person:bashar al-assad

  • Kerry Sought Missile Strikes To Force Syria’s Assad To Step Down

    That revelation shows that Kerry’s strategy in promoting the Syrian peace negotiations in recent months was based on much heavier pressure on the Assad regime to agree that President Bashar al-Assad must step down than was apparent. It also completes a larger story of Kerry as the primary advocate in the administration of war in Syria ever since he became Secretary of State in early 2013.

    Incidemment, ce monsieur a gagné jusqu’à un passé récent entre $28,872,067 et $38,209,020 grâce à ses investissements en actions dans des compagnies liées à la guerre

  • Time to Say Good-Bye? Storm Clouds Gathering on Erdogan’s Horizon - AWD News

    He calls attention to the fact that Erdogan had long been engaged in personal diplomacy with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

    However, when then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claimed that “Assad must go,” the Turkish leader immediately changed his stance and ganged up with the Saudis against the Syrian President.

    Given the fact that the “Assad must go policy” has ultimately failed, it is time to retreat. But since the West took part in stirring Syria up, the Western political establishment is especially interested in retreating quietly so that its glaring misdeeds have never come to light.

    “By failing to cooperate and making a spectacle of defying Obama, Turkey raises the risk of a more detailed examination of this entire sordid affair — the real cause of the loss of 250,000 lives in Syria; the real cause of the refugee crisis (there was none prior to the attack on Syria); the strong support, direct or indirect, by all parties of jihadist extremists who gloried in the killing of Christians, Druze, and other minorities in Syria,” Collins notes.

  • Nato chief: Vladimir Putin ’weaponising’ refugee crisis to ’break’ Europe - Telegraph

    Vladimir Putin is purposefully creating a refugee crisis in order to “overwhelm” and “break” Europe, Nato’s military commander in Europe said today.

    Gen Philip Breedlove, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe and the head of the US European Command, said that President Putin and Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad had “weaponised” migration through a campaign of bombardment against civilian centres.


  • روسيا تمهد لتقسيم سورية بالحديث عن الفيدرالية.. فهل النموذج العراقي هو السيناريو الذي “سيتوج” الحل السياسي والتفاهمات السرية بين القوتين العظميين؟ وماذا سيكون موقف الرئيس الاسد؟ ومن هو المستفيد الاكبر؟ | رأي اليوم

    Evoquée (ballon d’essai) par un officiel russe (, la piste du fédéralisme est, selon ABA, l’explication de l’entente manifeste russo-américaine sur le dossier syrien... Les exemples historiques d’un règlement de ce type de ce genre de diffrent géopolitique sont nombreux. Une Syrie fédéralisée aurait notamment un canton kurde, ce qui déclenche la fureur des Turcs. Le sunnistan, a créer dans l’est actuellement tenu par l’EI, pourrait être à la charge de la coalition militaire tellement voulue par les Saoudiens.

    (Je dirais de mon côté que le clan Assad, tant qu’il tient un bon business, sera prêt à discuter... Seul problème, il y a encore beaucoup de Syriens attachés à la définition actuelle de leur pays mais on travaille énergiquement à régler ce problème entre émigration et liquidations...)


    • La dépêche Reuters rappelle qu’Assad, dans une interview donnée en septembre - mais c’est déjà bien loin septembre ! - n’avait pas rejeté l’idée tout en la conditionnant à l’aval des Syriens, ce qui est assez vague :
      Russia says federal model is possible for Syria in future

      In a September interview, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad did not rule out the idea of federalism, but said any change must be a result of dialogue among Syrians and a referendum to introduce the necessary changes to the constitution.
      “From our side, when the Syrian people are ready to move in a certain direction, we will naturally agree to this,” he said at the time.

      Rappelons que la proposition du fédéralisme avait déjà été avancée par le chef du PYD Saleh Muslim contre une intégration du YPG au sein de l’armée syrienne :
      Il me semble qu’un Etat fédéral est aussi proposé par Haytham al-Manna.

    • Entretien le 12 février 2016, du Président de la Syrie, M. Bachar al-Assad avec l’AFP

      (...)– Monsieur le Président, est-ce que vous seriez prêt à donner une région autonome aux Kurdes de Syrie après la fin du conflit ?

      – Cela relève directement de la Constitution syrienne. Vous savez bien que la Constitution n’est pas le produit du gouvernement, mais de toutes les composantes du pays et doit être soumise à un référendum. La question doit donc se poser à l’échelle nationale et non être adressée à un responsable syrien quel qu’il soit, qu’il s’agisse d’une autonomie ou d’une confédération, ou même d’une décentralisation… Ce sont des choses qui feront partie d’un dialogue politique. Mais je voudrais affirmer que les Kurdes font partie du tissu national syrien.(...)

  • Près de 100 groupes se sont déclarés pour la cessation des hostilités en Syrie. Pour l’instant globalement respecté - à part quelques accrochages dans le nord et dans la banlieue de Damas (Jobar). Aucun bombardement russe ce jour, aucune activité sur la base de Hmeymim - fait rapporté par les « White Helmets » :, défense civile proche de l’"opposition" et agissant en zones rebelles.
    Cependant les bombardements russes contre Da’ich et al-Nousra vont très probablement reprendre.
    Le correspondant de la chaîne américaine ABC, Marquardt, propose, sur son compte twitter, cette carte qui visualise en jaune les zones où s’applique le cessez-le-feu selon les déclarations du Ministère de la défense russe :

  • Syrie, une trêve pour la survie des opposants non-islamistes.

    L’accord d’un cesse-le-feu en Syrie remet Bashar Al-Assad en selle. Après 250 000 morts et quelques 6 millions de déplacés, le dirigeant syrien revient en force pour accepter la transition et promet de nouvelles élection législatives dès avril prochain. Le processus politique trouvé pour la crise syrienne, entre les Etats-Unis et la Russie, a convenu tous. Bashar Al-Assad l’accepte et les forces régionales, comme l’Arabie Saoudite et la Turquie, taisent leur condition de son départ. Les (...)

    international, suivi, grand événement, internationaux, monde, continent, Etats, conflits, paix,

    / #Syrie,_opposition,_Turquie,_Qatar,_armée,_Alep,_Damas,_Bashar_Al-Assad,_Liban, #Turquie,_journaliste,_lettre,_prison,_démocratie,_islamistes,_islamisme, #diplomatie,_sécurité,_commerce,_économie_mondiale, (...)

