technology:blockchain technologies

  • #crypto for Adventurers. Part 1: Access

    via National GeographicThis guide is meant as a companion to your adventure in crypto. It follows the first article in the series which covered the promises and excitement of blockchain technologies in the context of its evolution over the past decade. If you’ve already delved into the space, I’m hopeful these articles will fill in some hidden gaps.My journey in crypto has not been straightforward. I’ve been in tech the last few decades and yet I found the maze of services, offerings, platforms and tokens in blockchain frankly overwhelming.I needed to build up a mental model of the entire puzzle, but I struggled to know where to start. Over time I learned about the evolution of the various blockchain generations enough to understand what they had in common and where they distinguished (...)

    #ethereum #wallet #bitcoin #eos

  • Speaking Of #crypto with Shannon Grinnell

    Episode 31 of the Hacker Noon #podcast: An interview Shannon Grinnell, host of Speaking of Crypto Podcast.Listen to the interview on iTunes, or Google Podcast, or watch on YouTube.In this episode Trent Lapinski interviews Shannon Grinnell where they discuss #blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and Shannon’s background. You can also check out Trent being interviewed by Shannon on her podcast, where they discuss crypto visionaries, tech for Trump, and why Apple bites.“I thought I would do a podcast on Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies but it ended up being more on blockchain technologies because the people that I met were really focused on building something with this really incredible technology.” — Shannon Grinnell Of Crypto with Shannon (...)

    #hackernoon-podcast #shannon-grinnell

  • What are Blockchain Benefits and Trends in 2019?

    Are you looking for Top Benefits and Trends of Blockchain, Ethereum & Hyperledger in 2019? Have a look at some blockchain trends and blockchain benefits that will rule 2019:The blockchain technologies (Ethereum & Hyperledger) are at the peak of hype, research, and debate for tech giants and large corporations across the world. As it was in the last year, there are whole new sets of blockchain benefits and blockchain trends which will be followed by blockchain development companies and businesses in 2019.As per a research report by IDC, a total of over $1.5 Billion have already been spent by companies on blockchain technology like ethereum & hyperledger as of October 2018. This number is expected to reach a whopping $11.7 billion by the year 2022, at a CAGR of 73.2%.Statista (...)

    #blockchain-stats-2019 #blockchain-trends-2019 #ethereum-benefits #blockchain-benefits #blockchain-advantages

  • Querying the #blockchain: Why The Graph Might Become One of the Important Protocols of the Web3…

    Querying the Blockchain: Why The Graph Might Become One of the Important Protocols of the Web3 StackData access has played a prominent role in any technology trend in the history of software. Data access technologies such as databases, search engines or query APIs are so ubiquitous that we barely think about them when architecting software solutions. As Web 3.0, decentralized applications powered by blockchain technologies evolve, infrastructure blocks such as data access will become more relevant. However, solving data access in the blockchain have proven to be a very challenging endeavor that forces developers to spend significant amounts of time writing infrastructure code. Among, the Web3 data access solutions in the market, The Graph Protocol is that one that I particularly like (...)

    #invector-labs #ethereum #cryptocurrency #blockchain-technology

  • Why Signal and not Threema ? : signal

    Signal is open source, Threema is not, so that disqualifies Threema as a secure app in my opinion. You could as well continue using WhatsApp since it’s also end to end encrypted but closed source. Wire is another great alternative, and it’s German.

    Hacker erklären, welche Messenger-App am sichersten ist - Motherboard

    C’est en allemand, mais c’est valable sans égard de la langue que vous utilisez pour votre communication.
    – La communication sécurisée en ligne doit obligatoirement passer par une app et un prootocole open source.
    – Il vous faut un système qui exclue ou rend très difficile la collection de métatdonnées par des tiers.
    – Votre système de communication « voice » et « chat » doit fonctionner avec des clients smartphome et desktop si vous voulez entretenir un fil de commmunication indépendamment du type d’appareil à votre disposition.

    Passons sur les exigences plus poussées, je ne vois que Signal qui satisfait tous ces besoins. Après on peut toujours utiliser plusieurs « messenger apps » afin de rester au courant des « updates » de tout le monde - à l’exception des apps de Facebook (Whatsapp), Wechat et Google parce que leur utilistion constitue une menace de votre vie privée simplement par l’installation sur votre portable.

    Roland Schilling (33) und Frieder Steinmetz (28) haben vor sechs Jahren begonnen, an der TU Hamburg unter anderem zu dieser Frage zu forschen. In einer Zeit, als noch niemand den Namen Edward Snowden auch nur gehört hatte, brüteten Schilling und Steinmetz bereits über die Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Verschlüsselungsprotokolle und Messenger-Apps. So haben sie beispielsweise im vergangenen Jahr geschafft, die Verschlüsselung von Threema per Reverse Engineering nachzuvollziehen.

