• Excavation of gas chamber at Nazi Sobibor concentration camp completed - World Socialist Web Site


    Excavation of gas chamber at Nazi Sobibor concentration camp completed

    By Elisabeth Zimmermann
    16 October 2014

    With the assistance of supporters, archaeologists Yoram Haimi from Israel and Wojciech Mazurek from Poland have excavated the remains of the gas chamber at the Nazi Sobibor concentration camp near Lublin, near the eastern Polish border, as Spiegel Online reported on September 23.

    In a clearing near the old Sobibor train station, one can see the newly discovered finds and remains of the walls. It includes the remains of an estimated four gas chambers, each 5 by 7 metres, which served as death chambers for between 70 and 100 people. Haimi and Mazurek hope that their findings will make the Nazi crimes at Sobibor more comprehensible. The Nazis destroyed the concentration camp 71 years ago, after SS officers and their allies had murdered between 170,000 and 250,000 people, mostly defenceless Jews and Roma.

    #shoah #nazisma #camps_de_la_mort #histoire #sobibor #seconde_guerre_mondiale