodi) che racconta questa storia dal punto di vista dei vostri affetti, e di un’altra generazione.

      Ho tre figli splendidi Anna, Francesco e Nina che hanno sofferto in maniera indicibile quello che è successo. Ho guardato la serie di Bellocchio su Moro e continuo ad essere stupefatto di essere stato accusato di quella incredibile tragedia. Penso ai miei due primi figli, che andavano a scuola. Qualcuno li vedeva come i figli di un mostro. Questi ragazzi, in una maniera o nell’altra, hanno sopportato eventi enormi. Sono andati via dall’Italia e ci sono tornati, hanno attraversato quel lungo inverno in primissima persona. Il minimo che possono avere è una certa collera nei confronti dei genitori che li hanno messi in questa situazione. E io ho una certa responsabilità in questa storia. Siamo tornati ad essere amici. Questo per me è un regalo di una immensa bellezza.

      Alla fine degli anni Novanta, in coincidenza con i nuovi movimenti globali, e poi contro la guerra, hai acquisito una forte posizione di riconoscibilità insieme a Michael Hardt a cominciare da «Impero». Come definiresti oggi, in un momento di ritorno allo specialismo e di idee reazionarie e elitarie, il rapporto tra filosofia e militanza?

      È difficile per me rispondere a questa domanda. Quando mi dicono che ho fatto un’opera, io rispondo: Lirica? Ma ti rendi conto? Mi scappa da ridere. Perché sono più un militante che un filosofo. Farà ridere qualcuno, ma io mi ci vedo, come Papageno…

      Non c’è dubbio però che tu abbia scritto molti libri…

      Ho avuto la fortuna di trovarmi a metà strada tra la filosofia e la militanza. Nei migliori periodi della mia vita sono passato in permanenza dall’una all’altra. Ciò mi ha permesso di coltivare un rapporto critico con la teoria capitalista del potere. Facendo perno su Marx, sono andato da Hobbes a Habermas, passando da Kant, Rousseau e Hegel. Gente abbastanza seria da dovere essere combattuta. Di contro la linea Machiavelli-Spinoza-Marx è stata un’alternativa vera. Ribadisco: la storia della filosofia per me non è una specie di testo sacro che ha impastato tutto il sapere occidentale, da Platone ad Heidegger, con la civiltà borghese e ha tramandato con ciò concetti funzionali al potere. La filosofia fa parte della nostra cultura, ma va usata per quello che serve, cioè a trasformare il mondo e farlo diventare più giusto. Deleuze parlava di Spinoza e riprendeva l’iconografia che lo rappresentava nei panni di Masaniello. Vorrei che fosse vero per me. Anche adesso che ho novant’anni continuo ad avere questo rapporto con la filosofia. Vivere la militanza è meno facile, eppure riesco a scrivere e ad ascoltare, in una situazione di esule.

      Esule, ancora, oggi?

      Un po’, sì. È un esilio diverso però. Dipende dal fatto che i due mondi in cui vivo, l’Italia e la Francia, hanno dinamiche di movimento molto diverse. In Francia, l’operaismo non ha avuto un seguito largo, anche se oggi viene riscoperto. La sinistra di movimento in Francia è sempre stata guidata dal trotzkismo o dall’anarchismo. Negli anni Novanta, con la rivista Futur antérieur, con l’amico e compagno Jean-Marie Vincent, avevamo trovato una mediazione tra gauchisme e operaismo: ha funzionato per una decina d’anni. Ma lo abbiamo fatto con molta prudenza. il giudizio sulla politica francese lo lasciavamo ai compagni francesi. L’unico editoriale importante scritto dagli italiani sulla rivista è stato quello sul grande sciopero dei ferrovieri del ’95, che assomigliava tanto alle lotte italiane.

      Perché l’operaismo conosce oggi una risonanza a livello globale?

      Perché risponde all’esigenza di una resistenza e di una ripresa delle lotte, come in altre culture critiche con le quali dialoga: il femminismo, l’ecologia politica, la critica postcoloniale ad esempio. E poi perché non è la costola di niente e di nessuno. Non lo è stato mai, e neanche è stato un capitolo della storia del Pci, come qualcuno s’illude. È invece un’idea precisa della lotta di classe e una critica della sovranità che coagula il potere attorno al polo padronale, proprietario e capitalista. Ma il potere è sempre scisso, ed è sempre aperto, anche quando non sembra esserci alternativa. Tutta la teoria del potere come estensione del dominio e dell’autorità fatta dalla Scuola di Francoforte e dalle sue recenti evoluzioni è falsa, anche se purtroppo rimane egemone. L’operaismo fa saltare questa lettura brutale. È uno stile di lavoro e di pensiero. Riprende la storia dal basso fatta da grandi masse che si muovono, cerca la singolarità in una dialettica aperta e produttiva.

      I tuoi costanti riferimenti a Francesco d’Assisi mi hanno sempre colpito. Da dove nasce questo interesse per il santo e perché lo hai preso ad esempio della tua gioia di essere comunista?

      Da quando ero giovane mi hanno deriso perché usavo la parola amore. Mi prendevano per un poeta o per un illuso. Di contro, ho sempre pensato che l’amore era una passione fondamentale che tiene in piedi il genere umano. Può diventare un’arma per vivere. Vengo da una famiglia che è stata miserabile durante la guerra e mi ha insegnato un affetto che mi fa vivere ancora oggi. Francesco è in fondo un borghese che vive in un periodo in cui coglie la possibilità di trasformare la borghesia stessa, e di fare un mondo in cui la gente si ama e ama il vivente. Il richiamo a lui, per me, è come il richiamo ai Ciompi di Machiavelli. Francesco è l’amore contro la proprietà: esattamente quello che avremmo potuto fare negli anni Settanta, rovesciando quello sviluppo e creando un nuovo modo di produrre. Non è mai stato ripreso a sufficienza Francesco, né è stato presa in debito conto l’importanza che ha avuto il francescanesimo nella storia italiana. Lo cito perché voglio che parole come amore e gioia entrino nel linguaggio politico.


      Dall’infanzia negli anni della guerra all’apprendistato filosofico alla militanza comunista, dal ’68 alla strage di piazza Fontana, da Potere Operaio all’autonomia e al ’77, l’arresto, l’esilio. E di nuovo la galera per tornare libero. Toni Negri lo ha raccontato con Girolamo De Michele in tre volumi autobiografici Storia di un comunista, Galera e esilio, Da Genova a Domani (Ponte alle Grazie). Con Mi chael Hardt, professore di letteratura alla Duke University negli Stati Uniti, ha scritto, tra l’altro, opere discusse e di larga diffusione: Impero, Moltitudine, Comune (Rizzoli) e Assemblea (Ponte alle Grazie). Per l’editore anglo-americano Polity Books ha pubblicato, tra l’altro, sei volumi di scritti tra i quali The Common, Marx in Movement, Marx and Foucault.

      In Italia DeriveApprodi ha ripubblicato il classico «Spinoza». Per la stessa casa editrice: I libri del rogo, Pipe Line, Arte e multitudo (a cura di N. Martino), Settanta (con Raffaella Battaglini). Con Mimesis la nuova edizione di Lenta ginestra. Saggio sull’ontologia di Giacomo Leopardi. Con Ombre Corte, tra l’altro, Dall’operaio massa all’operaio sociale (a cura di P. Pozzi-R. Tomassini), Dentro/contro il diritto sovrano (con G. Allegri), Il lavoro nella costituzione (con A. Zanini).

      A partire dal prossimo ottobre Manifestolibri ripubblicherà i titoli in catalogo con una nuova prefazione: L’inchiesta metropolitana e altri scritti sociologici, a cura di Alberto De Nicola e Paolo Do; Marx oltre Marx (prefazione di Sandro Mezzadra); Trentatré Lezioni su Lenin (Giso Amendola); Potere Costituente (Tania Rispoli); Descartes politico (Marco Assennato); Kairos, Alma Venus, moltitudo (Judith Revel); Il lavoro di Dioniso, con Michael Hardt (Francesco Raparelli)

      #autonomie #prison #exil

    • Le philosophe italien Toni Negri est mort

      Inspirant les luttes politiques en Italie dans les années 1960 et 1970, son travail a également influencé le mouvement altermondialiste du début du XXIe siècle.

      Toni Negri, à Rome (Italie), en septembre 2010. STEFANO MONTESI - CORBIS / VIA GETTY IMAGES

      Il était né dans l’Italie fasciste. Il disparaît alors que l’extrême droite gouverne à nouveau son pays. Le philosophe Toni Negri, acteur et penseur majeur de plus d’un demi-siècle de luttes d’extrême gauche, est mort dans la nuit du 15 au 16 décembre à Paris, à l’âge de 90 ans, a annoncé son épouse, la philosophe française Judith Revel.

      « C’était un mauvais maître », a tout de suite réagi, selon le quotidien La Repubblica, le ministre de la culture italien, Gennaro Sangiuliano. « Tu resteras à jamais dans mon cœur et dans mon esprit, cher Maître, Père, Prophète », a écrit quant à lui, sur Facebook, l’activiste Luca Casarini, l’un des leaders du mouvement altermondialiste italien. Peut-être aurait-il vu dans la violence de ce contraste un hommage à la puissance de ses engagements, dont la radicalité ne s’est jamais affadie.

      Né le 1er août 1933 à Padoue, Antonio Negri, que tout le monde appelle Toni, et qui signera ainsi ses livres, commence très tôt une brillante carrière universitaire – il enseigne à l’université de Padoue dès ses 25 ans –, tout en voyageant, en particulier au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient. C’est en partageant la vie d’un kibboutz israélien que le jeune homme, d’abord engagé au parti socialiste, dira être devenu communiste. Encore fallait-il savoir ce que ce mot pouvait recouvrir.

      Cette recherche d’une nouvelle formulation d’un idéal ancien, qu’il s’agissait de replacer au centre des mutations du monde, parcourt son œuvre philosophique, de Marx au-delà de Marx (Bourgois, 1979) à l’un de ses derniers livres, Inventer le commun des hommes (Bayard, 2010). Elle devient aussi l’axe de son engagement militant, qui va bientôt se confondre avec sa vie.

      Marxismes hétérodoxes

      L’Italie est alors, justement, le laboratoire des marxismes dits hétérodoxes, en rupture de ban avec le parti communiste, en particulier l’« opéraïsme » (de l’italien « operaio », « ouvrier »). Toni Negri le rejoint à la fin des années 1960, et s’en fait l’un des penseurs et activistes les plus emblématiques, toujours présent sur le terrain, dans les manifestations et surtout dans les usines, auprès des ouvriers. « Il s’agissait d’impliquer les ouvriers dans la construction du discours théorique sur l’exploitation », expliquera-t-il dans un entretien, en 2018, résumant la doctrine opéraïste, particulièrement celle des mouvements auxquels il appartient, Potere Operaio, puis Autonomia Operaia.

      Des armes circulent. Le terrorisme d’extrême droite et d’extrême gauche ravage le pays. Bien qu’il s’oppose à la violence contre les personnes, le philosophe est arrêté en 1979, soupçonné d’avoir participé à l’assassinat de l’homme politique Aldo Moro, accusation dont il est rapidement blanchi. Mais d’autres pèsent sur lui – « association subversive », et complicité « morale » dans un cambriolage – et il est condamné à douze ans de prison.
      Elu député du Parti radical en 1983, alors qu’il est encore prisonnier, il est libéré au titre de son immunité parlementaire. Quand celle-ci est levée [par un vote que le parti Radical a permis de rendre majoritaire, ndc], il s’exile en France. Rentré en Italie en 1997, il est incarcéré pendant deux ans, avant de bénéficier d’une mesure de semi-liberté. Il est définitivement libéré en 2003.

      Occupy Wall Street et les Indignés

      Il enseigne, durant son exil français, à l’Ecole normale supérieure, à l’université Paris-VIII ou encore au Collège international de philosophie. Ce sont aussi des années d’intense production intellectuelle, et, s’il porte témoignage en publiant son journal de l’année 1983 (Italie rouge et noire, Hachette, 1985), il développe surtout une pensée philosophique exigeante, novatrice, au croisement de l’ontologie et de la pensée politique. On peut citer, entre beaucoup d’autres, Les Nouveaux Espaces de liberté, écrit avec Félix Guattari (Dominique Bedou, 1985), Spinoza subversif. Variations (in)actuelles (Kimé, 1994), Le Pouvoir constituant. Essai sur les alternatives de la modernité (PUF, 1997) ou Kairos, Alma Venus, multitude. Neuf leçons en forme d’exercices (Calmann-Lévy, 2000).
      Ce sont cependant les livres qu’il coécrit avec l’Américain Michael Hardt qui le font connaître dans le monde entier, et d’abord Empire (Exils, 2000), où les deux philosophes s’efforcent de poser les fondements d’une nouvelle pensée de l’émancipation dans le contexte créé par la mondialisation. Celle-ci, « transition capitale dans l’histoire contemporaine », fait émerger selon les auteurs un capitalisme « supranational, mondial, total », sans autres appartenances que celles issues des rapports de domination économique. Cette somme, comme la suivante, Multitude. Guerre et démocratie à l’époque de l’Empire (La Découverte, 2004), sera une des principales sources d’inspiration du mouvement altermondialiste, d’Occupy Wall Street au mouvement des Indignés, en Espagne.

      C’est ainsi que Toni Negri, de l’ébullition italienne qui a marqué sa jeunesse et décidé de sa vie aux embrasements et aux espoirs du début du XXIe siècle, a traversé son temps : en ne lâchant jamais le fil d’une action qui était, pour lui, une forme de pensée, et d’une pensée qui tentait d’agir au cœur même du monde.
      Florent Georgesco

      (article corrigé trois fois en 9 heures, un bel effort ! il faut continuer !)

    • Pouvoir ouvrier, l’équivalent italien de la Gauche prolétarienne

      Chapeau le Diplo, voilà qui est informé !
      En 1998, le journal avait titré sur un mode médiatico-policier (« Ce que furent les “années de plomb” en Italie »). La réédition dans un Manière de voir de 2021 (long purgatoire) permis un choix plus digne qui annonçait correctement cet article fort utile : Entre « compromis historique » et terrorisme. Retour sur l’Italie des années 1970.
      Diplo encore, l’iconographie choisit d’ouvrir l’oeil... sur le rétroviseur. J’identifie pas le leader PCI (ou CGIL) qui est à la tribune mais c’est évidement le Mouvement ouvrier institué et son rôle (historiquement compromis) d’encadrement de la classe ouvrière qui est mis en avant.

      #média #gauche #Italie #Histoire #Potere_operaio #PCI #lutte_armée #compromis_historique #terrorisme


      [Rome] Luciano Lama, gli scontri alla Sapienza e il movimento del ’77

      «Il segretario della Cgil Luciano Lama si è salvato a stento dall’assalto degli autonomi, mentre tentava di parlare agli studenti che da parecchi giorni occupano la città universitaria. Il camion, trasformato in palco, dal quale il sindacalista ha preso la parola, è stato letteralmente sfasciato e l’autista è uscito dagli incidenti con la testa spaccata e varie ferite». E’ la cronaca degli scontri alla Sapienza riportata da Corriere il 18 febbraio del 1977, un giorno dopo la “cacciata” del leader della CGIL Luciano Lama dall’ateneo dove stava tenendo un comizio. Una giornata di violenza che diventerà il simbolo della rottura tra la sinistra istituzionale, rappresentata dal Pci e dal sindacato, e la sinistra dei movimenti studenteschi. Nella foto il camion utilizzato come palco da Luciano Lama preso d’assalto dai contestatori alla Sapienza (Ansa)

      Toni Negri (1933-2023), histoire d’un communiste

      Sans doute est-il compliqué de s’imaginer, pour les plus jeunes, ce qu’a pu représenter Toni Negri pour différentes générations de militant.es. Ce qu’il a pu symboliser, des deux côtés des Alpes et au-delà, à différents moments de l’histoire turbulente du dernier tiers du XXème siècle, marqué par la dernière poussée révolutionnaire contemporaine – ce « long mois de mai » qui aura duré plus de dix ans, en Italie – suivie d’un reflux face auquel, loin de déposer les armes, Negri a choisi de résister en tentant de penser un arsenal conceptuel correspondant aux défis posés par le capitalisme contemporain. Tout en restant, jusqu’au bout, communiste. C’est ainsi qu’il se définissait.

    • À Toni Negri, camarade et militant infatigable

      Toni Negri nous a quittés. Pour certains d’entre nous, c’était un ami cher mais pour nous tous, il était le camarade qui s’était engagé dans le grand cycle des luttes politiques des années soixante et dans les mouvements révolutionnaires des années soixante-dix en Italie. Il fut l’un des fondateurs de l’opéraïsme et le penseur qui a donné une cohérence théorique aux luttes ouvrières et prolétariennes dans l’Occident capitaliste et aux transformations du Capital qui en ont résulté. C’est Toni qui a décrit la multitude comme une forme de subjectivité politique qui reflète la complexité et la diversité des nouvelles formes de travail et de résistance apparues dans la société post-industrielle. Sans la contribution théorique de Toni et de quelques autres théoriciens marxistes, aucune pratique n’aurait été adéquate pour le conflit de classes.
      Un Maître, ni bon ni mauvais : c’était notre tâche et notre privilège d’interpréter ou de réfuter ses analyses. C’était avant tout notre tâche, et nous l’avons assumée, de mettre en pratique la lutte dans notre sphère sociale, notre action dans le contexte politique de ces années-là. Nous n’étions ni ses disciples ni ses partisans et Toni n’aurait jamais voulu que nous le soyons. Nous étions des sujets politiques libres, qui décidaient de leur engagement politique, qui choisissaient leur voie militante et qui utilisaient également les outils critiques et théoriques fournis par Toni dans leur parcours.

    • Toni Negri, l’au-delà de Marx à l’épreuve de la politique, Yann Moulier Boutang

      Il n’est guère de concepts hérités du marxisme qu’il n’ait renouvelés de fond en comble. Contentons-nous ici de quelques notions clés. La clé de l’évolution du capitalisme, ne se lit correctement que dans celle de la composition du travail productif structuré dans la classe ouvrière et son mouvement, puis dans les diverses formes de salariat. Le Marx le plus intéressant pour nous est celui des Grundrisse (cette esquisse du Capital). C’est le refus du travail dans les usines, qui pousse sans cesse le capitalisme, par l’introduction du progrès technique, puis par la mondialisation, à contourner la « forteresse ouvrière ». Composition de classe, décomposition, recomposition permettent de déterminer le sens des luttes sociales. Negri ajoute à ce fond commun à tous les operaïstes deux innovations : la méthode de la réalisation de la tendance, qui suppose que l’évolution à peine perceptible est déjà pleinement déployée, pour mieux saisir à l’avance les moments et les points où la faire bifurquer. Deuxième innovation : après l’ouvrier qualifié communiste, et l’ouvrier-masse (l’OS du taylorisme), le capitalisme des années 1975-1990 (celui de la délocalisation à l’échelle mondiale de la chaîne de la valeur) produit et affronte l’ouvrier-social.

      C’est sur ce passage obligé que l’idée révolutionnaire se renouvelle. L’enquête ouvrière doit se déplacer sur ce terrain de la production sociale. La question de l’organisation, de la dispersion et de l’éclatement remplace la figure de la classe ouvrière et de ses allié.e.s. L’ouvrier social des années 1975 devient la multitude. Cela paraît un diagramme abstrait. Pourtant les formes de lutte comme les objectifs retenus, les collectifs des travailleuses du soin, de chômeurs ou d’intérimaires, les grèves des Ubereat témoignent de l’actualité de cette perspective. Mais aussi de ses limites, rencontrées au moment de s’incarner politiquement. (1)


      edit « optimisme de la raison, pessimisme de la volonté », T.N.
      Ration indique des notes qui ne sont pas publiées...

      Balibar offre une toute autre lecture des apports de T.N. que celle du très recentré YMB

      #marxisme #mouvements_sociaux #théorie #compostion_de_classe #refus_du_travail #luttes_sociales #analyse_de_la tendance #ouvrier_masse #ouvrier_social #enquête_ouvrière #production_sociale #multitude #puissance #pouvoir

    • Décider en Essaim, Toni Negri , 2004

      Toni Negri : pour la multitude, Michael Löwy

      Avec la disparition d’Antonio Negri – Toni pour les amis – la cause communiste perd un grand penseur et un combattant infatigable. Persécuté pour ses idées révolutionnaires, incarcéré en Italie pendant de longues années, Toni est devenu célèbre grâce à ses ouvrages qui se proposent, par une approche philosophique inspirée de #Spinoza et de #Marx, de contribuer à l’émancipation de la multitude


    • Un congedo silenzioso, Paolo Virno

      Toni Negri - Tano D’Amico /Archivio Manifesto

      Due anni fa, credo, telefona Toni. Sarebbe passato per Roma, mi chiede di vederci. Un’ora insieme, con Judith, in una casa vuota nei pressi di Campo de’ Fiori (un covo abbandonato, avrebbe pensato una canaglia dell’antico Pci). Non parliamo di niente o quasi, soltanto frasi che offrono un pretesto per tacere di nuovo, senza disagio.

      Ebbe luogo, in quella casa romana, un congedo puro e semplice, non dissimulato da nenie cerimoniose. Dopo anni di insulti pantagruelici e di fervorose congratulazioni per ogni tentativo di trovare la porta stretta attraverso cui potesse irrompere la lotta contro il lavoro salariato nell’epoca di un capitalismo finalmente maturo, un po’ di silenzio sbigottito non guastava. Anzi, affratellava.

      Ricordo Toni, ospite della cella 7 del reparto di massima sicurezza del carcere di Rebibbia, che piange senza ritegno perché le guardie stanno portando via in piena notte, con un «trasferimento a strappo», i suoi compagni di degnissima sventura. E lo ricordo ironico e spinoziano nel cortile del penitenziario di Palmi, durante la requisitoria cui lo sottopose un capo brigatista da operetta, che minacciava di farlo accoppare da futuri «collaboratori di giustizia» allora ancora bellicosi e intransigenti.

      Toni era un carcerato goffo, ingenuo, ignaro dei trucchi (e del cinismo) che il ruolo richiede. Fu calunniato e detestato come pochi altri nel Novecento italiano. Calunniato e detestato, in quanto marxista e comunista, dalla sinistra tutta, da riformatori e progressisti di ogni sottospecie.

      Eletto in parlamento nel 1983, chiese ai suoi colleghi deputati, in un discorso toccante, di autorizzare la prosecuzione del processo contro di lui: non voleva sottrarsi, ma confutare le accuse che gli erano state mosse dai giudici berlingueriani. Chiese anche, però, di continuare il processo a piede libero, giacché iniqua e scandalosa era diventata la carcerazione preventiva con le leggi speciali adottate negli anni precedenti.

      Inutile dire che il parlamento, aizzato dalla sinistra riformatrice, votò per il ritorno in carcere dell’imputato Negri. C’è ancora qualcuno che ha voglia di rifondare quella sinistra?

      Toni non ha mai avuto paura di strafare. Né quando intraprese un corpo a corpo con la filosofia materialista, includendo in essa più cose di quelle che sembrano stare tra cielo e terra, dal condizionale controfattuale («se tu volessi fare questo, allora le cose andrebbero altrimenti») alla segreta alleanza tra gioia e malinconia. Né quando (a metà degli anni Settanta) ritenne che l’area dell’autonomia dovesse sbrigarsi a organizzare il lavoro postfordista, imperniato sul sapere e il linguaggio, caparbiamente intermittente e flessibile.

      Il mio amico matto che voleva cambiare il mondo
      Toni non è mai stato oculato né morigerato. È stato spesso stonato, questo sì: come capita a chi accelera all’impazzata il ritmo della canzone che ha intonato, ibridandolo per giunta con il ritmo di molte altre canzoni appena orecchiate. Il suo luogo abituale sembrava a molti, anche ai più vicini, fuori luogo; per lui, il «momento giusto» (il kairòs degli antichi greci), se non aveva qualcosa di imprevedibile e di sorprendente, non era mai davvero giusto.

      Non si creda, però, che Negri fosse un bohèmien delle idee, un improvvisatore di azioni e pensieri. Rigore e metodo campeggiano nelle sue opere e nei suoi giorni. Ma in questione è il rigore con cui va soppesata l’eccezione; in questione è il metodo che si addice a tutto quel che è ma potrebbe non essere, e viceversa, a tutto quello che non è ma potrebbe essere.

      Insopportabile Toni, amico caro, non ho condiviso granché del tuo cammino. Ma non riesco a concepire l’epoca nostra, la sua ontologia o essenza direbbe Foucault, senza quel cammino, senza le deviazioni e le retromarce che l’hanno scandito. Ora un po’ di silenzio benefico, esente da qualsiasi imbarazzo, come in quella casa romana in cui andò in scena un sobrio congedo.

  • #FADA collective

    FADA is a Collective founded in 2020 by a group of Italian freelance reporters working across media and borders.

    We REPORT - We are an independent newsroom producing multimedia, deeply reported public interest stories. We partner with international media to publish our stories.

    We CONNECT - We train young journalists, we promote collaboration and we build a community for the next generation of media makers.

    We IMPACT - We engage with local communities, civil society and policy makers to open up spaces for dialogue around civic participation and journalism, beyond the traditional media, with the aim to trigger change.

    We dig into the climate crisis, border policies, food systems, social movements and the lack of accountability by State and private actors.

    #journalisme #enquêtes #journalisme_d'enquête #frontières #migrations #climat #crise_climatique #alimentation #système_alimentaire #mouvements_sociaux

  • Retour sur le meurtre de Thomas à Crépol : deux poids deux mesures

    Faits divers : deux poids deux mesures selon l’origine et la couleur de peau des personnes inculpées. Retour sur Crépol et ses suites à #Romans_sur_Isère où des membres de l’extrême droite venus de toute la france ont fait une descente raciste. Meurtre de Thomas : à l’extrême droite rien se crée, rien ne se perd, tout se récupère. La HORDE fait un tour d’horizon bienvenue et éclairant : Meurtre de Thomas : à l’extrême droite rien se crée, rien ne se perd, tout se récupère. Retour sur la mécanique funeste (...) #Les_Articles

    / Romans sur Isère, #Mouvements_et_courants_autoritaires


  • More than 1,000 unmarked graves discovered along EU migration routes

    Bodies also piling up in morgues across continent as countries accused of failing to meet human rights obligations.

    Refugees and migrants are being buried in unmarked graves across the European Union at a scale that is unprecedented outside of war.

    The Guardian can reveal that at least 1,015 men, women and children who died at the borders of Europe in the past decade were buried before they were identified.

    They lie in stark, often blank graves along the borders – rough white stones overgrown with weeds in Sidiro cemetery in Greece; crude wooden crosses on Lampedusa in Italy; in northern France faceless slabs marked simply “Monsieur X”; in Poland and Croatia plaques reading “NN” for name unknown.

    On the Spanish island of Gran Canaria, one grave states: “Migrant boat number 4. 25/09/2022.”

    The European parliament passed a resolution in 2021 that called for people who die on migration routes to be identified and recognised the need for a coordinated database to collect details of the bodies.

    But across European countries the issue remains a legislative void, with no centralised data, nor any uniform process for dealing with the bodies.

    Working with forensic scientists from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and other researchers, NGOs and pathologists, the Guardian and a consortium of reporters pieced together for the first time the number of migrants and refugees who died in the past decade along the EU’s borders whose names remain unknown. At least 2,162 bodies have still not been identified.

    Some of these bodies are piling up in morgues, funeral parlours and even shipping containers across the continent. Visiting 24 cemeteries and working with researchers, the team found more than 1,000 nameless graves.

    These, however, are the tip of the iceberg. More than 29,000 people died on European migration routes in this period, the majority of whom remain missing.


    What is the border graves project?

    About the investigation

    The Guardian teamed up with Süddeutsche Zeitung and eight reporters from the Border Graves Investigation who received funding from Investigative Journalism for Europe and Journalismfund Europe.

    We worked with researchers at the International Committee of the Red Cross who shared exclusively their most up-to-date findings on migrant and refugee deaths registered in Spain, Malta, Greece and Italy between 2014 and 2021.

    Other partners included Marijana Hameršak of the European Irregularized Migration Regime at the Periphery of the EU (ERIM) project in Croatia, Grupa Granica and Podlaskie Humanitarian Emergency Service (POPH) in Poland and Sienos Grupė in Lithuania. The journalist Maël Galisson provided data for France.

    Reporters and researchers also checked death registers, interviewed prosecutors and spoke to local authorities and morgue directors, as well as visiting two dozen cemeteries to track the number of unidentified migrants and refugees who have died trying to cross into the EU in the past decade and find their graves.


    The problem is “utterly neglected”, according to Europe’s commissioner for human rights, Dunja Mijatović, who has said EU countries are failing in their obligations under international human rights law.

    “The tools are there. We have the agencies and the forensic experts, but they need to be engaged [by governments],” she said. The rise of the hard right and a lack of political will were likely to further impede the development of a proper system to address “the tragedy of missing migrants”, she added.

    Instead, pockets of work happen at a local level. Pathologists, for example, collect DNA samples and the few personal items found on the bodies. The clues to lives lost are meagre: loose change in foreign currency, prayer beads, a Manchester United souvenir badge.

    The lack of coordination leaves bewildered families struggling to navigate localised, often foreign bureaucracy in the search for lost relatives.

    Supporting them falls to aid organisations such as the ICRC, which has recorded 16,500 requests since 2013 for information to its programme for restoring family links from people looking for relatives who went missing en route to Europe. The largest number of requests have come from Afghans, Iraqis, Somalians, Guineans and people from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Eritrea and Syria. Only 285 successful matches have been achieved.

    And now even some of this support is about to disappear. As governments cut their aid budgets, the ICRC has been forced to refocus its reduced resources. National Red Cross agencies will continue the family links programme but much of the ICRC’s work training police and local authorities is being cut.
    A race against time

    The mini set of scissors and comb worn on a chain were unique to 24-year-old Oussama Tayeb, a small talisman that reflected his job as a barber. For his cousin Abdallah, they were the hope that he had been found.

    Tayeb set sail last year from the north-west of Algeria just before 8pm on Christmas Day. Onboard with him were 22 neighbours who had clubbed together to pay for the boat they had hoped would take them to Spain.

    His family has been searching for him since. Abdallah, who lives in France, fears it is a race against time.

    Spanish police introduced a database in 2007 in which data and genetic samples from unidentified remains are meant to be logged. In practice, the system breaks down when it comes to families searching for missing relatives, who have no clear information about how to access it.

    The family had provided a DNA sample soon after Tayeb’s disappearance. With no news by February, they travelled to southern Spain for a second time to search for him. At the morgue in Almería, a forensic doctor reacted to Tayeb’s photo, saying he looked familiar. She recalled a necklace, but said the man she was thinking of was believed to have died in a jet ski accident.

    “It was a really intense moment because we knew that Oussama was wearing a jet ski lifejacket,” Abdallah said.

    Even with the knowledge that Tayeb’s body may have been found, his cousin was unable to see the corpse lying in the morgue without a police officer. Abdallah remembered the shocking callousness with which he was greeted at one of the many police stations he tried. “One policeman told us that if ‘they don’t want to disappear, they shouldn’t have taken a boat to Spain’.”

    Looming over Abdallah’s continuing search is a practical pressure mentioned by the Spanish pathologist: bodies in the morgue are usually kept for a year and then buried, whether identified or not. “We only want an answer. If we see the chain, this would be like a death certificate. It’s so heartbreaking. It’s like we’re leaving Oussama in the fridge and we can’t do anything about it,” he said.
    ‘Here lies a brother who lost his life’

    The local authorities that receive the most bodies are often on small islands and are increasingly saying they cannot cope.

    They warn that an already inadequate system is going backwards. Spain’s Canary Islands have reported a record 35,410 men, women and children reaching the archipelago by boat this year. In recent months, most of these vessels have sought to land on the tiny, remote island of El Hierro. In the past six weeks alone, seven unidentified people were buried on the island.

    The burial vaults of 15 unidentified people who were found dead on a rickety wooden vessel in 2020, in the town of Agüimes on Gran Canaria, bear identical plaques that read simply: “Here lies a brother who lost his life trying to reach our shores.”

    In the Muslim section of Lanzarote’s Teguise cemetery, the graves of children are marked with circles of stones. They include the grave of a baby believed to have been stillborn on a deadly crossing from Morocco in 2020. Alhassane Bangoura’s body was separated from his mother during the rescue and was buried in an unmarked grave. His name is only recorded informally, engraved on a bowl by locals moved by his plight.

    It is the same story in the other countries at the edge of the EU; unmarked graves dotted along their frontiers standing testament to the crisis. Along the land borders, in Croatia, Poland, Lithuania, the numbers of unmarked graves are fewer but still they are there, blank stones or sometimes an NN marked on plaques.

    In France, the anonymous inscription “X” stands out in cemeteries in Calais. The numbers seem low compared with those found along the southern coastal borders: 35 out of 242 migrants and refugees who died on the Franco-British border since 2014 remain unidentified. The high proportion of the dead identified reflects the fact that people spend time waiting before attempting the Channel crossing so there are often contacts still in France able to name those who die.
    Fragments of hope

    Leaked footage of Polish border guards laughing at a young man hanging upside down, trapped by his foot, stuck in the razor wire on the top of the 180km (110-mile) steel border fence separating Belarus from Poland caused a brief social media storm.

    But the moment he is caught in the searchlights, his frightened face briefly frozen, has haunted 50-year-old Kafya Rachid for the past year. She is sure the man is her missing child, Mohammed Sabah, who was 22 when she last saw him alive.

    Sabah had flown from his home in Iraqi Kurdistan in the autumn of 2021 to Belarus, for which he had a visa. He was successfully taken across the EU border by smugglers but was detained about 50km (30 miles) into Poland and deported back to Belarus.

    Waiting to cross again, his messages suddenly stopped. The family had been coming to terms with the fact he was probably dead. Then the video surfaced. With little else to go on, fragments such as this give families hope.

    Sabah’s parents, as so often happens, were unable to get visas to travel to the EU. Instead, Rekaut Rachid, an uncle of Sabah who has lived in London since 1999, has made three trips to Poland to try to find him.

    Rachid believes the Polish authorities lied to him when they told him the man in the video was Egyptian, and this keeps him searching. “They are hiding something. Five per cent of me thinks maybe he died. But 95% of me thinks he is in prison somewhere in Poland,” he said, adding: “My sister calls every day to ask if I think he is still alive. I don’t know how to answer.”
    Shipping container morgues

    In a corner of the hospital car park in the Greek city of Alexandroupolis, two battered refrigerated shipping containers stand next to some rubbish bins. Inside are the bodies of 40 people.

    The border from Turkey into Greece over the Evros River nearby is only a 10- to 20-minute crossing, but people cross at night when their small rubber boats can easily hit a tree and capsize. Corpses decompose quickly in the riverbed mud, so that facial characteristics, clothing and any documents that might help identify them are rapidly destroyed.

    Twenty of the corpses in the containers are the charred remains of migrants who died in wildfires that consumed this part of Greece during the summer’s heatwave. Identification has proved exceptionally difficult, with only four of the dead named to date.

    Prof Pavlos Pavlidis, the forensic pathologist for the area, works to determine the cause of death, to collect DNA samples and to catalogue any personal effects that might help relatives identify their loved ones at a later date.

    The temporary container morgues in Alexandroupolis are on loan from the ICRC. The humanitarian agency has loaned another container to the island of Lesbos, another migration hotspot, for the same purpose.

    Lampedusa does not have that luxury. “There are no morgues and no refrigerated units,” said Salvatore Vella, the Sicilian head prosecutor who leads investigations into shipwrecks off its coast. “Once placed in body bags, the bodies of migrants are transferred to Sicily. Burial is managed by individual towns. It has happened that migrants have sometimes been buried in sort of mass graves within cemeteries.”

    The scale of the problem was becoming so acute, said Filippo Furri, an anthropologist and an associate researcher at Mecmi, a group that examines deaths during migration, that “there have been cases of coffins abandoned in cemetery warehouses due to lack of space, or bodies that remain in hospital morgues”.
    ‘It’s not only a technical difficulty but also a political one’

    “If you count the relatives of those who are missing, hundreds of thousands of people are impacted. They don’t know where their loved ones are. Were they well treated, were they respected when they were buried? That’s what preys on families’ minds,” said Laurel Clegg, the ICRC forensic coordinator for migration in Europe. “We have an obligation to provide the dead with a dignified burial; and [to address] the other side, providing answers to families through identification of the dead.”

    She said keeping track of the dead relied on lots of parts working well together: a legal framework that protected the unidentified dead, consistent postmortems, morgues, registries, dignified transport and cemeteries.

    The systems are inadequate, however, despite the EU parliament resolution. There are still no common rules about what information should be collected, nor a centralised place to store this information. The political focus is on catching the smugglers rather than finding out who their victims are.

    A spokesperson for the European Commission said the rights and dignity of refugees and migrants had to be addressed alongside tackling people smuggling. They said each member state was responsible individually for how it dealt with those who died on its borders, but that the commission was working to improve coordination and protocols and “regrets the loss of every human life” .

    In Italy, significant efforts have been made to identify the dead from a couple of well-reported, large-scale disasters. Cristina Cattaneo, the head of the laboratory of forensic anthropology and odontology (Labanof) at the University of Milan, has spent years working to identify the dead from a shipwreck in 2015 in which more than 1,000 people lost their lives.

    Raising the wreck to retrieve the bodies has cost €9.5m (£8.1m) already. Organising the 30,000 mixed bones into identifiable remains of 528 bodies has been a herculean task. Only six victims have so far been issued official death certificates.

    As political positions on irregular migration have hardened, experts are finding official enthusiasm for their complex work has diminished. “It’s not only a technical difficulty but also a political one,” Cattaneo said.

    In Sicily, Vella has been investigating a fishing boat that sank in October 2019. It was carrying 49 people, mostly from Tunisia. Just a few miles off shore, a group onboard filmed themselves celebrating their imminent arrival in Europe before the boat ran out of fuel and capsized. The Italian coastguard rescued 22 people but 27 others lost their lives.

    Coastguard divers, using robots, captured images of bodies floating near the vessel, but were unable to recover all of them. The footage circulated around the world. A group of Tunisian women who had been searching for their sons contacted the Italian authorities and were given permits to travel to meet the prosecutor, who showed them more footage.

    One mother, Zakia Hamidi, recognised her 18-year-old son, Fheker. It was a searing experience for both her and Vella: “At that moment, I realised the difference between a mother, torn apart by grief, but who at least will return home with her child’s body, and those mothers who will not have a body to mourn. It is something heartbreaking.”
    The torture of not knowing

    The grief that people feel when they have no certainty about the fate of their missing relatives has a very particular intensity.

    Dr Pauline Boss, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Minnesota in the US, was the first to describe this “ambiguous loss”. “You are stuck, immobilised, you feel guilty if you begin again because that would mean accepting the person is dead. Grieving is frozen, your decision-making is frozen, you can’t work out the facts, can’t answer the questions,” she said.

    Not knowing often has severe practical consequences too. Spouses may not be able to exercise their parental rights, inherit assets or claim welfare support or pensions without a death certificate. Orphans cannot be adopted by extended family without one either.

    Sometimes relatives are left in the dark for years. A decade on from a shipwreck disaster in 2013, bereaved families continue to gather in Lampedusa every year, still searching for answers. Among them this year was a Syrian woman, Sabah al-Joury, whose son Abdulqader was on the boat. She said that not knowing where he ended up was like having “an open wound”.

    Sabah’s family said the torture of not being able to find out what happened to him was “like dying everyday”. Abdallah thinks he must make another trip from Paris to southern Spain before the end of the year. “What is difficult is not to have the body, not to be able to bury him,” he said.

    Rituals around death were indicative of a deep human need, said Boss. “The most important thing is for the name to be marked somewhere, so the family can visit, and the missing can be remembered. A name means you were on this Earth, not forgotten.”


    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #frontières #mourir_aux_frontières #tombes #fosses_communes #Europe #morts_aux_frontières #enterrement #cimetières #morgues #chiffres

    • The Border Graves Investigation

      More than 1,000 migrants who died trying to enter Europe lie buried in nameless graves. EU migration policy has failed the dead and the living.

      A cross-border team of eight journalists has confirmed the existence of 1,015 unmarked graves of migrants buried in 65 cemeteries over the past decade across Spain, Italy, Greece, Malta, Poland, Lithuania, France, and Croatia. The reporters visited more than half of them.

      Unidentified migrants lay to rest in cemeteries in olive groves, on hilltops, in dense forests, and along remote highways. Each unmarked grave represents a person who lost their life en route to Europe, and a fate that will remain forever unknown to their loved ones.

      This months-long investigation underlines that Europe’s migration policies have failed more than a thousand people who have died in transit and the families who survive them.

      In 2021, the European Parliament passed a resolution recognsing the need for a “coordinated European approach” for “prompt and effective identification processes” for bodies found on EU borders. Yet in 2022, the Council of Europe called this area a “legislative void”.

      These failures mean that the responsibility of memorialising unidentified victims often ends up falling to individual municipalities, cemetery keepers and local good Samaritans, with many victims buried without any attempt at identification.


      In the absence of official data from European and national governments, the Border Graves Investigation collaborated with The Guardian and Suddeutsche Zeitung to count 2,162 unidentified deaths of migrants across eight countries in Europe between 2014 and 2023.

      The cross-border team conducted over 60 interviews in six languages. They spoke with families of the missing and deceased, whose loved ones left for Europe from Syria, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraqi Kurdistan, Algeria and Sri Lanka.

      They revealed the institutional and bureaucratic hurdles of searching for bodies and burying the remains of those that are found. One mother compared her unresolved grief to an “open wound,” and an uncle said it was like “dying every day”.

      To understand the complex legal, medical and political landscape of death in each country, the journalists spoke with coroners, grave keepers, forensic doctors, international and local humanitarian groups, government officials, a European MEP and the Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner.

      The in-depth investigation reveals that the European Union is violating migrants’ last rights. The stories below show how.
      The team

      The Border Graves Investigation team consists of Barbara Matejčić, Daphne Tolis, Danai Maragoudaki, Eoghan Gilmartin, Gabriela Ramirez, Gabriele Cruciata, Leah Pattem, and is coordinated by Tina Xu. The project was supported by the IJ4EU fund and JournalismFund Europe.

      Gabriele Cruciata is a Rome-based award-winning journalist specialising in podcasts and investigative and narrative journalism. He also works as a fixer, producer, journalism consultant, and trainer.

      Gabriele Cruciata IG @gab_cruciata

      Leah Pattem is a Spain-based journalist and photographer specialising in politics, migration and community stories. Leah is also the founder and editor of the popular local media platform Madrid No Frills.

      X @leahpattem
      IG @madridnofrills

      Eoghan Gilmartin is a Spain-based freelance journalist specialising in news, politics and migration. His work has appeared in Jacobin Magazine, The Guardian, Tribune and Open Democracy.

      X @EoghanGilmartin
      Muck Rack: Eoghan Gilmartin

      Gabriela Ramirez is an award-winning multimedia journalist specialising in migration, human rights, ocean conservation, and climate issues, always through a gender-focused lens. Currently serving as the Multimedia & Engagement Editor at Unbias The News.

      X @higabyramirez
      Linkedin Gabriela Ramirez
      Instagram @higabyramirez

      Barbara Matejčić is a Croatian award-winning freelance journalist, non-fiction writer and audio producer focused on social affairs and human rights

      Website: http://barbaramatejcic.com
      FB: https://www.facebook.com/barbara.matejcic.1
      Instagram: @barbaramatejcic

      Danai Maragoudaki is a Greek journalist based in Athens. She works for independent media outlet Solomon and is a member of their investigative team. Her reporting focuses on transparency, finance, and digital threats.

      FB: https://www.facebook.com/danai.maragoudaki
      X: @d_maragoudaki
      IG: @danai_maragoudaki

      Daphne Tolis is an award-winning documentary producer/filmmaker and multimedia journalist based in Athens. She has produced and hosted timely documentaries for VICE Greece and has directed TV documentaries for the EBU and documentaries for the MSF and IFRC. Since 2014 she has been working as a freelance producer and journalist in Greece for the BBC, Newsnight, VICE News Tonight, ABC News, PBS Newshour, SRF, NPR, Channel 4, The New York Times Magazine, ARTE, DW, ZDF, SVT, VPRO and others. She has reported live for DW News, BBC News, CBC News, ABC Australia, and has been a guest contributor on various BBC radio programs, Times Radio, Morning Ireland, RTE, NPR’s ‘Morning Edition’, and others.

      X: https://twitter.com/daphnetoli
      Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daphne_tolis/?hl=en
      Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/daphne-tolis

      Tina Xu is a multimedia journalist and filmmaker working at the intersection of migration, mental health, socially engaged arts, and civil society. Her stories often interrogate the three-way street between people, policy, and power. She received the Excellence in Environmental Reporting Award from Society of Publishers in Asia in 2021, was a laureate of the European Press Prize Innovation Award in 2021 and 2022, and shortlisted for the One World Media Refugee Reporting Award in 2022.

      X: @tinayingxu
      IG: @tinayingxu


    • 1000 Lives, 0 Names: The Border Graves Investigation. How the EU is failing migrants’ last rights

      What happens to those who die in their attempts to reach the European Union? How are their lives marked, how can their families honor them? How do governments recognize their existence and their basic rights as human beings?

      Our cross-border team confirmed 1,015 unmarked graves of migrants in 65 cemeteries buried over the last 10 years across Spain, Italy, Greece, Malta, Poland, Lithuania, France, and Croatia. We visited over half of them.

      Each unmarked grave represents a person who lost their life en route to Europe, and a fate that remains painfully unknown to their loved ones.

      In 2021, the European Parliament passed a resolution recognizing the need for a “coordinated European approach” for “prompt and effective identification processes” for bodies found on EU borders. Yet last year, the Council of Europe called this area a “legislative void.”

      In the absence of official data from European and national governments, the Border Graves Investigation counted 2,162 unidentified deaths of migrants across eight countries in Europe from 2014-2023.

      Our cross-border team conducted over 60 interviews in six languages. We spoke with families of the missing and deceased, whose loved ones left for Europe from Syria, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraqi Kurdistan, Algeria, and Sri Lanka. They spoke about the institutional and bureaucratic hurdles of searching for, and if found, burying a body.

      One mother compared the unresolved grief to an “open wound,” and an uncle said it was like “dying every day.”
      Here is how Europe violates the “last rights” of migrants.


    • Widowed by Europe’s borders

      “No water, I think I’ll die, I love you.” This is the last text Sanooja received from her husband, who disappeared after a pushback into the dense forest that stretches between Belarus, Lithuania, and Poland. For families searching for missing loved ones, the EU inflicts a second death of identity and acknowledgment.

      Samrin and Sanooja were high school classmates. Both born in 1990, they grew up together in Kalpitiya, a town of 80,000 on the tip of a small peninsula in Sri Lanka. When Samrin first asked Sanooja out in the ninth grade, she said no. But years later, when her roommates snuck through her diary, they asked about the boy in all her stories.