    #international,suivi,_grand_événement,_internationaux,_monde,_continent,_Etats,_conflits,_paix, #Terrorisme_,_islamisme,Al-Qaeda,politique, #Obama,_USA,_Israël,_Proche-Orient,_Palestine #fait_divers,société,_fléau,_délinquance,_religion,_perdition #Afrique,_Monde_Arabe,_islam,_Maghreb,_Proche-Orient, #Chine,_réforme,_développement,_environnement,_Asie, #Russie,Poutine,_Europe_de_l’Est,

  • How Arab allies became enemies and then joined the Kurds | Middle East Eye

    Nearly six years into Syria’s civil war, lines between allies and enemies have become so blurred that in northern Syria Arabs are now fighting Arabs at the behest of Kurds.

    In recent weeks, under the cover of both US and Russian jets, Syrian Kurds fighting with the YPG have managed to expand their control over much of the region.

    As they have advanced into Marea and towards Azaz, the YPG has been joined by its allies in the 40,000-strong Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a US-backed militia that includes Christians, Druze, Turkmen, Assyrians as well as Sunni Arabs like Jaysh al-Thuwwar (JaT) and the al-Sanadid Forces.

    Last May, JaT was founded as an amalgamation of Aleppo-based opposition groups fighting under the Free Syrian Army banner against President Bashar al-Assad’s government and the Islamic State (IS).

    Less than a year later – and to the confusion of observers who long for clear divisions in the conflict - JaT finds itself aligned with the YPG, a move the group says it was forced to make with the rise of militant groups like al-Nusra Front.

    Analysts, however, say the group is attempting to curry favour with the US, and former rebel allies, like Ahrar al-Sham, have quickly branded the fighters “infidels”. Jaish al-Islam leader Mohammed Alloush has called for fighters to disobey orders and defect from the group.

    Regardless of its intentions, JaT’s side-switching highlights a war that has become so fragmented that it is hard to disentangle enemy from ally and has left many civilians caught in the subsequent crossfire.

    – See more at:

  • Syrie : Ayrault condamne l’attaque d’un hôpital

    En version arabe, cela donne (Rai al-yom : : Dans sa première déclaration sur la Syrie, Ayrault [le Ministre des AE français dit le texte pour éviter un jeu de mots facile et grossier en arabe] évite de s’en prendre à la personne de Bashar Al-Assad ou au régime syrien et dit qu’il faut parler avec tout le monde.

    في أول تصريح علني حول سوريا.. وزير الخارجية الفرنسي الجديد يتفادى التهجم على شخص الأسد أو النظام السوري ويقول علينا التحدث إلى الجميع


  • (Assieds-toi) Jeffrey Sachs publie un texte sur la Syrie et qualifie carrément la révolution syrienne d’« opération de changement de régime organisée par la CIA », pour le compte de « l’Arabie séoudite, de la Turquie et d’Israël », et déclare Hillary Clinton très largement responsable du carnage.

    Ce genre de discours te classerait illico, en France, parmi les pires complotistes et serait plus ou moins impubliable (ici, le billet semble s’inscrire plus directement dans la campagne présidentielle américaine – contre Hillary Clinton spécifiquement – que dans une analyse savante de la géopolitique de la région).

    Hillary Clinton and the Syrian Bloodbath - Jeffrey Sachs

    In 2012, Clinton was the obstacle, not the solution, to a ceasefire being negotiated by UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan. It was US intransigence - Clinton’s intransigence - that led to the failure of Annan’s peace efforts in the spring of 2012, a point well known among diplomats. Despite Clinton’s insinuation in the Milwaukee debate, there was (of course) no 2012 ceasefire, only escalating carnage. Clinton bears heavy responsibility for that carnage, which has by now displaced more than 10 million Syrians and left more than 250,000 dead.

    As every knowledgeable observer understands, the Syrian War is not mostly about Bashar al-Assad, or even about Syria itself. It is mostly a proxy war, about Iran. And the bloodbath is doubly tragic and misguided for that reason.

    Saudi Arabia and Turkey, the leading Sunni powers in the Middle East, view Iran, the leading Shia power, as a regional rival for power and influence. Right-wing Israelis view Iran as an implacable foe that controls Hezbollah, a Shi’a militant group operating in Lebanon, a border state of Israel. Thus, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Israel have all clamored to remove Iran’s influence in Syria.

    This idea is incredibly naïve. Iran has been around as a regional power for a long time—in fact, for about 2,700 years. And Shia Islam is not going away. There is no way, and no reason, to “defeat” Iran. The regional powers need to forge a geopolitical equilibrium that recognizes the mutual and balancing roles of the Gulf Arabs, Turkey, and Iran. And Israeli right-wingers are naïve, and deeply ignorant of history, to regard Iran as their implacable foe, especially when that mistaken view pushes Israel to side with Sunni jihadists.

    Yet Clinton did not pursue that route. Instead she joined Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and right-wing Israelis to try to isolate, even defeat, Iran. In 2010, she supported secret negotiations between Israel and Syria to attempt to wrest Syria from Iran’s influence. Those talks failed. Then the CIA and Clinton pressed successfully for Plan B: to overthrow Assad.

    When the unrest of the Arab Spring broke out in early 2011, the CIA and the anti-Iran front of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey saw an opportunity to topple Assad quickly and thereby to gain a geopolitical victory. Clinton became the leading proponent of the CIA-led effort at Syrian regime change.

