
  • As The Arctic Warms, US Navy Considering Summer Transit, Bering Sea Port - Defense One

    The Arctic is heating up and changing twice as fast as the rest of the globe. Some anticipate that it could regularly be virtually ice-free in summer by 2040. That reality, coupled with Russia’s aggressiveness, is forcing the Navy to look at its ability to operate in there with thawed eyes. “You’re seeing the discussion change dramatically,” said Spencer. “We had the Navy’s [Arctic] Roadmap. We are adjusting that…and there’s more to come.”

    #arctique #etats-unis #militaires

  • Nikki Haley’s Loyalty Test Backfires – Foreign Policy

    U.N. General Assembly votes overwhelming to reject President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital on December 21, 2017 in New York City.
    Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

    The U.S. ambassador’s threat to punish states for voting against the U.S. at the U.N. didn’t work out so well.

    In her first day on the job, Nikki Haley issued a stern warning to her U.N. colleagues from the lobby of U.N. headquarters: back American initiatives at Turtle Bay or face unspecified consequences. There was a new sheriff in town, Haley made clear, and she “would be taking names” of those who crossed the United States.

    The combative phrase, which Haley has used time and again to underscore Washington’s expectation of loyalty, reflects a deeply held view by President Donald Trump and his U.N. envoy that the United States is not shown the respect it deserves as the organization’s biggest financial backer. But Haley’s strategy has failed to broaden support for American positions at the U.N.

    In her first year as U.S. ambassador, the U.S. has lost support in the United Nations, with only 31 percent of States voting alongside the United States on controversial resolutions before the U.N. General Assembly, the lowest number since 2008, when states voted 25 percent of the time alongside President George W. Bush’s administration. During the final year of the Obama administration’s states voted with the United States 41 percent of the time, according to a recently published State Department report on U.N. voting practices.

    The voting outcome raises questions about the effectiveness of Washington’s use of threats to secure international backing for its policies. But Haley has not chosen to hide from that record. On the contrary, Haley has embraced it, highlighting the gap to justify the need for more punishment.

    We care more about being right than popular,” Haley said in a statement issued last week. “President Trump wants to ensure that our foreign assistance dollars – the most generous in the world – always serve American interests, and we look forward to helping him see that the American people are no longer taken for granted.

  • The Scientists went through many incarnations in their 9 year history but are remembered mostly for the lineup that existed from 1981 to 1985. Kim Salmon, Tony Thewlis, Boris Sujdovic and Brett Rixon together had the peculiar chemistry that produced the classics, Swampland, Happy Hour, the Blood Red River mini LP and We had Love.

    #kim_salmon #swamp_rock #punk_blues

  • How Do Politicians Get Away With Cutting Taxes for the Rich? | The Nation

    To answer this question, we examine findings of scholarship reported in the forthcoming book Class Attitudes in America. (Spencer Piston, a co-author of this piece, wrote the book.) Policymakers have a clear playbook when they want to change the tax code to benefit the rich: Try to confuse the public, and if that doesn’t work, just ignore voter preferences.


  • Etats-Unis : l’état d’urgence est décrété à #Charlottesville, où se rassemblent des militants d’extrême droite

    Le gouverneur démocrate de la Virginie, Terry McAuliffe, a déclaré un état d’urgence à Charlottesville, où de nombreux militants d’extrême droite veulent dénoncer le retrait d’une statue du général sudiste Lee. Un véhicule a foncé dans un groupe de contre-manifestants, tuant au moins une personne.
    [edit vu ailleurs : TROIS morts et 19 blessé-e-s]

    La #fachosphere de twitter, très active comme à son habitude, a très vite lancé la rumeur que le conducteur serait un « jeune déséquilibré » antifa et anti #Trump, qui se serait « trompé » de manif... Le jeune en question, Joel Vangheluwe, a très vite démenti mais la rumeur était déjà partie et infectait jusqu’aux mainstream français pendant un temps...

    Pour le contexte, je ne sais pas trop ce que vaut ce site mais il recense pas mal de sources d’automedias sur twitter sur le déroulé de la manif interdite, les affrontement entre suprémacistes blancs et antifas, mais aussi les milices et les flics...