      When they turned 20, Sanooja was studying to be a teacher, while Samrin left town for work. After six years of video calls and heart emoji-laden selfies, Samrin returned home in 2017 and they got married, her in a white headscarf and indigo-sleeved dress, him in a matching indigo suit. Their son Haashim was born a year later. They called each other “thangam,” or gold.

      She hoped the birth of their son meant that Samrin would stay close by from now on. They took their son to the beach, to the zoo. Then the 2019 economic crisis hit, the worst since the country’s independence in 1948. There were daily blackouts, a shortage of fuel, and runaway inflation. In 2022, protests rocked the country, and the government claimed bankruptcy.

      Samrin was a difficult person to fall in love with, says Sanooja, because he was so ambitious. Sanooja smiles bitterly over a video call from her home in Kalpitiya. The sun filters through the mango tree in the yard, where the two often sat together and made plans for their future.

      But part of loving him, she explains, meant supporting him even in his hardest decisions. One of these decisions was to take a plane to Moscow, then to travel to Europe and send money home. “He went to keep us happy, to make us good.”

      Their last day together, Sanooja surprised him with a cake: Sky blue icing, an airplane made of fondant, ascending from an earth made of chocolate sprinkles. In big letters: “Love you and will miss you. Have a safe journey, Thangam.” In their last photos together, Haashim sits laughing on Samrin’s lap as he cuts the cake. That night, Samrin squeezed his son and wept. The next day he put on a pair of blue Converse All-Stars, packed a black backpack, and set out. It was June 26, 2022. He had just turned 32 years old.

      Things did not go according to plan. He boarded a bus from St. Petersburg to Helsinki, but the fake Schengen visa they paid so much for was rejected at the Finnish border. Sanooja told him he could always come home. But in order to finance the journey, they had sold a plot of Samrin’s land and Sanooja’s jewelry, and borrowed money from friends. Samrin decided there was no turning back. He pivoted to plan B: He could go to Belarus, where he didn’t need a visa, and cross the border to Lithuania, in the Schengen zone.

      When Samrin checked into the Old Town Trio Hotel in Vilnius on August 16, 2022, the first thing he did was call home: He had survived the forest. Sanooja was relieved to hear his voice. He told her about the eight days crossing the forest between Belarus and Lithuania, the mud up to his knees. Days without food, drinking dirty water. He told her especially about the pains in his stomach as he walked in the forest, due to his recent surgery to remove kidney stones. Sometimes he would urinate blood.

      But he was in the European Union. He bought a plane ticket for a departure to Paris in four days, the city where he hoped to make his new life. What happened next is unclear. This is what Sanooja knows:

      On the third day, Samrin walked into the hotel lobby, and the manager called security. Plainclothes officers shuttled him into a car and whisked him 50 kilometers back once more to the Belarusian border. In less than 72 hours, Samrin found himself trapped again in the forest he had fought to escape.

      It was already dark when Samrin was left alone in the woods. He had no backpack, sleeping bag, or food. His phone was running out of battery. The next morning, Samrin came online briefly to send Sanooja a final message on WhatsApp: “No water, I think I’ll die. Trangam, I love you.”

      That was the beginning of a deafening silence that stretched four and a half months. When she gets to this part of the story, Sanooja, ever talkative and articulate, apologizes that she simply cannot describe it. Her eyes glaze and flit upward.

      The Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Dunja Mijatović asserts that families have a “right to truth” surrounding the fates of their loved ones who disappear en route to Europe. In 2021, the European Parliament passed a resolution calling for “prompt and effective identification processes” to connect the bodies of those who perished to those searching for them. Two years on, Mijatović tells us not much has been done, and the issue is a “legislative void.”

      As part of the Border Graves Investigation, conducted with a cross-border team of eight freelance journalists across Europe in collaboration with Unbias the News, The Guardian and Sueddeutche Zeitung, we followed the stories of those who have disappeared in the forest that covers the borders in Eastern Europe, between Belarus and the EU (Lithuania, Poland, Latvia).

      We spoke with their families, as well as over a dozen humanitarian workers, lawyers, and policymakers from organizations in Poland, Lithuania, and Belarus, to piece together the question of what happens after something goes fatally wrong on Europe’s eastern border—and who is responsible.
      Who counts the dead?

      The forest along the Belarussian border is a dense landscape of underbrush, moss and swamps, and encompasses one of the largest ancient forest areas left in Europe.

      Spanning hundreds of square kilometers across the borders with Lithuania and Poland, the forest became an unexpected hotspot when Belarus began issuing visas and opening direct flights to Minsk in the summer of 2021. This power play between Belarussian President Lukashenko and his EU neighbors has been called a “political game” in which migrants are the pawns.

      Since 2021, thousands of people, mostly from the Middle East and Africa, have sought to enter the EU from Belarus via its borders in Poland and Lithuania. Hundreds of people have been caught in a one-kilometer no man’s land between Belarusian territory and the EU border fence, chased back and forth by border guards on both sides under threat of violence. Belarusian guards reportedly threatened to release dogs, and photographs emerged of bite wounds.

      Since 2021, Poland and Lithuania have ramped up on “pushbacks,” in which border guards deport people immediately without the opportunity to ask for asylum, a process that is growing in popularity across Europe despite violating international law. Poland reports having conducted 78,010 pushbacks since the start of the crisis, and Lithuania 21,857. Samrin was apparently one of these cases.

      While these two countries publish precise daily statistics for pushbacks, they do not publish data for deaths at the border, nor people reported missing.

      “National states want to do this job secretly,” explains Tomas Tomilinas, a member of the Lithuanian Parliament. “We are on the margins of the law and constitution here, any government pushing people back is trying to avoid publicity on this topic.”

      Official data is an intentional void. Both the Polish and Lithuanian Border Guards declined to share any numbers with us. However, there are organizations striving to keep count: Humanitarian groups in Poland, including Grupa Granica (“Border Group” in Polish) and Podlaskie Humanitarian Emergency Service (POPH), have documented 52 deaths on the Poland-Belarus border since 2021, and are tracking 16 unidentified bodies.

      In Lithuania, the humanitarian group Sienos Grupė (“Border Group” in Lithuanian) has documented 10 deaths, including three minors who died while in detention centers, and three others who died in car accidents when chased by local authorities after crossing the border region. In Belarus, the NGO Human Constanta reports that 33 have died according to government data shared with them, but it was not recorded whether these bodies have been identified, and whether or where they are buried.

      On the borders between Poland, Lithuania and Belarus, humanitarian groups have compiled a list of more than 300 people reported missing. The organizations emphasize that their numbers are incomplete, as they have neither the access nor the capacity to monitor the full extent of the problem.

      Where to turn?

      It was already past midnight in Sri Lanka when Samrin stopped responding to messages. From 8,000 km away, Sanooja tried to call for help. She found his last known coordinates on Find My iPhone, a blue dot in Trokenikskiy, Grodno region, just across the Belarus side of the border, and tried to report him missing.

      The Lithuanian and Belarussian border guards picked up the phone. She begged them to find him, even if it meant arresting or deporting him. They responded that he had to call himself. It was baffling: How can a missing person call to report themselves?

      She called the migrant detention camps, where people are often detained without access to a phone for months. Maybe he was locked up somewhere. As soon as she said “hello,” they responded, “no English,” and hung up. She emailed them instead, no response. She emailed UNHCR and the Red Cross Society. Both institutions said they had no information about the case. She emailed the police, who responded a week later that they had no information.

      Sanooja had run into the rude reality that there is no authority responsible for nor prepared to respond to such inquiries. Even organizations dedicated to working with migrants, such as the migrant detention camp staff, would or could not respond to basic queries in English.

      International humanitarian organizations, too, are almost absent in the region. Compared to the Mediterranean countries of Spain, Italy, and Greece, which have had a decade to organize to respond to mass deaths on their border, the presence of formal aid in Eastern Europe is much smaller.

      Weeks passed, and in the terrible silence, every possibility behind her husband’s disappearance invaded Sanooja’s mind. Four-year-old Haashim began to cry out for his father every night, who used to wake him up with kisses. When they lost contact, Haashim often wet the bed and refused to go to school. “He must have had some intuition about his father,” said Sanooja.

      Then Sanooja began to wonder if he could be in another country in the region: Latvia? Poland? She broadened her search to all four countries. There was no Sri Lankan Embassy in Lithuania, Poland, Belarus, or Latvia, so she emailed the closest one in Sweden. Then, she went on Facebook. That’s how she found the account of Sienos Grupė, and sent them a message.

      Like many local humanitarian groups across the region, Sienos Grupė is a small team of four part-time staff and around 30 volunteers. The group banded together in 2021 to respond to calls for help through WhatsApp and Facebook and drop off vital supplies in the forest, such as food, water, power banks, and dry clothes.
      “There is a body, please go”

      Local volunteer groups were doing their best to aid the living, but it wasn’t long before they were being contacted to find the missing or the dead.

      On the Polish border, everyone has heard of Piotr Czaban. A local journalist and activist, his contact is shared among migrants attempting to cross the border. He is known as the man who can help find the bodies of people left behind in the woods, a reputation he has lived up to many times. The demands of the work have led him to leave his full-time job.

      He sits on the edge of a weathered log in a forest near Sokolka, a city near the Poland-Belarus border region where he lives. Navigating the thick undergrowth with ease in jeans and trekking boots, he recounts the first search he coordinated back in February 2022. He received a message on Facebook from a Syrian man in Belarus: “There is a body in the forest, here is the place, please go.”

      Piotr was taken off guard. He asked his friends in the police what to do, and they told him the best way was to go himself, take photos, and then call the police. However, the border guards had closed the border region to all non-residents, including journalists and humanitarian workers, so he couldn’t pass the police checkpoints for the area where the body lay.

      So Piotr made another call. This time to Rafal Kowalczyk, the 53-year-old director of the Mammal Research Institute, who has worked in the Bialowieza Forest for three decades. (“In my previous TV job, I interviewed him about bison, and thought he was a good man,” said Piotr by way of introduction).

      Rafal was up for the task. As a wildlife expert, he had access to the restricted forest area, and now he ventured into the woods not to track bison, but to follow the clues sent by a despairing Syrian man.

      In the swamp, Rafal found 26-year-old Ahmed Al-Shawafi from Yemen, barefoot and half-submerged in the water, one shoe in the mud nearby.

      It was difficult for Rafal to point his camera at the face of a dead man, but he did, and this image still haunts him. Piotr forwarded the photos Rafal had taken to the police, with a straightforward message: “We know there’s a body there. Now you have to go.”

      But what if Ahmed could have been found earlier, even alive?

      “The police have no competence”

      Until there is a photo of a dead body, police and border guards have often declined to search for missing or dead migrants.

      Ahmed’s traveling companions, including the man who contacted Piotr, had personally begged Polish border guards for emergency medical aid for Ahmed. They had left Ahmed by the river in the throes of hypothermia to ask for help. Instead of calling paramedics, or searching for Ahmed at all, the border guards pushed the group back to Belarus, leaving Ahmed to die alone in the forest.

      In our investigation, we heard of at least three other deaths that are eerily similar to Ahmed’s: Ethiopian woman Mahlet Kassa, 28; Syrian man Mohammed Yasim, 32; and Yemeni man Dr. Ibrahim Jaber Ahmed Dihiya, 33. In all three cases, traveling companions approached Polish officers for emergency medical attention, but instead got pushed back themselves. Help never arrived.

      Each time the activists receive a report of a missing or dead person, they first share this information with the police. Piotr says he has received responses from the police, including, “We’re busy,” or “Not our problem.”

      After police were provided with the photos and exact GPS location of Ahmed’s body, they called back to say they still couldn’t find him. When Rafal turned his car around to personally lead the police to his body, he found out why: The police had ventured into the swamp without waterproof boots or even a GPS to navigate in a forest where there is often no cell connection.

      “The police are unequipped,” said Rafal, full of disbelief. Two years on from the crisis, the police still do not have the proper basic equipment nor training to conduct searches for people missing or dead in the forest. He recounts that in one trip to retrieve a body with police, they could only walk 300 meters in one hour, and one officer had lost the sole of his shoes in the mud.

      The Polish police responded to our email, “The police is not a force with the competence to deal with persons illegally crossing borders.” As a result, eight of 22 bodies found this year on the Polish side of the border were discovered by volunteers like Piotr and Rafal.

      On the Lithuanian side, Sienos Grupė says there are no such searches. “We are afraid there are many bodies in Lithuanian forests and the area between the fence and Belarus, but we are not allowed there,” says Aušrinė, a 23-year-old medicine student and Sienos Grupė volunteer in Lithuania. “Nobody is looking for them.”
      “In two weeks, there is nothing there”

      Rafal sits down in a wooden lodge on the edge of the forest and orders tea for himself while his two young children play on a tablet. It was his turn with the kids, he explains in a deep voice. His wife came home at four in the morning, after spending the whole night volunteering with POPH on a search for a man with diabetes in the forest.

      He feared that time was running out. We met with Rafal on Thursday evening. The man was found on Saturday morning, already dead. He is the 51st death recorded in Poland this year.

      In the forest, each search is a race against both time and wild animals.

      The winter may preserve a body for two months, but in the summer, the time frame is much shorter. A few times, Rafal has come across mere skeletons. He explains, “When there is a smell, the scavengers go immediately. When you’ve got summer and flies, probably in two weeks, it’s done, there’s nothing there.”

      In such advanced stages of decomposition, the body is exponentially more difficult to identify. However, DNA can be collected from bone fragments, in case families come searching. If they’re lucky, there are objects found close by: glasses, clothes, or jewelry. In one case, a family portrait found near the body was the key to identification.

      However, the Suwałki Prosecutor’s Office in Poland explained to us that the Prosecutor’s Offices keep no central register of data on deceased migrants, such as DNA, personal belongings, or photographs.
      “As a wife, I know his eyes”

      Four and a half months after Samrin disappeared, Sanooja’s phone rang. It was January 5, 2023. She will never forget the voice of the man that spoke. He was calling from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Sri Lanka, and informed her that her husband’s DNA had been matched to a body found in the Lithuanian forest. Interpol had drawn Samrin’s biometric data from the UK.

      She considers it fate that the dots came together this way. When they were 20 years old, Samrin’s father passed away, and Samrin left for London on a student visa. Instead of studying, he washed dishes at McDonald’s and KFC, and stocked shelves at Aldi, Lidl, and Iceland. When his visa expired, he lived a clandestine existence, evading the authorities. At age 26, the Home Office arrested him, took his DNA, and deported him. This infraction turned out to be an unexpected lifeline for his identification.

      “Getting the message that my husband was no more, that was nothing compared to those four and a half months,” said Sanooja. She had begun to fear that she would have to live with “lifelong doubt” around Samrin’s fate. Now she knew that four days after Samrin sent his goodbye message, his body was pulled from a river on the Lithuanian side of the border.

      Sanooja has read the police report countless times now: On August 21, 2022, witness Saulius Zakarevičius went for a morning swim in the Neris River. After bathing, he saw something floating. Through binoculars, he was able to decipher human clothes. The river bank is covered with tall grass. At the end of the patch there was a male corpse lying face down. The surface of the skin was swollen, pale, chaotically covered with pink lines, resembling the surface of marble. The skin was peeling from the palms of the corpse…

      She was asked to identify the corpse.

      “As a wife, I know him. I know his eyes. To see them on a dead body, that was terrible.”

      In photos of his personal items, she instantly recognized Samrin’s shoes: a muddy pair of blue Converse All-Stars, with the laces looped just the way he always did.

      To be able to transport a dead body from Europe to any other part of the world, families must face the financial challenge of costs up to 10,000 euros. But the decision was not only about money for Sanooja. It was about time and dreams.

      For one, she believed that he had suffered enough. “As Muslims, we believe that even dead bodies can feel pain,” she says softly. “I felt broken that he was in the mortuary, feeling the cold for four and a half months.”

      And perhaps most of all, she recites what Samrin had told her before he left: “If I go, this time I’m not coming back.” In the end, Sanooja relied on her husband’s last will. “His dream was to be in Europe. So, at least his body will rest in Europe.”
      “Graves without a plate”

      Samrin’s death was the first border death publicly recognized by the Lithuanian government. Despite being the first, he did not receive any distinctive attention, and his resting place remained an unmarked mound of earth for more than eight months.

      On a hot summer day in July, co-founder of Sienos Grupė, Mantautas Šulskus brings a green watering can and measuring tape to our visit to the Vilnius cemetery where Samrin was buried in February. Green grass is sprouting all over Samrin’s grave. But it is not the only one.

      There are three smaller graves lined in a row. Among them, an eleven-year-old, a five-year-old, and a newborn baby rest side by side, their lives cut short in 2021. “These are three minors who died in detention centers in Lithuania,” Mantautas points out somberly.

      These cases have not been officially acknowledged by Lithuanian authorities, and none of the graves of the minors bear a name, even though their identities were also known to authorities. This lack of recognition paints a haunting picture, suggesting a second, silent death—a death of identity and acknowledgment.

      Bodies are sent to municipal or village governments to bury, and if they do not receive explicit instructions to create a plate, they often opt not to. As a result, the nameless graves of migrants are scattered across cemeteries in the region.

      Yet Mantautas is here in the scorching heat to measure a stone plate nearby in the Muslim corner of the cemetery. Sanooja saw it during a video call with Sienos Grupė volunteers, so that she could pray virtually at her husband’s grave. She asked for a plate with Samrin’s name on it—“just exactly like that one there,” she pointed.

      After some months, Sienos Grupė crowdfunded around 1,500 euros to buy and place stone plates for all four graves. The graves of Samrin and the three children now have names: Yusof Ibrahim Ali, Asma Jawadi, and Fatima Manazarova.

      Resting at the feet of the grave is a plate made of stone bearing the inscription “M.S.M.M. Samrin, 1990-2022, Sri Lanka,” precisely as Sanooja has requested. She explains that, according to Islamic beliefs, this will ensure that her husband will rise when the last days come.

      Hidden graves, unknown bodies

      The chilling thing, Mantautas explains, is nobody knows how many graves of migrants there might be, except for the government, which buries them quietly, often in remote villages.

      Organizations like Sienos Grupė find themselves grasping in the dark for leads. Last month, volunteers came across the grave of Lakshmisundar Sukumaran, an Indian man reported dead in April “quite by accident,” says Mantautas. The revelation came on the Eve of All Saint’s Day, when activists preparing for a control ran into a local returning from a visit to his mother’s grave: “There is a migrant buried in town.”

      Indeed, Sukumaran’s grave stands alone in an isolated corner of a small cemetery in Rameikos, a village of 25 people on the Lithuanian-Belarus border. Set apart from crosses of various sizes, a vertical piece of wood bears the inscription: “Lakshmisundar Sukumaran 1983.06.05 – 2023.04.04.” The border fence is visible from his grave. The earth is decorated by the colorful leaves of Lithuanian autumn.

      Sienos Grupė maintains a list of at least 40 people reported missing on the Lithuania-Belarus border, information the government does not record. When bodies are found, they strive to connect the dots: Location, gender, age, ethnicity, possessions, birthmarks, anything. But if authorities do not report when a body is found, the chances of locating anybody on this list are small.

      Emiljia Śvobaitė, a lawyer and volunteer from Sienos Grupė, explains that the Lithuanian government will only confirm whether something they already know is correct. “It seems like they are hiding these kinds of stories and information unless somebody exposes it. They would only confirm the deaths after activists have said something about it.”
      “No political will”

      The Lithuanian Parliament building, known as the Seimas Palace, is an imposing glass-and-concrete building in downtown Vilnius. It is where the Lithuanians declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1990. From an office with a view over the square, Member of Parliament Tomas Tomilinas wryly explains that their government has legalized pushbacks essentially because Europe has not established that it’s illegal.

      “I would say Europe has no political will to make pushbacks illegal. If there were a European law, the European Commission would put a ban on it. It would put a fine on Lithuania. But nobody’s doing that.”
      Member of Lithuanian Parliament, Tomas Tomilinas

      The Polish parliament legalized pushbacks in October 2021, and the Lithuanian parliament followed suit by legalizing pushbacks in April this year.

      Emiljia raises concerns about the violence of pushbacks her clients have seen. “The government keeps telling us they do everything really nicely. They give people food, and even wave goodbye to them, in the daytime. But when we look at specific cases, where people end up without their limbs on them, those pushbacks are performed at night.”

      She also raises concerns about legalized pushbacks in Lithuania, and whether border guards should be given the right to assess and deny asylum claims on the spot. “It’s funny because border guards should decide right away on the border whether a person is running from persecution, meaning a border guard should identify the conflict in the country of origin, and do all the work that the migration department is doing.”

      “It’s naive to believe that the system would work.”
      Fighting back in court

      With the help of Sienos Grupė’s support for legal expenses, Sanooja took the case to court. If the Lithuanian officials wouldn’t speak with her, perhaps they would speak to lawyers.

      Yet last month, Sanooja’s case was closed for the final time by the Vilnius Regional Prosecutor’s Office after seven appeals. The case never made it to trial.

      The Vilnius court claims there is no basis for a criminal investigation. Emiljia, who was on the team representing Sanooja in the case, responds that the pre-trial investigation didn’t investigate the cause of death properly, nor how the acts of the border police might have caused or contributed to the death of the applicant’s husband.

      Rytis Satkauskas, law professor, managing partner of ReLex law firm, and the lead attorney on Sanooja’s case, questions whether the Lithuanian courts are trying to hide something greater: he points to a series of inconsistencies in Samrin’s autopsy report.

      Autopsies should be conducted immediately to determine the cause of death. However, Samrin’s autopsy report claims that the cause of death cannot be established because the body was in an advanced state of decomposition of up to five months.

      Five months after Samrin’s death is the same time around which Sanooja got in touch to pursue the truth of the matter. Satkauskas does not think this is a coincidence: “I believe they left the body in the repository, then when they established the identity of the person, they had to do this autopsy.”

      The autopsy report explains the advanced state of decomposition by referencing the marshy area in which it was found, claiming the heat of the marsh had accelerated decomposition by up to five months within a matter of days.

      Satkauskas asks further: If Samrin simply drowned, then why do other measurements not add up? He references a table of measurements in the autopsy report, in which the weight and algae content of the lungs are normal. However, Satkauskas says, in cases of drowning, both weight and algae content should be much higher. “I’m convinced they have invented all those measurements,” Satkauskas puts simply.

      As Sanooja’s case has exhausted all legal avenues in Lithuania, it is now eligible for appeal to the European Court of Human Rights.

      Emilija points to a promising parallel: in Alhowais v. Hungary, the European Court of Human Rights ruled this February that a Hungarian border guard’s violent pushback ending in the drowning of a Syrian man violated Articles 2 and 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights, which protects the “right to life” and against “torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”

      The decision came in February this year, seven years after the death of the defendant’s brother. Yet for Sanooja and her team, the case provides hope that there is a growing legal precedent for victims of pushbacks.

      A battle in court for Sanooja could be a long and expensive one. The case in Vilnius courts had cost 600 euros for each of the seven appeals, and after Sanooja ran out of funds after the first case, Sienos Grupė stepped in to shoulder the costs of the appeals.

      For the ECHR, it will cost 1500 euros to submit the proposal. Sanooja is exploring the possibility of raising money through NGOs or other means to continue the long quest for truth.

      The window of eligibility to appeal will close in February 2024.
      “Wherever I go, I have memories”

      Day by day, Sanooja’s son grows to look more like Samrin.

      She has tried not to cry in front of him. “It makes him upset. I am the only person now for my son, so I should be strong enough to face these things,” says the 32-year-old widow. “But wherever I go, I have memories. And everything my son does reminds me of him.”

      Before Samrin’s body was found, she told her son “false stories,” but with his body now interred, she has opened up to her son about her father’s death. He understands it the way a child might—he runs around telling neighbors his father is in heaven, and it’s a great place. It will be years before he can point to where Lithuania is on a map.

      Thanks to the cooperation of the Sri Lankan embassy in Sweden, Sanooja is one of the few families who have been able to receive a death certificate. She notes this will be crucial when her son enrolls for school and if they decide to sell or expand their property. However, to correct the misspelling on the document, she needs to travel to Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka, which takes ten hours and nearly 10,000 rupees.

      Meanwhile, Samrin’s death has ruptured the family into those who can accept the reality of his death, and those who cannot. Sanooja’s mother-in-law has ceased contact with her, unable to wrap her head around the fact that her boy is gone. When Samrin had left, he promised his mother to send money so that she would no longer have to wake up early to make pastries to sell in the morning. On the day of Samrin’s funeral, she told the family, “That is not my son.”

      “What difference does it make, finding the body and burying it?” asks Pauline Boss, the Psychology Professor emeritus at the University of Minnesota who coined the term “ambiguous loss,” which encompasses the unique stress of not knowing whether someone you love is alive or dead.

      Professor Boss states that burying someone is a distinct human need—not just for the dead, but for the living. “In all cases, a human being has to see their loved one transform from breathing to not breathing, and have the power and control to deal with the remains in their particular cultural way. It’s a human need, and it has been for eons.”

      Yet few families are able to attend the funerals of their loved ones in Europe, for the same reason their loved ones tried to travel to Europe on such a dangerous road in the first place: inability to obtain a visa, or lack of funds.

      “I hope one day I will visit, and I will show our son his father’s grave,” Sanooja declares.

      When Samrin was interred into the snow-covered February earth of Liepynės cemetery in Vilnius on Valentine’s Day this year, a volunteer present at the burial offered to video call Sanooja through FaceTime.

      In the grainy constellation of pixels of the phone screen in her palm, from 8,000 kilometers away, she watched her husband disappear forever into the cold European soil.


      #Lituanie #Biélorussie #forêt #Pologne #Bialowieza

    • Missing data, missing souls in Italy

      How Italy’s failing system makes it almost impossible for families to identify their relatives who passed away while reaching the EU.

      Before the Syrian civil war erupted, Refaat Hazima was a barber in Damascus. His father, grandfather, and great-grandfather had also been barbers. Thanks to his craftsmanship, flair, and a reputation built over four generations, Refaat was a wealthy man. Together with his wife – a doctor for the national service – he could afford to have his three children study instead of sending them to work at a young age.

      “They were always the top of the class,” he recalls in a nostalgic voice as he sits alone in a seaside restaurant on Lampedusa, a small Sicilian island halfway between Malta and the eastern coast of Tunisia. The rocky shores along which he now slowly enjoys eggplant served with fresh tuna were the scene of the most traumatic episode of his life.

      “President Bashar al-Assad had centralized all power in his hands, and our daily life in Syria had become complicated.” Refaat was also temporarily imprisoned for political reasons. But the point of no return for him and his wife was the outbreak of civil war in 2011. It became clear that not only their children’s educational future was in jeopardy, but even the survival of their entire family.

      So they decided to leave.

      The couple paid smugglers more than fifty thousand dollars to attempt to reach Germany, where their children could continue their education. But amid rejections, hurdles, and hesitations that forced the family into months-long stages in different countries, Refaat and his family had to wait until 2013 to finally set sail to the European shores of Lampedusa.

      Although it was autumn, the sea was calm that night. Initial concerns related to the sea conditions and the wooden boat that was all too heavily laden with humans now dissipated. In the darkness of the night sea, the shorelines and the flickering lights of street lamps and restaurants were in sight. But suddenly the boat in which they were traveling capsized.

      “Everyone was screaming as we ended up in the sea,” Rafaat recalls. “I grabbed one of my children, my wife grabbed another child. But in the commotion and screaming of the nighttime shipwreck, two of my children disappeared.”

      The couple were rescued by Italian authorities and brought to the mainland along with one of their children. The other two, however, disappeared. “One of them told me Dad, give me a kiss on the forehead, and then I never saw him ever again.”

      From 2013 to the present, Refaat has searched everywhere for their children. For 10 years he has been traveling, asking, and searching. He has even appeared on TV hoping one day to be reunited with them. But to this day he still does not know if his children were saved or if they are two of the 268 victims of the October 11, 2013 shipwreck, one of the worst Mediterranean disasters in the last three decades.

      Uncertain and partial numbers

      For more than two decades, Italy has been one of the main gateways for migrants wanting to reach the European Union. Between thirty and forty thousand people have died trying to reach Italy since 2000. But despite this strategic location, authorities have never created a comprehensive register to census the dead returned from the sea, and thus sources are confusing and approximate.

      In any case, the figure of bodies found is only a percentage of the people who lost their lives while attempting to cross over to Europe. In fact, the bodies of those who die at sea are rarely recovered. When this happens, they are even more rarely identified by Italian authorities.

      A study conducted by the International Committee of the Red Cross tried to map the anonymous graves of migrants in various European countries and count the number of deaths recovered at sea. According to the report, between 2014 and 2019, 964 bodies of people – presumed migrants – were found in Italy, of which only 27 percent were identified. In most of the cases analyzed, identification occurred through immediate visual recognition by their fellow travelers, while those traveling without friends or relatives almost always remained anonymous.

      Overall, 73 percent of the bodies recovered in Italy between 2014 and 2019 remain unknown.

      A DNA test for everyone

      “The vast majority of bodies end up at the bottom of the sea and are never recovered, becoming fish food,” explains Tareke Bhrane, founder of the October 3 Committee, an NGO established to protect the rights of those who die trying to reach Europe. “The Committee was born in the aftermath of the two disastrous shipwrecks on October 3 and 11, 2013 to make Italy understand that even those who die have dignity and that respecting that dignity is important not only for those who die, but also for those who survive,” Bhrane recounts.

      On October 3, 2023, the Committee organized a large event on the island of Lampedusa to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the shipwreck. Dozens of families of people who died or disappeared gathered on the island, traveling from many European and Middle Eastern countries.

      On the island were also forensic geneticists from Labanof, a leading forensic medicine laboratory at the University of Milan that has been working with prosecutors and law enforcement agencies for decades now to solve cases and identify unnamed bodies. Relatives of missing persons were thus able to undergo a free DNA test to find out more about their loved ones.

      One of the committee’s main activities in recent years has been to lobby Sicilian municipalities for better management of anonymous graves. Thanks in part to the NGO, today almost all Sicilian provinces now house some victims of migration, often anonymous, in their cemeteries.

      “Among the essential points of our mission,” Bhrane explains, “is to create a European DNA database for the recognition of victims, so that anyone who wants to can take a DNA test anywhere in Europe and find out if a loved one has lost their life trying to get here.”
      Resigned and hopeful


      While Refaat has not yet resigned himself to the idea that his children may have died at sea, other relatives have become more aware and would like to know where Italy buried their loved ones. But this is often impossible because the graves are anonymous and there is a lack of national records that they can consult to find their loved ones.

      This is the case for Asmeret Amanuel and Desbele Asfaha, two Eritrean nationals who are respectively the nephew and brother of one of the people aboard the boat that capsized in 2013.

      “We heard from the radio that the boat he was traveling on had sunk. We never heard from him again,” Asmeret says. The two traveled all the way to Lampedusa to undergo DNA testing, hoping to match their loved one’s name for the first time with one of the many acronyms that have appeared on migrants’ anonymous graves and find out where he rests.

      “I remember as children we used to play together,” says Desbele. “And instead today I don’t even know where to mourn him. Yet it would take so little.”

      An organizational failure

      Many Italian cemeteries hold anonymous graves of people who died while migrating, especially in the South. It is difficult to map them all and provide an exact number, just as it is nearly impossible to quantify the number of anonymous graves. Again, there is no centralized, national database, and even at the municipal level information is scarce and partial.

      But thanks to an international investigation project called the “The Border Graves Investigation” and promoted by IJ4EU and Journalism Fund of which Unbias the News is one of the partners, it is now possible to shed light on what resembles a large European mass grave.

      From the Italian side of the investigation, large gaps emerge on Italy’s part in the construction of a national cemetery archive. According to protocol, data on anonymous graves are supposed to be sent every three months from individual cemeteries and work their way up a long bureaucratic chain until they reach the desk of the government’s Special Commissioner for Missing Persons, an office created by the Italian government in 2007 precisely to create a single national database.

      But sources from the Special Commissioner told the Border Graves Investigation team that unidentified bodies are not within their jurisdiction because in cases where there is an alleged crime (e.g., illegal immigration) the jurisdiction passes to the local magistrate. Thus, the source confirmed that no office systematically collects this data and that figures areeverything is scattered in individual prosecutors’ offices.

      However, the documentary traces of migrants’ anonymous graves are often already lost in the records of the cemeteries themselves or municipal records, that is, at the first step in the chain. For example, in Agrigento, it is possible to visit the graves of men and women who died at sea marked by numbers, but in the paper registers consulted by our team of journalists there is no trace of them.

      Yet the records are deposited a few meters from the graves themselves.

      In Sciacca, Agrigento province, the municipal administration moved some anonymous graves of migrants inside a mass grave to make room for new burials. However, it did not follow the prescribed regulations and did not notify the relatives of the few victims who had been identified and whose names were listed on the grave. The matter was discovered at the time when a woman went to the cemetery to pray at her sister’s grave and did not find her in her usual place.

      In other cases, anonymous graves have been moved from one cemetery to another due to the need for space, but without alerting the population.
      The bureaucratic snag

      Finding out the fate of a loved one is so complicated for several reasons. First, the identification of the body, which the Italian authorities do not generally consider a priority. Then there is the difficulty of recognition itself, especially when relatives are abroad or have difficulty contacting Italian authorities.

      In addition, there is the problem of traceability of the bodies, which often remain on the seabed and, in the few cases where they are found, enter a bureaucratic machine in which it is arduous to recover their traces. Researcher and anthropologist Giorgia Mirto explained this to our investigative team: “The corpses should be registered in the registrar’s office where the body is found. But then the body is often moved within the same cemetery, from one cemetery to another or from one municipality to another, and so there is documentation that travels along with the body. Moves that are difficult to track.”

      “Moreover,” Mirto adds, “adding to the difficulty is the absence of unified procedures. “With the Human Cost of Border Control project, we have seen that the only way to count these people and their graves is to do a blanket search of all the municipalities, all the cemetery offices, all the registrars’ offices and all the cemeteries, possibly adding the funeral homes as well.”

      Thus, there is a problem with centralization and transparency of data that is often also linked to the huge austerity cuts that have forced municipalities to work understaffed. Emblematic is the Commissioner’s Office for Missing Persons, which would be responsible for compiling a list of unidentified bodies found on Italian soil, but has been left without a portfolio.

      “As anthropologist Didier Fassin says,” the researcher concludes, “missing data is not the result of carelessness but is an administrative and political choice. It should be understood how much this choice is conscious and how much is the result of disinterest in the good work of municipal archives (an essential resource for historical memory and for the peace of victims’ families) or in understanding the cost of borders in terms of human lives.”

      EU responsibilities

      Forensic scientist Cristina Cattaneo – a professor at the University of Milan and director of the Labanof forensic laboratory – explained to our team that from a forensic point of view, the most important procedure for identifying a body is to collect both post-mortem (from tattoos to DNA, through cadaveric inspections and autopsies) and antemortem medical forensic information, that is, that which comes from family members regarding the missing person.

      However, in many countries, including Italy, no law makes this procedure mandatory. In the case of people who die while migrating, this is done only in egregious cases, such as large shipwrecks that become news. “These cases have shown that a broad and widespread effort to identify the bodies of those who die at sea is possible,” says Cattaneo. “However, most people lose their lives in very small shipwrecks that don’t make too much news. And because there is no protocol to make data collection systematic, many family members are left in doubt as to whether their loved ones are alive or dead.”

      All this happens despite the great efforts made over the years by the government’s Extraordinary Commissioner for Missing Persons, which, despite being the only national institution of its kind at the European level, has to manage a huge amount of data from all Italian municipalities. Data that are often disorganized, reported late, and collected without adhering to common and strict procedures.

      This is why Cattaneo is among the signatories of an appeal calling for the enactment of a European law that would once and for all oblige member states to identify the bodies of migrants.

      “Yet a European solution would exist and from a technical point of view it is already feasible,” Cattaneo adds. It involves data exchange systems such as Interpol, which at the European level already collects, organizes, and can share information and organically to member countries.

      “It would be enough to expand the analysis to include missing migrants and thus make it possible to search and identify them on a European scale. But this is not being done because of a lack of political will on the part of Brussels,” Cattaneo concludes.
      “The art of patience”


      Identifying the bodies of people who lose their lives coming to Europe is an important issue on several levels.

      First and foremost, international humanitarian law protects the right to identity for both those who are alive and those who have died. But identifying is also an essential issue for those who remain alive. Indeed, without a death certificate, it is almost impossible for a spouse to marry again or to access survivor’s pensions, just as it is impossible for a minor relative to leave their country with an adult without running into a blockade by the authorities, who cannot rule out the possibility of child abduction.

      Then there is the issue of suspended grief, namely the condition of those who do not know whether to search for a loved one or mourn his or her death.

      This is the case for Asmeret and Desbele, but also for many relatives interviewed by our team.

      Sabah and Ahmed, for example, are a Syrian couple. One of their sons disappeared in 2013 after a shipwreck in Italian waters. For 10 years, Ahmed retraced the same land and sea route followed by his son, hoping to find his body or at least get more information. But the efforts were in vain and to this day the family still does not know what happened to him.

      “His children are still with us and often ask, ‘where is Dad? Where is Dad?’ but without a grave and a body, we still don’t know what to answer.”

      Both Sabah and Ahmed are very religious and today rely on Allah to give them the comfort they have not found in the work of institutions. “The greatest gift from Allah,” they recount, “was the patience with which to be able to move forward in the face of such unnatural grief for a parent.”

      A similar lesson was learned by Refaat, who like Ahmed and Sabah has been living in ignorance for ten years. Today he has opened a barber store in Hamburg and realized his dream of having his surviving son study in Germany.

      “I have been searching for my children for ten years, and Allah knows I will search for them until the end of my days, should I find their dead bodies, or should I find them alive who knows where in the world. But I want to die knowing that I did everything I could to find them.”
      Refaat Hazima

      Sometimes his voice trembles. “I often talk to them in my sleep, I feel that they are still alive. But even if I were to find out they are dead, in all these years I would still have learned how to deal with frustration and pain, how to live with emptiness. And most importantly,” he concludes, “I would have learned the art of patience.”


      #Italie #Tareke_Brhane #comitato_3_ottobre #3_octobre_2013 #Lampedusa

    • Unmarked monuments of EU’s shame in Croatia and Bosnia

      Amid pushbacks and torture, many of the victims of the treacherous Balkan route are laid to an anonymous final resting place in Croatian and Bosnian cemetaries.

      In the village of Siče in eastern Croatia, there are more inhabitants in the cemetery than among the living. The village has 230 living residents, and 250 dead. To be more precise, the cemetery is home to 247 locals and three unknown persons. There would be more people six feet under if Siče hadn’t gotten its own cemetery only in the 1970s. There would also be even more of the living if they hadn’t, like many from that region, gone to bigger cities in search of a better life. Abroad as well, mainly to Germany.

      The graves of Siče’s inhabitants briefly tell the visitor who these people were, where they belong, and whether their loved ones care for them. That’s the thing with graves, they summarise the basic information of our life.

      If the grave bears only the inscription “NN”, that summarises a tragedy.

      Who are these three people whose names are unknown? How come their last resting place is a plain grave in Siče?

      Even if you didn’t know, it’s clear that those three people don’t belong there.

      They have been buried completely separated from the rest of the cemetery. Three wooden crosses with NN inscriptions, stuck in the ground at the edge of the cemetery. NN, an abbreviation of the Latin nomen nescio, literally means, “I do not know the name.” The official explanation from the public burial ground operator is that space has been left for more possible burials of those whose names are not known. However, the explanation that springs to mind when you get there is that they were buried separately so they wouldn’t mix with the locals. Or as the mayor of another town, where NN migrants have also been buried at the edge of the cemetery, let slip in a telephone conversation, “So that they’re not in the way.”

      At the cemetery in Siče, these are the only three graves that no one takes care of. In about five years, all trace of them could disappear. The public burial ground operator is obliged to bury unidentified bodies, but not to maintain graves unless the grave belongs to a person of “special historical and social significance.”

      NN1, NN2 and NN3 are of special significance only to their loved ones, who probably don’t even know where they are. Maybe they are waiting to finally hear from them from Western Europe. Maybe they’re looking for them. Maybe they mourn them.

      Identities known but buried as unknown

      If you do dig a little deeper, you will learn a thing or two about those who rest here nameless.

      In the early, cold morning of December 23, 2022, the police found two bodies on the banks of the Sava, the river that separates Croatia from Bosnia and Herzegovina. It separates the European Union from the rest of Europe. According to the police report, they also found a group of twenty foreign citizens who illegally entered Croatia via the river. The group was missing one more person. After an extensive search, a third body was found in the afternoon. The pathologist of the General Hospital in the town of Nova Gradiška established the time of death for all three people as 2:45 A.M. Two died of hypothermia, one drowned.

      Identity cards from a refugee camp in Bosnia and Herzegovina were found on them. We learned that, according to their IDs, all three were from Afghanistan: Ahmedi Abozari was 17 years old, Basir Naseri was 21 years old and Shakir Atoin was 25 years old. NN1, NN2 and NN3.

      Other migrants from the group also confirmed the identity of two of them, as the Brodsko-Posavska County police administration told us. Then why were they buried as NN? If it was known that they were from Afghanistan, why were they buried under crosses? If families are looking for them, how will they find them?

      The cemetery management was kind and said that they perform burials according to what is written in the burial permit signed by the pathologist – and it said NN.

      The pathologist said that he enters the data based on the information he receives from the police.

      The competent police department told us that the person is buried according to the rules of the local municipality.

      Siče cemetery belongs to the municipality of Nova Kapela, whose mayor, Ivan Šmit, discontentedly listed all the costs that his municipality incurred for those burials and said that whoever is willing to pay for it can change the NN inscription into names.

      We came across a series of similar administrative ambiguities while investigating how authorities deal with the deceased people they recover at EU borders as a part of the Border Graves Investigation carried out by a team of eight freelancers from across Europe together with Unbias the News, The Guardian and Süddeutsche Zeitung.

      There is no centralised European database on the number of migrants’ graves in Europe.

      But the team managed to confirm the existence of at least 1,931 migrants’ graves in Greece, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Malta, Poland and France, dating from 2014 to 2023. Of these, 1,015 were unidentified. More than half of the unidentified graves are in Greece, 551, in Italy 248, and in Spain 109. The data were obtained based on the databases of international organizations, non-governmental organizations, scientists, local authorities and cemeteries, and field visits.

      The team visited 24 cemeteries in Greece, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Poland and Lithuania, where there are a total of 555 graves of unidentified migrants in the last decade, from 2014 to 2023.

      These are only those whose bodies have been found. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) estimates that more than 93% of those who go missing on Europe’s borders are never found.
      Families lost in bureaucracy

      December 2022, when the three young Afghans died, was rainier than usual and the Sava River swelled. It is big and fast to begin with.

      In that area, just three days earlier, five Turkish citizens went missing after their boat overturned on the Sava. Among them were a two-year-old girl, a twelve-year-old boy and their parents. The brother of the missing father came from Germany to Croatia to find out what happened to the family. From the documentation, which we have in our possession, it is evident that with the help of translator Nina Rajković, he tried to get information about his missing relatives from several police stations. Even months later, he hasn’t received any updates.

      The two had wanted to file a missing person’s report, but the police told them that there was no point in doing so if the person had not previously been registered in the territory of Croatia or Bosnia and Herzegovina.

      We encountered a number of similar examples. A young man had come to Croatia and reported to the police in both Croatia and Slovenia that his brother had drowned in the Kupa River that separates the two countries. However, his brother’s disappearance was not recorded in the Croatian national database of missing persons, which is publicly available. The police did not contact him after several unidentified bodies were found in the Kupa in the following days.

      In another example, an Afghan man waited six months for the body of his brother, who drowned when they tried to cross the Sava together, also in December 2022, to be transferred from Croatia to Bosnia and Herzegovina so that he could bury him. Although he had confirmed that it was his brother, the identification process was lengthy and complicated.

      There are numerous families who tried from afar to track down their loved ones who had disappeared in the territory of Croatia, only to finally give up in discouragement.

      There are many questions and few clear answers when it comes to the issue of missing and dead migrants on the so-called Balkan Route, of which Croatia is a part. There are no clear protocols and procedures defining to whom and how to report a missing person. It is not known whether missing migrants are actively searched for, as tourists are when they disappear in the summer. It is not clear how much and which information is needed for identification.

      “The circulation of information between institutions and individual departments seems almost non-existent to me."

      “In one case, it took me more than two months and dozens of phone calls and emails to different addresses, police stations, police departments, hospitals, and the state attorney’s office, just to prompt the initiation of identification, which to this day, more than a year later, has not been completed,” says Marijana Hameršak, activist and head of the project “European Regime of Irregular Migration on the Periphery of the EU” of the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research in Zagreb, which collects knowledge and data on missing and dead migrants.

      Searches for missing migrants and attempts to identify the dead in Croatia, as well as in neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina, most often rely on the efforts of volunteers and activists, who, like Marijana, untiringly search for information in the chaotic administration because families who do not know the language find this task practically insurmountable.
      “Die or make your dream come true”

      The Facebook group “Dead and Missing in the Balkans” became the central place to exchange photos and information about the missing and the dead between families and activists.

      The competent Ministry of the Interior does not have a website in English with an address where one can write from Afghanistan or Syria and inquire about the fate of loved ones, leave information about them, and report them missing. There is also no regional database on missing and dead migrants on which the police administrations would cooperate, not even the ones from the countries where the most crossings are recorded – from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Croatia.

      In an interview with our team, Dunja Mijatović, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, emphasised that the creation of a centralised European database of missing and dead migrants is extremely important. If such a database combined ante-mortem and post-mortem data on the deceased, the chances of identification would greatly increase.

      “Families have a right to know the truth about the fate of their loved ones.”
      Dunja Mijatović, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights

      Yet, police cooperation in keeping the EU’s external border impervious is effective.

      Previously, people attempting to migrate did not try to cross the Sava so often. They knew it was too dangerous. They share information with each other and do not venture across such a river in children’s inflatable boats or inner tubes. Unless they are utterly desperate. With pushbacks and the use of force, which many organisations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have been warning about for years, the Croatian police made it difficult to cross at other, less dangerous points along the Croatian border, which is the longest external land border in the European Union. As a young Moroccan in Bosnia and Herzegovina who tried to cross the border to Croatia 11 times but was pushed back by the Croatian police each time told us, “You have two choices: die or make your dream come true.”

      It is difficult to determine how many died on the Balkan Route in an attempt to fulfil their dream. The most comprehensive data for ex-Yugoslav countries is collected by the researchers of the “European Regime of Irregular Migration on the Periphery of the EU (ERIM)” project. It records 346 victims from 2014 to 2023 in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovenia, North Macedonia and Kosovo. Each entry in ERIM’s database is individual and contains as much data as the researchers managed to collect, and they use all available sources – media reports, witnesses, official statistics, activist channels. But the figure is certainly significantly higher. Some who went missing were never even registered anywhere.

