• Il sintomo Mangione

    Si è già detto tutto e il contrario di tutto sull’identità di #Luigi_Mangione, il giovane americano che qualche giorno fa ha ucciso a Manhattan il CEO di #united_healthcare, uno dei colossi della #farmaceutica responsabile della morte di migliaia di cittadini americani, a causa delle politiche dilazionatorie messe in atto per posticipare il più […]

    #L'informazione_di_Blackout #Stati_Uniti

  • Exclusive : #Luigi ’s Manifesto - Ken Klippenstein

    I’ve obtained a copy of suspected killer Luigi #Mangione ’s manifesto — the real one, not the forgery circulating online. Major media outlets are also in possession of the document but have refused to publish it and not even articulated a reason why. My queries to The New York Times, The Washington Post, CNN and NBC to explain their rationale for withholding the manifesto, while gladly quoting from it selectively, have not been answered.

    I’ll have more to say on this later — on how unhealthy the media’s drift away from public disclosure is — but for now, here’s the manifesto:

    “To the Feds, I’ll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn’t working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it. My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there. I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done. Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming. A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. #United is the [indecipherable] largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart. It has grown and grown, but as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these [indecipherable] have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allwed them to get away with it. Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty.”


    J’avoue être perplexe depuis hier, à me demander lequel de ces manifestes est un vrai, un faux, un à moitié vrai, un potentiellement faux... Et pas certain qu’on puisse le savoir un jour.

  • The #Allopathic #Complex and Its Consequences

    #luigi #mangione's last words

    LM Dec 09, 2024

    The second amendment means I am my own #chief_executive and commander in chief of my own military. I authorize my own act of #self-defense in response to a hostile entity making war on me and my family.

    Nelson Mandela says no form of viooence can be excused. Camus says it’s all the same, whether you live or die or have a cup of coffee. MLK says violence never brings permanent peace. Gandhi says that non-violence is the mightiest power available to mankind.
    That’s who they tell you are heroes. That’s who our revolutionaries are.

    Yet is that not capitalistic? Non-violence keeps the system working at full speed ahead.

    What did it get us. Look in the mirror.

    They want us to be #non-violent, so that they can grow fat off the blood they take from us.

    The only way out is through. Not all of us will make it. Each of us is our own chief executive. You have to decide what you will tolerate.
    In #Gladiator 1 #Maximus cuts into the military tattoo that identifies him as part of the roman legion. His friend asks “Is that the sign of your god?” As Maximus carves deeper into his own flesh, as his own blood drips down his skin, Maximus smiles and nods yes. The tattoo represents the emperor, who is god. The god emperor has made himself part of Maximus’s own flesh. The only way to destroy the emperor is to destroy himself. Maximus smiles through the pain because he knows it is worth it.

    These might be my last words. I don’t know when they will come for me. I will resist them at any cost. That’s why I smile through the pain.

    They diagnosed my mother with severe neuropathy when she was forty-one years old. She said it started ten years before that with burning sensations in her feet and occasional sharp stabbing pains. At first the pain would last a few moments, then fade to tingling, then numbness, then fade to nothing a few days later.
    The first time the pain came she ignored it. Then it came a couple times a year and she ignored it. Then every couple months. Then a couple times a month. Then a couple times a week. At that point by the time the tingling faded to numbness, the pain would start, and the discomfort was constant. At that point even going from the couch to the kitchen to make her own lunch became a major endeavor

    She started with ibuprofen, until the stomach aches and acid reflux made her switch to acetaminophen. Then the headaches and barely sleeping made her switch back to ibuprofen.

    The first doctor said it was psychosomatic. Nothing was wrong. She needed to relax, destress, sleep more.

    The second doctor said it was a compressed nerve in her spine. She needed back surgery. It would cost $180,000. Recovery would be six months minimum before walking again. Twelve months for full potential recovery, and she would never lift more than ten pounds of weight again.

    The third doctor performed a Nerve Conduction Study, Electromyography, MRI, and blood tests. Each test cost $800 to $1200. She hit the $6000 deductible of her #UnitedHealthcare plan in October. Then the doctor went on vacation, and my mother wasn’t able to resume tests until January when her deductible reset.

    The tests showed severe #neuropathy. The $180,000 surgery would have had no effect.

    They prescribed #opioids for the pain. At first the pain relief was worth the price of constant mental fog and constipation. She didn’t tell me about that until later. All I remember is we took a trip for the first time in years, when she drove me to Monterey to go to the aquarium. I saw an otter in real life, swimming on its back. We left at 7am and listened to Green Day on the four-hour car ride. Over time, the opioids stopped working. They made her MORE sensitive to pain, and she felt withdrawal symptoms after just two or three hours.

    Then gabapentin. By now the pain was so bad she couldn’t exercise, which compounded the weight gain from the slowed metabolic rate and hormonal shifts. And it barely helped the pain, and made her so fatigued she would go an entire day without getting out of bed.

    Then Corticosteroids. Which didn’t even work.

    The pain was so bad I would hear my mother wake up in the night screaming in pain. I would run into her room, asking if she’s OK. Eventually I stopped getting up. She’d yell out anguished shrieks of wordless pain or the word “fuck” stretched and distended to its limits. I’d turn over and go back to sleep.

    All of this while they bled us dry with follow-up appointment after follow-up appointment, specialist consultations, and more imagine scans. Each appointment was promised to be fully covered, until the insurance claims were delayed and denied. Allopathic medicine did nothing to help my mother’s suffering. Yet it is the foundation of our entire society.

    My mother told me that on a good day the nerve pain was like her legs were immersed in ice water. On a bad day it felt like her legs were clamped in a machine shop vice, screwed down to where the cranks stopped turning, then crushed further until her ankle bones sprintered and cracked to accommodate the tightening clamp. She had more bad days than good.

    My mother crawled to the bathroom on her hands and knees. I slept in the living room to create more distance from her cries in the night. I still woke up, and still went back to sleep.
    Back then I thought there was nothing I could do.

    The high copays made consistent treatment impossible. New treatments were denied as “not medically necessary.” Old treatments didn’t work, and still put us out for thousands of dollars.
    UnitedHealthcare limited specialist consultations to twice a year.
    Then they refused to cover advanced imaging, which the specialists required for an appointment.

    Prior authorizations took weeks, then months.

    UnitedHealthcare constantly changed their claim filing procedure. They said my mother’s doctor needed to fax his notes. Then UnitedHealthcare said they did not save faxed patient correspondence, and required a hardcopy of the doctor’s typed notes to be mailed. Then they said they never received the notes. They were unable to approve the claim until they had received and filed the notes.

    They promised coverage, and broke their word to my mother.
    With every delay, my anger surged. With every denial, I wanted to throw the doctor through the glass wall of their hospital waiting room.

    But it wasn’t them. It wasn’t the doctors, the receptionists, administrators, pharmacists, imaging technicians, or anyone we ever met. It was UnitedHealthcare.

    People are dying. Evil has become institutionalized. Corporations make billions of dollars off the pain, suffering, death, and anguished cries in the night of millions of Americans.

    We entered into an agreement for healthcare with a legally binding contract that promised care commensurate with our insurance payments and medical needs. Then UnitedHealthcare changes the rules to suit their own profits. They think they make the rules, and think that because it’s legal that no one can punish them.

    They think there’s no one out there who will stop them.

    Now my own chronic back pain wakes me in the night, screaming in pain. I sought out another type of healing that showed me the real antidote to what ails us.

    I bide my time, saving the last of my strength to strike my final blows. All extractors must be forced to swallow the bitter pain they deal out to millions.

