organization:dutch freedom party

  • The Dutch far-right’s election donors are almost exclusively American

    While Europe has been busy fretting about Russian meddling in its politics, a few Americans have been quietly doing their part to boost the continent’s far right.

    Wealthy American conservatives have poured large sums into the electoral campaign of far-right leader Geert Wilders of the Netherlands’ Dutch Freedom Party, in support of his anti-Islam, anti-EU views.

    Three American donors gave €141,668 ($150,430) to Dutch political parties between 2015 and 2017, according to campaign finance documents released this week by the Dutch interior ministry. Two of these donors funded the far-right Dutch Freedom Party.

  • Far-right parties forge alliance for the European elections - World Socialist Web Site

    Far-right parties forge alliance for the European elections
    By Christoph Dreier
    19 November 2013

    On Wednesday, the leader of France’s Front National (FN), Marine Le Pen, and the head of the Dutch Freedom Party (PVV), Geert Wilders, held a press conference in the Dutch parliament. The two far-right politicians announced that their parties will participate jointly in the European elections in May 2014 as the Alliance of Freedom. Other right-wing parties have signalled their support.

    #europe #extrême-droite #néonazis

  • Far-right Parties and discourse in europe: A challenge for our times

    The far right is spreading throughout Europe and influencing conservatives and political parties in government alike. Examples of this are the rise in popularity of the True Finns in Finland and of the Dutch Freedom Party of Geert Wilders, as well as the institutionalisation of far-right parties in European party politics in countries like Austria, Denmark and France. Rather than develop innovative ideas and show political courage, many prefer to embrace
    far-right themes under the guise that ‘the far right asks the good questions but brings the wrong answers’. A number of political leaders have tended to respond to the many issues facing the European Union and its Member States in a reactionary way instead
    of being innovative. These issues, which demand not only innovative thinking but also the harnessing of the wealth of talents available in diverse Europe include ageing populations, migration, increasing income gaps between the rich and poor, the financial and economic crisis, unemployment, to name a few. When political leaders borrow from far-right narratives in order to win some of the far right’s electorate, this trivializes the heritage of democracy and indirectly contributes to far-right violence in Europe.
    The victims of far-right movements are often from minority communities: Roma, Blacks, Muslims, Jews, gays and lesbians, among others. But the recent Oslo and Utøya killings demonstrate that far-right ideologies are a danger for the whole of society and not only for minorities. Anyone can become victim of the violence of far-right fanatics, intent on wiping out diversity from our societies. Since far-right discourse is constructed through
    the everyday experiences and the attitudes of its members and to some extent, the wider society, an analysis of the different aspects of this growing far-right movement is much needed.
    This publication therefore aims to provide an analysis of contemporary far-right political parties in the European Union by reviewing the current political situation and examining
    the discourse and context of these parties. It examines the varying arguments used in far-right discourse, the reasons for its expansion and growing success throughout Europe, and further assesses differences between EU Member States. It also explores how other
    political parties, organisations and societies have responded to the challenges of far-right presence, and proposes some alternatives to the success of the far right in gaining popularity through simple messages.
    The publication is part of ENAR’s conceptualisation of a ‘progressive narrative on equality and diversity for all’, which aims to create a new vision of society that recognises the benefits and the necessity of equality and diversity for creating a vibrant European society and economy. The idea is to counter the tendency of political systems to
    construct basic homogenous national identities by embracing and promoting the notion of a heterogeneous, inclusive society, which acknowledges and values diverse cultures, ethnicities, religions, genders, as well as many other distinguishing ‘characteristics
    of difference’. ENAR thus aims to change mindsets, policies and practices so that all members of society, whatever their skin colour, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation, etc. can enjoy full participation and equality in European society

    #extrême-droite #xénophobie #Europe