organization:french government

  • #France's Blatant Disregard for the Health of its People – How the Government and Lobby Groups have been Pushing Diesel Cars

    The large majority of France’s car fleet runs on diesel, despite its lamentable health effects and the enormous costs involved for society. But who is to blame? Since the eighties, political authorities, industrial figures and transport professionals have persistently backed the diesel engine even though its emissions have always been recognized as extremely harmful – and even carcinogenic. And the evidence continues to mount against it. But the French government recently announced an (...)


    / #Automotive_Industry, France, #PSA_Peugeot_Citroën, #Renault, #Lobbying, #environmental_impact, #influence, #regulations_and_norms, Environmental (...)


  • French Truck Drivers Blockade Port Of Calais To Protest Migrant Crisis – gCaptain

    Cross-Channel operations between Dover and Calais were set to descend into chaos today [5/09/16] as French truck drivers and farmers created a blockade on the main A16 access road to the French port.

    The hauliers and farmers are protesting against the French government’s inability to close the notorious “Jungle” – a makeshift camp thought to house around 10,000 refugees and migrants trying to reach the UK – despite government assurances it would be closed by the end of October.

    As, in response to the blockade, Calais officials created a diversion through the town, updates from operator DFDS said ferries were operating as normal.

    However, the UK’s Road Haulage Association (RHA) claimed traffic crossing from the UK to France would find it “almost impossible” to leave Calais.

  • Affaire #Mimran : les 200.000 dollars qui enfoncent #Netanyahou

    Benjamin Netanyahou, le 27 juin 2016, aux Etats-Unis. © Reuters La retranscription du premier interrogatoire d’Arnaud Mimran dans le dossier du “casse du siècle” contredit les déclarations du premier ministre israélien, selon lesquelles il n’aurait touché de l’affairiste français qu’une unique donation de 40 000 dollars en 2001.

    #International #France #CO2 #Quotas_carbone

    • Mafia du CO2 : Arnaud Mimran est condamné à 8 ans de prison ferme
      7 juillet 2016 | Par Fabrice Arfi

      Arnaud Mimran, organisateur du “casse du siècle” et intime de Benjamin Netanyahou, a été condamné, jeudi 7 juillet, à huit ans de prison au terme du procès de la fraude aux quotas de CO2. Il a quitté le tribunal escorté par les gendarmes, direction la prison. Un mandat d’arrêt a été émis contre son associé, qui ne s’est pas présenté.

    • French Tycoon Linked to Netanyahu Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison

      Arnaud Mimran was convicted of fraud charges in what has been dubbed the ’fraud of the century.’ He has separately claimed to have deposited 170,000 euros in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s account.
      Dov Alfon (Paris) Jul 07, 2016 7:20 PM

      Arnaud Mimran arrives at the Paris courthouse for deliberations in his trial over an alleged carbon tax scam, on July 7, 2016.Bertrand Guay, AFP

      PARIS — A Paris court on Thursday convicted and sentenced Arnaud Mimran in a massive carbon-tax fraud dubbed “the sting of the century” by French media outlets.

      Mimran claimed in the course of the investigation that he donated $200,000 to Benjamin Netanyahu for the latter’s 2009 election campaign. The prime minister says the only money he ever received from the French businessman was a $40,000 donation in 2001.

      Mimran, the main suspect in a trial with a dozen defendants, received an eight-year prison sentence and a 1-million-euro fine. In addition, personal assets up to the value of 283 million euros — the loss to tax revenue as a result of his offenses — will be forfeited to the state.

      The court accepted nearly all the recommendations of prosecutor Patrice Amar, who had requested a 10-year sentence for Mimran. The judges also denied Mimran’s request for a stay of sentence pending an appeal, and after the sentence was read out he was taken to prison in handcuffs.

      Six of Mimran’s codefendants were French Jews who were tried in absentia, having fled to Israel before the trial began. They reportedly received Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return, and the French government has filed extradition requests.

      Four of the other five defendants failed to appear for judgment and sentencing on Thursday, causing a minor courtroom drama. It was thought that they too — all of them French Jews with bank accounts in Israel, as well as numerous relatives and acquaintances — had fled to Israel.

      Mimran, in a final and characteristic act of defiance, entered the courtroom after the judges were already seated, moments before the bailiff declared him absent as well.

      The complete ruling was expected to be released later on Thursday. The head of the panel of judges read out a shorter version, stating at the outset that the court decided to impose harsh sentences in light of the “extensive harm to taxpayers” resulting from the fraud as well as the “great sophistication of this criminal organization, which may be unprecedented in the history of financial crimes.”

      Turning to face, Mimran, the head judge said, “The court found that it cannot believe your feigned proclamation of innocence, according to which your visits to the center of the fraudulent operations in Israel were a coincidence.” He added: “Mister Mimran, you led this fraud, albeit in partnership with the head of the Israeli gang Sami Sweid, who was later murdered in uncertain circumstances. You contributed significantly and knowingly to the organization and to the extent of money that was moved around. You are the main person responsible for the theft of enormous amounts from the pockets of French taxpayers.”

      Other defendants also received stiff sentences. The French-Israeli real-estate broker Eddie Abittan, who was tried in absentia and is believed to be in Israel, received a six-year custodial sentence — longer than prosecutors had requested. He was also fined 1 million euros and ordered to forfeit his assets. An Interpol arrest warrant was issued for Abittan and the other defendants who were convicted and who are presumed to be in Israel.

      Only one defendant was acquitted on all charges: Alexander Bernshtein, an Israeli citizen and the CEO of Albercom Finance Services. The court accepted his lawyer’s argument that the state failed to prove criminal intent or that his client had violated Israeli laws. His company, which specializes in currency transfers, was also exonerated.

      Marco Mouly, the trial’s No. 2 defendant was convicted on all counts. Like Mimran, he received an eight-year prison sentence, a fine of 1 million euros and the forfeiture of all his assets. Mouly failed to appear in court Thursday, having presumably fled to Israel after reporting to a police station on Wednesday, as required by his terms of release. When police searched his home they found several passports, at least one of which had been reported stolen. In addition to French and Israeli citizenship, Mouly has Tunisian citizenship and he has many financial assets in Israel and Switzerland.

      The trial’s No. 3 defendant, Jaroslaw Klapucki, the CEO of the French arm of Poland-headquartered emissions brokerage Consus, was sentenced to seven years in prison and fined 1 million euros. Consus was convicted of money laundering and was fined 3 million euros.

      The court found that Mouly and Klapucki founded MK Holdings as a phantom company incorporated in Israel for the purpose of laundering the profits from the fraud. Haaretz previously reported that there was no evidence that such a company had been registered or had operated in Israel.

