position:union representative

  • Un représentant d’un syndicat norvégien s’est vu refuser l’entrée en israel (et donc en Palestine), probablement parce qu’il s’appelle Mohammed Malik, qu’il est d’origine pakistanaise, et que son syndicat, LO, soutient le BDS...

    Israel deported LO-elected Mohammed Malik

    Traduction en anglais :

    Israeli security people at the airport in Tel Aviv interrogated union leader Mohammed Malik in Tine Dairies about his association with LO. Then they threw him out of the country. “The decision of the LO Congress on Boycott of Israel can have such consequences", said Israel’s ambassador to Norway.

    Mohammed Malik was on a trade union study trip with the Palestinian Committee to Palestine. But Malik did not come beyond the airport in Tel Aviv. While all the others in the group were allowed to enter Saturday evening this weekend, Mohammed Malik spent the hours from late Saturday night and early in the morning Sunday in various waiting rooms and detention cells at the airport. It was a very unpleasant experience, says Malik.

    The security officers who questioned him knew that Malik was a union representative in The Norwegian Food and Allied Workers Union. He experienced it as if they were confronting him with his union affiliation. They wanted to know what LO thought about the Palestine conflict. But he did not want to answer them on that.

    Mohammed Malik is born in Norway and originally has Pakistani parents. "My name was obviously the reason I was taken aside in passport control. But they deported me because I am a unionist. I was thrown out because I am affiliated with the LO, says Mohammed Malik. The experience at the airport was humiliating.

    The LO Congress last year agreed with a large majority that LO should work for international economic, cultural and academic boycott of Israel. The Israeli Embassy in Oslo says it is not familiar with the deportation of Malik before FriFagbevegelse contacted it today. The Embassy now investigates why Israel deported Malik. According to the embassy it may take many weeks to get any answers.

    FriFagbevegelse asked whether unionists in Norway’s LO are a danger to Israel’s security. "LO decided to boycott the only Jewish state in the world. One might assume that such an extreme decision can have consequences when it comes to prominent members of the LO, "Ambassador Raphael Schutz writes in a reply on e-mail to FriFagbevegelse.

    In the end, they gave him a document from the Israeli Ministry of Internal Affairs, which states “a decision to prohibit entry is described in “the entry into Israeli Act”.

    “They took pictures of me, gave me the entry ban and said that “you are forever refused to enter Israel,” says Malik. “The reason the entry in the entry ban was “to prevent illegal immigration.” - I asked them why they deported me. They would not inform me, he says. He would like the Israeli authorities to explain this.

    Une liste d’autres expulsions aux frontières israéliennes ici :

    #Palestine #Norvège #Expulsion #Aéroport #Racisme #BDS #Douane #Frontière #expulsions_frontières (d’israel)