
  • Egyptian teacher accused of insulting Morsi over ’sheep’ question


    Ihab El-Islamboly, an English teacher in Alexandria, was questioned by police on Tuesday for setting a “politicised” exam question that “insulted” President Mohamed Morsi.

    The question that angered some members of the Alexandria teachers’ syndicate, which El-Islamboly says is dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, included the quote, “In the animal kingdom, a sheep cannot be king.”

    A suivre...

  • Parce que « népalais » au Qatar rime avec ouvrier du batiment et que les nationaux, meme les enfants, ont tous les droits et que la religion a la part belle pour réprimer des propos hors de leur contexte.

    Teacher appears in Doha court, faces felony charge of insulting Islam | Doha News

    A Nepalese teacher fired from a prestigious secondary school in Qatar for remarks he made to students last month appeared in a lower Doha court today on charges of insulting Islam.

    Dorje Gurung, who taught chemistry at Qatar Academy, was seen by Doha News this morning leaving the court in handcuffs. If convicted, Article 256 of the Penal Code stipulates that he could face up to seven years in jail.

    Colleagues, friends and students interviewed by Doha News said Gurung, whose two-year teaching contract was set to expire in July, had been facing problems at QA with students who did not respect his authority, in part due to his nationality.

  • Teacher opposes assault on public schools - World Socialist Web Site


    Teacher opposes assault on public schools
    5 April 2013

    The WSWS received the following letter from a teacher in Washington, D.C., where one in ten public schools is slated for closure.


    After hearing for months that our school was closing for low enrollment, it became reality when a team of supervisors arrived from central office in March for a meeting with the staff. It was not so much of a meeting as it was a pep rally. The meeting was so upbeat. The supervisors stood for the majority of the meeting pumping fists in the air. They stated that they would host resumé building workshops and a job fair for teachers at the closing schools.

    #états-unis #éducation

  • Au Royaume-Uni, les autorités sont-elles en train « d’externaliser » leur boulot en demandant aux universités de surveiller les étudiants étrangers ?

    Nick Megoran de l’université deNewcastle s’interroge :

    My university introduced an attendance monitoring programme last September. My understanding is that this was a response to demands from the UK Border Agency that universities should be able to confirm that non-EU students on student visas are actually participating and attending, and concern that failure to demonstrate this could make it hard to grant visas. For my department this has involved a paper register passed round all lectures and seminars. This information is then collated by administrative staff.

    The university is currently devising a strategy for the next academic year.

    Elsewhere, How have your universities responded? Have you run registers of all students at all lectures, seminars? If not, what have you done? I for one would find this information useful as our university discusses how to move forwards.

    And I am also interested in what resistance and critical reflection there has been. Has there been open debate, boycotts by staff or students, genuine consultation, etc? Has the data been used in other ways, for example passed to tutors for pastoral care to spot students in difficulty?

    David Gibbs de l’université de Hull précise :

    This is fairly common, here the University asks all students to sign in once a week, but doesn’t check the detail for each and every seminar/lecture etc. I’m not certain how this plays with overseas students, but can’t imagine that it exactly makes you feel very welcome! The University had a UKBA visit last year and I think this system passed their scrutiny, but only just.

    Andrew Burridge de l’université de Durham :

    It’s something that needs to be critically addressed (and resisted!), but that seems to have been largely ignored (though I hope there are examples to prove me wrong on this).

    I found this article useful as background to what the UKBA expects:


    Walter Nicholls de l’université d’Amsterdam :

    So, academics in the UK are supposed to help play a role in enforcing national borders? What happens if a non-EU student drops from the program? Are you supposed to report them to the police? I think this sets a very bad precedence. It should be made an “issue” by critical members of staff.

    Eric Nolund de l’université de Sheffield

    At Sheffield the university set a certain number of ’contact points’ per semester and left it to individual departments to decide what they are and implement, then report back to the university. All students are monitored for this purpose, and the university administration sorts out who’s of interest to UKBA. This was in part due to concerns raised over singling out international students and student-teacher trust. There were lots of heated discussions in various quarters about every aspect of our being deputised by UKBA, but at the end of the day, no compliance in UKBA eyes, no international students at our institution.

    Marijn Nieuwenhuis de l’université de Warwick

    I do not think that it is purely a student issue, non-EU staff is also affected, e.g.:


    Jon Swords de l’university de Northumbria :

    It isn’t just UKBA who want attendance data.

    I spent three hours last week in attendance meetings with students the university deemed to have not engaged enough (e.g. Missed two consecutive lectures on a module which is monitored). I followed up with our support team about the reasons for this regime, and they said it wasn’t just UKBA who wanted the data, the Students Loan Company wante it too. Supposedly they can stop payments if a studens fails to properly engage with their degree.

    Siobhán McGrath de l’université de Lancaster :

    We have also been told that as of this year we need to take attendance at all lectures and that this is explicitly because of UKBA compliance. I am very uncomfortable with this practice for a number of reasons, not least because of the logical conclusion of the practice - that someone might get deported based partially on the fact that I reported their non-attendance. And, yes, it sends the message that students should turn up in order to be ’counted’ rather than because they think they might learn something, which I find damaging.

    Et enfin, Keith Spiller de l’Open University

    I have done some tentative work on this and have found for the most pressing issue is for universities to maintain their ‘Trusted partner’ status with the UK border agency. Bogus colleges and not wanting to be the next London Met. haunt a lot of this. In fact, my questions to some university administration staff were met with a frosty reception – it could jeopardize the ‘trusted’ status I was told!