    • En écho, mais atténué, l’interview du 16/02 de Joshua Landis au journal suisse germanophone la « Neue Zürcher Zeitung ». Il y invite à dresser le bilan désastreux des opérations de changement de régime et de promotion de la démocratie :
      Interview traduite en anglais par un site pro-russe :

      How do you assess the US Syria policy?
      Over the last 15 years the West has been trying to bring democracy to the Near East and so to eliminate dictatorship and oppression. After the attack of 9/11 the US occupied Afghanistan and then they invaded Iraq. Later on there came the knockout blow to the regime in Libya and the ejection of the Yemenite dictator. And now, the regime change in Syria. But bringing in democracy by force of arms doesn’t work. The attempts of the US to bring on regime change have led to the collapse of countries and the nourishing of extremist Islamic groups.
      Bashar al-Asad and his father Hafez before him were “Strong Man” of Syria. They wrought immeasurable grief to their people. Can Syria get back to freedom and stability under Assad?
      We don’t know. At the start of the war in Syria, President Obama, the British, the French, and also the Germans excommunicated Bashar al-Assad. They insisted they would join the Syrian opposition, they would separate the Moderates from the Extremists, and build up the Moderates. And these were then going to eliminate Assad and the Syrian Army and the Extremists. The West worked on this model for five years. It has been a spectacular failure. Today the three most powerful forces are Assad, the Islamic State, and the Nusa-Front, plus the Syrian al Qaida affiliates.

      Landis s’oppose ensuite à l’idée qu’en soutenant militairement avec plus d’intensité les rebelles modérés les USA auraient pu éviter la situation actuelle :

      So Obama was therefore correct, in doing little.
      Yes. But he did more than we think, because he has inspired the rebellion. We were betting that Assad would fall in the first months. Every western Intelligence service was exaggerating the power in being, and misunderstoanding the strength of moderate forces. This policy has contributed to the destruction of Syria. We can blame Assad for everything, and he certainly carries a large part of the blame. But we should not close their eyes to our own responsibility.

      A la fin de l’interview il ouvre lui aussi, au sujet de la cessation des hostilités signée à Munich, le placard des soutiens parrains internationaux de l’opposition et de la coalition Jaysh al-Fatah, où se trouve caché le squelette al-Nusra. Tout en déplorant l’exploitation qu’en feront le régime et la Russie :

      Now there is supposed to be a cease-fire next week. What’s that worth?
      The Nusra Front and the IS are excluded. But the Nusra Front is the heart of the armed rebellion, it dominates the region around Idlib. The Qaeda offshoot is allied with Ahrar al-Sham, the largest non-terrorist group: They fight together at the front, they care for their wounded. Assad can now tell Ahrar al-Sham Step aside, here we come with our tanks and we are retaking Idlib. What is Ahrar al-Sham to do? Keep the ceasefire, or do they stand with their partners from the Nusra Front? Russia and the Syrian army can hunt everything from the air, and the West can not say anything because he is against al-Qaeda. That is the dilemma. Russia and Assad will exploit it shamelessly.

  • Devant les avancées du régime au nord la Turquie a fourni (avant les accords de cessation des hostilités à Munich) aux groupes qu’elle soutient des missiles Sol-sol d’une portée de 20 kms. Certes ce n’est pas encore la livraison de missiles sol-air portatifs (option afghane Stinger) mais c’est une nouvelle étape dans l’escalade militaire internationale en Syrie :

    BEIRUT (Reuters) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s foreign enemies have sent rebels new supplies of ground-to-ground missiles to confront a Russian-backed offensive by the government near Aleppo, stepping up support in response to the attack, two rebel commanders said.

    The commanders told Reuters the missiles with a range of 20 km (12 miles) had been provided in “excellent quantities” in response to the attack that has cut rebel supply lines from the Turkish border to opposition-held parts of the city of Aleppo.
    Facing one of the biggest defeats of the five-year-long war, rebels have been complaining that foreign states such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey have let them down by not providing them with more powerful weapons, including anti-aircraft missiles.
    “It is excellent additional fire power for us,” said one of the commanders, who declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the matter. The second rebel commander said the missiles were being used to hit army positions beyond the front line. “They give the factions longer reach,” he said.

    • Aleppo under siege

      For the United States, increased weapons flows are a more palatable alternative than direct intervention. These new weapons will be aimed not so much at securing decisive victories, but at keeping the opposition alive as a viable fighting force, preventing the fall of Aleppo and making Russia pay a higher price for their ongoing support. Of course, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are also very focused on the fact that 2017 will usher in a new US president and hope that the new office holder will be willing to up US intervention in the conflict, something that is distinctly possible given US political dynamics and the expected desire of a new president to project assertiveness as a mark of contrast with Obama’s perceived timidity. Keeping the rebels ready for this moment is likely to have already emerged as a critical strategy of the opposition and its backers.

    • @kassem : intéressant de lire cette analyse dans ce think tank atlantiste. Le passage que vous citez rend plausible l’accusation d’Angry arab - de toute manière les TOW américains, selon les contrats d’armement américains me semble-t-il, ne sauraient être vendus ou céder sans en référer aux USA et obtenir leur accord. A minima cette intensification de l’armement de Jaysh al-Fatah suppose la non-opposition de Washington.
      Le reste de l’article plaide, étonnamment, pour prendre un peu plus en compte, dans la définition des politiques occidentales en Syrie, les besoins immédiats des civils syriens plutôt que les intérêts de tel camp ou les questions dites « morales ». Un ton un peu plus raisonnable que celui auquel on est habitué...

