• Gli utili record dei padroni del cibo a scapito della sicurezza alimentare

    I cinque principali #trader di prodotti agricoli a livello mondiale hanno fatto registrare utili e profitti record tra il 2021 e il 2023. Mentre il numero di persone che soffrono la fame ha toccato i 783 milioni. Il report “Hungry for profits” della Ong SOMO individua le cause principali di questa situazione. E propone una tassa sui loro extra-profitti

    Tra il 2021 e il 2022 -anni in cui il numero di persone che soffrono la fame nel mondo è tornato ad aumentare, così come i prezzi dei beni agricoli spinti verso l’alto da inflazione e speculazione finanziaria- i profitti dei primi cinque trader di materie prime agricole a livello globale sono schizzati verso l’alto.

    Nel 2022 le multinazionali riunite sotto l’acronimo Abccd (Archer-Daniels-Midland company, Cargill, Cofco e Louis Dreyfus Company) hanno comunicato ai propri stakeholder un aumento degli utili per il 2021 compreso tra il 75% e il 260% rispetto al 2016-2020. “Mentre nel 2022 i profitti netti sono raddoppiati o addirittura triplicati rispetto allo stesso periodo. In base ai rapporti finanziari trimestrali disponibili al pubblico, i profitti netti dei commercianti di materie prime agricole sono rimasti eccessivamente alti nei primi nove mesi del 2023”, si legge nel rapporto “Hungry for profits” curato dalla Ong olandese Somo. Dati che fanno comprendere meglio quali sono i fattori che influenzano l’andamento del costo dei prodotti agricoli e -soprattutto- chi sono i reali vincitori dell’attuale sistema agroindustriale.

    La statunitense Cargill è la prima tra i Big five in termini di ricavi (165 miliardi di dollari nel 2022) e utili (6,6 miliardi), seguita dalla cinese Cofco (che nello stesso anno ha superato i 108 miliardi di dollari e i 3,3 miliardi di utili) e da Archer-Daniels-Midland company (Adm, con 101 miliardi di ricavi e 4,3 miliardi di utili). Nello stesso anno il numero di persone che soffrono la fame ha raggiunto i 783 milioni (122 milioni in più rispetto al 2019) e i prezzi dei prodotti alimentari hanno continuato a crescere, spinti dall’inflazione.

    Complessivamente questi cinque colossi detengono una posizione di oligopolio sul mercato globale dei prodotti di base come i cereali (di cui controllano una quota che va dal 70-90%), soia e zucchero. “Questo alto grado di concentrazione e il conseguente controllo sulle più importanti materie prime agricole del mondo, conferisce loro un enorme potere contrattuale per plasmare il panorama alimentare globale”, spiega Vincent Kiezebrink, ricercatore di Somo e autore della ricerca.

    La posizione dominante che di fatto ricoprono sul mercato globale rappresenta uno dei fattori che ha permesso agli Abccd di registrare profitti e utili da record negli ultimi tre anni. “La sola Cargill è responsabile della movimentazione del 25% di tutti i cereali e i semi di soia prodotti dagli agricoltori statunitensi -si legge nel report-. Anche il principale mercato agricolo per l’approvvigionamento di soia, l’America Latina, è dominato dagli Abccd: oltre la metà di tutte le esportazioni di questo prodotto passano da loro”.

    La situazione non cambia se si guarda a quello che succede in Europa: l’olandese Bunge e la statunitense Cargill da sole sono responsabili di oltre il 30% delle esportazioni di soia dal Brasile verso l’Unione europea. Bunge, in particolare, è il principale fornitore di soia per l’industria della carne dell’Ue con una chiara posizione di monopolio in alcuni mercati come il Portogallo, dove controlla il 90-100% delle vendite di olio di soia grezzo.

    Questa concentrazione è stata costruita nel tempo attraverso fusioni e acquisizioni che non sono state limitate dalle autorità per la concorrenza: quelle europee, ad esempio, hanno valutato un totale di 60 fusioni relative alle società Abccd dal 1990 a oggi. “Tutte le operazioni, tranne una, sono state autorizzate incondizionatamente -si legge nel report-. La prossima grande fusione in arrivo è quella tra la canadese Viterra (specializzata nella produzione e nel commercio di cereali, ndr) e Bunge. Un’operazione senza precedenti nel settore agricolo globale e che avvicinerà la nuova società alle dimensioni di Adm e Cargill”.

    Un secondo elemento che ha permesso a queste Big five di accumulare ricavi senza precedenti in questi anni è poi la loro capacità di influenzare la disponibilità dei beni alimentari attraverso un’enorme potenzialità di stoccaggio. “Il rapporto speciale 2022 del Gruppo internazionale di esperti sui sistemi alimentari sostenibili (Ipes) ha evidenziato che i trader conservano notevoli riserve di cereali -si legge nel report-. E sono incentivati ‘a trattenere le scorte fino a quando i prezzi vengono percepiti come massimi’”. Per avere un’idea delle quantità di materie prime in ballo, basti pensare che la capacità di stoccaggio combinata di Adm, Bunge e Cofco, è pari a circa 68 milioni di tonnellate, è simile al consumo annuo di grano di Stati Uniti, Turchia e Regno Unito messi assieme.

    Terzo e ultimo elemento individuato nel report è il fatto che queste società sono integrate verticalmente e hanno il pieno controllo della filiera produttiva dal campo alla tavola: forniscono cioè agli agricoltori prestiti, sementi, fertilizzanti e pesticidi; immagazzinano, trasformano e trasportano i prodotti alimentari.

    A fronte di questa situazione, Somo ha invitato la Commissione europea a intervenire per porre un freno alla crescente monopolizzazione del comparto: “L’indagine dovrebbe concentrarsi sul potere che può essere esercitato nei confronti dei fornitori per comprimere i loro margini di profitto -concludono i ricercatori-. È preoccupante che alle multinazionali sia stato permesso di triplicare i loro profitti facendo salire i prezzi degli alimenti, mentre le persone in tutto il mondo soffrono di una crisi del costo della vita e i più poveri sono alla fame”. Per questo motivo l’organizzazione suggerisce di applicare un’imposta sugli extra-profitti delle società Abccd che, con un’ipotetica aliquota fiscale del 33%. A fronte di utili che hanno toccato i 5,7 miliardi di dollari nel 2021 e i 6,4 miliardi nel 2022, permetterebbe di generare un gettito fiscale pari rispettivamente a 1,8 e 2 miliardi di dollari.