    Of interest, to me at least, is the increasing pressure being applied to ‘watch’ students and others. Have a look the Prevent Strategy (2011) Universities, as well as City councils, schools, etc are encouraged to spot ‘risky’ behaviours and people. As mentioned by other contributors, this does put into question the pastoral role of teacher, tutors etc..

    If interested, I did a postcast relating to this and asked postgrad students about their feelings of having to report and be watched.


  • Thousands of California teachers receive layoff notices - World Socialist Web Site


    Thousands of California teachers receive layoff notices
    By Kevin Martinez
    1 April 2013

    Thousands of layoff notices were sent out to teachers in mid-March across California, marking the fifth year in a row of mass teacher layoffs in the richest state of the nation.

    When voters in California approved Proposition 30 last fall they were promised that it would halt and reverse the assault on public education, and that Governor Jerry Brown would spare the state’s education system from $5 billion in contemplated budget cuts.

    #états-unis #éducation

  • A Chat With A Radical Fighter In Syria : The Two-Way : NPR

    NPR: What did you do before you came to Syria?

    BH: I was a teacher of Quran and a sharia [Islamic law] student, fourth year in Benghazi, Libya. [During the uprising against Moammar Gadhafi], I was fighting in Sirte.

    NPR: What is the goal of Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria?

    BH: There are orders from the general command of the group that it is not allowed to conduct suicide operations inside residential neighborhoods.

    NPR: Will women be required to wear hijab [if the current regime is ousted]?

    BH: Let me explain it this way. If I gave someone two lollipops ... one is covered and the other is not. Where will the germs and the bacteria go? To the uncovered one. And the same with the woman; if she is uncovered, the rotten one, who will the men chase? While if the woman is covered, even the most beautiful one, they will not chase her.

    NPR: That brings us to the wider question of an Islamic state, and what does that mean for the non-Muslims?

    BH: Preserving the Muslim society, that is the general rule. Prevention is the best treatment. What makes people commit sin is viewing porn films, listening to songs that provoke desire.

  • One teacher’s approach to preventing gender bullying in a classroom

    “It’s Okay to be Neither,” By Melissa Bollow Tempel

    Alie arrived at our 1st-grade classroom wearing a sweatshirt with a hood. I asked her to take off her hood, and she refused. I thought she was just being difficult and ignored it. After breakfast we got in line for art, and I noticed that she still had not removed her hood. When we arrived at the art room, I said: “Allie, I’m not playing. It’s time for art. The rule is no hoods or hats in school.”

    She looked up with tears in her eyes and I realized there was something wrong. Her classmates went into the art room and we moved to the art storage area so her classmates wouldn’t hear our conversation. I softened my tone and asked her if she’d like to tell me what was wrong.

    “My ponytail,” she cried.

    “Can I see?” I asked.

    She nodded and pulled down her hood. Allie’s braids had come undone overnight and there hadn’t been time to redo them in the morning, so they had to be put back in a ponytail. It was high up on the back of her head like those of many girls in our class, but I could see that to Allie it just felt wrong. With Allie’s permission, I took the elastic out and re-braided her hair so it could hang down.

    “How’s that?” I asked.

    She smiled. “Good,” she said and skipped off to join her friends in art.

    ‘Why Do You Look Like a Boy?’

    #genre #éducation #école

  • A GAZA, pour la première fois, l’hébreu est inscrit au programme des écoliers et à l’université.
    MIFTAH - Hamas puts Hebrew on the curriculum for the first time in 20 years

    In a crowded classroom in Gaza City, hands shoot in the air when teacher Moussa Ziara asks for a volunteer to come to the blackboard. The chosen boy carefully chalks a letter of the alphabet amid enthusiastic applause from his classmates.

    It is not, perhaps, an atypical scene in a place where education is highly valued. What is unusual, however, is that these Palestinian boys are studying Hebrew; part of a resurgence in learning the “language of the enemy”, fostered – remarkably – by Gaza’s Hamas government.

    Around 750 ninth-grade pupils in Hamas-run schools have begun studying Hebrew in a pilot scheme that could be extended in the coming years. It is the first time for almost two decades that the language of Israel is on the school curriculum.

    And at the Islamic University in Gaza City, an institution with close ties to Hamas, 19 students have enrolled in a one-year postgraduate diploma in Hebrew that will qualify them to teach in government schools.

    Somayia al-Nakhala, director of curriculum at the ministry of education, explains why Hamas put Hebrew on the curriculum: “It is better to know what Israel is thinking and saying than to know nothing. We have to know the language of our enemy – or our neighbour.”

    She points out that people in Gaza consume Israeli products, are prescribed Israeli drugs and often watch Israeli television via satellite or access Israeli websites. “We are connected to Israel,” she said. “Politics is different from practicalities.”

    Until 20 years ago, thousands of Gazans worked as labourers or factory workers in Israel, picking up Hebrew as part of their daily existence. Palestinian doctors worked in Israeli hospitals; Gazan businessmen liaised with their Israeli counterparts on import and export deals; some learned the language during spells in Israeli prisons.

  • Yahoo, Dell Swell Netherlands’ $13 Trillion Tax Haven http://ht.ly/hgP99

    Evasion fiscale en Europe (vers la Hollande+++) : 13000.000.000.000 USD
    Déficit budgétaire UE : moins de 520.000.000.000 Euro

    ‘Harmful Role’
    The EU’s 27 member states had accumulated an annual 519.5 billion euro budget deficit as of the second quarter of 2012, according to Eurostat. In response, Spain is slashing teacher salaries and Greece is cutting funding for public hospitals and prescription drugs. The Netherlands had a deficit of 24.9 billion euros.
    “Governments around the world have to cut budgets and at the same time multinational companies are avoiding taxes,” said Arnold Merkies, a Dutch parliament member from the Socialist Party.