      The lesser codefendants, some of them relatives of Mouly, did not appear in court and some are thought to be in Israel. They received prison sentence of between one and five years. It’s not clear whether prosecutors will request their extradition.

      Surprise was evident in the courtroom when the sentence of the key witness in the trial was read out. Jeremy Grinholz is hiding out in Israel under the name Eitan Liron. The court admitted that without his testimony, which he delivered to the fraud unit of the Israel Police, the prosecution would have found it difficult to dismantle the criminal organization at the center of the affair, but the judges ruled that this was insufficient to warrant reducing his punishment.

      “He was the group’s programmer, who enabled the enormous scope of this fraud and the lightning speed at which selling orders were executed. Without his skills this organization would have been cut down to its natural size,” the judges said.

      The court ordered prosecutors to start investigating additional offenses that surfaced during the trial. It did not detail the new allegations, with the exception of the suspicion that Mimran’s brother and parents were party to the fraud. The court stayed the confiscation of a building in the 16th arrondissement of Paris that the family owns until an investigation of its purchase is complete. Netanyahu has called the Mimrans a respectable Jewish family

    • Rappel
      Mafia du CO2 : soupçons sur la police
      27 avril 2016 | Par Fabrice Arfi

      (...) Il y a parfois de saisissants hasards de calendrier. Pendant le procès du CO2, une autre audience devrait agiter en mai la chronique médiatique au même moment à Paris : l’ancienne star de l’anti-gang français, le commissaire Michel Neyret, sera en effet jugée dans une salle voisine pour corruption en raison des faveurs consenties par deux escrocs lyonnais, Gilles Bénichou et Stéphane Alzraa, en échange de renseignements confidentiels. L’histoire est connue et a déjà fait grand bruit. Mais il est un pan peu exploré du dossier qui touche, lui, directement aux affaires du CO2 et à ses meurtres.

      Les nombreuses écoutes menées en mars 2011 sur les corrupteurs présumés de l’ancien numéro 2 de la PJ de Lyon, que Mediapart a pu consulter en intégralité, montrent ainsi combien il est parfois aisé pour des milieux peu réputés pour leur amour du code pénal de connaître en temps réel les avancées policières sur tel ou tel dossier – ça peut toujours servir. Le plus bavard des “amis” de Neyret est incontestablement Gilles Bénichou, pendu pendant des heures au téléphone avec Stéphane Alzraa, dont le nom a été associé dans certains volets de la fraude au CO2.

      Six mois après l’assassinat de Souied, Bénichou se lâche sur son portable grâce aux informations obtenues par Neyret sur la disparition de l’associé de Mimran :

      « On n’est pas simplement dans une affaire de règlement de comptes, là. C’est une très, très grosse affaire. […] D’après ce qu’on me dit, ce serait la plus grosse affaire de ces dix dernières années. […] Il y a énormément d’argent, ça débouche sur du trafic à l’international, sur du blanchiment, sur de l’association de malfaiteurs, ça débouche sur une tonne de merde. […] Elle va être étroitement liée au CO2. […] J’ai cru comprendre qu’il y aurait même des relations avec des gens du grand banditisme. » (écoute du 3 mars 2011)

      « Là, je suis en train de prendre les infos pour savoir exactement où en est l’affaire de Samy [Souied]. Ils sont sur une affaire d’Arnaud [Mimran]. Ils veulent vraiment tout pour sauter tout le monde. Ils sont sur Arnaud Mimran pour un montant relativement important. » (écoute du 7 mars 2011)

      « Alors, d’une affaire de meurtre, ça va découler sur l’affaire du CO2. […] Ça va vraiment gicler très haut. Je te dis, il y a des familles entières qui vont être décimées. Et puis c’est des peines [de prison] à deux chiffres qui arrivent. » (écoute du 9 mars)

      Qui informe Neyret, qui n’a jamais été saisi de ces affaires, avant que lui-même ne rencarde Bénichou & Co ? Sur cette question précise, accessoire au regard du fond du dossier Neyret mais fondamentale pour les sujets touchant à la mafia du CO2, l’enquête de l’Inspection générale des services (IGS) et du juge d’instruction Patrick Gachon a été d’une grande pudeur.

      En janvier et mars 2012, devant le magistrat instructeur, le commissaire Neyret a affirmé : « Mon seul interlocuteur sur Paris, pour cette affaire, c’était Franck Douchy [patron de l’OCLCO à l’époque – ndlr]. » « J’ai appelé Douchy car il a une connaissance étendue du banditisme parisien. Je l’ai appelé naturellement parce qu’en plus, c’est quelqu’un avec qui je corresponds régulièrement », a-t-il ajouté. Ce qui est vrai : une expertise technique a établi que les deux policiers avaient été en relation une trentaine de fois par mail sur la période, entre janvier et juillet 2011.

      Entendu à son tour en décembre 2011 par la “police des polices”, le commissaire Douchy a seulement assuré que Neyret l’avait contacté pour savoir « s’il était intéressé par les affaires du milieu juif parisien (escroquerie sur les droits à polluer et règlements de comptes) ». Neyret lui aurait proposé de l’introduire auprès du frère du Samy Souied, ce que Douchy a « évidemment » accepté. Mais il dément aujourd’hui catégoriquement avoir pour autant donné la moindre information à Neyret sur le contenu des enquêtes en cours, les pistes privilégiées et les éventuels suspects dans le viseur des policiers. Dans l’entourage de Douchy, on se demande même si Neyret n’a pas protégé un autre informateur un peu trop bavard place Beauvau. Aucune enquête n’a permis à ce jour de tirer au clair cette question.

      Un épais mystère entoure également la manière dont Neyret a pu se procurer un mail reçu par la brigade criminelle de Paris (en charge de l’affaire du meurtre de Souied), que Bénichou a pu lire avec gourmandise au téléphone en mars 2011 à un célèbre financier du trafic de cocaïne en cavale, Yannick Dacheville. Il est question dans ce message, une fois encore, d’Arnaud Mimran, qui aurait blanchi de l’argent de Samy Souied en Israël sur fond de business immobilier. Au téléphone, Bénichou dit « avoir tout reçu de Neyret, il m’a tout amené ce matin ». Mais Neyret n’est pas le destinataire initial du mail. Une autre adresse électronique apparaît sur le courriel. Qui se cache derrière ? Mystère. Au palais de justice et au 36, quai des Orfèvres, on se demande encore comment un tel document a pu tomber entre les mains de « voyous » avant d’être lu tranquillement au téléphone à l’une des plus grandes figures du trafic de drogue, toujours en fuite.