    #agriculture #business #profits #industrie_agro-alimentaire #sécurité_alimentaire #inflation #Archer-Daniels-Midland_company #Cargill #Cofco #Louis_Dreyfus_Company (#Abccd) #oligopole #céréales #soja #sucre

  • Terres suisses d’outre-mer

    Les traders domiciliés en Suisse possèdent de gigantesques territoires agricoles à l’étranger qu’ils cultivent souvent sans égard pour les populations locales et la nature.

    Des superficies de plantations équivalentes à près de sept fois les terres arables de la Suisse. C’est ce que quatorze des principaux négociants en matières premières basés en Helvétie contrôlent dans des pays du Sud, comme le Brésil, le Cameroun et le Laos. C’est le résultat d’une nouvelle enquête de Public Eye, ONG qui surveille de près depuis 2011 le secteur des matières premières, dont la Suisse est devenue la première place mondiale depuis une quinzaine d’années1. Ainsi, des traders qui opèrent principalement depuis Genève ou Zoug tels que Cargill, Cofco ou LDC ont la haute main sur au moins 2,7 millions d’hectares dans 561 plantations de 24 pays. Canne à sucre, huile de palme, céréales, oléagineux et caoutchouc tiennent le haut du pavé.

    Cette mainmise s’accompagne souvent de violations des droits humains, d’atteintes à l’environnement et prive les populations locales de leurs moyens de subsistance. « La concurrence pour la terre entre les multinationales de l’agro-industrie et les communautés locales augmente alors que ces dernières ont un besoin vital de ces ressources », détaille Silvie Lang, responsable du dossier chez Public Eye. Un accaparement des terres (land grabbing) qui a explosé depuis la crise financière de 2008 et qui est aussi régulièrement dénoncé pour sa dimension néocoloniale (lire ci-après).

    En tant qu’hôte de ces géants de l’agronégoce, la Suisse aurait une responsabilité toute particulière pour réglementer leurs activités dans ce secteur à risque, mais elle n’en prendrait pas le chemin. Publiée il y a quinze jours, l’ordonnance du Conseil fédéral sur l’application du contre-projet à l’initiative pour des multinationales responsables n’imposerait presque aucune obligation à ces dernières (lire ci-dessous).
    Dépossédés sans compensation

    Pourtant, expulsions de populations, déforestations illégales, dégâts environnementaux seraient légion autour des plantations contrôlées par les traders helvétiques. En coopération avec ses partenaires de la société civile locale, Public Eye a documenté dix cas problématiques dans neuf pays. Ils sont présentés sur une carte interactive constellée de petits drapeaux suisses où sont recensés de nombreux autres « territoires suisses d’outre-mer ».

    En Ouganda, les 4000 personnes expulsées de force il y a vingt ans pour faire place nette à une plantation de café aux mains du groupe allemand Neumann Kaffee (NKG) attendent toujours une indemnisation digne de ce nom. « La filiale suisse de NKG, qui gère non seulement le négoce de café vert mais aussi les plantations – y compris en Ouganda –, a une part de responsabilité à assumer », estime Public Eye.

    De même, 52 familles d’agricultrices et d’agriculteurs auraient perdu leurs moyens de subsistance sur le plateau du Boloven au Laos au bénéfice du trader Olam, qui dispose d’un de ses principaux départements de négoce en Suisse. Histoire similaire en Tanzanie, où nombre d’habitants assurent, selon l’association allemande Misereor, avoir été dépossédés de 2000 hectares par Olam qui cultive des caféiers sur leurs terres. En 2015, mille personnes œuvraient dans ces plantations dans des conditions de travail déplorables, privées d’accès à l’eau, à une nourriture décente, et exposées à l’épandage de pesticides dangereux, selon l’ONG.
    Une autorité de surveillance ?

    Au Brésil aussi, en plus de l’accaparement des terres, les pesticides posent des problèmes insolubles dans les plantations de canne à sucre. Le négociant Biosev, propriété jusqu’à peu du groupe suisse Louis Dreyfus, n’a toujours pas réparé les destructions environnementales occasionnées sur et autour de vastes étendues de terres qu’il exploitait illégalement dans la région de Lagoa da Prata.

    Au Cambodge, enfin, l’expulsion des autochtones qui a eu lieu en 2008 sous la responsabilité de Socfin pour y exploiter le caoutchouc n’aurait pas encore abouti à une réparation. Un processus de médiation entre la firme et les communautés, initié en 2017 et cofinancé par la Suisse, devait finalement permettre de trouver une solution à l’amiable. Mais « les personnes concernées sont insatisfaites de la procédure totalement opaque et globalement inutile », indique Public Eye, relayant les rapports de plusieurs autres ONG. Pain pour le prochain et Alliance Sud avaient pour leur part dénoncé en octobre les pratiques d’évasion fiscale agressive de Socfin au Cambodge à destination de Fribourg, qui privent ce pays de précieuses ressources3.

    Ce nouveau dossier donne toujours plus d’arguments à Public Eye pour réclamer une action déterminée des autorités fédérales. Les mannes financières apportées par les traders en Suisse entraîneraient une responsabilité correspondante : « Le Conseil fédéral reconnaît certes officiellement que le secteur des matières premières est confronté à des défis à prendre au sérieux, notamment en matière de droits humains, mais il continue de miser principalement sur la bonne volonté des entreprises à assumer leurs responsabilités. » Regrettant l’échec de l’initiative pour des multinationales responsables, l’ONG recommande à nouveau la création d’une autorité de surveillance du secteur des matières premières (Rohma), proposée en 2014 déjà. Celle-ci s’inspirerait de l’Autorité fédérale de surveillance des marchés financiers (Finma), créée en 2009 sous la pression internationale.


    Un accaparement ralenti mais prometteur

    Le phénomène de l’accaparement des terres a fait grand bruit au début des années 2010. Après la crise financière de 2008, on avait assisté à une ruée sur ce nouvel investissement estimé plus sûr et prometteur pour les détenteurs et détentrices de grands capitaux. Le tumulte s’est ensuite calmé avec le tassement progressif du nombre de terres achetées depuis. Entre 2013 et 2020, indique le dernier rapport de l’initiative de monitoring Land Matrix, qui dispose d’une base de données étendue sur l’accaparement dans les pays à revenus bas et moyens, seuls 3 millions d’hectares supplémentaires ont été enregistrés, sur un total de 30 millions. Le grand bon avait été réalisé entre 2006 (6 millions d’hectares environ) à 2013 (27 millions).