    As our own chief executives, it’s our obligation to make our own lives better. First and foremost, we must seek to improve our own circumstances and defend ourselves. As we do so, our actions have ripple effects that can improve the lives of others.

    Rules exist between two individuals, in a network that covers the entire earth. Some of these rules are written down. Some of these rules emerge from natural respect between two individuals. Some of these rules are defined in physical laws, like the properties of gravity, magnetism or the potential energy stored in the chemical bonds of potassium nitrate.

    No single document better encapsulates the belief that all people are equal in fundamental worth and moral status and the frameworks for fostering collective well-being than the US constitution.

    Writing a rule down makes it into a law. I don’t give a fuck about the law. Law means nothing. What does matter is following the guidance of our own logic and what we learn from those before us to maximize our own well-being, which will then maximize the well-being of our loved ones and community.

    That’s where UnitedHealthcare went wrong. They violated their contract with my mother, with me, and tens of millions of other Americans. This threat to my own health, my family’s health, and the health of our country’s people requires me to respond with an act of war.


    #UnitedHealthcare #LuigiMangione #Luigi_Mangione #mangione


  • Assassinat de Brian Thompson à New York : un homme arrêté en Pennsylvanie

    « Des membres de la police d’Altoona », à 500 kilomètres à l’ouest de New York, « ont arrêté Luigi Mangione, un homme de 26 ans, pour possession d’armes à feu. A l’heure actuelle, nous pensons qu’il s’agit de la personne que nous recherchons dans le meurtre ciblé et effronté de Brian Thompson, PDG de #UnitedHealthcare », a déclaré Jessica Tisch, la patronne de la police de New York (NYPD), lors d’un point presse aux côtés du maire, Eric Adams.

    L’homme a été placé en garde à vue après que la police eut reçu une information selon laquelle il avait été repéré dans un McDonald’s, a ajouté la patronne de la police de New York. « Ils ont également récupéré des vêtements, dont un masque, correspondant à ceux portés par l’individu recherché, a déclaré Mme Tisch. Ils ont également récupéré une fausse carte d’identité du New Jersey correspondant à celle que notre suspect avait utilisée pour s’enregistrer dans son auberge de jeunesse de New York avant l’assassinat. »

    Les policiers qui l’ont arrêté ont découvert sur lui plusieurs fausses pièces d’identité, un passeport américain, ainsi qu’une arme à feu et un silencieux, « tous deux compatibles avec l’arme utilisée dans le meurtre », a ajouté la cheffe de la police.

    Le chef des enquêteurs du NYPD, Joseph Kenny, a identifié le suspect comme étant Luigi Nicholas Mangione, qui est né et a grandi dans le Maryland, et une dernière adresse connue à Honolulu, à Hawaï. Il possédait une « arme fantôme », un type d’arme qui peut être assemblée à la maison à partir de pièces sans numéro de série, ce qui les rend difficiles à retracer, ont déclaré les enquêteurs. « Pour l’instant, les informations que nous recevons d’Altoona indiquent que l’arme semble être une arme fantôme qui pourrait avoir été fabriquée sur une imprimante 3D, capable de tirer une balle de 9 mm », a ajouté le responsable de l’enquête. Il avait aussi avec lui un document laissant penser qu’« il éprouve de l’hostilité à l’encontre des entreprises américaines ». A ce stade, la police n’a [pourtant] fait état d’aucun mobile [afin de limiter l’émulation consécutive à ce meurtre].


  • Fab, Epic’s New Unified Content Marketplace, Launches Today ! - Epic Games

    Fab is the successor to the Unreal Engine Marketplace and Sketchfab Store, and the new home for Quixel Megascans. This new open marketplace supports all types of creators with content for use across Unreal Engine, Unity 3D, Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN) and other digital content creation tools. Unreal Engine developers will be able to access Fab directly in the Unreal Engine 5 Editor, and Fornite creators can discover Fortnite ready assets through Fab in UEFN. The Fab integration in UEFN is undergoing maintenance and will be back online shortly, and the Fab integration in the Unreal Engine 5 Editor is coming soon.

    On notera l’ouverture à la concurrence, en plus des assets d’Epic Games.

    #jeux_vidéo #jeu_vidéo #epic_games #marketplace #boutique #unreal_engine #sketchfab #unity_3d

  • The Costs of Criminalizing the Homeless

    Children at a homeless encampment in San Diego, California, on Wednesday, July 31, 2024. (Carlos Moreno / Anadolu via Getty Images)

    Quand on rend responsables les pauvrrs de leur sort on ignore le fait qu’il s’agit d’un mal nécessaire et d’une conséquence immédiate du système capitaliste que subissent les pauvres. Le seul acte de solidarité utile au dela du présent serait de les convaincre de se joindre aux organisations anticapitalistes de leur classe.

    Quand on regarde les État Unis on découvre que la catastrophe sociale n’est pas seulement plus grave qu"en Europe de l’Ouest mais que ses victimes sont considérés comme par les nazis allemands. On les traite comme des sous-hommes atteints d’une maladie héréditaire.

    Voilà encore un indice qui s’ajoute au fait que la politique génocidaire nazie, pas celle contre les juifs mais contre les peuples slaves, a été conçue suivant l’exemple de la colonisation des amériques et de l’extermination de ses peuples autochtones.

    Ceci explique aussi pourquoi l’impérialisme états-unien a réussi ses projets de reconstruction des nations allemandes et japonaises. D’abord on partageait quelques idées fondamentales comme la supériorité de sa propre « race » puis les anciens ennemis temporaires devaient participer sur cette base idéologique au maintien de l’empire repris des britanniques et contribuer à son élargiissement. Cette exigence marque toujours la relation des USA avec ses partenaires.

    Aprës 1950 la pauvreté c’était pour les autres, pour les africains et les asiatiques sauf pour les japonais. Chez soi on narguait le peuple en lui promettant une vie prospère. La promesse n’a pas été respectée, même pendant cette époque révolue.

    Aujourd’hui on retourne au sources de l"exploitation sans merci et se prend le droit de laisser crever dans la rue les plus défavorisés. Parfois on ne leur laisse même pas ce droit.

    23.9.2024 by Richard Schweid - In June, the US Supreme Court voted 6-3 to allow states to ban homeless people from sleeping outside. This decision has put thousands of unhoused families in danger, exacerbating a crisis for which both political parties are to blame.

    A few years ago, I was staying at a motel in Arlington, Virginia, beside the Robert E. Lee highway, one of the principal roads leading into our nation’s capital. The motel had government approval to serve as a way station for homeless families, and to collect their rent from municipal authorities. Every night a local church sent around a van loaded with hot meals in Styrofoam cartons. The van parked in the motel’s parking lot and people came out from their rooms to collect supper for themselves and their children.

    On one side of the motel was a little slope of woods, running down to a small creek that flowed, a little further on, under a bridge across the highway. When that van parked, people materialized from out of those trees, climbing the slope in considerable numbers. A few were holding the hands of their children. Old and young, down on their luck, living by that creek as best they could. Most of them looked like they could really use that hot meal.

    I thought of them following the Trump Supreme Court’s recent 6-3 decision empowering municipalities to make sleeping outdoors, including in encampments, illegal. It provides a taste of what a Trump era’s social policy toward the unhoused would look like. Over the past fifty years, the number of families without stable housing on any given night has skyrocketed. People living in harsh conditions of extreme poverty have been a feature of our national landscape ever since the beginning of European colonization, but rarely have so many been shown such little care.