  • Key Witness in French Tycoon’s Fraud Case Is Holed Up in Tel Aviv Flat

    Haaretz-Mediapart probe traces moves of Jeremy Grinholz, alleged major cog in French case involving Arnaud Mimran dubbed ’sting of the century.’
    Dov Alfon Jun 16, 2016 7:57 AM

    Arnaud Mimran, right, and his lawyer at the Paris courthouse, on May 25, 2016, to attend his trial.Bertrand Guay, AFP

    PARIS – A key witness in a massive French fraud case known as the “sting of the century” is currently hiding out in Israel, a joint investigation by Haaretz and the French website Mediapart has discovered.

    The witness, a French Jew named Jeremy Grinholz who also goes by the name of Eitan Liron, allegedly managed many of the carbon trades that allegedly enabled the defendants to steal 283 million euros from the French government.

    Grinholz agreed to turn state’s evidence against his former partners, and the Israeli police deposed him in May 2014. Two senior French police officers were present during his interrogations, and his affidavits ultimately enabled the French to indict several people, including businessman Arnaud Mimran, who frequently hosted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in France and has also donated to him.

    On the last day of his interrogation, Grinholz said he believed Mimran had arranged the assassination of Israeli criminal Samy Souied, the fraudsters’ leader, who was murdered in Paris under mysterious circumstances in December 2010.

    Grinholz said that as his suspicions grew, he teamed up with two of Souied’s other partners to force Mimran to take a polygraph test. The polygraph was administered in early 2012 at the Carlton Hotel in Tel Aviv. Grinholz said Mimran denied any involvement in Souied’s murder, but the polygraph operators concluded he was lying.

    During his own police interrogation, Mimran confirmed having taken a polygraph but said he didn’t remember the results.

    The French authorities, hoping to charge Mimran with murder as well as fraud, asked Grinholz to testify at the trial in Paris, but he refused. The French officials then asked their Israeli counterparts to convince Grinholz to return to Paris to testify. The French-Israeli dialogue was conducted by a joint working group set up in 2014, when MK Tzipi Livni was justice minister.

    The working group’s biggest success was the transfer to Paris of a French alleged swindler with Israeli citizenship, Cyril Astruc, who was charged with crimes very similar to those of Mimran, though on a smaller scale. Astruc, who was hiding in Herzliya under his Israeli name, Alex Khann, initially refused to heed a recommendation that he return to France. But Israeli police then began “to make his life hell,” as he put it in conversations with associates whose content was obtained by Haaretz-Mediapart.

    Police raided his house, searched it for 10 hours and arrested two illegal Filipina workers, he said. Then, when he was involved in a traffic accident that caused no casualties, police interrogated him for hours about whether he was responsible for it. Finally, he was arrested on suspicion of corruption and spent two months in jail.

    But only after the front of his house was sprayed with Kalashnikov bullets – apparently by a rival Israeli crime organization – did Astruc tell his friends he “got the hint” and returned to France. There he was arrested at the airport and spent a year and a half in jail before being released with restrictions in 2015.

    Grinholz, however, still refused to return, and on April 18, 2015, the French gave up. This was four months after Livni quit the government, so Netanyahu was the acting justice minister.

    The French delegation returned to Paris and reported that Grinholz definitely wouldn’t testify at Mimran’s trial. Therefore, his name was added to the indictment, albeit on less serious charges due to his cooperation with investigators. To this day, Mimran hasn’t been questioned about Souied’s murder.

    A French Justice Ministry spokesman said the massive fraud case had resulted in numerous French requests for Israeli help. “It could be this cooperation was complicated not only by its sensitivity, but also by its imbalance, since many French criminals are in Israel, whereas Israel rarely makes requests of France,” he said. “Nevertheless, given the differences between the two countries’ legal systems, legal cooperation between the two countries is a daily affair and has improved sharply since the special working group on this issue was established in February 2014.”

    The French spokesman declined to answer any of Haaretz-Mediapart’s specific questions, saying the case was now in court, “and only the court can determine what the level of cooperation on this issue was.”

    But a French legal source told Haaretz that when the fraud case began, and its dimensions weren’t yet clear, bilateral cooperation was terrible. In 2012, the French investigating judge even filed an official complaint about Israel’s lack of cooperation. That complaint prompted frank bilateral discussions, resulting in a major improvement in 2014, most notably on the Grinholz deposition.

    “Could the Israelis, in the absence of any extradition request, which in any case would surely have taken us two or three years, helped us via a deportation procedure or conveying him to the border?” the source continued. “These issues are too complex to be answered one-sidedly.”

    In April 2015, the source added, the French realized “that the Israelis couldn’t persuade Grinholz to return to France, unlike in the previous case you mentioned – which isn’t completely comparable, even if it’s about the same crimes. Therefore, we filed an indictment and told the court that Grinholz lives in Israel and refuses to comply with the summons we served him via our Israeli colleagues.”

    David Shimron, Netanyahu’s attorney, said, “Prime Minister Netanyahu has no connection to Grinholz or Astruc and has never dealt with their issues, ever. Nor were Mimran’s issues brought to his attention when he was justice minister or at any other time. The justice minister is not involved in criminal cases. Those are dealt with solely by the professionals, the state prosecutor and the attorney general, and the justice minister exercises no real judgment in them. The independence of the prosecution in criminal cases is absolute, and so it was during those few months that circumstances led Prime Minister Netanyahu to hold the justice portfolio.”

    A spokesman for the Israeli Justice Ministry said the ministry naturally couldn’t comment on any specific cases that were under discussion between Israeli and French authorities. But he stressed that over the years, there had been continuous cooperation between the two countries in the battle against serious crime. He said the French-Israeli working group still exists, and Israeli prosecutors and police officers participate in it.

    An Israel Police spokesman declined to comment on the specifics of Astruc’s accusations against the force, but said the fact that investigations had been opened and indictments filed against several suspects in the case “speaks for itself.”

    #mafia_du_co2 #Arnaud_Mimran

  • France to Push for Coordinated EU Patrols in South China Sea - Bloomberg

    France will urge European Union nations to coordinate navy patrols to ensure a “regular and visible” presence in the disputed South China Sea, in the latest sign of international push back to China’s expanded military clout in the area.
    The French government views the protection of freedom of the seas as critical from an economic standpoint and is concerned that a loss of such rights in the South China Sea may lead to similar problems in the Arctic Ocean or Mediterranean Sea, Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told attendees at a global defense forum, including top Chinese officials.

    Ah, tiens, un nouveau théâtre d’opérations pour occuper nos capacités militaires surnuméraires…

  • “Police Brutality Is a Hollow Term”: On the Current Policing Violence in France | THE FUNAMBULIST MAGAZINE

    The terminology we use betrays the notion that policing at its core is acceptable, that it only becomes a problem when things go awry. But let’s be clear: there is no such thing as racial profiling. To say the police are profiling suggests the possibility that there could be colorblind policing. There never has been, and the social order in which we live means there never could be. “Police brutality” is also a hollow term, in the sense that all police interactions, by definition, occur under the threat of brutality.