    Différentes raisons expliquent ce ralentissement, selon Land Matrix. D’abord, l’envolée attendue des prix dans la décennie 2010 des produits alimentaires, des agrocarburants et du pétrole n’aurait pas atteint les niveaux espérés. D’autre part, alertés par la société civile, certains Etats ont pris de mesures : « Citons, notamment, les moratoires sur les terres dans d’importants pays cibles, la diminution du soutien aux biocarburants de première génération et les restrictions sur la vente de terres aux investisseurs étrangers, dans certains cas », explique l’initiative.

    Les prix repartent à la hausse

    Mais la vapeur pourrait s’inverser sitôt la crise du Covid-19 passée, craint Land Matrix, d’autant que les prix reprennent l’ascenseur. « Certains pays, dont l’Indonésie et l’Inde, ont déjà libéralisé leurs marchés fonciers afin d’attirer les investissements étrangers. » Le Brésil représente également une plateforme florissant en matière agro-industrielle et connaît des évolutions favorables à un possible boom de l’accaparement des terres, indique un rapport en voie de publication de l’Université fédérale rurale de Rio de Janeiro (nous y reviendrons dans une prochaine édition.)

    Cette situation inquiète la société civile, qui souligne les conséquences souvent désastreuses du phénomène pour les populations paysannes, les autochtones, l’environnement et le climat. Certaines ONG, cependant, se focalisent parfois uniquement sur les violations des droits humains qui accompagnent le processus, sans remettre en cause sur le fond les dynamiques néocoloniales de l’accaparement et l’expansion du capitalisme foncier basé sur l’expropriation des communautés locales, regrettent certains observateurs : « Nous observons aujourd’hui un véritable processus d’enclosure (clôture des parcelles provenant de la division des terrains) à l’échelle mondiale », observe Michel Merlet, ex-directeur de l’Association pour l’amélioration de la gouvernance de la terre, de l’eau et des ressources naturelles (AGTER) en France. « Tout comme en Angleterre avant et pendant la révolution industrielle, ce phénomène se traduit par la dépossession des populations rurales, le développement d’un prolétariat rural, de nouvelles modalités de gestion des pauvres, une foi aveugle dans le progrès. » Une logique qui s’oppose de front à la terre en tant que bien commun.


    La Suisse, carrefour du land grabbing ?

    Difficile de connaître l’importance relative de la Suisse dans l’accaparement de terres dans le monde. Pour l’heure, aucune étude exhaustive n’existe. Observons pour commencer que le chiffre de 2,7 millions d’hectares contrôlés par des traders suisses est très élevé comparé au total de 30 millions d’hectares de territoires agricoles recensés par Land Matrix dans le monde (qui n’incluent pas les traders basés en Suisse recensés par Public Eye). Un indicateur à considérer avec prudence toutefois, car cette base de données est probablement loin d’être exhaustive, selon plusieurs sources.

    D’autres acteurs helvétiques possèdent-ils ou louent-ils sur une longue durée des terres ? Firmes, fonds de pension, banques, assureurs disposent-ils de ce type d’actifs ? Land Matrix a recensé 6,3 millions d’hectares contrôlés via des investissements de firmes helvétiques, incluant des territoires forestiers cette fois, en plus des terres agricoles. A noter toutefois que 5,9 millions de ces 6,3 millions d’hectares se trouvent en Russie et concernent des concessions forestières, via la société Ilim, domiciliée en Suisse (les fonds pourraient provenir de Russie, ou d’ailleurs).

    Autres pays concernés : la Tanzanie, le Cameroun, la Sierra Leone, le Paraguay, l’Argentine, le Brésil, etc. En tout sont impliquées une quarantaine d’entreprises suisses, dont Nestlé, Louis Dreyfus, Chocolats Camille Bloch, Novartis et Addax Bioenergy SA.

    Aucune information, en revanche, sur les acteurs purement financiers : « Nos données n’incluent pas de banques ou de fonds de pension suisses. Nous ne savons pas s’ils sont impliqués dans ce type d’affaires. Leur investissement n’est pas transparent. Beaucoup passent par des paradis fiscaux ou des hubs financiers, comme Chypre, Singapour, Hong-Kong et les île Vierges », détaille Markus Giger, coresponsable de Land Matrix et chercheur au Centre pour le développement et l’environnement de l’université de Berne.

    L’opacité règne donc. On sait par ailleurs que le secteur financier helvétique cible par exemple des investissements dans l’agriculture, surtout là où il y a de fortes opportunités de profits, et les proposent ensuite sous forme de fonds. Les entreprises financées de cette manière peuvent elles-mêmes être impliquées dans l’accaparement de terres.

    En tant qu’une des principales places financières du monde, la Suisse joue indéniablement un rôle dans les transactions opérées sur nombre de ces terres. Après avoir enquêté sur l’accaparement et la financiarisation des terres au Brésil, le chercheur Junior Aleixo a pu le constater : « De nombreux acteurs impliqués dans l’achat ou la location de terres passent par des intermédiaires suisses ou possèdent des comptes dans des banques helvétiques parce que la Suisse dispose de législations peu regardantes et permet l’évasion fiscale », a confié au Courrier l’universitaire, membre du Groupe d’étude sur les changements sociaux, l’agronégoce et les politiques publiques (GEMAP) de l’Université fédérale rurale de Rio de Janeiro. Le gouvernement suisse lui-même voit d’un bon œil ces investissements sur le principe : « Le Conseil fédéral est d’avis que des investissements privés effectués avec circonspection dans l’agriculture ont des répercussions positives, à condition que les standards sociaux et écologiques soient respectés », avait-il répondu en 2011 à une interpellation de la conseillère nationale verte Maya Graf. Le gouvernement prône des normes et des codes de nature volontaire pour réglementer ce négoce et éviter la spoliation des communautés locales.

    #traders #matières_premières #terres #accaparement_des_terres #Suisse #plantations #Cargill #Cofco #LDC #Canne_à_sucre #huile_de_palme #céréales #oléagineux #caoutchouc #multinationales #industries_agro-alimentaires #colonialisme #néo-colonialisme #agronégoce #dépossession #Neumann_Kaffee (#NKG) #Laos #Boloven #Olam #Tanzanie #Brésil #Biosev #Louis_Dreyfus #Lagoa_da_Prata #Cambodge #Socfin #biocarburants #enclosure #prolétariat_rural #opacité

    • Agricultural Commodity Traders in Switzerland. Benefitting from Misery?

      Switzerland is not only home to the world’s largest oil and mineral traders; it is also a significant trading hub for agricultural commodities such as coffee, cocoa, sugar, or grains. The majority of the globally significant agricultural traders are either based here or operate important trading branches in the country.