      Many bodies were never found. For example, another common border crossing, the Stara Planina mountain range between Bulgaria and Serbia, is a rough and inaccessible terrain. Only those who have been driven to this route by the same fate will come across the bodies, and they will not risk encountering authorities to report it.

      If people die in the minefields remaining from the wars in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, there will not be much left of their bodies. Most bodies were found drowned in rivers, but there is no estimate of how many who drowned were never reported missing, or were never found.

      The Croatian Ministry of the Interior provided us with data on migrants who have died in Croatia since 2015, when records began to be kept, until the end of November 2023: according to the data, a total of 87 migrants died on the territory of the Republic of Croatia. To put it more precisely: that’s how many bodies were found in Croatia. Not a single official body in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia keeps records of migrants buried in that territory.

      However, we managed to obtain data for Croatia, thanks to inquiries sent to over 500 addresses of cities, municipalities and municipal companies that manage cemeteries. According to the data obtained, there are 59 graves of migrants in 32 cemeteries in Croatia who were buried in the last decade, namely from 2014 until September 2023. Of these, 45 have not been identified. The Ministry of the Interior says that since 2001, DNA samples have been taken from all unidentified bodies. We asked the Ministry to allow us to talk with experts who work on the identification of migrants, but we were not approved.

      Some of the buried were exhumed and returned to their families in their country of origin, although this is a demanding and extremely expensive process for the families.
      The burden of not knowing

      Among the NN graves is a stillborn baby from Syria buried in 2015 in the town of Slavonski Brod. A five-year-old girl who drowned in the Danube was buried in Dalje in 2021. Last summer, a young man died of exhaustion in the highlands in the Dubrovnik area. Some were hit by a train. Many died of hypothermia. Some die because they were not provided medical help early enough. Some don’t believe anything can help them, so they committed suicide.

      According to the law, they are buried closest to the place of death, which are mostly small cemeteries, such as the one in Siče. Often, just like in that village, their graves are separated from the rest of the cemetery. In some places, like in Otok, one of the tender-hearted local women has given herself the task of taking care of the NN grave. In others, like the cemetery in Prilišće, the NN wooden cross from 2019 has already rotted.

      Each of these NN graves leaves behind loved ones who bear the burden of not knowing what happened. In psychology, this is called ambiguous loss, which means that as long as relatives do not have confirmation that their loved ones are dead, and as long as they do not know where their bodies are, they cannot mourn them.

      If they go on with their lives, they feel guilty. And so they remain frozen in a state between despair and hope. American psychologist Dr. Pauline Boss is the author of the concept and theory of “ambiguous loss.”

      “A grave is so important because it helps to say goodbye,“ she said in an interview for our investigation.

      There are also practical consequences of this frozen state: succession rights cannot be carried out, bank accounts cannot be accessed, family pensions cannot be obtained, the partner cannot remarry, and custody of children is complicated.

      Many families in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina know ambiguous loss very well. Both countries went through war in the 1990s that left thousands of people missing.

      Both countries have special laws on the missing in those wars and well-developed mechanisms of search, identification, data storage and mutual cooperation. But this does not apply to migrants who vanish and die among the thousands who are on the move along the Balkan Route.
      Croatia responsible for death of a child

      Croatia became an important point of entry into the European Union after Hungary closed its borders in September 2015. From then until March 2016, it is estimated that around 660,000 refugees passed through the Croatian section of the Balkan corridor – the interstate, organised route. This corridor allowed them to get from Greece to Western Europe in two or three days. Most importantly, their journey was safe.

      Of these hundreds of thousands of people on the move, the Croatian Ministry of the Interior did not record a single death in 2015 and 2016.

      The corridor was established to prevent casualties after a large number of refugees died on the railway in Macedonia in the spring of 2015. However, with the conclusion of the EU-Turkey refugee agreement in March 2016, the corridor closed. The EU committed to generously funding Turkey to keep refugees on its territory, so that they do not come to the European Union. And so the perilous, informal Balkan Route remained the only option. Many take it. In the first ten months of 2023 alone, the Croatian police recorded 62,452 actions related to illegal border crossings.

      Both the Croatian Ombudswoman Tena Šimonović Einwalter and Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Dunja Mijatović warn of the same thing: border and migration policies have a clear impact on the risk of migrants going missing or die. It is necessary to establish legal and safe migration routes in the EU.

      However, the EU expects Croatia to protect its external border, and Croatia is doing so wholeheartedly. Croatian Minister of the Interior Davor Božinović calls such practices “techniques of discouragement” and says they are fully in line with the EU Schengen Border Code.

      The result of such practices is, for example, the death of Madina Hussiny. The six-year-old girl from Afghanistan was struck by a train and killed after Croatian police “discouraged” her and her family away from the Croatian border and told them to follow train tracks back to Serbia in the middle of the night in 2017. The European Court of Human Rights ruled in November 2021 that Croatia was responsible for Madina’s death.

      In a typical “discouragement,” Croatian police transport people to points along the border and order them to cross. In the testimonies we heard, as well as in many reports of non-governmental organisations, people described having to wade or swim across rivers, climb over rocks or make their way through dense forest. They often cross at night, sometimes stripped naked, and without knowing the way because the police usually take away their mobile phones.

      Up to 80% of all pushbacks by Croatian police may be impacted by one or more forms of torture, indicates data collected by Border Violence Monitoring Network in 2019. That means that thousands were victims of border torture.

      According to data collected by the Danish Refugee Council, in the two-year period from the beginning of 2020 to the end of 2022, at least 30,000 people were pushed back to Bosnia and Herzegovina.
      “While trying to reach Europe”


      Among them is Arat Semiullah from Afghanistan. In November 2022, he intended to cross the Sava River and enter Croatia from Bosnia. He was 20 years old. He drowned and was buried at the Orthodox cemetery in Banja Luka. His family in Afghanistan did not know what happened to him. He had sent his mom a selfie with a fresh haircut for entering the European Union and then he stopped answering.

      The mother begged her nephew Payman Sediqi, who lives in Germany, to try to find him. Payman got in touch with the activist Nihad Suljić, who voluntarily helps families find out what happened to their loved ones in Bosnia and Herzegovina. They spent weeks trying to get information. Payman travelled to Bosnia and managed to find his relative thanks to the helpfulness of a policewoman who showed him forensic photographs. Arat’s mom confirmed by phone that it was her son.

      Arat’s obituary published in Bosnia and Herzegovina said that “Croatian police sank the boat using firearms, and he tragically drowned.” With the help of the Muslim community, and at the request of the family, his body was transferred to the Muslim cemetery in the village of Kamičani. The family wanted to bury him in Afghanistan, but it was too expensive and bureaucratically complicated.

      In September 2023, we met with Nihad and Payman when a large tombstone was erected for Arat. It says, “Drowned in the Sava River while trying to reach Europe.” Payman told us that Arat was crossing the Sava with a group of others trying to enter Europe. Some of them managed to cross over to the Croatian side, but then the Croatian police shot at the rubber boat Arat was in. The boat sank and Arat drowned. That’s what a survivor who crossed over to the Croatian bank of the Sava told Payman. Payman says that Arat’s family is in great pain, but at least they know where their son is and that he was buried according to their religious customs. It is important to Payman that his relative’s grave says he died as a migrant.

      “People die every day in Europe, fleeing countries where there is no life for them. Their dreams are buried in Europe. No one cares about them, not even when European policemen shoot at them,” Payman says.

      Payman knows what kind of dreams he’s talking about. He himself came to Germany illegally at the age of 16. He says he was lucky.

      Nihad advocates that other graves of migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina also be permanently marked as such. He takes us to the cemetery in the town of Zvornik, where 17 NN migrants are buried. Nihad says he was informed that some of them had their passport on them when they were found. From the cemetery, you can see the river Drina, which separates Serbia from Bosnia and where many lives have been lost during crossing attempts. About 30 bodies were found in the Drina this year alone. Nihad says that they are lucky if they wash up on the Bosnian riverbanks, because in Serbia the authorities often do not perform autopsies nor take DNA samples. This was confirmed to us by activists from Serbia. In those cases, they are forever and completely lost to their families.

      The earthen NN graves in Zvornik are overgrown and not demarcated, so you wouldn’t know if you are stepping on them. Nihad managed to convince the Town of Zvornik to replace the wooden signs with black stone. It is important to him that they are buried with dignity, but he also finds it important that they stand there as a memorial.

      “My wish is that even 100 years from now these graves stand as monuments of the EU’s shame. Because it was not the river that killed these people, but the EU border regime,” Nihad says.


      #Bosnie #Croatie #Zvornik #Madina_Hussiny

    • Counting the invisible victims of Spain’s EU borders

      Investigation finds hundreds of victims of migration to the EU lie in unmarked graves along Spain’s borders, with government taking no coordinated action to guarantee “last rights.”

      In January 2020, Alhassane Bangoura was buried in an unmarked grave in the Muslim area of Teguise municipal cemetery in Lanzarote as city officials and members of the local Muslim community watched on. He had been born only a couple of weeks earlier onboard a cramped patera migrant boat on which his mother, who is from Guinea, and 42 others were trying to reach the Spanish Canary Islands. Their boat was adrift on the Atlantic ocean after its motor had failed two days earlier, and Alhassane’s mother had gone into labour at sea. Her child only lived for a few hours before dying just off the coast of Lanzarote.

      Alhassane’s case shocked the island and made national news. Yet as mourners paid their respects, his mother was 200 kilometres away in a migrant reception centre on the neighbouring island of Gran Canaria, having been unable to get permission from authorities to remain on Lanzarote for the funeral.

      “She’d been allowed to see the body of her son one more time before being transferred, and I accompanied her to the funeral home,” says Mamadou Sy, a representative of the local Muslim community. “It was very emotional as she was leaving. All we could do was promise her that her son would not be alone; that like any Muslim, he’d be brought to the Mosque where his body would be washed by other mothers; that we would pray for him and that afterwards we’d send her a video of the burial.”

      Nearly four years later, Alhassane’s final resting place remains without a formal headstone. It lies next to more than three dozen graves of unidentified migrants – whose names are completely unknown but who, like Alhassane, are also victims of Europe’s brutal border regime.

      Border Graves

      Such a scene is no anomaly along Spain’s vast coastline. Border graves like these can be found in cemeteries stretching from Alicante on the country’s eastern Mediterranean coast to Cádiz on the Atlantic seaboard and south to the Canaries. Some have names but, more often than not, the inscription reads some variation of “unidentified migrant,” “unknown Moroccan,” or “victim of the Strait [of Gibraltar],” or there is simply a hand-painted cross.

      In Barbate cemetery in Cádiz, where the deceased are sealed into niches in traditional brick-walled stacks around two metres in height, groundskeeper Germán points out over 30 different migrant graves, the earliest of which date from 2002 and the most recent are from a shipwreck in 2019.

      "No one ever comes to visit, but on days when there are funerals here and flowers are about to be thrown out, I place them on the tombs containing the unknown migrants,” he explains. “In some of the older graves, you have the remains of up to five or six migrants together, each placed in separate sacks within the same niche to save space.”

      Along the coast, in Tarifa, Spain’s earliest mass grave of unidentified migrants, containing 11 victims from a 1988 shipwreck, overlooks the northern reaches of the African continent, which can be seen on a clear day. Meanwhile, around 400 kilometres west of the African coast, on the remote Canarian island of El Hierro, seven unidentified migrants have been buried in the last two months, along with the remains of 30-year old Mamadou Marea. “Locals joined us to accompany the remains of each of these people to their last resting place,” explains Amado Carballo, a councillor on El Hierro. “What upset all of us was not being able to put a name on the tombstone and simply having to leave the person identified by a police code.”

      Such concern was less evident in Arrecife, Lanzarote where two unidentified graves from February this year have been left sealed with a covering that still bears a corporate logo.

      There is no comprehensive data on how many identified and unidentified migrant graves exist in Spain, and the country’s Interior Ministry has never released figures for the total number of bodies recovered across the various maritime migration routes. But in exclusive data from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), Unbias The News can reveal that the bodies of an estimated 530 people who died at Spain’s borders were recovered between 2014 and 2021 – of which 292 remain unidentified.

      In the six month Europe-wide Border Graves Investigation, undertaken in conjunction with Unbias the News, The Guardian and Süddeutsche Zeitung, 109 unidentified migrant graves from 2014-21 were confirmed in Spain across 18 locations. According to a study by the University of Amsterdam, a further 434 unidentified graves stem from 2000-2013 in at least 65 cemeteries.

      These graves are symbols of a much wider humanitarian tragedy. The ICRC estimates that just 6.89% of those who go missing on Europe’s borders are found, while the Spanish NGO Walking Borders gives an even lower figure for the West African Atlantic route to the Canaries, estimating that only 4.2 percent of the bodies of those who die are ever recovered.

      Guaranteeing “last rights”

      The unvisited and anonymous graves are also a reflection of the fact that the rights to both identification and a dignified burial for those who have died on migration routes have been consistently neglected by national authorities in Spain. As in other European countries, successive Spanish governments have failed to develop legal mechanisms and state protocols to guarantee these “last rights” of victims, as well as their families’ corresponding “right to know” and to mourn their loved ones.

      The problem is “utterly neglected,” says Dunja Mijatović, the Council of Europe’s Commissioner for Human Rights, who insists that EU countries are failing in their obligations under international human rights law to secure families’ “right to truth”. In 2021, the European Parliament passed a resolution calling for “prompt and effective identification processes” to inform families about the fate of their loved ones. Yet last year, the Council of Europe called the area a “legislative void.”

      “People are always calling the office and asking us how to search for a family member, but you have to be honest and say there’s no clear official channel they can turn to,” explains Juan Carlos Lorenzo, director of the Spanish Refugee Council (CEAR) on the Canary Islands. “You can put them in touch with the Red Cross, but there’s no government-led programme of identification. Nor is there the type of dedicated office needed to coordinate with families and centralise information and data on missing migrants.”

      This year alone we are working with over 600 families whose loved ones have disappeared. These families, who are from Morocco, Algeria, Senegal, Guinea and as far afield as Sri Lanka are very much alone and are poorly protected by public administrations. In turn, this means that there are criminal networks and fraudsters seeking to extract money from them.”
      Helena Maleno, director of Walking Borders

      Even in the case of a victim’s identification, a recent report from the Human Rights Association of Andalucia lays out the legal and financial barriers families face in terms of repatriating their loved ones. In 2020/21, ICRC figures show that 284 bodies were recovered but that, of the 116 identified, only 53 were repatriated. The Andalusian Association for Human Rights (APDHA) report also notes, with respect to border graves, that “many people end up buried in a manner contrary to their beliefs.” Just half of Spain’s 50 provinces have Muslim cemeteries, not all of which are on the Spanish coast.

      For Maleno, these state failures are no accident: “Spain and other European states have a policy of making the victims, as well as the border itself, invisible. You have policies of denying the number of dead and of concealing data, but for the families this means obstacles in terms of accessing information and burial rights, as well as endless bureaucratic hurdles.”
      “I dream of Oussama”

      Abdallah Tayeb has gained first-hand experience of the dysfunctionality of the Spanish system in his attempts to confirm whether a body recovered almost a year ago is that of his cousin Oussama, a young barber from Algeria who dreamed of joining Tayeb in France.

      The unnamed corpse, which Tayeb strongly believes is his cousin, is currently in a morgue in Almería and looks set to be buried in an unmarked grave in the new year – unless he can achieve a last minute breakthrough.

      “The feeling is one of powerlessness,” he admits. “Nothing is transparent.”

      Abdallah Tayeb was born in Paris to Algerian parents but spends every summer in Algeria with his family. “As Oussama and I were pretty much the same age, we were really close. He was obsessed with the idea of coming to Europe, as two of his brothers were already living in France. But I didn’t know he had actually arranged to leave on a patera last December.”

      Oussama was among 23 people (including seven children) who vanished after setting out from Mostaganem, Algeria, on a motor boat on Christmas Day 2022. Soon after the patera went missing, his brother Sofiane travelled from France to Cartagena in southern Spain – the destination the vessel had hoped to reach. With the help of the Red Cross, Sofiane was able to file a missing persons report with the Spanish authorities and submit a DNA sample, which he hopes will result in a match with a body held in a morgue. However, so far, he has been unable to piece together any concrete information regarding his brother’s fate.

      A second trip to Spain in February did lead to a breakthrough, however. After driving down the Mediterranean coast together, Tayeb and his cousin Sofiane managed to speak to a forensic pathologist working in the Almería morgue, who seemed to recognise a photo of Oussama. “She kept saying ‘This face looks familiar’ and also mentioned a necklace – something he’d been wearing when he left.” According to the pathologist, there was a potential match with an unidentified body recovered by the coastguard on 27 December 2022.

      Feeling that they were finally close to getting some answers, they were informed at the police headquarters in Almería that, in order to view the body for a visual identification, they would need permission from the police station where the corpse had initially been registered. “This was when the real nightmare began,” Tayeb remembers. Handed a list of five police stations from across the wider region where the corpse could have been registered, they spent the next two days driving from station to station along the Murcian coast.

      “The first police station we visited wouldn’t even let us in the door when we told them we were asking about a missing migrant, and after that it was always the same script: this is not the right place; we don’t have a body; you have to go there instead.” When the pair returned to the first station in Huércal de Almeria after being repeatedly told it was the right place to ask, impatient officers refused to engage, citing privacy laws, and even told them to warn other families searching for missing migrants not to keep coming to inquire.

      “In the end,” Tayeb explains, “we came to the reality that they will never let us have any information. It was very heartbreaking, especially going back to France. It felt like we were leaving him [there] in the fridge.”

      As the subsequent months passed, the frustration and anxiety built for the family. “In May we were told that the DNA sample we gave five months earlier had only just arrived in Madrid and had still not been processed and sent to the database.” No further information has been forthcoming, and Spanish authorities have a policy of only getting in touch with families when there is a positive match and not if the test comes back negative.

      Tayeb is contemplating one final visit to Spain to try and retrieve his cousin Oussama, partly to be certain for his own sake that he’s done everything in his power to find him, but he’s worried that the journey could reopen his trauma of ambiguous loss. “The effort of going is not painful, but what is painful is coming back with nothing,” he says. “This lack of information is the worst thing.”

      “All the people on board were from the same neighbourhood in Mostaganem. I have had a chance to talk to many of their families, and they are destroyed. There is such grief but also no answers. There are only rumours, and some of the mothers believe their sons are in prisons in Morocco and Spain. We all have dreams [about the missing]. In the end, you trust what you will see in your dreams, like cosmic reality telling you he is coming. I dream of Oussama.”

      Dr Pauline Boss, professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Minnesota, USA, explains the concept of ambiguous loss: “It looks like complicated grief, intrusive thoughts,” she says. “There’s nothing else on your mind but the fact that your loved one is missing. You can’t grieve because that would mean the person is dead, and you don’t know for sure.”
      A defective system

      Of all the families of those who went missing on Oussama’s patera, only Tayeb and four other families have been able to file a missing persons report with the Spanish authorities, and only two have been able to give a DNA sample. According to a 2021 study from the International Organization for Migration (IOM), one of the major complications families face in their searches is that in order to register someone as a missing person in Spain, you have to file a report with police in the country itself, which for many families is “a virtually impossible feat” as there are no visas to travel for this purpose.

      The IOM report also notes that, while many families file missing person reports in their home countries, they are “aware of the almost symbolic nature of their efforts” and that “it will never result in any kind of investigation being launched in Spain.”

      Along with the IOM, there have been efforts by domestic NGOs, including APDHA and more than a hundred grassroots organisations, to call out Spain’s failure to adapt existing missing person procedures to the transnational challenges of cases of people who disappeared while migrating. These organisations have repeatedly argued that the country’s legal framework regarding missing persons must be adapted to ensure families can file missing person cases from abroad.

      They have also pushed for the development of specific protocols for police handling cases of disappeared migrants, as well as the creation of a missing-migrant database so as to centralise information and allow it to be exchanged with authorities in other countries. The latter would include a full range of both post-mortem data (from tattoos to DNA, through cadaveric inspections and autopsies) and antemortem medical forensic information, that is, that which comes from family members regarding the missing person.

      “The reality is that the situation across Europe is consistently poor,” explains Julia Black, an analyst with IOM’s Missing Migrant Project. “Despite our research showing these pressing needs of families, neither Spain nor any other European country has significantly changed policy or practice to help this neglected group [in recent years]. Support for families is available only on a very ad hoc basis, mostly in response to mass casualty events that are in the public eye, which leaves many thousands of people without meaningful support.”

      Non-state actors such as the Red Cross and Walking Borders, as well as a network of independent activists, try to fill this void. “It’s a terrible job that we shouldn’t be doing, because states should be responding to families and guaranteeing the rights of victims across borders,” Maleno explains. In the case of the Mostaganem patera, Walking Borders is now planning to visit Algeria next year to take DNA samples from family members and bring them back to Spain. But Maleno also acknowledges that her NGO often has to then “apply a lot of pressure” to get authorities to accept these samples.

      This is something left-wing MP Jon Iñarritu from the Basque EH Bildu party also confirms: “As I sit on the Spanish parliament’s Interior Committee, I’ve had to intervene on a number of occasions to help families seeking to register DNA samples, talking with the foreign ministry or the interior ministry to get them to accept the samples. But it shouldn’t require action from an MP to get this to happen. The whole process needs to be standardised with clear and automatic protocols [for submission]. Right now, there’s no one clear way to do it.”

      Even when IOM recommendations have become the subject of parliamentary debate in Spain, they have tended not to translate into government action. In 2021, for example, a resolution was passed by the Spanish Congress calling on the government to establish a dedicated state office for the families of disappeared migrants. “It’s clear we need to ease the administrative and bureaucratic ordeal for families by offering them a single point of contact [with state authorities],” explains Iñarritu, who sponsored the motion.

      Yet while even government parties voted in favour of the resolution, the countries’ current centre-left administration has failed to act on it in the 18 months since. “From my point of view, the government has no intention of implementing the proposal,” Iñarritu argues. “They were only offering symbolic support.”

      When the above points were put to Spain’s Interior ministry, the reply was that: “The treatment of unidentified corpses arriving on the Spanish coast is identical to that of any other corpse. In Spain, for the identification of corpses, the law enforcement agencies apply the INTERPOL Disaster Victim Identification Guide. Although this guide is especially indicated for events with multiple victims, it is also used as a reference for the identification of an isolated corpse.”

      NGOs and campaigners insist, however, that the application of the INTERPOL guide is no substitute for a specific protocol tailored to the demands of missing migrant cases or for the creation of particular mechanisms to allow for the exchange of information with families and authorities in other jurisdictions.

      Close connections with the people they have helped compensate for strained social interactions and online hate. “They call me brother, sister, and even father,” Rybak shares.
      Burial rights

      APDHA migration director Carlos Arce argues that, within a European framework that views irregular migration predominantly “through the prism of serious crime and border security, […] not even death or disappearance puts an end to the repeated assault on the dignity of migrant people.” Iñarritu also points to the EU’s wider border regime: “Many issues that don’t fit into this dominant policy framework, such as the right to identification, are simply left unmanaged on a day-to-day basis. They are simply not a priority.”

      This is also clear with respect to the Spanish government’s inaction on guaranteeing a dignified burial to those whose bodies are recovered. As noted by a 2023 report from APDHA, “while repatriation is the most desired option for families […,] the cost is very high (thousands of euros) and very few of their [home countries’] embassies help [to cover it].” The NGO recommends that Spain establish repatriation agreements with the countries where migrants come from so as to create “mortuary safe passages” guaranteeing their return at a reduced cost.

      Furthermore, Spain’s central government has also failed to put in place mechanisms to ensure the right of unidentified migrants to a dignified burial within the country, instead maintaining that local councils are responsible for all charitable burials. This has meant that very specific municipalities where coastguard rescue boats are stationed are left legally responsible for the bulk of the interments – and most of these municipalities lack local cemeteries able to cater for traditional Muslim burials.

      The potential for this issue to become a flashpoint for anti-immigration sentiment was made clear this September when the mayor of Mogán in Gran Canaria, Onalia Bueno, insisted that her municipality would no longer pay for such burials, as she did not want to “detract the costs from the taxes of my neighbours.”

      CEAR’s Juan Carlos Lorenzo condemns such “divisive language, which frames the issue in terms of wasting my ‘neighbours’ money’ on someone who is not a neighbour,” and points instead to the actions of municipalities in El Hierro as a positive counterexample.

      Carballo notes that “over 10,000 people have arrived in El Hierro since September, the same as the island’s population. These are quite long trips, between six and nine days at sea, and right now people are arriving in a terrible state of health. With those who have died in recent months, we’ve tried to offer them a dignified burial within the means at our disposal. We’ve had an imam present, with Islamic prayers said before the remains were laid to rest.”

      Currently, the responsibility of memorialising unidentified victims comes down to individual municipalities and even cemetery keepers. Like Gérman at the cemetery in Barbate, who tries to dignify the unmarked tombs by placing flowers on top of them, the cemetery of Motril has adorned tombs with poems. In Teguise, the council has an initiative encouraging locals to leave flowers on the migrant graves when they come to visit the remains of their own families.

      In another memorial, a collection of around 50 discarded fishing boats has become a distinctive feature of Barbate port. These small wooden boats with Arabic script on their hulls were used by migrants attempting to cross the Strait of Gibraltar. Instead of the boats’ being scrapped, APDHA was able to convert the scrapyard into a memorial site and to place plaques on boats stating how many migrants were travelling on them and where and when they were found.

      In the case of little Alhassane Bangoura, residents routinely come to leave fresh flowers and tokens of affection, among which is a small granite bowl with his first name inscribed on it. But many victims are buried without any attempt at identification – and as countless NGOs, politicians and activists demand, it should not be simply left to good-willed residents, grave keepers or local councillors to ensure the last rights of the victims of Fortress Europe.


      #Espagne #Lanzarote #îles_Canaries #route_Atlantique #Teguise #Barbate #Cádiz #Tarifa #Arrecife

    • The unidentified: Unmarked refugee graves on the Greek borders

      Graves marked only with a stick, graves covered with weeds: a cross-border investigation documents official indifference surrounding the dignified burial of refugees who lose their lives at the Greek border.

      The phone rang on a morning in October 2022 at work, in Finland, where 35-year-old Mohamed Samim has been living for the last ten years or so.

      His nephew did not have good news: his brother Samim, Tarin Mohamad, along with his son and two daughters, was on a boat that sank near a Greek island, having sailed from the Turkish coast to Italy.

      When Samim arrived in Kythera the next day, he learned that – although weak after not eating for three days – his brother had managed to save his family before a wave took him away. He immediately went to the site of the wreck. In the water he saw bodies floating – he couldn’t see his brother’s face, but he recognized his back.

      The Coast Guard said that the bad weather had to pass before they could pull the dead from the sea. The first day passed, the second day passed, until on the third day it was finally possible. The coastguard confirmed that 8 Beaufort winds and the morphology of the area made it impossible to retrieve the bodies. Samim will never forget the sight of his brother at sea.

      In Kalamata, it took four days of shifting responsibility between the hospital and the Coast Guard, and the help of a local lawyer who “came and yelled at them” to allow him to follow the identification process of his brother.

      He was warned that it would be a soul-crushing procedure, and that he would have to wear a triple mask because of the smell. Samim says that due to a lack of space in the morgue’s refrigerators, some of the wreck victims were kept in the chamber outside the refrigerator.

      “The stress and the smell. Our knees were shaking”, recalls Samim when we meet him in Kythera a year later.

      They started showing him decomposing bodies. First the ones outside the refrigerator. He didn’t recognize him among them. They went out and changed the masks they wore, returned, opened the refrigerators in turn, reaching the last one.

      “He was lying there, calm. The man you love. We were kind of happy that, after days, we could see him,” Samim said.

      Unclaimed dead

      The number of people dying at Europe’s borders is growing. In addition to the difficulty of recording the deaths, there is also the challenge of identifying the bodies, a traumatic process for the relatives. In some cases, however, there are bodies that remain unidentified, hundreds of men, women and children buried in unidentified graves.

      In July 2023, the European Parliament adopted a resolution recognising the right to identification of people who lose their lives trying to reach Europe, but to date there is no centralised registration system at a pan-European level. Nor is there a single procedure for the handling of bodies that end up in mortuaries, funeral homes – even refrigerated containers.

      The problem is “utterly neglected”, European Commissioner for Human Rights Dunja Mijatovic told Solomon, and added that EU countries are failing in their obligations under international human rights law”. The tragedy of the missing migrants has reached horrifying proportions. The issue requires immediate action,” she added.

      The International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Missing Migrants platform, which acknowledges that its data is not a comprehensive record, reports more than 1,090 missing refugees and migrants in Europe since 2014.

      As part of the Border Graves investigation, eight European journalists, together with Unbias the News, the Guardian, Süddeutsche Zeitung, and Solomon, have spent seven months investigating what happens to the thousands of unidentified bodies of those who die at European borders, and for the first time they have recorded almost double that number: according to the data collected, more than 2,162 people died between 2014 and 2023.

      We studied documents and interviewed state coroners, prosecutors and funeral home workers; residents and relatives of the deceased and missing; and gained exclusive access to unpublished data from the International Committee of the Red Cross.

      In 65 cemeteries along the European border - Greece, Spain, Italy, Malta, Poland, Lithuania, France, Spain, Italy, Malta, Lithuania, France and Croatia - we have recorded more than 1,000 unidentified graves from the last decade.

      The investigation documents how state indifference to the dignified burial of people who die at the border is pervasive in European countries.

      In Greece, we recorded more than 540 unidentified refugee graves, 54% of the total recorded by the European survey. We travelled to the Aegean islands and Evros, and found graves in fields sometimes covered by weeds, and marble slabs with dates of death erased, while in other cases a piece of wood with a number is the only marking.

      The data from our survey, combined with the data from the International Committee of the Red Cross, is not an exhaustive account of the issue. However, they do capture for the first time the gaps and difficulties of a system that leads to thousands of families not knowing where their relatives are buried.

      Lesvos: 167 unidentified refugee graves

      A long dirt road surrounded by olive trees leads to the gate of the cemetery of Kato Tritos, which is usually locked with a padlock.

      The “graveyard of refugees,” as they call it on the island, is located about 15 kilometers west of Mytilene. It is the only burial site exclusively for refugees and migrants in Greece.

      During one of our visits, the funeral of four children was taking place. They lost their lives on August 28, 2023, when the boat they were on with 18 other people sank southeast of Lesvos.

      The grieving mother and several women, including family members, sat under a tree, while the men prayed near the shed used for the burial process, according to Islamic tradition.

      In Kato Tritos and Agios Panteleimonas, the cemetery on Mytilene where people who died while migrating had been buried until then, we counted a total of 167 unidentified graves from between 2014-2023.

      Local journalist and former member of the North Aegean Regional Council Nikos Manavis explains that the cemetery was created in 2015 in an olive grove belonging to the municipality of Mytilene due to an emergency: a deadly shipwreck in the north of the island on October 28 of that year resulted in at least 60 dead, for whom the island’s cemeteries were not sufficient.

      Many shipwreck victims remain buried in unidentified graves. Gravestones are marked with the estimated age of the deceased and the date of burial, sometimes only a number. Other times, a piece of wood and surrounding stones mark the grave.

      “What we see is a field, not a graveyard. It shows no respect for the people who were buried here.”
      Nikos Manavis

      This lack of respect for the Lower Third Cemetery mobilized the Earth Medicine organization. As Dimitris Patounis, a member of the NGO, explains, in January 2022 they made a proposal to the municipality of Mytilene for the restoration of the cemetery. Their plan is to create a place of rest with respect and dignity, where refugees and asylum seekers can satisfy the most sacred human need, mourning for their loved ones.

      Although the city council approved the proposal in the spring of 2023, the October municipal elections delayed the project. Patounis says he is positive that the graves will soon be inventoried and the area fenced.

      Christos Mavrachilis, an undertaker at the Agios Panteleimon cemetery, recalls that in 2015 Muslim refugees were buried in a specific area of the cemetery.

      “If someone was unidentified, I would write ‘Unknown’ on their grave,” he says. If there were no relatives who could cover the cost, Mavrachilis would cut a marble himself and write as much information as he could on the death certificate. “They were people too,” he says, “I did what I could.”

      For his part, Thomas Vanavakis, a former owner of a funeral parlour that offered services in Lesvos until 2020, also says that they often had to cover burials without receiving payment. “Do you know how many times we went into the sea and paid workers out of our own pockets to pull out the bodies and didn’t get a penny?” he says.

      Efi Latsoudi, who lives in Lesvos and works for Refugee Support Aegean (RSA), says that in 2015 there were burials that the municipality of Mytilene could not cover, and sometimes “the people who participated in the ceremony paid for them. We were trying to give a dignity to the process. But it was not enough,” she says.

      Latsoudi recalls something a refugee had mentioned to her in 2015: ’The worst thing that can happen to us is to die somewhere far away and have no one at our funeral’.

      The municipality of Mytilene did not answer our questions regarding the dignified burial of refugees in the cemeteries under its responsibility.

      Chios and Samos: graves covered by weeds

      According to Greek legislation, the local government (and in case of its inability, the region) covers the cost of the burial of both unidentified people who die at the border and those who are in financial difficulty.

      For its part, the Municipal Authority of Chios stated that funding is provided for the relevant costs, and that “within the framework of its responsibilities for the cemeteries, it maintains and cares for all the sites, without discrimination and with the required respect for all the dead.”

      But during our visit in August to the cemetery in Mersinidi, a few kilometers north of Chios town, where refugees are buried next to the graves of the locals, it was not difficult to spot the separation: the five unidentified graves of refugees were marked simply by a marble, usually covered by vegetation.

      Natasha Strachini, an RSA lawyer living in Chios, has taken part in several funerals of refugees both in Chios and Lesvos. For her, the importance of the local community and presence at such a difficult human moment is very important.

      Regarding burials, he explains that “only a good registration system could help relatives to locate the grave of a person they have lost, as usually in cemeteries after three to five years exhumations take place.” He says that sometimes a grave remains unidentified even though the body has been identified, either because the identification process was delayed or because the relatives could not afford to change the grave.

      In Heraion of Samos, next to the municipal cemetery, on a plot of land owned by the Metropolis and used as a burial site for refugees, we recorded dozens of graves dating between 2014-2023. The plaques – some broken – placed on the ground, hidden by branches, pine needles and pine cones, simply inscribe a number and the date of burial.

      Lawyer Dimitris Choulis, who lives in Samos and handles cases related to the refugee issue, commented: ‘It is a shameful image to see such graves. It is unjustifiable for a modern society like Greece.”
      Searching for data

      The International Committee of the Red Cross is one of the few international organisations working to identify the dead refugees. Among other things, they have conducted several training sessions in Greece for members of the Coast Guard and the Greek Police.

      “We have an obligation to provide the dead with a dignified burial; and the other side, providing answers to families through identification of the dead. If you count the relatives of those who are missing, hundreds of thousands of people are impacted. They don’t know where their loved ones are. Were they well treated, were they respected when they were buried? That’s what preys on families’ minds,” says Laurel Clegg, ICRC forensic Coordinator for Migration to Europe.

      She explains that keeping track of the dead “consists of lots of parts working well together – a legal framework that protects the unidentified dead, consistent post-mortems, morgues, registries, dignified transport, cemeteries”

      However, countries’ “medical and legal systems are proving inadequate to deal with the scale of the problem,” she says.

      Since 2013, as part of its programme to restore family links, the Red Cross has registered 16,500 requests in Europe from people looking for their missing relatives. According to the international organisation, only 285 successful matches (1.7%) have been made.

      These matches are made by the local forensic experts.

      “We always collect DNA samples from unidentified bodies. It is standard practice and may be the only feasible means of identification,” says Panagiotis Kotretsos, a forensic pathologist in Rhodes. The samples are sent to the DNA laboratory of the Criminal Investigation Department of the Greek Police, according to an INTERPOL protocol.

      According to the Red Cross, difficulties usually arise when families are outside the EU, and are due to a number of factors, such as differences in the legal framework or medical systems of the countries. For example, some EU countries cannot ‘open’ a case and take DNA samples from families without a mandate from the authorities of the country where the body of the relative being sought has been recovered.

      The most difficult part of the DNA identification process is that there needs to be a second sample to be compared with the one collected by the forensic experts, which has to be sent by the families of the missing persons. “For a refugee who started his journey from a country in central Africa, travelled for months, and died in Greece, there will be genetic material in the morgue. But it will remain unmatched until a first-degree relative sends a DNA sample,” says Kotretsos.

      He explains that this is not always possible. “We have received calls from relatives who were in Syria, looking for missing family members, and could not send samples precisely because they were in Syria.”

      Outside the university hospital of Alexandroupolis, two refrigerated containers provided by the Red Cross as temporary mortuaries house the bodies of 40 refugees.

      Pavlos Pavlidis, Professor of Forensic Medicine at the Democritus University of Thrace, has since 2000 performed autopsies on at least 800 bodies of people on the move, with the main causes of death being drowning in the waters of Evros and hypothermia.

      The forensic scientist goes beyond the necessary DNA collection: he or she records data such as birthmarks or tattoos and objects (like wallets, rings, glasses), which could be the missing link for a relative looking for a loved one.

      He says a total of 313 bodies found in Evros since 2014 remain unidentified. Those that cannot be identified are buried in a special cemetery in Sidiro, which is managed by the municipality of Soufli, while 15-20 unidentified bodies were buried in Orestiada while the Sidiro cemetery was being expanded.

      The bodies of Muslim refugees who are identified are buried in the Muslim cemetery in Messouni Komotini or repatriated when relatives can cover the cost of repatriation.

      “This is not decent”

      In response to questions, the Ministry of Immigration and Asylum said that the issue of identification and burial procedures for refugees does not fall within its competence. A Commission spokesman said that no funds were foreseen for Greece, but that such expenditure “could be supported under the National Programme of the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund”, which is managed by the Migration Ministry.

      Theodoros Nousias is the chief forensic pathologist of the North Aegean Forensic Service, responsible for the islands of Lesvos, Samos, Chios and Lemnos. According to the coroner, the DNA identification procedure has improved a lot compared to a few years ago.

      Nusias says he was always available when asked to identify someone. “You have to serve people, that’s why you’re there. To serve people so they can find their family,” he adds.

      The coroner lives in Lesvos, but says he has never been to the cemetery in Kato Tritos. “I don’t want to go. It will be difficult for me because most of these people have passed through my hands.”

      In October 2022, 32-year-old Suja Ahmadi and his sister Marina also travelled to Kythera and then to Kalamata to identify the body of their father, Abdul Ghasi.

      The 65-year-old had started the journey to Italy with his wife Hatige – she survived. The two brothers visited the hospital, where they were shown all eight bodies, male and female, although they had explained from the start that the man they were looking for was a man.

      Their father’s body was among those outside the freezer.

      “My sister was crying and screaming at them to get our father out of the refrigerator container because he smelled,” Suja recalls. “It was not a decent place for a man.”


      #Grèce #Chios #Evros #Samos #Alexandroupolis #Lesbos #Kato_Tritos #Sidiro #Mersinidi #Mersinidi #Pavlos_Pavlidis

    • Enterrar a más de mil personas sin nombre: las trabas de la UE y España para identificar los cuerpos de migrantes

      Cientos de personas fallecidas en la última década yacen en tumbas sin nombre en España, sin que el Gobierno tome medidas coordinadas para garantizar su identificación

      En enero de 2020, Alhassane Bangoura fue enterrado en una tumba sin nombre en la zona musulmana del cementerio municipal de Teguise, en Lanzarote, ante la presencia de funcionarios municipales y miembros de la comunidad musulmana local. El pequeño había nacido apenas un par de semanas antes a bordo de una patera abarrotada en la que su madre, originaria de Guinea, y otras 42 personas intentaban llegar a las Islas Canarias. La embarcación llevaba dos días a la deriva en el océano Atlántico, tras averiarse el motor, y la madre de Alhassane se puso de parto en el mar. Su hijo sólo alcanzó a vivir unas pocas horas antes de morir frente a la costa de Lanzarote.

      El caso de Alhassane conmocionó a la isla y saltó a las noticias de todo el país. Sin embargo, mientras los asistentes al entierro ofrecían sus condolencias, la madre del bebé fallecido se encontraba a 200 kilómetros de distancia, en un centro de acogida de migrantes de la vecina isla de Gran Canaria, al no haber podido obtener permiso de las autoridades para permanecer en Lanzarote durante el funeral.

      “Le habían permitido ver el cuerpo de su hijo una vez más antes de ser trasladada, y yo la acompañé a la funeraria”, cuenta Mamadou Sy, representante de la comunidad musulmana local. “Fue muy emotivo cuando se tuvo que marchar. Lo único que pudimos hacer fue prometerle que su hijo no estaría solo; que, como cualquier musulmán, sería llevado a la mezquita, donde su cuerpo sería lavado por otras madres; que rezaríamos por él y que después le enviaríamos un vídeo del entierro”.

      Casi cuatro años después, el lugar donde reposan los restos de Alhassane sigue sin tener una lápida formal. La tumba se encuentra junto a los restos de más de tres docenas de personas migrantes no identificadas, cuyos nombres se desconocen por completo pero que, como Alhassane, también son víctimas del brutal régimen fronterizo de Europa.
      Las tumbas de la frontera

      A lo largo de las fronteras de la Unión Europea, miles de personas están siendo enterradas de forma precipitada en tumbas sin nombre. El equipo de investigación de Border Graves (Las Tumbas de la Frontera) ha contabilizado que, en los últimos 10 años, al menos 2.162 cadáveres de migrantes han sido encontrados en las fronteras europeas sin identificar.

      El equipo de investigación también ha confirmado la existencia de 1.015 tumbas de inmigrantes sin identificar entre 2014 y 2021 en 103 cementerios, todas ellas pertenecientes a personas que intentaban emigrar a Europa.

      El problema está “absolutamente abandonado”, afirma Dunja Mijatović, Comisaria de Derechos Humanos del Consejo de Europa, que insiste en que los países de la UE incumplen sus obligaciones en virtud de la legislación internacional sobre derechos humanos. “La tragedia de los migrantes desaparecidos ha alcanzado una magnitud espantosa. El asunto exige una actuación inmediata”.

      Las condiciones de sepultura de estos migrantes varían en todo el continente. En la última década, en la isla griega de Lesbos, un olivar se ha convertido en un cementerio informal para refugiados. Al menos 147 tumbas sin identificar se pueden encontrar en el pequeño pueblo de Kato Tritos, que según explica el periodista Nikos Manavis brotaron tras la gran oleada de refugiados de 2015. “Los otros cementerios de la isla eran inapropiados y no podían cubrir el número de muertos que había que enterrar en Lesbos”, afirma. “Pero no es un cementerio. Es sólo un campo. No se muestra ningún respeto por la gente enterrada aquí”.

      En Siče, una población al este de Croacia, se hallan las tumbas de tres refugiados afganos al borde del cementerio del pueblo, separadas de las de los residentes locales. Los tres hombres no identificados, que se ahogaron intentando cruzar el río Sava desde Bosnia a Croacia, están enterrados bajo sencillas cruces de madera en las que se lee “NN” (desconocido).

      En la frontera entre Lituania y Bielorrusia, un pequeño cementerio de la tranquila localidad de Rameikos alberga la tumba de un emigrante indio. El lugar está marcado por un trozo de madera vertical, a pocos metros de la valla fronteriza. En el cementerio de Piano Gatta, en Agrigento (Sicilia), están enterrados decenas de cadáveres sin identificar del naufragio de Lampedusa en 2013, en el que perdieron la vida 368 personas de Eritrea y Somalia al hundirse el pesquero en el que viajaban.

      En cuanto a la extensa costa española, pueden encontrarse tumbas de inmigrantes desde Alicante hasta Cádiz, y hacia el sur hasta las Canarias. Algunas tienen nombre, pero lo más frecuente es que las inscripciones sean del estilo de “inmigrante no identificado”, “marroquí desconocido” o “víctima del Estrecho [de Gibraltar]”. O, simplemente, una cruz pintada a mano.

      En el cementerio de Barbate, en Cádiz, donde los difuntos están sepultados en nichos, el jardinero Germán señala más de 30 tumbas de inmigrantes: las más antiguas datan de 2002 y las más recientes son de un naufragio de 2019. “Nunca viene nadie a visitarlos, pero los días que hay funerales aquí y se van a tirar las flores antiguas, las coloco en las tumbas de los migrantes desconocidos”, explica. “En algunas de las más antiguas hay restos de hasta cinco o seis emigrantes juntos, cada uno colocado en bolsas separadas dentro del mismo nicho para ahorrar espacio”.

      Tal preocupación era menos evidente en Arrecife, Lanzarote, donde dos tumbas no identificadas de febrero de este año se han dejado selladas con una cubierta que aún lleva el logotipo de una empresa.

      No existen datos exhaustivos sobre cuántas fosas de inmigrantes identificadas y no identificadas existen en España, y el Ministerio del Interior nunca ha dado a conocer cifras sobre el número total de cadáveres recuperados en las distintas rutas migratorias marítimas. Pero los datos del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR) revelan que entre 2014 y 2021 se recuperaron los cuerpos de alrededor de 530 personas fallecidas en las fronteras españolas, de las cuales 292 permanecen sin identificar.

      En los diez meses que ha durado la investigación europea Border Graves, llevada a cabo de manera conjunta entre un grupo de periodistas independientes y los medios Unbias the News, The Guardian y Süddeutsche Zeitung y publicada en exclusiva en España por elDiario.es, se ha confirmado la existencia de 109 tumbas de migrantes no identificados entre 2014 y 2021 en 18 lugares de España. Según un estudio de la Universidad de Ámsterdam, otras 434 tumbas sin identificar se remontan al periodo 2000-2013 en al menos 65 cementerios del territorio nacional.

      Estas tumbas son símbolos de una tragedia humanitaria mucho mayor. El CICR calcula que sólo el 6,89% de los restos mortales de las personas que desaparecen a lo largo de las fronteras europeas son recuperados, mientras que la ONG española Caminando Fronteras da una cifra aún más baja para la ruta atlántica de África Occidental a Canarias, estimando que sólo se recupera el 4,2% de los cuerpos de los fallecidos.
      Garantizar los “últimos derechos”

      Las tumbas anónimas y sin visitar reflejan también el hecho de que el derecho a la identificación y a un entierro digno de los fallecidos en las rutas migratorias ha sido sistemáticamente desatendido por las autoridades nacionales españolas. En 2021, el Parlamento Europeo aprobó una resolución que reconoce el derecho a la identificación de los fallecidos en las rutas migratorias, y la necesidad de una base de datos coordinada que recoja los datos de la frontera. Pero, al igual que en otros países europeos, los sucesivos gobiernos han sido incapaces de desarrollar mecanismos legales y protocolos estatales para garantizar estos “últimos derechos” de las víctimas, así como el “derecho a saber” y a llorar a sus seres queridos que corresponde a las familias.