    This last passage, as well as the rest of the interview and the rest of the book, is extremely helpful to think of the current spectacular violence we are witnessing in France in the interaction between the police and strikers/demonstrators against the project of a legislation project that would regulate labor to the detriment of workers. An important part of the media and politicians have insisted that police officers were the victims of many actions of “casseurs” (literally, “breakers”) organized against them. This discursive stigmatization allowed the French government to order the legal exclusion of nine people from the area where a police demonstration was being held on May 18 to protest against “anti-cop hatred” — the police here lost an opportunity to protest instead against the long extra hours they have been asked to provide since the January 2015 attacks. Although this order was broken in courts — the suspicion against these nine persons to organize actions against the police was fund to be funded on nothing — we can see how the imaginary provided by most press outlets associated to the executive power of the ongoing state of emergency can deploy its arbitrary violence on targeted bodies.

  • France to sell shares in country’s largest companies to aid EDF

    The French government is planning to sell shares in some of the country’s largest companies to pay for a €3bn aid package that will help utility EDF build the controversial #Hinkley_Point nuclear project in the UK.

    People close to the discussions say that shares in Renault and Safran are likely to be sold this year, along with the airports in Nice and Lyon, in order to ensure that there will be no extra cost to taxpayers for the investments by the majority-state owned utility group.

    This comes as the government last week promised to provide three-quarters of the money for a €4bn capital raise by #EDF this year. The group, which has a stretched balance sheet with €37bn in net debt, needs money to pay for a range of costly investments.

    This includes the £18bn Hinkley Point nuclear project in the UK as well as an estimated €55bn bill in the coming decade just to increase the lifespan of the country’s 58 nuclear power stations from 40 years to 50 years.

    #privatisations #nucléaire

  • Méchants coups de pinces dans le panier de crabes : les Turcs balancent des infos compromettantes sur le comportement étonnant des Européens et l’exportation si facile de leurs jihadistes vers la Syrie.

    Turkish officials : Europe wanted to export extremists to Syria

    Turkish officials have accused European governments of attempting to export their Islamic extremist problem to Syria, saying the EU has failed to secure its own borders or abide by pledges to share intelligence and cooperate in fighting the jihadist threat.

    The failures were outlined by Turkish officials to the Guardian through several documented instances of foreign fighters leaving Europe while travelling on passports registered on Interpol watchlists, arriving from European airports with luggage containing weapons and ammunition, and being freed after being deported from Turkey despite warnings that they have links to foreign fighter networks.


    In interviews with the Guardian, Turkish officials challenged the assessment that they did not do enough to combat the terror threat, and provided details of several incidents they say show European governments allowed people to travel to Turkey.

    In June 2014, Turkish security officers at Istanbul airport interviewed a Norwegian man who openly told them that he had come to Turkey in order to travel to Syria for “jihad”. Isis had just surged through Iraq, conquering the plains of Nineveh, and would soon announce a caliphate on its territories in Syria and Iraq, upending fragile nation states that had already begun to collapse.

    When they searched his luggage, they found that he had managed to travel out of Oslo with a suitcase that contained a camouflage outfit, a first aid kit, knives, a gun magazine and parts of an AK-47, the contents of which had managed to elude customs authorities in Europe.

    Two months later, a German man arrived in Istanbul with a suitcase containing a bulletproof vest, military camouflage and binoculars that he managed to carry through an airport in Paris on his way to Turkey.

    In 2013, A Danish-Turkish dual citizen, Fatih Khan, left Denmark for Syria, but was detained while trying to cross the border in the Turkish province of Kilis and deported back to Copenhagen. He was given another passport by the Danish authorities, and made his way back to Syria.

    That same year, Mohamed Haroon Saleem, a British citizen, arrived in Istanbul from London and travelled to Syria, having managed to travel out of the UK with a passport that was flagged on the Interpol list as stolen or lost.

    Mohamed Mehdi Raouafi, a French citizen, left France in January of 2014 to join the war in Syria. Despite his sister warning the Turkish authorities who subsequently informed the French government that he was going there to join radical groups, he was allowed to travel out of France.

    • Tandis que King Playtstation se lâche sur Erdogan - pour exaucer @kassem ? - devant des représentants du Congrès américain :

      Jordan’s king accuses Turkey of sending terrorists to Europe MEE / 25.03.16

      The king said Europe’s biggest refugee crisis was not an accident, and neither was the presence of terrorists among them: “The fact that terrorists are going to Europe is part of Turkish policy and Turkey keeps on getting a slap on the hand, but they are let off the hook.”
      Asked by one of the congressmen present whether the Islamic State group was exporting oil to Turkey, Abdullah replied: ”Absolutely.”
      Abdullah made his remarks during a wide-ranging debriefing to Congress on 11 January, the day a meeting with the US president, Barack Obama, was cancelled.
      According to a detailed account of the meeting seen by MEE, the king went on to explain what he thought was the motivation of Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

      Abdullah said that Erdogan believed in a “radical Islamic solution to the region".

      He repeated: "Turkey sought a religious solution to Syria, while we are looking at moderate elements in the south and Jordan pushed for a third option that would not allow a religious option.”
      The king presented Turkey as part of a strategic challenge to the world.
      “We keep being forced to tackle tactical problems against ISIL [the Islamic State group] but not the strategic issue. We forget the issue [of] the Turks who are not with us on this strategically.”
      He claimed that Turkey had not only supported religious groups in Syria, and was letting foreign fighters in, but had also been helping Islamist militias in Libya and Somalia.
      Abdullah claimed that “radicalisation was being manufactured in Turkey” and asked the US senators why the Turks were training the Somali army.

      Il faut en faire un tag, @nidal : #panier_de_crabes_en_Syrie

  • Calais ’Jungle’ eviction gets go-ahead - BBC News

    The French government’s plan to clear part of the #Calais migrant camp known as the “#Jungle” has been approved by a court in Lille.
    A deadline for around 1,000 migrants to leave the southern part of the camp expired on Tuesday.
    The court ruled that the eviction plan for the camp was legal.
    The local authority said public areas such as places of worship or schools would not be cleared and said it would be a “humanitarian operation”.
    Activists had asked the court to halt the #evictions. Those living in the camp, mainly from the Middle East, Afghanistan and Africa, hope to cross the Channel to reach Britain.

  • French government partners with Israeli settlement profiteer | The Electronic Intifada

    The French government is giving high-profile backing to an Israeli company that profits from settlements built on occupied Palestinian and Syrian land in violation of international law.

    This month, Israel’s biggest supermarket chain Shufersal is sponsoring So French So Food, which it bills as a “Festival of scents and flavors from France.”

