person:chris wallace

  • JSF entre Trump et drache

    JSF entre Trump et drache

    Après Boeing, Trump s’en est pris à Lockheed-Martin (LM) via, – on ose à peine l’écrire,– le JSF qui serait, rumeurs malveillantes répandues par le Président-seulement-élu, “out of control”. Un lecteur nous a averti du sacrilège commis par Trump lors de l’interview que le président-imposteur a donnée à Chris Wallace, de Fox.News (voyez après la 10ème minute), puis en en remettant une couche avec un de ses terribles tweets le lendemain. Lockheed-Martin a aussitôt répliqué, très-vertueusement et très-respectueusement, par communiqué vantant les qualités du produit et son prix exceptionnel comme le sont les États-Unis eux-mêmes ; cela, comme Boeing avait fait la semaine précédente à la suite du tweet sur Air Force One ; et ainsi, Trump-tweet a-t-il placé dans son viseur l’essentiel de la (...)

  • Woodward contre Clinton : “scandale”, “corruption”

    Woodward contre Clinton : “scandale”, “corruption”

    Surprise, surprise... L’une des pointes et des plumes les plus affutées et les plus richement rétribuées du journalisme le plus fondamentalement washingtonien et américaniste, l’une des vedettes de l’establishment, Bob Woodward qui pourrait porter le titre de noblesse d’influence de “baron du Watergate” attaque Hillary Clinton à propos de la Clinton Foundation. Il parle de “scandale” et d’une “corruption” considérable. Le propos fut émis d’une manière extrêmement fortuite, lors d’un entretien avec Chris Wallace (modérateur du troisième débat présidentiel), sur Fox.News-Sunday ; c’est de cette façon que les mots deviennent soudain violents, comme par inadvertance. Voici le texte que donne le 24 octobre, à partir de RealClairPolitic.

    « It’s one (...)

  • Trump won the third debate - The Washington Post

    Here are key moments from the third and final presidential debate between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump, Oct. 19, in Las Vegas. (Sarah Parnass/The Washington Post)
    Donald Trump won tonight’s debate. He didn’t implode, he didn’t blither, he didn’t continually interrupt Hillary Clinton and he didn’t even sniff much. And, frankly, he had the best retorts and one-liners. Clinton was on her heels much of the night, and several times, she had to reset by resorting to tired, hollow platitudes — which only drove home the point that she lacks authenticity and appears to be a typical politician who is therefore dishonest. That said, Clinton was an able, informed politician, but Trump — for the first time — appeared to be a worthy opponent.

    The fact is this is a change election, and Clinton is not the change candidate. People don’t really want to vote for her, and tonight, she didn’t give them much of a reason to do so. And perhaps Trump put voters more at ease with Trump. Up until this debate, Trump has helped Clinton out by running a campaign that has been a complete misfire — taking the bait, chasing rabbits, insulting women, wallowing in conspiracies and almost consciously avoiding things voters care about. But during this debate, he held his tongue and held his temper. Trump isn’t particularly light on his feet, but he was confident and competent talking about the economy. It’s a wonder he hasn’t talked about the economy during more of the campaign. Anyway, he even showed a much better understanding of geopolitics than I would have thought. He sounded like a Republican on most issues. For Trump, it’s too bad there aren’t more debates.

    Clinton, on the other hand, was overprepared and over-rehearsed. As a result, she missed the bull’s eye during much of the night. Clinton’s forced smiles during some of Trump’s most effective lines, while probably the best she could do, did not fit the moment.

    The totality of the campaign isn’t about this debate. There’s a lot of water under the bridge. Trump’s performance tonight can’t fully rehabilitate him, but it’s clear that the media — including me — expected a much worse performance. In fact, the post-debate analysts seem as rattled as Clinton. The press is going to panic over the fact that Trump helped himself, as shown by the immediate obsessing over Trump’s “non-commitment” to accepting the election results in November. But for voters watching the debate, that wasn’t really much of a focal point. The media wants to bore into it, but in doing so, reporters and commentators are ignoring many of the issues that were actually discussed in a rational fashion thanks to the steady hand of moderator Chris Wallace of Fox News.

    In politics, good gets better and bad gets worse. Given Trump’s performance, I expect to see some stories about panic in the Clinton universe by the time the Sunday shows roll around. Before tonight’s debate, the conventional wisdom was that Trump was collapsing — and when conventional wisdom is set this far ahead of election day, the conventional wisdom is often wrong. So, was tonight a game changer? Probably not. But it might shift momentum and keep the race interesting.

  • ’It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation’ : John Kerry caught criticizing Israel on hot mic during Sunday news show

    Today, John Kerry made the rounds of the Sunday morning news shows following the Israeli massacre in the eastern Gaza City neighborhood of Shuja’iyeh which killed 63 Palestinians. Although Kerry defended Israel’s actions on air, he was caught with a hot mic off air telling an aide, ‘It’s a hell of a pinpoint operation.” Fox host Chris Wallace asks Kerry about the apparent criticism of the Israeli onslaught, but Kerry sticks to the talking points. The difference between what Kerry says on air and off is mind numbing.

    Amis de Seenthis, je compte sur vous pour m’expliquer ce que signifie « a pinpoint operation »…

  • Gingrich : Assange an ‘enemy combatant’ but fault is Obama’s | Raw Story

    Jamais surpris avec #Newt_Gingrich :

    "Newt Gingrich became the latest conservative Sunday to suggest that #WikiLeak's Julian Assange deserves to be hunted and executed by calling him an « enemy combatant. » "I approach this very seriously," Gingrich told Fox News’ Chris Wallace. « Information warfare is warfare. Julian Assange is engaged in warfare. » "Information terrorism, which leads to people getting killed is terrorism. And Julian Assange is engaged in terrorism," he continued. « He should be treated as an enemy combatant and WikiLeaks should be closed down permanently and decisively, » Gingrich said."

    Sauf erreur, le terme « enemy combatant » est le terme à la con inventé par l’équipe Bush pour justifier la torture et la détention illégale des prisonniers. Nice.

    • Pour ceux qui mettent encore « menaces de mort » entre guillemets, le même article rappelle le nombre de Républicains - employés de Fox News - qui ont appelé à la mort d’Assange :

      Fox News contributor Sarah Palin took to her Facebook page to suggest that Assange deserved the same treatment as terrorists and insurgents. “Why was he not pursued with the same urgency we pursue al Qaeda and Taliban leaders?” she asked. Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell told NBC’s David Gregory Sunday that Assange is a terrorist. “I think the man is a high tech terrorist…he’s done enormous damage to our country and to our relationships with our allies around the world, and he should be prosecuted,” McConnell said. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was caught on video at a book signing at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum in Simi Valley, Calif. saying that the person that leaked the documents to WikiLeaks should be executed. “Whoever in our government leaked that information is guilty of treason,” Huckabee said. “I think anything less than execution is too kind a penalty.”