person:mark regev

  • After killing Razan al-Najjar, IDF assassinates her character - Gideon Levy | Jun. 10, 2018 | 12:47 AM

    A few short words – “Razan al-Najjar isn’t an angel of mercy” – sum up the depths of Israeli propaganda. Avichay Edraee, the Israeli army’s Arabic-language spokesman, who also speaks in my name, is a representative of an army of mercy that has also now appointed itself the judge of the measure of mercy in a medic treating Palestinian wounded on Gaza’s border with Israel, and who Israeli army soldiers mercilessly killed. After killing her, it was also necessary to assassinate her character.

    Propaganda is a tool that serves many countries. The less just their policies are, the more they expand their propaganda efforts. Sweden doesn’t need propaganda. North Korea does. In Israel, it’s called hasbara – public diplomacy – because why would it need propaganda? Recently its propaganda has sunk to such despicable lows that nothing can better prove that its justifications have run out, its excuses gone, that truth is the enemy and that all that’s left are lies and slander.

    It is directed mostly for domestic consumption. Around the world, few gaza people would buy it in any event. But as part of the desperate effort to persist in the psychological repression and denial, in the failure to tell ourselves the truth and the evasion of any responsibility – everything is acceptable when it comes to these efforts.

    A medic in a nursing uniform has been shot to death by Israeli army snipers – as have journalists with press vests and an amputee in a wheelchair. If we rely on Israeli army snipers to know what they are doing, counting on them to be the most accurate in the world, then these people have been shot deliberately. Surely if the army had believed in the justice of the military campaign that it is waging in Gaza, it would have taken responsibility for these killings, apologizing, expressing regret and offering compensation.

    But when the earth is burning under our feet, when we know the truth and understand that shooting at demonstrators and killing more than 120 of them and rendering hundreds of others disabled is more akin to a massacre, one cannot apologize or express regret. And then the army spokesman’s aggressive, clumsy, embarrassing and shameful propaganda machine springs into action – a thunderous voice from the Defense Ministry that only compounds what has been done.

    Maj. Edraee released a video on Thursday in which a nurse, perhaps Najjar, is seen from the back, flinging away a smoke grenade that soldiers had thrown at her. Edraee would have done the same himself, but when it comes to desperate propaganda, it’s a smoking gun: Najjar is a terrorist. She had also said that she was a human shield. Certainly a medic is a human defender.

    An Israeli army investigation, based only on the testimony of the soldiers of course, showed that she had not been deliberately shot. Clearly. The propaganda machine went further and hinted that she may have been killed by Palestinian weapons fire, which has rarely been used over the past two months.

    Maybe she shot herself? Anything is possible. And do we remember any Israeli army investigation showing otherwise? Israel’s ambassador in London, Mark Regev, who is another top, polished propagandist, was quick to tweet about the “medical volunteer” in quotation marks, as if a Palestinian could be a medical volunteer. Instead, he wrote, her death is “yet another reminder of Hamas’ brutality.”

    The Israeli army kills a medic in a white uniform, in an outrageous violation of international law, which provides protection for medical personnel in combat zones. And that’s despite the fact that the Gaza border does not constitute a combat zone. But it’s Hamas that is the brutal one.

    Kill me, Mr. Ambassador, but who could possibly follow this twisted, sick logic? And who would buy such cheap propaganda other than some of the members of the Board of Deputies of British Jews — the largest representative organization of U.K. Jewry – along with Merav Ben Ari, the Knesset member who was quick to take advantage of the opportunity and state: “It turns out that the medic, yes that one, wasn’t just a medic, as you see.” Yes, that one. As you see.

    Israel should have been shocked by the killing of the medic. Najjar’s innocent face should have touched every Israeli’s heart. Medical organizations should have spoken out. Israelis should have hidden their faces in embarrassment. But that only could have happened if Israel had believed in the justice of its cause. When fairness is gone, all that is left is propaganda. And from that standpoint, maybe this new low is a herald of good news.