    The event is co-organized by the Institut Français, the French government’s cultural arm, and Shufersal. It is also sponsored by the city of Toulouse.

    During the month, Shufersal is heavily promoting French products in its stores.

    Shufersal’s marketing materials and store displays for So French So Food state that the campaign is a partnership with the French embassy.

    The Electronic Intifada has confirmed that these displays are being used in Shufersal stores in West Bank settlements.

    The promotion will also bring more than two dozen French chefs and artisans to Israel. It aims to help French companies, whose executives will travel to Israel as part of the event, to export their goods.

    But by backing this initiative, the French government will also help boost the profits of a company that operates extensively in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank and Syria’s Golan Heights.

    #Israël #France #BDS

  • 10,000 refugee children are missing, says Europol | World news | The Guardian

    At least 10,000 unaccompanied child refugees have disappeared after arriving in Europe, according to the EU’s criminal intelligence agency. Many are feared to have fallen into the hands of organised trafficking syndicates.

    In the first attempt by law enforcement agencies to quantify one of the most worrying aspects of the migrant crisis, Europol’s chief of staff told the Observer that thousands of vulnerable minors had vanished after registering with state authorities.

    #réfugiés #exil #enfant #enfance

  • Defending the zad

    Something is flowering in the forest, fields and hedgerows, of the bocage1 of Notre-Dame-des-Landes. Nestled in a landscape that remains under threat by the building of a new airport, an experimental zone is proliferating, it’s called - La zad.2 Since the victorious resistance to the 2012 wave of evictions, the zad has become a rallying cry, inspiring a multitude of other nodes of disobedience. The French government has announced that the riot police might return to the territory and the (...)


  • A short history of passports | Destinations | Wanderlust

    The oldest British passport still in existence was signed by Charles I in 1641. Three years later, Charles was dethroned and Oliver Cromwell’s miserablist regime developed an early prototype of the No Fly List by decreeing that no pass be issued to citizens until they promised they would not ‘be aiding, assisting, advising or counselling against the Commonwealth’. The No Sail List lapsed under Charles II who persuaded the secretary of the state to sign these letters so he could cavort with his floozies. Peter the Great, Russia’s ruthless modernising tsar, introduced passports in 1719 and, ingeniously anticipating the multi-tasking 21st-century ID card, used them to control taxes and military service.

    England’s letters of safe conduct were first written in Latin and English but, in 1772, the government decided to use the international language of high finance and diplomacy: French. This didn’t change until 1858, which meant that Britain’s passports were issued in French even as the empire fought Napoleon.

    Spy catchers

    In the 19th century, the passport system began to collapse as railways criss-crossed Europe. To the French government, the rigmarole of issuing such documents and checking those of every Tom, Dick and Harriet seemed pointless. In 1861, France abolished passports and many European countries happily followed suit. The passport returned, however, during the First World War in an effort to keep spies at bay .

    #flicage #histoire

  • Orange to Sever Ties With Israeli Cellular Firm in February, Eight Months After Boycott Controversy
    Partner Communications agrees to stop licensing Orange brand after long-standing relationship unraveled in June 2015.

    Amitai Ziv Jan 03, 2016

    Partner Communications will stop using the Orange brand name in February, eight months after the CEO of French firm Orange SA sparked a storm after saying he wanted to end the relationship – a move interpreted as supporting a boycott of Israel.
    At the time, Orange SA CEO Stéphane Richard – whose company owns the Orange brand – sought to diffuse the crisis by insisting it was purely a business decision. He traveled to Israel in a bid to underline that his company didn’t support the BDS movement. Nonetheless, the two companies have now agreed to part ways.
    Partner, Israel’s second-biggest mobile company, will get 50 million euros ($54.3 million) in compensation for agreeing to give up the brand under which it has marketed its products and services since its formation in 1998. The company will now have to rebrand itself, an expensive and risky process.
    Partner declined to comment, other than to say it is in the midst of exploring the issue of rebranding. Its shares finished 3.3% higher at 17.75 shekels ($4.55) in Tel Aviv Stock Exchange trading Sunday.
    Partner, which is controlled by the Israeli-American media tycoon Haim Saban, hasn’t decided on a new brand name, but may use the 012 Smile or 012 Mobile names it uses for some of its services and which are already well known.
    Richard set off the controversy last June when, in response to a question at a Cairo news conference, said he was willing to withdraw the Orange brand from Israel “tomorrow morning,” but that moving too quickly would expose his company to legal risks and possible financial penalties.
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded France “publicly renounce the distressing statement and action” taken by Orange. The French government, which owns 25% of Orange, later called Richard’s remarks “clumsy,” and Orange continues to operate a research and development facility in Israel.
    In fact, Partner and Orange had renewed the licensing agreement for the Orange name for another 10 years only a few months before Richard’s remarks. But after the controversy erupted, the two sides agreed terms to end the agreement, giving Partner 40 million euros immediately and another 50 million euros if it ended the agreement within 12 months.

    Orange CEO Stephane Richard, March 6, 2014.Bloomberg
    The initial 40-million-euro payment was supposed to finance Partner’s study of the Orange brand’s worth to the company and develop alternatives, a process the company has kept secret but is expected to be completed by next month.
    Partner had several more months to continue using the Orange name, but intense competition in the mobile market and skidding profits makes the 50 million euros it is due a welcome cash infusion. Partner posted a 9-million-shekel loss in the third quarter.
    Dropping the Orange name will also save the Israeli company licensing fees that in 2014 alone added up to an estimated 49 million shekels, said Ori Licht, an analyst at IBI Israel Brokerage & Investments. The 90 million euros from Orange will enable Partner to fund a major rebranding program.
    In any case, Licht added, in the current cellular market, price more than brand and image is the decisive factor in recruiting and retaining subscribers.

    • Les liens entre Orange et son partenaire israélien rompus en février

      Selon Haaretz, les liens entre l’opérateur de télécoms français “Orange” et la firme israélienne “Partner Communications” qui exploite la marque sur le marché israélien prendront fin en février, huit mois après une polémique dont il avait été largement rendu compte ici.

      Partner Communication cessera d’utiliser la marque “Orange” huit mois après que Stéphane Richard, le CEO du groupe français – dont l’État est actionnaire à hauteur de 25% – ait déclaré au Caire qu’il souhaitait se retirer du marché israélien “aussi vite que possible” mais que cela posait un certain nombre de problèmes d’ordre juridique. Effectivement, l’accord de licence entre Orange et Partner Communications avait été renouvelé pour 10 ans quelques mois seulement avant cette déclaration de Stéphane Richard.