      The sector is highly concentrated with ever fewer powerful companies who also control the production and processing stages of the industry. In low-income countries, where many of the commodities traded by Swiss-based companies are produced, human rights violations are omnipresent, ranging from the lack of living wages and incomes, to forced and child labour as well as occupational health and safety hazards. Moreover, the risk of tax dodging and corruption has been shown to be particularly high within agricultural production and trade.

      Public Eye’s 2019 report Agricultural Commodity Traders in Switzerland – Benefitting from Misery? sheds light on the opaque sector of agricultural commodity trade and the human rights violations related to activities in this business and also highlights Switzerland’s refusal to regulate the sector in ways that could address these issues, and it outlines ways to tackle the challenges at hand.


      #rapport #Public_Eye

    • La culture de l’iniquité fiscale

      Le groupe agroalimentaire #Socfin transfère des bénéfices issus de la production de matières premières vers Fribourg, un canton suisse à faible fiscalité. Au détriment de la population vivant dans les zones concernées en Afrique et en Asie.

      La culture de l’#iniquité_fiscale

      Le groupe agroalimentaire luxembourgeois Socfin transfère des bénéfices issus de la production de matières premières vers #Fribourg, un canton suisse à faible fiscalité. Cette pratique d’#optimisation_fiscale agressive équivaut à l’expatriation de bénéfices au détriment de la population vivant dans les zones concernées en Afrique et en Asie. Pour la première fois, un rapport rédigé par Pain pour le prochain, Alliance Sud et le Réseau allemand pour la #justice_fiscale met en lumière les rouages de ce mécanisme. La Suisse porte elle aussi une part de #responsabilité dans ce phénomène, car la politique helvétique de #sous-enchère en matière d’imposition des entreprises représente l’un des piliers de ce système inique.

      La société Socfin, dont le siège se trouve au #Luxembourg, s’est vu octroyer dans dix pays d’Afrique et d’Asie des #concessions d’une superficie supérieure à 380 000 hectares, soit presque l’équivalent de la surface agricole de la Suisse. Dans ses 15 plantations, le groupe produit du caoutchouc et de l’huile de palme qu’il écoule ensuite sur le marché mondial. Si l’entreprise est dotée d’une structure complexe, il apparaît toutefois clairement qu’elle commercialise une grande partie de son caoutchouc par l’intermédiaire d’une filiale établie à Fribourg, à savoir #Sogescol_FR. Et c’est une autre filiale elle aussi basée à Fribourg, #Socfinco_FR, qui se charge d’administrer les plantations et de fournir des prestations aux autres sociétés du groupe.

      En 2020, Socfin a enregistré un bénéfice consolidé de 29,3 millions d’euros. Le rapport, qui procède à une analyse du bénéfice par employé·e dans les différents pays où opère Socfin, met en évidence la distribution particulièrement inégale de ces revenus. Ainsi, alors que le bénéfice par employé·e avoisinait 1600 euros dans les pays africains accueillant les activités de Socfin, il en va tout autrement au sein des filiales helvétiques du groupe, où ce chiffre a atteint 116 000 euros l’année dernière, soit un montant près de 70 fois supérieur. En Suisse, le bénéfice par employé·e a même en moyenne dépassé les 200 000 euros entre 2014 et 2020.

      À faible #fiscalité, bénéfices élevés
      Comment expliquer ces écarts dans la distribution des bénéfices à l’intérieur d’un même groupe ? Selon le rapport publié par Pain pour le prochain, Alliance Sud et le Réseau allemand pour la justice fiscale, la réponse est à trouver dans la fiscalité des pays accueillant les activités de Socfin. En effet, c’est là où les impôts sont le plus bas que le bénéfice par employé·e de l’entreprise est le plus élevé. Dans les pays africains où Socfin est active, le taux d’impôt varie ainsi de 25 à 33 %, contre moins de 14 % en Suisse. Il s’agit là d’un schéma classique de transfert de bénéfices entre filiales à des fins d’optimisation fiscale agressive.

      Cette pratique très répandue parmi les sociétés multinationales n’est pas forcément illégale, mais elle n’en demeure pas moins en tout état de cause inique, car elle prive les pays producteurs de l’hémisphère sud des recettes fiscales indispensables à leur développement et creuse de ce fait les inégalités mondiales. Chaque année, environ 80 milliards d’euros de bénéfices réalisés dans des pays en développement sont ainsi expatriés vers des territoires peu taxés comme la Suisse, ce qui représente bien plus que la moitié des enveloppes publiques annuelles allouées à la coopération au développement à l’échelle mondiale.

      Le transfert de bénéfices au sein de #multinationales est généralement difficile à appréhender pour l’opinion publique (en raison de l’opacité qui l’entoure) et pour les administrations fiscales (faute de volonté en ce sens ou de moyens suffisants). Dans le cas de Socfin, en revanche, les rapports financiers ventilés par zone publiés par la société livrent des informations sur la structure et l’objet des transactions entre filiales. Qu’elles portent sur le négoce, des prestations de conseil, des licences ou des services d’autre nature, les opérations intragroupe délocalisent en Suisse une grande partie des revenus générés en Afrique et en Asie. Et seul un examen approfondi réalisé par des administrations fiscales permettrait de vérifier si ces prix de transfert sont, ainsi que l’affirme Socfin, conformes aux règles édictées par l’OCDE en la matière.

      La Suisse doit faire œuvre de plus de transparence
      La réalité des plantations dans l’hémisphère sud représente le revers de la médaille des juteux bénéfices enregistrés en Suisse. En effet, Socfin dispose dans ces pays de concessions extrêmement avantageuses, mais n’offre pas une compensation suffisante à la population touchée, ne rétribue le dur labeur des ouvriers·ères que par de modiques salaires et n’honore pas totalement ses promesses d’investissements sociaux. En dépit de ce contexte particulièrement favorable, certaines exploitations du groupe, comme la plantation d’#hévéas de #LAC au #Liberia, n’en affichent pas moins des pertes persistantes – ce qui, selon le rapport, vient encore appuyer l’hypothèse de transfert de bénéfices de l’Afrique vers le paradis fiscal helvétique.

