person:warwick thornton

  • Sweet Country : Bitter truths about Aboriginal dispossession in Australia - World Socialist Web Site

    Sweet Country: Bitter truths about Aboriginal dispossession in Australia
    By George Morley
    13 March 2018

    Written by David Tranter and Steven McGregor, filmed and directed by Warwick Thornton

    Samson and Delilah (2009), Warwick Thornton’s first dramatic feature, announced the arrival of a talented filmmaker, committed to exposing some of the realities of the lives of Aboriginal Australians. The critically acclaimed work about two indigenous teenagers revealed to global audiences the unemployment, poverty and substance abuse facing thousands of young Aborigines.

    Sweet Country, Thornton’s follow-up feature, is an equally important film. This one uncovers ugly truths about the country’s colonial past that the establishment has sought to sweep under the carpet. As Thornton told the Sydney Morning Herald: “A lot of our history was written by colonisers who wanted to … put themselves in a favourable light. A lot of it is a lie. Now we’re starting to write down our history with our version of events.”

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