facility:new york court

  • Mahdi Hashi : Family stunned as man stripped of his UK passport appears in New York court | Mail Online

    A British man who was controversially stripped of his citizenship this year by the Home Secretary has been captured by American secret agents and brought before a court in New York on terrorism charges.

    The sudden and unexplained appearance of Londoner Mahdi Hashi in an American court five months after he went missing in Africa has prompted claims that he is the victim of international kidnap or ‘rendition’.

    The former care worker, 23, lost contact with his family while staying in Somalia this year. When they began looking for him, they were told by Foreign Office officials that they could not provide assistance because the Home Secretary had issued an order depriving him of his British citizenship

    Un Britannique de 23 ans d’origine somalienne disparu et privé dans la foulée de sa nationalité réapparaît 5 mois plus tard devant un tribunal à New York pour répondre d’une accusation de terrorisme.

    Mais pour le Foreign Office, on ne sait pas si on va lui fournir l’assistance du gouvernement britannique, et de toutes façons il n’y a pas de raison de s’inquiéter outre mesure :

    The Foreign Office said it was not possible to say whether Mr Hashi would be given assistance from the Government, but added: ‘The US system meets the international requirements on human rights obligations.’