      Et cette pratique profite aujourd’hui considérablement à la Suisse, ces transactions générant près de 40 % des recettes de l’impôt sur les bénéfices des entreprises à l’échelon cantonal et fédéral. Afin de lutter contre les abus qui en découlent, il est impératif que notre pays améliore la transparence de sa politique fiscale et rende publics les #rulings, ces accords que les administrations fiscales concluent avec les sociétés. Il en va de même pour les rapports que les multinationales sont tenues de déposer en Suisse dans le cadre de la déclaration pays par pays de l’OCDE et dont l’accès est actuellement réservé aux administrations fiscales. Avant toute chose, il est primordial que la Suisse promeuve un régime international d’imposition des entreprises qui localise la taxation des bénéfices dans les pays où ils sont générés et non sur les territoires à faible fiscalité.

      Mobilisation à Fribourg
      Ce matin, Pain pour le prochain mène une action de mobilisation devant le siège de Sogescol et de Socfinco à Fribourg afin d’exhorter Socfin à cesser ses pratiques immorales de transfert de bénéfices et d’optimisation fiscale au sein de ses structures. Il importe en outre que le groupe réponde aux revendications des communautés locales, restitue les terres litigieuses et garantisse à tous les ouvriers·ères des plantations le versement de salaires décents.


      Pour télécharger le rapport (synthèse en français) :

  • Xinjiang’s System of Militarized Vocational Training Comes to #Tibet

    Introduction and Summary

    In 2019 and 2020, the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) introduced new policies to promote the systematic, centralized, and large-scale training and transfer of “rural surplus laborers” to other parts of the TAR, as well as to other provinces of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). In the first 7 months of 2020, the region had trained over half a million rural surplus laborers through this policy. This scheme encompasses Tibetans of all ages, covers the entire region, and is distinct from the coercive vocational training of secondary students and young adults reported by exile Tibetans (RFA, October 29, 2019).

    The labor transfer policy mandates that pastoralists and farmers are to be subjected to centralized “military-style” (军旅式, junlüshi) vocational training, which aims to reform “backward thinking” and includes training in “work discipline,” law, and the Chinese language. Examples from the TAR’s Chamdo region indicate that the militarized training regimen is supervised by People’s Armed Police drill sergeants, and training photos published by state media show Tibetan trainees dressed in military fatigues (see accompanying images).

    Poverty alleviation reports bluntly say that the state must “stop raising up lazy people.” Documents state that the “strict military-style management” of the vocational training process “strengthens [the Tibetans’] weak work discipline” and reforms their “backward thinking.” Tibetans are to be transformed from “[being] unwilling to move” to becoming willing to participate, a process that requires “diluting the negative influence of religion.” This is aided by a worrisome new scheme that “encourages” Tibetans to hand over their land and herds to government-run cooperatives, turning them into wage laborers.

    An order-oriented, batch-style matching and training mechanism trains laborers based on company needs. Training, matching and delivery of workers to their work destination takes place in a centralized fashion. Recruitments rely, among other things, on village-based work teams, an intrusive social control mechanism pioneered in the TAR by Chen Quanguo (陈全国), and later used in Xinjiang to identify Uyghurs who should be sent to internment camps (China Brief, September 21, 2017). Key policy documents state that cadres who fail to achieve the mandated quotas are subject to “strict rewards and punishments” (严格奖惩措施, yange jiangcheng cuoshi). The goal of the scheme is to achieve Xi Jinping’s signature goal of eradicating absolute poverty by increasing rural disposable incomes. This means that Tibetan nomads and farmers must change their livelihoods so that they earn a measurable cash income, and can therefore be declared “poverty-free.”

    This draconian scheme shows a disturbing number of close similarities to the system of coercive vocational training and labor transfer established in Xinjiang. The fact that Tibet and Xinjiang share many of the same social control and securitization mechanisms—in each case introduced under administrations directed by Chen Quanguo—renders the adaptation of one region’s scheme to the other particularly straightforward.

    Historical Context

    As early as 2005, the TAR had a small-scale rural surplus labor training and employment initiative for pastoralists and farmers in Lhasa (Sina, May 13, 2005). The 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010) then specified that this type of training and labor transfer was to be conducted throughout the TAR (PRC Government, February 8, 2006). From 2012, the Chamdo region initiated a “military-style training for surplus labor force transfer for pastoral and agricultural regions” (农牧区富余劳动力转移就业军旅式培训, nongmuqu fuyu laodongli zhuanyi jiuye junlüshi peixun) (Tibet’s Chamdo, October 8, 2014). Chamdo’s scheme was formally established in the region’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020), with the goal of training 65,000 laborers (including urban unemployed persons) during that time (Chamdo Government, December 29, 2015).

    By 2016, Chamdo had established 45 related vocational training bases (TAR Government, November 17, 2016). Starting in 2016, the TAR’s Shannan region likewise implemented vocational training with “semi-military-style management” (半军事化管理, ban junshihua guanli) (Tibet Shannan Net, April 5, 2017). Several different sources indicate that Chamdo’s military-style training management was conducted by People’s Armed Police drill sergeants.[1]

    Policies of the 2019-2020 Militarized Vocational Training and Labor Transfer Action Plan

    In March 2019, the TAR issued the 2019-2020 Farmer and Pastoralist Training and Labor Transfer Action Plan (西藏自治区2019-2020年农牧民培训和转移就业行动方案, Xizang Zizhiqu 2019-2020 Nian Nongmumin Peixun he Zhuanyi Jiuye Xingdong Fang’an) which mandates the “vigorous promotion of military-style…[vocational] training,” adopting the model pioneered in Chamdo and mandating it throughout the region. [2] The vocational training process must include “work discipline, Chinese language and work ethics,” aiming to “enhance laborers’ sense of discipline to comply with national laws and regulations and work unit rules and regulations.”

    Surplus labor training is to follow the “order-oriented” (订单定向式, dingdan dingxiangshi) or “need-driven” (以需定培, yi xu dingpei) method, [3] whereby the job is arranged first, and the training is based on the pre-arranged job placement. In 2020, at least 40 percent of job placements were to follow this method, with this share mandated to exceed 60 percent by the year 2024 (see [2], also below). Companies that employ a minimum number of laborers can obtain financial rewards of up to 500,000 renminbi ($73,900 U.S. dollars). Local labor brokers receive 300 ($44) or 500 ($74) renminbi per arranged labor transfer, depending whether it is within the TAR or without. [4] Detailed quotas not only mandate how many surplus laborers each county must train, but also how many are to be trained in each vocational specialty (Ngari Government, July 31, 2019).