      “La gente siempre llama a la oficina y nos pregunta cómo buscar a un familiar, pero hay que ser sincero y decir que no hay un canal oficial claro al que puedan dirigirse”, explica Juan Carlos Lorenzo, coordinador del Consejo Español para los Refugiados (CEAR) en Canarias. “Se les puede poner en contacto con la Cruz Roja, pero no hay un programa de identificación liderado por el Gobierno. Tampoco existe el tipo de recurso especializado necesario para coordinarse con las familias y centralizar la información y los datos sobre los migrantes desaparecidos”.

      Helena Maleno, directora de Caminando Fronteras, afirma: “Sólo este año estamos trabajando con más de 600 familias cuyos seres queridos han desaparecido. Estas familias, procedentes de Marruecos, Argelia, Senegal, Guinea y países tan lejanos como Sri Lanka, están muy solas y poco protegidas por las administraciones públicas. A su vez, esto significa que hay redes criminales y estafadores que buscan sacarles dinero”.

      Incluso en el caso de la identificación de una víctima, un reciente informe de la Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía (APDHA) expone las barreras legales y financieras a las que se enfrentan las familias para repatriar a sus seres queridos. En 2020/21, las cifras del CICR muestran que se recuperaron 284 cuerpos pero que, de los 116 identificados, sólo 53 fueron repatriados. El informe de la APDHA también señala, respecto a las tumbas fronterizas, que “muchas personas acaban enterradas de manera contraria a sus creencias”. Apenas la mitad de las 50 provincias españolas cuentan con cementerios musulmanes, y no todos están en la costa española.

      Para Maleno, estos fallos del Estado no son casualidad: “España y otros Estados europeos mantienen una política de invisibilización de las víctimas y de la propia frontera. Tienen políticas de negación del número de muertos y de ocultación de datos, pero para las familias esto significa obstáculos en cuanto al acceso a la información y a los derechos de sepultura, así como interminables trabas burocráticas”.
      “Sueño con Oussama”

      Abdallah Tayeb ha sufrido en primera persona las deficiencias del sistema español en sus intentos por confirmar si un cadáver recuperado en diciembre de 2022 es el de su primo Oussama, un joven barbero argelino que soñaba con reunirse con Tayeb en Francia.

      Tayeb está convencido de que el cuerpo sin identificar, que se cree que está en un depósito de cadáveres de Almería, es el de su primo. Está previsto que los restos sean enterrados a comienzos del próximo año en una tumba sin nombre, a menos que se consiga algún avance de última hora. “La sensación es de impotencia”, admite. “No hay nada de transparencia”.

      Tayeb nació en París, de padres argelinos, pero pasa todos los veranos en Argelia con su familia. “Como Oussama y yo teníamos más o menos la misma edad, estábamos muy unidos. Le obsesionaba la idea de venir a Europa, pues dos de sus hermanos ya vivían en Francia. Pero yo no sabía que en realidad ya había organizado su viaje en una patera a finales del año pasado”.

      Oussama formaba parte de un grupo de 23 personas (entre ellas siete niños) que desaparecieron tras zarpar de Mostaganem, Argelia, en una lancha motora el día de Navidad de 2022. Poco después de la desaparición de la patera, su hermano Sofiane viajó de Francia a Cartagena, el destino al que esperaba llegar la embarcación. Con la ayuda de la Cruz Roja, Sofiane pudo presentar una denuncia por desaparición y dar una muestra de ADN, pero no pudo reunir ninguna información concreta sobre la suerte de su hermano.

      Sin embargo, un segundo viaje a España en febrero condujo a un gran avance. Tras recorrer juntos la costa mediterránea, Tayeb y su primo Sofiane consiguieron hablar con una patóloga forense que trabaja en la morgue de Almería, quien pareció reconocer una foto de Oussama. “No paraba de decir ’esta cara me suena’ y también mencionó un collar, algo que llevaba cuando se fue”. Según la forense, había una posible coincidencia con un cuerpo sin identificar recuperado por los guardacostas el 27 de diciembre de 2022.
      El laberinto burocrático

      Con la sensación de que por fin estaban cerca de obtener alguna respuesta, en la comisaría de Almería les informaron de que, para poder ver el cadáver –o incluso las pertenencias– y proceder a su identificación visual, necesitarían el permiso de la comisaría donde se había registrado inicialmente el cadáver. “Fue entonces cuando empezó la verdadera pesadilla”, recuerda Tayeb. Les entregaron una lista de cinco comisarías de toda la región en las que se podría haber registrado el cadáver, y se pasaron los dos días siguientes conduciendo de comisaría en comisaría a lo largo de la costa murciana.

      “En la primera comisaría que visitamos ni siquiera nos dejaron entrar cuando les dijimos que estábamos buscando a un inmigrante desaparecido, y después siempre fue la misma consigna: éste no es el lugar adecuado; no tenemos ningún cadáver; tenéis que ir a este otro lugar…”, continúa. Cuando ambos regresaron a la primera comisaría de Huércal de Almería, después de que les dijeran repetidamente que era el lugar adecuado para preguntar, los agentes, impacientes, se negaron a atenderlos, alegando leyes de protección de la intimidad, e incluso les dijeron que advirtieran a otras familias que buscaban a migrantes desaparecidos que no siguieran viniendo a preguntar.

      “Al final”, explica Tayeb, “nos dimos cuenta de que nunca nos darían ninguna información. Fue muy desgarrador, sobre todo volver a Francia. Fue como si le dejáramos [allí] en la nevera”.

      A medida que pasaban los meses, la frustración y la ansiedad aumentaban para la familia. “En mayo nos dijeron que la muestra de ADN que habíamos dado cinco meses antes acababa de llegar a Madrid y aún no había sido procesada ni enviada a la base de datos”. No se les ha facilitado más información, y las autoridades españolas tienen la política de ponerse en contacto con las familias sólo cuando hay una coincidencia positiva, pero no si la prueba da negativo.

      Tayeb se plantea una última visita a España para intentar recuperar a su primo Oussama, en parte para estar seguro de que ha hecho todo lo posible por encontrarlo, pero le preocupa que el viaje pueda reabrir su trauma de “pérdida ambigua”. “El esfuerzo de ir no es doloroso, lo doloroso es volver sin nada”, dice. “Esta falta de información es lo peor”.

      La Dra. Pauline Boss, catedrática emérita de Psicología de la Universidad de Minnesota (EE.UU.), explica el concepto de pérdida ambigua: “Se parece a un duelo complejo, con pensamientos intrusivos”, dice. “No tienes otra cosa en la cabeza más que el hecho de que tu ser querido ha desaparecido. No puedes afrontar el duelo, porque eso significaría que la persona está muerta, y no lo sabes con certeza”.

      Tayeb lo explica con sus propias palabras: “Todas las personas que iban a bordo eran del mismo barrio de Mostaganem. He podido hablar con muchas de sus familias y están destrozadas. Hay mucho dolor, pero tampoco hay respuestas. Sólo hay rumores, y algunas de las madres creen que sus hijos están en cárceles de Marruecos y España. Todos tenemos sueños [sobre los desaparecidos]. Al final, confías en lo que ves en tus sueños, como si la realidad cósmica te dijera que va a venir. Sueño con Oussama”.
      Un sistema defectuoso

      De todas las familias de los desaparecidos en la patera de Oussama, sólo Tayeb y otras tres familias han podido presentar denuncias de desaparición ante las autoridades españolas, y únicamente en dos casos se han podido entregar muestras de ADN. Según un informe de 2021 de la Organización Internacional para las Migraciones (OIM), una de las mayores complicaciones a las que se enfrentan las familias en sus búsquedas es que, para registrar a alguien como desaparecido en España, hay que presentar una denuncia ante la policía del propio país, lo que para muchas familias es “una hazaña prácticamente imposible”, ya que no existen visados para viajar con este fin.

      El informe de la OIM también señala que, aunque muchas familias presentan denuncias de personas desaparecidas en sus países de origen, son “conscientes del carácter casi simbólico de sus esfuerzos” y de que “nunca darán lugar a que se inicie ningún tipo de investigación en España.”

      Junto con la OIM, algunas ONG nacionales, como la APDHA y más de un centenar de organizaciones comunitarias, han denunciado la incapacidad de España para adaptar los procedimientos vigentes en materia de personas desaparecidas a los retos transnacionales que plantean los casos de migrantes desaparecidos. Estas organizaciones han defendido en repetidas ocasiones que el marco jurídico del país en materia de personas desaparecidas debe adaptarse para garantizar que las familias puedan presentar denuncias desde el extranjero por casos de personas desaparecidas.

      También han presionado para que se elaboren protocolos específicos para la policía al tratar casos de migrantes desaparecidos, así como para que se cree una base de datos de migrantes desaparecidos que permita centralizar la información y haga posible el intercambio con autoridades de otros países. Esta incluiría todos los datos disponibles post mortem (desde tatuajes hasta ADN, pasando por inspecciones de cadáveres y autopsias) como de información médica forense ante mortem, es decir, la que procede de los familiares en relación con la persona desaparecida.

      “La realidad es que la situación en toda Europa es sistemáticamente deficiente”, explica Julia Black, analista del Proyecto Migrantes Desaparecidos de la OIM. “A pesar de que nuestras investigaciones muestran estas necesidades acuciantes de las familias, ni España ni ningún otro país europeo ha cambiado [en los últimos años] de forma significativa sus políticas, ni tampoco han mejorado las prácticas para ayudar a este grupo desatendido. El apoyo a las familias sólo está disponible de forma muy puntual, sobre todo en respuesta a sucesos con víctimas masivas que están en el punto de mira de la opinión pública, lo que deja a muchos miles de personas sin un apoyo adecuado”.

      Actores no estatales como la Cruz Roja y Caminando Fronteras, así como una red de activistas independientes, intentan llenar este vacío. “Es un trabajo terrible que no deberíamos estar haciendo, porque los Estados deberían responder a las familias y garantizar los derechos de las víctimas más allá de las fronteras”, explica Maleno. En el caso de la patera de Mostaganem, Caminando Fronteras tiene previsto viajar a Argelia el año que viene para tomar muestras de ADN de los familiares y traerlas a España. Pero Maleno también reconoce que su ONG a menudo tiene que “ejercer mucha presión” para que las autoridades acepten estas muestras.

      Es algo que también confirma Jon Iñarritu, diputado de EH Bildu: “Como miembro de la Comisión de Interior del Congreso de los Diputados, he tenido que intervenir en varias ocasiones para ayudar a las familias que querían registrar muestras de ADN, hablando con el Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores o con el Ministerio del Interior para que aceptaran las muestras. Pero no debería ser necesaria la intervención de un diputado para conseguirlo. Es necesario normalizar todo el proceso con protocolos claros y automáticos [para la presentación de las muestras]. Ahora mismo, no hay una forma clara de hacerlo”.

      Incluso cuando las recomendaciones de la OIM han sido objeto de debate parlamentario en España, no han tendido a traducirse en medidas gubernamentales. En 2021, por ejemplo, el Congreso de los Diputados aprobó una Proposición no de Ley en la que se instaba al Gobierno a crear una oficina estatal específica para las familias de migrantes desaparecidos. “Está claro que necesitamos aliviar el calvario administrativo y burocrático para las familias ofreciéndoles un único punto de contacto [con las autoridades estatales]”, explica Iñárritu, impulsor de la moción.

      Sin embargo, aunque los partidos en el gobierno votaron a favor de la resolución, no se ha tomado ninguna medida al respecto en los 18 meses transcurridos desde la aprobación de la resolución. “Desde mi punto de vista, el Gobierno no tiene ninguna intención de aplicar la propuesta”, argumenta Iñárritu. “Sólo ofrecían un apoyo simbólico”.

      Cuando se expusieron las cuestiones anteriores al Ministerio del Interior, la respuesta fue la siguiente: “El tratamiento de los cadáveres sin identificar que llegan a las costas de España es idéntico al hallazgo de cualquier otro cadáver. En España, para la identificación de cadáveres, las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad del Estado aplican la Guía de INTERPOL para la Identificación de Víctimas de Catástrofes. Esta Guía, aunque está especialmente indicada para los sucesos con víctimas múltiples, también es aplicada como referencia para la identificación de un cadáver aislado”.
      Derechos de sepultura

      El director de migraciones de APDHA, Carlos Arce, escribe que, en un marco europeo que contempla la migración irregular predominantemente a través del prisma de la criminalidad grave y la seguridad fronteriza, “ni siquiera la muerte o desaparición de las personas migrantes pone freno a la concatenación de ataques a su dignidad”. Por su parte, Iñárritu también apunta al régimen fronterizo más amplio de la UE: “Muchas cuestiones que no encajan en este marco político dominante, como el derecho de identificación, simplemente se dejan sin gestionar en el día a día. Sencillamente, no son una prioridad”.

      Esto también queda claro en lo que respecta a la inacción del gobierno español a la hora de garantizar un entierro digno a las personas cuyos cuerpos son recuperados. Como señala un informe de 2023 de APDHA, “aunque la repatriación es la opción más deseada por las familias [...] el coste es muy elevado (miles de euros) y muy pocas de sus embajadas ayudan [a sufragarlo]”. La ONG recomienda a España que establezca acuerdos de repatriación con los países de procedencia de los inmigrantes para crear “salvoconductos mortuorios” que garanticen su retorno a un coste reducido.

      A esto se suma que el gobierno central tampoco ha establecido mecanismos para garantizar el derecho de los inmigrantes no identificados a un entierro digno dentro del territorio español, sino que sostiene que los ayuntamientos son responsables de todos los entierros de carácter benéfico. Esto ha supuesto que municipios muy concretos, en los que están estacionadas las embarcaciones de salvamento marítimo, sean legalmente responsables de la mayor parte de los entierros, y la mayoría de estos municipios carecen de cementerios locales capaces de acoger entierros musulmanes tradicionales.

      La posibilidad de que este asunto se convierta en un caldo de cultivo para el rechazo a la inmigración quedó patente el pasado mes de septiembre, cuando la alcaldesa de Mogán (Gran Canaria), Onalia Bueno, insistió en que su municipio dejaría de sufragar estos entierros, ya que no quería “detraer los costes de los impuestos de mis vecinos”. Juan Carlos Lorenzo, de CEAR, condena ese “lenguaje divisivo, que enmarca la cuestión en términos de malgastar el dinero de mis ’vecinos’ en alguien que no es un vecino”, y señala en cambio la actuación de los municipios de El Hierro como contraejemplo positivo.

      En esta isla poco poblada, en los últimos dos meses han sido enterrados siete inmigrantes no identificados, junto con los restos de Mamadou Marea, de 30 años. “Los habitantes de la isla se unieron a nosotros para acompañar los restos de cada una de estas personas hasta su lugar de descanso”, explica Amado Carballo, concejal de El Hierro. “Lo que nos entristeció a todos fue no poder poner un nombre en la lápida y simplemente tener que dejar a las personas identificadas con un código policial”.

      Carballo señala que “más de 10.000 personas han llegado a El Hierro desde septiembre, lo mismo que la población de la isla. Son viajes muy largos, de entre seis y nueve días en el mar, y ahora mismo la gente llega en un pésimo estado de salud. A los que han muerto en los últimos meses hemos intentado ofrecerles un entierro digno dentro de los medios de que disponemos. Hemos contado con la presencia de un imán, que ha rezado oraciones del Islam antes de depositar los restos”.

      En la actualidad, la responsabilidad de conmemorar a las víctimas no identificadas recae en los municipios e incluso en los responsables de los cementerios. Al igual que Germán en el cementerio de Barbate, que intenta dignificar las tumbas sin nombre colocando flores sobre ellas, el cementerio de Motril ha adornado las tumbas con poemas. En Teguise, el Ayuntamiento ha puesto en marcha una iniciativa que anima a los vecinos a dejar flores en las tumbas de los inmigrantes cuando vienen a visitar los restos de sus familiares.

      En otro gesto conmemorativo, una colección de unas 50 barcas de pesca desechadas se ha convertido en un rasgo distintivo del puerto de Barbate. Estas pequeñas embarcaciones de madera con escritura árabe en el casco eran utilizadas por los emigrantes que intentaban cruzar el Estrecho de Gibraltar. En lugar de ser desguazadas, APDHA pudo convertir el astillero en un lugar conmemorativo y colocar placas en las embarcaciones en las que se indicaba cuántas personas viajaban en ellas y dónde y cuándo fueron encontradas.

      En el caso del pequeño Alhassane Bangoura, los vecinos acuden habitualmente a dejar flores frescas y otras muestras de afecto, entre ellas un pequeño cuenco de granito con su nombre de pila inscrito. Pero muchas víctimas son enterradas sin ningún intento de identificación y, tal y como exigen innumerables ONG, políticos y activistas, no debería dejarse en manos de la buena voluntad de residentes, trabajadores de cementerios o concejales el garantizar los últimos derechos de las víctimas de la Fortaleza Europa.


    • « Αγνώστων στοιχείων » : Πάνω από 1.000 αταυτοποίητοι τάφοι στα ευρωπαϊκά σύνορα

      Τάφοι με μόνη σήμανση ένα ξύλο, μνήματα που καλύπτονται από αγριόχορτα : μια διασυνοριακή έρευνα οκτώ δημοσιογράφων σε συνεργασία με Solomon, Guardian και Süddeutsche Zeitung καταγράφει την αδιαφορία γύρω από την αξιοπρεπή ταφή των προσφύγων που χάνουν τη ζωή τους στα ευρωπαϊκά σύνορα.

      Το τηλέφωνο χτύπησε ένα πρωινό του Οκτωβρίου 2022 στη δουλειά, στη Φινλανδία όπου ο 35χρονος Μοχάμεντ Σαμίμ ζει τα τελευταία δέκα περίπου χρόνια.

      Ο ανιψιός του δεν είχε καλά νέα : ο αδερφός του Σαμίμ, Ταρίν Μοχαμάντ, μαζί με τον γιο και τις δύο κόρες του, βρισκόταν σε ένα σκάφος που βυθίστηκε κοντά σε ένα ελληνικό νησί, έχοντας αποπλεύσει από τα τουρκικά παράλια για την Ιταλία.

      Όταν ο Σαμίμ έφτασε την επομένη στα Κύθηρα, έμαθε πως —παρότι αδύναμος αφού δεν είχε φάει επί τρεις μέρες— ο αδερφός του είχε καταφέρει να σώσει την οικογένειά του πριν ένα κύμα τον πάρει μακριά. Πήγε αμέσως στο σημείο του ναυαγίου. Μέσα στο νερό είδε σώματα να επιπλέουν — δεν μπορούσε να δει το πρόσωπο του αδερφού του, αλλά αναγνώρισε την πλάτη του.

      Το Λιμενικό είπε πως έπρεπε να περάσει η κακοκαιρία για να μπορέσουν να βγάλουν τους νεκρούς από τη θάλασσα. Πέρασε η πρώτη μέρα, πέρασε και δεύτερη, ώσπου την τρίτη ημέρα κατέστη τελικά δυνατό. Το Λιμενικό επιβεβαίωσε στο Solomon πως άνεμοι έντασης 8 μποφόρ και η μορφολογία της περιοχής καθιστούσαν την ανάσυρση των σορών αδύνατη. Ο Σαμίμ δεν θα ξεχάσει ποτέ την εικόνα του αδερφού του στη θάλασσα.

      Στην Καλαμάτα, χρειάστηκε να περάσουν τέσσερις ημέρες μετακύλισης της ευθύνης μεταξύ νοσοκομείου και Λιμενικού, και η βοήθεια μιας ντόπιας δικηγόρου που « ήρθε και τους έβαλε τις φωνές », προκειμένου να του επιτραπεί να ακολουθήσει τη διαδικασία ταυτοποίησης του αδερφού του.

      Τον προειδοποίησαν πως θα ήταν μια ψυχοφθόρα διαδικασία, και πως θα έπρεπε να φορέσει τριπλή μάσκα λόγω της μυρωδιάς. Ο Σαμίμ λέει πως, λόγω έλλειψης χώρου στα ψυγεία του νεκροτομείου, ορισμένα από τα θύματα του ναυαγίου βρίσκονταν στον θάλαμο εκτός ψυγείου.

      « Το άγχος και η μυρωδιά. Τα γόνατά μας έτρεμαν », θυμάται ο Σαμίμ όταν τον συναντάμε στα Κύθηρα ένα χρόνο μετά.

      Ξεκίνησαν να του δείχνουν σώματα σε αποσύνθεση. Πρώτα αυτά εκτός ψυγείου. Δεν τον αναγνώρισε ανάμεσά τους. Βγήκαν έξω και άλλαξαν τις μάσκες που φορούσαν, επέστρεψαν, άνοιξαν με τη σειρά τα ψυγεία φτάνοντας στο τελευταίο.

      « Βρισκόταν εκεί, ήρεμος. Ο άνθρωπος που αγαπάς. Ήμασταν κάπως χαρούμενοι που, μετά από μέρες, μπορούσαμε να τον δούμε », είπε ο Σαμίμ.
      Νεκροί πρόσφυγες στα αζήτητα

      Ο αριθμός των προσφύγων που πεθαίνουν στα σύνορα της Ευρώπης ολοένα και μεγαλώνει. Πέρα από τη δυσκολία καταγραφής των θανάτων, υπάρχει και η πρόκληση της ταυτοποίησης των σορών, μια διαδικασία ψυχοφθόρα για τους συγγενείς. Σε κάποιες περιπτώσεις, ωστόσο, υπάρχουν σοροί που μένουν αταυτοποίητες, εκατοντάδες άνδρες, γυναίκες και παιδιά που θάβονται σε τάφους αγνώστων στοιχείων.

      Τον Ιούλιο του 2023, το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο υιοθέτησε ψήφισμα που αναγνωρίζει το δικαίωμα στην ταυτοποίηση των ανθρώπων που χάνουν τη ζωή τους στην προσπάθεια να φτάσουν στην Ευρώπη, έως σήμερα ωστόσο δεν υπάρχει κεντρικό σύστημα καταγραφής σε πανευρωπαϊκό επίπεδο. Ούτε ενιαία διαδικασία για τη διαχείριση των σορών που καταλήγουν σε νεκροτομεία, γραφεία κηδειών — ακόμη και κοντέινερ ψύξης.

      Το πρόβλημα είναι « εντελώς παραμελημένο », είπε στο Solomon η Ευρωπαία Επίτροπος Ανθρωπίνων Δικαιωμάτων, Dunja Mijatović, η οποία αναφέρει ότι οι χώρες της ΕΕ δεν εκπληρώνουν τις υποχρεώσεις τους βάσει του διεθνούς δικαίου των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων. « Η τραγωδία των αγνοούμενων μεταναστών έχει λάβει τρομακτικές διαστάσεις. Το ζήτημα απαιτεί άμεση δράση », πρόσθεσε.

      Η πλατφόρμα Missing Migrants του Διεθνούς Οργανισμού Μετανάστευσης (ΔΟΜ), που αναγνωρίζει πως τα στοιχεία της δεν αποτελούν ολοκληρωμένη καταγραφή, κάνει λόγο για πάνω από 1.090 αγνοούμενους πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες στην Ευρώπη από το 2014.

      Στο πλαίσιο της έρευνας Border Graves, οκτώ Ευρωπαίοι δημοσιογράφοι, από κοινού με την βρετανική εφημερίδα Guardian, την γερμανική εφημερίδα Süddeutsche Zeitung, και το Solomon για την Ελλάδα, ερεύνησαν επί επτά μήνες τι συμβαίνει με τις χιλιάδες αταυτοποίητες σορούς όσων χάνουν τη ζωή τους στα ευρωπαϊκά σύνορα, και καταγράφουν για πρώτη φορά έναν σχεδόν διπλάσιο αριθμό : σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία που συγκεντρώθηκαν, περισσότεροι από 2.162 άνθρωποι πέθαναν την περίοδο 2014-2023.

      Μελετήσαμε έγγραφα και πήραμε συνεντεύξεις από κρατικούς ιατροδικαστές, εισαγγελείς και εργαζομένους σε γραφεία τελετών· από κατοίκους και συγγενείς θανόντων και αγνοουμένων· και αποκτήσαμε αποκλειστική πρόσβαση σε αδημοσίευτα στοιχεία της Διεθνούς Επιτροπής του Ερυθρού Σταυρού.

      Σε 65 νεκροταφεία κατά μήκος των ευρωπαϊκών συνόρων –Ελλάδα, Ισπανία, Ιταλία, Μάλτα, Πολωνία, Λιθουανία, Γαλλία και Κροατία– καταγράψαμε περισσότερους από 1.000 τάφους αγνώστων στοιχείων κατά την τελευταία δεκαετία.

      Η έρευνα καταγράφει τον τρόπο με τον οποίο η κρατική αδιαφορία γύρω από την αξιοπρεπή ταφή των ανθρώπων που χάνουν τη ζωή τους στα σύνορα διαπερνά τις ευρωπαϊκές χώρες. Στην Ιταλία, συναντήσαμε ξύλινους σταυρούς. Στην Κροατία και τη Βοσνία, συναντήσαμε δεκάδες τάφους με την ένδειξη « ΝΝ » (αγνώστων στοιχείων), στη Γαλλία απλώς με ένα « Χ ».

      Στα ισπανικά Γκραν Κανάρια, εντοπίσαμε πλάκες που δεν αναφέρουν την ταυτότητα των θανόντων, αλλά σε ποιο ναυάγιο πέθαναν : « Βάρκα μεταναστών νούμερο 4. 25/09/2022 ».

      Στην Ελλάδα, καταγράψαμε περισσότερους από 540 αταυτοποίητους τάφους προσφύγων, το 54% όσων συνολικά κατέγραψε η ευρωπαϊκή έρευνα. Ταξιδέψαμε στα νησιά του Αιγαίου και τον Έβρο, και εντοπίσαμε τάφους σε χωράφια που ενίοτε καλύπτονται από αγριόχορτα, και μαρμάρινες πλάκες με ημερομηνίες θανάτου που έχουν σβηστεί, ενώ σε άλλες περιπτώσεις ένα κομμάτι ξύλο μαζί με έναν αριθμό αποτελεί τη μόνη σήμανσή τους.

      Τα στοιχεία της έρευνάς μας, σε συνδυασμό με τα στοιχεία της Διεθνούς Επιτροπής του Ερυθρού Σταυρού, δεν αποτελούν εξαντλητική καταγραφή του ζητήματος. Ωστόσο, αποτυπώνουν για πρώτη φορά τα κενά και τις δυσκολίες ενός συστήματος, που οδηγεί χιλιάδες οικογένειες να μην γνωρίζουν πού είναι θαμμένοι οι συγγενείς τους.

      Λέσβος : 167 αταυτοποίητοι τάφοι προσφύγων

      Ένας μακρύς χωματόδρομος, που τριγυρίζεται από ελαιόδεντρα, οδηγεί στην πύλη του νεκροταφείου του Κάτω Τρίτου, που συνήθως παραμένει κλειδωμένη με λουκέτο.

      Το « νεκροταφείο των προσφύγων », όπως το αποκαλούν στο νησί, βρίσκεται περίπου 15χλμ δυτικά της Μυτιλήνης. Αποτελεί τον μοναδικό χώρο ταφής αποκλειστικά για πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες στην Ελλάδα.

      Κατά τη διάρκεια μίας από τις επισκέψεις μας, λάμβανε χώρα η κηδεία τεσσάρων παιδιών. Έχασαν τη ζωή τους στις 28 Αυγούστου 2023, όταν η βάρκα στην οποία επέβαιναν μαζί με 18 ακόμη ανθρώπους βυθίστηκε νοτιοανατολικά της Λέσβου.

      Η πενθούσα μητέρα και αρκετές γυναίκες, μεταξύ των οποίων μέλη της οικογένειας, κάθονταν κάτω από ένα δέντρο, ενώ οι άνδρες προσεύχονταν κοντά στο υπόστεγο που χρησιμοποιείται για τη διαδικασία της ταφής σύμφωνα με την ισλαμική παράδοση.

      Στον Κάτω Τρίτο και τον Άγιο Παντελεήμονα, το νεκροταφείο της Μυτιλήνης όπου θάβονταν οι πρόσφυγες έως τότε, μετρήσαμε συνολικά 167 τάφους αγνώστων στοιχείων μεταξύ 2014-2023.

      Ο τοπικός δημοσιογράφος, και πρώην μέλος του Περιφερειακού Συμβουλίου Βορείου Αιγαίου Νίκος Μανάβης, εξηγεί πως το νεκροταφείο δημιουργήθηκε το 2015 σε έναν ελαιώνα που ανήκει στο δήμο Μυτιλήνης λόγω ανάγκης : ένα πολύνεκρο ναυάγιο στα βόρεια του νησιού, στις 28 Οκτωβρίου του έτους, είχε ως αποτέλεσμα τουλάχιστον 60 νεκρούς, για τους οποίους τα νεκροταφεία του νησιού δεν επαρκούσαν.

      Πολλά θύματα ναυαγίων παραμένουν θαμμένα σε τάφους αγνώστων στοιχείων. Στις ταφόπλακες αναγράφεται η εκτιμώμενη ηλικία των θανόντων και η ημερομηνία ταφής, ενίοτε μόνο ένας αριθμός. Άλλες φορές, ένα κομμάτι ξύλο και περιμετρικά τοποθετημένες πέτρες σηματοδοτούν τον τάφο.

      « Αυτό που βλέπουμε είναι ένα χωράφι, όχι ένα νεκροταφείο. Δεν δείχνει σεβασμό στους ανθρώπους που τάφηκαν εδώ », λέει ο Μανάβης.

      Αυτή η έλλειψη σεβασμού στο νεκροταφείο του Κάτω Τρίτου κινητοποίησε την οργάνωση Earth Medicine. Όπως εξηγεί ο Δημήτρης Πατούνης, μέλος της ΜΚΟ, τον Ιανουάριο του 2022 έκαναν πρόταση στο δήμο Μυτιλήνης για την αποκατάσταση του νεκροταφείου. Το σχέδιό τους είναι να δημιουργήσουν ένα χώρο ανάπαυσης με σεβασμό και αξιοπρέπεια, όπου οι πρόσφυγες και οι αιτούντες άσυλο θα μπορούν να ικανοποιήσουν την πιο ιερή ανθρώπινη ανάγκη, το πένθος για τους αγαπημένους τους.

      Παρόλο που το δημοτικό συμβούλιο ενέκρινε την πρόταση την άνοιξη του 2023, οι δημοτικές εκλογές του Οκτωβρίου καθυστέρησαν το έργο. Ο Πατούνης δηλώνει θετικός ότι σύντομα θα γίνει καταγραφή των τάφων και περίφραξη της περιοχής.

      Ο Χρήστος Μαυραχείλης, νεκροθάφτης στο νεκροταφείο του Αγίου Παντελεήμονα, θυμάται ότι το 2015 οι μουσουλμάνοι πρόσφυγες θάβονταν σε συγκεκριμένη περιοχή του νεκροταφείου.

      « Αν κάποιος ήταν αγνώστου ταυτότητας έγραφα στον τάφο του “Άγνωστος” », λέει. Εάν δεν υπήρχαν συγγενείς, που θα μπορούσαν να καλύψουν το κόστος, ο Μαυραχείλης έκοβε ο ίδιος ένα μάρμαρο και έγραφε όσα στοιχεία μπορούσε από το πιστοποιητικό θανάτου. « Άνθρωποι ήταν κι αυτοί », λέει, « έκανα ό,τι μπορούσα ».

      Από την πλευρά του, ο Θωμάς Βαναβάκης, πρώην ιδιοκτήτης γραφείου τελετών που πρόσφερε υπηρεσίες στη Λέσβο έως το 2020, λέει επίσης πως συχνά χρειάστηκε να καλύψουν ταφές δίχως να λάβουν αμοιβή. « Ξέρετε πόσες φορές μπήκαμε στη θάλασσα και πληρώσαμε εργάτες από την τσέπη μας για να τραβήξουμε τα πτώματα και δεν παίρναμε φράγκο ; », λέει.

      « Το να βλέπεις τόσα μωρά, να τα μαζεύεις και να τα πετάς σε ένα κουτί… Πώς μπορείς να πας σπίτι και να κοιμηθείς μετά από αυτό ; », λέει ο Βαναβάκης.

      Η Έφη Λατσούδη, που ζει στη Λέσβο και εργάζεται στην οργάνωση Refugee Support Aegean (RSA), λέει πως το 2015 υπήρχαν ταφές που δεν μπορούσε να καλύψει ο δήμος Μυτιλήνης, και ορισμένες φορές τις « πληρώναν οι άνθρωποι που συμμετείχαν στην τελετή. Προσπαθούσαμε να δώσουμε μια αξιοπρέπεια στη διαδικασία. Αλλά δεν ήταν αρκετό », λέει.

      Η Λατσούδη θυμάται κάτι που της είχε αναφέρει μια προσφύγισσα το 2015 : « Το χειρότερο που μπορεί να μας συμβεί είναι να πεθάνουμε κάπου μακριά και να μην είναι κανείς στην κηδεία μας ».

      Ο δήμος Μυτιλήνης δεν απάντησε στα ερωτήματά μας σχετικά με την αξιοπρεπή ταφή των προσφύγων στα νεκροταφεία ευθύνης του.
      Χίος και Σάμος : τάφοι καλύπτονται από αγριόχορτα

      Σύμφωνα με την ελληνική νομοθεσία, η τοπική αυτοδιοίκηση (και σε περίπτωση αδυναμίας της η περιφέρεια) καλύπτει το κόστος για την ταφή τόσο των αταυτοποίητων προσφύγων που πεθαίνουν στα σύνορα, όσο και εκείνων που βρίσκονται σε οικονομική αδυναμία.

      Από πλευράς της, η δημοτική Αρχή Χίου δήλωσε πως προβλέπεται χρηματοδότηση για τις σχετικές δαπάνες, καθώς και ότι « στο πλαίσιο των αρμοδιοτήτων της για τα νεκροταφεία, συντηρεί και φροντίζει όλους τους χώρους, χωρίς διακρίσεις και με τον απαιτούμενο σεβασμό, για όλους τους νεκρούς ».

      Αλλά κατά την επίσκεψή μας τον Αύγουστο στο νεκροταφείο του Μερσινιδίου, λίγα χιλιόμετρα βόρεια της πόλης της Χίου, όπου πρόσφυγες βρίσκονται θαμμένοι πλάι στα μνήματα των ντόπιων, δεν ήταν δύσκολο να εντοπίσει κανείς τον διαχωρισμό : οι πέντε τάφοι αταυτοποίητων προσφύγων σηματοδοτούνταν απλώς από ένα μάρμαρο, το οποίο έτεινε να υπερκαλύψει η βλάστηση.

      Η Νατάσα Στραχίνη, δικηγόρος του RSA που ζει στη Χίο, έχει λάβει μέρος σε αρκετές κηδείες προσφύγων τόσο στη Χίο όσο και στη Λέσβο. Για εκείνη, είναι πολύ μεγάλη η σημασία της τοπικής κοινότητας και η παρουσία σε μια τόσο δύσκολη ανθρώπινη στιγμή.

      Σχετικά με τις ταφές, εξηγεί πως « μόνο ένα καλό σύστημα καταγραφής θα μπορούσε να βοηθήσει τους συγγενείς να εντοπίσουν τον τάφο ενός ανθρώπου που έχασαν, καθώς συνήθως στα νεκροταφεία μετά από 3-5 χρόνια γίνονται εκταφές ». Αναφέρει πως ενίοτε ένας τάφος παραμένει αγνώστων στοιχείων παρότι η σορός έχει ταυτοποιηθεί, είτε γιατί καθυστέρησε η διαδικασία ταυτοποίησης, είτε γιατί οι συγγενείς δεν είχαν την οικονομική δυνατότητα να αλλάξουν το μνήμα.

      Στο Ηραίο Σάμου, δίπλα στο δημοτικό νεκροταφείο, σε ένα οικόπεδο που ανήκει στη Μητρόπολη και χρησιμοποιείται ως χώρος ταφής προσφύγων, καταγράψαμε δεκάδες μνήματα που χρονολογούνται μεταξύ 2014-2023. Οι πλάκες –ορισμένες σπασμένες– που έχουν τοποθετηθεί στο έδαφος, « κρυμμένες » από κλαδιά, πευκοβελόνες και κουκουνάρια, αναγράφουν απλώς έναν αριθμό και τη χρονολογία της ταφής.

      Ο δικηγόρος Δημήτρης Χούλης, που ζει στη Σάμο και χειρίζεται υποθέσεις γύρω από το προσφυγικό, σχολίασε σχετικά : « Είναι ντροπιαστική εικόνα να βλέπεις τέτοιους τάφους. Είναι αδικαιολόγητο για μια σύγχρονη κοινωνία όπως η Ελλάδα ».

      Αναζητώντας στοιχεία

      Η Διεθνής Επιτροπή του Ερυθρού Σταυρού είναι από τις λίγες διεθνείς οργανώσεις που εργάζονται για την ταυτοποίηση των νεκρών πρσοφύγων. Μεταξύ άλλων, και στην Ελλάδα έχουν πραγματοποιήσει αρκετές σχετικές εκπαιδεύσεις σε στελέχη του Λιμενικού και της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας.

      « Είναι υποχρέωσή μας να παρέχουμε στους νεκρούς μια αξιοπρεπή ταφή. Παράλληλα, οφείλουμε να δίνουμε απαντήσεις στις οικογένειες μέσω της ταυτοποίησης των νεκρών. Αν υπολογίσουμε τους συγγενείς των αγνοουμένων, αυτή η διαδικασία επηρεάζει εκατοντάδες χιλιάδες ανθρώπους. Δεν γνωρίζουν πού βρίσκονται οι αγαπημένοι τους. Τους φέρθηκαν καλά ; Τους σεβάστηκαν όταν τους έθαψαν ; », αναφέρει η Laurel Clegg, συντονίστρια ιατροδικαστής για τη μετανάστευση στην Ευρώπη.

      Εξηγεί πως η καταγραφή των νεκρών αποτελεί διαδικασία που « απαιτεί την καλή συνεργασία μεταξύ πολλών μερών : ένα νομικό πλαίσιο που να προστατεύει τους αταυτοποίητους νεκρούς, συστηματικές νεκροψίες (consistent post-mortems), νεκροτομεία, ληξιαρχεία, αξιοπρεπή μεταφορά, νεκροταφεία ».

      Ωστόσο, τα ιατρικά και νομικά συστήματα των χωρών αποδεικνύονται ανεπαρκή για να αντιμετωπίσουν τη διάσταση του προβλήματος, προσθέτει.

      Από το 2013, στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος για την αποκατάσταση οικογενειακών δεσμών, ο Ερυθρός Σταυρός έχει καταγράψει στην Ευρώπη 16.500 αιτήματα από ανθρώπους που αναζητούν αγνοούμενους συγγενείς τους. Σύμφωνα με τον διεθνή οργανισμό έχουν επιτευχθεί μόλις 285 επιτυχείς αντιστοιχίσεις (1,7%).

      Τις αντιστοιχίσεις αυτές αναλαμβάνουν οι κατά τόπους ιατροδικαστές.

      « Συλλέγουμε πάντα δείγματα DNA από τις σορούς αγνώστων στοιχείων. Είναι συνήθης πρακτική και μπορεί να είναι το μόνο εφικτό μέσο ταυτοποίησης », αναφέρει ο Παναγιώτης Κοτρέτσος, ιατροδικαστής στη Ρόδο. Τα δείγματα αποστέλλονται στο εργαστήριο DNA της Διεύθυνσης Εγκληματολογικών Ερευνών της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας, σύμφωνα με πρωτόκολλο της INTERPOL.

      Σύμφωνα με τον Ερυθρό Σταυρό, οι δυσκολίες συνήθως προκύπτουν όταν οι οικογένειες βρίσκονται εκτός ΕΕ, και οφείλονται σε διάφορους παράγοντες, όπως τυχόν διαφορές στο νομικό πλαίσιο ή στα ιατρικά συστήματα των χωρών. Για παράδειγμα, ορισμένες χώρες της ΕΕ δεν μπορούν να « ανοίξουν » υπόθεση και να πάρουν δείγματα DNA από οικογένειες, χωρίς εντολή από τις Aρχές της χώρας στην οποία έχει ανασυρθεί η σορός του συγγενή που αναζητάται.

      Το πιο δύσκολο μέρος στη διαδικασία ταυτοποίησης μέσω DNA είναι ότι χρειάζεται να υπάρχει κι ένα δεύτερο δείγμα που θα συγκριθεί με εκείνο που συνέλεξαν οι ιατροδικαστές, το οποίο πρέπει να σταλεί από τις οικογένειες των αγνοουμένων. « Για έναν πρόσφυγα που ξεκίνησε το ταξίδι του από μια χώρα της κεντρικής Αφρικής, ταξίδεψε για μήνες, και πέθανε στην Ελλάδα, θα υπάρχει το γενετικό υλικό στο νεκροτομείο. Αλλά θα παραμείνει αταίριαστο μέχρι κάποιος συγγενής πρώτου βαθμού να στείλει δείγμα DNA », λέει ο Κοτρέτσος.

      Εξηγεί πως αυτό δεν είναι πάντα εφικτό. « Έχουμε δεχτεί τηλεφωνήματα από συγγενείς που βρίσκονταν στη στη Συρία, και αναζητούσαν αγνοούμενα μέλη της οικογένειάς τους, και δεν μπορούσαν να στείλουν δείγματα ακριβώς επειδή βρίσκονταν στη Συρία ».

      Έξω από το πανεπιστημιακό νοσοκομείο της Αλεξανδρούπολης, δύο κοντέινερ ψυγεία που έχουν παραχωρηθεί από τον Ερυθρό Σταυρό ως προσωρινοί νεκροθάλαμοι φιλοξενούν τα σώματα 40 προσφύγων.

      Ο καθηγητής Ιατροδικαστικής στο Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης, Παύλος Παυλίδης, έχει από το 2000 πραγματοποιήσει αυτοψίες σε τουλάχιστον 800 σώματα ανθρώπων σε κίνηση, με βασικές αιτίες θανάτου τον πνιγμό στα νερά του Έβρου και την υποθερμία.

      Ο ιατροδικαστής δεν αρκείται στην απαραίτητη συλλογή DNA : καταγράφει δεδομένα όπως σημάδια γέννησης ή τατουάζ και αντικείμενα (π.χ. πορτοφόλια, δαχτυλίδια, γυαλιά), τα οποία θα μπορούσαν να αποτελέσουν τον συνδετικό κρίκο για έναν συγγενή που αναζητά το αγαπημένο του πρόσωπο.

      Λέει πως συνολικά 313 σοροί που βρέθηκαν στον Έβρο από το 2014 παραμένουν αγνώστων στοιχείων. Όσες δεν μπορούν να ταυτοποιηθούν θάβονται σε ειδικό νεκροταφείο στο Σιδηρώ, το οποίο διαχειρίζεται ο δήμος Σουφλίου, ενώ 15-20 αταυτοποίητες σοροί τάφηκαν στην Ορεστιάδα όσο γινόταν η επέκταση του νεκροταφείου Σιδηρού.

      Οι σοροί των μουσουλμάνων προσφύγων που ταυτοποιούνται ενταφιάζονται στο μουσουλμανικό νεκροταφείο στη Μεσσούνη Κομοτηνής ή επαναπατρίζονται, όταν οι συγγενείς μπορούν να καλύψουν το κόστος επαναπατρισμού.

      « Αυτό δεν είναι αξιοπρεπές »

      Απαντώντας σε σχετικά ερωτήματα, το υπουργείο Μετανάστευσης και Ασύλου είπε πως το ζήτημα των διαδικασιών ταυτοποίησης και ταφής προσφύγων δεν εμπίπτει στις αρμοδιότητές του. Εκπρόσωπος της Κομισιόν δήλωσε πως σχετικά κονδύλια προς την Ελλάδα δεν προβλέπονται, ωστόσο εν λόγω δαπάνες « θα μπορούσαν να υποστηριχθούν στο πλαίσιο του Εθνικού Προγράμματος του Ταμείου Ασύλου, Μετανάστευσης και Ένταξης », το οποίο διαχειρίζεται το υπουργείο Μετανάστευσης.

      Ο Θεόδωρος Νούσιας είναι επικεφαλής ιατροδικαστής της Ιατροδικαστικής Υπηρεσίας Βορείου Αιγαίου, δηλαδή υπεύθυνος για τα νησιά Λέσβο, Σάμο, Χίο, και Λήμνο. Σύμφωνα με τον ιατροδικαστή, η διαδικασία ταυτοποίησης μέσω DNA έχει βελτιωθεί πολύ σε σχέση με πριν από μερικά χρόνια.

      Ο Νούσιας λέει ότι πάντα ήταν διαθέσιμος, όταν του ζητήθηκε να αναγνωρίσει κάποιον. « Πρέπει να εξυπηρετείς τους ανθρώπους, γι’ αυτό βρίσκεσαι εκεί. Να εξυπηρετείς τους ανθρώπους για να μπορούν να βρουν την οικογένειά τους », προσθέτει.

      Ο ιατροδικαστής ζει στη Λέσβο, αλλά λέει πως δεν έχει πάει ποτέ στο νεκροταφείο στον Κάτω Τρίτο. « Δεν θέλω να πάω. Θα είναι δύσκολο για μένα γιατί οι περισσότεροι από αυτούς τους ανθρώπους έχουν περάσει από τα χέρια μου ».

      Τον Οκτώβριο του 2022, ο 32χρονος Σουτζά Αχμαντί και η αδελφή του Μαρίνα ταξίδεψαν επίσης στα Κύθηρα και, στη συνέχεια, στην Καλαμάτα προκειμένου να αναγνωρίσουν τη σορό του πατέρα τους, Αμπντούλ Γασί.

      Ο 65χρονος είχε ξεκινήσει το ταξίδι για την Ιταλία μαζί με τη γυναίκα του Χατίτζε — εκείνη επέζησε. Τα δύο αδέλφια επισκέφθηκαν το νοσοκομείο, όπου τους έδειξαν και τα οκτώ πτώματα, άνδρες και γυναίκες, παρότι είχαν εξαρχής εξηγήσει πως ο άνθρωπος που αναζητούσαν ήταν άνδρας.

      Το σώμα του πατέρα τους ήταν μεταξύ εκείνων που βρίσκονταν εκτός ψυγείου.

      « Η αδελφή μου έκλαιγε και τους φώναζε να πάρουν τον πατέρα μας από το κοντέινερ ψυγείο γιατί μύριζε », θυμάται ο Σουτζά. « Δεν ήταν αξιοπρεπές μέρος για έναν άνθρωπο ».

      Για την έρευνα συνεργάστηκαν οι : Gabriele Cruciata, Eoghan Gilmartin, Danai Maragoudaki, Barbara Matejčić, Leah Pattem, Gabriela Ramírez, Daphne Tolis and Tina Xu (συντονίστρια).

      Η έρευνα υποστηρίχθηκε από το Investigative Journalism for Europe (IJ4EU) και Journalismfund Europe.