  • #seenthis_fonctionnalités : Les thèmes privilégiés d’un.e auteur/autrice

    Grâce aux hashtags et aux thèmes automatiques, Seenthis fabrique une liste (pondérée) des thèmes privilégiés d’une personne. Cela apparaît en colonne de droite de la page d’un.e contributeur.trice. Par exemple :

    Country:France / Continent:Europe / City:Paris / #femmes / Country:Grèce / #sexisme / #Grèce / #racisme / Currency:EUR / #Palestine / #travail / Country:Israël / Country :États-Unis / #Israël / Country:Allemagne / #féminisme / Person:Encore / City:Gaza / Country:Suisse / Country:Royaume-Uni / City:Londres / City:Bruxelles / Person:Charlie Hebdo / Country:United States / #santé / Currency:USD / #prostitution / City:This / Person:Alexis Tsipras / #politique / Country:Israel / Country:Russie / #histoire / #viol / City:New York / #migrants / #cartographie / #photographie / Country:Espagne / #écologie / Company:Facebook / #inégalités / #réfugiés / Country:Palestinian Territories / Country:Italie / Person:François Hollande / #journalisme / Country:Japon / Continent:Afrique / #art / #culture_du_viol / Country:Syrie / Country:Iraq / City:Athènes / City:Lille / #France / #austérité / #littérature / Person:Manuel Valls / #Suisse / Person:Tony Blair / #misogynie / #éducation / #audio / #islamophobie / Country:Algérie / #plo / #Internet / ProvinceOrState:Cisjordanie / #asile / City:Bonne / #Union_européenne / #cinéma / PublishedMedium:The New York Times / NaturalFeature:Philippe Val / #sorcières / #livre / #revenu_garanti / City:Die / Country:Afghanistan / Person:Hillary Clinton / #photo / #chômage / Country:Danemark / Person:Mona Chollet / Region:Moyen-Orient / #gauche / City:Lyon / Country:Chine / #capitalisme / Person:Jeremy Corbyn / Country:Belgique / #colonisation / #qui_ca / City:Amsterdam / Organization:Académie française / City:London / #violence / Facility:Palestine Square / Country:Liban / #discrimination / #shameless_autopromo / #médecine / Company:Google / #radio / Country:Pays-Bas / Organization:Hamas / ProvinceOrState:Bretagne / ProvinceOrState :Île-du-Prince-Édouard / #société / City:Munich / #domination / City:Nice / City:Cologne / #Europe / Organization:Sénat / #nourriture / Region:Proche-Orient / Person:Christiane Taubira / Country:Suède / Organization:White House / Person:Donald Trump / Person:Laurence Rossignol / Company:Le Monde / #voile / #historicisation / Continent:America / #childfree / Person:Arnaud Leparmentier / #revenu_de_base / #théâtre / ProvinceOrState:Québec / Person:Philippe Rivière / #imaginaire / City:Strasbourg / Country:Finlande / City:Venise / #migrations / #Etats-Unis / Country:Arabie saoudite / City:Jerusalem / #Gaza / Country:Greece / City:Beyrouth / City:Toulouse / #islam / City:Marseille / Person:Mark Regev / Country:Grande-Bretagne / Person:encore / #Genève / City:Ramallah / #temps / #géographie / #sexe / Person:Osez / Country:South Africa / #patriarcat / Country:Pakistan / City:Bordeaux / #urbanisme / Person:Richard Malka / Person:Frédéric Lordon / Continent:Amérique / Company:The Guardian / #occupation / Person:Alain Juppé / Person:Denis Robert / Region:Méditerranée / PublishedMedium:The Guardian / #science / #BDS / City:Damas / Person:Peter Brook / City:Oslo / City:Dublin / #violences_sexuelles / City:Pomerol / City:Juif / Person:Paul Guers / City:Mayenne / #laïcité / Person:Jean-Luc Mélenchon / #censure / Organization:Tsahal / Person:Daniel Schneidermann / Organization:United Nations / Country:Bolivie / Position:Prime Minister / #domination_masculine / City:Nesle / Person:Virginia Woolf / ProvinceOrState:Maine / City:Montsoreau / Person:Jean-Louis Barrault / Person:Paul Dutron / Person:Lino Ventura / Person:Max Weber / City:La Tour / Company:Charles Oulmont /