    In the early European colonies, families in extreme poverty were a fact of life. The New World was fraught with dangers: disease, accident, or death left some families unable to care for themselves. The community assisted these families one by one. As the nation’s population grew, so did the number of families requiring assistance, and public officials began to construct almshouses where the poor — children and adults — could be collectively housed. It was considerably cheaper to care for people in bulk and easier to weed out the undeserving.

    For most of the nineteenth century, those families that needed help had to accept congregate housing or none at all. Today, the choice is the same: almshouses or nothing. And in today’s almshouses — called shelters — it is not unusual to find children thrown together with mentally ill adults, just like in an eighteenth-century almshouse. Children have no choice but to sleep and wake in congregate shelter amid families not their own, and some of those families will include individuals who are truly mentally disturbed, or just plain weird. These children are at higher risk than their stably housed peers for poor health, bad grades, domestic abuse, and low self-esteem.

    On any given night, over one hundred thousand children experience homelessness with their families in the United States, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). “Homeless” once meant single men sleeping rough, but now it is just as likely to mean families in dire economic circumstances, who can’t afford a place to spend the night. Public shelters are often full or unsafe, leaving mothers and children who are living in extreme poverty with no other choices than to sleep in their cars, or motel rooms, or mattresses on floors, packed into small spaces with too many friends or family.

    City officials in many places, desperate to cleanse their streets of people experiencing homelessness in plain sight, made it illegal to bring them food. A multitude of cities and towns have “vehicle dwelling bans,” on their books, which make it illegal to live in your car. These laws are usually enforced in municipalities with limited shelter space for those experiencing homelessness, leaving people to fend for themselves, even those with families. In many places, people in this fix often wind up in encampments of tents and jackleg dwellings, temporary solutions that provide a sort of place to stay. In 2022, Tennessee made camping on public land a felony crime. But the court’s ruling in favor of a municipality’s right to prohibit camping on public land will further criminalize homelessness.

    What does it mean to us as a nation that somewhere in our home states, in every state, children among us are experiencing homelessness? It meant little to the first Trump administration. Budget cuts to HUD were constant and deep, with no protest from the department’s secretary, Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon with no prior experience in the field of housing. Secretary Carson often said he believes those with the will and desire can lift themselves and their families out of extreme poverty by hard work and that government subsidies discouraged a can-do attitude.

    Under a second Trump administration, this would serve as a rationale for cuts to federal funding for assistance to the unhoused. In the eighteenth-century, towns and municipalities could banish someone from their precincts, and often did so with extremely poor families so that they would not become public charges. The criminalization of homelessness allows blame to be placed solely on the shoulders of the person experiencing it, absolving the rest of us from having to provide others with basic shelter, even when those others are children.

    Family homelessness has steadily worsened under both political parties for the past quarter-century as income inequality increased, making it ever easier to fall into extreme poverty, unable to earn enough to both feed families and make mortgage or rent payments. Blame is bipartisan. Bill Clinton’s welfare reform in 1996 helped swell the rolls of the extremely poor. The 2008 recession generated a record number of families experiencing homelessness, but even in the Clinton and George W. Bush years of prosperity that preceded it, and the Barack Obama years of recovery that followed, the numbers of homeless families kept rising across the country. It is safe to posit that in a second Trump mandate, many children would live in extreme poverty and experience homelessness. These children will be affected physically and mentally in ways that may hamper them for their entire lives.

    Children who experience homelessness are likely to have higher levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which in turn can have lasting effects on both mental and physical health. Normally, this hormone is helpful, allowing individuals to respond quickly in an emergency, or when threatened, but when cortisol levels are chronically elevated it can cause permanent changes in the brain, according to experts in pediatric neurology. Many children experiencing homelessness may frequently feel unsafe and threatened, and the resulting levels of cortisol puts them at risk of having their minds and bodies permanently affected. These kids will have higher chances of failing in school, or spending time incarcerated. They are more likely to be victims of domestic abuse when children and to inflict it when they are adults.

    The best strategy for reducing the number of homeless children in our communities is rapidly rehousing families that fall into homelessness. We need to work with these families and get them into stable housing, both for their good and for our own. Studies have shown that a majority of families experiencing homelessness who are provided rent subsidies are likely to continue being able to pay the rent when the subsidies have run out, and will not experience homelessness again, according to a HUD report.

    To institute a policy of rapid rehousing, however, a community must be willing to provide rent subsidies for, say, a year, and to have a stock of decent housing with accessible rental prices. A community commitment is needed to assure that our children do not have to live in cars or motel rooms. By converting homelessness into a crime, communities can turn their collective backs on these people without feeling qualms.

    At the beginning of the twentieth century, hundreds of thousands of children as young as eight years old were putting in twelve hours a day doing hard jobs for little pay in mills and factories. Children had to work so their families could afford food and shelter. To us, only a little more than a century later, it appears coarse and brutal that parents could have sent their eight-year-olds out to work, no matter how desperate their financial situations. It is likely to seem equally coarse and brutal to Americans in the twenty-second century that we allowed millions of children to grow up with nowhere to call home.

    Richard Schweid is a journalist from Nashville who has lived many years in Barcelona. He has published a dozen books, including Invisible Nation: Homeless Families in America. His latest book is The Caring Class, which is about women in the Bronx working as home health aides for the elderly .

    #United_States #Law #Inequality #Supreme_Court #homelessness #Public_Housing #Housing_Crisis

    #USA #pauvreté #capitalisme #sdf #nazis #colonialisme

  • La nouvelle (et bien triste) liste de l’association #United a été publiée : 60’620 personnes (à minima) décédées aux #frontières européennes depuis 1993...

    In the ‘‘UNITED List of Refugee Deaths’’ (download pdf), UNITED has been collecting reliable data on refugee deaths related to Fortress Europe since 1993. In the period 1993-2024 at least 60.620 documented refugee deaths can be attributed to the ‘Fatal Policies of Fortress Europe’. Ten thousands more are never found.

    #mourir_aux_frontières #statistiques #forteresse_europe #migrations #frontières #décès #liste #chiffres

  • Scienza è #guerra: voci da Palazzo nuovo, #fisica e #Polito occupati@0

     A una settimana dall’inizio delle occupazioni, a #torino la mobilitazione non si ferma. Dopo il corteo di sabato che ha visto migliaia di persone scendere in strada, facciamo il punto della situazione dal fronte bellico-scientifico, con l’auspicio che la lotta possa estendersi in città ben al di là delle mura universitarie. Palazzo Nuovo: […]

    #L'informazione_di_Blackout #unito #università

  • #BREAKING: Sean Diddy Combs has fled the United States on his Gulfstream private jet

    #Unitedstates | #USA American rapper Diddy has reportedly left the United States on his private jet, a Gulfstream G550 N1969 / SIS69 which took off earlier today from Van Nuys Airport near Los Angeles shortly before the raid on his home. The private jet has been tracked to the Caribbean islands after raids on Diddy’s residences in Los Angeles and Miami in relation to a sex trafficking investigation. Flight tracking data indicates that the jet appeared to land on Antigua in the Caribbean. It is currently unknown whether Diddy is actually on the plane or not

    • Selon lui, la moitié des habitants de ce quartier populaire arrive à la retraite invalide. « Ce sont des travailleurs qui ont des conditions de travail difficiles, explique Dominique Tribillac. Jusqu’à 45 ans, ils n’ont pas d’arrêt, et après ça commence.