    • U Hrvatskoj pronađeno 45 neimenovanih grobova migranata, među njima je bila i 5-godišnja curica: ‘Policija ih često tjera u rijeku’

      Telegram ekskluzivno donosi veliku priču Barbare Matejčić koja je, kao jedina novinarka iz Hrvatske, sudjelovala u međunarodnoj novinarskoj istrazi s kolegama iz uglednih medija poput britanskog Guardiana i njemačkog Süddeutsche Zeitunga. Otkrili su kako završavaju tijela onih koji su stradali pokušavajući ući u Europsku uniju

      U selu Siče u istočnoj Hrvatskoj više je Sičana na groblju nego među živima: živih je 230, a umrlih 250. Točnije, na groblju je 247 Sičana i tri nepoznate osobe. Bilo bi ih još više pod zemljom da Siče svoje groblje nema tek od 1970-ih. Bilo bi još više i živih da nisu, kao mnogi iz tog kraja, odlazili u veće gradove ili u inozemstvo u potrazi za boljim životom. Grobovi Sičana, ukratko, posjetitelju kažu tko su ti ljudi bili, gdje pripadaju i posjećuju li ih bližnji. Tako to biva s grobovima, sažimaju osnovne informacije naših života. Ako na grobu stoji samo NN, to sažima tragediju.

      Tko su te tri osobe kojima se ne zna ime? Kako im je posljednja adresa skromni humak u Siču? Migranti, utopili su se u obližnjoj rijeci, reći će vam mještani. Malo je mjesto, malo je groblje, sve se zna. I da ne znate ništa, jasno vam je da te tri osobe tu ne pripadaju. Ukopani su sasvim izdvojeno od ostatka groblja. Tri drvena križa s NN natpisima, zabodena u zemlju na rubu groblja. NN, kao skraćenica od latinskog nomen nescio, doslovno znači: ne znam ime.


      Službeno objašnjenje komunalnog poduzeća koje upravlja grobljem je da je ostavljeno mjesta za još mogućih ukopa onih kojima se ne zna ime. A objašnjenje na koje pomislite kad tamo dođete jest da su ukopani izdvojeno kako se ne bi miješali s mještanima. Ili, kako nam se u telefonskom razgovoru izlanuo načelnik jednog drugog mjesta gdje su također na margini groblja NN migrantski grobovi: “Da nam ne smetaju.”

      Afganistanci pod križem

      Na groblju u Sičama to su jedina tri groba o kojima nitko ne vodi računa. Za nekih pet godina mogao bi im nestati svaki trag. Komunalna poduzeća su dužna ukopati neidentificirana tijela, ali ne i održavati grobove osim ako grob nije od “osobe od posebnog povijesnog i društvenog značaja”, kako zakon nalaže. NN1, NN2 i NN3 su od posebnog značaja samo svojim bližnjima, koji vjerojatno ni ne znaju gdje su. Možda čekaju da im se konačno jave iz zapadne Europe. Možda ih traže. Možda ih oplakuju. No, ako zakopate malo dublje, saznat ćete ponešto o onima koji tu počivaju bez imena.

      U rano i hladno jutro 23. prosinca 2022. policija je pronašla dva tijela na obali Save, koja je u tom području odvaja Hrvatsku od Bosne i Hercegovine. Odvaja Europsku uniju od ostatka Europe. Prema policijskom izvještaju, pronašli su i skupinu od dvadeset stranih državljana koji su tim putem nezakonito ušli u Hrvatsku. Skupini je nedostajala još jedna osoba. Nakon opsežne potrage u popodnevnim satima je pronađeno i treće tijelo. Patolog Opće bolnice u Novoj Gradiški ustanovio je da je smrt za sve troje nastupila u 2.45 u noći. Dvojica su umrla od pothlađenosti, jedan se utopio.

      Kod njih su pronađene iskaznice iz izbjegličkog kampa u Bosni i Hercegovini. Saznali smo da su, prema iskaznicama, sva trojica bila iz Afganistana: Ahmedi Abozari imao je 17 godina, Basir Naseri imao je 21 godinu i Shakir Atoin je imao 25 godina. NN1, NN2 i NN3. Za dvojicu od njih su i drugi iz skupine migranata potvrdili identitet, rekli su nam iz Policijske uprave brodsko-posavske. Zašto su onda pokopani kao NN? Ako se znalo da su iz Afganistana, zašto su pokopani pod križem? Ako ih traže obitelji, kako će ih naći?
      ‘Neka plate za ime na grobu’

      U upravi groblja su bili ljubazni i rekli da pokapaju prema tome kako stoji u dozvoli za ukop koju potpisuje patolog. A stajalo je NN. Patolog je rekao da podatke ispisuje na temelju informacija dobivenih od policije i mrtvozornika. Iz nadležne policije su nam rekli da se osoba sahranjuje po pravilima lokalne uprave. Groblje Siče pripada Općini Nova Kapela, čiji nam je načelnik Ivan Šmit nezadovoljno nabrojao sve troškove koje je njegova općina snosila za te ukope i poručio da ako će netko za to platiti, onda može promijeniti oznaku NN u imena.

      Na niz smo takvih administrativnih nejasnoća naišli istražujući kako nadležna tijela postupaju s tijelima onih koji su stradali pokušavajući ući u Europsku uniju, kao dio Border Graves Investigation koje je proveo tim od osam slobodnih novinara u zemljama na migrantskim rutama, zajedno s britanskim Guardianom i njemačkim Süddeutsche Zeitungom.

      Nema jedinstvene europske baze podataka o broju migranata koji su pokopani u Europi. No tim je uspio potvrditi najmanje 1.931 takav grob u Grčkoj, Italiji, Španjolskoj, Hrvatskoj, Malti, Poljskoj i Francuskoj u zadnjem desetljeću, dakle od 2014. do 2023. Od toga je 1.015 NN grobova. Više od polovice neidentificiranih grobova je, očekivano, u Grčkoj – 551, u Italiji 248 i u Španjolskoj 109. U Hrvatskoj smo utvrdili 59 grobova migranata koji su ukopani posljednjeg desetljeća, od čega ih 45 nije identificirano. Podaci su temeljeni na različitim bazama podataka koje u pojedinačnim zemljama prikupljaju međunarodne organizacije, nevladine udruge, znanstvenici i istraživači, kao i od lokalnih vlasti te terenskim radom.

      Tim novinara je posjetio 24 groblja u Grčkoj, Italiji, Španjolskoj, Hrvatskoj, Poljskoj i Litvi, gdje je ukupno 555 grobova neidentificiranih migranata od 2014. do 2023. To su oni čija su tijela pronađena i pokopana. Međunarodni odbor Crvenog križa procjenjuje da se 87 posto onih koji nestanu na europskim južnim granicama nikad ne pronađe. Za kopnene migrantske rute nema procjena.
      Traže li migrante kao što traže turiste?

      Prosinac 2022. kad su umrla trojica mladih Afganistanaca je bio kišniji nego inače i Sava je nabujala. No ionako je velika i brza. Na tom je području samo tri dana ranije nestalo petero turskih državljana nakon što im se na Savi prevrnuo čamac. Među njima su bili dvogodišnja curica, dvanaestogodišnji dečko i njihovi roditelji. Brat nestalog oca je došao iz Njemačke u Hrvatsku kako bi saznao što se dogodilo s obitelji. Iz dokumentacije koju posjedujemo, vidljivo je da je uz pomoć turkologinje Nine Rajković pokušavao od više policijskih postaja doći do informacija u vezi nestalih. Nije ih dobio ni mjesecima kasnije. Htjeli su prijaviti nestanak, no u policiji im je rečeno da prijavu nema smisla pisati ako osobe nisu prethodno registrirane na području Hrvatske ili Bosne i Hercegovine.

      Na niz smo sličnih primjera naišli baveći se ovom temom. Mladić je došao u Hrvatsku i prijavio policiji i u Hrvatskoj i u Sloveniji da mu se brat utopio u Kupi. No njegov nestanak nije evidentiran u hrvatskoj nacionalnoj bazi nestalih osoba koja je javno dostupna. Policija brata nije kontaktirala nakon što je u narednim danima u Kupi nađeno više neidentificiranih tijela. Afganistanac je šest mjeseci čekao da se tijelo njegova brata, koji se utopio kad su zajedno pokušali prijeći Savu također u prosincu 2022., prebaci iz Hrvatske u Bosnu i Hercegovinu da ga može pokopati. Iako je potvrdio da je riječ o njegovu bratu, proces identifikacije je bio spor i kompliciran.

      Naišli smo i na primjere obitelji koje nemaju nekoga u Europi tko može doputovati i uporno tragati za informacijama, već izdaleka pokušavaju ući u trag bližnjima koji se gube na području Hrvatske i na kraju su obeshrabreno odustali. Puno je pitanja i malo jasnih odgovora na temu nestalih i umrlih migranata na tzv. Balkanskoj ruti, čiji je Hrvatska dio. Ne postoje jasni protokoli i procedure oko toga kome i kako se prijavljuje nestanak. Ne zna se traži li se nestale migrante aktivno, kao što se ljeti traži nestale turiste. Nije jasno koliko je informacija, i kojih, potrebno za identifikaciju.
      Obitelji se nemaju kome javiti

      “Kruženje informacije između institucija i pojedinih odjela mi se čini gotovo nepostojeća. U jednom slučaju mi je trebalo više od dva mjeseca i deseci telefonskih poziva i mailova upućenih na različite adrese, policijske postaje, policijske uprave, bolnice, državno odvjetništvo, samo da potaknem pokretanje identifikacije koja do danas, više od godinu dana kasnije, još nije završena”, kaže Marijana Hameršak s Instituta za etnologiju i folkloristiku u Zagrebu. Ona vodi znanstveni projekt “Europski režim iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU” u kojem se prikuplja znanje i podaci o nestalim i umrlim migrantima. Na kraju sve ovisi o susretljivim i posvećenim pojedincima u institucijama, kaže Hamrešak, no oni ne mogu nositi cijeli teret disfunkcionalnog sustava.

      Potrage za nestalim i pokušaji identifikacije umrlih migranata u Hrvatskoj, kao i susjednoj Bosni i Hercegovini, najčešće počivaju na trudu volontera i aktivista, koji poput Marijane tragaju za informacijama u kaotičnoj administraciji jer je obiteljima koje ne poznaju jezik taj zadatak praktički nesavladiv. Tako je Facebook grupa Dead and Missing in the Balkans postala glavno mjesto razmjene fotografija i podataka o nestalima i umrlima između obitelji i aktivista. Ne postoj internetska stranica na engleskom nadležnog Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova na koju se mogu javiti iz Afganistana ili Sirije i raspitati se za sudbinu svojih bližnjih, ostaviti podatke o njima i prijaviti nestanak.


      Nema ni regionalne baze podataka o nestalim i umrlim migrantima na kojoj bi surađivale policije makar iz zemalja među kojima se bilježi najviše prelazaka – iz Bosne i Hercegovine u Hrvatsku. Povjerenica Vijeća Europe za ljudska prava Dunja Mijatović je u razgovoru s našim timom naglasila da je iznimno važno uspostaviti centraliziranu europsku bazu podataka o nestalim i umrlim migrantima. Kad bi takva baza podataka objedinjavala ante-mortem (podaci o osobi koji se prikupljaju od rodbine i poznanika, poput fizičkih karakteristika i opisa odjeće koju je nosila posljednji put, koje je predmete imala uz sebe itd.) i post-mortem (kao DNK uzorak i fotografije) podatke o umrlima, uvelike bi se povećale šanse za identifikaciju.
      Poginuti ili ostvariti san

      “Obitelji imaju pravo znati istinu o tome što se dogodilo njihovim najbližima”, kaže Mijatović. No suradnja policija susjednih zemalja u održavanju vanjske granice EU nepropusnom je učinkovita. Ranije migranti nisu tako često pokušavali prijeći Savu. Znali su da je previše opasna. Dijele informacije jedni s drugima i ne upuštaju se u prelazak takve rijeke u dječjim čamcima na napuhavanje ili u zračnicama kotača. Ako nisu sasvim očajni.

      Hrvatska policija je push-backovima i upotrebom sile – na što već godinama upozoravaju Amnesty International i Human Rights Watch – otežala prelazak drugim, manje opasnim prijelazima duž zelene granice s Bosnom i Hercegovinom. Kako nam je rekao mladi Marokanac u Bosni i Hercegovini, koji je 11 puta pokušao preći u Hrvatsku ali ga je hrvatska policija svaki put vratila: “Imaš dva izbora: poginuti ili ostvariti san.” Koliko ih je poginulo na Balkanskoj ruti u pokušaju ostvarenja sna, teško je utvrditi. Najsveobuhvatniji podaci za zemlje bivše Jugoslavije su oni koje prikupljaju istraživači projekta “Europski režim iregulariziranih migracija na periferiji EU”, i broje 346 stradalih od 2014. do 2023. u Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini, Srbiji, Sloveniji, Sjevernoj Makedoniji i na Kosovu.

      ERIM-ova baza pojedinačno navodi svakog stradalog i sadrži onoliko podataka koliko su istraživači mogli prikupiti iz raznih izvora – medija, svjedoka stradanja, od institucija, iz aktivističkih kanala. No brojka je zasigurno bitno veća. Nestanak nekih nije ni evidentiran. Tijela mnogih nikad nisu pronađena. Stara planina između Bugarske i Srbije težak je i nedostupan teren. Tu će na preminule naići samo oni koji su istom sudbinom nagnani na taj put i neće riskirati prijavu. Ako stradaju u minskim poljima zaostalim iza ratova u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini, od tijela im neće ostati mnogo. Najviše je pronađeno tijela utopljenih u rijekama, no nema procjena koliko utopljenih nije nikad pronađeno.
      U Hrvatskoj 45 neidentificiranih

      Hrvatsko Ministarstvo unutarnjih poslova nam je dostavilo podatke o stradalim migrantima od 2015., otkad vode evidenciju, do kraja studenog 2023.: ukupno 87 stradalih migranata na području Republike Hrvatske. Ni jedno službeno tijelo u Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini i Srbiji ne vodi evidenciju o pokopanim migrantima na tom teritoriju. No za Hrvatsku smo uspjeli doći do podataka, zahvaljujući upitima poslanima na preko 500 adresa gradova, općina i komunalnih poduzeća koja upravljaju grobljima. Prema dobivenim podacima, u Hrvatskoj se na 32 groblja nalazi 59 grobova migranata, koji su ukopani posljednjeg desetljeća, dakle od 2014. do danas. Od toga ih 45 nije identificirano.

      Neki pokopani migranti su ekshumirani i vraćeni obiteljima u zemlju porijekla, premda je to za obitelji zahtjevan i iznimno skup proces. U MUP-u navode da se od 2001. DNK uzorci uzimaju od svih neidentificiranih tijela, a obradu provodi Centar za forenzična ispitivanja, istraživanja i vještačenja Ivan Vučetić. Tražili smo od MUP-a razgovor sa stručnjacima koji rade na identifikaciji migranata, ali nam nije udovoljeno.

      Među NN grobovima u Hrvatskoj je mrtvorođena beba iz Sirije pokopana 2015. u Slavonskom Brodu. Petogodišnja djevojčica koja se utopila u Dunavu i pokopana je 2021. u Dalju. Prošlo ljeto je mladić u brdovitom predjelu na dubrovačkom području umro od iscrpljenosti. Neke je udario vlak. Mnogi su umrli od pothlađenosti. Neki umru jer im nije na vrijeme pružena pomoć. Neki ne vjeruju da im išta više može pomoći pa se ubiju.
      Nerazriješeni gubitak

      Prema zakonu, sahranjuju se najbliže mjestu stradavanja tako da su uglavnom na malim grobljima poput onog u Sičama. Često su, baš kao tamo, njihovi grobovi izdvojeni od ostatka groblja. Ponegdje je, kao u Otoku, netko od mještanki mekog srca dao sebi u zadatak da brine o NN grobu. Negdje je, kao na groblju u Prilišću, NN drveni križ iz 2019. već istrunuo.

      Iza svakog tog NN groba ostaju bližnji koji se nose s teretom neznanja što se dogodilo. Psiholozi to zovu nerazriješenim gubitkom, jer toliko dugo koliko bližnji nemaju potvrdu da su njihovi voljeni mrtvi i ne znaju gdje su im tijela, ne mogu žalovati za njima. Ako nastave sa životom, osjećaju krivnju. I tako su zamrznuti u stanju između očaja i nade. Američka psihologinja dr. Pauline Boss autorica je termina i teorije o nerazriješenom gubitku. “Znati gdje je grob bližnje osobe je jako važno jer pomaže da se oprostite”, rekla je dr. Boss u razgovoru za naš tim.

      Postoji i praktična strana te zamrznutosti: ako osoba nije proglašena mrtvom, ne može se provesti nasljeđivanje, ne može se pristupiti bankovnom računu, ne može se dobiti obiteljska mirovina, partner ili partnerica se ne mogu ponovno vjenčati, komplicira se skrbništvo nad djecom. Mnoge obitelj i u Hrvatskoj i u Bosni i Hercegovini dobro poznaju nerazriješeni gubitak; ratovi u devedesetima ostavili su tisuće nestalih. Obje zemlje imaju posebne zakone o nestalima u tim ratovima i dobro razrađene mehanizme potrage, identifikacije, pohranjivanja podataka i međusobne suradnje. No to se ne primjenjuje na migrante koji se gube i pogibaju među tisućama koji se kreću Balkanskom rutom.
      Uređeni koridor – nula mrtvih

      Hrvatska je postala važna točka ulaska u Europsku uniju nakon što je Mađarska zatvorila granice u rujnu 2015. Od tada pa do ožujka 2016. preko hrvatske dionice Balkanskog koridora – dakle, međudržavnog, organiziranog puta – prema procjenama, prošlo je oko 660.000 izbjeglica. Taj koridor im je omogućio da od Grčke pa do zapadne Europe dođu u dva ili tri dana. I dolazili su sigurno. Od tih stotina tisuća ljudi u pokretu, hrvatski MUP ne bilježi niti jednu smrt 2015. i 2016. Koridor je i uspostavljen da bi se spriječila stradavanja nakon što je veći broj izbjeglica u proljeće 2015. poginuo na željezničkoj pruzi u Makedoniji.

      No sa sklapanjem europsko-turskog sporazuma o izbjeglicama u ožujku 2016. godine, koridor je zatvoren. EU se obavezala izdašno financirati Tursku da izbjeglice drži na svom teritoriju kako ne bi dolazili u Europsku uniju. I tako je migrantima ostala pogibeljna Balkanska ruta. Mnogi njom idu. Samo u deset mjeseci 2023. hrvatska je policija evidentirala 62.452 postupanja vezano za nezakonite prelaske granice.

      I Ured pučke pravobraniteljice u Hrvatskoj i povjerenica Vijeća Europe za ljudska prava upozoravaju na isto: granične i migracijske politike utječu na povećanje rizika od nestajanja migranata. I da je potrebno da se u EU uspostave legalni i sigurni putevi migracija. No, EU očekuje od Hrvatske da štiti zajedničku vanjsku granicu. I Hrvatska to zdušno radi. Takvu praksu ministar Davor Božinović naziva “obeshrabrivanjem” migranata da uđu u Hrvatsku.
      ‘Obeshrabreni’ pod vlak

      Rezultat takve prakse je, primjerice, smrt Madine Hussiny. Šestogodišnju afganistansku djevojčicu je ubio vlak nakon što je njenu obitelj hrvatska policija “obeshrabrila” i usred noći 2017. potjerala nazad u Srbiju uz uputu da prate tračnice. Europski sud za ljudska prava u studenom 2021. je presudio da je Hrvatska odgovorna za Madininu smrt. U svjedočanstvima koja smo čuli, kao i u mnogim izvještajima nevladinih organizacija, migranti opisuju da im je hrvatska policija na granici naredila da pregaze ili preplivaju rijeku kako bi se vratili u Bosnu ili Srbiju, da se penju preko stijena, idu kroz šumu, nekad i svučeni dogola i ne znajući put jer im policija u pravilu oduzme mobitele.

      Prema podacima koje prikuplja Dansko vijeće za izbjeglice, od početka 2020. do kraja 2022. najmanje je 30.000 ljudi prisilno vraćeno iz Hrvatske u Bosnu i Hercegovinu. Među njima je bio i Afganistanac Arat Semiullah. U studenom 2022. je namjeravao prijeći Savu i ući iz Bosne u Hrvatsku. Utopio se. Imao je 20 godina. Pokopan je na pravoslavnom groblju u Banja Luci. Njegova obitelj u Afganistanu nije znala što mu se dogodilo. Dan ranije je poslao mami fotografiju na kojoj je svježe ošišan za ulazak u Europsku uniju. I onda se prestao javljati.


      Majka je molila nećaka Paymana Sediqija, koji živi u Njemačkoj, da ga pokuša pronaći. Payman je stupio u kontakt s aktivistom Nihadom Suljićem, koji u Bosni i Hercegovini samostalno pomaže obiteljima da doznaju što je s njihovim bližnjima. Tjednima su pokušavali doći do informacija. Payman je otputovao u Bosnu i uspio pronaći tijelo rođaka zahvaljujući susretljivosti policajke koja mu je pokazala forenzičke fotografije. Aratova mama je telefonski potvrdila da je to njezin sin.
      U Europi sahranili snove

      Na Aratovoj osmrtnici objavljenoj u Bosni i Hercegovini piše da je “hrvatska policija vatrenim oružjem potopila čamac te se on tragično utopio”. Uz pomoć muslimanske zajednice, a na želju obitelji, uspjeli su tijelo prebaciti iz Banja Luke na muslimansko groblje u Kamičanima. Htjeli su ga pokopati u Afganistanu, ali im je bilo previše skupo i birokratski komplicirano. U rujnu 2023. susreli smo se s Nihadom i Paymanom kad je Aratu postavljen velik kameni nadgrobni spomenik. Na njemu piše: “U pokušaju dolaska do Europe utopio se u rijeci Savi.”

      Payman nam je ispričao da je Arat prelazio Savu u skupini migranata. Dio njih je uspio doći do hrvatske obale, no onda je hrvatska policija pucala u gumeni čamac u kojem je bio Arat. Čamac se potopio i Arat se utopio. Tako je Paymanu ispričao preživjeli koji je prešao na hrvatsku obalu Save. Payman kaže da je Aratova obitelj u velikoj boli, ali da makar znaju gdje im je sin i da je pokopan po religijskim običajima. Paymanu je važno da na grobu piše da je Arat stradao kao migrant.

      “Svakodnevno u Europi umiru ljudi koji bježe iz zemalja u kojima im nema života. U Europi se sahranjuju njihovi snovi. Nikoga nije briga za njih, čak ni kad europski policajci pucaju na njih”, kaže Payman. Zna o kakvim snovima govori; i sam je ilegalno došao u Njemačku sa 16 godina. Kaže da je imao sreće. Nihad se zalaže da se i drugi grobovi migranata u Bosni i Hercegovini trajno obilježe. Vodi nas na groblje u Zvorniku gdje je pokopano 17 NN migranata. Kaže kako za neke od njih ima informaciju da su imali pasoš sa sobom kad su pronađeni.
      ‘Ove ljude nije ubila rijeka’

      S groblja se vidi Drina, koja dijeli Srbiju od Bosne i u kojoj mnogi izgube život pokušavajući je preći. Samo je ove godine u Drini pronađeno tridesetak tijela. Nihad kaže da imaju sreće ako ih rijeka izbaci na bosansku stranu jer se u Srbiji često ne radi ni obdukcija niti uzimaju DNK uzorci. To su nam potvrdili i aktivisti iz Srbije. U tom slučaju su i u smrti sasvim izgubljeni za svoje obitelji. Zemljani NN grobovi u Zvorniku su zarasli i nisu omeđeni, tako da ne znate gazite li po njima.

      Nihad je uspio uvjeriti Grad Zvornik da drvena obilježja zamijene crnim kamenom. Važno mu je da su pokopani dostojanstveno, ali mu je još važnije da ostanu svjedočiti. “Želja mi je da i za sto godina ovi grobovi budu spomenici srama EU. Jer, nije ove ljude ubila rijeka, nego granični režim EU”, kaže Nihad.



    • An obscure island grave: fate of deadly EU migration route’s youngest victim

      Case of #Alhassane_Bangoura in #Lanzarote highlights Europe-wide failure as authorities struggle to cope with scale of deaths

      Stretching less than a metre in length and covered in the ochre-coloured soil that dots the Canary island of Lanzarote, large stones encircle the tiny mound. There is no tombstone or plaque; nothing official to signal that this is the final resting site of the infant believed to be the youngest victim of one of the world’s deadliest migration routes.

      Instead, two bouquets of plastic daisies adorn the grave, along with a granite bowl engraved with his name, Alhassane Bangoura, hinting at the impact his story had on many across the island.

      His mother, originally from Guinea, was among three pregnant women who joined 40 others in an inflatable raft that left Morocco in early January 2020. After running out of fuel, the flimsy raft was left to the mercy of Atlantic currents for three days.

      “They were driven by desperation,” said Mamadou Sy, a municipal councillor for the Socialist party in Lanzarote. “Nobody would get into one of these vessels if they had even a little bit of hope in their own country. Nobody would do it.”

      So far this year, a record 35,410 migrants and refugees have arrived on the shores of the Canary Islands – a 135% increase over last year. More than 11,000 of them landed at the tiny island of El Hierro, home to just 9,000 people.

      The surge in those risking the perilous route has transformed the archipelago into a microcosm of the wider strain playing out across the EU as authorities struggle to deal with the bodies of those that die on their way. A Guardian investigation in collaboration with a consortium of reporters has found that refugees and migrants are being buried in unmarked graves across the EU at a scale that is unprecedented outside of war.

      In September, the mayor of Mogán, a municipality on the island of Gran Canaria, gave voice to the tensions that have at times surfaced as officials across the EU confront this issue, announcing she would no longer use her budget to cover the cost of burying refugees and migrants who are found along the shores that buttress the municipality.

      “When they die on the high seas, it is the responsibility of the state,” Onalia Bueno told reporters, in rejection of a Spanish law that requires municipalities to foot the bills for people who die within their jurisdiction and who are either unidentified or whose families cannot cover the costs.

      At the Teguise municipal cemetery on the island of Lanzarote, more than 25 unmarked graves sit among a plot containing about 60 graves in total. It was here that baby Alhassane was buried. His mother had delivered him as the rickety vessel pitched against the fierce Atlantic swells; those onboard later told media they never heard the baby cry.

      His body was cold when the vessel was rescued, an emergency services spokesperson said. He was taken to the nearest hospital but was declared dead on arrival. His body was taken to judicial authorities as is the standard practice in Spain for migrants and refugees who perish at sea or on arrival.

      Alhassane’s mother, who was unconscious when she was rescued, was later sent to Gran Canaria, about 200km (125 miles) away, where an NGO had agreed to take her into its care. But the Spanish judicial system had yet to release her son’s body – a process that can take up to eight months in Lanzarote.

      The funeral took place on 25 January. “She wasn’t able to attend the funeral,” said Laetitia Marthe, who was among those who unsuccessfully battled for Alhassane’s mother to be allowed to attend. “Basically they’re treated like numbers.”

      Instead, Marthe was among the handful of people who attended the funeral in her name.

      Judicial officials had liaised with the mother to check the baby’s name, said Eugenio Robayna Díaz, the municipal councillor responsible for cemeteries in the city of Teguise. But he did not know why the name had not made it on to the grave.

      Julie Campagne, an anthropologist based in Lanzarote, called for the baby’s grave to be marked with a plaque. “We’re witnessing the process of forgetting in real time. And this loss of memory comes with a shirking of our responsibility for what is happening.”

      Generally speaking, all over the world, there is always a small fraction of people who die and are never identified, she added. “But that is not what is happening here. This is happening for specific reasons. This is happening because of the policy decisions of our governments.”

      While Alhassane’s mother was not able to attend the funeral, what did eventually make it to his gravesite was a smooth stone, painted by her in yellow and red and brought there by those travelling from Gran Canaria shortly after the burial. Written on the stone was a message for her son.

      More than three years of rain has washed away much of what was there but Marthe copied down the message, hoping to one day add it to a formal marker of the site. “I will miss you a lot my baby,” it reads. “I love you.”



    • Dead refugees in the Balkans: bribes to find missing relatives

      In comparison to 2015, today more asylum seekers are dying on the Balkan route. While relatives are forced to overcome state indifference to identify their loved ones, they are also forced to bribe authorities, even border guards, in the hope of finding them.

      He had hoped to find his son in a refugee camp. And after spending three weeks looking for him, he had prepared himself for the possibility of finding him in a hospital.

      But he didn’t expect to find him in the graveyard.

      When the policeman with Bulgarian insignia on his uniform showed him the picture of his son lying lifeless in the grass, he lost the ground under his feet. “I wish I could at least have been able to see Majd one last time. My mind still can’t believe that the person in this grave is my son,” says Husam Adin Bibars.

      The 56-year-old Syrian refugee, a father of four other children, had spent 22 days searching for his son from afar when he decided to spend his meager savings to travel from Denmark to Bulgaria to look for him – but it was too late.

      In Bulgaria, he learned that 27-year-old Majd’s body had been buried within just four days of its discovery. Majd had been buried as an unidentified person; there was nothing to indicate that the person buried under that pile of dirt, which Bibars later visited, was his son.

      “We hear that Europe is the land of freedom, democracy, and human rights,” says Bibars soberly. “Where are human rights if I am not able to see my son before his burial?”

      Dead without identification

      Majd had crossed from Turkey to Bulgaria with a group of about 20 other people, hoping to reunite with his parents and siblings in Europe. Once he arrived, his pregnant wife and their daughter, Hannah, would follow.

      Toward the end of September, he stopped returning calls and texts. The smuggler told Bibars that Majd had fallen ill and they needed to leave him behind. Authorities told Bibars his son died of thirst, exhaustion, and exposure.

      In recent years, with the support of EU funds and the increased involvement of the European border agency Frontex, Balkan countries have stepped up border controls, constructing fences, deploying drones and surveillance mechanisms. But this doesn’t deter asylum seekers – it causes them to take longer and more dangerous routes to avoid authorities.

      An investigation by Solomon in collaboration with investigative newsroom Lighthouse Reports, the German magazine Der Spiegel and German public television ARD, the British newspaper i, and Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, found that the hostility people face at the borders of Europe in life continues even in death.

      We found that since the start of 2022, the lifeless bodies of 155 people presumed to be migrants have ended up in morgues close to borders along a route that includes Serbia, Bulgaria, and Bosnia.

      According to the data, for 2023 there is already a 46% increase in deaths compared to the whole of 2022.

      In the Balkans, people making the journey have to cope with harsh weather conditions, but also with pushbacks, increased brutality by border guards and smugglers, theft by border forces – even detention in secret prisons.

      For their part, the families of those who go missing or die in the region have to search for their loved ones in morgues, hospitals, and special Facebook and WhatsApp groups, and to cope with an equally arduous effort facing the indifference of the authorities.

      In Bulgaria, this investigation reveals, they often also need to pay bribes in the hope of learning more about their missing loved ones.
      The 10 key findings of the investigation:

      - In 2022, the number of people travelling irregularly through the Balkans to Western Europe reached its highest point since 2015, with Frontex recording 144,118 irregular border crossings.

      – The corresponding figure for 2023 is lower (79,609 by September), but remains a multiple of 2019 (15,127) and 2018 (5,844).

      – The Balkan route is more dangerous than ever: in the absence of a centralised relevant registration system, the International Organization for Migration’s (IOM) Missing Migrants platform suggests that more people died or went missing in 2022 than in 2015.

      - According to data gathered for this investigation, at least 155 unidentified bodies ended up in six selected morgues along a section of the Balkan route that includes Bulgaria, Serbia, and Bosnia. The majority of the bodies (92) were found this year.

      - For 2023, the number is already showing a 46% increase compared to 2022, and is exploding in some morgues.

      – Some morgues in Bulgaria (Burgas, Yambol) are having difficulty finding space for the bodies of refugees. Others in Serbia (Loznina) have no space at all.

      - This contributes to unidentified bodies being buried within days, in ‘No Name’ graves. This means that families are left without the opportunity to search for their loved ones.

      - In Bulgaria, families told us that they had to bribe staff at hospitals and morgues, but border guards too, when searching for their loved ones. Sources in the field confirm the practice, which is also recorded in an audio file in our possession.

      – In Bosnia, at least 28 people presumed to be asylum seekers have already died in the Drina River this year, compared to just five in 2022 and three in 2021.

      - Bureaucracy and lack of state interest are recorded as hampering efforts to identify dead asylum seekers.

      Dead but cause of death unknown

      What do you do when your little brother is missing, and because of your status in the country you live in, you can’t travel to look for him?

      Asmatullah Sediqi, a 29-year-old asylum seeker, was in his asylum accommodation in Warrington, UK, when his brother’s travel companions informed him that 22-year-old Rahmatullah was likely dead.

      Due to his status as an asylum seeker, the UK Home Office did not allow Asmatullah to return to Bulgaria, which he had also crossed on his journey, to look for his brother.

      When a friend was able to go on his behalf, the Bulgarian police refused to give any information. And the morgue staff asked for 300 euros to let him see some bodies, Sediqi said in this investigation.

      “In such a situation, a person should help a person,” he added. “They only know money. They are not interested in human life.”

      He managed to borrow the amount they asked for. In July 2022, 55 days after his brother’s disappearance, the Burgas hospital confirmed that one of the bodies in the morgue belonged to Rahmatullah. With another 3,000 euros borrowed, a company repatriated the remains to their parents in Afghanistan.

      But to this day, Sediqi is consumed by one thought: he doesn’t know how, he hasn’t been told why, his brother died.

      The Bulgarian authorities have not given him the results of the autopsy “because I don’t have a visa to travel there,” he says. “I’m sure that when the police found him in the forest, they must have taken some photos. It’s very painful not knowing what happened to my brother. It’s devastating.”
      “Not a single complaint”

      As part of this investigation by Solomon, Lighthouse Reports, RFE/RL, inews, ARD και Der Spiegel, several relatives told us they had also been forced to bribe workers at the Burgas hospital’s morgue to find out if their family members were among the dead.

      When we asked the hospital administration whether they were aware of such practices, Galina Mileva, head of the forensic medicine department at Burgas hospital, said that they had not received “a single report or complaint about such a case. The identification of the bodies is done only in the presence of a police officer conducting the investigation and a forensic expert.”

      The administration also replied that there is no legal provision under which employees could claim money from relatives for this procedure.

      “We appeal to these complaints to be addressed through official channels to us and to the investigating authorities. If such practices are found to exist, the workers will be held accountable,” they added.
      “Money is requested at every step of the process”

      Another relative, whose family also travelled to Bulgaria in late 2022 to search for a family member, told us that after they paid staff at the morgue 300 euros to be allowed to look at the dead bodies, they also had to pay border guards.

      It was the only way they could be taken seriously, the relative explained.

      When they asked the border guards to show them photos of people who had been found dead, the border guards said they didn’t have time, but when the family agreed to pay 20 euros for each photo shown to them, time was found.

      Georgi Voynov, a lawyer for the Bulgarian Committee Helsinki Refugee and Migrant Programme, confirmed that families of deceased persons have approached the Committee about cases in which hospitals asked for large sums of money to confirm that the bodies of their loved ones were there.

      “They complain that they are being asked for money at every step of the process,” he said.

      International organisations, including the Bulgarian Red Cross, confirmed that they had such experiences from persons they had supported, who said they had been forced to pay money to hospitals and morgues.

      A Bulgarian Red Cross official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, commented:

      “We understand that these people are very overwhelmed and have to be paid extra for all the extra work they do. But this should be done in a legal way.”


      #Bulgarie #Drina #Galina_Mileva

  • #Derman_Tamimou , décédé le 06.02.2019

    Cadavere di un migrante trovato sulla strada del Monginevro : voleva andare in Francia

    Un uomo di 29 anni proveniente dal Togo sepolto dalla neve.

    ll cadavere di un migrante di 29 anni, proveniente dal Togo, è stato ritrovato questa mattina in mezzo alla strada nazionale 94 del colle del Monginevro. Da quanto si apprende da fonti italiane, sul posto è presente la polizia francese. Le abbondanti nevicate degli scorsi giorni e il freddo intenso hanno complicato ulteriormente l’attraversamento della frontiera per i migranti. Si tratta del primo cadavere trovato quest’anno sul confine italo-francese dell’alta Val Susa dopo che l’anno scorso erano stati rinvenuti tre corpi (https://torino.repubblica.it/cronaca/2018/05/25/news/bardonecchia_il_corpo_di_un_migrante_affiora_tra_neve_e_detriti_su).

    #décès #mort #mourir_aux_frontières #Tamimou
    #frontière_sud-alpine #asile #migrations #réfugiés #morts_aux_frontières #Hautes-Alpes #mourir_aux_frontières #frontières #Italie #France #Briançonnais #Montgenèvre #La_Vachette


    ajouté au fil de discussion sur les morts à la frontière des Hautes-Alpes :

    lui-même ajouté à la métaliste sur les morts aux frontières alpines :

    • Retrouvé inanimé le long de la RN 94, le jeune migrant décède

      Un homme d’une vingtaine d’années a été découvert en arrêt cardio-respiratoire, cette nuit peu avant 3 heures du matin, sur la #RN_94, à #Val-des-Près. La police aux frontières, qui patrouillait à proximité, a vu un chauffeur routier arrêté en pleine voie, près de l’aire de chaînage. Celui-ci tentait de porter secours au jeune migrant, inanimé et en hypothermie. La victime a été prise en charge par les sapeurs-pompiers et un médecin du Samu. L’homme a ensuite été transporté à l’hôpital de Briançon, où il a été déclaré mort.

      Une enquête a été ouverte pour « homicide involontaire et mise en danger de la vie d’autrui ».


    • Hautes-Alpes : un jeune migrant retrouvé mort au bord d’une route

      Il a été découvert près d’une aire de chaînage en #hypothermie et en arrêt cardio-respiratoire.

      Un migrant âgé d’une vingtaine d’années a été retrouvé mort dans la nuit de mercredi à ce jeudi dans les Hautes-Alpes au bord d’une route nationale reliant la frontière italienne à Briançon, a-t-on appris ce jeudi de source proche du dossier.

      Le jeune homme a été découvert inconscient jeudi vers 3h du matin par un chauffeur routier à Val-des-Près, une petite commune située à la sortie de Briançon. Il gisait près d’une aire de chaînage nichée en bordure de la RN94 qui mène à Montgenèvre, près de la frontière italienne.

      « Il n’a pas été renversé par un véhicule », a précisé une source proche du dossier, confirmant une information du Dauphiné Libéré.

      C’est une patrouille de la Police aux frontières (PAF) qui a prévenu les pompiers en découvrant le chauffeur routier tentant de porter secours à la victime.

      Souffrant d’hypothermie et en arrêt cardio-respiratoire, le jeune homme a été pris en charge par les pompiers et un médecin du Samu, mais leurs tentatives pour le réanimer ont été vaines. Il a été déclaré mort à son arrivée à l’hôpital de Briançon.

      Une enquête pour « homicide involontaire et mise en danger de la vie d’autrui » a été ouverte par le parquet de Gap. Elle a été confiée à la brigade de recherches de Briançon et à la gendarmerie de Saint Chaffrey. L’identité et la nationalité du jeune migrant n’ont pas été communiquées.
      « Nous craignons d’autres disparitions »

      En mai 2018, le parquet de Gap avait également ouvert une enquête pour identifier et connaître les circonstances du décès d’un jeune homme noir dont le corps avait été découvert par des promeneurs près de Montgenèvre.

      En décembre, plusieurs associations caritatives, qui dénoncent « l’insuffisance de prise en charge » des migrants qui tentent de franchir la frontière franco-italienne vers Briançon, avaient dit leur crainte de nouveaux morts cet hiver.

      « Plus de trente personnes ont dû être secourues depuis l’arrivée du froid, il y a un mois, et nous craignons des disparitions », avait affirmé l’association briançonnaise Tous Migrants dans un communiqué commun avec Amnesty, la Cimade, Médecins du monde, Médecins sans frontières, le Secours catholique et l’Anafé.


      Commentaire sur twitter :

      Le corps d’un jeune migrant mort de froid sur un bord de route retrouvé par la police aux frontières – celle-là même à laquelle il essayait d’échapper. Celle-là même dont la traque aux grands voyageurs accule ces derniers à risquer leur vie.


      Deux des compagnons d’infortune de #Derman_Tamimou, décédé jeudi, se sont vu délivrer des OQTF après avoir témoigné à la BRI sur la difficulté à obtenir du secours cette nuit là.
      Ils nous ont raconté les secours qui n’arrivent pas, les tentatives pour arrêter les voitures , les appels à l’aide le temps qui passe une heure deux heures à attendre.


    • Hautes-Alpes : l’autopsie du migrant découvert jeudi conclut à une probable mort par hypothermie

      L’autopsie du jeune migrant togolais, découvert inanimé dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi sur le bord de la RN 94 à Val-des-Prés (Hautes-Alpes), a conclut "à l’absence de lésion traumatique externe et à une probable mort par hypothermie", selon le parquet de Gap. Le jeune homme âgé de 28 ans n’a pu atteindre Briançon, après avoir traversé la frontière entre la France et l’Italie à pied.

      Le procureur de la République de Gap a communiqué les conclusions de l’autopsie du jeune migrant de 28 ans, découvert ce jeudi 7 février le long de la route nationale 94 à Val-des-Prés, entre Montgenèvre et Briançon.
      Absence de lésion traumatique externe et à une probable mort par hypothermie

      "Dans le cadre de l’enquête recherchant les causes et les circonstances du décès du migrant décédé le 7 février 2019, une autopsie a été pratiquée ce jour par l’institut médico légal de Grenoble qui conclut à l’absence de lésion traumatique externe et à une probable mort par hypothermie", détaille Raphaël Balland, dans son communiqué.

      "Le parquet de Gap a levé l’obstacle médico légal et le corps a été rapatrié à Briançon, le temps de confirmer l’identité du défunt et de tenter de contacter des membres de sa famille", poursuit le magistrat de Gap.
      Découvert par un chauffeur routier vers 2 h 30 du matin

      Le corps du ressortissant togolais de 28 ans avait été repéré, jeudi, vers 2 h 30 du matin par un chauffeur routier italien qui circulait sur la RN94. Le jeune homme gisait inanimé sur un chemin forestier qui longe le torrent des Vallons, juste à côté de l’aire de chaînage de La Vachette, sur la commune de Val-des-Prés.

      “A compter de 2 h 10, les secours et les forces de l’ordre étaient informés de la présence d’un groupe de présumés migrants qui était en difficulté entre Clavière (Italie) et Briançon. Des policiers de la police aux frontières (PAF) partaient alors en patrouille pour tenter de les localiser et retrouvaient vers 3 heures à Val-des-Prés, au bord de la RN94, un homme de type africain inconscient auprès duquel s’était arrêté un chauffeur routier italien”, relatait hier Raphaël Balland.

      En arrêt cardio-respiratoire, inanimée, en hypothermie, la victime a été massée sur place. Mais les soins prodigués par le médecin du Samu et les sapeurs-pompiers n’ont pas permis de la ranimer. Le décès du jeune migrant a été officiellement constaté à 4 heures du matin ce jeudi au centre hospitalier des Escartons de Briançon, où il avait été transporté en ambulance.
      Parti avec un groupe de Clavière, en Italie

      "Les premiers éléments d’identification du jeune homme décédé permettent de s’orienter vers un Togolais âgé de 28 ans ayant précédemment résidé en Italie, détaillait encore Raphaël Balland hier soir. Selon des témoignages recueillis auprès d’autres migrants, il serait parti à pied de Clavière avec un groupe d’une dizaine d’hommes pour traverser la frontière pendant la nuit. Présentant des signes de grande fatigue, il était déposé auprès de la N94 par certains de ses compagnons de route qui semblent avoir été à l’origine de l’appel des secours."

      Une enquête a été ouverte pour "homicide involontaire et non-assistance à personne en péril" et confiée à la brigade de recherche de gendarmerie de Briançon, qui "poursuit ses investigations" selon le procureur.


      Commentaire de Nos montagnes ne deviendront pas un cimetière :

      Derman Tamimou n’est pas mort de froid il est mort de cette barbarie qui dresse des frontières , des murs infranchissables #ouvronslesfrontières l’autopsie du migrant découvert jeudi conclut à une probable mort par hypothermie


    • Briançon : ils ont rendu hommage au jeune migrant décédé

      Il a été retrouvé mort au bord d’une route nationale, entre Montgenèvre et Briançon, dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi. Pour que personne n’oublie le jeune migrant togolais, et afin de dénoncer la politique d’immigration, plusieurs associations et collectifs ont appelé à se réunir, ce samedi après-midi, au Champ de Mars, à Briançon.

      Plusieurs ONG nationales, Amnesty International, la Cimade, Médecins sans frontières, Médecins du monde, le Secours catholique, l’Association nationale d’assistance aux frontières pour les étrangers, ont voulu attirer l’attention sur ce nouveau drame.

      Avec des associations et collectifs locaux, Tous Migrants, Refuges solidaires, la paroisse de Briançon, la Mappemonde et la MJC, l’Association nationale des villes et territoires accueillants... tous se sont réunis au Champ de Mars ce samedi après-midi pour rappeler « qu’il est inacceptable qu’un jeune homme meure au bord de la route dans ces conditions », explique l’un des soutiens de Tous migrants.

      « Ce ne sont pas des pro ou anti-migrants, juste des personnes qui ont envie de protéger d’autres êtres humains »

      Dans la nuit de mercredi à jeudi, vers 2h30, un ressortissant togolais de 28 ans a été repéré par un chauffeur routier italien qui circulait sur la RN 94. La victime gisait inanimée, à côté de l’aire de chaînage de La Vachette, sur la commune de Val-des-Prés. Le décès a été officiellement constaté à 4 heures du matin au centre hospitalier des Escartons où il avait été transporté.


      #hommage #commémoration

    • Cerca di varcare confine: giovane migrante muore assiderato tra l’Italia e la Francia

      L’immigrato, originario del Togo, aveva 29 anni: è morto assiderato sul colle Monginevro
      Il cadavere di un migrante di 29 anni è stato ritrovato questa mattina in mezzo alla strada nazionale N94 del colle del Monginevro (che collega Piemonte e Alta Savoia), mentre cercava di varcare il confine tra l’Italia e la Francia.

      L’extracomunitario, originario del Togo, è morto assiderato per la neve e le bassissime temperature.

      A notarlo, sepolto dalla neve ai margini della strada, intorno alle tre di note, sarebbe stato un camionista. La Procura ha aperto un fascicolo per «omicidio involontario».

      Le abbondanti nevicate dei giorni scorsi e il freddo rendono ancora più inaccessibili sentieri e stradine della zona e hanno complicato ulteriormente l’attraversamento della frontiera per i migranti.