  • Birmanie Rohingas - Muslims Face Expulsion From Western Myanmar - NYTimes.com


    A Muslim girl at a camp for displaced people in Sittwe, where Muslims face what some groups are calling ethnic cleansing.

    SITTWE, Myanmar — The Buddhist monastery on the edge of this seaside town is a picture of tranquillity, with novice monks in saffron robes finding shade under a towering tree and their teacher, U Nyarna, greeting a visitor in a sunlit prayer room.

  • This Weekend In Gay History FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2 « MasterAdrian’s Weblog

    This Weekend In Gay History
    FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2012

    1868 - WASSILY SAPELLNIKOFF, Russian pianist, born (d: 1941); Sapelnikov, who became one of the foremost Russian pianists of his day, knew a good thing when he saw it. His teacher was the renowned composer Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, twenty-eight years his senior, who was known to enjoy performing duets with his students. Natural talent notwithstanding, young Sapelnikov made his way to the composer’s bed and to instant patronage.

    1906 – on this date LUCHINO VISCONTI, the Italian director and Duke of Modrone was born (d. 1976). The Italian theater and cinema director and writer was best known for films such as The Leopard (1963). It was not until his 1969 film, The Damned, that Visconti received a nomination for an Academy Award, for “Best Screenplay”. He did not win. The film, one of Visconti’s best-known works, is about a German industrialist family that slowly begins to disintegrate during World War II. The decadence and lavish beauty were archetypes of Visconti’s aesthetic. Visconti’s final film wasThe Innocent (1976), which has the recurring theme of infidelity and betrayal.

    Visconti made no secret of his sexuality. His last partner was the Austrian actor Helmut Berger, who played Martin in The Damned. Berger also appeared in Visconti’s Ludwig in 1972 andConversation Piece in 1974 along with Burt Lancaster. Other lovers included Franco Zeffirelli.

    1916 – on this date JOHN LYON BURNSIDE, inventor and Gay American activist was born (d: 2008). John, or as he was known in Faerie circles “n’John” for his longterm relationship with Harry Hay – as in “Harry n’John”, was the inventor of the Teleidoscope and the Symmetricon, and was the partner of Mattachine and Radical Faerie founder, Harry Hay for 39 years.

    Burnside was sent to an orphanage while still a child because he was caught in sexual play with another little boy. He served briefly in the Navy, and settled in Los Angeles in the 1940s. He married, but had no children. Burnside met Harry in 1962 at ONE Incorporated. They fell in love and became life partners. They formed a group in the early 1960s called the Circle of Loving Companions that promoted Gay rights and Gay love. In 1966 they were major planners of one of the first Gay parades, a protest against exclusion of Gays in the military, held in Los Angeles. In 1967, they appeared as a couple on the Joe Pyne television show. In the late 1970s, they were instrumental in founding the Radical Faeries.

    John died of brain cancer in San Francisco, where he had been tended to by members of the Circle of Loving Companions that had taken care of Harry in his final days.

    1942 – on this date CASEY DONOVAN, the American Gay porno star, was born John Calvin Culver (d: 1987). In 1971, Cal played a supporting role in a low budget sexploitation thriller film, Ginger. This in turn led to an offer to appear in Casey, a Gay porn film in which Cal played the title role, a Gay man who is visited by his fairy godmother Wanda (Cal playing a dual role in drag), and is granted a series of wishes which make him sexually irresistible to other men. Cal later took the character’s name, Casey, and that of the popular singer (Donovan) to create the pseudonym under which he would appear in all his other erotic roles.

    Cal first appeared as Casey Donovan in Boys in the Sand, directed by Wakefield Poole, in 1972. The film was an instant success, with even big name mainstream celebrities going to the premiere. Today the film is considered one of the great classics of male erotic cinema, although stricter obscenity guidelines in some states forced a change of the title to Men in the Sand. He was also the star of Score (1972), The Back Row, with George Payne, LA Tool & Die, with Bob Blount and Richard Locke, The Other Side of Aspen, with Al Parker and Dick Fisk, Boys in the Sand II, and Inevitable Love, with Jon King and Jamie Wingo. He also featured in a number of heterosexual porn films, notably The Opening of Misty Beethoven (1975).

    Outside his adult film career, Casey Donovan had a successful off-Broadway run in the play Tubstrip, written and directed by director Jerry Douglas. He had an intimate relationship with actor/writer Tom Tryon. He also tried, unsuccessfully, to run a bed and breakfast, Casa Donovan, in Key West. By 1985, Casey had contracted HIV. He worked with many HIV/AIDS charities and counseled his fans to practice safe sex and get tested for HIV. He performed in a safe sex film for the Gay Men’s Health Crisis, although he himself lived in denial that he had the syndrome, even as his health got worse. Donovan died from an AIDS-related pulmonary infection in Inverness, Florida, aged 43.

    1948 - today’s the birthday of fantastic Gay rights advocate and activist MANDY CARTER.

    Worked with War Resister’s League, beginning c. 1969; North Carolina Lesbian and Gay Pride marches, served on planning committees, 1986-91; March on Washington for Lesbians and Gays, national steering committee, 1987, 1993; Rhythm Fest (musical festival for southern women), coproducer; North Carolina Senate Vote ’90 and North Carolina Mobilization ’96 (initiatives to defeat N.C. senator Jesse Helms), director; Our Own Place (a lesbian center), founding member; UMOJA (black gay and lesbian organization), founding member; Stonewall 25, executive committee; Black Gay and Lesbian Leadership Forum, board of governors; Human Rights Campaign Fund, board of directors; member-at-large of the Democratic National Committee, serving on both the DNC Gay and Lesbian Caucus and DNC Black Caucus; member of the boards of the International Federation of Black Prides, the National Stonewall Democratic Federation, the Triangle Foundation, Equal Partners in Faith and Ladyslipper Music.