  • Hard-Wired for Heroism - Facts So Romantic

    On August 21, 2015, Anthony Sadler, 23, a California college student, was riding a train from Amsterdam to Paris with his friends, Aleksander Skarlatos and Spencer Stone. Skarlatos was an Oregon National Guardsman on who had just wrapped up a tour in Afghanistan, and Stone, an American Airman 1st Class in the U.S. Air Force. All three were killing time in their seats—listening to music, dozing—when they were jarred alert by gunshots and shattering glass. They saw Ayoub El-Khazzani at the entrance of the train car, gripping an AK-47, pointed at the ceiling. Skarlatos looked to his friends. “Go,” he said. They charged El-Khazzani and wrested the gun away from him. Stone put him in a chokehold and Skarlatos cracked El-Khazzani on the head with the tip of the gun. After El-Khazzani started to (...)

  • Why Most of Us Shouldn’t Drink Milk - Issue 41: Selection

    Most people will remember the clever Got Milk ads, which slapped milk mustaches on celebrities in an effort to get Americans drinking dairy. Milk is sold as something healthy and wholesome—after all, isn’t drinking milk the most natural thing in the world? But actually, only a third of adults worldwide can even digest the stuff. The rest of us—the silent majority—are lactose intolerant, meaning we’ve lost our lactase, the enzyme that makes milk digestion possible. While all humans are born with the ability to digest milk (hence, breastfeeding), only a few retain it into adulthood. When and how did this division arise? Follow human geneticist Spencer Wells, director of the Genographic Project of the National Geographic Society, he tracks down the biological and cultural history of our (...)

  • Le maire de Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur doit-il démissionner ?

    Condamné en juin 2016 à un an de prison avec sursis pour l’agression sexuelle d’une employée municipale, le maire de Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur, Michel Rotger, reste aux commandes de sa ville. Une situation dénoncée par l’opposition municipale qui réclame son départ.

    Le maire de Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur doit-il démissionner ?
    Par Jacky Page, France Bleu Bourgogne
    Mardi 30 août 2016 à 20:28
    Mis à jour le mardi 30 août 2016 à 20:33

    Michel Rotger, maire de Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur, contre vents et marées
    Michel Rotger, maire de Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur, contre vents et marées © Maxppp - Philippe Brochot, Le Bien Public
    Condamné en juin 2016 à un an de prison avec sursis pour l’agression sexuelle d’une employée municipale, le maire de Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur, Michel Rotger, reste aux commandes de sa ville. Une situation dénoncée par l’opposition municipale qui réclame son départ.

    Michel Rotger qui réfutait les accusations portées contre lui par une employée communale, avait dans un premier temps fait appel de sa condamnation avant de se désister en juillet. Sa peine est donc devenue définitive. Dans le journal municipal de Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur, Jean Perrin, conseiller d’opposition, publie une tribune intitulée "Il est où le mensonge, il est où ?", dans laquelle il appelle le maire à "agir en homme" et à démissionner.

    Quand l’affaire avait éclaté, juste avant les municipales de 2014, Michel Rotger et ses partisans avaient crié au complot. Jean Perrin dénonce aujourd’hui les accusations qui avaient alors été proférées, parfois directement à son encontre. La justice dit-il, a démonté la thèse du complot., "et tous ceux qui y ont cru doivent avoir aujourd’hui la gueule de bois, parce que se réveiller en se disant j’ai cru à une ânerie, ça doit un peu leur retourner la conscience, s’ils en ont une".

    Mais le mal est fait, et cette théorie reste ancrée dans la conviction de certains Chevignois qui accordent à leur maire le bénéfice du doute. « C’est passé au tribunal, mais on n’est jamais sûr de rien, et puis le maire a fait beaucoup de choses pour la commune » estime cette habitante, tandis qu’une autre se dit « pas très fière de faire partie de Chevigny quand elle pense au maire qui la représente ». Avis partagé par une autre passante, qui ajoute qu’ « un représentant du peuple qui conserve son mandat dans de telles circonstances fait preuve d’un manque de respect pour la population. »

    Michel Rotger reste maire, mais aussi patron de la victime

    Dans l’opposition, le socialiste Louis Legrand souhaite aussi le départ de Michel Rotger, et dénonce une situation malsaine puisque la victime, employée municipale, demeure à la merci des décisions du maire en place : "Maintenant qu’il est condamné, il va se trouver à prendre des décisions qui vont continuer à impacter la vie de cette employée communale. Il me semble qu’il est à la fois juge et partie dans plusieurs affaires qui intéressent les deux , et il devrait démissionner parce qu’il ne peut pas continuer en tant que maire à prendre des décisions contre cette plaignante auparavant, et victime maintenant". Des recours en excès de pouvoir ont été d’ailleurs portés devant le tribunal administratif.

