organization:education department

  • Harvard and Princeton among 55 schools facing Title IX investigation | Education |

    The Education Department on Thursday took the unprecedented step of releasing the names of the 55 colleges and universities currently facing a Title IX investigation over their handling of sexual abuse complaints.

    The release came two days after a White House task force promised greater government transparency on sexual assault in higher education. The department said it will keep an updated list of schools facing such an investigation and make it available upon request.

    Title IX prohibits gender discrimination at schools that receive federal funds. It is the same law that guarantees girls equal access to sports, but it also regulates institutions’ handling of sexual violence and increasingly is being used by victims who say their schools failed to protect them.

    Citing research, the White House has said that 1 in 5 female students is assaulted. President Barack Obama appointed a task force comprised of his cabinet members to review the issue after hearing complaints about the poor treatment of campus rape victims and the hidden nature of such crimes.

    The task force announced the creation of a website,, offering resources for victims and information about past enforcement actions on campuses. The task force also made a wide range of recommendations to schools, such as identifying confidential victims’ advocates and conducting surveys to better gauge the frequency of sexual assault on their campuses.

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