    Her latest work is in spearheading a commemoration of this year’s birth centennial of Civil Rights hero Bayard Rustin.

    1960 – on this date Penguin Books is found not guilty of obscenity in the Lady Chatterley’s Lovercase

    1961 – K.D. LANG, Canadian musician, born; Lang won the Grammy Award for Best Female Country Vocal Performance for her 1989 album, Absolute Torch and Twang. The single “Full Moon of Love” that stemmed from that album became a modest hit in the United States in the summer of 1989 and a number 1 hit on the RPM Country chart in Canada. Her cover of Cole Porter’s “So In Love” appears on the Red Hot + Blue compilation album and video from 1990, a benefit for AIDS research and relief.

    The album Ingénue in 1992, a set of adult contemporary pop songs that showed comparatively little country influence, contained her most popular song, “Constant Craving”. That song brought her multi-million sales, much critical acclaim, and the Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. Another top ten single from the record was “Miss Chatelaine”. The salsa-inspired track was ironic; Chatelaine is a Canadian women’s magazine which once chose Lang as its “Woman of the Year”, and the song’s video depicted Lang in an exaggeratedly feminine manner, surrounded by bright pastel colours and a profusion of bubbles reminiscent of a performance on the Lawrence Welk show.

    Lang contributed much of the music towards Gus Van Sant’s soundtrack of the film Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (1993), and also did a cover of “Skylark” for the 1997 film adaptation of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. She also performed “Surrender” for the closing titles of the James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies, having previously worked with Bond composer David Arnold on his album Shaken and Stirred: The David Arnold James Bond Project.

    In addition to her well-known musical talents, k.d. lang, who came out as a Lesbian in a 1992 article in The Advocate, has actively championed Gay rights causes. She has performed and supported many causes over the years, including HIV/AIDS care and research. In 1996, she was made an Officer of the Order of Canada. She performed Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” live at the opening ceremony of the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada. Previously, she had performed at the closing ceremony of the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary. Lang possesses the vocal range of a mezzo-soprano.

    1975 - on this date PIER PAOLO PASOLINI, Italian film director, died (b. 1922); Pasolini distinguished himself as a philosopher, linguist, novelist, playwright, filmmaker, newspaper and magazine columnist, actor, painter and political figure. He demonstrated a unique and extraordinary cultural versatility, in the process becoming a highly controversial figure. Though openly Gay from the very start of his career (thanks to a sex scandal that sent him packing from his provincial hometown to live and work in Rome), Pasolini rarely dealt with homosexuality in his movies. The subject is featured prominently in Teorema (1968), where Terence Stamp’s mysterious God-like visitor seduces the son of an upper-middle-class family; passingly in Arabian Nights (1974), in an idyll between a king and a commoner that ends in death; and, most darkly of all, in Salò (1975), his infamous rendition of the Marquis de Sade’s compendium of sexual horrors, The 120 Days of Sodom.

    2006 - on this date former megachurch pastor, counselor to American Presidents (George W. Bush) and president of the National Association of Evangelicals TED “I Am Not a Homosexual” HAGGARD stepped down amid sex allegations.


    1500 - on this date the Italian goldsmith, sculptor, painter, soldier and musician BENVENUTO CELLINI was born (d. 1571). Cellini may be best remembered for his autobiography (translated by the Victorian Uranian scholar John Addington Symonds). Cellini was a superb goldsmith and sculptor, whose artistic creations, like his “Perseus Holding the Head of Medusa” brought him acclaim and the patronage of popes and cardinals. He worked for the Vatican Mint under Popes Leo X, Clement VII and Paul III. During Cellini’s long life, these friendships were of great value, protecting him in many misadventures with the law. Cellini was constantly hounded by authorities on complaints of sexual misconduct and stealing from his clients. Three times he was accused of murder, and in 1557 he received a four year prison sentence for sodomy, which was commuted to be served under house arrest, so the artist would be able to continue his work on a sculpture of the Crucifixion. A great saying of his is worth remembering and noting here: “Men who want to do things in their own way had better make a world in their own way, because in this world things are not done like this.”

    1933 - On this date the English actor JEREMY BRETT was born (d. 1995). Although Brett appeared in many different roles during his 40-year career, he is now best remembered for his performance as Sherlock Holmes in The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, a series of Granada Television films made between 1984 and 1994. These were adapted by John Hawkesworth and other writers from the original stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Even though he reportedly feared being typecast, Brett appeared in 41 episodes of the Granada series, alongside David Burke and, latterly, Edward Hardwicke as Dr. Watson. After taking on the demanding role, Brett made few other acting appearances, and he is now widely considered to be the definitive Holmes of his era, just as Basil Rathbone was during the 1940s.

    Brett was briefly considered by Harry Saltzman and Albert R. Broccoli for the role of James Bond in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service after Sean Connery quit the series in 1967, but the role went to Australian George Lazenby instead. Lazenby lasted a whole film. So much for that selection. A second audition for the role of 007 for Live and Let Die was also unsuccessful, and Roger Moore won the coveted part. One can wonder what would’ve happened if…

    Brett was intensely private about his personal life. In 1958 he married his first wife, the actress Anna Massey (daughter of Raymond Massey), but they divorced in 1962 after she claimed he left her for another man. Brett was then married to Joan Sullivan Wilson from 1976 until her death from cancer in 1985. Brett also enjoyed a close relationship with the actor Gary Bond [Bond died exactly one month after Brett’s death].