    Michel Rotger, lui, refuse toute interview. Il appuie sa légitimité sur le conseil municipal qui l’a conforté dans sa fonction en juillet dernier. Il faut dire qu’avec 7 élus sur 33, l’opposition ne pèse pas grand-chose...

    Que ne ferais pas la France pour protéger ces agresseurs sexuels cheris ? Peut être que ce maire sera promu ministre tout comme Sapin le claqueur de culotte nomme à l’économie....

    #domination_masculine #fraternité #patriarcat #violences_sexuelles

    • Poser la question c’est en quelque sorte y répondre pour ces gens. L’évidence n’est pas de mise dans une telle situation, forcément. Quand la moindre femme trop habillée est déclarée coupable de prosélytisme sans enquête ni recours, un élu condamné par la Justice peut encore faire l’objet de prudences du type « bénéfice du doute » de la part des journaux qui posent sérieusement le débat sur la possibilité ou non de lui conserver son rôle d’élu...

      #infamie #ignominie

    • Michel Sapin a reconnu avoir mis le main aux fesses de la journaliste qui l’accusait. Il a ajouter qu’il n’y avais rien de sexiste et que ca n’était pas (pour lui) une agression sexuelle. Depuis on en parle plus, silence radio. Et il est nommé ministre puisque pour ce gouvernement une main aux fesses n’est pas une agression ni sexiste, ni sexuelle....

      Et ce matin il y a le vice-président du Modem, Robert Rochefort arrété pour s’être masturbé en publique devant deux enfants dans un magazin de bricolage... et voici ce qui l’attend selon l’ :

      Cet ancien directeur du Credoc, un centre d’analyse économique et sociale, va faire l’objet d’une procédure de composition pénale – mesure alternative à des poursuites –, évitant ainsi un procès public. Pour ces faits d’exhibition sexuelle, il risque une amende et pourrait faire l’objet d’une injonction de soins, toujours selon la même source.

      C’est vraiment sympas de lui évité un procès à ce bon monsieur.
      mais c’est vrai que c’est un grand défenseur des enfants ;

      Il y a aussi ce chère George Tron qui est investi pour les legislatives ;
      avec son pote Balkany ( entre autre agresseur sexuel),1038661.php

      pour mémoire aussi rappelz vous de la dissolution de la loi sur le harcélément sexuel à la demande de « Gérard Ducray, ancien député Républicain indépendant du Rhône et adjoint au maire de Villefranche-sur-Saône, qui a été condamné pour avoir harcelé sexuellement trois employées municipales »

      A part ca DSK va plutot bien, il même des groupies par paquet de 100....

      En fait si les élus agresseurs sexuels sont déclaré inéligibles, il va falloir organisé des quotas d’hommes pour rétablir la parité dans la politique française !

    • Les 100 femmes posaient nues contre Trump - la Sardine du port n’a fait que reprendre la vidéo. Peu importe ce qu’on pense du projet d’art c’est plus beau qu’une réunion de DSKistes ...

      100 brave women posed nude for an art installation by Spencer Tunick during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

      July 17, 2016

      The photograph involved 100 nude women holding large mirror discs, reflecting the knowledge and wisdom of progressive women and the concept of “Mother Nature” into and onto the convention center, cityscape and horizon of Cleveland. The philosophy of the artwork relates to the idea of the sacred feminine. By holding mirrors, we hope to suggest that women are a reflection and embodiment of nature, the sun, the sky and the land. We want to express the belief that we will rely upon the strength, intuition and wisdom of progressive and enlightened women to find our place in nature and to regain the balance within it. The mirrors communicate that we are a reflection of ourselves, each other, and of, the world that surrounds us. The woman becomes the future and the future becomes the woman.