      L’usure se déclare à cause de mouvements répétitifs qui sollicitent les mêmes membres ou muscles. « On arrive donc à une situation bancale en fin de carrière. Le patient peut-il encore travailler ou non, faire le même job… »

      Le médecin pointe aussi le manque de spécialistes dont les délais d’attente pour un rendez-vous sont de plus en plus élevés : « Les gens ne peuvent donc pas reprendre leur travail sans les avoir vus. »
      Un médecin dans l’illégalité

      Mais tous ces arguments n’ont pas convaincu l’Assurance maladie. Ainsi, le docteur Tribillac a été sanctionné malgré un avis favorable d’une commission consultative pour le laisser exercer sereinement. C’était sans compter sur la direction de la CPAM de Seine-Maritime qui en a décidé autrement. Cette dernière n’a d’ailleurs pas souhaité répondre à nos questions au sujet du médecin du Val-Druel.

    • Quand un membre de l’ordre médical se solidarise avec les patients il est systématiquement réprimandé puis annihilé s’il continue à lutter du côté des patients.

      Unit 731

      L’exemple historique qui a défini cette logique de classe sont les aides soignants et médecins tués par leurs pairs dans les camps de la mort japonais parce qu’ils ne supportaient plus de participer aux vivisections et expérimentations quotidiennes. Ces médecins trop humains subissaient le même sort que les autres victimes des médecins japonais.

      Shirō Ishii / 石井 四郎, médecin chef et directeur du camp de recherche médicale l’unité 731
      On traite le sujet des Mengele et Ishii dans le cadre de la documentation des crimes de guerre japonais et du génocide des juifs d’Europe par les nazis.


      C’est faux car la shoa n’était pas un crime de guerre mais une politique d’extermination conçue indépendamment de la stratégie militaire. L’holocauste a été possible à cause du contexte de la guerre. La Endlösung était gérée par une administration indépendante de l’appareil militaire allemand.

      Berlin, Unter den Eichen 135, l’ancien SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt

      Elle. constituait un élément clé de l’organisation criminelle nazie sans aucune place dans les actions et stratégies militaires. Dans une logique administrative il faudrait la placer au niveau policier qui est différent du domaine militaire.

      La raison d’être des camps de la mort japonais était la recherche médicale et biologique dans un but et contexte militaire. A la différence des camps nazis ils faisaient partie de l’organisation militaire et les médecins y avaient des grades militaires japonais.

      Pourtant le rôle des médecins dans ces mécaniques meurtrières constitue un sujet particulier qu’on fait disparaître derrière le brouillard idéologique des discussions du racisme et nationalisme. Parfois on évoque même l’idéologie du surhomme nazi et de la race suprême japonaise.

      La vérité cachée du rôle central des médecins dans les organisations de la mort

      L’élément commun à toutes ces horreurs et à l’histoire du gentil médecin de famille qui paie de sa poche les indemnités de.ses patients est le pouvoir de sélection, de triage à la rampe d’Auschwitz comme dans le cabinet ou le médecin accepte ou refuse d’accorder un arrêt de travail pour cause de maladie.

      Les médecins participent à la rentabilisation des investissements dans le capital humain en limitant les arrêts maladie au minimum nécessaire. Ce triage concerne tous les assurés et condamne à la souffrance et la mort un plus grand nombre de travailleurs que celui des pauvres victimes du triage à la rampe d’Auschwitz. Au fond c’est la même chose.

      Il y a une différence remarquable entre les deux systèmes :

      L’extermination des juifs et opposants politiques n’était pas rentable immédiatement. On comptait sur l’effet à long terme dans un monde sans parasites et sous-hommes. La recherche des médecins japonais, plus « sérieuse » et efficace que les sordides expérimentations farfelues du côté allemand, misait sur sa rentabilisation par le succès des armes chimiques dans les guerres á venir. A partir de 1945 les me´decins japonais ont d’alleurs réussi à acheter leur impunité contre la communication de leurs données aux médecins proches du général MacArthur.

      Le médecin dans un pays démocratique par contre exerce un métier qui doit contribuer à la rentabilité immédiate de la coûteuse ressource humaine. Il doit réaliser l’équilibre entre les dépenses pour le bien aller des individus et le profit qu’ils sont censés produire pour la classe économique au pouvoir.

      Les expérimentations meurtrières des Mengele/Ishii ne font d’ailleurs que confirmer la véracité de la définition du médecin comme maître incontesté des décisions sur la vie et la mort des patients.

      #iatrocratie #mafia_médicale #médecine_de_classe
      #unit_731 #Auschwitz #médecine #crimes_de_guerre #armes_biologiques

  • Médicaments non délivrés, devis et facturation en panne… Une cyberattaque perturbe sérieusement le système de santé aux États-Unis Ingrid Vergara

    La cyberattaque d’une filiale de la plus importante compagnie d’assurance-santé américaine tourne à la crise d’ampleur aux États-Unis. Victime d’un rançongiciel qui affecte une de ses divisions depuis le 21 février, le groupe UnitedHealthcare n’est plus en mesure d’assurer de nombreuses tâches nécessaires au bon fonctionnement du système de santé. Des médecins qui ne peuvent plus savoir si un patient bénéficie ou non d’une assurance-santé, des pharmacies incapables de transmettre les demandes de remboursement de patients, des factures d’hôpitaux non réglées, des retards dans les délivrances d’ordonnances de médicaments…

    Les réactions en chaîne s’étendent et s’aggravent au fur et à mesure que les jours passent. Car UnitedHealthcare est la plus grande plateforme d’échange de paiements entre médecins, pharmacies, prestataires de soins de santé et patients du système de santé américain. Sa filiale Change gère la facturation de quelque 67.000 pharmacies, . . . . .

    #Santé #internet #sécurité_informatique #cyberattaques #cybersécurité #malware #usa #UnitedHealthcare #algorithme #juste_à_temps #dématérialisation #intelligence_artificielle #artificial-intelligence #blockchain #IA

    Source et suite (payante) : https://www.lefigaro.fr/secteur/high-tech/medicaments-non-delivres-devis-et-facturation-en-panne-une-cyberattaque-per

  • Invisibile

    Questo racconto è liberamente ispirato al lavoro pubblicato da IrpiMedia. Nasce dalla volontà della redazione di prendere parte a #Unite, la campagna a cui hanno aderito scrittrici e giornaliste italiane per denunciare la violenza di genere e nominarla. L’opera è di finzione: i fatti descritti nel racconto non sono realmente avvenuti. «Consapevole della responsabilità morale […] L’articolo Invisibile proviene da IrpiMedia.

    #Diritti #Donne

  • Il nuovo volto del #water_grabbing e la complicità della finanza

    Fondi pensione e società di private equity investono sulla produzione di colture di pregio, dai piccoli frutti alle mandorle, che necessitano abbondanti risorse idriche. Il ruolo del fondo emiratino #Adq che ha acquisito l’italiana #Unifrutti.

    Per osservare più da vicino il nuovo volto del water grabbing bisogna andare nella regione di Olmos, nel Nord del Perù, dove il Public sector pension investment board (Psp), uno dei maggiori gestori di fondi pensionistici canadesi (con un asset di circa 152 miliardi di dollari) ha acquistato nel 2022 un’azienda agricola di 500 ettari specializzata nella coltivazione di mirtilli. Un investimento finalizzato a sfruttare il boom della produzione di questi piccoli frutti, passata secondo le stime della Banca Mondiale dalle 30 tonnellate del 2010 alle oltre 180mila del 2020: quantità che hanno fatto del Paese latino-americano il secondo produttore mondiale dopo gli Stati Uniti.