    The similarities to Xinjiang’s coercive training scheme are abundant: both schemes have the same target group (“rural surplus laborers”—农牧区富余劳动者, nongmuqu fuyu laodongzhe); a high-powered focus on mobilizing a “reticent” minority group to change their traditional livelihood mode; employ military drill and military-style training management to produce discipline and obedience; emphasize the need to “transform” laborers’ thinking and identity, and to reform their “backwardness;” teach law and Chinese; aim to weaken the perceived negative influence of religion; prescribe detailed quotas; and put great pressure on officials to achieve program goals. [5]

    Labor Transfers to Other Provinces in 2020

    In 2020, the TAR introduced a related region-wide labor transfer policy that established mechanisms and target quotas for the transfer of trained rural surplus laborers both within (55,000) and without (5,000) the TAR (TAR Human Resources Department, July 17). The terminology is akin to that used in relation to Xinjiang’s labor transfers, employing phrases such as: “supra-regional employment transfer” (跨区域转移就业, kuaquyu zhuanyi jiuye) and “labor export” (劳务输出, laowu shuchu). Both the 2019-2020 Training and Labor Transfer Action Plan and the TAR’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) only mention transfers outside the TAR in passing, without outlining a detailed related policy or the use of terminology akin to that found in related documents from Xinjiang. [6]

    In the first 7 months of 2020, the TAR trained 543,000 rural surplus laborers, accomplishing 90.5% of its annual goal by July. Of these, 49,900 were transferred to other parts of the TAR, and 3,109 to other parts of China (TAR Government, August 12). Each region is assigned a transfer quota. By the end of 2020, this transfer scheme must cover the entire TAR.

    Specific examples of such labor transfers identified by the author to other regions within the TAR include job placements in road construction, cleaning, mining, cooking and driving. [7] Transfers to labor placements outside the TAR include employment at the COFCO Group, China’s largest state-owned food-processing company (Hebei News, September 18, 2020).

    The central terminology employed for the labor transfer process is identical with language used in Xinjiang: “unified matching, unified organizing, unified management, unified sending off” (统一对接、统一组织、统一管理、统一输送 / tongyi duijie, tongyi zuzhi, tongyi guanli, tongyi shusong). [8] Workers are transferred to their destination in a centralized, “group-style” (组团式, zutuanshi), “point-to-point” (点对点, dianduidian) fashion. The policy document sets group sizes at 30 persons, divided into subgroups of 10, both to be headed by (sub-)group leaders (TAR Human Resources Department, July 17). In one instance, this transport method was described as “nanny-style point-to-point service” (“点对点”“保姆式”服务 / “dianduidian” “baomu shi” fuwu) (Chinatibet.net, June 21). As in Xinjiang, these labor transfers to other provinces are arranged and supported through the Mutual Pairing Assistance [or “assist Tibet” (援藏, Yuan Zang)] mechanism, albeit not exclusively. [9] The transferred laborers’ “left-behind” children, wives and elderly family members are to receive the state’s “loving care.” [10]

    Again, the similarities to Xinjiang’s inter-provincial transfer scheme are significant: unified processing, batch-style transfers, strong government involvement, financial incentives for middlemen and for participating companies, and state-mandated quotas. However, for the TAR’s labor transfer scheme, there is so far no evidence of accompanying cadres or security personnel, of cadres stationed in factories, or of workers being kept in closed, securitized environments at their final work destination. It is possible that the transfer of Tibetan laborers is not as securitized as that of Uyghur workers. There is also currently no evidence of TAR labor training and transfer schemes being linked to extrajudicial internment. The full range of TAR vocational training and job assignment mechanisms can take various forms and has a range of focus groups; not all of them involve centralized transfers or the military-style training and transfer of nomads and farmers.

    The Coercive Nature of the Labor Training and Transfer System

    Even so, there are clear elements of coercion during recruitment, training and job matching, as well as a centralized and strongly state-administered and supervised transfer process. While some documents assert that the scheme is predicated on voluntary participation, the overall evidence indicates the systemic presence of numerous coercive elements.

    As in Xinjiang, TAR government documents make it clear that poverty alleviation is a “battlefield,” with such work to be organized under a military-like “command” structure (脱贫攻坚指挥部, tuopin gongjian zhihuibu) (TAR Government, October 29, 2019; Xinhua, October 7, 2018). In mid-2019, the battle against poverty in the TAR was said to have “entered the decisive phase,” given the goal to eradicate absolute poverty by the end of 2020 (Tibet.cn, June 11, 2019). Since poverty is measured by income levels, and labor transfer is the primary means to increase incomes—and hence to “lift” people out of poverty—the pressure for local governments to round up poor populations and feed them into the scheme is extremely high.

    The Training and Labor Transfer Action Plan cited above establishes strict administrative procedures, and mandates the establishment of dedicated work groups as well as the involvement of top leadership cadres, to “ensure that the target tasks are completed on schedule” (see [2]). Each administrative level is to pass on the “pressure [to achieve the targets] to the next [lower] level.” Local government units are to “establish a task progress list [and] those who lag behind their work schedule… are to be reported and to be held accountable according to regulations.” The version adopted by the region governed under Shannan City is even more draconian: training and labor transfer achievements are directly weighed in cadres’ annual assessment scores, complemented by a system of “strict rewards and punishments.” [11] Specific threats of “strict rewards and punishments” in relation to achieving labor training and transfer targets are also found elsewhere, such as in official reports from the region governed under Ngari City, which mandate “weekly, monthly and quarterly” reporting mechanisms (TAR Government, December 18, 2018).

    As with the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, overcoming Tibetans’ resistance to labor transfer is an integral part of the entire mechanism. Documents state that the “strict military-style management” of the vocational training process causes the “masses to comply with discipline,” “continuously strengthens their patriotic awareness,” and reforms their “backward thinking.” [12] This may also involve the presence of local cadres to “make the training discipline stricter.” [13]

    Because the military-style vocational training process produces discipline and transforms “backward employment views,” it is said to “promote labor transfer.” [14] Rural laborers are to be transformed from “[being] unwilling to move” to becoming willing to participate, a process that requires “diluting the negative influence of religion,” which is said to induce passivity (TAR Commerce Department, June 10). The poverty alleviation and training process is therefore coupled with an all-out propaganda effort that aims to use “thought education” to “educate and guide the unemployed to change their closed, conservative and traditional employment mindset” (Tibet’s Chamdo, July 8, 2016). [15] One document notes that the poverty alleviation and labor transfer process is part of an effort to “stop raising up lazy people” (TAR Government, December 18, 2018).

