Class 9-12 students — Prepare your geography research for NGYS-2014 (Part 1 of 2) | The Indian Institute of Geographical Studies
Prepare a map of your locality on a sheet of paper. Form a team of maximum 3 people and walk up and down your neighborhood and mark the trees and other important landmarks on that map. How will you show the different types of trees?
Remember: your map may not be to scale, but it must certainly be oriented to the north.
If you have access to the internet, you can use GoogleEarth, GoogleMaps, or something similar to create your map online.
Document your work with photographs, paintings, drawings, or other audio-visual means.
What can you recommend to improve the tree cover in your area?
#géographie #cartographie #cartographie_collective #cartographie_mentale #cartographie_de_terrain #méthodologie