James Foley : quand la presse unanime accusait le régime syrien
En avril 2013, on ne sait pas qui détient James Foley. On trouve quelques reprises de cette information : Parents talk about journalist kidnapped in Syria
The U.S. does not currently have a formal relationship with Syria and there has been no regular or reliable information about Foley, his parents said. Though they have been in touch with federal officials, they said the most they’ve received are rumors of their son’s whereabouts.
À peine un mois plus tard, début mai 2013, c’est une autre histoire… Sur la base d’une unique source, l’accumulation des articles et des titres donne un effet de certitude imparable (malgré l’usage du conditionnel de précaution, parfois gommé dans les titres).
– Libération avec AFP : Un journaliste américain aux mains de Bachar al-Assad
Le journaliste américain James Foley, porté disparu depuis six mois en Syrie, serait détenu par des agents des services du renseignement syrien dans un centre de détention près de Damas, a déclaré vendredi un porte-parole de sa famille à Boston.
– Nouvel Obs : SYRIE. Un journaliste américain détenu par le régime d’Assad
– Le Monde : Syrie : les journalistes, victimes du régime et des rebelles
Le journaliste américain James Foley, porté disparu depuis six mois en Syrie, serait détenu par des agents des services du renseignement dans un centre de détention près de Damas, a déclaré vendredi 3 mai un porte-parole de sa famille à Boston.
« Nous avons obtenu de multiples rapports indépendants provenant de sources confidentielles très crédibles ayant un accès direct et indirect, qui confirment notre évaluation que Jim est à présent détenu par le gouvernement syrien », a ajouté le PDG et cofondateur du média en ligne GlobalPost, Phil Balboni, qui fait également office de porte-parole de la famille de M. Foley.
– Le Parisien avec AFP : Syrie : Assad déterminé à rester au pouvoir
Concernant le sort des journalistes américain James Foley et italien Domenico Quirico du quotidien La Stampa, portés disparus en Syrie, le chef d’Etat a affirmé n’avoir « aucune information » à ce sujet. La famille de James Foley avait affirmé début mai que le reporter serait détenu par des agents des services du renseignement syrien près de Damas.
Méthode intéressante : ici « Assad » est clairement mis en accusation – et contredit par la toute dernière phrase de l’article – pour l’enlèvement de Foley et Quirico. Aucun des deux n’étant pourtant détenu par le régime…
– Même article sur Le Point :
– CNN (CNN Staff) : Missing journalist in Syrian custody, news outlet says
U.S. journalist missing in Syria for nearly six months is most likely in Syrian government custody, according to the GlobalPost, an online international news outlet, and the man’s brother.
Gunmen kidnapped James Foley on November 22 and his family has since worked to obtain his release. Foley, a free-lance journalist, contributed stories to the GlobalPost.
According to a GlobalPost story on Friday, its CEO and president, Philip Balboni, said in a speech marking World Press Freedom Day that the outlet has a “very high degree of confidence” that Foley was “most likely abducted by a pro-regime militia group and turned over to Syrian government forces.”
“We have obtained multiple independent reports from very credible confidential sources who have both indirect and direct access that confirm our assessment that Jim is now being held by the Syrian government in a prison or detention facility in the Damascus area,” Balboni said.
– GlobalPost : American journalist likely held by Syrian government
After a five-month investigation inside Syria and the wider Middle East, GlobalPost and the family of missing American journalist James Foley now believe the Syrian government is holding him in a detention center near Damascus.
“With a very high degree of confidence, we now believe that Jim was most likely abducted by a pro-regime militia group and subsequently turned over to Syrian government forces,” GlobalPost CEO and President Philip Balboni said during a speech marking World Press Freedom Day.
(Cette page du GlobalPost est désormais précédée de la mention : “Since the publication of this story further investigations have been conducted on James Foley’s kidnapping, pointing in a different direction.”, avec un lien vers l’annonce de sa décapitation par l’État islamique.)
– RadioBDC blog - Boston.com : World Press Freedom Day Announcement : Jim Foley found in Syria
According to a private security firm hired by GlobalPost to find Foley, he is being held in a detention facility in the Damascas area. Foley was kidnapped in Syria in November, 2012, just a stone’s throw from the Turkish border, and has been missing for 162 days. Balboni told reporters today that Foley was captured by “pro-government militia” and then handed over to the Assad regime.
– Investigation Suggests American Journalist Missing in Syria Is ’Likely’ Held by Government - NYTimes.com
James Foley, an American journalist who has been missing in Syria for 162 days, “was most likely abducted by a pro-regime militia group and subsequently turned over to Syrian government forces,” the news site GlobalPost reported on Friday. Before he disappeared, Mr. Foley had contributed reports to GlobalPost and Agence-France Presse as a freelance correspondent.
The news site said that its conclusion was based on “a five-month investigation inside Syria and the wider Middle East.”
– The Boston Globe : Kidnapped journalist believed to be alive, in Syrian custody
Friday afternoon, Balboni said that he and Foley’s family began to receive information that Foley was in the custody of the Syrian government about two months ago. Since that time, Balboni said, more information has given them 85 to 90 percent confidence that Foley remains alive and in a Syrian prison.
– The Raw Story : Investigation indicates American reporter James Foley being held at facility controlled by Syrian intelligence
A US journalist missing in war-torn Syria is believed to be held by government intelligence agents at a detention center near Damascus, a spokesman for his family said Friday.
– Huffington Post : James Foley ’Likely’ Being Held By Syrian Government : GlobalPost
James Foley, an American journalist who went missing in Syria, is “likely” being held by the Syrian government, according to his family and GlobalPost on Friday.
“With a very high degree of confidence, we now believe that Jim was most likely abducted by a pro-regime militia group and subsequently turned over to Syrian government forces,” GlobalPost CEO and President Philip Balboni said.