person:hasan nasrallah

  • L’intervention télévisée de Nasrallah
    Par Abdelbari Atwan - Rai Al-Youm – Dimanche 27 janvier 2019

    Contrairement à nous, beaucoup pensaient que Hasan Nasrallah apparaîtrait sur la chaîne Al-Mayadeen samedi soir le teint pâle, amaigri, entouré de médecins et d’infirmiers, assis sur un lit d’hôpital ou une chaise roulante ; suite aux rumeurs répandues sur les médias israéliens et certains médias arabes. Leur espoir a été déçu : Nasrallah est apparu souriant, s’exprimant avec intelligence comme à son habitude et avec des idées bien ordonnées. Il a présenté aux millions de téléspectateurs qui attendaient son apparition la prochaine feuille de route et une analyse stratégique complète des événements passés et futurs dans la région, étayée par une mine d’informations inédites.

    Dans cet entretien, Nasrallah n’a pas seulement prouvé qu’il était le « maître » de la résistance, mais aussi de la guerre psychologique en insufflant encore davantage de peur dans les esprits des Israéliens. Il les a tournés contre le Premier ministre Benyamin Netanyahou, qui les trompe et se prépare à une aventure militaire pour des raisons électorales et personnelles (accusations de corruption), qui pourrait lui causer bien des catastrophes. (...)


  • The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: Nasrallah’s unprecedented appeal to Israelis (not only to Jews)

    From the days of Yehoshovat Harkabi (former Israeli director of military intelligence and official expert on Arab statements on Judaism and Zionism) to the days of MEMRI—or even the writings of Bernard Lewis: there is a Zionist industry to produce only the ugly and hateful of Arab political discourse. There is so much about Arab political discourse that is deliberately not being covered by MEMRI and the likes—because it does not fit into the Zionist political agenda. On Jerusalem Day, Hasan Nasrallah concluded a long speech about Palestine with a direct appeal to Israelis. This is rather unprecedented from an Arab resistance group. He said (my translation): “We don’t want to kill, we don’t want to destroy, we dont want to throw anyone into the sea. We say in a fully civil way, ride your ships and planes and return to your countries where you came from. As for the indigenous Jews who are part of Palestinian people, those stay in Palestine...This is the message of Islam and this is the message of resistance, and this is the message of the people of the region. No one wants to perpetrate a new Holocaust or anything like that as Netanyahu says”.

  • The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: Syrian regime and Hizbullah are not on the same page regarding the assessment of the Arab uprisings

    Hasan Nasrallah just said: “What happened in the Arab world [in the last few years] was a popular authentically patriotic movement and not the product of an international conspiracy”. This runs counter to the view of the Syrian regime and some of its allies.

    Je ne sais pas d’où vient la citation, mais c’est intéressant. #printemps_arabe

  • Militer au Hezbollah, ethnographie d’un engagement dans la banlieue sud de Beyrouth | Institut français du Proche-Orient - Ifpo
    Un livre de Erminia Chiara Calabrese


    Étude d’une organisation politique à travers les trajectoires militantes 25
    Le Hezbollah : « un parti des pauvres et des gens non éduqués » ? 28
    Le Hezbollah au sein du système politique libanais 30
    Dahiyeh : « depuis que le Hezbollah est là, on y respire un air différent » 33
    Note méthodologique 38
    Le travail de terrain 2005-2011 40
    Structuration de l’argumentation 40


    Les chiites : de la marginalisation à la centralité dans le système confessionnel libanais 48
    L’entreprise de mobilisation vers le « parti chiite authentique » 52
    Le Hezbollah et la wilâyat al-faqîh 55
    Ancrage territorial et recrutement 57
    Les années de la tutelle syrienne au Liban : le choix du compromis (1990-2005) 62
    2004 et 1559 : la fin d’une coexistence ? 64
    La guerre de 2006 et la politique libanaise après la « victoire divine » 66


    Héritage familial 75
    L’école et l’université : prolongements et sorties du cadre familial 79
    Fréquentations militantes 82
    Dahiyeh : « C’est ici qu’on se sent vraiment chez soi » 83
    L’événement comme « effet socialisateur » 91
    L’occupation israélienne (1982-2000) 93
    La libération de 2000 : « Finalement un rêve qui se réalise » 95
    La guerre de 2006 : « la victoire du sang sur l’épée » 97
    Les dispositifs de socialisation du parti 100
    L’adhésion au Hezbollah : un choix politique 107