    Nella regione di Olmos l’avvio di questa coltivazione intensiva è stato reso possibile grazie a un progetto idrico, costato al governo di Lima oltre 180 milioni di dollari, per deviare l’acqua dal fiume Huancabamba verso la costa e migliorare la produzione agricola locale. “Ma il progetto non ha ottenuto i risultati annunciati”, denuncia il report “Squeezing communities dry” pubblicato a metà settembre 2023 da Grain, una Ong che lavora per sostenere i piccoli agricoltori nella loro lotta per la difesa dei sistemi alimentari controllati dalle comunità e basati sulla biodiversità. Chi ha realmente beneficiato del progetto, infatti, sono state le grandi realtà agroindustriali. “Quasi tutta l’acqua convogliata dalle Ande va alle aziende di recente costituzione che producono avocado, mirtilli e altre colture che vengono vendute a prezzi elevati all’estero -continua Grain-. Il progetto, finanziato con fondi pubblici, ha avuto pochi benefici per la popolazione ma ha creato una fonte di profitti per le aziende che hanno accesso libero e gratuito all’acqua e i loro investitori”.

    I protagonisti di questa nuova forma di water grabbing sono fondi pensione, società di private equity e altri operatori finanziari che si stanno muovendo in modo sempre più aggressivo per garantirsi le abbondanti risorse idriche necessarie alla produzione di colture di pregio. A differenza del passato, però, non cercano più di acquisire enormi superfici di terre coltivabili.

    “L’accesso all’acqua è sempre stato un fattore cruciale -spiega ad Altreconomia Delvin Kuyek, ricercatore di Grain e autore dello studio-. Ma negli ultimi anni abbiamo osservato un nuovo modello: investimenti in colture come mirtilli, avocado o mandorle che richiedono meno terra rispetto al grano o alla soia, ma quantità molto maggiori di acqua. A guidare l’investimento, in questo caso, è proprio la possibilità di accedere ad abbondanti risorse idriche per mettere sul mercato prodotti che permettano di generare un ritorno economico importante”. Una forma di sfruttamento che Grain paragona all’estrazione di petrolio: si pompa acqua da fiumi o falde fino all’esaurimento, senza preoccuparsi degli impatti sull’ambiente o dei bisogni della popolazione locale. Gli operatori finanziari, infatti, non prevedono di sviluppare attività produttive sul lungo periodo ma puntano a ritorno sui loro investimenti entro 10-15 anni. Un’altra caratteristica di questi accordi, è che tendono a realizzarsi in località in cui l’acqua è già scarsa o in via di esaurimento.

    Negli ultimi anni il fondo pensionistico canadese ha acquistato direttamente o investito in società che gestiscono piantagioni di mandorle in California, di noci in Australia e California. Mentre in Spagna, attraverso la controllata Hortifruit, è diventato uno dei principali produttori di mirtilli nella regione di Huelva (nel Sud-Ovest del Paese) dove si concentra anche la quasi totalità della coltivazione di fragole spagnole, destinata per l’80% all’export.

    In Perù nel 2020 sono stati prodotte 180mila tonnellate di mirtilli. Numeri che fanno del Paese latinoamericano il secondo produttore mondiale dopo gli Stati Uniti. Nel 2010 erano solo 30

    Tutto questo sta avendo effetti devastanti sulle falde che alimentavano le zone umide della vicina riserva di Doñana, ricchissimo di biodiversità e patrimonio Unesco: un riconoscimento oggi messo a rischio proprio dall’eccessivo sfruttamento idrico. Lo studio “Thirty-four years of Landsat monitoring reveal long-term effects of groundwater abstractions on a World heritage site wetland” pubblicato ad aprile 2023 sulla rivista Science of the total environment, evidenzia come tra il 1985 e il 2018 il 59,2% della rete di stagni sia andata perduta a causa delle attività umane. “Il problema è collegato anche alla produzione di frutti rossi che ha iniziato a diffondersi a partire dagli anni Ottanta, grazie alla presenza di condizioni climatiche ottimali e a un suolo sabbioso”, spiega ad Altreconomia Felipe Fuentelsaz del Wwf Spagna. Ma la crescita del comparto ha portato a uno sfruttamento eccessivo delle falde, da cui viene prelevata troppa acqua rispetto al tempo che necessitano per rigenerarsi. L’organizzazione stima che nel corso degli anni siano stati scavati più di mille pozzi illegali: “L’80% dei produttori rispetta le norme per l’utilizzo delle risorse idriche, ma il restante 20%, che equivale a circa duemila ettari di terreno, pompa acqua senza averne diritto”, puntualizza Fuentelsaz.

    Questa nuova forma di water grabbing interessa diversi Paesi: dal Marocco (dove il settore agro-industriale pesa per l’85% sul consumo idrico nazionale) al Messico dove è attiva la società di gestione Renewable resources group. Secondo quanto ricostruito da Grain, nel 2018 ha acquisito centomila ettari di terreni agricoli in Messico, Stati Uniti, Cile e Argentina, nonché diritti idrici privati negli Stati Uniti, in Cile e in Australia, generando rendimenti annuali superiori al 20% per i suoi investitori, che comprendono fondi pensione, di private equity e compagnie di assicurazione.

    Tra le società indicate nel report di Grain figura anche Adq, il fondo sovrano degli Emirati Arabi Uniti, che negli ultimi anni ha effettuato importanti investimenti nel comparto agro-alimentare: attraverso la sua controllata Al Dahra ha acquistato terreni in Egitto, Sudan e Romania. Nel 2020 ha acquisito il 45% di Louis Dreyfus Company, una delle quattro principali aziende che controllano il mercato globale del commercio agricolo. E nel 2022 ha comprato la quota di maggioranza di Unifrutti group, società italiana specializzata nella produzione e nella commercializzazione di frutta fresca con oltre 14mila ettari di terreni tra Cile, Turchia, Filippine, Ecuador, Argentina, Sudafrica e Italia.

    Unifrutti group ha sede fiscale a Cipro, uno dei Paesi dell’Unione europea a fiscalità agevolata che garantiscono vantaggi alle società che vi hanno sede. Ma a sfruttare i benefici sono anche oligarchi russi colpiti dalle sanzioni dopo l’annessione russa della Crimea nel 2014 e inasprite a seguito dell’invasione dell’Ucraina nel febbraio 2022. A rivelarlo l’inchiesta “Cyprus confidential” pubblicata a novembre dal Consorzio internazionale di giornalisti investigativi (Icij)

    “Questi investimenti hanno un doppio obiettivo -spiega ad Altreconomia Christian Henderson, esperto di investimenti agricoli nel Golfo e docente presso l’Università di Leiden nei Paesi Bassi- da un lato, sono orientate a trarre profitto dal commercio internazionale e dalle materie prime. In secondo luogo, si preoccupano di garantire la sicurezza alimentare. Queste due logiche in qualche modo sono intrecciate tra loro, in modo da rendere la sicurezza alimentare redditizia per gli Emirati Arabi Uniti. C’è poi un altro elemento: penso che i Paesi del Golfo siano piuttosto preoccupati dal fatto di essere visti come ‘accaparratori’ di terra. In questo modo, invece, possono affermare di aver effettuato un semplice investimento sul mercato”.