    A 2018 account from Chamdo of post-training follow-up shows the tight procedures employed by the authorities:

    Strictly follow up and ask for effectiveness. Before the end of each training course, trainees are required to fill in the “Employment Willingness Questionnaire.” Establish a database…to grasp the employment…status of trainees after the training. For those who cannot be employed in time after training, follow up and visit regularly, and actively recommend employment…. [16]

    These “strict” follow-up procedures are increasingly unnecessary, because the mandated “order-oriented” process means that locals are matched with future jobs prior to the training.

    “Grid Management” and the “Double-Linked Household” System

    Coercive elements play an important role during the recruitment process. Village-based work teams, an intrusive social control mechanism pioneered by Chen Quanguo, go from door to door to “help transform the thinking and views of poor households.” [17] The descriptions of these processes, and the extensive government resources invested to ensure their operation, overlap to a high degree with those that are commonly practiced in Xinjiang (The China Quarterly, July 12, 2019). As is the case in Xinjiang, poverty-alleviation work in the TAR is tightly linked to social control mechanisms and key aspects of the security apparatus. To quote one government document, “By combining grid management and the ‘double-linked household’ management model, [we must] organize, educate, and guide the people to participate and to support the fine-grained poverty alleviation … work.” [18]

    Grid management (网格化管理, wanggehua guanli) is a highly intrusive social control mechanism, through which neighborhoods and communities are subdivided into smaller units of surveillance and control. Besides dedicated administrative and security staff, this turns substantial numbers of locals into “volunteers,” enhancing the surveillance powers of the state. [19] Grid management later became the backbone of social control and surveillance in Xinjiang. For poverty alleviation, it involves detailed databases that list every single person “in poverty,” along with indicators and countermeasures, and may include a “combat visualization” (图表化作战, tubiaohua zuozhan) feature whereby progress in the “war on poverty” is visualized through maps and charts (TAR Government, November 10, 2016). Purang County in Ngari spent 1.58 million renminbi ($233,588 dollars) on a “Smart Poverty Alleviation Big Data Management Platform,” which can display poverty alleviation progress on a large screen in real time (TAR Government, February 20, 2019).

    Similarly, the “double-linked household” (双联户, shuang lian hu) system corrals regular citizens into the state’s extensive surveillance apparatus by making sets of 10 “double-linked” households report on each other. Between 2012 and 2016, the TAR established 81,140 double-linked household entities, covering over three million residents, and therefore virtually the region’s entire population (South China Morning Post, December 12, 2016). An August 2020 article on poverty alleviation in Ngari notes that it was the head of a “double-linked” household unit who led his “entire village” to hand over their grassland and herds to a local husbandry cooperative (Hunan Government, August 20).

    Converting Property to Shares Through Government Cooperatives

    A particularly troubling aspect of the Training and Labor Transfer Action Plan is the directive to promote a “poverty alleviation industry” (扶贫产业, fupin chanye) scheme by which local nomads and farmers are asked to hand over their land and herds to large-scale, state-run cooperatives (农牧民专业合作社, nongmumin zhuanye hezuoshe). [20] In that way, “nomads become shareholders” as they convert their usage rights into shares. This scheme, which harks back to the forced collectivization era of the 1950s, increases the disposable incomes of nomads and farmers through share dividends and by turning them into wage laborers. They are then either employed by these cooperatives or are now “free” to participate in the wider labor transfer scheme. [21] In Nagqu, this is referred to as the “one township one cooperative, one village one cooperative ” (“一乡一社”“一村一合” / “yixiang yishe” “yicun yihe”) scheme, indicating its universal coverage. [22] One account describes the land transfer as prodding Tibetans to “put down the whip, walk out of the pasture, and enter the [labor] market” (People.cn, July 27, 2020).

    Clearly, such a radical transformation of traditional livelihoods is not achieved without overcoming local resistance. A government report from Shuanghu County (Nagqu) in July 2020 notes that:

    In the early stages, … most herders were not enthusiastic about participating. [Then], the county government…organized…county-level cadres to deeply penetrate township and village households, convening village meetings to mobilize people, insisted on transforming the [prevailing attitude of] “I am wanted to get rid of poverty” to “I want to get rid of poverty” as the starting point for the formation of a cooperative… [and] comprehensively promoted the policy… Presently… the participation rate of registered poor herders is at 100 percent, [that] of other herders at 97 percent. [23]

    Importantly, the phrase “transforming [attitudes of] ‘I am wanted to get rid of poverty’ to ‘I want to get rid of poverty’” is found in this exact form in accounts of poverty alleviation through labor transfer in Xinjiang. [24]

    Given that this scheme severs the long-standing connection between Tibetans and their traditional livelihood bases, its explicit inclusion in the militarized vocational training and labor transfer policy context is of great concern.

    Militarized Vocational Training: Examining a Training Base in Chamdo

    The Chamdo Golden Sunshine Vocational Training School (昌都市金色阳光职业培训学校, Changdushi Jinse Yangguang Zhiye Peixun Xuexiao) operates a vocational training base within Chamdo’s Vocational and Technical School, located in Eluo Town, Karuo District. The facility conducts “military-style training” (军旅式培训, junlüshi peixun) of rural surplus laborers for the purpose of achieving labor transfer; photos of the complex show a rudimentary facility with rural Tibetan trainees of various ages, mostly dressed in military fatigues. [25]

    Satellite imagery (see accompanying images) shows that after a smaller initial setup in 2016, [26] the facility was expanded in the year 2018 to its current state. [27] The compound is fully enclosed, surrounded by a tall perimeter wall and fence, and bisected by a tall internal wire mesh fence that separates the three main northern buildings from the three main southern ones (building numbers 4 and 5 and parts of the surrounding wall are shown in the accompanying Figure 4). The internal fence might be used to separate dormitories from teaching and administrative buildings. Independent experts in satellite analysis contacted by the author estimated the height of the internal fence at approximately 3 meters. The neighboring vocational school does not feature any such security measures.


    In both Xinjiang and Tibet, state-mandated poverty alleviation consists of a top-down scheme that extends the government’s social control deep into family units. The state’s preferred method to increase the disposable incomes of rural surplus laborers in these restive minority regions is through vocational training and labor transfer. Both regions have by now implemented a comprehensive scheme that relies heavily on centralized administrative mechanisms; quota fulfilment; job matching prior to training; and a militarized training process that involves thought transformation, patriotic and legal education, and Chinese language teaching.