    • Je comprend pas @klaus
      L’article que j’ai trouvé parle d’une action pro-DSK et non anti-Trump et pas non plus d’œuvre d’art. Après dire article c’est un peu exagéré c’est au mieux un « articule » mal copié collé de dépeche afp.
      edit - ok je viens de comprendre que « la sardine du port » est peut etre un genre de Gorafi. !
      Bon c’est anecdotique par rapport au sujet de cette discussion.

    • @mad_meg Je vois que La sardine du port a réussi son coup. J’ai bien ri car c’est comme si on prenait une vielle édition d’ Hara Kiri (méga sexiste) pour faire un collage avec le contenu d’une publication de « gauche » étatsunienne dans un contexte politique français ... si on veut faire du n’importe quoi c’est assez fort.

      Quand ça donne à réfléchier c’est que c’est bien.

      Après, si on trouve leur humour acceptable ou dégoûtant c’est une autre question. Moi j’aime bien rire des très mauvaises blagues même si elles insultent des choses ou des gens que j’aime bien (ou moi-même). Ma seule condition est que le degré de folie. Quand la blague est ni nouvelle ni vraiment folle je soupconne de mauvaises intentions dangereuses chez celui qui la prononce. Je trouve que c’est une manière de s’armer contre les attaques sérieuses :-)

      #gorafi_encore_plagié #humour

    • Ok @klaus Merci de m’avoir signalé que l’article était parodique.

      Pour revenir au sujet de départ et au cas de Robert Rochefort. Il semblerait que la « procédure de composition pénale » qui permet d’évité un procès publique, soit une procédure normal en cas d’aveux de culpabilité de l’accusé et non un privilège de politicien. Mais Robert Rochefort est revenu hier sur ces aveux qu’il avait fait en GAV. Il me semble alors que la « procédure de composition pénale » devrait être annulée et qu’un procès publique devrait en principe avoir lieu. Je vais voire si je trouve plus d’infos la dessus.

  • Etats-Unis. Les pipelines des Grands Lacs, une bombe à retardement | Courrier international

    Ils sont invisibles, mais ils transportent des millions de litres de pétrole chaque année : les #oléoducs. Enbridge, le leader mondial de transport pétrolier par oléoduc, a immergé deux de ces tuyaux au fond des Grands Lacs, dans le Michigan, en 1953 : deux #pipelines vieux de soixante-deux ans et donc en très mauvais état. La région est sous la menace constante d’une marée noire à grande échelle.

    Spencer Chumbley, de Motherboard, s’est rendu dans le Michigan pour enquêter sur cette situation alarmante.

    #pétrole #pollution

  • Face au dénégations des #tech_companies disant ignorer être au courant des pratiques de #surveillance, le juriste de la NSA insiste :

    US tech giants knew of NSA data collection, agency’s top lawyer insists | Spencer Ackerman |, 19 March 2014

    Rajesh De, the NSA general counsel, said all communications content and associated metadata harvested by the #NSA under a 2008 surveillance law occurred with the knowledge of the companies – both for the internet collection program known as #Prism and for the so-called “#upstream” collection of communications moving across the internet.


    Cf. Les gros mensonges de Google et Microsoft

    Cf. Sur l’entreprise de « redorage » de blason, restaurer la confiance sous peine de perdre les marchés :

  • Les réseaux de l’islamophobie aux Etats-Unis

    CAIR Report : Islamophobia Network Funded with $119 Million 2008 to 2011

    Muslim civil rights group identifies 37 organizations dedicated to promoting anti-Islam prejudice

    (WASHINGTON, D.C., 9/19/13) — The nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization today released a report, “Legislating Fear: Islamophobia and its Impact in the United States,” which reveals that anti-Islam groups received more than $119 million in funding between 2008 and 2011.

    The new report by the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) also identifies 37 organizations dedicated to promoting anti-Islam prejudice in America. CAIR’s second report on the subject more fully identifies the “Islamophobia network” in the United States and exposes its funding.

    [NOTE: CAIR today also distributed an ISLAM-OPED commentary, “The Reality of Islamophobia in America,” which states that, “Like racism, anti-Semitism, sexism and other issues, Islamophobia exists.” That commentary is available upon request for publication by media outlets nationwide.]