    Brett died in 1995 at his home in Clapham, London, from heart failure. His heart valves had been scarred by rheumatic fever contracted as a child. Mel Gussow wrote in a New York Times obituary that “Mr. Brett was regarded as the quintessential Holmes: breathtakingly analytical, given to outrageous disguises and the blackest moods and relentless in his enthusiasm for solving the most intricate crimes.” One of Brett’s dearest possessions on the set was his 77-page “Baker Street File” on everything from Holmes’ mannerisms to his eating and drinking habits. Brett once explained that “some actors are becomers — they try to become their characters. When it works, the actor is like a sponge, squeezing himself dry to remove his own personality, then absorbing the character’s like a liquid.”

    1939 - the four time Tony-winning playright TERRANCE McNALLY was born on this date. Born in St. Petersburg, Florida and raised in Corpus Christi, Texas, McNally moved to New York City in 1956 to attend Columbia University. In his early years in New York, he was a protégé and lover of the noted playwright Edward Albee. He would become truly successful with works such as his off-Broadway play Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune.

    His many brilliant plays include Lips Together, Teeth Apart, Kiss of the Spider Woman (based on the novel by Manuel Puig), Love! Valour! Compassion!, Master Class, and the controversial Corpus Christi. In March 2010, the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC presented three of McNally’s plays that focus on his works involving opera. The pieces included a new play, Golden Age, Master Class(starring Tyne Daly), and The Lisbon Traviata starring Malcolm Gets and John Glover.

    He has been a member of the Council of the Dramatists Guild since 1970 and has served as vice-president since 1981. McNally was partnered to Thomas Kirdahy following a civil union ceremony in Vermont in 2003, and they subsequently married in Washington, D.C. in 2010

    2006 - on this date “Doogie Howser” and “How I Met Your Mother” star NEIL PATRICK HARRIS came out as a “content Gay man.” His career has simply soared!

    SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2012
    1896 - the influential BBC arts editor J.R. ACKERLEY was born on this date. Openly Gay at a dangerous time for open homosexuality in Great Britain. Born in London, Ackerley was educated at Rossall School, a public and preparatory school in Fleetwood, Lancashire. While at this school he discovered he was attracted to other boys. His striking good looks earned him the nickname “Girlie” but he was not sexually active, or only very intermittently, as a schoolboy.
    Failing his entrance examinations for Cambridge University, Ackerley applied for a commission in the Army, and as World War I was in full swing, he was accepted immediately as a Second Lieutenant and assigned to the 8th Battalion of the East Surrey Regiment, part of the 18th Division, then stationed in East Anglia. In June 1915 he was sent over to France. The following summer he was wounded at the Battle of the Somme on July 1, 1916. He was shot in the arm and an explosion caused shards of a whiskey bottle in his bag to be imbedded in his side. He lay wounded in a shell-hole for six hours but was eventually rescued by British troops and sent home for a period of sick-leave. He soon volunteered to go back to the front. He had been promoted to captain by now and so, in December 1916, when his older brother Peter arrived in France, Ackerley was his superior officer. Reportedly the cheerful and kind-hearted Peter was not resentful and saluted his brother “gladly and conscientiously.” In February, 1917, Peter was wounded in action on a dangerous assignment, heading into No man’s land from a dangerous ditch (where Ackerley said goodbye to him) ominously called the “Boom Ravine.” Though Peter managed to get back to the British lines, Ackerley never saw him again. In May 1917 Ackerley led an attack in the Arras region where he was again wounded, this time in the buttock and thigh. Again he was obliged to wait for help in a shell-hole, but this time the Germans arrived first and he was taken prisoner. Being an officer, his internment camp was located in neutral Switzerland and was rather comfortable. Here he began his play, The Prisoners of War, which deals with the cabin fever of captivity and the frustrated longings he experienced for another English prisoner. He was not repatriated to England until after the war ended.
    On August 7, 1918, two months before the end of hostilities, Peter Ackerly was killed in battle. His brother’s death haunted Ackerley his entire life. Ackerley suffered from survivor’s guilt and thought his father might have preferred his death to his brother’s. One result of Peter’s death was that Roger and Netta got married in 1919, reportedly because Peter had died “a bastard.”
    After the war Ackerley returned to England and attended Cambridge. Scant evidence remains from this time in his life as Ackerley wrote little about it. He moved to London and continued to write and enjoy the cosmopolitan delights of the capital. He met E. M. Forster and other literary bright lights, but was lonely despite a plethora of sexual partners. With his play having trouble finding a producer, and feeling generally adrift and distant from his family, Ackerley turned to Forster for guidance. Forster got him a position as secretary to a Maharaja he knew from writing A Passage to India. Ackerley spent about five months in India, still under British rule, and met a number of Anglo-Indians for whom he developed a strong distaste. The recollections of this time are the basis for his comic memoir Hindoo Holiday. The Maharaja was also a homosexual, and His Majesty’s obsessions and dalliances, along with Ackerley’s observations about Anglo-Indians, account for much of the humor of the work.
    Back in England, Prisoners of War was finally produced to some acclaim. Its run began at The Three Hundred Club on July 5, 1925, then transferred to The Playhouse on August 31. Ackerley capitalized on his success, carousing with London’s theatrical crowd, and through Cambridge friends met the actor John Gielgud, and other rising stars of the stage. In 1928, Ackerley joined the staff of the BBC, then only a year old, in the “Talks” Department, where prominent personalities gave lectures over the radio. Eventually he moved on to edit the BBC’s magazine The Listener, where he worked from 1935 to 1959, discovering and promoting many young writers, including Philip Larkin, W. H. Auden, Stephen Spender, and Christopher Isherwood.
    Ackerley worked hard to plumb the depths of his sexuality in his writings. He was openly Gay, at least after his parents’ deaths, and belonged to a circle of notable literary homosexuals that railed against the homophobia that kept Gay men in the closet or exposed openly Gay men to persecution. While he never found the “Ideal Friend” he wrote of so often, he had a number of long-term relationships. Ackerley was a “twank,” a term used by sailors and guardsmen to describe a man who paid for their sexual services, and he describes in detail the ritual of picking up and entertaining a young guardsman, sailor or laborer. My Father and Myself serves as a guide to the understanding of the sexuality of a Gay man of Ackerley’s generation. W. H. Auden, in his review of My Father and Myself, speculates that Ackerley enjoyed the “brotherly” sexual act of mutual masturbation rather than penetration. (Ackerley described himself as “quite impenetrable.”)
    His sister Nancy found him dead in his bed on the morning of June 4, 1967. Ackerley’s biographer Peter Parker gives the cause of death as coronary thrombosis.
    Toward the end of his life, Ackerley sold 1075 letters that Forster had sent him since 1922, receiving some £6000, “a sum of money which will enable Nancy and me to drink ourselves carelessly into our graves,” as he put it. Ackerley did not live long enough to enjoy the money from these letters, but the sum, plus the royalties from Ackerley’s existing works and several published posthumously, allowed Nancy to live on in relative comfort until her death in 1979. The annual J. R. Ackerley Prize for Autobiography was endowed by funds from Nancy, starting in 1982
    Read him.
    1918 – on this date the English poet and soldier WILFRED OWEN died (b. 1893). One of the leading poets of the First World War, Owen’s shocking, realistic war poetry on the horrors of trenches and gas warfare was heavily influenced by his friend Siegfried Sassoon and sat in stark contrast to both the public perception of war at the time, and to the confidently patriotic verse written earlier by war poets such as Rupert Brooke. Some of his best-known works—most of which were published posthumously—include “Dulce et Decorum Est,” “Insensibility”, “Anthem for Doomed Youth”, “Futility” and “Strange Meeting”. His preface intended for a book of poems to be published in 1919 contains numerous well-known phrases, especially “War, and the pity of War”, and “the Poetry is in the pity”.
    He was killed in action at the Battle of the Sambre a week before the war ended. Ironically, the telegram from the War Office announcing his death was delivered to his mother’s home as her town’s church bells were ringing in celebration of the Armistice when the war ended.
    Robert Graves and Sacheverell Sitwell (who also personally knew him) have stated Owen was homosexual, and homoeroticism is a central element in much of Owen’s poetry. Through Sassoon, Owen was introduced to a sophisticated homosexual literary circle which included Oscar Wilde’s friend Robbie Ross, writer and poet Osbert Sitwell, and Scottish writer C. K. Scott-Moncrieff, the translator of Proust. This contact broadened Owen’s outlook, and increased his confidence in incorporating homoerotic elements into his work. Historians have debated whether Owen had an affair with Scott-Moncrieff in May 1918; Scott-Moncrieff had dedicated various works to a “Mr W.O.”, but Owen never responded. The account of Owen’s sexual development has been somewhat obscured because his brother, Harold Owen, removed what he considered discreditable passages in Owen’s letters and diaries after the death of their mother. Owen also requested that his mother burn a sack of his personal papers in the event of his death, which she did.
    1946 – ROBERT MAPPLETHORPE, American photographer was born on this date (d. 1989); Known for large-scale, highly stylized black & white portraits, photos of flowers and male nudes, the frank, erotic nature of some of the work of his middle period triggered a more general controversy about the public funding of artworks. He attended (but did not graduate from) Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, where he majored in graphic arts.
    Mapplethorpe took his first photographs soon thereafter, using a Polaroid camera. In the mid-1970s, he acquired a large-format press camera and began taking photographs of a wide circle of friends and acquaintances, including artists, composers, socialites, but it wasn’t until he met porn star Benjamin Green that he truly became inspired to push the envelope of sexuality and photographing the human body. Mapplethorpe was once quoted as saying, “Of all the men and women that I had the pleasure of photographing, Ben Green was the apple of my eye, my unicorn if you will. I could shoot him for hours and hours and no matter the position, each print captured the complete essence of human perfection” (New York Times). It was this relationship that inspired him during the 1980s, to refine his photographs with an emphasis on formal beauty. He concentrated on statuesque male and female nudes, delicate flower still lifes, and formal portraits of artists and celebrities.
    Longtime lovers (and sexual adventurer) with curator, Sam Wagstaff, of the Wadsworth Atheneum of Art in Hartford Connecticut, the two cut an erotic and artistic swath through the New York glitterati and art scene in the 1970s and 80s the likes of which have rarely been seen before or since. Wagstaff was Mapplethorpe’s senior by precisely 25 years, having been born on exactly the same day in 1921. Both Mr. Wagstaff and Mr. Mapplethorpe died of AIDS, Mr. Wagstaff in 1987 and Mr. Mapplethorpe in 1989.
    1961 - today’s the birthday of JON ROBIN BAITZ, the American playwright, screenwriter, television producer and actor. Perhaps most recently well known as the creator and executive producer of the ABC drama Brothers & Sisters, which premiered in September 2006 and ran for five seasons, ending in May 2011.
    Baitz was raised in Brazil and South Africa before the family returned to California, where he attended Beverly Hills High School. After graduation, he worked as a bookstore clerk and assistant to two producers, and the experiences became the basis for his first play, a one-acter entitled Mizlansky/Zilinsky. He drew on his own background for his first two-act play, The Film Society, about the staff of a prep school in South Africa. Its 1987 success in L.A. led to an off-Broadway production with Nathan Lane the following year, which earned him a Drama Desk Award nomination for Outstanding New Play. This was followed by The End of the Day starring Roger Rees, and the Substance of Fire with Ron Rifkin and Sarah Jessica Parker.
    In 1991, Baitz wrote and directed the two-character play Three Hotels, based on his parents, for a presentation of PBS’s “American Playhouse”, then reworked the material for the stage, earning another Drama Desk Award nomination for Outstanding New Play for his efforts. In 1993, he co-scripted (with Howard A. Rodman) The Frightening Frammis, which was directed by Tom Cruise and aired as an episode of the Showtime anthology series Fallen Angels. Two years later, Henry Jaglom cast him as a gay playwright who achieves success at an early age – a character inspired by Baitz himself – in the film Last Summer in the Hamptons; the following year he appeared as Michelle Pfeiffer’s business associate in the screen comedy One Fine Day. In 1996, he was one of the three finalists for the Pulitzer Prize for his semi-autobiographical play A Fair Country.
    Subsequent stage works include Mizlansky/Zilinsky or “Schmucks”, a revised version of Mizlansky/Zilinsky directed by Baitz’s then-life partner JOE MANTELLO (1998), a new adaptation of Ibsen’s Hedda Gabler (at L.A.’s Geffen Playhouse with Annette Bening in 1999, then at Long Island’s Bay Street Theater with Kate Burton in 2000, followed by a Broadway production with the same star the following year), Ten Unknowns (2001), starring Donald Sutherland and Juliana Margulies and The Paris Letter (2005) with Ron Rifkin and John Glover. His screenplays include the adaptation of his own Substance of Fire (1996), with Tony Goldwyn and Timothy Hutton joining original cast members Rifkin and Parker, and People I Know (2003), which starred Al Pacino.
    Baitz was the New School for Drama’s’s artist in residence for the 2009-2010 school year. Recent plays include Other Desert Cities, which opened at the Mitzi E. Newhouse Theater in New York on January 13, 2011, starring Stockard Channing, Linda Lavin and Stacy Keach. As of 2011 Baitz is reportedly set to pen the stage adaptation of film producer Robert Evans’ memoirs, The Kid Stays in the Picture and its sequel, The Fat Lady Sang, with award-winning Sir Richard Eyre set to direct.
    2001 - on this date the openly Lesbian comedienne ELLEN DEGENERES hosted the Emmy Awards-TV show. It was the first awards show after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. DeGeneres received several standing ovations for her performance that evening which included the line: “We’re told to go on living our lives as usual, because to do otherwise is to let the terrorists win, and really, what would upset the Taliban more than a Gay woman wearing a suit in front of a room full of Jews?”
    2008 – on this date California’s PROPOSITION 8 passes, representing the first ever elimination of an existing right to marry for LGBT couples in the United States. The vote and the proposition is winding its way through the courts still four years later.