      Évidemment, Stéphane Richard avait nié qu’il puisse s’agir d’autre chose que d’une décision purement managériale, se croyant obligé (il l’était, en fait, par un chantage à l’accusation d’antisémitisme aussitôt lancée contre lui) d’ajouter qu’il “aime Israël” (il n’est pas permis de ne pas l’aimer, pour un grand patron français !).(...)

  • “Emergency” Measures May Be Written Into The French Constitution

    JUST HOURS INTO A TERRORIST ATTACK that started on the evening of Nov. 13, and would eventually claim 130 lives, François Hollande announced that France was reestablishing border controls, and used a 1955 law to proclaim a state of emergency. This 60-year-old law gives French law enforcement wide and sweeping powers, freeing them from much of the normal judicial oversight. The law gives prefects, the French government’s local representatives, the ability to place people under house arrest, (...) #LDH #législation #surveillance #France

  • Paris climate negotiations won’t stop the planet burning

    It is not widely known that US, British, French and Israeli oil companies have had a range of overlapping interests in exploiting Syria’s unconventional oil and gas resources, which are believed to be considerable.

    A document for the Syrian Ministry of Petroleum reveals that just months before the uprising, British oil major Shell was about to “devise a master plan for the development of the gas sector in Syria, following an agreement signed with the Ministry of Petroleum. The agreement includes an assessment of the overall undiscovered gas potential in Syria, potential for upstream gas production, need for gas transmission and distribution networks…”

    CGGVeritas, a firm backed by the French government, had conducted seismic surveys estimating Syria’s total offshore hydrocarbon potential to represent “billion-barrel/multi-TCF [trillion cubic feet]” levels. A study by the firm was published in 2011 by GeoArabia, a Bahrain-based petroleum industry journal sponsored by Chevron, ExxonMobil, Saudi Aramco, Shell, Total, and BP.

    Total, another French major, also worked with Assad at this time.

    More recently, another US firm with interests in Syria is Genie Oil and Gas, an Israeli subsidiary of which was granted a licence by the Israeli government in 2013 to explore the Syrian Golan Heights, which has been controlled by Israel since capturing the territory from Syria in 1967.

    In early November, Prime Minister Netanyahu personally asked Barack Obama in a private meeting if Israel’s right to the Golan could be accepted by the US, to which the American president apparently said nothing.

    Genie’s board consists of an interesting mix, including former former CIA director James Woolsey, Vice President Dick Cheney, global media baron Rupert Murdoch, Obama’s former economic advisor Larry Summers, and Obama’s nomimee for Secretary of Commerce Bill Richardson, among others.

    “We want a new Syrian state including some of those who are fighting it helping on the ground,” said British defence secretary Michael Fallon.

    No doubt, US, British, French and Israeli oil firms hope to be well positioned to take advantage of the “new Syrian state” in a post-conflict Syria.

    #Syrie #hydrocarbures #énergie #business

  • Islamic State Uses Satellite Internet To Spread Message - SPIEGEL ONLINE

    Vers l’Occident compliqué, je volais avec des idées simples... pour paraphraser De Gaulle.

    The answer to this question is an extremely problematic one for Europe, for it is European companies that provide the terrorists with access to the platforms they use to spread their propaganda. It remains unclear whether the companies knowingly do so, but documents obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE show that they may very well know what’s going on. And the documents show that the companies could immediately cut off Islamic State’s Internet access without much effort.

    If you need to get online in Syria or Iraq, the technology needed to do so can be purchased in the Hatay province — a corner of Turkey located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Syrian border.


    • Most of the satellite dishes going to the Middle East make their way through Rotterdam, the world’s third-largest port. It’s here, among the 12 million containers processed annually, that the satellite technology and modems arrive in Europe. Most of the manufacturers are located in the Far East, with their customers based in Paris, London or Luxembourg.

      A number of distribution firms are involved in the sales chain of the technologies required to obtain satellite Internet access. At the beginning of this chain are the major European satellite operators, led by France’s Eutelsat, Great Britain’s Avanti Communications and Luxembourg’s SES. Among the most popular brands are Hughes by Avanti and, especially, Tooway by Eutelsat. The French company has been in business for years and offers almost complete global coverage with its satellites.

      Distribution firms then buy facilities and satellite capacity from the big companies and resell it to corporate or private customers. They also work together with additional companies like the German firm Sat Internet Services based in the northern city of Neustadt am Rübenberge.

      It’s a lucrative business for company CEO Victor Kühne, who expanded distribution to Turkey a few years ago. His problem is: the market for satellite Internet technology is limited in the European Union because of near blanket coverage of standard broadband Internet connections on the continent. Sales in Turkey are fairly slow too, because satellite connections are more expensive than classic DSL access.

      The satellite operators don’t provide data on the number of customers they have, but there is anecdotal evidence. In Turkey, for example, those seeking to access the Internet using a satellite dish are required to register with the government’s BTK telecommunications authority. According to the most recent data available from the agency, there were 11,000 registered satellite Internet users in Turkey during the first quarter of 2015, only 500 more than the previous year.

      But during 2013 and 2014, alone, Neustadt-based Sat Internet Services exported more than 6,000 dishes to Turkey, customs agency documents obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE show. It is likely that most of those satellite dishes did not remain in Turkey, and there’s a strong chance a good deal of them ended up in Syria. The Syrian market has a decisive advantage in that there is no alternative Internet access available, meaning prices can be set very high.

      #ISIS #OEI #connectivité #infoguerre

      Possible connections linking Eutelsat with Syria could be particularly uncomfortable for the French government, which indirectly holds a 26-percent share in the satellite operator through the state-owned Bank Caisse des Dépôts.

  • France appeals directly for Britain to join Syrian war against Isis | World news | The Guardian

    Élan guerrier : marrant de voir Hollande faire en 2015 ce que Bush a fait en 2001 et 2003.

    The French government has taken the highly unusual step of expressing the hope that the Royal Air Force “will soon be working side by side with their French counterparts” in taking military action in Syria.

    In a sometimes emotional appeal, the French defence minister writes in the Guardian that UK military capabilities would “put additional and extreme pressure on the Isis terror network”.

  • DDoS on French mobile data and surveillance prior to Paris attacks ?

    I don’t know how true this is, but I am interested in finding out more about it. I chose to post this in order to have it either confirmed or denied.

    I have received a report from European security that there was a massive cyber attack on French systems 48 hours prior to and during the Paris attacks. Among other things, the attack took down the French mobile data network and blinded police surveillance The attack was not a straightforward DDOS attack but a sophisticated attack that targeted a weakness in infrastructure hardware.


    I am unable to reveal any further information. If security experts find the information credible, they should direct their inquiries to the French authorities.

    About the author Paul Craig Roberts:

    an American economist and blogger. He served for one year as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy in the Reagan administration. He is a former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, and Scripps Howard News Service.