    “This report sheds light on the groups promoting Islamophobia in our society and reveals to the reader the impact those groups have on our nation’s discourse about Islam, pluralism and the future of the protections enshrined in the U.S. Constitution,” said Corey Saylor, who directs CAIR’s department to monitor and combat Islamophobia.

    CAIR’s findings include:

    The U.S.-based Islamophobia network’s “inner core” is currently comprised of at least 37 groups whose primary purpose is to promote prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims. An additional 32 groups whose primary purpose does not appear to include promoting prejudice against or hatred of Islam and Muslims, but whose work regularly demonstrates or supports Islamophobic themes, make up the network’s “outer core.”
    The inner core of the U.S.-based Islamophobia network enjoyed access to at least $119,662,719 in total revenue between 2008 and 2011. Groups in the inner core are often tightly linked with each other. Key players in the network benefitted from large salaries as they encouraged the American public to fear Islam.
    In 2011 and 2012, 78 bills or amendments designed to marginalize Muslims and vilify Islamic religious practices were introduced in the legislatures of 29 states and the U.S. Congress. Sixty-two of these bills contained language that was extracted from David Yerushalmi’s American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) model legislation. While the bias motive behind the bills is clear, the presence of an actual problem that needed to be solved was not — even to the legislators introducing the measures. In at least 11 states, mainstream Republican leaders introduced or supported anti-Muslim legislation.
    Subject matter experts perceive a small but welcome decline in Islamophobia in America during the period covered by this report. In 2012, CAIR rates Islamophobia as a 5.9 on a scale of one to 10, with one representing an America free of Islamophobia and 10 being the worst possible situation for Muslims. In 2010, CAIR rated the state of Islamophobia in America as a 6.4.

    The decline makes particular sense given that the 2010 rating interviews were conducted in September and October of 2010. This period was the height of the national controversy over Park 51, aka “the Ground Zero Mosque.” The controversy’s proximity to the 2010 mid-term election made it a campaign issue. It was also right at the time of the planned burning of Qurans by Florida Pastor Terry Jones. This period in 2010 can be seen as the Islamophobia network’s greatest penetration into mainstream discourse to date. 
    There were 51 recorded anti-mosque acts during the period covered by this report, 29 in 2012 and 22 in 2011. Two notable spikes in anti-mosque acts occurred in 2011-2012: May 2011 (7 acts), likely related to the killing of Osama bin Laden, and August 2012 (10 acts), probably all in reaction to the massacre of six Sikh worshippers by a white supremacist in Oak Creek, Wis. By comparison, in June 2010, CAIR published “CAIR: Who we are,” a review of 1,999 CAIR press releases and action alerts spanning 1994-2008. In that report we noted: “Since 1994, CAIR has detailed at least 64 acts of destruction and defilement of Islamic places of worship—including shootings, vandalism, arson, and bombings.”
    CAIR’s report also notes that anti-Muslim trainers serving law enforcement and military personnel were dealt a significant blow in late 2011 and that Islamophobic rhetoric remains socially acceptable.

    In 2011, after significant pressure from CAIR and other organizations that included crucial reporting by’s Spencer Ackerman, federal authorities initiated steps to remove biased and inaccurate material about Islam from law enforcement training materials. Studies and a lack of consequences for most candidates for public office who engage in anti-Muslim rhetoric reveal an unfortunate societal tolerance for prejudicial speech directed at Muslim.

    CAIR names individuals, institutions and groups that were at the center of promoting Islamophobia in America during the period covered by the report.

    The “worst” list includes:

    Lieutenant General William G. “Jerry” Boykin (retired)
    Zuhdi Jasser and the American Islamic Forum for Democracy
    Herman Cain
    Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.)
    David Yerushalmi
    Former Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.)
    Walid Shoebat and the Forum for Middle East Understanding
    State legislators who sponsored anti-Islam legislation
    The Clarion Fund
    David Caton and the Florida Family Association


  • Edward Ellis - A Biography of The Thin Man, an Actor to Remember

    He usually enters conversation as the answer to a trivia question. Edward Ellis is best known for playing the title character in the 1934 classic The Thin Man.