    Sociologie du recrutement. Réseaux militants et entrepreneurs politiques 111
    La formation militante 116
    Activités partisanes pour les femmes 126
    Le « hizb » et le « réenchantement » du monde 130
    Des investissements militants d’intensité variable 132
    Al-multazim bil-hizb ou l’engagement comme « remise de soi » 136
    Al-munâsir : « la distance au modèle » 141
    Les aides sociales du parti : un système clientéliste ? 145
    Le Hezbollah une « institution homogène » ? 148


    Les commémorations et les festivals : la production d’un « univers de sens » 152
    Muharram à Ruweiss 155
    La Semaine de la Résistance islamique : 16-22 février 161
    Le « festival de la Victoire » au stade al-Rayah 165
    Al-dîn al-haqîqî : un islam qui englobe la totalité de la vie 166
    « Le courage et la fidélité de Sayyida Zaynab : un modèle pour nous toutes » 175


    Hasan Nasrallah : parcours militant 187
    La mort de Hadi : « Comment ça ? Le fils d’un chef qui combat comme nos enfants ? » 191
    La « dignité retrouvée » : la libération de 2000 et la « victoire de 2006 » 195
    Hasan Nasrallah : « l’un d’entre nous », le modèle 198
    La figure du leader comme élément de cohésion chez les militants 206


    « La culture de la Résistance » comme doxa 212
    « La culture de la Résistance » 213
    « La société de la Résistance » 217
    Les redéfinitions du sens de la Résistance 220
    La lutte contre l’injustice (al-nidâl didda al-zulm) 221
    Protection et sécurité 226
    L’engagement au Hezbollah : « un mode de vie » 229


  • “Extremist religious groups following a ’takfiri’ ideology have offended the Prophet Mohammad more than the Western cartoons mocking him” - “Takfiris are the biggest threat to Islam, as a religion [and] as a message” Hezbollah chief, Hasan #Nasrallah #Islam #CharlieHebdo

  • ’Takfiri’ groups offend Prophet more than cartoons: Nasrallah - See more at:

    Extremist religious groups following a “takfiri” ideology have offended the Prophet Mohammad more than the Western cartoons mocking him, Hezbollah chief Hasan Nasrallah

  • Une enquête super-indépendante blanchit Gerhard Lehmann.

    A German Interior Ministry report has cleared a top U.N. investigator in the Hariri assassination from bribery allegations made by Hezbollah’s Secretary-General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah, a source familiar with the case told The Daily Star.


    Investigators conceded that the video shown by Nasrallah depicts an individual who could possibly be Lehmann, but they concluded that the footage does not show a transfer of money, and certainly not of thousands of dollars, the source said.

    The investigation decided that Nasrallah’s allegations were not legally sufficient to create credible suspicion against Lehmann, and were considered “secondhand knowledge at best” but were more likely “unconfirmed rumors,” the source said.

    The source said the report questioned why Nasrallah did not know the exact amount of the money allegedly given to Lehmann, why none of the details of partners who allegedly bought testimony from him have been made public, and why the date and location of the meeting where Lehmann allegedly received the money were not disclosed.

    Pour la bonne bouche, tout de même, voici la fameuse vidéo d’un individu qui n’est pas forcément Lehmann empocher une liasse peut-être pas de billets avec un air gourmand à une date et dans un lieu tellement indéterminés que ce n’est peut-être pas pendant qu’il travaillait pour Detlev Mehlis :

    Évidemment, si on avait disposé d’une vidéo similaire permettant de relier vaguement des responsables du Hezbollah aux attentats commis au Liban, il n’aurait pas fallu 2 ans à un « rapport du ministère de l’intérieur allemand » pour décréter qu’il s’agit d’une preuve irréfutable.


  • Fayrouz et Hassan Nasrallah (selon son fils Ziad Rahbani):

    Regarding the Lebanese singer Fayruz: she is today the biggest story in Lebanese and other Arab social media. Her son, Ziad, in an interview with Hizbullah’s mouthpiece, Al-‘Ahd, outed her, that she loves Hasan Nasrallah. Saudi and Hariri media are up in arms. They prefer Yanni and elevator music.