    Important differences remain between Beijing’s approaches in Xinjiang and Tibet. Presently, there is no evidence that the TAR’s scheme is linked to extrajudicial internment, and aspects of its labor transfer mechanisms are potentially less coercive. However, in a system where the transition between securitization and poverty alleviation is seamless, there is no telling where coercion stops and where genuinely voluntary local agency begins. While some Tibetans may voluntarily participate in some or all aspects of the scheme, and while their incomes may indeed increase as a result, the systemic presence of clear indicators of coercion and indoctrination, coupled with profound and potentially permanent change in modes of livelihood, is highly problematic. In the context of Beijing’s increasingly assimilatory ethnic minority policy, it is likely that these policies will promote a long-term loss of linguistic, cultural and spiritual heritage.

    Adrian Zenz is a Senior Fellow in China Studies at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation, Washington, D.C. (non-resident), and supervises PhD students at the European School of Culture and Theology, Korntal, Germany. His research focus is on China’s ethnic policy, public recruitment in Tibet and Xinjiang, Beijing’s internment campaign in Xinjiang, and China’s domestic security budgets. Dr. Zenz is the author of Tibetanness under Threat and co-editor of Mapping Amdo: Dynamics of Change. He has played a leading role in the analysis of leaked Chinese government documents, to include the “China Cables” and the “Karakax List.” Dr. Zenz is an advisor to the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, and a frequent contributor to the international media.


    [1] See for example https://archive.is/wip/4ItV6 or http://archive.is/RVJRK. State media articles from September 2020 indicate that this type of training is ongoing https://archive.is/e1XqL.

    [2] Chinese: 大力推广军旅式…培训 (dali tuiguang junlüshi…peixun). See https://bit.ly/3mmiQk7 (pp.12-17). See local implementation documents of this directive from Shannan City (https://bit.ly/32uVlO5, pp.15-24), Xigatse (https://archive.is/7oJ7p) and Ngari (https://archive.is/wip/R3Mpw).

    [3] See also https://archive.is/wip/eQMGa.

    [4] Provided that the person was employed for at least 6 months in a given year. Source: https://archive.is/KE1Vd.

    [5] See the author’s main work on this in section 6 of: “Beyond the Camps: Beijing’s Long-Term Scheme of Coercive Labor, Poverty Alleviation and Social Control in Xinjiang,” Journal of Political Risk (Vol. 7, No. 12), December 2019. https://www.jpolrisk.com/beyond-the-camps-beijings-long-term-scheme-of-coercive-labor-poverty-allev.

    [6] See https://archive.is/wip/Dyapm.

    [7] See https://archive.is/wip/XiZfl, https://archive.is/RdnvS, https://archive.is/w1kfx, https://archive.is/wip/NehA6, https://archive.is/wip/KMaUo, https://archive.is/wip/XiZfl, https://archive.is/RdnvS, https://archive.is/w1kfx.

    [8] See https://archive.is/KE1Vd and https://archive.is/wip/8afPF.

    [9] See https://archive.is/KE1Vd and https://archive.is/wip/8afPF.

    [10] See https://archive.is/KE1Vd.

    [11] See https://bit.ly/32uVlO5, p.24.

    [12] See https://archive.is/wip/fN9hz and https://archive.is/NYMwi, compare https://archive.is/wip/iiF7h and http://archive.is/Nh7tT.

    [13] See https://archive.is/wip/kQVnX. A state media account of Tibetan waiters at a tourism-oriented restaurant in Xiexong Township (Chamdo) notes that these are all from “poverty-alleviation households,” and have all gone through “centralized, military-style training.” Consequently, per this account, they have developed a “service attitude of being willing to suffer [or: work hard]”, as is evident from their “vigorous pace and their [constant] shuttling back and forth” as they serve their customers. https://archive.is/wip/Nfxnx (account from 2016); compare https://archive.is/wip/dTLku.

    [14] See https://archive.is/wip/faIeL and https://archive.is/wip/18CXh.

    [15] See https://archive.is/iiF7h.

    [16] See https://archive.is/wip/ETmNe

    [17] See https://archive.is/wip/iEV7P, see also e.g. https://archive.is/wip/1p6lV.

    [18] See https://archive.is/e45fJ.

    [19] See https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/china-quarterly/article/securitizing-xinjiang-police-recruitment-informal-policing-and-ethnic-minority-cooptation/FEEC613414AA33A0353949F9B791E733 and https://www.hrw.org/news/2013/03/20/china-alarming-new-surveillance-security-tibet.

    [20] E.g. https://archive.is/R3Mpw. This scheme was also mentioned in the TAR’s 13th 5-Year-Plan (2016-2020) (https://archive.is/wip/S3buo). See also similar accounts, e.g. https://archive.is/IJUyl.

    [21] Note e.g. the sequence of the description of these cooperatives followed by an account of labor transfer (https://archive.is/gIw3f).

    [22] See https://archive.is/wip/gIw3f or https://archive.is/wip/z5Tor or https://archive.is/wip/PR7lh.

    [23] See https://archive.is/wip/85zXB.

    [24] See the author’s related work on this in section 2.2 of: “Beyond the Camps: Beijing’s Long-Term Scheme of Coercive Labor, Poverty Alleviation and Social Control in Xinjiang,” Journal of Political Risk (Vol. 7, No. 12), December 2019. https://www.jpolrisk.com/beyond-the-camps-beijings-long-term-scheme-of-coercive-labor-poverty-allev.

    [25] Located as part of the 昌都市卡若区俄洛镇昌都市职业技术学校 campus. See https://bit.ly/2Rr6Ekc; compare https://archive.is/wip/uUTCp and https://archive.is/wip/lKnbe.

    [26] See https://archive.is/wip/WZsvQ.

    [27] Coordinates: 31.187035, 97.091817. Website: https://bit.ly/2Rr6Ekc. The timeframe for construction is indicated by historical satellite imagery and by the year 2018 featured on a red banner on the bottom-most photo of the website.


    #Chine #transfert_de_population #déplacement #rural_surplus_laborers #formaation_professionnelle #armée #travail #agriculture #discipline #discipline_de_travail #Chamdo #préjugés #terres #salariés #travailleurs_salariés #Chen_Quanguo #Xinjiang #Oïghours #camps #pauvreté #contrôle_social #pastoralisme #Farmer_and_Pastoralist_Training_and_Labor_Transfer_Action_Plan #minorités #obédience #discipline #identité #langue #religion #COFCO_Group #mots #terminologie #vocabulaire #Mutual_Pairing_Assistance #pauvreté #Shannan_City #Ngari_City #surveillance #poverty_alleviation #coopératives #salaire #Nagqu #Chamdo_Golden_Sunshine_Vocational_Training_School #Eluo_Town