    Another biggie you may have seen Edward Ellis in was as the Sheriff in Fritz Lang’s Fury (1936) starring Spencer Tracy. While he’s not nearly as memorable as his deputy, played by Walter Brennan, Ellis’ Sheriff is one of the more interesting characters of Fury as a man caught up in doing his job: he puts Tracy’s Joe Wilson behind bars and keeps him there, but he’s also the man on the top step fighting to keep the mob from overrunning Wilson’s prison cell. That could have worked out better.


  • Une étude de « Nature » revue par le National Geographic : les origines des « européens modernes » remontreraient à moins longtemps qu’on ne le pensait,

    Europeans as a people are younger than we thought, a new study suggests .

    DNA recovered from ancient skeletons reveals that the genetic makeup of modern Europe was established around 4,500 B.C. in the mid-Neolithic—or 6,500 years ago—and not by the first farmers who arrived in the area around 7,500 years ago or by earlier hunter-gatherer groups.

    “The genetics show that something around that point caused the genetic signatures of previous populations to disappear,” said Alan Cooper, director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA at the University of Adelaide, where the research was performed.

    “However, we don’t know what happened or why, and [the mid-Neolithic] has not been previously identified as [a time] of major change,” he said.

    Furthermore, the origins of the mid-Neolithic populations that did form the basis of modern Europe are also unknown.


    The study shows that “relatively recent migrations seem to have had a significant genetic impact on the population of Central Europe,” said study co-author Spencer Wells, who leads National Geographic’s Genographic Project.

    Genetic Signature

    In the study, Cooper and his colleagues extracted mitochondrial DNA—which children inherit only from their mothers—from the teeth and bones of 39 skeletons found in central Germany. The skeletons ranged in age from about 7,500 to 2,500 years old.

    The team focused on a group of closely related mitochondrial lineages—mutations in mitochondrial DNA that are similar to one another—known as haplogroup H, which is carried by up to 45 percent of modern Europeans.

    Cooper and his colleagues focused on haplogroup H because previous studies have indicated the mutations might have been present in Europeans’ genetic makeup for several thousand years.

    It’s unclear how this haplogroup became dominant in Europe. Some scientists have proposed that it spread across the continent following a population boom after the end of the last ice age about 12,000 years ago.

    But the new data paint a different picture of the genetic foundation of modern Europe: Rather than a single or a few migration events, Europe was occupied several times, in waves, by different groups, from different directions and at different times.

    The first modern humans to reach Europe arrived from Africa 35,000 to 40,000 years ago. By about 30,000 years ago, they were widespread throughout the area while their close cousins, the Neanderthals, disappeared. Hardly any of these early hunter-gatherers carried the H haplogroup in their DNA.

    About 7,500 years ago during the early Neolithic period, another wave of humans expanded into Europe, this time from the Middle East. They carried in their genes a variant of the H haplogroup, and in their minds knowledge of how to grow and raise crops. ’

    Archeologists call these first Central European farmers the linear pottery culture (LBK)—so named because their pottery often had linear decorations.

    The genetic evidence shows that the appearance of the LBK farmers and their unique H haplogroups coincided with a dramatic reduction of the U haplogroup—the dominant haplogroup among the hunter-gatherers living in Europe at that time.

    Farmers Move In

    The findings settle a longstanding debate among archaeologists, said Wells, who is also a National Geographic explorer-in-residence.

    Archaeology alone can’t determine whether cultural movements—such as a new style of pottery or, in this case, farming—were accompanied by the movements of people, Wells said in an email.

    “In this study we show that changes in the European archaeological record are accompanied by genetic changes, suggesting that cultural shifts were accompanied by the migration of people and their DNA.”

    The LBK group and its descendants were very successful and spread quickly across Europe. “They became the first pan-European culture, if you like,” Cooper said.

    Given their success, it would be natural to assume that members of the LBK culture were significant genetic ancestors of many modern Europeans.

    But the team’s genetic analysis revealed a surprise: About 6,500 years ago in the mid-Neolithic, the LBK culture was itself displaced. Their haplogroup H types suddenly became very rare, and they were subsequently replaced by populations bearing a different set of haplogroup H variations.


    “All we know is that the descendants of the LBK farmers disappeared from Central Europe about 4,500 [B.C.], clearing the way for the rise of populations from elsewhere, with their own unique H signatures.”


    One thing that is clear from the genetic data is that nearly half of modern Europeans can trace their origins back to this mysterious group.