  • The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: The deliberate distortion of the words of Hasan Nasrallah by Western and Arab (oil and gas) English-language media

    Here is what Nasrallah said word-for-word (my translation) :

     " There will come someone who says that Sunnis were the ones who shelled you in the suburbs, and that Sunnis were the ones who planted bombs on the road for you, and that Sunnis were the ones who sent car bombs to the southern suburbs, and that they were the ones who perpetrated the massacre yesterday...Anyone who uses this logic is an Israeli, and is a partner in the killer in achieving the goal of killing and massacre. I on my own responsibility state that those [killers] are not Sunnis. Those have no religion and no homeland and no kinsfolk. Those are not Syrians or Palestinians or Arabs and are not Muslims and are not Sunnis. Those are killers, from the thought of killers, and they have killed more Sunnis than Shiites and Christians.  And if you want me to show you the statistics and numbers...they have killed more Sunni clerics than they have killed Shiite clerics, and in numbers ". 

    سوف يأتي من يقول لكم إن السنّة هم من قصفوا عليكم الصواريخ في الضاحية، والسنّة هم الذين وضعوا لكم العبوات على الطريق، والسنّة هم الذين أرسلوا السيارات المفخخة إلى الضاحية، وهم الذين ارتكبوا المجزرة بالأمس »، مشدداً على أن « كل من يتكلم بهذا المنطق هو إسرائيلي، وهو شريك للقاتل في تحقيق أهداف القتل والمجزرة، وأنا على مسؤوليتي أقول لكم، هؤلاء ليسوا سنة، هؤلاء لا دين لهم ولا مذهب لهم ولا وطن لهم ولا قوم لهم، هؤلاء ليسوا سوريين ولا فلسطينيين ولا عرباً ولا مسلمين ولا سنّة، هؤلاء قتلة، من فكر القتلة، وهؤلاء قتلوا من السنّة أكثر مما قتلوا من الشيعة ومن المسيحيين، واذا اردتم أبيّن لكم إحصائيات وأرقاما، قتلوا من علماء السنة أكثر مما قتلوا من علماء الشيعة، بالأرقام ».

    PS So someone in the BBC and Aljazeera and other Western media owe us an explanation : how this passage became in their rendering : "Nasrallah blames Sunnis for the car bomb" ???

  • Les ambiguïtés du discours de Nasrallah et les problèmes de sa traduction vus par la BBC

    Hezbollah chief’s ambiguous phrase on Syria arms raises translation headache
    Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah’s mention in his 9 May speech of new weaponry has had translators and journalists scratching their heads and scouring their dictionaries for a clear, consistent and meaningful translation.

    Differences have emerged in Western news agency reports of the speech, Arabic English-language media and even Iranian news sources; all of them coming up with alternative phrases for a key passage.

    In the literal translation of his speech, broadcast live on Al-Manar TV, Nasrallah says Syria would supply his movement with “qualitative weaponry” that would be considered as a “balance-breaker” in the region.

    BBC Monitoring translates Nasrallah as saying in his speech: “The first response, you Israelis must know, if you considered Syria as a weapon corridor to the resistance, then Syria will give weaponry to the Resistance. This is a major strategic decision. More than that, if you [Israel] claim that your aggression’s aim is to prevent the expansion of the Resistance’s capability, then Syria will give the Resistance qualitative weaponry that the Resistance has never obtained until now. This is higher than a matter of capability expansion; we went for a balance-breaker.”

    The key phrase in Nasrallah’s speech is “silahan naw’iyyan lam tahsal ’alayhi al-muqawama hatta al-an”, which BBC Monitoring translates as “qualitative weaponry that the Resistance has never obtained until now”.

    Elsewhere, Nasrallah’s choice of the Arabic word for “qualitative” - “naw’i” - has also been interpreted as “game-changing”, “sophisticated” and “strategic”. Reuters, for example, quotes Nasrallah as saying: “then Syria will give the resistance sophisticated weapons the like of which it hasn’t seen before” Meanwhile AFP quotes the same passage from the Hezbollah leader as “Syria will provide (Hezbollah) with game-changing weapons it has not had before”

    BBC Monitoring notes that Nasrallah uses the Arabic word “silah” - the singular form denoting weapon or weaponry - instead of the plural form “asliha” for weapons. It is used throughout in conjunction with the ambiguous term “qualitative”.

    In the passage, Nasrallah uses the phrase “kasir lil-tawazun” (balance shifting, literally balance breaking), which may account for the “game-changing” translation elsewhere.

    Iranian, pan-Arab coverage
    Iran’s conservative student news agency ISNA quotes the key passage from Nasrallah in this way: “Syria will provide the Resistance with strategic weapons which the Resistance has never had before We are ready to receive any type of weapon; even if it upsets the current balance in the region.” (Farsi: amma [Syria] selahhay-e stratezhiqki be moghavemat khahad daad ke ta konoon moghavemat aan ra dar ekhtiyar nadashte ast.)