  • Un jeu pour expliquer aux enfants sud-africains comment se transmet le VIH

    PLOS Biology : Addressing HIV/AIDS in South African Classrooms

    The Transmission Game: An Example of Our Approach in Practice

    The transmission game is played as follows. Students are invited to a “party” where each participant is offered a glass of water and given an instruction on a piece of paper. The participants are warned not to drink from the glasses as the water may contain dangerous chemicals. One of the many glasses of water contains caustic soda. This represents the virus. Each student receives one of three possible instructions. Instruction one states that the participants may exchange fluids with as many people as possible. Instruction two states that the participant must find a partner and only exchange fluids with that person. The final instruction states that the participant should always say “no” to any request to exchange liquid. The students are given about five minutes to enact the instructions. The teacher then asks them to stop exchanging fluids and asks: “What do you think you have been doing?” The students will invariably answer that they have been engaging in unprotected sex. The teacher then invites the students to come forward for an HIV test. A drop of dye (phenolphthalein) is put into each glass. If the water turns pink, it indicates a positive HIV test result. Clear water indicates a negative result. The teacher reminds the students that only one glass did not contain pure water at the beginning of the activity.

    #sida #santé #enseignement

  • With No Contract Deal by Deadline in Chicago, Teachers Will Strike

    Union leaders for this city’s public schoolteachers said that they would strike on Monday morning after negotiations ended late Sunday with no contract agreement between the union and the nation’s third largest school system, which have been locked for months in a dispute over wages, job security and teacher evaluations.

    photo Sitthixay Ditthavong/Associated Press
    #syndicats #grève #enseignants

  • Teacher Dude’s Grill and BBQ: What we’ve lost - A personal account of the crisis in Greece

    I could give you a list of statistics and figures that show just how bad the situation has got here in Thessaloniki, such as rise in unemployment or I could tell you how many businesses have closed down in the city over the last 12 months. Then there are the number of suicide attempts “successful” and “unsuccessful” that have taken place in Greece recently. But I doubt that they would mean much to you. Numbers have a strange way of draining the life out of any disaster, reducing it to simply an accountant’s end of year report.

    Instead I would like to talk about what I have lost and through that give you an idea of the what people are going through. For my the most poignant memory of late has not been people sleeping out in freezing temperatures or pensioners rifling through rubbish bins for food, nor has it been the sight of kids as young as 8 years old collecting scrap metal from bins and off the street to sell. No, for me the worst image has been that of a cardboard box, inside it the things my daughter will be taking with her to her new home 200km from here.