    Ihre Forschung ist mittlerweile zu einer Art Aktivismus und Hobby geworden, sagen die beiden: Sie wollen Menschen außerhalb von Fachkreisen vermitteln, wie elementar die Privatsphäre in einer Demokratie ist. Im Interview erklären sie, auf was man bei der Wahl des Messengers achten soll, welche App in punkto Sicherheit nicht unbedingt hält, was sie verspricht und warum Kreditinstitute sich über datenhungrige Messenger freuen.
    Roland Schilling: Bei mir ist es anders. Ich bringe die Leute einfach dazu, die Apps zu benutzen, die ich auch nutze. Das sind ausschließlich Threema, Signal und Wire. Wenn Leute mit mir reden wollen, dann klappt das eigentlich immer auf einer von den Dreien.
    Frieder: ... Signal und WhatsApp etwa setzen auf die gleiche technische Grundlage, das Signal-Protokoll, unterscheiden sich aber in Nuancen. Threema hat ein eigenes, nicht ganz schlechtes Protokoll, das aber beispielsweise keine ‘Perfect Forward Secrecy’ garantiert. Die Technik verhindert, dass jemand mir in der Zukunft meinen geheimen Schlüssel vom Handy klaut und damit meine gesamte verschlüsselte Kommunikation entschlüsseln kann, die ich über das Handy geführt habe. Signal und WhatsApp haben das.
    Roland: Ein gutes Messenger-Protokoll ist Open Source und ermöglicht damit Forschern und der Öffentlichkeit, eventuell bestehende Schwachstellen zu entdecken und das Protokoll zu verbessern. Leider gibt es auf dem Messenger-Markt auch viele Angebote, die ihre vorgebliche „Verschlüsselung“ diesem Prozess entziehen und geheim halten, oder das Protokoll zwar veröffentlichen, aber auf Kritik nicht eingehen.

    Secure WhatsApp Alternatives – Messenger Comparison

    Threema and Telegram under Control of Russia’s Government ?

    WhatsApp Exploited by NSA and US Secret Services?
    Go to the profile of Vadim An
    Vadim An
    Mar 7, 2018
    This is the end of era centralized communication!

    The 2017/2018 years are hot and saturated with cybersecurity challenges. Almost every week, a major media source reported hacking incidents or backdoor exploits in popular communication and messaging services. Some of which granted government agents unauthorized access to private and confidential information from within the communications industry.

    According to mass-media reports, one of the most popular Swiss secure messaging apps Threema moved under the control of the Russian government and has been listed in the official registry with a view to controlling user communications.

    This can be seen on regulatory public website

    This knockout news was commented by Crypviser — innovative German developer of the most secure instant communication platform based on Blockchain technologies, of the point of view, what does it mean for millions of Threema users?

    To answer this question, let’s understand the requirements for getting listed in this registry as an “information-dissemination organizers” according to a new Russian federal law, beginning from 01 June 2018.

    The law requires that all companies listed in internet regulator’s registry must store all users’ metadata (“information about the arrival, transmission, delivery, and processing of voice data, written text, images, sounds, or other kinds of action”), along with content of correspondence, voice call records and make it accessible to the Russian authorities. Websites can avoid the hassle of setting aside this information by granting Russian officials unfettered, constant access to their entire data stream.

    This is very bad news for Threema users. Threema officials have reported that they are not aware of any requirements to store, collect, or provide information. Maybe not yet though since there is still some time until 01 June 2018 when the new law kicks in and Threema will be obligated to provide direct access to sensitive user’s data.

    It’s possible that Threema is fully aware of this despite claiming otherwise. They may realize that the most popular messenger in Russia, Telegram, has been under pressure since refusing to officially cooperate with Russian secret services. If Russia takes steps to block Telegram as a result, then Threema would become the next best alternative service. That is assuming they’re willing to violating the security and privacy rights of its users by giving in to the new law’s requirements.

    Based on the reports of Financial Time magazine, the Telegram founder agreed to register their app with Russian censors by the end of June 2017. This, however; is not a big loss for Telegram community because of the lack of security in Telegram to date. During the last 2 years, its security protocol has been criticized many times and many security issues were found by researchers. Although there is no direct evidence showing that Telegram has already cooperated with the Russian government or other governments, these exploitable bugs and poor security models make Telegram users vulnerable victims to hackers and secret services of different countries.

    The same security benchmark issues have been explored in the biggest communication app WhatsApp. The security model of WhatsApp has been recognized as vulnerable by the most reputed cryptographic experts and researchers worldwide. According to the Guardian, a serious “backdoor” was found in encryption. More specifically, the key exchange algorithm.