    Fondata dall’imprenditore Guido De Nadai nel 1948 ad Asmara come compagnia di import/export di frutta e verdura, oggi Unifrutti group è una realtà globale “che produce in quattro diversi continenti e distribuisce in oltre 50 Paesi” si legge sul sito. Trecento tipologie di prodotti commercializzati, 14mila ettari di terreni (di proprietà o in gestione) e 12mila dipendenti sono solo alcuni numeri di una realtà che ha ancora la propria sede principale a Montecorsaro, in provincia di Macerata, dove si trova il domicilio fiscale di Unifrutti distribution spa. La società è controllata da Unifrutti international holdings limited, con sede fiscale a Cipro, Paese a fiscalità agevolata. Con l’ingresso di Adq come socio di maggioranza sono cambiati anche i vertici societari: il 13 novembre 2023, ha assunto l’incarico di amministratore delegato del gruppo Mohamed Elsarky che ha alle spalle una carriera ventennale come Ceo per società del calibro di Kellog’s Australia e Nuova Zelanda e Godiva chocolatier e come presidente di United biscuits del gruppo Danone. Mentre Gil Adotevi, chief executive officer per il settore “Food and agriculture” del fondo emiratino Adq, ricopre il ruolo di presidente del consiglio di amministrazione: “Mentre il Gruppo si avvia verso un nuovo entusiasmante capitolo di crescita -ha dichiarato- siamo certi che la guida e la leadership di Mohamed porteranno l’azienda a realizzare i suoi ambiziosi piani”.

    Nel 2021 il gruppo ha commercializzato circa 620mila tonnellate di prodotti (in primo luogo banane, uva, mele, pere, limoni e arance) registrando un fatturato complessivo di 720 milioni di dollari (in crescita del 2% rispetto al 2020) e un margine operativo lordo di 78 milioni. Una performance estremamente positiva che “si è verificata nonostante le numerose sfide che hanno caratterizzato il perimetro operativo del gruppo a partire dalle condizioni climatiche avverse senza precedenti in Cile e in Italia”. Il Paese latino-americano -principale sito produttivo del gruppo, con oltre seimila ettari di terreno dove si producono mele, uva, pere e ciliegie- è stato infatti colpito per il quarto anno di fila da una gravissima siccità che alla fine del 2021 ha visto 19 milioni di persone vivere in aree caratterizzate da “grave scarsità d’acqua”. Come ricorda Grain nel report “Squeezing communities dry” tutte le regioni cilene specializzate nella produzione di frutta “stanno affrontando una crisi idrica aggravata dalla siccità causata dal cambiamento climatico”.

    #eau #agriculture #finance #financiarisation #fonds_de_pension #private_equity #Public_sector_pension_investment_board (#Psp) #petits_fruits #myrtilles #Olmos #Pérou #Huancabamba #industrie_agro-alimentaire #avocats #exportation #amandes #ressources_hydriques #extractivisme #Hortifruit #Huelva #Espagne #fraises #Doñana #fruits_rouges #Maroc #Renewable_resources_group #Mexique #Emirats_arabes_unis (#EAU) #Al_Dahra #Egypte #Soudan #Roumanie #Louis_Dreyfus_Company #Guido_De_Nadai #Chypre #Mohamed_Elsarky #Kellog’s #Godiva_chocolatier #United_biscuits #Danone #Gil_Adotevi #Chili

  • Exclusive: Unity Software to cut 25% of staff in ‘company reset’ continuation | Reuters

    Videogame software provider Unity Software (U.N) will target laying off approximately 25% of its workforce, or 1,800 jobs, the company said in a regulatory filing and internal company memo on Monday.

    After the announcement, Unity shares were up nearly 5% in after-hours trading.

    #jeu_vidéo #jeux_vidéo #finance #business #unity #licenciements

  • The Listening Post sur X :

    “The same day when we went for a silent protest - Jewish activists - we were brutally beaten by the police.”

    B’Tselem’s NoyOrly spoke with us about the repression anti-war voices in Israel have faced since October 7th and the war in Gaza. Watch the full interview ⤵️…



  • Unity is probably going to do layoffs - The Verge

    In the report, the company says it is assessing its product portfolio “to focus on those products that are most valuable to our customers” and is “evaluating the right cost structure that aligns with the more focused portfolio.” It plans to make changes during the fourth quarter, and they will “likely include discontinuing certain product offerings, reducing our workforce, and reducing our office footprint.” The company expects to complete its changes before the end of Q1 2024.

    Cette annonce fait suite au départ du PDG plus tôt cette année :

    Unity Announces Leadership Transition | Business Wire

    Départ suite au changement de stratégie commerciale :

    Unity introducing new fee attached to game installs

    qui avait été modifiée suite à la grogne des clients :

    An open letter to our community | Unity Blog

    #jeu_vidéo #jeux_vidéo #unity #finance #business #ressources_humaines #licenciements

  • Tragédie moyen-orientale suite sans fin

    Inavouables jeux mortifères avec les vies des civils innocents !

    Bien sûr, à l’origine de la création et de la perpétuation de la tragédie du Moyen-Orient, il y a la fondation de l’État d’Israël en tant qu’État exclusivement juif, et le déracinement violent des Palestiniens de leur terre. Mais tout en ayant en tête ce constat, la grande question – toujours sans réponse – était et reste aujourd’hui que faisons nous et que devons-nous faire pour arrêter cet incessant bras de fer horrible et barbare au Proche-Orient, dont nous vivons le paroxysme ces jours-ci, craignant même que peut être le pire ne soit devant nous…

    Nous avouons que l’actuelle extrême exacerbation de la tragédie moyen-orientale, nous empêche d’avoir de réponse toute faite sur ce qu’il faut faire. Mais nous avons quelques idées sur ce qu’il ne faut pas faire. Et ce, non pas, bien sûr, en Israël ou en Palestine où notre parole n’a aucune chance d’arriver ou d’influencer, mais ici, dans notre pays et dans notre espace politique naturel, la gauche. Dans ce sens et sous cet angle, le premier constat est que beaucoup de choses auraient changé pour le mieux si le rejet catégorique de la responsabilité et de la culpabilité collective n’était pas resté sur le papier comme un vœu pieux, mais avait été appliqué non seulement par les protagonistes – directs et indirects – de la tragédie, mais aussi par chacun d’entre nous. Et nous nous expliquons tout de suite.


    #international #palestine #israel

    • masters of war

      ces politiques et ces crimes tournent en permanence à l’avantage… des criminels rivaux, en ralliant nécessairement l’opinion publique derrière eux. Et en ralliant l’opinion publique derrière les dirigeants/criminels, ils empêchent « ceux d’en bas » des deux camps de se rapprocher, une éventualité que ces mêmes dirigeants/criminels craignent et redoutent plus que tout.

      Le paroxysme guerrier et la crise humanitaire en cours en sont un excellent exemple. Le moment précis où les hostilités ont commencé était marqué par la chute libre de la popularité du #Hamas et du gouvernement #Netanyahou. En effet, alors qu’Israël était secoué depuis des mois et plus que jamais dans son histoire par des manifestations continues de centaines de milliers de citoyens dénonçant la corruption et surtout l’intention manifeste de Netanyahou de transformer le pays en quelque chose qui ressemble de plus en plus à une dictature (1), à Gaza, les sondages et les témoignages d’observateurs tout à fait fiables convergeaient pour prévoir qu’en cas d’élections, le Hamas s’effondrerait au profit de… l’OLP qui y est quasi inexistante, alors qu’au contraire, en Cisjordanie occupée, l’OLP corrompue qui la dirige perdrait clairement au profit… du Hamas !