  • Saudi Arabia sends troops and fighter jets to military base in Turkey ahead of intervention against Isis in Syria

    Saudi officials have stated that they want to fight Isis and see President Bashar al-Assad removed
    #Syrie #conflit #guerre #Arabie_Saoudite

  • Chuck Hagel, secrétaire à la Défense américain d’Obama de 2013 à 2015 critique vertement la politique suivie par la maison blanche en Syrie depuis le début - donc y compris durant les deux ans où il était en poste - dans un des salons de l’establishment US et de l’OTAN : l’Atlantic Council. Ses propos, derrière la critique d’une « rhétorique », sonnent en fait plutôt comme un réquisitoire contre les opérations de changement de régime :
    US’ Syria Policy ’Paralyzed’ by Rhetoric that Assad Must Go, Says Hagel

    Former Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel, thinks that the Obama administration has become “paralyzed” by its rhetoric that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad must step down, said budget cuts have pushed the United States “perilously close” to being unable to maintain its military dominance, equated the Republican presidential campaigns to an amateur talent contest, and had some advice for Donald Trump: “focus on uniting this country, not dividing it.”
    “We have allowed ourselves to get caught and paralyzed on our Syrian policy by the statement that ‘Assad must go,’” Hagel said at the Atlantic Council on January 13. “Assad was never our enemy. A brutal dictator? Yes.”
    But, he added, important lessons should have been learned from the ouster of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Moammar Gadhafi in Libya. Following Hussein’s execution in December of 2006, former Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s divisive policies deepened the sectarian divide in the country and contributed to the emergence of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). In Libya, the toppling of Gadhafi by rebels aided by a Western military campaign in 2011 plunged the country into a downward spiral of chaos from which it has yet to recover.
    “You can take a brutal dictator out, but you better understand what you may get in return,” Hagel said. “We never asked that question: What is coming after Assad?”
    Assad will eventually have to go, but “that should not hold us captive,” he added.
    While the United States and Saudi Arabia have taken the position Assad must go, Russia and Iran hold the opposite view. This has been a key sticking point to finding a solution to Syria’s war, which is now in its fifth year.
    It will take a collaborative effort involving the United States, Russia, Iran, and the Gulf Arab states to create a “platform of stability” in the Middle East, Hagel said.

    L’article rappelle de plus qu’il s’en était déjà pris, après son départ, dans une interview à Foreign Policy, aux choix faits par Obama sur les dossiers syrien et ukrainien, et qu’il s’est opposé à l’influence de Susan Rice (liberal interventionnist). Un élément supplémentaire, manifestement, à l’appui de la thèse de Hersh sur une fronde sourde des hommes de la défense Vs les courants influents à la Maison blanche et Obama jusqu’en 2014 :

    In an interview with Foreign Policy in December, Hagel was scathing in his criticism of the White House, which he accused of micromanaging the Pentagon and trying to “destroy” him. He also acknowledged serious policy differences with the White House on three main areas: Syria, Ukraine, and shutting down the military prison at Guantanamo Bay.
    Hagel reiterated some of that criticism in his remarks at the Atlantic Council.
    The former Defense Secretary, who has not refuted reports that he frequently clashed with National Security Advisor Susan Rice, accused the White House of micromanaging policy through the National Security Advisor and White House Chief of Staff. “Governing is not dominating. It is just the opposite,” Hagel said. “You need good people and you need to trust good people. If you don’t think they are good people and you don’t trust them you shouldn’t have asked them to come in to start with.”

  • The Road to Geneva: the Who, When, and How of Syria’s Peace Talks - Syria in Crisis - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

    A new round of Syrian peace talks, known as Geneva III, was supposed to begin on January 25 but ended up being postponed to January 29. Now that the day has arrived, they’re still not quite ready to begin—but UN envoy Staffan de Mistura is putting on a brave face. He has already met with the Syrian government delegation headed by President Bashar al-Assad’s UN representative Bashar al-Jaafari, but other invitees remain absent.

    The reasons for these delays are complex, but the primary issue is a dispute over who should be allowed to represent the Syrian opposition and perhaps whether it is useful to think in terms of a single Syrian opposition at all. Opposition groups and individuals who participated in the December Riyadh meeting as well as Russian-backed individuals have been invited in various capacities, while so far Kurdish groups are excluded. And while no one expects any significant progress toward a resolution of the Syria conflict to emerge from the meetings, de Mistura is hard at work trying to establish Geneva III as a framework for conflict management and the mitigation of Syrians’ horrific suffering.

  • Origins of the Syrian Democratic Forces: A Primer | Syria Deeply, Covering the Crisis

    The Syrian Democratic Forces, or SDF, is a coalition of Kurdish, Sunni Arab and Syriac Christian fighters, but is completely dominated by its Kurdish element, which is a powerful and well organized militia known as the Popular Defense Units, YPG, with an all-female branch called the Women’s Defense Units, or YPJ. These organizations, in turn, are Syrian front groups for the Kurdistan Workers’ Party or PKK. The other militias involved in the Syrian Democratic Forces are either long-standing PKK allies or proxies, such as the armed wing of the Syriac Union Party, or more recent allies drawn from the Sunni Arab tribal landscape in this part of Syria and from the remains of small Sunni Arab rebel groups crushed by the so-called Islamic State.

    The coalition as a whole receives American air support for operations against Islamic State, as did the YPG/J before it. That started in the Battle of Kobane that began in autumn 2014, which was enormously successful—really the first major battlefield defeat inflicted on Islamic State. It has provided the template for US-PKK cooperation. In addition, the Pentagon has picked out a number of these little Arab groups that work under the SDF umbrella as favored recipients of arms and support. It terms them, collectively, the Syrian Arab Coalition, though no one else seems to use that name.

    • The coalition is equally useful for the YPG/J and the PKK more generally, not only because they get arms and other kinds of support. It also helps rehabilitate them politically and provides a great platform to engage in public diplomacy. Since the creation of the Syrian Democratic Forces, they’ve set up a political branch called the Democratic Syrian Assembly, DSA. This is made up of two main components. [...]

      The other main element of the SDF is a loose network of Syrian leftists and other secular activists, most of them connected in one way or another to Haytham Manna, a Europe-based human rights activist from the Deraa Governorate in southern Syria. These groups—particularly Manna himself—are well versed in regional Syria diplomacy, with useful links to all sides, including the opposition, European states, U.N. diplomats, parts of the Arab League, Egypt, Russia and so on. On the other hand, they are not popular in the broader Sunni Arab and more Islamist-dominated Turkey- and Gulf-backed opposition that forms the mainstay of the rebellion against Bashar al-Assad.[...]

