• Amnesty International #France sur Twitter : « La mort de Nahel M. est un #homicide illégal. amnesty publie aujourd’hui son analyse des faits et de leur contexte. Nous appelons à une révision des règles d’utilisation des armes à feu et à la fin du #racisme systémique dans l’application des lois par les forces de l’ordre.👇 » / Twitter

  • Syrian teenager shot dead in her chest -Multeci Medyasi
    In Adana, police shot and killed 19-year-old Syrian refugee Ali El Hemdan on the grounds that he did not comply with the ’stop warning’. While the incident reflected to the press as being shot in the leg, it is seen that the young man was shot in the chest. The murder of Ali El Hemdan was on the agenda on Twitter with the label # AliyiÖldürenlerNerede. The police who shot Hemdan were exposed.



  • Le PCHR demande une enquête sur les circonstances de la mort d’un civil quelques heures seulement après son arrestation par les forces israéliennes
    Source : PCHR | Traduction : J. Ch. pour l’Agence Média Palestine

    Par le PCHR, 22 février 2018

    Aujourd’hui 22 février 2018 à l’aube, Yassin al-Saradih de Jéricho est mort quelques heures seulement après avoir été arrêté par les forces israéliennes. Le Centre Palestinien pour les Droits de l’Homme (PCHR) demande une enquête immédiate et impartiale sur les circonstances de sa mort. Le PCHR craint que les forces israéliennes aient pu exercer des actes de torture contre lui dès son arrestation et que cela ait été la cause de sa mort.

    D’après l’enquête du PCHR et les récits de témoins, vers 4 H.30 jeudi 22 février 2018, les forces israéliennes sont entrées dans Jéricho. Ils ont fait une descente pour fouiller une maison du centre ville appartenant à Khamis Hattab après avoir fracassé la porte d’entrée principale et endommagé une partie des biens. Son neveu, Yassin Omer al-Saradih (33 ans) s’est précipité vers la maison pour voir ce qui se passait. Mais alors, immédiatement, un certain nombre de soldats l’ont sévèrement battu sur tout le corps puis ont tiré une bombe lacrymogène sur place. Ils l’ont alors traîné sur le sol jusqu’à un véhicule militaire et, plus tard, l’ont emmené vers une destination inconnue. A environ 9 H.30 le même jour, la famille a reçu un coup de téléphone de la Liaison Militaire Palestinienne leur disant que la Liaison Israélienne les avait informés de la mort de leur fils due à une attaque d’apoplexie après inhalation de gaz. Une vidéo prise par une camera de surveillance montraient 6 soldats israéliens attaquant le civil susdit et le frappant brutalement avec la crosse de leurs fusils et des coups de pied.

    Sa famille a dit à l’enquêteur du PCHR que leur fils n’avait jamais souffert d’aucune maladie avant son arrestation. Il faudrait aussi mentionner que les autorités israéliennes détiennent le cadavre et ne l’ont pas jusqu’ici rendu à la famille ou aux autorités compétentes palestiniennes.(...)

    • Palestinian Beaten, Dies During Arrest; Israeli Army Claims He Charged Soldiers

      Military says man charged at soldiers with iron bar ■ Footage shows soldiers overtaking Palestinian, beating him on ground ■ Sources: No gunshot wounds found on body
      Jack Khoury and Yaniv Kubovich Feb 22, 2018 5:52 PM

      A Palestinian man died after he was arrested overnight by Israeli soldiers in the West Bank city of Jericho on Thursday. A Palestinian NGO said that the man was beaten to death by the soldiers.

      To really understand the Middle East - subscribe to Haaretz

      The official military response said that the man was shot by the soldiers while charging at them with an iron bar. Military sources said later that shots were fired during the arrest, but no bullet wounds were found on the body. Therefore, the growing assessment is that the man died from the beating he sustained from the soldiers.

      A video distributed online documents an incident in which a Palestinian man is assaulted by Israeli soldiers during a military operation in Jericho. The military confirmed that the Palestinian later died of his wounds.

      The video shows the soldiers overtaking the Palestinian and continuing to beat him while he lays on the ground with several soldiers around him.

  • The Angry Arab News Service/وكالة أنباء العربي الغاضب: Jordanian regime responsibility and the assassination of Nahid Hattarin Amman—under the watchful eyes of the Jordanian mukhabarat

    This is a moment for unity and solidarity between all the ranks of protesters against repression, killing, and terrorization in the name of religion and sacredness. We live under regimes like the Saudi regime, the Qatari regime, the Emirati regime, and the Jordanian regime which sentence writers of poetry and tweets, which deviate from their extremist, reactionary, and strict interpretation of religion, to imprisonment and lashes. There is a law in Jordan against “extending one’s tongue” to the royal family—the historical supporter of Zionism. And the Iranian regime spilled the blood and hanged communists and Baha’is in the name of a religious doctrine. Communists have been killed in our lands at the hands of Sunni AND Shiite merchants of sectarianism--followers of Arab regimes and the Iranian regime.  And Western colonialism collected over the decades of the Cold War the ranks of kooks of religion in our countries to fight the Soviet Union--and thus they got rid of the secular and feminist (communist) regime in Afghanistan--the likes of which Afghanistan has not seen before.  Leftists and communists have been silent for too long about the murder of their comrades at the hands of Sunni AND Shiite merchants of religion and sectarianism, and it is high time that we raise the voice of our sacred beliefs which don’t belong to “divine books”. We have our sacred beliefs just as you have your sacred beliefs. And you—and the regimes of strict religion which sponsor you—insult the sacred beliefs of leftism, communism, feminism, and anarchism day and night, and there is no one to hold you accountable because you are protected by the repressive regimes which kill in the name of religion. The burning of the Aqsa and the occupation of Palestine and the conquest by Western countries of our region did not offend your ultra-sensitive religious sensibilities and did not move you. But a cartoon on Facebook offended your beliefs. And what are those (religious) beliefs which are shaken by seeing a cartoon drawing on Facebook? Western governments are redesigning your religion and are ordering you to delete Qur’anic verses and religious sermons which offend them and offend the Israeli enemy and you are silent and obedient. But a drawing on Facebook ignited your religious rancor. This is a moment to revolt against the intimidating hegemony of Sunni AND Shiite merchants of religion and sectarianism in our lands.  Those two sides (Sunnis and Shiites) disagree over everything but agree on tabooing, takfir, and criminalization in the name of religion. What killed Nahid Hattar is his faith in the Jordanian Zionist regime, and its obedient judiciary.

    #Jordanie #assasinat #satire