      En déclenchant donc son attaque contre Israël et, surtout, contre les civils Israéliens, le Hamas a fait exactement ce que tous les dirigeants antidémocratiques du monde entier font lorsqu’ils sont menacé de perdre leur pouvoir : il a tenté de contraindre les Palestiniens de Gaza à se rallier derrière lui, persuadé comme il était que la réponse militaire de Netanyahou, qui ressemble de plus en plus à un génocide bien planifié, ne leur laisserait aucune marge de manœuvre pour échapper à ce chantage. Mais en même temps, le Hamas faisait aussi autre chose : il tirait Netanyahou et ses partenaires gouvernementaux – encore plus racistes, extrémistes et va-t-en-guerre – de la situation extrêmement difficile dans laquelle ils se trouvaient, puisque les manifestations antigouvernementales s’arrêtaient tout de suite et la population israélienne était forcée de se rallier – au moins temporairement – derrière Netanyahou et son gouvernement !

      Et ce n’est pas tout. Dans le camp palestinien, qui avait vu il y a seulement quelques semaines 130 personnalités dénoncer publiquement le président de l’Autorité palestinienne, Mahmoud Abbas, pour ses déclarations antisémites, non seulement s’arrêtait toute tentative de rapprochement entre les deux parties, mais s’attisait aussi la haine provoquée – comme il était prévisible – par le massacre de Gazaouis par l’armée israélienne. Et dans le camp israélien, s’estompait en quelques heures le rapprochement historique qui commençait à se dessiner timidement à l’horizon depuis que l’apparition de drapeaux palestiniens dans les manifestations anti-gouvernementales ne faisait plus sensation et ne suscitait plus de réactions négatives.

      #Guerre #unité_nationale

  • Unity Announces Leadership Transition | Business Wire

    SAN FRANCISCO—(BUSINESS WIRE)—Unity (NYSE: U) (the “Company”), the world’s leading platform for creating and growing real-time 3D (RT3D) content, today announced that John Riccitiello will retire as President, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman and a member of the Company’s Board of Directors, effective immediately. James M. Whitehurst has been appointed Interim Chief Executive Officer, President and a member of the Board. Roelof Botha, Lead Independent Director of the Unity Board, has been appointed Chairman. Mr. Riccitiello will continue to advise Unity to ensure a smooth transition.

    Cette démission du PDG de Unity fait suite à la débâcle de septembre où les clients s’étaient rebellés après l’annonce de nouveaux frais d’installation. Cette annonce, plus modérée par la suite, s’était soldée par une baisse sensible du cours de la bourse.

    Actualités relatives précédentes :

    Unity introducing new fee attached to game installs

    An open letter to our community

    #jeu_vidéo #jeux_vidéo #unity #middleware #technologie #business #ressources_humaines #john_riccitiello

  • An open letter to our community | Unity Blog

    Our Unity Personal plan will remain free and there will be no Runtime Fee for games built on Unity Personal. We will be increasing the cap from $100,000 to $200,000 and we will remove the requirement to use the Made with Unity splash screen.

    No game with less than $1 million in trailing 12-month revenue will be subject to the fee.

    For those creators on Unity Pro and Unity Enterprise, we are also making changes based on your feedback.

    The Runtime Fee policy will only apply beginning with the next LTS version of Unity shipping in 2024 and beyond. Your games that are currently shipped and the projects you are currently working on will not be included – unless you choose to upgrade them to this new version of Unity.

    We will make sure that you can stay on the terms applicable for the version of Unity editor you are using – as long as you keep using that version.

    For games that are subject to the runtime fee, we are giving you a choice of either a 2.5% revenue share or the calculated amount based on the number of new people engaging with your game each month. Both of these numbers are self-reported from data you already have available. You will always be billed the lesser amount.

    #jeu_vidéo #jeux_vidéo #unity #business

  • Terraria dev Re-Logic donates $100K to Godot Engine and FNA, plus ongoing funding | GamingOnLinux

    The team at Re-Logic has been watching the recent events surrounding Unity with both interest and sadness. The loss of a formerly-leading and user-friendly game engine to the darker forces that negatively impact so much of the gaming industry has left us dismayed to put it mildly. While we do not personally use Unity (outside of a few elements on our console/mobile platforms), we feel like we cannot sit idly by as these predatory moves are made against studios everywhere.

    #jeu_vidéo #jeux_vidéo #business #don #unity #middleware

  • Generic Drugs Should Be Cheap, But Insurers Are Charging Patients Thousands of Dollars For Them - WSJ

    The reason, health researchers and industry officials say, is the very companies that are supposed to keep a lid on drug spending can maximize their profits by marking up the prices. Other companies in the drug-supply chain won’t stop them, because consolidation has swept many of the businesses under the same parent.

    #Cigna, #CVS and #UnitedHealth said that the prices they charge for drugs varies by pharmacy and location, and that most patients end up paying less out-of-pocket through their insurance than they would buying the drugs at lower cash prices offered by low-cost pharmacies.

    The companies own the three largest #pharmacy-benefit_managers in the U.S. PBMs manage drug spending for employers as well as government programs.

    In the name of keeping down drug costs, PBMs decide which medicines a patient’s health plan will pay for and how much the patient will have to contribute to the cost, in the form of out-of-pocket expenses like #deductibles and coinsurance.

    PBMs also often direct patients to take lower-priced, generic versions of expensive brand-name medicines to limit the spending.

    Generics are a cornerstone of American efforts to tackle high drug costs. Once patents on the branded drugs expire, generic manufacturers can jump in. The competition usually causes prices to plummet.

    Yet the prices don’t always fall when PBMs own their own pharmacies. And for specialty drugs like generic Gleevec, the PBMs frequently steer patients to use their in-house pharmacies to fill prescriptions.

    PBMs try to pay as little as possible for drugs distributed through independent retail pharmacies. But when their own pharmacies dispense prescriptions, PBMs profit from the higher prices.

    “The incentive is there for the PBMs and the specialty pharmacies to keep prices as high as possible,” said Shannon Ambrose, co-founder and chief operating officer at Archimedes, a company that competes with PBMs to manage specialty drug spending.

    Even when their health insurance picks up most of the cost of a drug, patients can face a larger expense from higher priced generics if they have an out-of-pocket contribution like a deductible or coinsurance pegged to the price.

    #états-unis #arnaques_légales #leadership #prix #médicaments #dépenses_de_santé

  • #Racisme_anti-noirs dans le monde arabe : le difficile dévoilement d’un #tabou

    Le 1er juillet, #Fati_Dasso et sa fille Marie, respectivement âgées de 30 ans et de 6 ans, sont retrouvées mortes, la tête enfouie dans le sable à la frontière entre la Tunisie et la Libye. Comme des milliers de migrants venus de l’Afrique subsaharienne, elles ont été raflées, puis abandonnées dans le désert. Ce drame est survenu dans le cadre d’une campagne massive d’arrestation et d’expulsion de migrants menée par la Tunisie de Kaïs Saïed depuis le début de l’été. Interpellés et battus par les forces de police à Sfax, les migrants subsahariens sont relâchés dans le désert situé entre la Tunisie et la Libye où une morte lente et douloureuse les attend.

    L’épisode n’est malheureusement pas un fait divers isolé ni tout à fait nouveau dans la région. Le drame de cet été a focalisé l’attention sur la #Tunisie mais la question semble concerner tout le #Maghreb et même une bonne partie du monde arabe. Ainsi, en mars dernier, l’ONG Médecins sans frontières (MSF) dénonçait l’abandon de milliers de migrants subsahariens par l’Algérie à la frontière nigéro-algérienne dans des conditions « sans précédents ». En 2017 déjà, la chaîne américaine CNN révélait dans un documentaire l’existence de trafics de migrants subsahariens en Libye, non loin de la capitale Tripoli.