      Manna has now been elected one of two co-presidents of the DSA, operating in exile. llham Ahmed from TEV-DEM holds the other seat, although the longstanding PYD leader Saleh Muslim Mohammed is far more visible as a representative of this segment of Syrian Kurdish politics. The fact that Ahmed and Muslim are more or less interchangeable in diplomatic talks, despite belonging to two different organizations, is of course because both actually represent the “hidden” PKK structure that underpins the whole political order in northern Syria’s Kurdish areas. Though the interests of Manna’s people and the Kurdish bloc might not correspond perfectly, they are closely allied and have been so even before the creation of the SDF and the DSA. They have fundamentally shared interests in a secular and multisectarian Syria, with minimal Turkish and Gulf state influence, but with some role for Russia to balance out American or Saudi hegemony.

      #SDF #Syrian_Democratic_Forces #Syrie #YPG #PYD #al-Manna

  • Le chef de la délégation de l’opposition-syrienne-de-Riyad s’est dit que c’était une bonne idée de s’en prendre à John Kerry là maintenant tout de suite en adoptant un ton vaguement menaçant : Syrian opposition says Kerry applies pressure over peace talks

    The lead negotiator in the Syrian opposition said on Sunday it was coming under pressure from U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to attend peace talks in Geneva this week in order to negotiate over steps including a halt to air strikes.

    The opposition’s High Negotiation Committee, which groups political and armed opponents of President Bashar al-Assad, has said it will not attend negotiations until the government halts bombardments, lifts blockades, and releases detainees - steps mentioned in a United Nations Security Council resolution passed last month.

    Negotiator Mohamad Alloush said Kerry, who met HNC officials on Saturday, had “come to pressure us to forgo our humanitarian rights... and to go to negotiate for them”.

    “There will be a big response to these pressures,” he told Reuters, without giving further details. Asked if the peace talks would go ahead this week, he said “we leave this to the coming hours”.

    Comme dit @souriyam, #ça_commence_à_en_faire_des_conditions

  • al-Jubeir : « avec nos amis américains », changement de régime en Syrie ; « avec nos amis américains », bombardements massifs au Yémen ; « avec nos amis américains », stabilité en Libye ; « avec nos amis américains », paix avec Israël. Et en novlangue orwellienne : « paix, sécurité et stabilité dans la région ».

    Press Availability With Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir

    We work with our American friends on trying to find a way to remove Bashar al-Assad from Syria and move the country towards a better future. We work with the United States on bringing stability and security in Yemen, in which Iran will have no role. And we work with our American friends on trying to bring stability to Libya as well as arriving at a peaceful settlement in the Israeli conflict. Now, these are all tall orders. We understand. And they’re challenging. But the work that we’re doing is all designed to bring about peace, security and stability in the region. And much of that work involves pushing back Iran’s aggressive actions in the region.

  • Pour financer le programme secret de la CIA en Syrie, les États-Unis ont (une fois de plus) compté sur l’argent séoudien, à hauteur de plusieurs milliards de dollars.

    U.S. Relies Heavily on Saudi Money to Support Syrian Rebels

    American officials have not disclosed the amount of the Saudi contribution, which is by far the largest from another nation to the program to arm the rebels against President Bashar al-Assad’s military. But estimates have put the total cost of the arming and training effort at several billion dollars.

    Et l’article indique que l’armement de la rébellion par les Séoudiens et les Qataris a commencé au tout début de 2012 (« plus d’un an » avant « le printemps 2013 »). Il n’y avait alors pas de programme de la CIA, dit l’article, mais c’est tout de même la CIA qui organise la contrebande d’armes vers la Syrie (c’est hors-programme, alors ?)…

    When Mr. Obama signed off on arming the rebels in the spring of 2013, it was partly to try to gain control of the apparent free-for-all in the region. The Qataris and the Saudis had been funneling weapons into Syria for more than a year. The Qataris had even smuggled in shipments of Chinese-made FN-6 shoulder-fired missiles over the border from Turkey.

    The Saudi efforts were led by the flamboyant Prince Bandar bin Sultan, at the time the intelligence chief, who directed Saudi spies to buy thousands of AK-47s and millions of rounds of ammunition in Eastern Europe for the Syrian rebels. The C.I.A. helped arrange some of the arms purchases for the Saudis, including a large deal in Croatia in 2012.

  • L’expression avec laquelle tu dois te familiariser au plus vite : « Riyadh-based Syrian opposition group ». Et arrête de ricaner s’il te plaît.

    Riyadh-based Syrians must decide on peace delegation : Saudi

    A Riyadh-based Syrian opposition group must control delegates to planned peace talks with the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said on Tuesday.


    The High Committee formed after an unprecedented meeting last December in the Saudi capital “is the concerned body, and nobody else can impose on them who should represent them” in negotiations with Assad’s regime, Jubeir said at a joint news conference with his French counterpart Laurent Fabius.

    (Tiens donc, durant une conférence de presse avec Fabius…)

  • Russia, Syria agreed ’open-ended’ military presence for Moscow - The Express Tribune

    Russia and Syria in August signed an agreement giving Moscow the go-ahead for an open-ended military presence in the war-torn country, Moscow has revealed.

    The agreement was signed in Damascus on August 26, 2015, more than a month before Russia launched a bombing campaign against the Islamic State group and other “terrorists” at the request of Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad.

    The Russian government on Thursday released the text of the agreement, which said that it had been “concluded for an open-ended period of time.”

  • Six years after the earthquake

    One-third of Haitians are food insecure or starving now and we can’t blame this on Syria’s Bashar al-Assad or his barrel bombs. (...) Haitian politics and elections and the omnipresent corruption are an embarrassment for Haiti as 2016 comes tumbling in. People manifest in the streets almost every day because they can’t live another six years like this. Source: Dispatches from Haiti

  • 6 janvier 2012 : une attaque suicide en plein Damas fait un carnage, nos médias se mettent à utiliser le terme « terroriste » entre guillemets.

    Syria : Up to 25 killed in Damascus blast

    The government blamed “terrorists,” saying a suicide bomber had blown himself up in the crowded Midan district.

