• L’amiral #Francisco_Torrente, secrétaire général pour la politique du Ministère de la défense espagnol, rassure les américains :

    Non, pas de problème avec l’utilisation des bases espagnoles par les avions de NCIS/OSI pour le gouvernement, même si ces andouilles de gauchistes et de médias confondent avec les vols de la CIA.

    On the NCIS/OSI issue, Torrente emphasized that the GOS doesn’t disagree with the DOD concept of force protection and doesn’t want to restrict NCIS/OSI activities - it just wants to be involved in these activities from the start. He said that he believes that NCIS/OSI is not carrying out illegal activities, so there would be no reason for the GOS to prohibit any activity. Torrente said that NCIS/OSI is a tricky issue for the GOS, particularly because the press has mixed up NCIS/OSI with the CIA flights issues, and because radical parties that are the governing Socialist party’s legislative partners in Parliament can be hard to control. Torrente acknowledged that the US may think that he is being stubborn on this issue, but they have to understand that he represents the GOS position.

    Platitudes d’usage : content de maintenir la paix au #Liban en participant à la Finul :

    Similarly, Torrente said that Spain expects to be in Lebanon for a long time, and therefore other European allies would need to rotate their troops in to support the UNIFIL mission. He specifically mentioned the Poles and their prior UNIFIL experience.

    Et là c’est la grosse boulette pour quelqu’un qui participe à la #FINUL : le Hezbollah est une organisation terroriste et la résolution 1701 ne résout pas le problème.

    Torrente also mentioned that while UNSCR 1701 is important, it doesn’t fully address the issue of Hizballah, which is both a terrorist organization and part of the government.

    #Espagne #cablegate