      Da quanto si apprende da fonti italiane, sul posto è presente la polizia francese: si tratta del primo cadavere trovato quest’anno sul confine italo-francese dell’alta Val Susa dopo che l’anno scorso erano stati rinvenuti tre corpi nelle medesima località di frontiera, un passaggio molto battuto dai migranti.


    • Man trying to enter France from Italy dies of hypothermia

      Death of Derman Tamimou from Togo comes as Matteo Salvini ramps up border row.

      French magistrates have opened an inquiry into “involuntary manslaughter” after a man trying to cross into France from Italy died of hypothermia.

      A lorry driver found Derman Tamimou on Thursday morning unconscious on the side of a highway that links Hautes-Alpes with the northern Italian region of Piedmont. Tamimou, 29, from Togo, was taken to hospital in Briançon, but it is unclear whether he died there or was already dead at the scene.

      “The second hypothesis is the most likely,” said Paolo Narcisi, president of the charity Rainbow for Africa. “He was probably among a group of 21 who left the evening before, despite all the warnings given to them by us and Red Cross volunteers about how dangerous the crossing is.”

      Tamimou was found between Briançon and Montgenèvre, an Alpine village about 6 miles from the border.

      Narcisi said his charity was working with colleagues in France to try and establish whether the rest of the group arrived safely. He said they most likely took a train to Oulx, one stop before the town of Bardonecchia, before travelling by bus to Claviere, the last Italian town before the border. From there, they began the mountain crossing into France.

      “Every night is the same … we warn people not to go as it’s very dangerous, especially in winter, the snow is high and it’s extremely cold,” Narcisi said.

      Tamimou is the first person known to have died while attempting the journey this winter. Three people died last year as they tried to reach France via the Col de l’Échelle mountain pass.

      The movement of people across the border has been causing conflict between Italy and France since early 2011.

      Matteo Salvini, the Italian interior minister, on Thursday accused France of sending more than 60,000 people, including women and children, back to Italy. He also accused French border police of holding up Italian trains with lengthy onboard immigration checks.

      Last year, seven Italian charities accused French border police of falsifying the birth dates of children travelling alone in an attempt to pass them off as adults and return them to Italy.

      While it is illegal to send back minors, France is not breaking the law by returning people whose first EU landing point was Italy.

      “Some of the returns are illegal, such as children or people who hold Italian permits,” said Narcisi. “But there are also those who are legally sent back due to the Dublin agreement. So there is little to protest about – we need to work to change the Dublin agreement instead of arguing.”


    • Message posté sur la page Facebook de Chez Jésus, 10.02.2019 :

      Un altro morto.
      Un’altra persona uccisa dalla frontiera e dai suoi sorvegliatori.
      Un altro cadavere, che va ad aggiungersi a quelli delle migliaia di persone che hanno perso la vita al largo delle coste italiane, sui treni tra Ventimiglia e Menton, sui sentieri fra le Alpi che conducono in Francia.

      Tamimou Derman, 28 anni, originario del Togo. Questo è tutto quello che sappiamo per ora del giovanissimo corpo trovato steso al lato della strada tra Claviere e Briancon. Tra Italia e Francia. È il quarto cadavere ritrovato tra queste montagne da quando la Francia ha chiuso le frontiere con l’Italia, nel 2015. Da quando la polizia passa al setaccio ogni pullman, ogni treno e ogni macchina alla ricerca sfrenata di stranieri. E quelli con una carnagione un po’ più scura, quelli con un accento un po’ diverso o uno zaino che sembra da viaggiatore, vengono fatti scendere, e controllati. Se non hai quel pezzo di carta considerato «valido», vieni rimandato in Italia. Spesso dopo minacce, maltrattamenti o furti da parte della polizia di frontiera.

      Giovedì è stato trovato un altro morto. Un’altra persona uccisa dal controllo frontaliero, un’altra vita spezzata da quelle divise che pattugliano questa linea tracciata su una mappa chiamata frontiera, e dai politicanti schifosi che la vogliono protetta.
      Un omicidio di stato, l’ennesimo.
      Perché non è la neve, il freddo o la fatica a uccidere le persone tra queste montagne. I colpevoli sono ben altri. Sono gli sbirri, che ogni giorno cercano di impedire a decine di persone di perseguire il viaggio per autodeterminarsi la loro vita. Sono gli stati, e i loro governi, che di fatto sono i veri mandanti e i reali motivi dell’esistenza stessa dei confini.

      Un altro cadavere. Il quarto, dopo blessing, mamadu e un altro ragazzo mai identificato.
      Rabbia e dolore si mischiano all’odio. Dolore per un altro morto, per un’altra fine ingiusta. Rabbia e odio per coloro che sono le vere cause di questa morte: le frontiere, le varie polizie nazionali che le proteggono, e gli stati e i politici che le creano.
      Contro tutti gli stati, contro tutti i confini, per la libertà di tutti e tutte di scegliere su che pezzo di terra vivere!

      Abbattiamo le frontiere, organizziamoci insieme!

      Un autre mort. Une autre personne tuée par la frontière et ses gardes. Un autre cadavre, qui s’ajoute aux milliers de personnes mortes au large des côtes italiennes, sous des trains entre Vintimille et Menton, sur les chemins alpins qui mènent en France.
      Derman Tamimou, 28 ans, originaire du Togo. C’est tout ce qu’on sait pour le moment du très jeune corps retrouvé allongé sur le bord de la route vers Briançon entre l’Italie et la France. C’est le 4e corps trouvé dans cette vallée depuis que la France a fermé ses frontières avec l’Italie en 2015. Depuis que la police contrôle chaque bus, chaque train, chaque voiture, à la recherche acharnée d’étrangers. Et celleux qui ont la peau plus foncée, celleux qui ont un accent un peu différent, ou se trimballent un sac à dos de voyage, on les fait descendre et on les contrôle. Si tu n’as pas les papiers qu’ils considèrent valides, tu es ramené directement en Italie. Souvent, tu es victime de menaces et de vols de la part de la PAF (police aux frontières).
      Le 7 février 2019, un corps a été retrouvé. Une autre personne tuée par le contrôle frontalier. Une autre vie brisée par ces uniformes qui patrouillent autour d’une ligne tracée sur une carte, appelée frontière. Tuée par des politiciens dégueulasses qui veulent protéger cette frontière. Encore un homicide d’État. Parce que ce n’est pas la neige, ni le froid, ni la fatigue qui a tué des personnes dans ces montagnes. Les coupables sont tout autres. Ce sont les flics, qui essaient tous les jours d’empêcher des dizaines de personnes de poursuivre leur voyage pour l’autodétermination de leur vie.
      Ce sont les États et leurs gouvernements qui sont les vrais responsables et les vraies raisons de l’existence même des frontières. Un autre corps, le quatrième après Blessing, Mamadou, et Ibrahim. Rage et douleur se mêlent à la haine. Douleur pour une autre mort, pour une autre fin injuste. Rage et haine envers les véritables coupables de cette mort : les frontières, les différentes polices nationales qui les protègent, les États et les politiques qui les créent.
      Contre tous les États, contre toutes les frontières, pour la liberté de toutes et tous de choisir sur quel bout de terre vivre.
      Abattons les frontières, organisons-nous ensemble !


    • Immigration. Dans les Hautes-Alpes, la chasse aux étrangers fait un mort

      Une enquête a été ouverte après le décès, jeudi, à proximité de Briançon, d’un jeune exilé qui venait de franchir la frontière franco-italienne. Les associations accusent les politiques ultrarépressives de l’État.

      « C ’est la parfaite illustration d’une politique qu’on dénonce depuis deux ans ! » Michel Rousseau, membre du collectif Tous migrants dans les Hautes-Alpes, ne décolère pas depuis l’annonce, jeudi matin, de la mort de Taminou, un exilé africain, à moins de 10 kilomètres de la frontière franco-italienne. Le quatrième en moins de neuf mois... Découvert vers 3 heures du matin, sur une zone de chaînage de la route nationale reliant Briançon à Montgenèvre, le jeune homme aurait succombé au froid, après avoir tenté de passer la frontière. Évitant les patrouilles de police, il aurait pendant plusieurs heures arpenté les montagnes enneigées, avant d’y perdre ses bottes et de continuer en chaussettes.

      « Les premiers éléments d’identification (...) permettent de s’orienter vers un Togolais âgé de 28 ans ayant précédemment résidé en Italie, indique la préfecture dans un communiqué. Il serait parti à pied de Clavières avec un groupe de plus d’une dizaine d’hommes pour traverser la frontière nuitamment. Présentant des signes de grande fatigue, il aurait été déposé auprès de la RN94 par certains de ses compagnons de route qui semblent avoir été à l’origine de l’appel des secours. »

      Une politique ultrarépressive à l’égard des citoyens solidaires

      Postés au milieu de la route, les amis de Taminou auraient tenté de stopper plusieurs voitures, sans qu’aucune s’arrête. Une patrouille de la police aux frontières serait arrivée sur le lieu du drame, deux heures après le premier appel au secours, y trouvant un camionneur en train de venir en aide au malheureux frappé d’hypothermie et en arrêt cardio-respiratoire. Pris en charge par le Samu, le jeune homme a finalement été déclaré mort à son arrivée à l’hôpital de Briançon.

      Une enquête pour non-assistance à personne en danger et pour homicide involontaire a été ouverte par le parquet de Gap. « Les conducteurs des véhicules qui ne se sont pas arrêtés ne doivent pas dormir tranquille », acquiesce Michel, s’inquiétant cependant de savoir qui sera réellement visé par les investigations de la police. « La préfecture pointe régulièrement les maraudeurs solidaires qui tentent de venir en aide aux exilés égarés dans nos montagnes, explique-t-il. À l’image des accusations portées contre les bateaux de sauveteurs en mer, en Méditerranée, on les rend responsables d’un soi-disant appel d’air. »

      En réalité, c’est suite au bouclage de la frontière à Menton et dans la vallée de la Roya que, depuis deux ans, cette route migratoire est de plus en plus empruntée. L’État y mène aujourd’hui une politique ultrarépressive à l’égard des citoyens solidaires et des exilés. En moins d’un an, dans le Briançonnais, 11 personnes ont été condamnées pour délit de solidarité, dont 9 à des peines de prison, et des violations régulières des droits des étrangers y sont régulièrement dénoncées par les associations. Plusieurs d’entre elles, dont Amnesty International, Médecins du monde et la Cimade, ont réuni, samedi, près de 200 personnes sur le champ de Mars de Briançon pour rendre hommage à Taminou, malgré l’interdiction de manifester émise par la préfecture au prétexte de l’ouverture de la saison hivernale.

      Pour elles, c’est au contraire la chasse aux exilés et à leurs soutiens qu’il faut pointer, « les renvois systématiques en Italie au mépris du droit, les courses-poursuites, les refus de prise en charge, y compris des plus vulnérables : ces pratiques qui poussent les personnes migrantes à prendre toujours plus de risques, comme celui de traverser des sentiers enneigés, de nuit, en altitude, par des températures négatives, sans matériel adéquat », accusent les associations.

      Ce mercredi soir, justement, la présence policière était particulièrement importante dans la zone. « Ce drame aurait pu être évité, s’indigne un habitant, qui préfère conserver l’anonymat. Les maraudeurs solidaires étaient sur le terrain. Ils ont vu passer toutes ces personnes et, s’ils ne les ont pas récupérées, c’est soit parce qu’ils se savaient surveillés par la PAF, qui les aurait interpellés, soit parce que les exilés eux-mêmes en ont eu peur, les prenant pour des policiers en civil. » Espérons que l’enquête pointera les véritables responsables de la mort de Taminou.


    • Derman Tamimou e il tema di una bambina di nove anni

      “Le persone che ho visto, tra i migranti, mi sembravano persone uguali a noi, non capisco perchè tutti pensano che siano diverse da noi. Secondo me aiutare le persone, in questo caso i migranti, è una cosa bella”.

      Derman Tamimou aveva 29 anni, era arrivato in Italia dal Togo e, nella notte tra il 6 e il 7 febbraio, ha intrapreso il suo ultimo viaggio nel tentativo di varcare il confine. Un camionista ne ha scorto il corpo semiassiderato e rannicchiato tra la neve ai bordi della statale del colle di Monginevro. Nonostante l’immediato trasporto all’ospedale di Briancon, Derman è morto poco dopo.

      E’ difficile immaginare cosa abbia pensato e provato Derman negli ultimi istanti della sua vita, prima di perdere conoscenza per il gelo invernale. Quali sogni, speranze, ricordi, … quanta fatica, rabbia, paura …

      Potrebbe essere tranquillizzante pensare a questa morte come tragica fatalità e derubricarla a freddo numero da aggiungere alla lista di migranti morti nella ricerca di un futuro migliore in Europa. Eppure quell’interminabile lista parla a ognuno di noi. Racconta di vite interrotte che, anche quando non se ne conosce il nome, ci richiamano a una comune umanità da cui non possiamo prescindere per non smarrire noi stessi. A volte lo ricordiamo quando scopriamo, cucita nel giubbotto di un quattordicenne partito dal Mali e affogato in un tragico naufragio nel 2015, una pagella, un bene prezioso con cui presentarsi ai nuovi compagni di classe e di vita. Altre volte lo ricordano i versi di una poesia “Non ti allarmare fratello mio”, ritrovata nelle tasche di Tesfalidet Tesfon, un giovane migrante eritreo, morto subito dopo il suo sbarco a Pozzallo, nel 2018, a seguito delle sofferenze patite nelle carceri libiche e delle fatiche del viaggio: “È davvero così bello vivere da soli, se dimentichi tuo fratello al momento del bisogno?”. È davvero così bello?

      L’estate scorsa, lungo la strada in cui ha perso la vita Derman Tamimou, si poteva ancora trovare un ultimo luogo di soccorso e sostegno per chi cercava di attraversare il confine. Un rifugio autogestito che è stato sgomberato in autunno, con l’approssimarsi dell’inverno, senza alcuna alternativa di soccorso locale per i migranti. Per chiunque fosse passato da quei luoghi non era difficile prevedere i rischi che questa chiusura avrebbe comportato. Bastava fermarsi, incontrare e ascoltare i migranti, i volontari e tutte le persone che cercavano di portare aiuto e solidarietà, nella convinzione che non voltare lo sguardo di fronte a sofferenze, rischi e fatiche altrui sia l’unica strada per restare umani.

      Incontri che una bambina di nove anni, in quelle che avrebbe voluto fossero le sue “Montagne solidali”, ha voluto raccontare così: “Oggi da Bardonecchia, dove in stazione c’è un posto in cui aiutano i migranti che cercano di andare in Francia, siamo andati in altri due posti dove ci sono i migranti che si fermano e ricevono aiuto nel loro viaggio, uno a Claviere e uno a Briancon. In questi posti ci sono persone che li accolgono, gli danno da mangiare, un posto dove dormire, dei vestiti per ripararsi dal freddo, danno loro dei consigli su come evitare pericoli e non rischiare la loro vita nel difficile percorso di attraversamento del confine tra Italia e Francia tra i boschi e le montagne. I migranti, infatti, di notte cercano di attraversare i boschi e questo è difficile e pericoloso, perchè possono farsi male o rischiare la loro vita cadendo da un dirupo. I migranti scelgono di affrontare il loro viaggio di notte perchè è più difficile che la polizia li veda e li faccia tornare indietro. A volte, per sfuggire alla polizia si feriscono per nascondersi o scappare. Nel centro dove sono stata a Claviere, alcuni migranti avevano delle ferite, al volto e sulle gambe, causate durante i tentativi di traversata. Infatti i migranti provano tante volte ad attraversare le montagne, di solito solo dopo la quarta o quinta volta riescono a passare. La traversata è sempre molto pericolosa, perchè non conoscono le montagne e le strade da percorrere, ma soprattutto in inverno le cose sono più difficili perchè con la neve, il freddo, senza i giusti vestiti e scarpe, del cibo caldo e non conoscendo la strada tutto è più rischioso. Lo scorso inverno, sul Colle della Scala, sono morte diverse persone provando a fare questo viaggio. Anche le persone che li aiutano sono a rischio, perchè solo per aver dato loro da mangiare, da dormire e dei vestiti possono essere denunciate e arrestate. Oggi sette ragazzi sono in carcere per questo. Io penso che non è giusto essere arrestati quando si aiutano le persone. A Briancon, dove aiutano i migranti che hanno appena attraversato il confine, ho visto alcuni bambini e questa cosa mi ha colpito molto perchè vuol dire che sono riusciti a fare un viaggio così lungo e faticoso attraverso i boschi e le montagne. Qui ho conosciuto la signora Annie, una volontaria che aiuta i migranti appena arrivati in Francia, una signora gentile e molto forte, che è stata chiamata 8 volte ad andare dalla polizia per l’aiuto che sta dando ai migranti, ma lei sorride e continua a farlo, perchè pensa che non aiutarli sia un’ingiustizia. Le persone che ho visto, tra i migranti, mi sembravano persone uguali a noi, non capisco perchè tutti pensano che siano diverse da noi. Secondo me aiutare le persone, in questo caso i migranti, è una cosa bella”.


    • Reportage. In Togo a casa di #Tamimou, il migrante morto di freddo sulle Alpi

      Da Agadez alla Libia, poi l’attesa in Italia. Il papà: «Non aveva i soldi per far curare la madre». Le ultime parole su Whatsapp: «Ho comprato il biglietto del treno e partirò domani per la Francia»

      Il villaggio di #Madjaton si trova tra le verdi colline di Kpalimé, una tranquilla città nel sud-ovest del Togo. Un luogo dalla natura lussureggiante e il terreno fertile. È qui che è cresciuto Tamimou Derman, il migrante deceduto per il freddo il 7 febbraio mentre cercava di superare a piedi il confine tra l’Italia e la Francia. La sua famiglia è composta da padre, madre, tre fratelli, e una sorella. Sono tutti seduti all’ombra di un grande albero in attesa di visite e notizie.

      «Salam aleikum, la pace sia con voi» dicono con un sorriso all’arrivo di ogni persona che passa a trovarli per le condoglianze. L’accoglienza è calorosa nonostante la triste atmosfera. «È stato un nostro parente che vive in Libia a darci per primo la notizia», dice Samoudini, il fratello maggiore di 35 anni. «All’inizio non potevamo crederci, ci aveva spedito un messaggio vocale due giorni prima della partenza per la Francia. Poi le voci si sono fatte sempre più insistenti – continua Samoudini – e le speranze sono piano piano svanite. Ora il nostro problema principale è trovare i soldi per far ritornare la salma».

      Tamimou è la prima vittima dell’anno tra chi, come molti altri migranti africani, ha tentato di raggiungere la Francia dall’Italia attraverso le Alpi. Il giovane togolese era partito con un gruppo di altri venti ragazzi. Speravano di eludere gli agenti di polizia che pattugliano una zona sempre più militarizzata. «Diciamo a tutti i migranti di non incamminarsi per quei valichi in questa stagione – ha spiegato alla stampa Paolo Narcisi, medico e presidente della Onlus torinese, Rainbow for Africa – . È un passaggio troppo rischioso».

      Prima di avventurarsi tra la neve e il gelo, Tamimou aveva appunto lasciato un messaggio alla famiglia. «Ho comprato il biglietto del treno e partirò domani per la Francia – si sente in un audio whatsapp di circa un minuto –. Pregate per me e se Dio vorrà ci parleremo dal territorio francese». Il padre e un amico, uno accanto all’altro, scoppiano a piangere. La mamma, seduta tra il gruppo delle donne, resta immobile con gli occhi rossi. La sorella pone invece il capo tra le ginocchia ed emette un leggero singhiozzo. Per alcuni secondi restiamo in un silenzio profondo, interrotto solamente dalle voci dei bambini del villaggio che rincorrono cani e galline. Ascoltare la voce di Tamimou riporta la famiglia al momento in cui è giunta la notizia del suo decesso, l’8 febbraio.

      «Non volevamo che partisse per l’Europa», riprende Inoussa Derman, il papà, cercando di trattenere le lacrime. «Lui però era determinato. Si sentiva responsabile per le condizioni di salute di mia moglie che, tuttora – racconta il genitore – soffre di ipertensione e per diverso tempo è stata ricoverata in ospedale. Non avevamo i soldi per pagare le cure». La madre, Issaka, fissa il terreno senza parlare. Sembra avvertire il peso di una responsabilità legata alla partenza del figlio. Tamimou si era dato da fare subito dopo la scuola. Aveva lavorato a Kpalimé come muratore prima di trasferirsi in Ghana per due anni e continuare il mestiere. Non riuscendo a guadagnare abbastanza, aveva deciso di partire per l’Europa nel 2015. Con i suoi risparmi e un po’ di soldi chiesti a diversi conoscenti, ha raggiunto la città nigerina di Agadez, da decenni importante crocevia della rotta migratoria proveniente da tutta l’Africa occidentale e centrale. Dopo qualche mese il ragazzo ha contattato la famiglia dalla Libia. «Ci diceva quanto era pericoloso a causa dei continui spari e degli arresti indiscriminati – aggiunge Moussara, la sorella di 33 anni –. Gli abbiamo detto più volte di tornare, ma non ci ha voluto ascoltare».

      Tamimou ha trascorso almeno 18 mesi in Libia in attesa di trovare i soldi per continuare il viaggio.

      «Ci sentivamo spesso anche quando ha oltrepassato il ’grande fiume’ per arrivare in Italia – racconta Satade, un amico d’infanzia, in riferimento al Mar Mediterraneo –. Con i nostri ex compagni di scuola avevamo infatti creato un gruppo su whatsapp per rimanere in contatto con lui».

      Dopo più di 16 mesi in Italia, il migrante togolese raccontava alla famiglia di essere ancora disoccupato. «Non ho trovato niente – spiegava in un altro messaggio vocale –. In Italia ci vogliono i documenti per lavorare e io non riesco a ottenerli». La decisione di partire per la Francia era stata presa con grande sofferenza. Diversi amici avevano assicurato al migrante togolese che al di là del confine sarebbe stato molto più facile trovare un impiego. Ma di Tamimou, in Francia, è arrivato solo il cadavere. Da giorni è ospitato all’obitorio dell’ospedale di Briançon. La famiglia è in contatto con un cugino che vive da diversi anni in Italia e sta seguendo le pratiche. Parenti e amici vogliono riportare il corpo di Tamimou nel caldo di Madjaton, a casa, per seppellirlo secondo le usanze tradizionali. «Gli avevamo detto di non partire – insiste il padre –. Ma non si può fermare la determinazione di un giovane sognatore».


    • Notre frontière tue : Tamimou Derman n’est plus — Récit d’une #maraude solidaire

      Chaque nuit, des exilé·e·s tentent d’arriver en France par le col de Montgenèvre malgré le froid, la neige et l’omniprésence de la Police. En dépit des maraudes spontanées des habitant·e·s, certain·e·s y perdent la vie. Comme Tamimou Derman, retrouvé mort d’hypothermie la nuit du 6 au 7 février 2019. Cette semaine-là, une vingtaine de membres de la FSGT ont maraudé avec les locaux. Récit.

      D’un mélèze à l’autre, quatre ombres noires glissent sur la neige blanche. Au cœur de la nuit, les ombres sont discrètes, elles marchent sans bruit. Elles traversent les pistes de ski et s’enfoncent vers les profondeurs de la forêt, malgré les pieds glacés, les mains froides et les nuages de leurs souffles courts.

      Les ombres sont craintives comme des proies qui se savent épiées : elles nous fuient.

      Nous les poursuivons sans courir, pour ne pas les effrayer davantage. Nous lançons plusieurs cris sur leur trace, et nous réussissons finalement à les rattraper. Leurs mains sont de glace : nous les serrons et nous disons aux ombres qu’elles ne craignent rien, que nous voulons les sortir du froid et de la neige, que nous sommes là pour les aider.

      Les quatre ombres deviennent des hommes encore pétris de crainte. Leurs yeux hagards demandent : "Êtes-vous la Police ?". Malgré la peur, les ombres devenues hommes montent dans notre voiture. Nous dévalons la route qui serpente entre les montagnes. Les quatre hommes sont saufs.

      Je me réveille en sursaut : ce n’était qu’un rêve.

      Parce qu’hier soir, les quatre ombres se sont enfoncées dans la forêt. Parce qu’hier soir, nous n’avons pas pu les rattraper. Parce qu’hier soir, nous n’avons pas su les rattraper. Parce qu’hier soir, les quatre ombres ont cru voir en nous des officiers de Police venus pour les arrêter.

      Quelques heures après ce réveil agité, la nouvelle tombe.

      Cette nuit, une ombre est morte.

      De la neige jusqu’aux hanches, l’ombre a senti ses frêles bottes se faire aspirer par l’eau glacée. Ses chaussures noyées au fond de la poudreuse, disparues. En chaussettes, l’ombre a continué à marcher entre les mélèzes. L’ombre n’avait pas le luxe de choisir. Épuisée, gelée jusqu’aux os, l’ombre a perdu connaissance. Ses frères de l’ombre l’ont portée jusqu’à la route pour tenter de la sauver, quitte à se faire attraper par la Police. Ils ont appelé les secours.

      L’ambulance est arrivée près de deux heures plus tard.

      L’ombre a été retrouvée sur un chemin forestier, au bord de la route nationale 94, reliant la frontière italienne et la ville de Briançon. L’autopsie confirmera ce que ses frères savaient déjà : décès par hypothermie.

      L’ombre avait dit au revoir à sa famille, puis elle avait peut-être traversé le désert. Elle avait peut-être échappé aux geôles libyennes, aux tortures et aux trafics en tout genre. L’ombre s’était peut-être fait voler ses maigres économies par des passeurs. L’ombre avait peut-être bravé les tempêtes de la Méditerranée entassée avec cent autres ombres sur un canot pneumatique. Et tant d’autres mésaventures.

      L’ombre avait jusque-là échappé aux polices européennes qui la traquaient uniquement parce que ce que l’ombre voulait, c’était arrêter d’être une ombre.

      L’ombre avait traversé la moitié du globe mais son chemin s’est arrêté en France, à quelques kilomètres de la frontière, parce que l’ombre a eu peur de la Police française.

      L’ombre, c’était Tamimou Derman. Tamimou Derman avait notre âge. Tamimou Derman n’était qu’un homme qui rêvait d’une vie meilleure.


      -- Contexte —

      Dans la nuit du mercredi 6 au jeudi 7 février 2019, j’ai participé à une maraude solidaire dans la station de ski de Montgenèvre avec des amis de la FSGT (Fédération Sportive et Gymnique du Travail), dans le cadre d’un séjour organisé et patronné par cette fédération.

      Ce séjour annuel se concentre habituellement sur les seules activités de loisir de montagne. Cette année, il a été décidé d’organiser cette sortie dans la région de Briançon, à quelques kilomètres de la frontière franco-italienne, afin de montrer notre solidarité envers les locaux qui portent assistance aux personnes qui arrivent en France, au niveau du col de Montgenèvre, situé à 1800m d’altitude.

      Chaque soir, quelques uns et quelques unes de la vingtaine de participants à ce séjour partaient en maraude pour accompagner les gens de la vallée qui eux, toute l’année, sauvent des vies là-haut. La loi ne peut nous considérer comme des passeurs : nous n’avons fait passer la frontière à personne. Nous étions uniquement là pour porter assistance aux personnes en danger de mort sur le territoire français. S’il fallait encore une preuve, Tamimou Derman est mort d’hypothermie, la nuit où j’ai maraudé.

      Bien que légales, ces maraudes semblent être considérées de facto comme illégale par les forces de l’ordre : elles tentent de les entraver par tous les moyens, surtout par l’intimidation. C’est aussi pour cela que j’ai voulu partager ce récit.

      -- #Chasse_à_l'homme

      Dès que les pistes de ski de Montgenèvre ferment, que le soleil se couche et que les vacanciers se reposent, un obscur jeu du chat et de la souris se noue sous les fenêtres de leurs résidences. Une véritable chasse à l’homme.

      Tous les soirs ou presque, des hommes et des femmes tentent de gagner notre pays depuis le village italien de Clavière. À 500 mètres à peine de ce village, de l’autre côté de la frontière, la rutilante station de ski de Montgenèvre. Pour parcourir cette distance ridicule, ils mettent plus de trois heures. Parce qu’ils passent par la forêt, traversent des torrents glacés, parce qu’ils marchent dans le froid et la neige. Enfin, ils tentent enfin de se fondre dans les ombres de Montgenèvre avant d’entamer les 10 kilomètres de chemins enneigés qui les séparent de Briançon.

      « Des témoignages parlent de poursuites en motoneige, en pleine nuit »

      Côté français, par tous les moyens ou presque, la police et la gendarmerie les guettent pour les arrêter : des témoignages parlent de poursuites en motoneige, en pleine nuit, forçant ces hommes et ces femmes à fuir pour tenter se cacher par tous les moyens au risque de tomber dans des réserves d’eau glacées ou des précipices. Des récits parlent de séquestration dans des containers sans eau, ni nourriture, ni chauffage, ni toilettes, ni rien ; tout ça pour les renvoyer quelques heures plus tard en Italie, encore congelés. D’autres attestent que la police et la gendarmerie bafouent les droits élémentaires de la demande d’asile. Toujours d’après des témoignages, la police et la gendarmerie se déguiseraient en civils pour mieux amadouer et alpaguer celles et ceux qui tentent la traversée. À plusieurs reprises, la police et la gendarmerie auraient été aidées par les nazillons du groupuscule fachiste "Génération Identitaire" qui patrouillent eux aussi dans les montagnes. Certains de ceux qui tenteraient le passage se seraient vus déchirer leurs papiers d’identité attestant leur minorité par la police et la gendarmerie, et donc se voir déchirer le devoir qu’a la France de les protéger. Et bien d’autres infamies.

      Tous les soirs ou presque, enfin, des habitants de la région de Briançon sont là pour essayer de secourir ces personnes qui tentent de passer la frontière, même quand il fait -20°c, même quand il neige, même quand la police est en ébullition, partout dans la ville.

      Sur place, impossible de ne pas entendre l’écho de l’histoire des Justes dans le vent glacial.

      -- Ce que j’ai vu —

      Dans la nuit du mercredi 6 au jeudi 7 février, il faisait environ -10°c à Montgenèvre. Plus d’un mètre de neige fraiche recouvrait la forêt. Une vingtaine de personne étaient a priori descendues d’un bus, côté Italien de la frontière. Supposément pour tenter la traversée. Mes compagnons maraudeurs et moi-même attendions dans Montgenèvre, pour essayer d’aller à la rencontre d’un maximum d’entre eux.

      À l’aide de jumelles, des maraudeurs ont alors vu une quinzaine d’ombres se faufiler entre les arbres qui bordent les pistes de ski. Quatre d’entre eux ont été accueillis de justesse par deux maraudeurs.

      Cela faisait vraisemblablement trois heures qu’ils marchaient dans la neige. Ils n’étaient clairement pas équipés pour ces conditions. L’un des quatre avait un centimètre de glace sur chaque main et les pieds congelés. Il était tombé dans un torrent qui avait emporté le reste de ses affaires.
      Les deux maraudeurs lui ont donné des chaussettes de rechange, des gants, du thé chaud et à manger.

      Les maraudeurs racontent qu’à ce moment-là, alors qu’ils les avaient hydraté, réchauffé, nourri et donné des vêtements chauds, les quatre hommes pensaient encore s’être fait attrapés par la police. La peur irradiait le fond de leurs yeux.

      « Nous leur avons crié que nous n’étions pas la Police, que nous étions là pour les aider »

      Précisément à cet instant-là, j’étais ailleurs dans Montgenèvre, avec d’autres maraudeurs. Avec nos jumelles, nous avons vu quatre autres ombres se faufiler entre les mélèzes et traverser les pistes de ski discrètement. Nous savions qu’ils craignaient de se faire attraper par la Police. La nuit, ici, n’importe quel groupe de personnes ressemble à une patrouille de policiers.

      Nous avons décidé de les attendre, un peu dans la lumière, en espérant qu’ils nous voient et qu’ils ne prennent pas peur. Derrière nous, à travers les fenêtres éclairées des résidences, nous voyions les vacanciers regarder la télévision, manger leur repas. C’était surréaliste. Nous avions peur, sans doute moins qu’eux qui marchaient depuis des heures, mais nous aussi nous avions peur de la Police.

      Nous avons choisi de ne pas les aborder de loin, pour éviter qu’ils ne nous prenne pour des flics et qu’ils s’enfuient. Est-ce la bonne solution ? Qu’est-ce qui est le mieux à faire ? Vont-ils courir ? Une dizaine de questions d’angoisse nous frappaient.

      Nous avons attendu qu’ils arrivent non loin de nous. Ils ne nous avaient pas vu. Nous avons attendu trop longtemps.

      Nous avons finalement avancé en leur criant (mais pas trop fort, pour ne pas alerter tout le voisinage — et les forces de l’ordre) que nous n’étions pas la Police, que nous étions là pour les aider, que nous avions du thé chaud et de quoi manger. Les trois premiers n’ont même pas tourné la tête, ils ont accéléré. Nous leur avons crié les mêmes choses. Le dernier de la file s’est retourné, tout en continuant de marcher très vite, et il nous a semblé l’entendre demander : "Quoi ? Qu’est-ce que vous dites ?" Nous avons répété ce qu’on leur avait déjà dit. Mais il était tiraillé entre ses amis qui ne se retournaient pas et notre proposition. Si tant est qu’il l’ait entendue, notre proposition, avec le bruit de la neige qui couvrait très probablement nos voix. Il a préféré suivre ses amis, ils se sont enfoncés dans la forêt en direction de Briançon et nous n’avons pas pu ni su les rattraper.

      Un sentiment d’horreur nous prend. Nous imaginons déjà la suite. Je me sens pire qu’inutile, méprisable.

      Malgré mes deux paires de chaussettes, mes collants, pantalon de ski, t-shirt technique, polaire, doudoune, énorme manteau, gants, bonnet, grosses chaussures, un frisson glacial m’a parcouru le corps. Eux marchaient depuis plus de trois heures.

      « J’étais là pour éviter qu’ils crèvent de froid »

      Nous ne pouvions plus les rejoindre : nous devions rapidement descendre les quatre que les autres maraudeurs avaient commencé réconforter. Nous sommes retournés à notre voiture, le cœur prêt à exploser, des "putain", des "c’est horrible" et d’autres jurons incompréhensibles qui sortait en torrents continus de notre bouche. Mais il fallait agir vite.

      B. et C. sont montés dans la voiture que nous conduisions et nous les avons amenés à Briançon via la seule et unique route qui serpente entre les montagnes. Je n’ai jamais autant souhaité ne pas croiser la Police.

      B. et C. n’ont pas beaucoup parlé, je ne leur ai pas non plus posé beaucoup de question. Que dire, que demander ?

      Quand j’ai raconté cette histoire à d’autres, on m’a demandé : "Ils venaient d’où ?" "Pourquoi ils voulaient venir en France ?" Dans cette situation, ces questions me semblaient plus qu’absurdes : elles étaient obscènes. J’étais là pour éviter qu’ils crèvent de froid et je n’avais pas à leur demander quoi que ce soit, à part s’ils voulaient que je monte le chauffage et les rassurer en leur disant qu’on arrivait en lieu sûr d’ici peu.

      Sur cette même route, un autre soir de la semaine, d’autres maraudeurs ont eux aussi transporté des personnes qui avaient traversé la frontière. Persuadés de s’être fait attraper par la Police, résignés, ces hommes d’une vingtaine d’années ont pleuré durant les 25 minutes du trajet.

      « Les ombres avaient toutes été avalées par la noirceur de la montagne blanche »

      Nous avons déposé les quatre au Refuge Solidaire, dans Briançon. Un lieu géré par des locaux et des gens de passage qui permet aux personnes qui ont traversé de se reposer quelques jours avant de continuer leur route. En arrivant, C. a cru faire un infarctus : c’était finalement une violente crise d’angoisse, une décompensation.

      À peine quelques minutes plus tard, nous sommes repartis vers Montgenèvre pour essayer de retrouver la dizaine d’autres ombres qui étaient encore dans la montagne et que nous n’avions pas vu passer. Alors qu’avant, nous n’avions pas vu un seul signe de la Police, une ou deux voitures tournait constamment dans la station. Vers minuit ou une heure du matin, nous nous sommes rendus à l’évidence : nous n’en verrons plus, cette nuit-là. Les ombres avaient toutes été avalées par la noirceur de la montagne blanche. Frustration indicible. Sentiment de ne pas avoir fait tout ce qu’on pouvait.

      Nous sommes repartis vers Briançon. Nous sommes passés juste à côté de l’endroit où Tamimou Derman était en train d’agoniser, mais nous ne le savions alors pas. À quelques minutes près, nous aurions pu le voir, l’amener aux urgences et peut-être le sauver.

      « La nuit du mercredi 6 au jeudi 7 février 2019, une vingtaine de personnes auraient tenté de traverser la frontière franco-italienne »

      En partant de Montgenèvre, une voiture était arrêtée avec les pleins phares allumés, en plein milieu de la petite route de montagne. Nous avons presque dû nous arrêter pour passer à côté. C’était la Police qui surveillait les voitures qui descendaient vers Briançon. Nous sommes passés, notre voiture s’est faite ausculter à la recherche de "migrants".

      Les "migrants", ils étaient dans la montagne, de la neige jusqu’aux hanches et en chaussettes, en train de mourir pour éviter précisément ce contrôle.

      La nuit du mercredi 6 au jeudi 7 février 2019, une vingtaine de personnes auraient tenté de traverser la frontière franco-italienne. Nous en avons accompagné quatre à Briançon. Quatre autres ont eu peur de nous, pensant que nous étions la Police. Ils seraient a priori bel bien arrivé au Refuge Solidaire, à pied. D’autres ont été interceptés par la police et renvoyés en Italie, à l’exception de deux jeunes mineurs confiés au Département. Tamimou Derman, lui, a été retrouvé sur le bord de la route, mort d’hypothermie.

      Le 15 mars prochain, une maraude géante est organisé à Montgenèvre. Pour médiatiser ce qui se passe là-bas. Pour que les chasses à l’homme cessent. Pour que les droits des personnes exilées soient enfin respectés. Et pour que plus personne ne meurt dans nos montagnes.

      Avec d’autres membres de la FSGT, nous y serons.


    • Hautes-Alpes : un nouveau décès, conséquence tragique des politiques migratoires [Alerte inter-associative]

      Dans la nuit du 6 au 7 février, un jeune homme est mort entre Montgenèvre et Briançon. Il avait rejoint la France depuis l’Italie après avoir passé plusieurs heures dans la montagne.

      Un drame qui alerte nos associations (Anafé, Amnesty International France, La Cimade, Médecins du Monde, Médecins sans Monde, Secours Catholique-Caritas France, Tous Migrants) qui, depuis plus de deux ans, ne cessent de constater et de dénoncer les violations des droits de la part des autorités françaises à la frontière : renvois systématiques en Italie au mépris du droit, courses-poursuites, refus de prise en charge y compris des plus vulnérables. Ces pratiques poussent les personnes migrantes à prendre toujours plus de risques, comme celui de traverser par des sentiers enneigés, de nuit, en altitude, par des températures négatives, sans matériel adéquat.

      En dépit d’alertes répétées, ces violations perdurent. Dans le même temps, les personnes leur portant assistance sont de plus en plus inquiétées et poursuivies en justice.

      Alors que les ministres de l’intérieur de l’Union européenne se sont réunis à Bucarest pour définir une réforme du régime de l’asile et des politiques migratoires, nos associations demandent le respect des droits fondamentaux des personnes réfugiés et migrantes pour que cessent, entre autres, les drames aux frontières.

      Un rassemblement citoyen à Briançon est prévu
      Ce samedi 9 février 2019 à 15h
      Au Champ de Mars
      Des représentants des associations locales seront disponibles pour témoigner


    • REPORTAGE - Hautes-Alpes : une frontière au-dessus des lois

      Humiliés et pourchassés, des migrants voient leurs droits bafoués dans les Hautes-Alpes.

      Un mort de froid, une bavure et des maraudeurs : le reportage d’Anna Ravix à la frontière avec l’Italie.

      #vidéo #mourir_aux_frontières

      Témoignage d’un migrant qui a fait la route avec #Tamimou, trouvé mort en février 2019 :

      « Au milieu des montagnes, on était perdus, totalement. On s’est dit : On ne va pas s’en sortir, on va mourir là. Tamimou, il ne pouvait plus avancer, il avait perdu ses deux bottes. En chaussettes, il marchait dans la neige. Ses pieds étaient congelés, ils sont devenus durs, même le sang ne passait plus. Et puis je l’ai porté, il me remerciait, il me remerciait... Il disait : ’Dieu va te bénir, Dieu va te bénir, aide-moi. En descendant, on a vu une voiture, un monsieur qui quittait la ville. On lui a expliqué le problème. Il a pris son téléphone et il a appelé le 112. Il a dit : ’Si vous ne venez pas vite, il va perdre la vie.’ C’est là qu’ils ont dit qu’ils seraient là dans 30 minutes. Il était 1 heure du matin, ils ne sont pas arrivés avant 3 heures du matin. »

      Tamimou est mort à l’hôpital à 4 heures du matin.

      « La mort du jeune », continue le témoin, « sincèrement, je peux dire que c’est le problème de la police. Le fait qu’on a appelé la police. Si ils étaient arrivés à temps, le jeune serait encore en vie ».

      –-> Le témoin a été interrogé par la police. Et ils ont reçu un OQTF.


      Témoignage d’un maraudeur :

      Il n’y a pas de RV, on est là. Peut-être il n’y a personne aujourd’hui, je ne sais pas...
      Ce qui n’est pas évident, parce que quand ils nous voient, ils ont tendance à nous prendre pour les forces de l’ordre. ça, c’est quelque chose qu’ils ont mis en place l’été dernier. On a commencé à voir descendre des fourgons de la gendarmerie des personnes en shorts et en baskets. Les migrants, quand ils croisent ces personnes, ils les prenaient pour des randonneurs, ils demandaient des renseignements, et ils tombaient dans le panneau, quoi.


      Témoignage d’un migrant (mineur au moment des faits), il revient sur des événements ayant eu lieu une année auparavant :

      « On est parti dans la forêt et c’est là que la police nous a attrapés. Ils nous ont obligés à retourner à la frontière de Clavière.
      Après, j’ai fouillé tous mes bagages et je trouvais plus mon argent, plus de 700 EUR. »

      Du coup, il va à la police et il enregistre la conversation. C’était le 04.08.2018
      –> cette conversation avec la police a été recensée ailleurs (sur seenthis aussi). Un policier avait dit :

      « Tu accuses la police de vol, ce soir tu es en garde à vue ici, demain t’es dans un avion »

    • Voir aussi le témoignage de #Marie_Dorléans de Tous Migrants :

      Au-delà de ces personnes qui ont survécu et échappé au pire, on voulait absolument rappeler aussi aujourd’hui celles qui n’ont pas eu cette chance et notamment parce qu’il faut pas s’habituer, parce qu’il ne faut pas que ces gens tombent dans l’anonymat. Le 7 février 2019, Tamimou, un jeune togolais de 28 ans, est mort d’épuisement et de froid au bord de la route nationale que la plupart d’entre vous viennent de monter. »

      Et de #Pâquerette_Forest de SOS Alpes solidaires :

      « Ils marchent quelques fois avec google maps sur le portable, si le portable fonctionne, parce que si il fait trop froid ils n’ont plus de batterie, et au bout d’un moment ça marche plus. Après il y a un peu des traces de gens qui se promènent et du passage quand il y a des gens qui passent tous les jours, donc ça peut aussi les aider. Après ils se repèrent aux lumières des villages. #Tamimou qui est décédé, il a perdu ses bottes au-dessus de La Vachette. Ils ont coupé, et on a bien compris qu’au début ils étaient sur une espèce de piste et puis à un moment ils ont coupé la piste et ils avaient de la neige jusque là [elle montre la hauteur de la neige avec ses mains sur les jambes, on ne voit pas sur la vidéo]. Lui il a perdu ses bottes, après ils ont essayé de le porter, et puis il était épuisé et puis il est mort »


    • Extrait du livre de Maurzio Pagliassotti,

      Ancora dodici chilometri


      « Trovato da una camionista lungo la statale, come un cane abbandonato. Si muore così, lungo la rotta apina : si muore sempre così, solo che, a volte,capita che il cadavere finisca come una pietra d’inciampo nel cammino di qualcuno che non può evitarlo, che non può non vederlo. Noi, non vediamo cosa succede in questi boschi la notte, e la natura provvede a nascondere le nostre vergogne, a far sparire le prove della nostra miseria.
      Morto. Nella buia e gelida notte di questo febbraio, mentre l’Italia gioca a far la guerra alla Francia e questa richiama l’ambasciatore a Parigi. Si muore così, lungo la rotta alpina, nel tentativo di una fuga sempre più assurda, e disperata.
      Ventinove anni, dal Togo, si chiamava #Derman_Teminou. Aveva superato il campo da golf, la frontiera presidiata dalla gendarmeria, il paese del Monginevro silenzioso, le piste da sci e gli ultimi nottambuli che uscivano dalle discoteche. Ma non è riuscito a superare il freddo polare che piano piano lo ha stroncato, portandolo ad accucciarsi come un animale ferito in un cantuccio. Chissà cosa ha pensato in quelle ore di marcia da solo, forse da solo, se ha visto lontano il fondovalle da raggiungere, le luci delle città sempre più fioche negli occhi che si spengono, stroncati dal sonno.
      Molta neve è caduta questi giorni, e le montagne si sono trasformate in un mare bianco in cui nuotare. Una distesa farinosa in cui i migranti affondano passo dopo passo, con la coltre bianca che carpisce fino alle ascelle. Si vedono così, in questi giorni : come se fossero caduti nel Mediterraneo, annaspare con le braccia larghe e il collo teso, le bocche spalancate, naufraghi a 2000 metri di quota. I volontari tentano di recuperarli, di avvertirli, le raccomandazioni minacciose di questi bianchi sconosciuti devono suonare vagamente ridicole per chi arriva dai campi di sterminio della Libia.
      La procura di Gap apre un fascicolo per omicidio involontario : chissà cosa vuole dire. Chi sarebbe l’omicida involontario da trovare ? Qualcuno che lo ha abbandonato ? Un militare ? Un governo ? Sui quotidiani esce qualche sparuto articoletto che parla di ‘migrante morto’. Ma l’uomo trovato, ridotto ad essere un pezzo di ghiaccio, non è un ‘migrante’. L’uomo morto questa note, e tutti gli altri che non vengono nemmeno trovati perché dispersi in qualche dirupo o divorati dagli animali di queste foreste, sono fuggiaschi. Uomini, donne e bambini che scappano dall’Italia, che percepiscono, e vivono , come un paese pericoloso e ostile, da attraversare il più velocemente possibile o da abbandonare dopo anni di vita.
      Lo hanno portato all’ospedale di Briançon ancora in vita : ma il freddo gli aveva ormai ghiacciato il sangue e il cuore. Si muore così, lungo la rotta alpina. Lontani da ogni pietà, con i gendarmi che danno la caccia ai fuggiaschi e volontari : gli mancavano nove chilometri di strata lungo la statale. Non poteva farcela, in quelle condizioni, da solo, senza un amico, qualcuno a cui dire l’ultima parola della sua vita.
      Passa qualche giorno, finisco in una cena dove mi raccontano cosa è accaduto realmente la note in cui quell’uomo di ventinove anni è caduto. Uno dei tanti, delle decine di cui non sappiamo nulla dato che valgono solo qualche trafiletto nelle ultime pagine dei settimanali locali.
      Derman Tamimou arriva a Claviere insieme ad altri ‘migranti’ come sempre accade: con l’autobus serale che parte da Oulx e li scarica di fronte alla chiesetta. Sono ventuno : un gruppo imponente. Ma l’ordine di grandezza di questi plotoni che quotidianamente si arrendono e scappano è stabile. Partono e seguono la pista da sci di fondo : dopo circa mezz’ora vengono intercettati dai gendarmi, che ne prendono tredici. Otto riescono a fuggire nei boschi. Superano il piccolo villaggio del Monginevro e si dividono ulteriormente : cinque si gettano lungo la statale, tre rimangono lungo i sentieri che attraversano il ripido pendio che conduce a Monginevro.
      Tra questi tre c’è Darman che, a circa quattro chilometri dalla sua meta, si arrende e si sveste. E’ completamente bagnato, perché la neve da subito si è fatta strada nelle scarpe e nei vestiti. La neve nei piedi che dà un delirio e provoca l’illusione di un senso di calore che uccide passo dopo passo la percezione stessa della morte, che sale dai piedi fino al cuore.
      Si fermano e accendono un fuoco con i pochi legni secchi che trovano nei boschi. Impresa non semplice. Derman si spoglia ed espone al calore delle fiamme i suoi vestiti e il suo corpo. I suoi compagni intanto si gettano lungo la statale alla ricerca di aiuto : e qui accade qualcosa di incredibile. Qualcuno si ferma, ma dato che si tratta di due africani che chiedono aiuto per un loro amico che sta per morire, tutti decidono di proseguire.
      Una letale miscellanea di paura, buio, uominii neri e morte spinge in avanti il tempo senza che nulla accada. Le ore della notte diventano ore dell’alba, e i primi raggi di sole altro non sono che mezze illusioni. Derman si attorciglia su se stesso, ormai lasciato solo a morire nel suo buco. Le fiamme spente, i vestiti ghiacciati e rigidi che pendono da una croce di rami come un Cristo senza dignità. Lo trova un camionista, la corsa all’ospedale, la morte.
      Passano i giorni, si scopre che i suoi compagni vengono intercettati dai gendarmi che mostrano loro le foto di alcuni italiani : ‘Diteci chi vi ha aiutato a passare il confine’, questa la richiesta, che spiega la singlare accusa di ‘omicidio involntario’. Scorrono le foto dei volontari che sul fronte italiano di questa guerra ‘aiutano’ : colpa suprema, peccato totale da cui redenzione non può esistere ».
      (Pagliassotti, 2019 : 172-175)

    • Migranti. L’ultimo viaggio di Tamimou

      Il corpo del giovane morto di freddo sulle Alpi è tornato in Togo. L’articolo che «Avvenire» gli aveva dedicato, facendo visita alla sua famiglia, è stato ripubblicato da un giornale togolese

      Sono le 2:07 di giovedì mattina all’aeroporto internazionale Gnassingbé Eyadema di Lomé. L’aereo della Royal Air Maroc è appena atterrato. All’interno c’è la bara di Tamimou Derman, il migrante togolese morto assiderato tra le Alpi mentre cercava di attraversare a piedi il confine dall’Italia verso la Francia: https://www.avvenire.it/attualita/pagine/migrante-morte-assiderato-tra-italia-e-francia.

