company:entertainment weekly

  • Nina Simone biopic bombs with critics amid Zoe Saldana race controversy

    Controversial Nina Simone biopic Nina has been savaged by critics following preview screenings in the States.

    The film was heavily criticised due to the casting of lead actress Zoe Saldana, who is of Dominican and Puerto Rican descent, with many feeling Saldana was too petite and light-skinned to play the iconic singer.

    Last month, the release of the first trailer prompted the estate of Nina Simone to tweet: “Please take Nina’s name out your mouth. For the rest of your life” at Saldana after the actress responded to criticism with a quote from Simone.

    The Root say the film is as “horrible as you thought it could be”, complaining that Saldana’s attempts at singing Simone’s songs further hold the film back: “The acting is questionable, but at least viewers could have enjoyed the music. But nope! Saldana can hold an all right note, but not a candle to Simone.” According to Entertainment Weekly, meanwhile, “Nina is a by-the-numbers musical biopic riddled with every conceivable cliché about the tortured artist” that bizarrely glosses over her years as a prominent voice in the Civil Rights Movement in a five-minute montage. Maybe most damning is Indie Wire’s verdict, who claim the film “isn’t just racially insensitive, it’s also ineptly told.”


  • #USA : Des femmes accouchent seules dans la nature pour une émission de téléréalité polémique

    Une chaîne de télé américaine veut diffuser un programme baptisé « Born in the Wild », dans lequel des femmes accouchent en pleine nature « sans assistance » Cette chaîne américaine repousse les limites de la téléréalité. Lifetime prévoit de diffuser une émission intitulée « Born in the Wild ». Ses caméras suivront des femmes qui accouchent en pleine nature sans assistance médicale. L’annonce a immédiatement soulevé la polémique et l’inquiétude des professionnels de santé, rapporte Entertainment Weekly (en anglais), mercredi 4 juin. D’où vient l’idée ? Une vidéo virale a tout déclenché. Postée sur YouTube le 10 février 2013 et vue 21 millions de fois depuis, elle montre une femme nue, entourée de sa famille, qui donne naissance à son bébé, sans (...)

  • Michelle Rodriguez Made Me Cry at Comic-Con | xoJane

    I’d seen Entertainment Weekly’s “Women Who Kick Ass” panel on the schedule, but honestly hadn’t thought much of it. This seems kind of weird in retrospect — normally, a panel starring Katee Sackhoff, Maggie Q, Tatiana Maslany, Danai Gurira, and Michelle Rodriguez would’ve sent me into fits. After an entire morning full of dudes jizzing themselves over their own projects, though, I didn’t know what to expect.

    At first, the moderator — a sweet-voiced writer from EW — asked them typical, if interesting, questions. “What’s your favorite stunts?” "Your most challenging costumes?" “Do you have trouble leaving your character behind?” That kind of thing.

    Then, she half-turned to look at them. “What’s the most egregious example of sexism you’ve seen on set?”

    “Some actor dude once said chicks couldn’t drive cars,” Michelle scoffed. “I was like, ’Move over.’” 

    The audience laughed a little. Sexism! Girls can drive cars. Silly sexist actor boys. No one in the audience was like them.

    “One time a crew member started hitting on me when I was tied to a bed for a scene,” Tatiana Maslany offered. “I was young. I was just starting out. I couldn’t get away.”

    Less laughter now from the audience. 

    “Once a guy on set kinda beat the shit out of me during a fight scene,” Katee Sackhoff said. “He said he thought I could ’take it.’”

    No laughter now. Lots of squirming. The guy beside me was checking Twitter. 

    “He’s lucky I wasn’t there,” Michelle said. “That kind of thing makes my blood boil.”


    Onstage, though, it was like a fucking dam had broken.

    #sexisme #représentation #hollywood #femmes

  • The Discovery Channel Discovers The #Vatican | Death and Taxes

    “Remember when The Discovery Channel was devoted to science programming?

    Entertainment Weekly reports that they are teaming up with the Vatican to create “The #Exorcist Files.” Producers will access the Catholic church’s case files and interview actual Vatican-appointed exorcists (this is a real job) about their experiences in the field. The show will mostly feature reenactments of “real-life hauntings and demonic possession.””
