industryterm:online news sites

  • Firefox Multi-Account Containers - Modules pour Firefox

    About This Extension
    The Firefox Multi-Account Containers extension lets you carve out a separate box for each of your online lives – no more opening a different browser just to check your work email! Here is a quick video showing you how it works.
    Under the hood, it separates website storage into tab-specific Containers. Cookies downloaded by one Container are not available to other Containers. With the Firefox Multi-Account Containers extension, you can...
    Sign in to two different accounts on the same site (for example, you could sign in to work email and home email in two different Container tabs.
    Keep different kinds of browsing far away from each other (for example, you might use one Container tab for managing your Checking Account and a different Container tab for searching for new songs by your favorite band)
    Avoid leaving social-network footprints all over the web (for example, you could use a Container tab for signing in to a social network, and use a different tab for visiting online news sites, keeping your social identity separate from tracking scripts on news sites)

    Et pour un container spécialisé pour Facebook (et automatiquement utilisé), voir

    #firefox #extension #session #cookie #outil #web_dev #vie_privée

    • @rastapopoulos

      Firefox Multi-Account Containers was first introduced as “Containers” available only in Firefox Nightly. It went on to be a Test Pilot Experiment, where we improved the user experience and added new features. Now it exists here as an extension that can be installed by all Firefox users.

      Although you can still use the feature built into Firefox Nightly, we recommend using this extension as it has a richer user experience.

      En résumé, ça semble juste être une surcouche à l’API qu’utilise #conex par exemple.

  • Aaron Swartz : howtoget
    Via Adrien G. #reddit #developpement

    In addition, online news sites started noticing that Reddit could send them vast amounts of traffic. They somehow thought they could encourage this by adding “reddit this” links to all of their articles. As far as I know, adding such links doesn’t actually improve your chances of being popular on Reddit (although it does make your site look more ugly), but it did give us lots of free advertising.

    Hahahah, ça confirme une vieille théorie qu’on avait au studio. Sinon, tout l’article est intéressant. :)