industryterm:technology landscape

  • Catalysts, Inhibitors, and Transformers: Ten Governing Forces shaping #technology

    Catalysts, Inhibitors, and Transformers: Ten Governing Forces Shaping TechnologyEmerging technologies shape the technology landscape. They create new segments — such as self-driving cars, destroy existing segments — such as GPS trackers, and transform some segments — such as automobiles. As the fates of companies like Kodak, Nokia, Encyclopedia Brittanica, and Sun vividly demonstrate, emerging technologies can make or break organizations. To survive, organizations need to identify, utilize, and sometimes shape emerging technologies. Ironically, just like in war, the worst thing an organization can do is to freeze, dip in indecision, and do nothing.Emerging technologies appears with a bang, often accompanied by a hype that promises to change the world, vast riches, and to solve the world hunger, (...)

    #software #emerging-markets #programming #future

  • We Propose the Emerging #technology Analysis Canvas (ETAC)

    a Visual Assessment CanvasIntroductionIn his “Law of Accelerating Returns”, Ray Kurzweil claims that “An analysis of the history of technology shows that technological change is exponential”.In other words, as time passes, technology changes faster. I have indeed made the same observation, and I am sure you would also agree.To survive in this fast-changing world, both the organizations and practitioners must understand both the current technology landscape as well as its ebbs and flows. In a shifting world, prevailing advantages are fleeting. Organizations that can master change and ride technology waves owns the future.Emerging technologies causes most of the changes to the technology landscape. They create new segments — such as self-driving cars, destroy existing segments — such as GPS (...)

    #analysis-canvas #emerging-technology #emerging-markets #technology-analysis

  • Unicode, UTF-8 and multilingual text: An introduction - Overleaf Blog

    Modern TeX engines, i.e., XeTeX and LuaTeX, have evolved from Knuth’s original TeX engine largely due to the need to keep pace with developments in the technology landscape, particularly Unicode (for text) and OpenType (for fonts). Today, through the use of packages such as fontspec and unicode-math, LaTeX users can access extremely sophisticated typesetting capabilities provided by OpenType fonts—including advanced multilingual typesetting and OpenType-based mathematical typesetting (pioneered by Microsoft).

    However, to get the most out of using OpenType fonts with XeTeX/LuaTeX, it can be helpful to become familiar with a number of background topics/concepts—especially for troubleshooting problems or to pave the way for more advanced/complex work. For example, you might read about the XeTeX and LuaTeX engines using “UTF-8 input” or that they are “Unicode aware”, and further reading on OpenType fonts might discuss or mention topics such as “Unicode encoding”, OpenType “font features”, “glyphs”, “glyph IDs”, “glyph names” and so forth. Our objective is to provide an introduction to these terms/topics and piece together a basic framework to show how they are related and, hopefully, provide support for further work or problem-solving.

    The topics we aim to cover fall fairly neatly into two main areas: Unicode which, in effect, inhabits the world of text/characters and text encoding and OpenType whose world is one of fonts and glyphs; but, of course, those two worlds are interconnected and there is some crossover, even in this first article.

    #LaTeX #multilinguisme