    Damascus bomb kills 25 as regime suffers high level defection

    There was no independent confirmation of the number of fatalities. The regime was quick to blame the attack on “terrorists”, which it says have been at the forefront of the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad that erupted last March.

    Une autre habitude se met en place à ce moment : l’opposition accuse le régime syrien d’être derrière ces attentats pour (si si) donner une mauvaise image de l’opposition. En France, les fanboys de la rébellitude s’aligneront sur cette accusation, allant jusqu’à prétendre que ce nouveau « Front al-Nousra » est certainement un faux-nez du régime syrien perpétrant des attentats false flag.

    Syria pledges ’iron fist’ response to Damascus bombing

    Maj Maher al-Naimi, a spokesman for the armed anti-government movement the Free Syrian Army (FSA), said the blast was “planned and systematic state terrorism by the security forces of President Bashar al-Assad”.

    Qui sont les djihadistes en Syrie ?

    D’autres chercheurs font la même analyse. « Les milieux de l’opposition, rejoints par plusieurs analystes occidentaux, ont estimé que ce mode opératoire relevait d’une mise en scène du pouvoir. Les auteurs des premiers attentats ont, en effet, évité de causer de vrais dégâts à la cible sécuritaire supposée. Ils auraient utilisé, pour crédibiliser la tuerie, des corps de manifestants tombés plusieurs jours plus tôt en prenant soin de rendre impossible toute identification des victimes », estiment François Burgat et Romain Caillet sur le site de l’Ifpo.

    et bien sûr ce grand moment d’excellence sur le site de l’IFPO : Le groupe Jabhat an-Nusra ou la fabrique syrienne du « jihadisme » – François Burgat et Romain Caillet

  • A fine line between journalistic analysis and the “Islamic State” group’ propaganda | Elijah J M

    Media and analysts, who have little presence on the ground, depend on war correspondents covering the ongoing war in the Middle East, on informants and also on social media information. Widespread animosity for some belligerents is pushing media to abandon its unbiased conduct and take sides. Inevitably, almost no one is unbiased. None the less, some analysts, unaware, fall into the category of supporting terrorist groups as they simply take a position against a given opponent. In Iraq favourite targets are mainly al Hashd al-Sha’bi (or Popular Mobilisation Units made of Shia, Sunni and Iraqi minorities) and Iran’s support of it, and in Syria, Bashar al-Assad and more recently Russian intervention. This biased reporting omits to often ISIS that is mentioned en passant. To the point that, ISIS and Al-Qaeda (Jabhat al-Nusra) are no longer terrorist groups but, for many, too simply “the products of Assad and either Saddam Hussein or (the ex-Prime Minister Nuri) al-Maliki”.

  • Israel hits Damascus, Russia looks away – Indian Punchline
    By M K Bhadrakuma – December 23, 2015

    The assassination of the Lebanese resistance’s war hero and Hezbollah leader Samir Kuntar in the city of Damascus on Sunday in what is believed to be an Israeli air raid took place right under the Russian nose. Yet Moscow didn’t sneeze. Ever read the famous line in Sherlock Holmes’ Silver Blaze hinging on the ‘curious incident of the dog in the night-time’ (which failed to bark)? The Russian ambivalence comes out in the Kremlin spokesman’s non-committal reaction.

    Israel no doubt pushed the envelope and seems to have got away with it. On Tuesday, in good measure, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu phoned President Vladimir Putin and reached an agreement “in particular to further coordinate anti-terrorist actions” in Syria, apart from discussing the development of cooperation between the two countries in various spheres”.

    To be sure, Moscow is not unaware of the bio profile of the slain Lebanese resistance leader. The RT, in fact, featured a column depicting fairly accurately the cold-blooded logic behind the Israeli decision to eliminate Kuntar (involving an operation on Damascus which is protected by Russia’s famous S-400 missiles and, doubtless would have been approved by ‘Bibi’ himself.) The columnist held out a vague warning to Israel, “Should a similar incident occur again no doubt Russian officials will intervene to stop further Israeli planes flying above an already overcrowded sky”.(RT).

    But, will the dog really bark the next time Israel comes to steal another Hezbollah race horse? The jury is out. The point is, Russia is finding itself between the rock and a hard place.

    Clearly, it is averse to confronting Israel, which may not be a NATO power but enjoys seamless American protection. Yet, Hezbollah is Russia’s crucial partner in Syria. Analysts generally agree that without the Hezbollah’s help, the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad might have packed up. Moscow ought to be quietly pleased with the stellar role Hezbollah militia is performing on the ground in Syria currently in military operations such as the one around Aleppo.

    But then, Russia is also not willing to stick out its neck to protect Hezbollah, although the Israeli ploy to provoke it and distract it from its Syrian campaign against the Islamic State and other extremist groups cannot be in Moscow’s interests either. Truly, the Syrian conflict is riddled with contradictions and what we are witnessing here is one of the major contradictions in the Russian strategy.

    Russia would know that Israel has supported al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria fighting the Syrian regime. But, unlike with Turkey, Moscow prefers to deal with Israel wearing velvet gloves. For one thing, there are umbilical cords that tie the Russian and Israeli political elites, and, besides, on a deeper plane, Russia and Israel are on the same page vis-a-vis ‘Islamic terrorism’. (...)

    #Hezbollah #Russie #Israël #Syrie

  • A lire absolument, le dernier article de « Sy » Hersh dans la London Review of Books, « Military to military » :
    Je tente un long résumé avec citations, mais ce serait plutôt à lire in extenso.