    Iran’s conservative news website Tabnak uses the following phrase as a direct quote: “They will be unique weapons which the Resistance has never possessed before.” (Farsi: [Syria] selahhay-e monhaserbefardi khahad daad ke ta konoon moghavemat aan ra dar ekhtiyar nadashte ast.)

    Iran’s English-language Press TV also chooses the term “unique” on its website: “Nasrallah said Hezbollah has the capability to obtain what he described as unique weapons that could be used to defend Lebanon against the enemies.”

    The English-language Arabic source Al Jazeera TV website borrows both the Reuters and the AFP wording: “The head of Hezbollah has said he is ready to receive ’game-changing’ weapons from Syria, which has long been a conduit for Iranian weapons bound for the Lebanese armed group The resistance [against Israel] is prepared to accept any sophisticated weaponry even if it was to break the equilibrium [in the region],” Al Jazeera quotes Nasrallah directly saying in his speech.

    Source: Media observation by BBC Monitoring in English 10 May 13

    • Dans ce passage précisément :

      In the passage, Nasrallah uses the phrase “kasir lil-tawazun” (balance shifting, literally balance breaking), which may account for the “game-changing” translation elsewhere.

      Il se trouve justement qu’en ce moment Israéliens et Américains, repris en cœur dans leurs médias, utilisent l’expression « game-changing ». Nasrallah utilise-t-il lui-même la même expression en arabe ? Si on traduit la propagande israélienne et son « game-changing » en arabe, est-ce qu’on utilise directement la même tournure « kasir lil-tawazun » que Nasrallah, ou est-ce qu’on trouverait cette traduction un peu tirée par les cheveux ?

      Ma question en clair :
      – est-ce que c’est Nasrallah qui, volontairement, reprend la phrase à la mode de la propagande israélienne (« game changing ») ?
      – ou bien est-ce l’AFP (et Al Jazeera) qui trouve malin de lui faire utiliser – quitte à tirer un peu sur la précision de la traduction – exactement l’expression qui correspond à l’axe de comm du moment de nos potes israéliens ?

      Dans les deux cas, ce serait fort cocasse.

  • Nasrallah and international law

    So Hasan Nasrallah called for an international law to ban any offense to religions (he clearly meant Islam, Judaism, and Christianity), and he specified a ban on any offense against Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. This is the worst idea since Coke came up with a new version of their classic beverage. Why religions and why those individuals only? I mean, if it is up to me, I would ban any offense against Proudhon or Marx or Bakunin or against George Habash. We all have our own figures and personalities that we revere and religious figures should not exercise a haughty attitude whereby they impose their own terms of sacredness on everyone in the world. Now, I understand Arab and Muslims anger at Western hypocrisy when it comes to insults against Islam. They are blatantly hypocritical and cunning and they think they are smart when they don’t fool any Arab or Muslims. What about insults against Satan worshipers or Baha’is? Should they be banned to?? When Nasrallah speaks on any subject other than resistance to Israeli occupation and aggression, I don’t listen. I just don’t.

    • Nasrallah’s priorities

      Hasan Nasrallah has not called for demonstrations or protests in a very long time, as I remember. Yet, today he called for demonstrations tomorrow against that silly hateful film. I don’t get it: the film is more of an outrage than repression in Arab regimes, or than social injustices in Lebanon, or than foreign occupation in our lands?? I don’t get it, really. I mean, I really did not enjoy the last Mission Impossible movie, but you did not see me calling for protests.

  • The Joy of Listing Terrorists: Nasrallah was already a designated terrorist

    The new US sanction designates nasrallah:

    “The U.S. Department of the Treasury today imposed sanctions against Hizballah’s leadership in Lebanon, further exposing Hizballah’s active support to the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad, as well as its role in terrorist activities. Hasan Nasrallah, Hizballah’s Secretary General, is being designated today pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13582, for providing support to the Syrian government. Mustafa Badr Al-Din and Talal Hamiyah, two senior terrorist leaders of Hizballah, are being designated today pursuant to E.O. 13224, for providing support to Hizballah’s terrorist activities in the Middle East and around the world.