    In 1987 the French government recognized him as “the artisan of a renewal in economic science and policy after half a century of state interventionism”; it inducted him into the Legion of Honor on March 20, 1987. The French Minister of Economics and Finance, Edouard Balladur, came to the US from France to present the medal to Roberts.

    The author is known to concentrate on False Flag theories, as he did during 9/11 and the subsequent war on terror, and for the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Typical clues interpreted as False Flag evidence are ID cards of the attackers found “lying around”
    No wonder he does it again with the recent Paris attacks, but how true is it? Here too, just as with 9/11 and Charlie Hebdo, they “found” an intact ID cards nearby, but:

    The False Flag Link: Syrian Passport „Found“ Next To Suicide Bomber Was „Definitely A Forgery“

    I am rather sceptical about this because at the same time the website above writes things like:

    Secret Pentagon Report Reveals US “Created” ISIS As A “Tool” To Overthrow Syria’s President Assad

    Anyway, my post is not about the truth of yet another false flag theory, but about finding more info related to this alleged DDoS attack.

    #false_flag #terrorism

  • The Paris attacks will force France to change its Syria policy | Pierre Haski | Comment is free | The Guardian

    Haski réserve ses meilleures pensées pour le Guardian...

    Until Friday, the French government was still insisting on Assad’s departure as a precondition for any political settlement in Syria, putting the Syrian president on a par with Isis in blame for the country’s tragedy. But France has become more and more isolated in this stand, with Russia and Iran increasingly pushing their agenda. The US listened. Only Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states have applauded the French attitude, rewarding it with big arms deals.

    Hollande’s Syria strategy was caught between Putin’s offensive and Obama’s reluctance. He had chosen the high moral ground, refusing to associate either with a brutal regime or a bloody opposition, but this was not necessarily the most practical option in a situation that involves choosing the least bad option rather than the best one.

    #syrie #hollande #diplomatie

  • #Paris Bombings or Not, the West Must End the War in Syria - Middle East News - Israel News - Haaretz Israeli News Source

    On est quand même dans le Ha’aretz,

    The shock expressed by world leaders over the attacks in Paris is expected to morph into a strategy-change for France and the world powers against the Islamic State.

    French President Francois Hollande mentioned the attackers’ “act of war,” while U.S. President Barack Obama called the murders an attack on all humanity and convened the National Security Council.

    At this point it’s unclear how this change will be seen on the ground — whether it will reach Syria and Iraq and if so at what intensity. Syria has become an international battlefield, with the war of interests there including Russia and Iran, which don’t exactly see eye to eye with the French, the Americans and other Western countries.

    Any essential change, particularly militarily, requires coordination or a risk of a clash, so anyone who expects a quick and decisive change will be disappointed, and anyone counting on dramatic changes in Syria in the coming months should be patient.

    On Thursday more than 40 civilians were killed and hundreds wounded in a cruel terror attack in a south Beirut neighborhood, the Hezbollah stronghold. The threshold of condemnation over that attack was much different, and no one was counting on the West to change its stance afterward.

    The explosion of the Russian airliner over Sinai was considered very serious, but not so much that it would increase international intervention against the Islamic State. It was deemed a Russian-Egyptian affair.

    The prevailing opinion is that there is no comparison between Beirut and Paris, certainly when the victims are in Beirut’s Shi’ite quarter, but surely the victims of the Russian airliner are equal to the Paris victims. Either way, in all three cases the victims were innocent civilians who had nothing to do with the war of international interests in Syria and its implications for the rest of the region and Europe.

    If Beirut and Sinai weren’t enough, let’s not forget the disaster in Syria, where more than a quarter of a million people, mostly civilians, have been killed over the past five years.

    The only thing that interested the United States was getting the chemical weapons out to ensure Israel’s security and let the Syrians massacre each other forever. Most European countries adopted this position without realizing the implications in terms of hundreds of thousands of refugees streaming toward Europe and terror attacks.

    The attack in Paris is shocking and criminal by any standard, but French blood is no redder than that of the Lebanese civilians killed in Beirut, of the Russians killed in the plane bombing or of the Syrians massacred over the past five years whether by the Islamic State and its affiliates or the Assad regime.

    If the French government wants to ensure quiet for its people and the rest of Europe and the United States, these countries’ policies must change completely. Leaders there must make clear decisions and seek an end to the Syrian war and a diplomatic agreement that will ensure Syrians’ welfare.

    #Etats-Unis #Jack_Khoury

    • « un accord diplomatique qui assurera le bien-être de Syriens », c’est plus facile à écrire qu’à réaliser. Même si on aimerait pouvoir penser que tant l’occident que la Russie se soucient « du bien être des Syriens ». Mais on a du mal à en trouver des indices ...

      Ce qu’on doit constater c’est que l’état islamique a été capable en très peu de temps (entre le 31 octobre et le 15 novembre) d’organiser trois attentats de grande ampleur dans trois pays différents (Egypte, Liban et France).
      En ne comptant que les attentats revendiqués par EI. C’est une manifestation de puissance de la part de cette organisation.
      Cela risque de faire passer encore davantage Assad pour un moindre mal, aux yeux des occidentaux.

  • France to Push for UN Security Council Resolution on West Bank Settlements - Diplomacy and Defense - Haaretz
    French FM Laurent Fabius told Quartet meet 10 days ago that France intends to advance resolution and hopes to convene follow-up conference in Paris on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
    Barak Ravid Oct 11, 2015 4:53 AM

    The French government intends to advance a United Nations Security Council resolution on Jewish settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, according to senior officials in Jerusalem and Western diplomats.

    French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius made a comment to that effect 10 days ago, at a meeting in New York of the foreign ministers of the Middle East Quartet. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made use of the comment to convince right-wing members of his cabinet that new construction in the settlements in response to the recent wave of terrorism would cause Israel severe diplomatic damage.

    The September 30 meeting in New York was due to include the foreign ministers of the Quartet countries — the United States, European Union, Russia and the United Nations — as well as those from Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The French foreign minister had other plans, however. Two Western diplomats and two senior officials in Jerusalem said Fabius demanded to participate in the meeting as well and exerted strong pressure on the Americans and on EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini.

    In the wake of the pressure, it was decided initially that France, Britain and China, all of which are permanent members of the Security Council, would also be invited, even though they are not direct members of the Quartet. The prospect of their participation, however, led other countries, such as Germany, Norway, Japan, Italy, Spain and others, to demand a place at the table as well. It turned into a conference of 30 foreign ministers from around the world, discussing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict without a single Israeli or Palestinian representative.

    A statement in summation of the meeting — mainly ceremonial and with short statements by each of the participants — was agreed upon in advance. Fabius again surprised the gathering by presenting a French diplomatic plan with steps that he said would break the deadlock in the peace process.