    Ces #violences envers les migrants s’accompagnent du déferlement d’une #parole_raciste à leur encontre, prononcée parfois jusqu’au sommet de l’Etat. Dans un discours récent, donné en février 2023, le président tunisien #Kaïs_Saïed a assimilé la présence migratoire à « une volonté de faire de la Tunisie seulement un pays d’Afrique et non pas un membre du monde arabe et islamique ». Mais ce #racisme ne concerne pas que les personnes exilées. Maha Abdelhamid, chercheuse associée au Centre arabe de recherches et d’études politiques de Paris (Carep) et cofondatrice du collectif Voix des femmes tunisiennes noires (VFTN), explique que « les #noirs sont une minorité dans les pays arabes et subissent chaque jour le racisme verbal, institutionnel, social et économique. Ils subissent un #rejet fort de leur part ». La faute, selon elle, à une #mémoire_historique encore trop peu documentée et à des #constructions_identitaires figées par le #nationalisme.

    « L’organisation économique est en partie héritière de la structure esclavagiste »

    Le maintien d’un système de #discrimination envers les personnes noires semble aller de pair avec une forme de gêne autour de la question de la #traite transsaharienne – qui concerne principalement, mais pas exclusivement des personnes d’origine subsaharienne – pratiquée du VIIe siècle jusqu’à la fin du XIXe siècle au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient : « Parler de l’esclavage consiste à reconnaître que l’organisation économique actuelle est en partie héritière de la #structure_esclavagiste », argumente Shreya Parikh, doctorante en sociologie à Sciences-Po Paris qui travaille sur les processus de #racialisation en #Afrique_du_Nord. Elle prend ces femmes et ces hommes principalement noirs exploités dans le milieu travail agricole à #Sfax ou aux environs de #Tataouine.

    Sur le plan universitaire, des productions scientifiques autour de la #traite_arabe ont émergé ces dix dernières années, non sans difficultés. Salah Trabelsi, professeur des universités en histoire et civilisation du monde arabe et musulman à l’université de Lyon-2 évoque un colloque qu’il a coorganisé en 2009 à Tozeur et notamment consacré à l’esclavage dans le monde arabo-musulman : « Nous avons dû changer le titre en les “Interactions culturelles entre le Maghreb et l’Afrique subsaharienne” pour le faire financer », dit-il en souriant.

    A la fin de ce même colloque, aucun des intervenants – hormis l’auteur Edouard Glissant, l’historien Abdelhamid Larguèche et le professeur Trabelsi – n’ont accepté de signer une charte signalant une volonté de faire figurer l’#histoire de l’esclavage dans les #manuels_scolaires tunisiens. « L’histoire de l’esclavage n’apparaît pas dans les manuels scolaires. Dans le secondaire, il n’est pas encore possible d’aborder des faits historiques avec un positionnement critique. Ce déficit intellectuel est, en tous les cas, aggravé par un aveuglement politique et moral, reléguant les noirs au rang de citoyens de seconde zone », poursuit Salah Trabelsi.

    Les productions scientifiques ou littéraires – encore timides sur le sujet – doivent aussi faire face à des problèmes de diffusion : « Il existe un grand nombre de productions contemporaines, de romans notamment comme “l’Océan des Britanniques” [non traduit en français] de Fareed Ramadanparu à Beyrouth en 2018, qui parlent de ces questions. Bien sûr, cela touche un public restreint car tout le monde ne lit pas des romans ou des essais tirés de thèses universitaires », note M’hamed Oualdi, professeur des universités à Sciences-Po Paris et spécialiste de l’histoire du Maghreb.

    Cette éclosion difficile de la #mémoire de l’esclavage s’explique également par une vision apologétique de la traite arabe dont la #violence est minorée : « Pour se donner bonne conscience, certains vont parler “d’esclavage familial et intégrateur”, qui serait différent de la #traite_transatlantique. C’est un #déni d’histoire. Les sources nous apprennent que l’une des plus grandes révoltes de l’histoire de l’esclavage a eu lieu dans le sud de l’Irak au IXe siècle. Elle a duré un an et s’est soldée par la mort de 50 000 de personnes à deux millions de personnes. Elles travaillaient dans les marécages du sud de Bassora pour dégager le sel et revivifier les terres pour qu’elles deviennent des domaines pour l’aristocratie musulmane. On ne peut pas dire que ce n’est pas un esclavage de travail », rapporte Salah Trabelsi.

    Années 2010 : un tournant dans l’appréhension des inégalités sociales et raciales

    Par ailleurs, le tabou se maintient également par une pression religieuse : « Parlez de l’esclavage dans le monde arabe, on vous opposera l’islam, comme si l’esclavage était un fait religieux et non un phénomène social qui a perduré dans le monde arabe durant plus de quatorze siècles », explique Salah Trabelsi, avant de rappeler que la traite arabo-musulmane s’est principalement déroulée dans les régions du Moyen-Orient, de l’Afrique du Nord et de l’Afrique de l’Est. Evoquer l’esclavage qui s’est déroulé sur ces terres peut être perçu comme une remise en question du rôle de l’#islam en tant que rempart contre l’esclavage.

    Cette mémoire apparaît comme secondaire d’autant plus que les discours portant sur la nécessité de construire une #unité_arabe sont depuis les années 60 considérés comme indispensables afin de lutter contre la présence coloniale et forger une #identité politique et sociale fortes : « Les régimes nationalistes dans le monde arabe n’ont pas accepté et n’acceptent pas les divergences autour des questions identitaires car ces mêmes dissensions ont été utilisées par le régime colonial pour créer des oppositions par exemple entre arabophones et berbérophones. Depuis, toute division paraît dangereuse », explique M’hamed Ouldi. La #pensée_panarabe vient alors imposer l’idée d’une #identité_arabe forcément musulmane, invisible et imperméable à toutes reconnaissances d’une #altérité et de revendication identitaires.

    Bien qu’en marge du débat, le racisme anti-noirs n’est pourtant pas totalement ignoré. Les années 2010, grâce aux printemps arabes, ont constitué un tournant dans l’appréhension des inégalités sociales et raciales : « En Tunisie, certains ont vécu la révolution comme une opportunité pour rompre avec la #tunisianité – une identité homogène imposée par l’Etat qui n’avait laissé aucune place à ceux qui étaient minorisés », rapporte Shreya Parikh. En 2018, la Tunisie adoptait une loi inédite, la première dans le monde arabe, pénalisant la #discrimination_raciale. L’#Algérie adoptera en 2020 un dispositif législatif similaire.

    Depuis, les débats et les contestations sont principalement concentrés sur les réseaux sociaux et portés par une jeune génération : la #chasse_aux_migrants en Algérie où le meurtre en 2013 d’un Sénégalais au Maroc ont donné lieu à de vives indignations. En juin 2020, la vidéo de l’actrice et réalisatrice palestinienne noire Maryam Abou Khaled dénonçant les #discriminations_raciales dans la région, avait dépassé le million de vues.

    Au Maghreb, l’augmentation du nombre de #migrants_subsahariens ces dernières années semble avoir provoqué un effet ambivalent entre déferlement de la parole raciste – accusant les exilés d’accroître les difficultés économiques du pays – tout en permettant de lancer une discussion autour du racisme latent dans cette région du monde. Mehdi Alioua, professeur de sociologie à Sciences-Po Rabat, assume lui « une révolution épistémique » sur ces questions : « En Tunisie ou au Maroc, des débats télévisés portent sur le racisme. Dans le même temps, on constate également un backlash avec des discours réactionnaires, racistes et figés sur l’identité. C’est deux pas en avant et deux pas en arrière. »


    #identité #esclavage

    ping @_kg_