    But later the same press release says:

    Hasan Nasrallah was designated pursuant to E.O. 12947 in January 1995.

    via @opironet

  • Quand le Monde (aussi) invente de citations de Hasan Nasrallah. Je vous traduis ce billet d’Angry Arab :

    Émile m’a envoyé ceci : « Inventer des citations de Nasrallah est aussi une habitude française ! Voyez ce titre du Monde consacré au dernier discours de Nasrallah : “Nasrallah promet ‘l’enfer’ aux Israéliens en cas d’attaque contre l’Iran”
    Ainsi Nasrallah contre-attaquerait en cas d’attaque israélienne contre l’iran. Grosse info ! Bien entendu, il n’a jamais prononcé une telle chose, la citaton étant “s’ils nous attaquent”, signifiant le Hezbollah ou le Liban en général, mais pas l’Iran. Au temps pour le Monde comme “quotidien de référence”. Pas mieux que le New York Times… »

    (Ce billet fait suite à une série de billets commentant l’habitude du NY Times d’inventer des citations de Nasrallah.)

  • Hezbollah says own defense strategy will protect Lebanon

    Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said Wednesday a genuine national defense strategy should be based on coordination between the Lebanese Army and the resistance and slammed the opposition, which he said only sought disarmament of the group in accordance with a U.S. agenda.

    “Currently, the optimal defense strategy is to have a strong army, a strong resistance party and complete coordination between the two,” Nasrallah said in a televised speech.

    He stressed that the resistance group could not fall under the command of the army as the state lacked the ability to resolve even the most basic of challenges.

    “Do we want to place the arms under the command of the state? ... the same state that cannot resolve the smallest of issues?” Nasrallah asked.

  • En quoi l’éventuel refus du Liban de financer le Tribunal spécial sur le Liban (#TSL) serait pire que la décision étatsunienne de ne plus participer au financement de l’UNESCO ?

    Angry Arab : Funding the Hariri tribunal

    Hasan Nasrallah in his speech today pointed out this irony. Jeffrey Feltman and other US officials warn Lebanon of the dire consequences if the Lebanese government does not meet its financial obligations toward the Hariri tribunal (although that tribunal was arranged extra-constitutionally by Sanyurah government and without the signature of the Lebanese president). He pointed out that Feltman has been issuing his warnings while the US has just broke its financial obligations toward UNESCO to punish it for awarding a seat to Palestine. That irony will play well, I think.

  • The Mossad in Hollywood Movies – As‘ad AbuKhalil | Al Akhbar English

    Western depictions of Israeli terrorists always include invented stories of “anguish” and moral “reflection”: Western Zionists need to offer propaganda in order to soften the impact of Israeli terrorism. And certainly, Western portrayals of Mossad “adventures” skip over their most memorable acts: their kidnapping of a man in Lebanon in 2006 because they mistook him for his namesake Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah; their many assassinations of innocent Palestinians because of mistaken identities typical Israeli terrorist recklessness; their famous dispatch of a hit team of fools to Dubai last year to target an unarmed Palestinian; the uncovering of more than 180 Israeli spy in Lebanon in the last two years (none of the Western media took note of that because they deemed it to be too embarrassing to Israel). But the Mossad needs extra help these days: what they can’t or fail to do on the ground, they can do instead in Hollywood movies.

  • La réaction de Angry Arab aux mandats d’arrêts émis par le TSL.

    I rarely comment on this silly exercise. Comrade Omar Nashabe of Al-Akhbar has written extensively on all the problems that mar the process of this potato court. Where do you begin?
    – The first German investigator Mellis who gave political interviews right and left and never hid his political agenda?
    – The fact that the Western press has UNIFORMLY covered up the corruption of the case? Did any US newspaper report that the second-in-command of the court went around offer sales of tapes of interviews with key witnesses and New TV obtained them and aired them?
    – That what we heard from those tapes show beyond the shadow of a doubt that this was a most unprofessional and corrupt proceeding, even in comparison to the corrupt justice system in Lebanon?
    – That the Hariri family were allowed to control the entire affair and to provide witnesses some of whom turned out to be false witnesses?
    – That we have a tape in which Hariri and his aides are feeding and influencing the testimony of the worst false witness in the case, Muhammad Zuhayr As-Siddiq?
    – That the meetings with the tirbunal’s people were clearly (from the tapes of New TV) chit chat sessions? American traffic courts are run more professionally.
    – Or the negotiations between the court and the Hariri family to delay the release of the four generals? Or the arrest of the four generals for purely political reasons? One of the four generals talked about how he got an offer for cooperation if he fingered Syria.
    – And what about those Wikileaks documents that show court’s higher ups taking instructions from US diplomats?
    – And about an investigation that started with a premise and ruled out any ally of the US from the suspects’ list?
    – And what about the shift in targeting from Syria to Hizbullah following shifts in US and Saudi foreign policies?
    – What about the timing? All this time and just as the cabinet in Lebanon was forming, they release the report and leak the names? All this is a coincidence?
    – And was one Israeli official ever questioned (although I believe that Rafiq Hariri was a good friend of Israel and its interests in Lebanon and for that I never mourned him but I did mourn the innocent civilians who died there – car bombs are nasty, man).
    – And what about the series of resignation from the court? And what about the way in which the court officially refused to address legal concerns of the four generals? Do you have doubts that the court is run from the Near East section of the State Department? Who are you fooling?