    À une époque, on avait un gadget trop mignon : on pouvait balancer ça d’un clic sur Wordle pour obtenir une représentation graphique (ici @odilon) :


    • Commentaire : en pratique, ce n’est pas d’un usage central. Pourtant ça me semble très intéressant pour tenter d’améliorer certaines fonctionnalités :

      – découverte de nouveaux contacts (plutôt que de se baser sur « les gens que suivent les gens que vous suivez », on pourrait utiliser « les gens qui écrivent sur les thèmes des gens que vous suivez ») ;

      – faire ressortir cette notion de « centres d’intérêt/de compétence » évoquée précédemment :

  • Israeli embassy official caught on camera discussing ’taking down’ British lawmakers - Israel News -!/image/3746778998.PNG_gen/derivatives/headline_1200x630/3746778998.PNG

    The official, Shai Masot, was recorded by an undercover Al-Jazeera reporter apparently discussing his wishes to engineer the downfall of several British Members of Parliament, including Foreign Office Minister Sir Alan Duncan, a supporter of a Palestinian state and outspoken critic of the Israeli settlements.

    C’est un agent russe ?

  • Sadiq Khan, le maire musulman sioniste de Londres
    – Hafsa Kara-Mustapha - 6 juin 2016

    (...) Alors que les organisations sionistes influentes affirment que le soutien à Israël est une question qui concerne tous les juifs, de nombreux juifs s’opposent en réalité à cette association et ne soutiennent pas un pays dont ils contestent farouchement les politiques coloniales.

    L’ambitieux Khan n’avait en fait jamais réellement courtisé le vote « juif », qui est relativement faible, mais plutôt le lobby pro-israélien, qui est intégré aux plus hauts échelons de l’appareil politique britannique. Autrement, comment une publication Facebook anodine postée tout d’abord par l’universitaire juif Norman Finkelstein a-t-elle pu quasiment entraîner l’implosion du principal parti d’opposition de la Grande-Bretagne ?

    C’est ce que d’innombrables voix juives ont dénoncé ces dernières semaines face à l’intention des médias de présenter l’ensemble des 250 000 juifs de Grande-Bretagne comme étant pro-israéliens.

    Sadiq Khan a compris de quel côté se trouvait son intérêt et a décidé de courtiser un lobby au détriment de la grande majorité de ses électeurs. Son premier engagement officiel en tant que maire de Londres s’est fait aux côtés de l’ancien visage de l’opération israélienne Plomb durci, Mark Regev, un visage auquel de nombreux survivants de l’Holocauste ou leurs descendants déplorent d’être associés.(...)

  • #Henry_Siegman, Leading Voice of U.S. Jewry, on #Gaza: “A Slaughter of #Innocents

    “When one thinks that this is what is necessary for Israel to survive, that the Zionist dream is based on the repeated slaughter of innocents on a scale that we’re watching these days on television, that is really a profound, profound crisis — and should be a profound crisis in the thinking of all of us who were committed to the establishment of the state and to its success,”.

    “What undermines this principle [” assault on Gaza is necessary because no country would tolerate the rocket fire from militants in Gaza “] is that no country and no people would live the way that Gazans have been made to live. … The question of the morality of Israel’s action depends, in the first instance, on the question, couldn’t Israel be doing something [to prevent] this disaster that is playing out now, in terms of the destruction of human life? Couldn’t they have done something that did not require that cost? And the answer is, sure, they could have ended the #occupation.”

    #sionisme #carnage

    • AMY GOODMAN: When you say that Israel could end the violence by ending the occupation, Israel says it does not occupy Gaza, that it left years ago. I wanted to play a clip for you from MSNBC. It was last week, and the host, Joy Reid, was interviewing the Israeli spokesperson, #Mark_Regev.

      MARK REGEV: Listen, if you’ll allow me to, I want to take issue with one important word you said. You said Israel is the occupying authority. You’re forgetting Israel pulled out of the Gaza Strip. We took down all the settlements, and the settlers who didn’t want to leave, we forced them to leave. We pulled back to the 1967 international frontier. There is no Israeli occupation of the Gaza Strip. We haven’t been there for some eight years.