      Da oltre tre ore, un gruppo formato da una decina di familiari e amici attende paziente ai bordi della strada. Le guardie dell’aeroporto gli hanno detto di aspettare fuori dalla struttura. Sono solo uomini: padre, fratelli, cugini, zii e qualche amico d’infanzia. Hanno percorso tre ore di strada da Madjaton, il villaggio dove è cresciuto Tamimou. Il furgone bianco noleggiato per il viaggio avrà il compito di riportare indietro il corpo del ragazzo morto a 29 anni. Dopo essersi seduti al tavolo dell’unico bar ancora aperto, il gruppo spiega cosa è successo in queste settimane. «Un nostro cugino che vive in Italia ci ha dato la notizia settimana scorsa», racconta ad Avvenire Samoudine Derman, il fratello maggiore. «Ha raccolto i soldi per rimpatriare Tamimou. Siamo molto contenti – continua Samoudine –, finalmente potremo seppellirlo».

      Il migrante togolese era ancora vivo quando è stato trovato da un camionista lo scorso 7 febbraio sul ciglio della strada statale 94 del Colle del Monginevro. Come altri suoi compagni, Tamimou ha rischiato la vita per raggiungere clandestinamente la Francia dall’Italia. L’ambulanza l’ha trasportato nell’ospedale di Briançon dove il giovane ha però esalato il suo ultimo respiro. «Ringraziamo molto la stampa italiana per aver parlato di Tamimou – afferma Sadate Boutcho, un amico d’infanzia –. Dopo aver recuperato la bara torneremo subito al villaggio per il funerale». La cerimonia è stata annunciata su una radio locale. «Siamo musulmani, abituati a interrare il corpo il prima possibile e a ricevere per giorni le persone che vogliono dare l’ultimo saluto – afferma con un tiepido sorriso Isak, un altro amico e coetaneo della vittima –. Nel caso di Tamimou abbiamo però aspettato quasi due mesi».

      Il 19 febbraio Avvenire aveva pubblicato la storia del migrante intitolata ’Il sogno spezzato di mio figlio’: https://www.avvenire.it/attualita/pagine/in-togo-a-casa-di-tamimou-migrante-morto-freddo-alpi. Lo stesso articolo è stato ripubblicato sul giornale togolese L’Alternative il 22 febbraio. «È preoccupante che a parlare della morte di un nostro fratello sia stata prima la stampa italiana rispetto a quella togolese», ha ammesso Ferdinand Mensah Ayite, direttore della rivista. Nei giorni seguenti, per volere della famiglia Derman, due buste con dentro entrambi gli articoli e una lettera di richiesta di aiuto per il rimpatrio del cadavere sono state consegnate alla presidenza e al ministero degli Affari esteri togolesi. Nel mentre, Ganiou, il cugino di Tamimou residente in Italia, si è occupato delle formalità in Francia. «Abbiamo raccolto almeno 3.500 euro per le spese del trasporto – spiega Ganiou, arrivato a Lomé in anticipo per assicurarsi che tutto andasse a buon fine –. Ho ricevuto sostegno da un’organizzazione francese di cui preferisco non rivelare il nome». Il bar chiude e ci ritroviamo in strada. Ganiou è andato a seguire le ultime formalità. Il tempo continua a passare.

      Nessuno sa cosa stia succedendo con esattezza. Alle 4 e mezza di mattina, il padre di Tamimou, Inoussa Derman, si siede sul marciapiede vicino a un parente. Samoudine e gli altri si addormentano. Solo verso le 10 di mattina viene spedito ad Avvenire un messaggio con la foto della bara nel furgone. «Finalmente abbiamo recuperato il corpo – scrive Sadate –, il funerale è stato spostato quindi alle 3 del pomeriggio». La folla osserva la bara mentre viene calata in una buca scavata nella terra rossa di Madjaton. Il villaggio sprofonda nel silenzio. Potrà la morte di Tamimou arrestare la migrazione dei togolesi verso l’Europa? «Qui non c’è lavoro – aveva spiegato Isak durante l’attesa fuori dall’aeroporto –. Ho studiato da meccanico e, nonostante la drammatica fine di Tamimou, sono pronto a partire verso l’Italia o la Francia».


    • Derman Tamimou e il tema di una bambina di nove anni

      “Le persone che ho visto, tra i migranti, mi sembravano persone uguali a noi, non capisco perchè tutti pensano che siano diverse da noi. Secondo me aiutare le persone, in questo caso i migranti, è una cosa bella”

      Derman Tamimou aveva 29 anni, era arrivato in Italia dal Togo e, nella notte tra il 6 e il 7 febbraio, ha intrapreso il suo ultimo viaggio nel tentativo di varcare il confine. Un camionista ne ha scorto il corpo semiassiderato e rannicchiato tra la neve ai bordi della statale del colle di Monginevro. Nonostante l’immediato trasporto all’ospedale di Briancon, Derman è morto poco dopo.

      E’ difficile immaginare cosa abbia pensato e provato Derman negli ultimi istanti della sua vita, prima di perdere conoscenza per il gelo invernale. Quali sogni, speranze, ricordi, … quanta fatica, rabbia, paura …

      Potrebbe essere tranquillizzante pensare a questa morte come tragica fatalità e derubricarla a freddo numero da aggiungere alla lista di migranti morti nella ricerca di un futuro migliore in Europa. Eppure quell’interminabile lista parla a ognuno di noi. Racconta di vite interrotte che, anche quando non se ne conosce il nome, ci richiamano a una comune umanità da cui non possiamo prescindere per non smarrire noi stessi. A volte lo ricordiamo quando scopriamo, cucita nel giubbotto di un quattordicenne partito dal Mali e affogato in un tragico naufragio nel 2015, una pagella, un bene prezioso con cui presentarsi ai nuovi compagni di classe e di vita. Altre volte lo ricordano i versi di una poesia “Non ti allarmare fratello mio”, ritrovata nelle tasche di Tesfalidet Tesfon, un giovane migrante eritreo, morto subito dopo il suo sbarco a Pozzallo, nel 2018, a seguito delle sofferenze patite nelle carceri libiche e delle fatiche del viaggio: “È davvero così bello vivere da soli, se dimentichi tuo fratello al momento del bisogno?”. È davvero così bello?

      L’estate scorsa, lungo la strada in cui ha perso la vita Derman Tamimou, si poteva ancora trovare un ultimo luogo di soccorso e sostegno per chi cercava di attraversare il confine. Un rifugio autogestito che è stato sgomberato in autunno, con l’approssimarsi dell’inverno, senza alcuna alternativa di soccorso locale per i migranti. Per chiunque fosse passato da quei luoghi non era difficile prevedere i rischi che questa chiusura avrebbe comportato. Bastava fermarsi, incontrare e ascoltare i migranti, i volontari e tutte le persone che cercavano di portare aiuto e solidarietà, nella convinzione che non voltare lo sguardo di fronte a sofferenze, rischi e fatiche altrui sia l’unica strada per restare umani.

      Incontri che una bambina di nove anni, in quelle che avrebbe voluto fossero le sue “Montagne solidali”, ha voluto raccontare così: “Oggi da Bardonecchia, dove in stazione c’è un posto in cui aiutano i migranti che cercano di andare in Francia, siamo andati in altri due posti dove ci sono i migranti che si fermano e ricevono aiuto nel loro viaggio, uno a Claviere e uno a Briancon. In questi posti ci sono persone che li accolgono, gli danno da mangiare, un posto dove dormire, dei vestiti per ripararsi dal freddo, danno loro dei consigli su come evitare pericoli e non rischiare la loro vita nel difficile percorso di attraversamento del confine tra Italia e Francia tra i boschi e le montagne. I migranti, infatti, di notte cercano di attraversare i boschi e questo è difficile e pericoloso, perchè possono farsi male o rischiare la loro vita cadendo da un dirupo. I migranti scelgono di affrontare il loro viaggio di notte perchè è più difficile che la polizia li veda e li faccia tornare indietro. A volte, per sfuggire alla polizia si feriscono per nascondersi o scappare. Nel centro dove sono stata a Claviere, alcuni migranti avevano delle ferite, al volto e sulle gambe, causate durante i tentativi di traversata. Infatti i migranti provano tante volte ad attraversare le montagne, di solito solo dopo la quarta o quinta volta riescono a passare. La traversata è sempre molto pericolosa, perchè non conoscono le montagne e le strade da percorrere, ma soprattutto in inverno le cose sono più difficili perchè con la neve, il freddo, senza i giusti vestiti e scarpe, del cibo caldo e non conoscendo la strada tutto è più rischioso. Lo scorso inverno, sul Colle della Scala, sono morte diverse persone provando a fare questo viaggio. Anche le persone che li aiutano sono a rischio, perchè solo per aver dato loro da mangiare, da dormire e dei vestiti possono essere denunciate e arrestate. Oggi sette ragazzi sono in carcere per questo. Io penso che non è giusto essere arrestati quando si aiutano le persone. A Briancon, dove aiutano i migranti che hanno appena attraversato il confine, ho visto alcuni bambini e questa cosa mi ha colpito molto perchè vuol dire che sono riusciti a fare un viaggio così lungo e faticoso attraverso i boschi e le montagne. Qui ho conosciuto la signora Annie, una volontaria che aiuta i migranti appena arrivati in Francia, una signora gentile e molto forte, che è stata chiamata 8 volte ad andare dalla polizia per l’aiuto che sta dando ai migranti, ma lei sorride e continua a farlo, perchè pensa che non aiutarli sia un’ingiustizia. Le persone che ho visto, tra i migranti, mi sembravano persone uguali a noi, non capisco perchè tutti pensano che siano diverse da noi. Secondo me aiutare le persone, in questo caso i migranti, è una cosa bella”.


  • #Naufrage

    « On aurait voulu que je dise, je le sais bien, on aurait voulu que je dise : Tu ne mourras pas, je te sauverai. Et ce n’était pas parce que je l’aurais sauvé en effet, pas parce que j’aurais fait mon métier et que j’aurais fait ce qu’il fallait : envoyer les secours. Pas parce que j’aurais fait ce qu’on doit faire. On aurait voulu que je le dise, au moins le dire, seulement le dire.

    Mais moi j’ai dit : Tu ne seras pas sauvé. »

    En novembre 2021, le naufrage d’un bateau de migrants dans la Manche a causé la mort de vingt-sept personnes. Malgré leurs nombreux appels à l’aide, le centre de surveillance n’a pas envoyé les secours.
    Inspiré de ce fait réel, le roman de #Vincent_Delecroix, œuvre de pure fiction, pose la question du mal et celle de la responsabilité collective, en imaginant le portrait d’une opératrice du centre qui, elle aussi, aura peut-être fait naufrage cette nuit-là. Personne ne sera sauvé, et pourtant la littérature permet de donner un visage et une chair à toutes les figures de l’humanité.


    #non-assistance_de_personne_en_danger #migrations #naufrage #humanité #inhumanité #responsabilité #livre #mourir_aux_frontières #roman #secours #morts_en_mer #responsabilité_collective #effroi #Manche #La_Manche

    ping @isskein @karine4 @_kg_ @reka

  • 04.12.2023 : #Menton : une personne meurt happée par un train, le trafic interrompu dans les deux sens
    –-> pas d’info sur le fait que ça soit un migrant (j’attends des infos plus précises)

    Un accident grave de personne s’est produit en gare ce lundi 4 décembre. Des retards et des suppressions de trains sont à prévoir sur la ligne entre #Vintimille et Monaco.

    Un grave accident de personne à Menton (Alpes-Maritimes). Les faits se sont produits ce lundi 4 décembre, indiquent les sapeurs-pompiers. Selon ces derniers, une personne a été happée par un train. La victime, un homme de 35 ans, est morte.

    La circulation a été interrompue dans les deux sens de circulation, entre Vintimille et Monaco, une partie de l’après-midi. Le trafic a été rétabli aux alentours de 15 heures.

    #frontière_sud-alpine #frontières #Italie #France #Alpes #Italie #France #décès #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #Alpes_maritimes


    ajouté à cette métaliste sur les migrants décédés à la frontière italo-française « basse » :

  • Get out ! Zur Situation von Geflüchteten in Bulgarien
    (publié en 2020, ajouté ici pour archivage)

    „Bulgaria is very bad“ ist eine typische Aussage jener, die auf ihrer Flucht bereits etliche Länder durchquert haben. Der vorliegende Bericht geht der Frage nach, warum Bulgarien seit Langem einen extrem schlechten Ruf unter den Geflüchteten genießt.

    Hierzu wird kenntnisreich die massive Gewalt nachgezeichnet, die Bulgarien im Zuge sogenannter „Push-Backs“ anwendet. Auch auf die intensive Kooperation mit der Türkei beim Schutz der gemeinsamen Grenze wird eingegangen. Da die Inhaftierung von Geflüchteten in Bulgarien obligatorisch ist, werden überdies die rechtlichen Hintergründe hierfür und die miserablen Haftbedingungen beschrieben. Weiterhin wird das bulgarische Asylsystem thematisiert und auf die besondere Situation von Geflüchteten eingegangen, die im Rahmen der Dublin-Verordnung nach Bulgarien abgeschoben wurden. Das bulgarische Integrationskonzept, das faktisch nur auf dem Papier existiert, wird ebenfalls beleuchtet.

    #migrations #asile #réfugiés #frontières #rapport #Bulgarie #push-backs #refoulements #pull-backs #violence #morts_aux_frontières #mourir_aux_frontières #milices #extrême_droite #enfermement #Dublin #renvois_Dublin #droit_d'asile #encampement #camps

  • Le dessous des images. Derniers instants avant le naufrage

    Au large de la Grèce, une équipe de garde-côtes survole et capture cette scène depuis un hélicoptère. Des centaines de migrants appellent au secours depuis un chalutier. La plupart ne survivront pas au naufrage. Mais à quoi a servi cette image ? Présenté par Sonia Devillers, le magazine qui analyse les images de notre époque.

    Ce cliché du 13 juin 2023 est repris dans toute la presse internationale. Les autorités grecques ont photographié ce bateau de pêche qu’ils savent bondé et fragile, et dont les passagers sont affamés et déshydratés. Pourtant, ils ne seront pas capables de les secourir. La responsabilité des garde-côtes sera mise en cause par médias et ONG. Arthur Carpentier, journaliste au Monde et coauteur d’une enquête sur ce naufrage, nous explique en quoi les images ont permis de reconstituer le drame. Le chercheur suisse Charles Heller nous aide à comprendre l’impact médiatique, politique et symbolique des images de migrants et de naufrages en Méditerranée.


    Citation de #Charles_Heller :

    « Ces #images cristallisent toutes les #inégalités et les #conflits du monde dans lequel on vit. Elles nous disent aussi la #normalisation de la #violence des #frontières, sur la large acceptation de dizaines de milliers de #morts aux frontières européennes, et en #Méditerranée en particulier »

    #naufrage #migrations #réfugiés #mer #Méditerranée #mer_Méditerranée #Grèce #reconstruction #Pylos #géolocalisation #architecture_forensique #images #mourir_en_mer #morts_en_mer #garde-côtes #Frontex #reconstitution #SAR #mer_Egée #border_forensics #domination #imaginaire #invasion #3_octobre_2013 #émoi #émotions #normalisation_de_la_violence

    ping @reka

    • Frontex report into Greek shipwreck suggests more deaths could have been prevented

      A Frontex report suggesting that many of the deaths caused by the shipwreck off the Greek coast near Pylos last June could have been prevented was released by the Aegean Boat Report NGO on their X feed yesterday evening (January 31).

      Investigations into what happened to the Adriana, an overcrowded fishing vessel carrying some 750 people from Libya to Italy that sank off the coast of Greece on June 13, are ongoing.

      However, a report produced by the European Border Agency Frontex — marked “sensitive” and dated December 1, 2023 — was posted to X (formerly known as Twitter) late on January 31.

      The report was posted by Aegean Boat Report, an organization working with migrants in the eastern Mediterranean.

      In their post on X, they thank freelance Brussels-based journalist Eleonora Vasques for “making it available to the public.” Frontex told InfoMigrants in an email that they had released the report via their “Transparency Office.” They added that the “release wass part of a Public Access to Documents request, an important process that allows us to share information with the public.”

      Vasques writes regularly for the European news portal Euractiv. One of her latest reports looks into what happened in the Cutro shipwreck off Italy almost a year ago. The story was also sourced back to an internal Frontex report, which concluded that more lives could have potentially been saved if the response from Frontex and the Italian coast guard had been different.


      Long and detailed report

      The 17-page Pylos report from Frontex is redacted in parts and goes into great detail about what happened and which authorities and merchant ships were involved. It also compares timelines from various authorities, NGOs and media organizations.

      In the email to InfoMigrants, Frontex continued that they “strive to make such documents available in our Public Register of Documents as promptly as possible.” The Press Spokesperson Krzysztof Borowski wrote that the “Pylos tragedy is a stark reminder of the challenges and dangers faced at sea. We at Frontex share the profound concern and sadness of the public regarding this heartbreaking event.” He finished by saying: “Our thoughts are with all those affected by this tragedy, and we remain dedicated to our mission of safeguarding lives while ensuring border security.”
      Committment to ’assess cases more thoroughly

      Although the report finds that Frontex “followed applicable procedures”, it admitted that “going forward and based on a reviewed assessment methodology ... the team … should assess similar cases more thoroughly against the need to issue a Mayday alert.”

      A Mayday alert is a radio distress signal used at sea.

      The report appears to suggest that more could have been done on the day to prevent such a huge loss of life.

      According to the Frontex report posted on X, “in the hours following the sighting of Adriana, Frontex made three attempts to follow up on the case, by suggesting additional Frontex Surveillance Aircraft (FSA) sorties.”

      Frontex writes that “no reply was received by the Greek authorities to Frontex’ repeated offers until Adriana’s shipwreck.”

      Frontex made an initial statement on June 16 expressing “shock and sadness” at the events off Pylos.
      ’Greek authorities failed to timely declare a search and rescue situation’

      Although the investigating office at Frontex underlines that it is “not in a position to conclude what caused Adriana’s capsizing and shipwreck … it appears that the Greek authorities failed to timely declare a search and rescue and to deploy a sufficient number of appropriate assets in time to rescue the migrants.”

      The report stated that Frontex “regrets the lack of information provided by the Greek authorities to its enquiry but still expects to receive updates from the national investigations in progress.”

      According to Frontex’ timeline of the incident, the agency first learned about the existence of the fishing vessel carrying migrants on June 13 at around 10:12 UTC, or around 13:12 in Greek summer time. They spotted the vessel from their aerial surveillance plane Eagle 1. About four hours later, another update was sent to the fundamental rights monitor, but according to the report, nothing “out of the ordinary” was flagged regarding the vessel at this point.

      The next paragraph jumped to June 14 at 06.19 UTC, when the fundamental rights monitor received “another update … notifying that Adriana sank overnight and a SAR [Search and Rescue] was in progress.”
      ’Serious Incident Report’ launched by Frontex on June 26

      In the following days, the Office for Fundamental Rights at Frontex monitored the aftermath of the incident, states the report.

      They studied “Frontex’ own sightings of Adriana” along with “statements by Greek officials, and initial information reported in the media.”

      Frontex launched a “Serious Incident Report (SIR) on June 26, “to clarify the role of Frontex in the incident as well as the legality and fundamental rights compliance of the assistance to the boat in distress, and the coordination and conduct of rescue operation by national authorities.”

      According to a summary of that work, the first mention of the Adriana came from the Italian control authorities in Rome at 08:01 UTC on June 13.

      At that point, Rome’s search and rescue authorities contacted Greece’s authorities and Frontex about “a fishing vessel with approximately 750 migrants on board, known to be sailing within the Greek Search and Rescue Region at 06:51 UTC.” At that point, Rome had already alerted the authorities to “reports of two dead children on board.”

      After receiving this report, Frontex wrote that it directed its plane Eagle 1, which was already in the air, to fly over the fishing vessel “even though the vessel lay outside the normal patrolling route.”

      The report said the Eagle 1 spotted the “heavily overcrowded” vessel at 09:47 UTC and informed the Greek authorities. Ten minutes later, the plane left the area due to low fuel and returned to base.
      Italian authorities report Adriana ’adrift’ long before Greek authorities do

      By 13:18, Rome’s search and rescue authorities provided an update of the situation to Greek authorities and Frontex. At that point, they said the boat was “reported adrift” and had “seven people dead on board.”

      At 14:54, Frontex reportedly received an email from the NGO Watch The Med – Alarm Phone alerting Frontex, JRCC Piraeus, the Greek Ombudsman’s Office, UNHCR and others to the new location of the fishing boat. In that email, Alarm Phone stated there were “several very sick individuals, including babies” among the approximately 750 people on board and that the boat was “not able to sail.”

      About 30 minutes later, this email was forwarded by Frontex to the Greek National Coordination Center and JRCC Piraeus, and it was sent on to the Fundamental Rights Office.

      About an hour later, Frontex contacted the Greek authorities to request an update on the situation. Frontex also offered to deploy a surveillance aircraft to check on the ship’s current position, but reports it received no reply.

      Just under two and a half hours later, the Greek authorities did request that Frontex support them “in the detection of a migrant boat within the maritime area south of Crete, as part of another SAR operation.” This turned out to be a sailing boat with about 50 people on board.
      ’No reply was received’

      Later that evening, Frontex contacted the Greek authorities twice more and said no reply was received.

      At 23:20 UTC, Frontex redirected the plane that had been helping with the fishing boat off Crete to the last known position of the fishing vessel.

      The timeline moves to June 14. At 02:46 UTC, Frontex informs the Greek authorities that its plane was headed towards the last position of the fishing vessel. It says it received no reply from the Hellenic authorities.

      Over an hour passed before the plane, this time the Heron 2, reached the “operational area” where it spotted “nine maritime assets (eight merchant vessels and one Hellenic Coast Guard patrol vessel) and two helicopters involved in a large-scale SAR operation.” At that point, states Frontex in the report “no signs of the fishing vessel were spotted.”

      At 05:31, Frontex told the Greek authorities that its plane Heron 1 was about to leave the operation, but offered Eagle 1, which was already airborne, to help with the SAR operation. The Greek authorities replied over two hours later that “no further aerial surveillance support was needed for the time being.”
      No mention of dead bodies on board in Greek timeline

      The Frontex report then includes a similar timeline from the Greek authorities. In the Greek version, there is no initial mention of dead bodies on board. They say they established contact with those on board and “no request for assistance was addressed to the Greek authorities.”

      Although the Italians reported that the vessel was already adrift around 13:18 UTC, according to the Frontex report, in the Greek version, the vessel is “still sailing with a steady course and speed” at 15:00 UTC.

      Around that same time, a Maltese flagged commercial vessel approaches the fishing boat to supply them with food and water, as requested by the Greek authorities. According to the Greek report, the people on board were repeatedly asked if they were facing “any kind of danger” or were “in need of additional support.” Their answer, according to Greece, was “they just wanted to continue sailing towards Italy.”

      30 minutes later, again according to JRCC Piraeus, via satellite phone contact, those on board said they wanted to keep sailing.

      At 18:00, the boat was approached again. According to the report, the migrants “accepted water” from the Greek-flagged commercial vessel that approached them, but “threw the rest of the supplies into the sea.” This approach and refusal of assistance carried on into the evening.
      Adriana ’still holding a steady course and speed’

      At 19:40 UTC, according to the Greek report, a Greek coast guard vessel approached the fishing vessel and “remained at a close distance in order to observe it.” It was still holding a “steady course and speed, without any indications of sailing problems.”

      It was only at 22:40 UTC, according to the Greek report, that the fishing vessel “stopped moving and informed the Greek authorities that they had an engine failure.”

      A Greek coast guard vessel then immediately approached the vessel to assess the situation. Less than an hour later — at 23:04 UTC, but 02:04 local time on June 14 — the Greek report notes that the fishing vessel “took an inclination to the right side, then a sudden inclination to the left side and again a great inclination to the right side, and eventually capsized.”

      They said "people on the external deck fell in the sea and the vessel sunk within 10-15 minutes.” At that point, the Hellenic coast guard “initiated a SAR operation.”

      The Frontex report then notes “alleged discrepancies” between the various timelines and survivor statements given to the media.

      They say that many of the survivors reported that the Greek coast guard “tied ropes onto the fishing vessel in an effort to tow it,” which allegedly caused it to destabilize and capsize.

      In the past, the Greek coast guard have tied and towed vessels successfully towards safety.

      However, while the Greek coast guard acknowledged that one rope was attached around three hours before the boat sank to ascertain passengers’ conditions, there was “no attempt to tow it.”

      The rope, say the Greeks, was removed by the migrants on board just a few minutes later and the coast guard vessel moved a distance away to continue observation.
      Was Adriana stationary prior to capsizing or not?

      The BBC and several other media outlets also reported at the time that prior to capsizing and sinking, the fishing vessel had not moved for several hours.

      This is consistent with the Frontex timeline, which mentions the Italian authorities’ warnings that the boat was adrift the day before it eventually capsized.

      Later in the report, Frontex notes that many of the “alternative and complementary timelines” put together by international NGOs and journalists are “credible” as they quote “more than one source for each statement.”

      The Frontex report looks into the question of whether or not the Adriana was drifting for several hours before sinking.

      It concludes that the Faithful Warrior, one of the merchant tankers sent to assist, was tracked between 17:00 and 20:00 and was “likely stationary or moving at extremely slow speed (less than 1 knot),” indicating that the Adriana was probably not sailing normally until shortly before it capsized as the Greek report claimed.

      The report also consulted “maritime experts to gain insight into issues pertaining to stability when a trawler of Adriana’s type is overloaded with human cargo.” Although their consultations were not precise due to a lack technical data, the experts indicated that the amount of people on board could have destabilized the boat or affected its stability.
      Testimony from survivors

      A Frontex team took testimonies from survivors after the shipwreck. They said they were told there were between 125 and 150 Syrians on board, including five women and six children.

      Around 400-425 Pakistanis were on board, the report said, most of whom were placed on the lower decks. The access ladders had been removed, making it impossible for them to exit.

      There were also between 150 and 170 Egyptians and about 10 Palestinians on board. The alleged smugglers were all said to be Egyptians and enforced discipline with pocket knives.

      Numerous fights broke out on board, particularly after food ran out a few days into sailing. At some point, the captain allegedly suffered a heart attack and the boat was “drifting without engine for extended periods of time.” On day four, June 12, six people were reported to have died, and others had resorted to drinking urine or sea water.

      On day five, June 13, some migrants said they received supplies from two vessels and “at night … were approached by a small boat that they were asked to follow.”

      They said they could not do this because of their engine malfunction. Several of the migrants also allege that attempts were made to tow the vessel — presumably by the Hellenic coast guard, they said.

      Survivors also said that at one point, a boat tied a rope to the front of the Adriana and started “making turns”. This, they said, “caused the migrants to run to one side, their vessel started rocking, and eventually capsized within 15 minutes.”

      Only people on the upper decks were able to jump into the water.
      Greek authorities leave ’detailed questions answered’

      In July, Frontex said it approached the Greek authorities with a “detailed set of questions” but most of its questions were left unanswered.

      In conclusion, the Frontex Fundamental Rights Office concluded that although Frontex “upheld” all its “applicable procedures,” in the light of the information that had already been transmitted and similar situations in which Mayday alerts had been issued, the assessment could have been different and the process for issuing Mayday alerts in the future “needs to be reviewed.”

      The report admits that “at the time of the initial sighting [of the Adriana] by Eagle 1, there was reasonable certainty that persons aboard … were threatened by grave and imminent danger and required immediate assistance.”

      They also say the “resources mobilized by the [Greek] authorities during the day … were not sufficient for the objective of rescuing the migrants.”

      Frontex adds that the Greek authorities appear to have “delayed the declaration of SAR operation until the moment of the shipwreck when it was no longer possible to rescue all the people on board.”


  • "Wie ein zweiter Tod"

    Am griechisch-türkischen Grenzfluss Evros enden Versuche, in die EU zu gelangen, immer wieder mit dem Tod. Die Verstorbenen werden oft spät gefunden und bleiben namenlos - ein Trauma für die Angehörigen.

    Am 17. Oktober 2022 überquert die 22-jährige Suhur den Evros, den Grenzfluss zwischen der Türkei und Griechenland. Ein Schlepper verspricht der Frau aus Somalia, sie bis nach Thessaloniki zu bringen. Auf der griechischen Seite angekommen, geht es schnell weiter durch einen Wald.

    Doch Suhur hat starke Bauchschmerzen, nach einigen Kilometern kann sie nicht mehr weiterlaufen. Die anderen aus der Gruppe lassen sie alleine zurück, ihre Freundin verspricht Hilfe zu suchen. Doch dazu dazu kommt es nicht. Tage später findet die Polizei ihre Leiche.

    Es ist Suhurs Onkel Fahti, der ihre Geschichte erzählt, nachdem er ihre Leiche im Universitätskrankenhaus in Alexandroupoli identifiziert hat.
    Engmaschige Kontrollen entlang des Ufers

    Suhur ist eine von vielen Menschen, die versuchen, über den Evros zu gelangen, um Europa zu erreichen. Der Fluss markiert eine Außengrenze der Europäischen Union. Entlang der griechischen Uferseite allerdings wird engmaschig kontrolliert, regelmäßig sind unterschiedliche Polizeieinheiten in der Gegend unterwegs.

    In der Grenzzone selbst ist der Zutritt streng verboten, nur mit Sondererlaubnis darf man in die Nähe des Flusses gehen. Seit 2020 wird ein Grenzzaun errichtet, 38 Kilometer ist er bereits lang, er soll Migranten von einem illegalen Übertritt abhalten.

    Weiterhin traurige Rekorde

    Doch offenbar verfehlen die Maßnahmen ihre erwünschte Wirkung. So erreichten allein im Jahr 2022 laut UNHCR 6022 Flüchtlinge über den Landweg Griechenland, das sind ähnlich hohe Zahlen wie vor der Verschärfung der Kontrollen.

    Einen traurigen Rekord stellt die Zahl der Toten auf, die gefunden werden. Mindestens 63 Menschen sind nach offiziellen Angaben auf der Flucht gestorben, die tatsächlichen Zahlen dürften noch deutlich höher liegen.


    Ein Rechtsmediziner zählt die Toten

    In Alexandroupoli, auf griechischer Seite, arbeitet Pavlos Pavlidis als Rechtsmediziner der Region. Jeder am Evros gefundene tote Flüchtling wird von ihm obduziert.

    Pavlidis führt Protokoll über die Anzahl der Toten am Evros. Auch der tote Körper der Somalierin Suhur wurde ihm aus einem Waldstück nahe des Flusses gebracht.

    Aus London angereist, um die Nichte zu identifizieren

    Nun sitzt ihr Onkel Fahti auf einem Sofa in seinem Büro. Sie sei eine wunderschöne Frau gewesen, sagt er. Fathi ist aus London angereist, um seine Nichte zu identifizieren.

    Die Freundin von Suhur, so erzählt es Fathi, habe sich der griechischen Polizei gestellt, um sie zu der schwer erkrankten Suhur zu führen. Doch die Polizei habe nicht nach ihr gesucht, und die Freundin sofort zurück in die Türkei abgeschoben.

    Verifizieren lässt sich diese Version der Geschehnisse nicht mehr. Die „Push-Back“-Praxis, das Abschieben von Migranten ohne Verfahren, wurde offiziell nie von der griechischen Regierung bestätigt.Trotzdem gibt es viele ähnliche Berichte von Betroffenen.

    Rechtsmediziner Pavlidis hat Suhurs toten Körper obduziert und kommt zu dem Ergebnis: Die junge Frau habe auf der Flucht einen Magendurchbruch erlitten, voraussichtlich hervorgerufen durch großen Stress. Am Ende sei sie an einer Sepsis gestorben. Durch Erschöpfung hervorgerufene Krankheiten seien eine häufige Todesursache am Evros, die häufigste aber Ertrinken im Fluss.

    Viel Flüchtlinge können kaum schwimmen

    Pavlidis sagt, die Verantwortung für die vielen Toten trügen zunächst die Schlepper, die die Schlauchboote völlig überladen, so, dass sie schnell kenterten. Viele Flüchtlinge könnten kaum schwimmen, so werde der Fluss zur Gefahr für ihr Leben.

    Die Flüchtlinge selbst unterschätzen offenbar die Gefährlichkeit der Überfahrt. Aber auch die strenge Abschirmung der Grenze bedeutet für sie eine Gefahr. Um den Grenzschützern auszuweichen, schlagen sie immer gefährlichere Routen ein.

    Wer aufgegriffen wird, muss Angst haben, abgeschoben zu werden. Verletzt sich einer aus der Gruppe, muss dieser damit rechnen, alleine zurückgelassen zu werden. Denn Hilfe zu holen, würde für alle bedeuten, dass ihre teuer bezahlte Flucht erst einmal gestoppt ist.

    Aktuell 52 ungeklärte Todesfälle

    Immer wieder findet die Polizei Tote also auch in den bewaldeten Bergen entlang des Flusses. Die Leichen sind schon nach wenigen Tagen kaum noch zu identifizieren. Pavlidis versucht es trotzdem, sucht nach Todesursache und Todeszeitpunkt und nach Antworten auf die Frage, wer ist dieser Mensch war.

    Aktuell erzählt Pavlidis von 52 ungeklärten Fällen. Hinter jedem einzelnen stünden Angehörige, die diese Menschen vermissten. Die Identität zu verlieren, sei wie ein zweiter Tod, sagt der Rechtsmediziner.

    Etwa 200 Grabsteine erinnern an die namenlosen Toten

    Um den namenlosen Toten eine letzte Ruhestätte zu geben, entstand in dem in den Bergen, nahe der Gemeinde Sidiro, ein Friedhof, der ihnen gewidmet ist. Etwa 200 Grabsteine stehen hier auf einer leichten Anhöhe. Auf den Platten stehen Nummern. Pavlidis führt eine Liste mit den entsprechenden Nummern in seinem Büro.

    Falls doch irgendwann ein Angehöriger zu ihm käme und mit Hilfe einer DNA-Probe einen Toten identifiziere, könne der auf dem Friedhof der Namenlosen ausgegraben und umgebettet werden.

    Im Fall der Somalierin Suhur ist Pavlidis eine Identifizierung gelungen. Ihr Onkel Fathi lebte wochenlang mit der Ungewissheit, was seiner Nichte geschehen sein könnte.

    Nachdem er bei der griechischen Polizei eine Suchanzeige abgegeben hat, lebt er nun mit der brutalen Gewissheit, dass Suhur gestorben ist. Wenigstens habe er nun Klarheit, sagt er, so dass seine Familie und er nun von Suhur Abschied nehmen könnten.


    #frontières #mourir_aux_frontières #morts_aux_frontières #Evros #fleuve #Turquie #Grèce #Pavlos_Pavlidis #cimetière #migrations #asile #réfugiés #identification #murs #barrières_frontalières

  • Europe’s Nameless Dead

    As more people try to reach Western Europe through the Balkans, taking increasingly dangerous routes to evade border police, many are dying without a trace

    When hundreds of thousands of refugees crossed through the Balkans in 2015, border controls were limited and there were few fences or walls. The route was largely open.

    After several years of lull, the number of people making this journey recently increased again. Last year saw the highest number of crossings since 2015, predominantly due to ongoing conflicts in Afghanistan and hostile treatment of refugees in Turkey.

    But the Balkan route has changed in the last eight years. With the help of funding from both the EU and the UK, countries in the Balkans have erected fences and built walls. When border police catch people seeking asylum, they often force them back over the border.

    Subsequently, those making the journey often take longer and more dangerous routes in order to evade the police – and the consequences can be deadly; people are freezing to death in forests, drowning in rivers or dying from sheer exhaustion.

    There is no official data on the number of dead and missing migrants in the Balkans. Efforts that have been made to collect data – for example the IOM’s Missing Migrants Project – are based mostly on media reports and are likely to be significantly underestimated.

    With RFE/RL, Der Spiegel, ARD, the i newspaper, Solomon and academics from Aston, Liverpool and Nottingham Universities, we sought to measure the scale of migrant deaths at the borders of a commonly trodden route spanning Bulgaria, Serbia and Bosnia. Crucially, we sought to find out what subsequently happens to the bodies of these people and what their families go through trying to find them.

    We found that the hostility people face at the borders of Europe in life continues into death. State authorities make little to no effort to identify dead migrants or inform their families, while individual doctors, NGO workers and activists do what they can to fill in the gaps. Unidentified bodies end up piled in morgues or buried without a trace.

    It was clear from the outset that it would be impossible to get comprehensive numbers on migrant deaths, given some bodies will never be found, particularly when people have drowned in rivers or died deep in forests.

    In Bulgaria, Serbia and Bosnia, we requested data from police departments, prosecutors’ offices, courts and morgues on how many unidentified bodies they had recorded in recent years. While some provided information, most failed to respond or declined to disclose the data.

    But through this process we managed to obtain data on the number of bodies known or presumed to be migrants received by six morgues near the borders along the Bulgaria-Serbia-Bosnia route. We found 155 such cases across the six facilities since the start of 2022 – the majority (92) dying this year alone.

    By speaking with forensic pathologists in Bulgaria, Serbia and Bosnia, we found that in each of the three countries, the legal protocol is that an autopsy must be performed on all unidentified bodies – but what happens next is less clear. Information on the deceased is fragmented and held across different institutions, with no unified system which proactively seeks to connect them with families looking for them.

    Through interviews with more than a dozen people whose family members had gone missing or died along the route, we learnt that they are left with no idea where to look or who to ask. We found WhatsApp groups and Facebook pages connecting networks of concerned families, desperately sharing photos and information about their lost loved ones. Some NGOs in Bulgaria and Serbia said they are contacted about such cases every day.

    In some cases when families approached Burgas morgue in south-eastern Bulgaria – where we recorded the highest number of migrant bodies – they were told by staff that they could only check the bodies if they paid them cash bribes. This was confirmed by multiple testimonies and NGOs operating in the area.

    RFE/RL followed the case of one Syrian father’s search for his son. Husam Adin Bibars, a refugee in Denmark, travelled to Bulgaria after his son, Majd Addin Bibars, went missing there while trying to reach Western Europe.

    After a day and a half of asking different institutions, Bibars was directed to a local police station near the Turkish border – where he was shown a photo of Majd’s lifeless body. He was told he had died of thirst, exhaustion and cold – and that he had been buried four days after his body was found.

    In an interview with ARD, the prosecutor in Yambol, a Bulgarian city close to the Turkish border, near where Majd was buried, said his body was buried after four days in keeping with their procedure of carrying out burials of unidentified migrants “fast” to free up space in the morgue.

    Some 900 kilometres away in Bosnia, iNews spoke to Dr Vidak Simić, a forensic pathologist responsible for performing autopsies on bodies found in the Drina River, which runs along the Serbian border. He said that in 2023 alone, he had examined 28 bodies presumed to be migrants, compared with five last year. The vast majority remain unidentified and are now buried in graves marked ‘NN’ – an abbreviation for a Latin term for a person with no name.

    The doctor is now working with local activist Nihad Suljić to try to help families find their missing loved ones, by checking his autopsy files to see if any unidentified bodies match the description of missing people. But he says a proper system needs to be put in place for this. “[Families] enter a painstaking process, through embassies, burial organisations, to obtain a bone sample, so that they can compare it with one of their family members,” he says.


    #mourir_aux_frontières #frontières #morts_aux_frontières #migrations #asile #réfugiés #décès #morts #Balkans #route_des_Balkans #visualisation #cartographie

    ping @reka

    • Sie erfrieren in Wäldern, ertrinken in Flüssen

      Europas namenlose Tote: Viele Flüchtende, die auf der Balkanroute sterben, werden nie identifiziert. Angehörige suchen verzweifelt nach Gewissheit – manche müssen sich den Zugang zu Leichenhallen erkaufen. Der SPIEGEL-Report.



    • Namenloser Tod in Bulgarien

      An der türkisch-bulgarischen Grenze endet der Versuch von Migranten, in die EU zu kommen, oft in tödlicher Erschöpfung. Die Behörden begraben die Leichen schnell - ohne Identifizierung. Für die Angehörigen ist das ein weiteres Trauma.

      Das Porträt hängt zwischen den Fenstern im ansonsten schmucklosen Wohnzimmer. Wenn Hussam Adin Bibars es von der Wand nimmt, um es zu zeigen, wirkt es, als würde er eine Bürde tragen.

      Der gut aussehende junge Mann mit den blauen Augen und dem akkurat gestutzten, schwarzen Bart auf dem Foto ist sein Sohn. Das letzte Lebenszeichen von ihm kam im Herbst. Majid hatte sich auf den Weg gemacht, um zu seiner Familie zu ziehen. Sein Vater war bereits im Jahr 2015 aus Syrien geflohen und lebt heute in Dänemark.

      Um seinen Plan in die Tat umzusetzen, musste Majid über die berüchtigte Balkanroute, die in den vergangenen Jahren immer gefährlicher geworden ist. Die Außengrenzen werden strenger bewacht, Geflüchtete und ihre Schleuser wählen längere und gefährlichere Routen, um ein Aufeinandertreffen mit der Polizei zu vermeiden.

      Verloren im „Dreieck des Todes“

      Der Weg führt an der türkisch-bulgarischen Grenze durch dichte, endlose Wälder. „Dreieck des Todes“ nennen sie das Gebiet hier, weil dort besonders viele tote Körper gefunden wurden. Immer wieder verirren sich Flüchtlinge, sterben an Dehydrierung und Erschöpfung.

      Oft sind es Mitarbeiter von NGOs wie Diana Dimova, die die Toten finden. Vergangenes Jahr hätten sie zehn bis zwölf Notrufe erreicht, erzählt sie, dieses Jahr habe sie schon nicht mehr zählen können, es seien aber auf jeden Fall mehr als 70 gewesen.

      Nach Recherchen des ARD-Studios Wien in Kooperation mit Lighthouse Reports, dem Spiegel, RFE/RL, Solomon und inews starben allein in den vergangenen zwei Jahren mindestens 93 Menschen auf ihrem Weg durch Bulgarien.

      Dem Rechercheteam liegen zahlreiche Videos und Fotos Geflüchteter vor. Sie stehen neben ihren sterbenden Weggefährten, betten sie auf Jacken, versuchen sie zuzudecken und müssen sie schließlich auf dem Waldboden zurücklassen, der starre Blick eingefangen auf einem wackeligen Handyvideo.

      Wer zu schwach ist, wird zurückgelassen

      Hussam Adin Bibars erfährt, dass auch Majid nicht genug zu trinken hat. Er wird immer schwächer, berichtet von Bauchkrämpfen und kann nicht mehr weiterlaufen. Sein Vater macht sich Sorgen, versucht, mit dem Schleuser in Kontakt zu kommen.

      Der Schmuggler sagte, dass sich der Gesundheitszustand von Majid verschlechtert habe. Sie hätten ihn im Wald zurückgelassen. Ich habe versucht, ihm zu erklären, dass Majid ein Mensch ist und man ihn in so einem Zustand nicht einfach im Wald zurücklassen kann. Ich habe den Schmuggler gebeten, Majid an die nächstmögliche Behörde zu übergeben.