    Unable to survive economically in the city Lydia and her mother have decided to move away to be closer to her family. The small flower business her mother has struggled to keep afloat for the least two years is now completely unviable and so is being closed down. With people now waiting to see what happens before getting married and fewer and fewer buying flowers to take as presents to friends and family the shop has become a liability and will close down in the next few days.


  • Teacher Dude’s Grill and BBQ

    Random thoughts on teaching, news and living in Greece.

    “If your whole life is one little car, set fire to it yourself”

    Greek high school students protesting the murder of 15 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulo

    A week of living dangerously

    This week has been one of the most intense I ever experienced and I don’t know where to begin as far as my personal feelings are concerned. I feel that I’ve crammed six months of memories into the last six days. Today I was ready to take a break from participating in marches and just stick to my day job. I was exhausted both physically and emotionally by the last week but when I woke up I read that the ballistics report on the death of the 15 year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos had supposedly vindicated the cops version of events. I was so filled me with anger that there was no way I wasn’t going to demonstrate.


  • 9-year-old suspended for calling teacher ‘cute’ | The Raw Story

    A North Carolina fourth grader says he didn’t even know what sexual harassment meant until he was suspended for telling another student that his teacher was “cute.”

    Chiquita Lockett told WSOC that the principal of Brookside Elementary in Gastonia called to explain that her son, Emanyea, had been suspended for “sexual harassment.”

    ça veut pas plutôt dire que l’enseignant se sentait tenté, nawak un gosse de 9 ans enfant coupable de harcèlement sexuel à l’endroit de son instit

  • The threat to moderate Indonesia | The Australian

    Both nominate the enormous amount of Saudi money that goes into financing extremely conservative religious institutions in Indonesia. Fajar recounts the tale of a teacher he had in his home town of Solo who attended a three-week course at a Saudi-funded institution in Bogor. “He used to teach me about pluralism and tolerance, but after training at the Saudi-funded institution, he came back totally opposite: totally opposed to democracy and human rights, saying they were Western imports and haram [unclean]. They have very intensive training at those institutions.”

  • US judges rule for teacher who called creationism ’superstitious nonsense’ - CSMonitor.com

    A public high school teacher in California may not be sued for making hostile remarks about religion in his classroom, a federal appeals court ruled on Friday.

    The decision stems from a lawsuit filed by a student charging that the teacher’s hostile remarks about creationism and religious faith violated a First Amendment mandate that the government remain neutral in matters of religion.

    A three-judge panel of the Ninth US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled unanimously that the lawsuit against an advanced placement history teacher at Capistrano Valley High School in Mission Viejo must be thrown out of court because the teacher was entitled to immunity.

    #USA #religion #créationnisme

  • Academic claims Israeli school textbooks contain bias | World news | The Observer

    Nurit Peled-Elhanan, an Israeli academic, mother and political radical, summons up an image of rows of Jewish schoolchildren, bent over their books, learning about their neighbours, the Palestinians. But, she says, they are never referred to as Palestinians unless the context is terrorism.

    They are called Arabs. “The Arab with a camel, in an Ali Baba dress. They describe them as vile and deviant and criminal, people who don’t pay taxes, people who live off the state, people who don’t want to develop,” she says. “The only representation is as refugees, primitive farmers and terrorists. You never see a Palestinian child or doctor or teacher or engineer or modern farmer.”

    Peled-Elhanan, a professor of language and education at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, has studied the content of Israeli school books for the past five years, and her account, Palestine in Israeli School Books: Ideology and Propaganda in Education, is to be published in the UK this month. She describes what she found as racism– but, more than that, a racism that prepares young Israelis for their compulsory military service.


    Children, she says, grow up to serve in the army and internalise the message that Palestinians are “people whose life is dispensable with impunity. And not only that, but people whose number has to be diminished.”

  • Larry Page Wants to Return Google to Its Startup Roots | Magazine

    “You can’t understand Google,” vice president Marissa Mayer says, “unless you know that both Larry and Sergey were Montessori kids.” She’s referring to schools based on the educational philosophy of Maria Montessori, an Italian physician born in 1870 who believed that children should be allowed the freedom to pursue their interests. “In a Montessori school, you go paint because you have something to express or you just want to do it that afternoon, not because the teacher said so,” she says. “This is baked into how Larry and Sergey approach problems. They’re always asking, why should it be like that? It’s the way their brains were programmed early on.”

    • moi qui ai été dans une école « inspirée de Freinet », je ne comprends vraiment pas que ce ne soit pas plus développé

    • Tu es resté longtemps dans cette école Freinet ? Notre grande fille a passé 1 an 1/2 dans une école Montessori à Paris - entre 2 et 3 ans - On sentait que c’était comme ça qu’elle se développera.

      Aujourd’hui, l’école de notre village n’est pas Montessori, loin de là, mais comme il y a - par exemple - 20 élèves en C.P., le maître a le temps de leur accorder beaucoup plus d’attention. Vivre loin des villes, ça peut avoir encore des avantages :-)

  • Thirteen homes and three school buildings destroyed by Israeli forces | International Solidarity Movement

    More than 13 homes and three school buildings were bulldozed this morning by occupation forces in the small Bedouin village of Dkaika near Yatta south of Hebron. One eye witness – an English teacher at the school – said “the Israeli army arrived at the village at around 7:30am with over fifty military vehicles and at least six bulldozers before forcibly removing the children from the school and destroying three classrooms.” He went on, “the children, some of whom are as young as seven years old, were crying and shouting at the soldiers to stop.”

    #Israël #Palestine #bédouins