    “About [4,500 B.C.], you start seeing a diversity and composition of genetic signatures that are beginning to look like modern [Central] Europe,” Cooper said. "This composition is then modified by subsequent cultures moving in, but it’s the first point at which you see something like the modern European genetic makeup in place.


  • Non mais y’a pas que des pages à supprimer, sur Wikipedia. Il y a aussi des informations encyclopédiques réellement utiles :

    Mais, c’est la saison 3 qui leur permettent d’avoir un succès reconnu. En effet, Lauren Conrad, le personnage principal de la télé-réalité, se confronte à Heidi Montag, son ancienne meilleur amie, à cause entre autres de la relation de cette dernière avec Spencer Pratt, qui apparaît comme infidèle, et aussi, à cause d’une rumeur de sextape entre Lauren Conrad et son ex, Jason Whaler, qui aurait été lancée par Spencer Pratt et Heidi Montag, eux-mêmes.

    Suite à cela le clan de Lauren Conrad, composé de Lauren Bossworth, Audrina Patridge, Brody Jenner et les principaux concernés Lauren Conrad et Jason Whaler s’oppose à celui du clan de Heidi Montag. Alors, la médiatisation jour après jour se pose la question : « La sex-tape, existe t-elle ou n’existe t-elle pas ? ». Alors, que le clan Conrad dément l’existence de cette sex-tape, le clan Montag réfute cela on disant que « Oui ! elle a bien existé ». Mais ce qui apparaît surtout dans cela, c’est ce que l’on a qualifié de « Complot pour détruire Lauren », dont les principaux fondateurs sont, selon ce qui a été dit, Spencer Pratt et Heidi Montag.

  • Les héros de la lutte contre le SIDA sont fatigués - What really killed Spencer Cox, AIDS activist ?

    Surviving AIDS, but Not the Life That Followed

    “There were so many people that came to Act Up young, and they never got to have a life,” he said. “Spencer didn’t even finish Bennington. But these kids were attracted to the activism, and by the time that we were out of the woods they were too old to get jobs. They were too old to get careers."


    Walt Odets is a clinical psychologist in Berkeley, Calif., who knew Mr. Cox and has written extensively about the aftereffects of H.I.V. on long-term survivors. Dr. Odets is reluctant to use terms like “post-traumatic stress disorder” and “pill fatigue” to describe what happened to the veterans of Act Up, but he said it was clear the epidemic did not end for them when therapeutic drugs came along.

    “It was an extraordinary trauma comparable to a wartime experience,” Dr. Odets said. “For many gay men, after the epidemic was over, there was a loss of energy and vitality. It’s like going from a car that runs on rocket fuel to one that runs on gasoline. And it had to be bewildering for Spencer.”

    #sida #activisme #pill_fatigue #crystal_meth

  • Selon Spencer Ackerman, « la guerre en Irak n’est pas terminée » : les mercenaires remplacent l’armée américaine, augmentant le risque d’un désastre diplomatique.

    The Iraq War Ain’t Over, No Matter What Obama Says | Danger Room |

    But the fact is America’s military efforts in Iraq aren’t coming to an end. They are instead entering a new phase. On January 1, 2012, the State Department will command a hired army of about 5,500 security contractors, all to protect the largest U.S. diplomatic presence anywhere overseas.

    The State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security does not have a promising record when it comes to managing its mercenaries. The 2007 Nisour Square shootings by State’s security contractors, in which 17 Iraqi civilians were killed, marked one of the low points of the war. Now, State will be commanding a much larger security presence, the equivalent of a heavy combat brigade. In July, Danger Room exclusively reported that the Department blocked the Congressionally-appointed watchdog for Iraq from acquiring basic information about contractor security operations, such as the contractors’ rules of engagement.

    That means no one outside the State Department knows how its contractors will behave as they ferry over 10,000 U.S. State Department employees throughout Iraq — which, in case anyone has forgotten, is still a war zone. Since Iraq wouldn’t grant legal immunity to U.S. troops, it is unlikely to grant it to U.S. contractors, particularly in the heat and anger of an accident resulting in the loss of Iraqi life.

    It’s a situation with the potential for diplomatic disaster. And it’s being managed by an organization with no experience running the tight command structure that makes armies cohesive and effective.