    A partir de l’été 2013, des membres haut placés dans l’appareil militaire américain (notamment le chef de la DIA M. Flynn et le chef d’état-major M. Dempsey) commencent à s’alarmer des conséquences du programme de la CIA d’armement des « rebelles syriens » en collaboration avec les pétromonarchies et la Turquie. Selon leurs informations il renforcerait les groupes les plus radicaux (parmi lesquels al-Nusra et Da’ich) :

    The military’s resistance dates back to the summer of 2013, when a highly classified assessment, put together by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, then led by General Martin Dempsey, forecast that the fall of the Assad regime would lead to chaos and, potentially, to Syria’s takeover by jihadi extremists, much as was then happening in Libya. A former senior adviser to the Joint Chiefs told me that the document was an ‘all-source’ appraisal, drawing on information from signals, satellite and human intelligence, and took a dim view of the Obama administration’s insistence on continuing to finance and arm the so-called moderate rebel groups. By then, the CIA had been conspiring for more than a year with allies in the UK, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to ship guns and goods – to be used for the overthrow of Assad – from Libya, via Turkey, into Syria. The new intelligence estimate singled out Turkey as a major impediment to Obama’s Syria policy. The document showed, the adviser said, ‘that what was started as a covert US programme to arm and support the moderate rebels fighting Assad had been co-opted by Turkey, and had morphed into an across-the-board technical, arms and logistical programme for all of the opposition, including Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State. The so-called moderates had evaporated and the Free Syrian Army was a rump group stationed at an airbase in Turkey.’ The assessment was bleak: there was no viable ‘moderate’ opposition to Assad, and the US was arming extremists.

    Ces militaires américains, persuadés que dans ces conditions la chute d’Assad mènerait au chaos, vont tenter de convaincre l’administration Obama de changer de politique en Syrie ; mais en vain.

    Flynn told me. ‘We understood Isis’s long-term strategy and its campaign plans, and we also discussed the fact that Turkey was looking the other way when it came to the growth of the Islamic State inside Syria.’ The DIA’s reporting, he said, ‘got enormous pushback’ from the Obama administration. ‘I felt that they did not want to hear the truth.’
    ‘Our policy of arming the opposition to Assad was unsuccessful and actually having a negative impact,’ the former JCS adviser said. ‘The Joint Chiefs believed that Assad should not be replaced by fundamentalists. The administration’s policy was contradictory. They wanted Assad to go but the opposition was dominated by extremists. So who was going to replace him? To say Assad’s got to go is fine, but if you follow that through – therefore anyone is better. It’s the “anybody else is better” issue that the JCS had with Obama’s policy.’ The Joint Chiefs felt that a direct challenge to Obama’s policy would have ‘had a zero chance of success’.

    Ils vont alors tenter de contre-balancer celle-ci, sans rentrer en franche dissidence vis à vis de Washington, en faisant parvenir du renseignement par des canaux indirects (des militaires allemands, israéliens et russes) à Damas :

    So in the autumn of 2013 they decided to take steps against the extremists without going through political channels, by providing US intelligence to the militaries of other nations, on the understanding that it would be passed on to the Syrian army and used against the common enemy, Jabhat al-Nusra and Islamic State.
    Germany, Israel and Russia were in contact with the Syrian army, and able to exercise some influence over Assad’s decisions – it was through them that US intelligence would be shared. Each had its reasons for co-operating with Assad: Germany feared what might happen among its own population of six million Muslims if Islamic State expanded; Israel was concerned with border security; Russia had an alliance of very long standing with Syria, and was worried by the threat to its only naval base on the Mediterranean, at Tartus. ‘We weren’t intent on deviating from Obama’s stated policies,’ the adviser said. ‘But sharing our assessments via the military-to-military relationships with other countries could prove productive.

    L’article se poursuit avec un paragraphe rappelant l’ambition partagée par l’administration G.W. Bush et Obama de renverser Assad depuis au moins 2003, avec les différentes actions entreprises, malgré une coopération sécuritaire de Damas appréciée par les cercles militaires et de renseignement américains (choses assez bien connues).
    Ensuite Hersh balance une sacrée révélation : à partir de l’automne 2013, dans un contexte où l’effort financier turco-qataro-saoudien augmente et où l’ensemble de l’opération de déstabilisation d’Assad semble échapper aux Américains, ces militaires « dissidents » vont jouer un coup : en remplaçant la ligne d’approvisionnement principale libyenne des rebelles et des jihadistes en Syrie, par une ligne venue de Turquie, ils vont réussir à abaisser la qualité de l’armement obtenu par ceux-ci :

    The CIA was approached by a representative from the Joint Chiefs with a suggestion: there were far less costly weapons available in Turkish arsenals that could reach the Syrian rebels within days, and without a boat ride.’ But it wasn’t only the CIA that benefited. ‘We worked with Turks we trusted who were not loyal to Erdoğan,’ the adviser said, ‘and got them to ship the jihadists in Syria all the obsolete weapons in the arsenal, including M1 carbines that hadn’t been seen since the Korean War and lots of Soviet arms. It was a message Assad could understand: “We have the power to diminish a presidential policy in its tracks.”’
    The flow of US intelligence to the Syrian army, and the downgrading of the quality of the arms being supplied to the rebels, came at a critical juncture.

    Par la suite en 2014, Brennan (directeur de la CIA) tente de reprendre la main dans ce maelström. Il réunit les chefs du renseignement des Etats « arabes sunnites » et leur demande de ne soutenir que l’opposition modérée. Il obtient un oui poli mais non suivi d’effet, tandis que la ligne générale de l’administration Obama reste la même :

    Brennan’s message was ignored by the Saudis, the adviser said, who ‘went back home and increased their efforts with the extremists and asked us for more technical support. And we say OK, and so it turns out that we end up reinforcing the extremists.’

    Et reste le problème des Turcs, moins faciles à manipuler, qui soutiennent à la fois al-Nusra et Da’ich :

    But the Saudis were far from the only problem: American intelligence had accumulated intercept and human intelligence demonstrating that the Erdoğan government had been supporting Jabhat al-Nusra for years, and was now doing the same for Islamic State. ‘We can handle the Saudis,’ the adviser said. ‘We can handle the Muslim Brotherhood. You can argue that the whole balance in the Middle East is based on a form of mutually assured destruction between Israel and the rest of the Middle East, and Turkey can disrupt the balance – which is Erdoğan’s dream. We told him we wanted him to shut down the pipeline of foreign jihadists flowing into Turkey. But he is dreaming big – of restoring the Ottoman Empire – and he did not realise the extent to which he could be successful in this.’