      AMY GOODMAN: Henry Siegman, can you respond?

      HENRY SIEGMAN: OK, yeah. That is of course utter nonsense, and for several reasons. First of all, Gaza is controlled completely, like the West Bank, because it is totally surrounded by Israel. Israel could not be imposing the kind of chokehold it has on Gaza if it were not surrounding, if its military were not surrounding Gaza, and not just on the territory, but also on the air, on the sea. No one there can make a move without coming into contact with the Israeli IDF, you know, outside this imprisoned area where Gazans live. So, there’s no one I have encountered, who is involved with international law, who’s ever suggested to me that in international law Gaza is not considered occupied. So that’s sheer nonsense.

      But there’s another point triggered by your question to me, and this is the propaganda machine, and these official spokespeople will always tell you, “Take a look at what kind of people these are. Here we turned over Gaza to them. And you’d think they would invest their energies in building up the area, making it a model government and model economy. Instead, they’re working on rockets.” The implication here is that they, in effect, offered Palestinians a mini state, and they didn’t take advantage of it, so the issue isn’t really Palestinian statehood. That is the purpose of this kind of critique.
      And I have always asked myself, and this has a great deal to do with my own changing views about the policies of governments, not about the Jewish state qua Jewish state, but of the policies pursued by Israeli governments and supported—you know, they say Israel is a model democracy in the Middle East, so you must assume—the public has to assume some responsibility for what the government does, because they put governments in place. So, the question I ask myself: What if the situation were reversed? You know, there is a Talmudic saying in Pirkei Avot, The Ethics of the Fathers: “Al tadin et chavercha ad shetagiah lemekomo,” "Don’t judge your neighbor until you can imagine yourself in his place." So, my first question when I deal with any issue related to the Israeli-Palestinian issue: What if we were in their place?

      What if the situation were reversed, and the Jewish population were locked into, were told, “Here, you have less than 2 percent of Palestine, so now behave. No more resistance. And let us deal with the rest”? Is there any Jew who would have said this is a reasonable proposition, that we cease our resistance, we cease our effort to establish a Jewish state, at least on one-half of Palestine, which is authorized by the U.N.? Nobody would agree to that. They would say this is absurd. So the expectations that Palestinians—and I’m speaking now about the resistance as a concept; I’m not talking about rockets, whether they were justified or not. They’re not. I think that sending rockets that are going to kill civilians is a crime. But for Palestinians to try, in any way they can, to end this state of affair—and to expect of them to end their struggle and just focus on less than 2 percent to build a country is absurd. That is part of—that’s propaganda, but it’s not a discussion of either politics or morality.

      grossière #propagande

    • C’est dans la lignée du lien signalé par mona hier. Ces détournements sont très intéressants en ce qu’il démontent les éléments obscènes de justification israélienne lorsqu’ils tuent des civils palestiniens. Je me demande s’il exisre une analyse précise et sérieuse sur cette quesrion. Quelqu’un sait-il ?

    • A chaque fois que je les entend dire que les enfants tués par les bombardements israéliens, c’est de la faute du hamas (l’ambassadeur d’israël en norvège expliquait hier sur la nrk sans rire que « le hamas envoyait les enfants courrir dans la rue d’un point à un autre juste avant que les missiles israéliens n’arrivent) je pense à la phrase de golda meir cutée par gideon levy : » nous ne pardonnerons jamais aux arabes de nous avoir obligé à tuer leurs enfants"

  • Le manuel de propagande israélien n’est plus confidentiel...