    According to Western diplomats present and the meeting as well as senior Israel officials briefed on the details, Fabius said he was interested in convening a follow-up conference in Paris to which countries interested in advancing a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would be invited, but not the two sides themselves.

    Immediately afterwards, he uttered a sentence which has caused a lot of nervousness in Jerusalem over the past ten days. According to the diplomats, Fabius said there were many parties pressing for a vote on a Security Council resolution on the settlements and the subject was being explored. Reports of Fabius’ statement reached Israeli diplomats and Netanyahu, who was in New York at the time, within a few hours.

    Like most of the participants at the Quartet meeting, Netanyahu and his advisers were surprised by the process Fabius proposed in his remarks. The Israeli leader’s advisers were quick to speak to associates of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and others who were present at the Quartet parley.

    The following day, Netanyahu raised the issue at a meeting with Kerry and expressed great concern. The Americans said they do not know what Fabius intends and had no additional information on the subject. A senior Israeli official noted that from inquiries made in subsequent days, it turned out that it was apparently a process that was only in its initial stages.

    Fabius’ short, vague sentence regarding a Security Council resolution on Jewish settlements became a central element of a meeting of the Israeli inner cabinet last Monday, a day after Netanyahu’s return from New York. In the face of pressure that was applied by Education Minister Naftali Bennett, Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Immigrant Absorption Minister Ze’ev Elkin to announce construction in settlements in response to the wave of terrorist attacks, Netanyahu and his adviser Isaac Molho presented information about the French plans.

    Despite the fact that there is no draft or proposed text of a French resolution, Netanyahu, Molho and other participants at the meeting contended that it would state that the settlements are not legal. They presented Fabius’ initial idea as a highly dangerous process that could bring about a wave of boycotts and withdrawal of investment from any Israeli entity operating directly or indirectly in the settlements; serious international isolation; and a risk of a trial at the International Court in The Hague against any entity connected to the settlements. They argued that construction in the settlements at this time would provide backing for Fabius’ initiative and cause Israeli serious diplomatic damage.

    Channel 2 reported that Netanyahu and Molho also told the ministers that they had received an American ultimatum that an announcement of new construction in the settlement would cause President Barack Obama to refrain from vetoing the French resolution if it would come to a UN Security Council vote. According to several ministers who attended the inner cabinet meeting, Molho said that Kerry had left him threatening voice-mail messages. Senior American officials denied both the existence of an ultimatum and Molho’s story about Kerry’s threatening messages.

    Even if Fabius’ plan does take shape, it would not be the first time that the Security Council adopted a resolution on the settlements. Resolution 465 in 1980, which was passed unanimously without an American veto, stated that the settlements built beyond the 1967 borders, including East Jerusalem, were not legal. The resolution also called for all countries to refrain from providing any form of assistance to construction in the settlements.

  • France’s War on the Roma

    Despite repeated warnings from the European Union, the United Nations and human rights groups, France continues to persecute the Roma. Last Thursday, about 300 people were evicted from Le Samaritain, a Roma camp in the Paris banlieue of #La_Courneuve. The fate of Le Samaritain was hardly unique — the French government has been forcibly evicting Roma for years — but the particulars of this case speak volumes about France’s cynical attitude toward the Roma.
    #France #Roms #expulsion
    cc @albertocampiphoto @daphne @marty

  • Sang contaminé : Avant la visite de Fabius, l’Iran se souvient de ses morts - Al Monitor

    Next week, when Fabius travels to Tehran, it also happens to be Support of Hemophilia week, and this is in remembrance of losing our compatriots to the infected blood that was imported [to] our country. And the main cause of that was Fabius,” Iranian analyst Mojtaba Zolnour said to Fars News on July 23.
    Zolnour’s reference is to an account in the 1980s that many Western media are unaware of. In 1999, former Prime Minister Fabius and an ex-minister were acquitted of manslaughter for delaying the testing of blood meant to treat patients of hemophilia. Health Minister Edmond Herve was convicted but was never sentenced. While a US company’s blood screening was available at the time, the French government was accused of waiting for a French competitor to conduct the tests. The case arose when in 1991 French doctor and journalist Anne-Marie Casteret accused the three of knowingly distributing blood tainted with HIV in 1984 and 1985.
    According to Iran’s Ministry of Health, approximately 300 Iranians were infected with the tainted blood. Despite the acquittal, which some of the 4,000 French victims were angered by, some Iranians have not forgotten the affair.

  • Fabius visit stirs bad blood in Iran - Al-Monitor : the Pulse of the Middle East

    “Next week, when Fabius travels to Tehran, it also happens to be Support of Hemophilia week, and this is in remembrance of losing our compatriots to the infected blood that was imported [to] our country. And the main cause of that was Fabius,” Iranian analyst Mojtaba Zolnour said to Fars News on July 23.

    Zolnour’s reference is to an account in the 1980s that many Western media are unaware of. In 1999, former Prime Minister Fabius and an ex-minister were acquitted of manslaughter for delaying the testing of blood meant to treat patients of hemophilia. Health Minister Edmond Herve was convicted but was never sentenced. While a US company’s blood screening was available at the time, the French government was accused of waiting for a French competitor to conduct the tests. The case arose when in 1991 French doctor and journalist Anne-Marie Casteret accused the three of knowingly distributing blood tainted with HIV in 1984 and 1985.

    According to Iran’s Ministry of Health, approximately 300 Iranians were infected with the tainted blood. Despite the acquittal, which some of the 4,000 French victims were angered by, some Iranians have not forgotten the affair.

    En prélude à la visite de leur grand ami #Fabius, des Iraniens se souviennent que 300 de leurs compatriotes ont été contaminés lors de l’affaire du #sang_contaminé au milieu des années 1980.


    • Laurent Fabius largement critiqué en Iran avant son voyage à Téhéran

      Depuis l’annonce de cette visite diplomatique, les conservateurs iraniens ne ménagent aucunement leurs efforts pour rappeler le rôle « néfaste » joué par la France durant les négociations de Téhéran sur son programme nucléaire, avec les cinq membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité de l’Organisation des Nations unies (Etats-Unis, Royaume-Uni, France, Russie, Chine), plus l’Allemagne.


      Un autre dossier dans lequel Laurent Fabius est mentionné et qui suscite beaucoup de colère : l’affaire du sang contaminé dans les années 1980. En raison d’absence ou d’inefficacité des mesures de sécurité, quelques 300 hémophiles iraniens ont été contaminés par le virus du SIDA ou de l’hépatite C près avoir subi des transfusions avec les produits sanguins, fournis par la France. A L’époque, Laurent Fabius a été le premier ministre français.