    A common security practice in encrypted messaging services involves the generation and store of a private encryption key offline on the user’s device. And only the public key gets broadcasted to other users through the company’s server. In the case of WhatsApp, we have to trust the company that it will not alter public key exchange mechanism between the sender and receiver to perform man-in-the-middle attack for snooping of users encrypted private communication.

    Tobias Boelter, security researcher from the University of California, has reported that WhatsApp’s end-to-end encryption, based on Signal protocol, has been implemented in a way that if WhatsApp or any hacker intercepts your chats, by exploiting trust-based key exchange mechanism, you will never come to know if any change in encryption key has occurred in the background.

    The Guardian reports, “WhatsApp has implemented a backdoor into the Signal protocol, giving itself the ability to force the generation of new encryption keys for offline users and to make the sender re-encrypt messages with new keys and send them again for any messages that have not been marked as delivered. The recipient is not made aware of this change in encryption.”

    But on the other hand, the developer of Signal messaging app Open Whisper Systems says, ”There is no WhatsApp backdoor”, “it is how cryptography works,” and the MITM attack “is endemic to public key cryptography, not just WhatsApp.”

    It’s worth noting that none of the security experts or the company itself have denied the fact that, if required by the government, WhatsApp can intercept your chats. They do say; however, WhatsApp is designed to be simple, and users should not lose access to messages sent to them when their encryption key is changed. With this statement, agrees on a cybersecurity expert and CTO of Crypviser, Vadim Andryan.

    “The Man-in-the-Middle attack threat is the biggest and historical challenge of asymmetric cryptography, which is the base of end-to-end encryption model. It’s hard to say, is this “backdoor” admitted intentionally or its became on front due lack of reliable public — key authentication model. But it definitely one of the huge disadvantages of current cryptographic models used for secure instant communication networks, and one of the main advantage of Crypviser platform.”

    Crypviser has introduced a new era of cryptography based on Blockchain technologies. It utilizes Blockchain to eliminate all threats of Man-in-the-Middle attack and solves the historical public key encryption issue by using decentralized encryption keys, exchanges, and authorization algorithms. The authentication model of Crypviser provides public key distribution and authorization in peer-to-peer or automated mode through Blockchain.

    After commercial launch of Crypviser unified app, ”messenger” for secure social communication will be available on the market in free and premium plans. The free plan in peer-to-peer authentication mode requires user interaction to check security codes for every new chat and call. The full-featured premium plan offers Blockchain based automated encryption model and powerful professional security features on all levels.

    You can see the comperisation table of Crypviser with centralized alternatives in the below table

    #internet #communication #sécurité #vie_privée

  • Event : #blockchain Summit #frankfurt

    Blockchain Summit Frankfurt is a 2-day conference and exhibition connecting over 2,000 industry leaders, business decision makers, tech innovators and investors.Blockchain Summit has grown exponentially in content and audience size.Based on unrivalled content and exceptional networking opportunities, Blockchain Summit Frankfurt is part of the largest dedicated Blockchain Event Series in the World. No co-located side events. A purely Blockchain focused audience.Join the Summit keynote programme for unparalleled discussion with 100 visionary speakers. Cutting edge case studies offer a “how-to” approach to deploying Blockchain technologies across industries like finance, insurance, logistics, utilities, media and entertainment, and more.Roundtable discussions and hosted networking sessions (...)

    #blockchain-frankfurt #blockchain-summit #blockchain-event

  • Achieving #blockchain Scalability with Sparse Merkle Trees and Bloom Filters

    by Andrew BarisserMerkle Trees in BitcoinProblems with scaling are a primary factor blocking broader adoption of blockchain technologies like #bitcoin. These systems as they exist today simply won’t scale. We are forced to ask the question again and again, how can we extend the trustless paradigm across millions and billions of users if, to remain trustless, every user must validate very transaction?In this post I will lay out my thoughts on the matter, and propose a system involving Sparse Merkle Trees used in conjunction with Bloom Filters. It will retain many of the features of Bitcoin, namely Proof-of-Work and confirmation of block headers. But I lay out a proposal which I hope can attain 10x or more scalability over the current system, which currently relies on global verification of (...)

    #technology #sparse-merkle-trees #blockchain-scalability

  • An examination of proof-of-work and how it solves the mass coordination problem

    Bitcoin itself is a marvel of modern engineering. As technology typically evolves, we are much farther ahead in our development of Bitcoin and other blockchain technologies than we are with our fundamental understanding of them. This post is an attempt to understand the underlying machinations that allow Bitcoin to be the tour de force that it is. I see the proof-of-work mechanism as the most significant contributor to this reality, but the question of why is a little more complicated. Let’s start with the basics.What problem is proof-of-work solving?The purpose of the proof-of-work algorithm in the context of Bitcoin is to solve the coordination problem in processing transactions. A somewhat applicable analogy is the Git versioning system. How do you create a system where many people (...)