    Today, they leaked that they will accuse Syria and Hizbullah, but why not Venezuela and Cuba? Why not point the finger at every enemy of the US and Israel? Why not Hamas too? You think anyone is taking the court seriously? Look at public opinion polls in Lebanon, even among Sunnis. Hasan Nasrallah did an excellent job in discredit the court in Lebanese and Arab eyes. This is a joke, really.

    So they leaked the name of four Hizbullah members (supplied by ISRAEL NO DOUBT). What is next? Will Sa`d Hariri take his supporters to the southern suburbs to arrest the accused? What will the “international community” – how I hate that word which is used to hide not so sneakily the heavy handed US role in international affairs – do? What can they do? Freeze the assets of Hasan Nasrallah in the US and Europe? Or will they ban him from traveling with his grand kids to Disneyland?

    As we say in Lebanon, go play in the garden. Israel killed more than 1300 civilians in the July war on Lebanon in 2006, and you want me to spend sleepless nights wondering who killed a man who did so much to cause destruction and discord in Lebanon? I don’t care to know who killed Hariri and Sa`d Hariri is not the first creature to lose his father. I lost my father but never brought Lebanon to the brink of civil war. Take down all the pictures and statues of Rafiq Hariri and move his grave site to Sidon – to the Garbage Mountain there.

    PS. It bothers me how submissive the mainstream US press is to the dictates of US government. I don’t recall reading one negative article about Hariri in any US newspaper. Not one. I cant recall reading one in the British press – and I am not talking about Robert Fisk who is an unreliable weaver of tales and peddler of Hariri press office releases.

  • Ce soir, discours très attendu de Hassan Nasrallah ; attendu parce qu’il était prévu qu’il parle des révolutions arabes. Ce qu’il a fait, évoquant notamment la situation à Bahreïn et l’implication des autocraties du Golfe. C’est une première.

    La panique semble avoir été totale, et la diffusion du discours sérieusement perturbée, victime de censures et de brouillages. C’est du jamais vu concernant les discours de Nasrallah.

    Sur Tayyar, on signale à 20:07 :

    20:07 إنقطاع بثّ قناة الـ"otv" عن معظم الأراضي اللبنانية

    Angry Arab poste une série de messages :

    Aljazeera always used to carry Hasan Nasrallah’s speeches live. Not today. They are afraid of his remarks on Bahrain. Aljazeera Mubashar (the C-Span of Aljazeera network) is carrying it live.

    I am told that Nilesat and Arabsat are both jamming all the Arab channels in the Middle East that would have carried the speech live. Al-Alam TV is carrying it as is Aljazeera Mubashar. This is a new development and would only show the panic of Arab tyrannical order, which Aljazeera is now loyally serving. I am told that the Lebanese channels are blocked still—worldwide.

    I am told that Al-Manar TV aired its frequency right before the speech, that it was anticipating the jamming.

    So the Live Aljazeera channel (the C-Span of the Aljazeera family) has been broadcasting the Nasrallah speech live. When he started to talk about Bahrain, the network switched and unusually started to carry the news transmission of the main aljazeera channel.

    On m’a dit également que, durant sa conférence, Nasrallah a reçu un papier et a évoqué ces perturbations.

    C’est vraiment du jamais vu.

    Qu’on se rassure, ces tentatives de censure de la part des régimes qui, aujourd’hui, soutiennent la démocratie et les bombardements en Libye, ne touchent pas la France. En France, le discours de Nasrallah ne sera ni montré, pas même un extrait, ni simplement évoqué. Pas plus que ne sont évoquées les invraisemblables révélations de Wikileaks concernant le Liban. Nous, on a Sarkozy et les Droits de l’Homme ; on n’a pas besoin, en plus, d’accéder à l’information...