    Suit un long exposé, d’une part sur les relations américano-russes, que certains du côté de ces « dissidents » perçoivent comme trop marquées du côté de Washington par une mentalité anti-russe anachronique venue de la guerre froide, et sur les raisons de la peur de la Russie du phénomène jihadiste, amplifiée depuis la mort de Kadhafi, d’autre part. Evoqué aussi le traitement médiatique hostile aux USA à l’intervention russe en Syrie.
    Reprise du récit. Après l’attentat de novembre dernier en France et le bombardier russe abattu par la chasse turque, Hollande tente d’amener Obama à un rapprochement avec la Russie mais sans succès, la ligne d’Obama restant départ d’Assad, opposition à l’intervention russe en Syrie, soutien à la Turquie, et maintien de l’idée d’une réelle opposiotn modérée :

    The Paris attacks on 13 November that killed 130 people did not change the White House’s public stance, although many European leaders, including François Hollande, advocated greater co-operation with Russia and agreed to co-ordinate more closely with its air force; there was also talk of the need to be more flexible about the timing of Assad’s exit from power. On 24 November, Hollande flew to Washington to discuss how France and the US could collaborate more closely in the fight against Islamic State. At a joint press conference at the White House, Obama said he and Hollande had agreed that ‘Russia’s strikes against the moderate opposition only bolster the Assad regime, whose brutality has helped to fuel the rise’ of IS. Hollande didn’t go that far but he said that the diplomatic process in Vienna would ‘lead to Bashar al-Assad’s departure … a government of unity is required.’ The press conference failed to deal with the far more urgent impasse between the two men on the matter of Erdoğan. Obama defended Turkey’s right to defend its borders; Hollande said it was ‘a matter of urgency’ for Turkey to take action against terrorists. The JCS adviser told me that one of Hollande’s main goals in flying to Washington had been to try to persuade Obama to join the EU in a mutual declaration of war against Islamic State. Obama said no. The Europeans had pointedly not gone to Nato, to which Turkey belongs, for such a declaration. ‘Turkey is the problem,’ the JCS adviser said.

    Hersh s’appuie ensuite sur l’ambassadeur syrien en Chine pour évoquer la cas de la Chine qui soutient aussi Assad. L’occasion de mentionner le Parti islamique du Turkestan Oriental, allié d’al-Qaïda et soutenu par les services turcs, et qui offre à des combattants notamment Ouïghours l’occasion de mener le jihad en Syrie avant peut-être de retourner le pratiquer dans le Xinjiang ce qui inquiète Pékin :

    Moustapha also brought up China, an ally of Assad that has allegedly committed more than $30 billion to postwar reconstruction in Syria. China, too, is worried about Islamic State. ‘China regards the Syrian crisis from three perspectives,’ he said: international law and legitimacy; global strategic positioning; and the activities of jihadist Uighurs, from Xinjiang province in China’s far west. Xinjiang borders eight nations – Mongolia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and India – and, in China’s view, serves as a funnel for terrorism around the world and within China. Many Uighur fighters now in Syria are known to be members of the East Turkestan Islamic Movement – an often violent separatist organisation that seeks to establish an Islamist Uighur state in Xinjiang. ‘The fact that they have been aided by Turkish intelligence to move from China into Syria through Turkey has caused a tremendous amount of tension between the Chinese and Turkish intelligence,’ Moustapha said. ‘China is concerned that the Turkish role of supporting the Uighur fighters in Syria may be extended in the future to support Turkey’s agenda in Xinjiang.

    L’article se finit sur le sort de ces « dissidents ». Flynn se fera virer en 2014, tandis que Dempsey et les autres au sein de l’état-major, qui ont été moins insistants, resteront en poste.

    General Dempsey and his colleagues on the Joint Chiefs of Staff kept their dissent out of bureaucratic channels, and survived in office. General Michael Flynn did not. ‘Flynn incurred the wrath of the White House by insisting on telling the truth about Syria,’ said Patrick Lang, a retired army colonel who served for nearly a decade as the chief Middle East civilian intelligence officer for the DIA.

    Dempsey finira par partir en retraite en 2015, mettant fin à cette « dissidence douce » au sein du Pentagone :

    The military’s indirect pathway to Assad disappeared with Dempsey’s retirement in September. His replacement as chairman of the Joint Chiefs, General Joseph Dunford, testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee in July, two months before assuming office. ‘If you want to talk about a nation that could pose an existential threat to the United States, I’d have to point to Russia,’ Dunford said.

    Conclusion :

    Obama now has a more compliant Pentagon. There will be no more indirect challenges from the military leadership to his policy of disdain for Assad and support for Erdoğan. Dempsey and his associates remain mystified by Obama’s continued public defence of Erdoğan, given the American intelligence community’s strong case against him – and the evidence that Obama, in private, accepts that case. ‘We know what you’re doing with the radicals in Syria,’ the president told Erdoğan’s intelligence chief at a tense meeting at the White House (as I reported in the LRB of 17 April 2014). The Joint Chiefs and the DIA were constantly telling Washington’s leadership of the jihadist threat in Syria, and of Turkey’s support for it. The message was never listened to. Why not?

  • German spies cooperating again with Assad’s secret service

    Germany’s spy agency is working again with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s secret service to swap information on Islamist militants, the Bild daily said, despite Berlin’s opposition to Assad staying in power under any peace deal for Syria.

    Citing well-informed sources, the mass-circulation newspaper said German foreign intelligence BND agents had been travelling regularly to Damascus for some time for consultations with Syrian colleagues.


    The aim of renewed BND contacts with Damascus is to exchange information about militants, especially those in Islamic State, and to set up a fixed communication channel in case a German Tornado pilot is downed over Syria, Bild said.

    • Compte tenu de la vitesse de réaction de nos diplomates socialistes, je pense qu’on peut tabler vers l’été prochain pour une démarche similaire des services français... Sauf accélération des attentats (variation saisonnière : je suis bien cynique ce soir !)