    Israel-Gaza conflict: The secret report that helps Israelis to hide facts - Comment - Voices - The Independent

    Israeli spokesmen have their work cut out explaining how they have killed more than 1,000 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them civilians, compared with just three civilians killed in Israel by Hamas rocket and mortar fire. But on television and radio and in newspapers, Israeli government spokesmen such as Mark Regev appear slicker and less aggressive than their predecessors, who were often visibly indifferent to how many Palestinians were killed.
    There is a reason for this enhancement of the PR skills of Israeli spokesmen. Going by what they say, the playbook they are using is a professional, well-researched and confidential study on how to influence the media and public opinion in America and Europe. Written by the expert Republican pollster and political strategist Dr Frank Luntz, the study was commissioned five years ago by a group called The Israel Project, with offices in the US and Israel, for use by those “who are on the front lines of fighting the media war for Israel”.

    Every one of the 112 pages in the booklet is marked “not for distribution or publication” and it is easy to see why. The Luntz report, officially entitled "The Israel project’s 2009 Global Language Dictionary, was leaked almost immediately to Newsweek Online, but its true importance has seldom been appreciated. It should be required reading for everybody, especially journalists, interested in any aspect of Israeli policy because of its “dos and don’ts” for Israeli spokesmen.

    These are highly illuminating about the gap between what Israeli officials and politicians really believe, and what they say, the latter shaped in minute detail by polling to determine what Americans want to hear. Certainly, no journalist interviewing an Israeli spokesman should do so without reading this preview of many of the themes and phrases employed by Mr Regev and his colleagues.

    Mark Regev The booklet is full of meaty advice about how they should shape their answers for different audiences. For example, the study says that “Americans agree that Israel ’has a right to defensible borders’. But it does you no good to define exactly what those borders should be. Avoid talking about borders in terms of pre- or post-1967, because it only serves to remind Americans of Israel’s military history. Particularly on the left this does you harm. For instance, support for Israel’s right to defensible borders drops from a heady 89 per cent to under 60 per cent when you talk about it in terms of 1967.”

    How about the right of return for Palestinian refugees who were expelled or fled in 1948 and in the following years, and who are not allowed to go back to their homes? Here Dr Luntz has subtle advice for spokesmen, saying that “the right of return is a tough issue for Israelis to communicate effectively because much of Israeli language sounds like the ’separate but equal’ words of the 1950s segregationists and the 1980s advocates of Apartheid. The fact is, Americans don’t like, don’t believe and don’t accept the concept of ’separate but equal’.”

    So how should spokesmen deal with what the booklet admits is a tough question? They should call it a “demand”, on the grounds that Americans don’t like people who make demands. “Then say ’Palestinians aren’t content with their own state. Now they’re demanding territory inside Israel’.” Other suggestions for an effective Israeli response include saying that the right of return might become part of a final settlement “at some point in the future”.

    Dr Luntz notes that Americans as a whole are fearful of mass immigration into the US, so mention of “mass Palestinian immigration” into Israel will not go down well with them. If nothing else works, say that the return of Palestinians would “derail the effort to achieve peace”.

    The Luntz report was written in the aftermath of Operation Cast Lead in December 2008 and January 2009, when 1,387 Palestinians and nine Israelis were killed.

    There is a whole chapter on “isolating Iran-backed Hamas as an obstacle to peace”. Unfortunately, come the current Operation Protective Edge, which began on 6 July, there was a problem for Israeli propagandists because Hamas had quarrelled with Iran over the war in Syria and had no contact with Tehran. Friendly relations have been resumed only in the past few days – thanks to the Israeli invasion.❞

  • Le porte-parole de #Netanyahou pulvérisé en direct par un journaliste britannique (vidéo)

    La traditionnelle #propagande de #Mark_Regev, porte-parole du gouvernement israélien a été pulvérisée en direct par le journaliste de « Channel 4 News »’ Jon Snow.

    #Jon_Snow #journalisme #presse #Israël #Palestine #leçon_de_journalisme #Gaza

  • Personne ne peut réellement prendre au sérieux Mark Regev, mais c’est une bon exemple de la rhétorique du gouvernement israélien (la mort des enfants est une tragédie, mais bien que ce soit nous qui les assassinions, c’est quand même la faute du Hamas, et donc, on continue le lendemain).

    Jon Snow ’annihilates’ Israeli spokesperson Mark Regev - YouTube

    Jon Snow ’annihilates’ Israeli spokesperson Mark Regev