      Verzweifelte Suche in Bulgarien

      Als der Kontakt abbricht, macht Hussam sich auf eigene Faust auf die Suche. Er reist nach Bulgarien, klappert Krankenhäuser ab, schließlich auch Leichenhallen.

      In der Gerichtsmedizin in Yambol, einer Stadt im Südosten des Landes, findet er eine erste Spur, die ihn zu seinem Sohn führen könnte. Ein Körper, der zu seiner Beschreibung passt, sei dort gewesen, erzählt man ihm.

      Auf der Polizeistation zeigt man ihm schließlich Fotos, man habe den Leichnam auf einem Feld gefunden.

      Was bleibt: eine Grabnummer

      Hussam will seinen Sohn sehen und identifizieren, doch der Leichnam ist bereits weg. Die Polizei hat nur noch die Nummer eines Grabes für ihn. Für den Vater ist diese Nachricht kaum zu ertragen:

      Ich wünschte, ich hätte wenigstens die Chance, Majid ein letztes Mal zu sehen, aber bis heute bin ich mir über seinen Tod absolut unsicher. Ich habe zwar Fotos von ihm gesehen und sein Telefon erhalten, aber ich habe ihn nicht mit eigenen Augen gesehen, so dass mein Verstand immer noch nicht glauben kann, dass die Person in diesem Grab mein Sohn ist.

      Die Begründung der Staatsanwaltschaft

      Bevor der Körper überhaupt identifiziert werden konnte, hatte der Staatsanwalt ihn bereits zur Beerdigung freigegeben. Nach nur vier Tagen. Milen Bozidarov, einer der zuständigen Staatsanwälte für die Region verweist im Interview mit der ARD auf hygienische Gründe.

      Die Leichenhallen seien voll, jeder sei zur Eile angehalten. Wenn man davon ausgehen könne, die tote Person sei ein Migrant und die Angehörigen weit weg, dann gebe es keine sinnvollen Gründe, den Körper weiterhin aufzubewahren.

      Doch Majids Vater wollte seinen Sohn finden, die weite Anreise aus Dänemark hinderte ihn nicht an der Suche. 22 Tage nach seinem Tod war er in Bulgarien vor Ort. Da war es jedoch längst zu spät.

      Das einzige, was er noch besuchen konnte, war ein Erdhaufen auf einem Friedhof inmitten anderer namenloser Gräber.

      „Man will keine Aufmerksamkeit“

      Scharfe Kritik an dieser Praxis des schnellen Begrabens kommt von Anwalt Dragomir Oshavkov aus Burgas. Eigentlich dürfe es keinen Unterschied machen, ob der Tote ein Bulgare oder ein Migrant sei.

      Die Behörden hätten bei Migranten jedoch kein Interesse daran, die wahre Todesursache und die Identität herauszufinden, erzählt er. Man wolle den Prozess einfach schnell und möglichst bequem abschließen.

      Ein Verhalten, das für die EU unwürdig ist. So sieht es Erik Marquardt, der für die Grünen im Europaparlament sitzt und die Migrationspolitik der letzten Jahre genau verfolgt.

      Wenn man nach wenigen Tagen, ohne die Todesursache genau zu ermitteln, Menschen einfach verscharrt und sich nicht um die Angehörigen kümmert, dann will man offenbar nicht, dass die Aufmerksamkeit auf diese Fälle kommt.

      Marquardt bringt die Einführung einer EU-Datenbank ins Spiel und eine Verpflichtung der Mitgliedstaaten, bei der Auffindung von Verwandten mitzuwirken.

      Ein Kind ohne Vater

      Für viele Menschen ist der Weg über die Balkanroute inzwischen tödlich - und endet in einem namenlosen Grab. Auch für Majid.

      Wenige Tage nach seinem Tod kommt Majids Tochter zur Welt. Hussam, der Großvater, zeigt ein Video, auf dem die Kleine unter einer weiß-blauen Samtmütze hervor blinzelt. Sie wird bei ihrer Mutter aufwachsen.

      Wo und wie ihr Vater genau gestorben ist, wird sie niemals erfahren.



      #Bulgarie #Turquie

    • "Ничии тела". Как стотици хора загинаха в бягството си през България

      През България минава път, който не е на картата и е все по-смъртоносен. По него вървят мигрантите, тръгнали за Западна Европа. Някои умират по пътя. После близките им ги търсят сред хаос и корупция. Разследване на Свободна Европа, Lighthouse Reports, The I Newspaper, Solomon, Der Spiegel и ARD.

      “Това е синът ми!”, възкликва със стегнат в гърлото глас 53-годишният сириец от Алепо Хусам Ал-Дийн Бибарс. Дежурният полицай в Елхово му показва снимка на очевидно мъртъв млад мъж със сиво-черни дрехи. На снимката той лежи в пръстта в землището на село Мелница, Ямболска област.

      Само ден по-рано бащата е пристигнал в България от Дания, където живее, с надеждата да открие безследно изчезналия си син Мажд, на 27 години. Екипът ни съпровожда бащата в това търсене.

      Още 22 дни по-рано Мажд е преминал нелегално българо-турската граница с група, водена от трафиканти. Платил е 7000 евро на каналджиите, за да достигне до заветната дестинация - Германия, където мечтае да се установи с жена си и малката си дъщеря.

      Хусам е чул сина си за последен път ден преди началото на фаталното пътуване. “Как си татко, добре ли си със здравето?” - пита Мажд.
      Хусам и снимката

      “На първата снимка не беше той. На втората обаче беше. Когато го видях, се сринах на земята”, каза бащата. От полицията му обясняват, че синът му е починал от преумора и че по тялото му няма следи от насилие.

      Първоначалната мисъл на Хусам Бибарс е да вземе тялото на Мажд и да го погребе у дома, в Сирия или в Турция, при семейството му. Тази надежда бързо бива попарена. Разбираме, че младият мъж вече е погребан служебно в безименен гроб в Елхово с постановление на окръжен прокурор от Ямбол. Документът е издаден едва 4 дни след като тракторист случайно е намерил тялото му и звъни в полицията.

      “Слушаме, че Европа е земя на свобода, демокрация и човешки права. Но къде са човешките права в това да не мога да видя сина си преди да бъде погребан? Видях единствено гроба му, снимките и телефона му. Това е всичко, което имам от него”, казва бащата.
      Един от стотици загинали

      Мажд Бибарс е един от стотиците бежанци от Близкия изток, изгубили живота си в последните години, докато минават по т.нар. Балкански маршрут в опит да намерят закрила в Европа.

      По данни на европейската гранична агенция Frontex, през 2022 г. броят на опитите за преминаване на европейските граници достига до пиковите равнища от 2016 г., като почти половината от тях, или 145 000 души, са минали именно през Югоизточна Европа.

      Обикновено смъртта по европейските граници се свързва с трагичните корабокрушения по бреговете на Средиземно море. Но различни доклади, като проекта Missing Migrants на Международната организация по миграция показват, че сухопътният маршрут през Балканите става все по-опасен.

      В продължение на повече от седем месеца екип от журналисти на Lighthouse reports, Der Spiegel, ARD, Свободна Европа и Inews проследи и документира десетки случаи на мигранти, безследно изчезнали или изгубили живота си в опит да преминат през три държави от т.нар. Балкански маршрут - България, Сърбия и Босна и Херцеговина.

      За семействата им процесът по издирване се оказва истински кошмар. Ако се окаже, че мигрантът е загинал, те трябва да идентифицират и евентуално да репатрират тялото му, или да го погребат в България.

      Само че на национално и на международно ниво няма нито единен, нито адекватен отговор на техните въпроси. Независимо от разрастващия се мащаб на проблема, роднините на загинали и изчезнали мигранти се сблъскват с липса на информация, незаинтересованост и тромави административни процедури. А ако действието се развива в България - и с корупция в бургаската морга, където се озовава най-големият брой от телата за загиналите.
      “Лавинообразен” ръст на изчезналите и загиналите

      “Често се случва да получа обаждане в полунощ от човек (...), който, на развален английски директно ме пита: Можете ли да намерите брат ми?”, разказва Калинка Янкова от Службата за възстановяване на семейни връзки към Българския червен кръст.

      “Най-много ни мотивира това да намираме хората живи. Но напоследък рядко имаме този късмет”, допълва тя.

      Янкова и екипът й разполагат с 631 сигнала за предполагаемо загинали през тази година и още стотици молби за издирване на изчезнали мигранти, подадени от роднините им. Към момента имат установени около 20 смъртни случая, в които са съдействали на семействата за идентифициране на починалите им близки. Сред тях има и деца.

      “Всичко започна през септември миналата година и оттогава случаите нараснаха лавинообразно”, казва Янкова.

      Думите й се потвърждават и от данните на правозащитната организация Фондация “Достъп до права”, или ФАР, която само за месеците септември и октомври 2023 г. е получила на своя спешен телефон 70 сигнала за изчезнали на територията на страната мигранти. За трима от тях по-късно разбират, че са починали в горите около град Средец.

      “В около 95 процента от случаите това са роднини, които се свързват с нас, посочвайки България, като държава, в която те за последен път са се чули с лицето”, казаха от ФАР.

      В останалите около 5 процента лично трафикантите подават сигнали за бедстващи хора, но това се случва часове след като човекът е бил изоставен, за да се избегне рискът от това служители на гранична полиция да задържат групата или да я върнат в Турция - практика, за която ви разказахме в последните ни разследвания. Основните места, където се намират лицата, са в горите около Средец и планината “Странджа” - район, печално известен още от времето на комунистическите гранични войски като“триъгълника на смъртта”.

      Но реално черната статистика е доста по-голяма. Само за периода 2022-2023 г. в моргата към УМБАЛ Бургас, която е и най-натоварената заради близостта си до турската граница, са съхранявани общо 54 тела на мигранти. 31 от тях са намерени от началото на тази година. Проверките ни в граничните райони до Турция и Сърбия установиха поне 93 смъртни случаи с мигранти на територията на страната за последните две години.

      Екипът ни документира други 62 случая от Сърбия и Босна и Херцеговина за същия период, с което трагичните инциденти по тази част от Балканския маршрут, установени само в рамките на това разследване, достигнаха 155.

      В местните медии темата е сведена до сензационни заглавия от типа на “Моргата в Бургас се препълни” или “Странджа е осеяна с трупове”. Ние решихме да проследим историите зад числата, причините за големия брой трагични инциденти и начините, по които институциите се справят с тях.
      В търсене на изчезналите роднини

      Мохамад Мудасир Арианпур е гордостта на семейството си. Служи в афганистанската армия, докато талибаните не вземат отново властта през 2021 г. Това прави живота му у дома невъзможен.

      На 21 септември 2022 г. Мохамад прекосява турско-българската граница с група от 26 други мигранти, водени от двама трафиканти. На 25 септември младият мъж губи сили и не може да продължи пътя през горите на Странджа. Негови приятели виждат, че се намират близо до село и му оставят две бутилки с вода с надеждата, че скоро ще бъде намерен и предаден на българските власти.

      Оттогава никой няма връзка с него.

      В следващите месеци негови роднини, живеещи в Западна Европа, посещават България няколко пъти, обикалят полицейски управления, бежански центрове, болници и морги, но опитите им да го открият не се увенчават с успех.

      Отчаяното търсене ги среща и с други семейства, сполетени от същата съдба. Сестра му Фатме Арианпур решава да създаде Whatsapp група, в която всички си помагат и обменят информация.

      “Намерихме се в различни групи във Фейсбук и разбрахме, че сме толкова много хора в една и съща ситуация”, разказва Фатме. “Надявам се, че като говорим за тези неща, ще успеем да променим нещо. Независимо дали са живи или мъртви, хората имат права”, допълва тя.

      Именно в създадената от нея група, както и в други подобни срещнахме основния герой на историята ни - Хусам Бибарс, както и други семейства, с които разговаряхме.

      Поне четирима от интервюираните ни казаха, че при посещенията си в моргата в УМБАЛ Бургас са плащали на служители на лечебното заведение, за да видят дали близките им не са сред съхраняваните там тела.

      Сумите, за които чухме, варираха между 50 лева и 200 евро на посещение.

      “В крайна сметка всички просто искат пари”, обобщи опита си Али, афганистански бежанец. Той прекарва месеци в България, опитвайки се да погребе 16-годишния си брат, като общо разходите му възлизат на над 8000 евро.
      50 лева

      Оплакванията от корупционни практики с тела на мигранти в моргата в Бургас не са нищо ново за работещите в правозащитния сектор.

      “Получавали сме информация и сигнали, че от семейства, открили мъртъв човек там, са били искани големи суми за потвърждение, че тялото е там, и за освобождаването му. Оплакват се, че са им били искани пари на всяка стъпка от процеса”, казва Георги Войнов, адвокат в бежанско-мигрантската служба на Българския хелзинкски комитет.

      За Калинка Янкова от БЧК новината за подобни форми на изнудване идва от близки на загинал афганистанец, които й споделят, че са платили над 100 евро, за да видят тялото на своя близък.

      “Бях извън себе си от възмущение.(...) Когато споделих с един колега, той ми каза: добре дошла в клуба”, добавя тя.

      Аудиофайл, с който екипът ни разполага, е и първото категорично потвърждение на тези твърдения. В него ясно се чува как служител на моргата в Бургас иска общо 100 лева от семейство, търсещо свой близък, заради това, че му е показал тела на починали мигранти в камерата.

      “Две по 50. Двама човека сме. Още едно 50”, инструктира той роднините, преди да ги насочи към процедура по разпознаване чрез ДНК.

      От УМБАЛ Бургас обясниха, че в лечебното заведение не е постъпвал нито един сигнал или жалба за подобни практики и обясниха, че идентификацията на телата се извършва само и единствено в присъствието на разследващ полицай и съдебен лекар.

      “Огромна част от телата са в състояние на напреднало разложение и е невъзможно да бъдат разпознати без ДНК експертиза, дори и да бъдат показани”, уточниха от болницата.

      “Апелираме подобни сигнали и оплаквания, да бъдат адресирани по официалния ред към нас и към разследващите органи. Ако се установи, че има подобни практики, служителите ще понесат съответната отговорност”, посочи още управлението на МБАЛ Бургас.
      “Ничии тела”

      В българския НПК процедурите по идентифициране на случайно намерени тела са едни и същи, независимо дали казусът засяга български или чужд гражданин. В подобни случаи прокуратурата започва досъдебно производство, което има две цели: да идентифицира лицето и да установи причината за смъртта. На жертвите се взема ДНК, което се съхранява, ако евентуално в бъдеще се появят близки, които искат да извършат разпознаване.

      Съвпадението на ДНК е задължително за освобождаване на тела от моргите или за евентуална ексхумация, което отнема около 3 месеца и допълнително усложнява процеса по репатриране на починалите. Към момента Хусам Бибарс вече над месец очаква резултатите от ДНК тест, за да може да получи важни документи за семейството на починалия си син.

      В случай, че самоличността на лицето не може да бъде установена и няма данни за насилствено причинена смърт, наблюдаващият прокурор може да издаде постановление за извършване на служебно погребение, което е в правомощията на съответната община.

      Чрез запитвания по Закона за достъп до обществена информация разбрахме, че през последните 4 години общините Бургас, Средец и Ямбол са извършили общо 14 служебни погребения, като основната част - 10, са били в Бургас.

      Тези данни се отнасят за всички неидентифицирани тела, но посещения на гробищните паркове ни дават основание да смятаме, че в болшинството от случаите става дума за мигранти. За сравнение, от най-голямата община в страната, столичната, в същия период не е извършено нито едно служебно погребение, разпоредено от прокурор.

      Остава отворен и въпросът защо от моргата в Бургас редовно идват оплаквания, че е препълнена с тела на неидентифицирани мигранти, някои от които престояват там с години, а случаи като този на Мажд Бибарс биват приключени за четири дни, повдигайки сериозни съмнения, че изобщо са били правени опити тялото да бъде идентифицирано.

      В отговор на наше запитване от Главната прокуратура ни увериха, че на централно ниво няма решение за по-бързо освобождаване на тела и това “не е възможно, тъй като наблюдаващите прокурори следва стриктно да спазват нормите на НПК”.

      “Ако близките не пожелаят да получат тялото и изрично заявят това, тогава се пристъпва към служебно погребение. Същото се налага да се извърши и когато не бъде установена самоличността на починалия – при обективно положени изчерпателни усилия за това или при случаи, когато се изясни, че починалият няма близки и роднини”, посочват прокурорите. Те подчертават, че при случаите с български граждани се действа по същия начин.

      Но Милен Божидаров, който е прокурор в Ямболската районна прокуратура, признава, че стремежът в неговия район е случаите да се приключват бързо.

      “Това е въпрос на организация на процеса, всички ние целим бързина”, заяви той.

      По думите на прокурора, при “обичайни обстоятелства” роднините на загинали се търсят и обикновено се установяват още в деня на смъртта.

      Но очевидно случаите с телата на мигранти не попадат в обичайната хипотеза.

      “Когато ние имаме неидентифициран труп, за който няма обяснение [за самоличността], освен, че е [ясно, че е] бежанец, и се предполага, че роднините му са някъде по света и не са се свързали с нас в този, предходния или по-предходния ден, няма обективни причини, които да налагат съхранението на този труп”, обясни той.

      “Представете си, че този баща не се беше появил - ние така или иначе нямаше да стигнем до някакъв резултат и трупът не може да стои безкрайно в камера в някое от здравните заведения”, допълни прокурорът.

      Но според адвокат Драгомир Ошавков, който работи с фондация ФАР в Бургас, в огромния процент от случаите с мигранти органите на досъдебното производство и прокуратурата просто нямат интерес от това да вършат подробни изследвания и да установяват реално причините за смъртта и самоличността.

      “Те бързат да приключат по най-бързия и удобен за тях начин това досъдебно производство”, категочен е той.

      “Това са едни ничии хора, ничии тела. Мигранти, които не представляват голям обществен интерес. Те не са желани в България, не са желани вероятно и в Западна Европа. Вероятно затова те са считани по-скоро като тежест за системата, вместо като случаи, които трябва да бъдат разрешени”, смята юристът.


    • Νεκροί πρόσφυγες στα Βαλκάνια : « Λάδωσε » για να βρεις τον άνθρωπό σου

      Στη βαλκανική οδό πεθαίνουν περισσότεροι αιτούντες άσυλο ακόμα και από το 2015. Ενώ οι συγγενείς καλούνται να αντιμετωπίσουν την κρατική αδιαφορία για την ταυτοποίηση των ανθρώπων τους, αναγκάζονται και να πληρώσουν εκατοντάδες ευρώ απλώς για να τους αναζητήσουν.

      Ήλπιζε πως θα έβρισκε τον γιο του σε κάποιον προσφυγικό καταυλισμό. Και αφού είχε περάσει τρεις εβδομάδες αναζητώντας τον, είχε προετοιμαστεί για το ενδεχόμενο να τον εντοπίσει σε κάποιο νοσοκομείο.

      Αλλά δεν περίμενε να τον βρει στο νεκροταφείο.

      Όταν ο αστυνομικός με το βουλγαρικό εθνόσημο του έδειξε τη φωτογραφία του γιου του, να κείτεται δίχως ζωή στο γρασίδι, έχασε τη γη κάτω απ’ τα πόδια του. « Εύχομαι τουλάχιστον να είχα τη δυνατότητα να δω τον Μαχίντ μια τελευταία φορά. Το μυαλό μου ακόμη και σήμερα δεν μπορεί να πιστέψει πως ο άνθρωπος σε αυτόν τον τάφο είναι ο γιος μου », λέει ο Χουσάμ Αντίν Μπίμπαρς.

      Ο 56χρονος Σύριος πρόσφυγας, πατέρας πέντε ακόμη παιδιών, είχε συμπληρώσει 22 ημέρες αναζητώντας από απόσταση τον γιο του, όταν αποφάσισε να ξοδέψει τα λιγοστά του χρήματα για να ταξιδέψει από τη Δανία στη Βουλγαρία και να ψάξει για εκείνον — αλλά ήταν πια αργά.

      Στη Βουλγαρία, έμαθε πως το σώμα του 27χρονου Μαχίντ είχε ταφεί μέσα σε μόλις τέσσερις ημέρες από τον εντοπισμό του. Ο Μαχίντ είχε ταφεί ως αγνώστων στοιχείων, τίποτα δεν ενημέρωνε πως κάτω από εκείνον τον σωρό με χώμα που αργότερα επισκέφθηκε βρισκόταν ο γιος του.

      « Ακούμε πως η Ευρώπη είναι η γη της ελευθερίας, της δημοκρατίας, και των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων », λέει νηφάλια ο Χουσάμ Αντίν Μπίμπαρς. « Που είναι τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα, εάν δεν έχω τη δυνατότητα να δω τον γιο μου πριν την ταφή του ; ».

      Νεκροί δίχως ταυτότητα

      Ο Μαχίντ είχε περάσει από την Τουρκία στη Βουλγαρία με ένα γκρουπ περίπου 20 ακόμη ατόμων, ελπίζοντας να συναντήσει και πάλι τους γονείς και τα αδέρφια του στην Ευρώπη. Αφού έφτανε εκείνος, η έγκυος γυναίκα του και η κόρη τους, Χάνα, θα μπορούσαν να ακολουθήσουν.

      Προς τα τέλη Σεπτεμβρίου, σταμάτησε να απαντάει σε κλήσεις και μηνύματα. Ο διακινητής είπε στον Μπίμπαρς ότι ο Μαχίντ είχε αρρωστήσει και είχε χρειαστεί να τον αφήσουν πίσω. Οι Αρχές είπαν ότι ο γιος του πέθανε από τη δείψα, την εξάντληση, και το κρύο.

      Τα τελευταία χρόνια, με κοινοτικά χρήματα και αυξημένη συμμετοχή του ευρωπαϊκού οργανισμού συνοριοφυλακής Frontex, οι βαλκανικές χώρες εντείνουν ολοένα τους συνοριακούς ελέγχους, αναπτύσσοντας φράχτες, drones, και μηχανισμούς επιτήρησης. Αλλά αυτό δεν αποτρέπει τους αιτούντες άσυλο — τους οδηγεί σε μεγαλύτερες και περισσότερο επικίνδυνες διόδους για να αποφύγουν τις Αρχές.

      Μια έρευνα του Solomon σε συνεργασία με την ερευνητική ομάδα Lighthouse Reports, το γερμανικό περιοδικό Der Spiegel, τη γερμανική δημόσια τηλεόραση ARD, τη βρετανική εφημίδα i, το Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, και ακαδημαϊκούς από τα πανεπιστήμια Aston, Liverpool, και Nottingham, αποτυπώνει πως η εχθρότητα που αντιμετωπίζουν στα σύνορα της Ευρώπης οι άνθρωποι σε κίνηση όσο ζουν συνεχίζεται και στο θάνατο.

      Διαπιστώσαμε πως, από τις αρχές του 2022 έως σήμερα, τα άψυχα σώματα 155 ανθρώπων που πιθανολογείται ότι ήταν αιτούντες άσυλο κατέληξαν σε νεκροτομεία κοντά στα σύνορα κατά μήκος μιας διαδρομής που εκτείνεται ανάμεσα στη Βουλγαρία, τη Σερβία, και τη Βοσνία.

      Από την εξέταση των στοιχείων, για το 2023 προκύπτει ήδη μια αύξηση των θανάτων κατά 46% σε σύγκριση με ολόκληρο το 2022.

      Στα Βαλκάνια, οι αιτούντες άσυλο καλούνται να αντιμετωπίσουν τις δύσκολες καιρικές συνθήκες, αλλά και τις επαναπροωθήσεις, την αυξημένη βιαιότητα συνοριοφυλάκων και διακινητών, την καταλήστευση από συνοριακές δυνάμεις — έως και την κράτησή τους σε μυστικές « φυλακές ».

      Οι οικογένειες των ανθρώπων που πεθαίνουν, ή καθίστανται αγνοούμενοι στην περιοχή, αναζητούν τους δικούς τους σε νεκροτομεία, νοσοκομεία, και ειδικά γκρουπ σε Facebook και WhatsApp. Καλούνται να ανταπεξέλθουν σε μια εξίσου ψυχοφθόρα προσπάθεια, και να αντιμετωπίσουν την αδιαφορία των Αρχών.

      Στη Βουλγαρία, όπως τεκμηριώνει η παρούσα έρευνα, συχνά χρειάζεται και να « λαδώσουν » στην ελπίδα να μάθουν περισσότερα για τους δικούς τους.
      Τα 10 βασικά ευρήματα της έρευνας :

      1. Ο αριθμός όσων ταξίδεψαν παράτυπα μέσω Βαλκανίων για τη δυτική Ευρώπη το 2022 έφτασε στο ανώτατο σημείο από το 2015, με την Frontex να καταγράφει 144.118 παράτυπες διελεύσεις συνόρων.

      2. Ο αντίστοιχος αριθμός για το 2023 είναι μικρότερος (79.609 έως τον Σεπτέμβριο), αλλά παραμένει πολλαπλάσιος σε σχέση με το 2019 (15.127) και το 2018 (5.844).

      3. Η βαλκανική οδός είναι πιο επικίνδυνη από ποτέ : ελλείψει ενός κεντρικού σχετικού συστήματος καταγραφής, η πλατφόρμα Missing Migrants του Διεθνούς Οργανισμού Μετανάστευσης (ΔΟΜ) υποδεικνύει ότι το 2022 έχασαν τη ζωή τους ή κατέστησαν αγνοούμενοι περισσότεροι άνθρωποι ακόμη και από το 2015.

      4. Σύμφωνα με στοιχεία που συγκεντρώσαμε, τουλάχιστον 155 αταυτοποίητα πτώματα κατέληξαν σε έξι νεκροτομεία ενός τμήματος της βαλκανικής οδού, που περιλαμβάνει Βουλγαρία, Σερβία, και Βοσνία. Η πλειοψηφία των πτωμάτων (92) εντοπίστηκαν φέτος.

      5. Για το 2023, ο αριθμός εμφανίζει ήδη αύξηση κατά 46% σε σχέση με το 2022, και εκτοξεύεται σε ορισμένα νεκροτομεία.

      6. Κάποια νεκροτομεία της Βουλγαρίας (Μπουργκάς, Γιάμπολ) δυσκολεύονται να βρουν χώρο για τα σώματα των προσφύγων. Άλλα στη Σερβία (Λόζνιτσα) δεν διαθέτουν καθόλου χώρο.

      7. Η έλλειψη χώρου οδηγεί στην ταφή αταυτοποίητων σωμάτων εντός ημερών, σε τάφους αγνώστων στοιχείων. Αυτό σημαίνει πως καθίσταται πρακτικά αδύνατο για τις οικογένειες να μπορέσουν να ταυτοποιήσουν τους δικούς τους.

      8. Στη Βουλγαρία, οικογένειες μας είπαν πως αναγκάστηκαν να « λαδώσουν » εργαζομένους σε νοσοκομεία και νεκροτομεία, αλλά και συνοριοφύλακες, αναζητώντας τους ανθρώπους τους. Πηγές στο πεδίο επιβεβαιώνουν την πρακτική, η οποία καταγράφεται και σε ηχητικό αρχείο στην κατοχή μας.

      9. Στη Βοσνία, 28 άνθρωποι που εκτιμάται πως ήταν αιτούντες άσυλο έχουν ήδη χάσει τη ζωή τους στον ποταμό Ντρίνα φέτος, σε σύγκριση με μόλις πέντε το 2022 και τρεις το 2021.

      10. Γραφειοκρατία και έλλειψη κρατικού ενδιαφέροντος καταγράφεται πως δυσχεραίνουν τις προσπάθειες ταυτοποίησης νεκρών αιτούντων άσυλο.

      Νεκρός αλλά δεν ξέρει γιατί

      Τι κάνεις όταν ο μικρός σου αδερφός σου αγνοείται, και το δικό σου καθεστώς απαγορεύει να βρεθείς στο πεδίο για να τον αναζητήσεις ;

      Ο 29χρονος Ασματουλά Σεντίκι βρισκόταν στη δομή φιλοξενίας στο Γουόρινγκτον του Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου, όπου έχει αιτηθεί άσυλο, όταν συνταξιδιώτες του αδερφού του τον ενημέρωσαν πως ο 22χρονος Ραχματουλά πιθανόν να ήταν νεκρός.

      Λόγω του καθεστώτους του ως αιτούντα άσυλο, το Home Office δεν επέτρεψε στον Ασματουλά να επιστρέψει στη Βουλγαρία, την οποία είχε διασχίσει και ο ίδιος κατά το δικό του ταξίδι, για να αναζητήσει τον αδερφό του.

      Όταν ένας φίλος κατέστη δυνατό να πάει για λογαριασμό του, η βουλγαρική αστυνομία αρνήθηκε να δώσει οποιαδήποτε πληροφορία. Και το προσωπικό του νεκροτομείου ζήτησε 300 ευρώ για τον αφήσει να δει ορισμένα πτώματα, είπε ο Σεντίκι στα πλαίσια της παρούσας έρευνας.

      « Σε μια τέτοια κατάσταση, ο άνθρωπος πρέπει να βοηθάει τον άνθρωπο », πρόσθεσε. « Ξέρουν μόνο τα χρήματα. Δεν τους ενδιαφέρει η ανθρώπινη ζωή ».

      Κατάφερε να δανειστεί το ποσό που του ζήτησαν. Τον Ιούλιο του 2022, 55 ημέρες μετά την εξαφάνισή του αδερφού του, το νοσοκομείο του Μπουργκάς επιβεβαίωσε ότι ένα από τα σώματα στο νεκροτομείο ανήκε σε κείνον. Με ακόμη 3.000 ευρώ που δανείστηκε, μπόρεσε να επαναπατρίσει τον αδελφό του στους γονείς τους στο Αφγανιστάν.

      Αλλά έως και σήμερα, τον Ασματουλά κατατρώει μια σκέψη : δεν γνωρίζει πώς, δεν τον έχει ενημερώσει κανείς γιατί, πέθανε ο αδερφός του.

      Οι βουλγαρικές Αρχές δεν του έχουν δώσει τα αποτελέσματα της νεκροψίας, επειδή δεν έχει βίζα για να ταξιδέψει εκεί, λέει. « Είμαι σίγουρος ότι, όταν η αστυνομία τον βρήκε στο δάσος, θα τράβηξε κάποιες φωτογραφίες. Θέλω να δω πώς έμοιαζε τότε το σώμα του ».
      « Ούτε μια καταγγελία »

      Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας έρευνας των Solomon, Lighthouse Reports, RFE/RL, inews, ARD, και Der Spiegel, αρκετοί συγγενείς μας είπαν πως είχαν επίσης αναγκαστεί να « λαδώσουν » εργαζομένους στο νεκροτομείο του Μπουργκάς, προκειμένου να μπορέσουν να διαπιστώσουν εάν ανάμεσα στα νεκρά σώματα στους ψύκτες βρίσκονταν οι δικοί τους.

      Όταν ρωτήσαμε τη διοίκηση του νοσοκομείου εάν τέτοιου είδους πρακτικές ήταν σε γνώση της, η επικεφαλής του τμήματος ιατροδικαστικής του νοσοκομείου Μπουργκάς, Γκαλίνα Μίλεβα, είπε πως δεν έχει λάβει « ούτε μία αναφορά ή καταγγελία για κάποια τέτοια περίπτωση ».

      « Η ταυτοποίηση των πτωμάτων πραγματοποιείται αποκλειστικά και μόνο παρουσία αστυνομικού που διεξάγει την έρευνα και ιατροδικαστή », υποστήριξε. Απαντώντας σε σχετική ερώτηση, συμπλήρωσε πως δεν υπάρχει καμία νομική πρόβλεψη, με βάση την οποία εργαζόμενοι στο νεκροτομείο θα μπορούσαν να ζητήσουν χρήματα από τους συγγενείς γι’ αυτή τη διαδικασία.

      « Απευθύνουμε έκκληση αυτές οι καταγγελίες να απευθύνονται μέσω της επίσημης οδού σε εμάς και στις ανακριτικές αρχές. Εάν διαπιστωθεί η ύπαρξη τέτοιων πρακτικών, οι εργαζόμενοι θα λογοδοτήσουν », είπε.
      « Ζητούνται χρήματα σε κάθε βήμα της διαδικασίας »

      Άλλος συγγενής, η οικογένεια του οποίου στα τέλη του 2022 χρειάστηκε επίσης να μεταβεί στη Βουλγαρία για να αναζητήσει μέλος της, μας είπε πως αφού έδωσαν δίχως επιτυχία 300 ευρώ σε κάποιον στο νεκροτομείο για να τους επιτραπεί να κοιτάξουν τα νεκρά σώματα, χρειάστηκε να πληρώσουν και συνοριοφύλακες.

      Ήταν ο μόνος τρόπος να τους πάρουν στα σοβαρά, εξήγησε.

      Όταν ζήτησαν από τους συνοριοφύλακες να τους δείξουν φωτογραφίες ανθρώπων σε κίνηση που είχαν εντοπιστεί νεκροί, εκείνοι τους είπαν πως δεν είχαν χρόνο — όταν δέχθηκαν να τους δώσουν 20 ευρώ για κάθε φωτογραφία που θα τους έδειχναν, ο χρόνος βρέθηκε.

      Ο Γκεόργκι Βόινοφ, δικηγόρος του προγράμματος για πρόσφυγες και μετανάστες της Βουλγαρικής Επιτροπής του Ελσίνκι, επιβεβαίωσε πως οικογένειες θανόντων έχουν απευθυνθεί στην οργάνωση για περιπτώσεις στις οποίες νοσοκομεία ζήτησαν μεγάλα ποσά για να επιβεβαιώσουν πως τα σώματα των δικών τους βρίσκονταν εκεί.

      « Καταγγέλλουν ότι τους ζητούνται χρήματα σε κάθε βήμα της διαδικασίας », είπε.

      Πηγές από διεθνείς οργανισμούς, μεταξύ αυτών και από τον Ερυθρό Σταυρό Βουλγαρίας, επιβεβαίωσαν πως είχαν συναφή εμπειρία από συγγενείς τους οποίους είχαν υποστηρίξει, και οι οποίοι είχαν επίσης αναγκαστεί να καταβάλουν χρήματα σε νεκροτομεία και νοσοκομεία.

      « Καταλαβαίνουμε ότι αυτοί οι άνθρωποι είναι πολύ καταβεβλημένοι και πρέπει να πληρώνονται επιπλέον για όλη αυτή την επιπλέον δουλειά που κάνουν », σχολίασε στέλεχος του Ερυθρού Σταυρού Βουλγαρίας που μίλησε στην έρευνα υπό τον όρο ανωνυμίας.

      « Αλλά ας συμβαίνει αυτό με νόμιμο τρόπο ».

      * Στην έρευνα, που πραγματοποιήθηκε σε συντονισμό του Lighthouse Reports, συμμετείχαν οι Σταύρος Μαλιχούδης, Jack Sapoch, May Bulman, Maria Cheresheva, Steffen Ludke, Ivana Milanovic Djukic, Nicole Voegele, Jelena Obradović-Wochnik, Thom Davies, Arshad Isakjee, Doraid al Hafid, Anna Tillack, Oliver Soos, Klaas van Dijken, Aleksandar Milanovic, Camelia Ivanova, Pat Rubio Bertran.



    • Surge in refugee deaths in Balkans region where UK provides border force training

      InvestigationAlmost 100 people presumed to be migrants have died along one section of the route this year - a 46 per cent increase on the whole of 2022

      When he saw the photograph of his dead son, Hussam Adin Bibars collapsed to the floor. After three weeks of searching, he had found him – and his worst fears had been realised.

      The image, handed to him by a Bulgarian police officer, showed 27-year-old Majd Addin Bibars lying pale and lifeless on a patch of grass. “I fell down when I saw it,” Mr Bibars, 53, recalls. “I recognised him immediately … It was my son.”

      The Syrian father of five, who has refugee status and lives in Denmark, wanted to see Majd’s body for himself – but was told it had already been buried in an unmarked grave in a cemetery several miles away, four days after it was found.

      Majd had been travelling through Bulgaria from Turkey in the hope of reaching Germany, where he would be closer to his parents and hoped to later bring his pregnant wife and young daughter, Hanaa, to join him.

      He had been with a group of around 20 others embarking on the same, dangerous journey – but he stopped responding to texts and calls at the end of September. The smuggler leading the group informed Mr Bibars that Majd had fallen sick and the group had left him, the grieving father says.

      After 22 days searching for Majd from afar, Mr Bibars decided to spend the little money he had to travel to Bulgaria.

      After speaking to a staff member at a hospital near the Turkish border – with the help of a translator – he was directed to the local police station, where he was shown the photo of Majd’s lifeless body. He was told his son had died of thirst, exhaustion and cold – and that he had been buried.

      “We hear that Europe is the land of freedom, democracy and human rights – where are human rights if I can’t see my son before his funeral?” asks Mr Bibars. “All I saw was a grave, photos and his phone. That’s all I have of him.”

      Majd was one of many people who have died while travelling through the Balkans to reach Western Europe – and whose families are forced to undergo a painstaking process to find out what happened.

      Many making these fatal journeys had hoped to claim asylum in EU countries such as Germany and France, while others planned to try their luck on a small boat towards the UK, often due to existing family ties in the country. So far this year, Britain has received the fifth-highest number of asylum applications across Europe.

      There is no official data on the number of deaths, but an investigation by i, in collaboration with investigative bureau Lighthouse Reports, Der Spiegel, Solomon, ARD and RFE/RL Sofia, has found that the bodies of 92 people presumed to be migrants have been received across six morgues in border areas along one section of the route – spanning Bulgaria, Serbia and Bosnia – this year, a 46 per cent increase on the whole of 2022.

      Border security in these countries has been tightened in recent years, helped by funding from the EU and the UK. Britain has provided training and equipment to Bulgarian border police since 2020, and Rishi Sunak announced in October that his Government would form bilateral initiatives with Bulgaria and Serbia aimed at tackling organised crime linked to illegal migration.

      Migration experts have criticised these agreements, highlighting the risks attached to such cooperation given that border guards in these countries are known to have been involved in violations of international law, including pushbacks and other violence against people on the move.

      Use of violence by border police in the Balkans has increased, with officers in some areas – notably Bulgarian police operating near the Turkish border and Serbian police in northern Serbia – documented using violence against people trying to cross, and sometimes illegally forcing them back across borders.

      Instead of deterring people from making the journeys, it has led them to take longer and more dangerous routes to evade security forces – leading to more deaths.

      At the same time, the number of people being resettled under safe and legal routes in Europe has declined, with 79 per cent fewer relocated under UNHCR resettlement schemes in the UK last year than in 2019, and 17 per cent fewer across the EU.

      This investigation has found that many migrants have been buried in anonymous graves, sometimes within days – like Majd – due to lack of space in morgues, making it almost impossible for their families to locate them.

      Milen Bozhidarov, the prosecutor in Yambol, a Bulgarian city close to the Turkish border, said Majd’s funeral took place after four days in keeping with their procedure of carrying out burials of unidentified migrants “fast” to free up space in the morgue.

      “When we have unidentified body that was found in a place that gives us no other explanation except that the person is a migrant, and the suggestion is that the relatives are somewhere in the world and no one is getting in touch with us that day or on the next day, then there are no objective reasons why the body should be kept,” he added.

      Some family members have been forced to pay bribes to morgue staff to find out whether their loved ones’ bodies are held. i has heard testimony from several families saying they paid sums of cash ranging from €50 to €300 to staff at the morgue in Burgas, a Bulgarian city near the Turkish border, to see the bodies.

      The head of the Burgas morgue, Galina Mileva, said it had not received any complaints about such incidents and encouraged people to report such cases to the morgue’s management.

      The countries where these deaths occur, and Europe as a whole, are under growing pressure from politicians, NGOs and forensic experts to create a mechanism to help families searching for missing loved ones who have died on these journeys.

      Families face additional hurdles when they can’t travel due to their status or nationality. Asmatullah Sediqi, an Afghan asylum seeker in the UK, was prevented by UK Home Office rules from travelling to Bulgaria, where his 22-year-old brother Rahmatullah had gone missing presumed dead after crossing from Turkey.

      A friend went on his behalf, but Bulgarian police refused to provide any information, and morgue staff said he would need to pay them €300 to see any bodies, Mr Sediqi said.

      “They just know money. They don’t care about a human life,” he added.

      Mr Sediqi, 29, who lives in asylum accommodation in Warrington, borrowed money to pay the bribe. His friend established that one of the bodies in the morgue was Rahmatullah.

      By borrowing another €3,000 – putting him into heavy debt – Mr Sediqi paid a company to repatriate his brother’s body to his parents in Afghanistan. But he has had no information by the Bulgarian authorities on how Rahmatullah died.

      “They didn’t give us the results of the autopsy because I don’t have a visa to go there,” he says. “It’s very painful not knowing what happened to my brother.”

      Dr Vidak Simić, a pathologist in Bosnia who carries out autopsies on bodies found in the Drina River on the Serbian border, said the number of unidentified migrant bodies being brought to him for autopsy has surged in the past year.

      In 2023, he has examined the bodies of 28, compared with five last year and three in 2021. The vast majority remain unidentified and are buried in graves marked “NN” – an abbreviation for a Latin term for a person with no name.

      The doctor is working with a local activist to try to help families find missing loved ones, checking his autopsy files to see if any unidentified bodies match the description of missing people – but says a proper system is needed.

      “[Families] enter a painstaking process, through embassies, burial organisations, to obtain a bone sample, so that they can compare it with one of their family members,” he says. “Nobody is doing the work to connect families with those who have drowned.”

      EU human rights commissioner Dunja Mijatović described “inaction” among European countries to facilitate DNA matching and create a data collection procedure on migrant disappearances and deaths.

      Erik Marquardt, Green Party politician in the European Parliament, said the fact that countries such as Bulgaria are burying unidentified bodies within days suggested they “don’t want attention brought to these cases”.

      “We have to think about whether we can set up a database at an EU level that would oblige member states to clarify: who is this person’s child, who are the parents, how can they be reached? This is very important,” he added.

      Until then, the bodies of those who die escaping conflict will continue to pile up in morgues or be buried without a trace, leaving more families to endure an agonising process to find out they have died – or left in a perpetual state of uncertainty.

      A Home Office spokesperson said: “The UK and Bulgaria have a close law enforcement partnership. By working together we are able to bolster Bulgaria’s border security, tackle serious organised crime and immigration crime threats, and disrupt the business model of these criminal groups.

      “Individuals awaiting the outcome of their asylum claims in the UK are not permitted to travel abroad, but are provided with a range of support by the government.”


    • Almost 100 refugees died on their way through Bulgaria within the last two years

      According to a research by the ARD studio (https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/europa/bulgarien-migranten-todesfaelle-100.html) in Vienna in cooperation with Lighthouse Reports (https://www.lighthousereports.com/investigation/europes-nameless-dead), Der Spiegel (https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/vermisste-fluechtlinge-auf-der-balkanroute-europas-namenlose-tote-a-5d0b55a7), RFE/RL (https://www.svobodnaevropa.bg/a/migranti-zaginali-bejanci/32708468.html), Solomon (https://wearesolomon.com/el/mag/thematikh/metanasteush/dead-refugees-balkans) and inews (https://inews.co.uk/news/world/surge-refugee-deaths-balkans-uk-training-border-forces-2785043) – which was published in the beginning of December 2023 – at least 93 people died on their way through Bulgaria in the last two years alone.

      The research team spoke with forensic pathologists in Bulgaria and people whose family members had gone missing or died on the route. The people on the run are usually dying because of exhaustion and cold on their route, which leads through mountains, bushes and the countryside. The last case was reported on the 27th of November 2023 by the Bulgarian authorities (https://orf.at/stories/3341237). Additionally there is a fence at the Bulgarian-Turkish border which was constructed already in 2013 and replaced and modified in the following years with a bigger one (https://bordermonitoring.eu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/bm.eu-2020-bulgaria_web.pdf). Additionally to this numerous car accidents are happening regularly. Some of them are fatal (https://bulgaria.bordermonitoring.eu/2023/03/20/another-refugee-dies-on-the-streets-of-bulgaria).

      But not only the dangerous way is the problem for the people on the run, there is also the Bulgarian border police, which is accused of brutal Push-Backs. According to the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee only in 2022 almost 90.000 people where affected by #push-backs (https://ecre.org/2022-update-aida-country-report-on-bulgaria). Also young people with their families and unaccompanied minors are at risk to be push-backed, as the NGOs “Center for legal aid – Voice in Bulgaria“ and “Mission Wings“ found out, while conducting interviews in Turkey (https://www.tdh.de/fileadmin/user_upload/inhalte/04_Was_wir_tun/Themen/Weitere_Themen/Fluechtlingskinder/tdh_Bericht_Kinderrechtsverletzungen-an-EU-Aussengrenzen.pdf). For 2023 Interior Minister Kalin Stoyanov stated that that app 165,000 ‚illegal entry attempts‘ at the Bulgarian-Turkish were prevented (https://www.novinite.com/articles/222633/October+Sees+41+Decrease+in+Illegal+Migrants+in+Bulgaria).

      With regard to Bulgaria, the fundamental rights officer of the EU border protection authority Frontex became active in a total of seven internally reported cases regarding possible violations of fundamental rights, the authority said in response to a request from ORF (https://orf.at/stories/3341237). In the beginning of December 2023. All cases concern pushback allegations from Bulgaria to Turkey, a Frontex spokeswoman said. At least 232 Frontex officers were deployed in Bulgaria in 2023 (https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/51259/exclusive-why-are-migrant-pushbacks-from-bulgaria-to-turkey-soaring).


    • Bulgarie :

      “The #Strandzha national park straddles the Bulgarian-Turkish border. It is in this densely forested and mountainous area of land where people are known to often make the border crossing by foot. A treacherous journey often taking many days, and also known to have taken many lives - lighthouse reports identified 82 bodies of people on the move that have passed through three morgues in Bulgaria. Many of whom will have died on the Strandzha crossing.

      It is reported(14) that morgues in the towns of Burgas and Yambol - on the outskirts of the Strandzha national park - are having difficulty finding space due to the amount of deaths occurring in this area. So much so that a public prosecutor from Yambol explained this as the reason why people are being buried without identification in nameless graves, sometimes after only 4 days of storage. It is also reported that families who tried to find and identify the bodies of their deceased loved ones were forced to pay cash bribes to the Burgas morgue in order to do so.

      Through networks with families in home countries, NGOs based nearby make efforts to alert authorities and to respond to distress calls from people in danger within the Strandzha national park. However, the Bulgarian state makes these attempts nearly impossible through heavy militarisation and the associated criminalisation of being active in the area. It is the same militarisation that is supported with money from the EU’s ‘cooperation framework’. Due to these limitations even the bodies that make it to morgues in Bulgaria are likely to be only a percentage of the total death toll that is effectively sponsored by the EU.

      Local NGO Mission Wings stated(15) that in 2022 they received at most 12 distress calls, whereas in 2023 the NGO stopped counting at 70. This gives a clear correlation between increased funding to the fortification of the EU’s external border and the amount of lives put in danger.”
